m Daily . or JlLJjj VOL. X.--NO. 143. NEW BERNE, N. C, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. 'X- 3 - BUSINESS LOCALS. -. . "VI ICE Prunes and Evap. Apples jaet ' IN received. 0. E. Bloveb. WANTED A first class salesmen to" all goods to s first clast trade. :. Babrinqton & Baxter V " t LD papers for sale at the Journal , W office by the dozen, hundred or thousand. If INSURE with the MUTUAL BENE FIT LIFE I SSUUANCE 00 M PAN y of Newark, N. J., and get all the bene fit of life insurance before or after death. Forty-six years in business. Forty-six millions assets. The leading Company in the State in 1890 Healthy male persons taken from fourteen to seventy years old. eugStf D. T. Carrawit, Agent. NEW DBUO STOBE.-Drugs, Medi oiiiet and Chemloals, (1. V. Popular Proprietary Medloluoa. AH va.rl.-tlo of Drngglst's Humlrl8. Trusses ami lirso s. New crop Garaa Seeds. Kino aud laiiie , Htook Cigars aud Tobacco. ALL ir, Pre scriptions accurately oompotmded (and not at WAR prices), onr motto aod our success. O. O. OKUKN. Drueglst ami Apothecary, Middle St.. fciur doom from Pollock. JnZ3 1; SELLING OUT AT OOST.-My entire Stock of Goods will be run off to make room for Fall Stock. jyl7 tf M. H. 8CLTAN. ABOTIC SODA and Coca Cola at 8am 'l B. Waters. COME and Examine my Large and Varied Stock of Merchandise "that is now being sold AT COST to make room for new fall stock. jyl7tf "" M. H. Sultan. P is North Carolina's popular letter. Peas, Potatoes, 'Possums, Persimmons. The first step in the advance ment of tho South in any direction is the building of first class public roads. JOLES P. Chevy, ex President of the. French Republic died at Paris on last Wednesday the 9th of September. Gov. McKinney, says the Dem ocratic party in Virginia is in a first rate condition, aud the outlook was never better. LABGE crops and little borrow ing are reported as Riving the Southern farmer the best year be has bad since the war. EvEET cultivator of the soil shonld own his own home. Every acre of his farm should be made to pay a handsome dividend. The Republicans of New York have nominated J. Stoat Fassette for Governor. He is the present Collector of Customs of New York City. The editorials in yesterdays Journal were badly telescoped. One article ran into another and smashed things. No lives lost but both columns badly damaged. Judge Cooley, chairman of the later State Commerce Commission, has tendered his resignation be cause of ill health. This makes two vacancies in the Board, to be filled by the President, A Charleston special of Sept. 0, says that the negro cotton pick ers' Btrike has actually been ordered in that State and will be pat into effect. The planters are determined to resist it to the bitter end. Bra Wm. White, the British Ambassador at Constantinople, a .few days ago, sent a strong note to the Porte demanding an apology for the indignities offered the British- merchant vessels in the Dardanelles. IT is now claimed that Peffer and Simpson the Alliance leaders, are of Pennsylvania descent, and the Philadelphia Times chimes in with the declaration that the State - shonld not be blamed for this. It ; couldn't help it. A special to the News and Observer gives the particulars of a sad tragedy in - Oeogla. Three young men became Involved in a personal difficulty over a very small matter. Pistols were used and all were mortally wounded. They had been lifelong friends. -' : . - ' . A New : Yobk contemporary says: "We believe that in nearly every State of the South there is to be a State industrial exhibition this Autumn; and we are led to ' believe that all of these exhibitions ' will be the largest, finest, and most attractive things of the kind ever got op' by :oar ; Southern fellow citizens. " The . managers of the various .' exhibitions ' are making special efforts at this time to raise an interest in them among the Northern people; and we hare no doubt that the shrewd business men of the North will take aJvan tns of the invitations that are i f r ." LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Goldsboro Lumber Co. Estimates C. E. Slover Prunes, etc. Still another manufacturing industry is on the tapis, of whioh we will speak more particularly ia to-morrow's issue. The steamer Neuse of E. C. D. line brought in the 55 horse power boiler and engine for the New Berne Im proved Cotton Ginning Company yesterday. Statistics have it that there are three hundred and twenty fire electric roads in the United States. We hope you will soon hare opportunity of recording us Mr. Statistician. Don't over look u. The Washington Gizatte says: We ate informed that while Capt.' Styron was down the river last wook ho found a snake's ncet which contained 37 eggs and in each 0g was found a snake av eraging from eight to ton inohes. Cen any body boat this in the snake lin ? Tho (lags on tho steamer Neuse f 66 terday were at half mast, in consequence of the death of Mr. Chas. Warnor of Wilmington Del., one of the company that own the Neuse, and erhoe funeral took place at his home resterday. The Goldsboro and Elisabeth City Fairs both hold next week. To the former the A. & N. C.B. have made the very low rate of Si. 70 for round h ip iuoluding admission to the grounds. The steamer Neuse will take passengers to Elizabeth City over a delightful water route for $3 00. F. T, Chapman and Joe Johnson, two colored men who were helping to move the engine for the New Berne Improved Cotton Ginning Company off the steam er Nou-ie whioh hod just brought it in yesterday morning got there feet oaught under it. Chapman was only slightly buit but the injury to Johnson's foot was quite severe and painful. At n fptoiil meeting of the Chy Couuoil Thursday night the franchise for an electric street luilwoy was grant ed to Meters. Moffett, HodgkinB, aud Clark, 6f New York for 30 years. The oars are to bo running from the foot of Middle street to the Fairgrounds by the opening day of the next Fair and they aro intended to run through the prin cipal streets to the extremes of tho oity and also to the National cemetery. The Goldsboro Ague says: There are already twenty fiue raoe horses in the stables of the Eastern Carolina Fair & Stock Association, in waiting for the rscas to open next week. Tuesday next is the opening day, and everything points to a most enjoyable exposition. Beduoed rates and a special schedule for Fair weok bave been published by the A. & N. C. B. B. All the railroads are doing their full part to make our Fair a grand euocese and that is what it is going to be. Coming and (iolug. Mrs. M. M. Ipock returned yesterday morning from a visit to relatives at Newport. Mr. B. B. Thomas left to attend the State University. Mr, E. Dannenbergjleft on a bniineu trip to Goldsboro and the the Western part of the State. Capt. N. W. Jones and wife returned on the steamer Neuse of the E. 0. D. line from pleasure trip to Elizabeth City. The steamer Newberne of the O. B. line took out the following passengers: Miaa Harriette and Mrs. B. B. Late going North after fall stocks of millin ery; Mrs. B. P. Williams and children going to New York to visit friends, and Misses Lizzie Sonthgate and Mary Tar ner and Mr. Ernest Turner of Norfolk returning home from a pleasure trip to the oity. The Steamer Nenee of the E. C. D. line took out the following passengers: Mr. P. M. Drasey aocompanled by his son Herbert going-to Baltimore on business trip: Mr. Numa Nunn going to Baltimore to take a six-month's course in Sadler, Bryant and Stratum's Baal nese College; Mr. T. H. Page, State agent for the New Borne sewing ma' ohine leaving from a business trip to New Berne to continue bis work in Elizabeth City and Hyde county, and Miss Carrie White of Elizabeth City returning home from a visit to relatives at Adam creek. - Bev. C. G. Vardell returned home last night from spending a week or two at Blowing Book. . Shakers of All Creeds and Kinds Are to be found in every locality visited by chilli and fever. : The very animals exhibit In each plague festered regions symptoms of the dire infeotion. If experience has proved, in the domain of medioine, anything conclusively, it is that Hostetter's Stomaoh Bitten will not , only eradicate from the system every vestige of the miasma-born com plaint, but eff eotnally defend residents and temporary sojourners in malaria soourged localities against it. There is a general oonoentus of opinion among medioal men, no lees than in the minds of the public on this point. v Not only on this continent, but in the tropics where malarial oomplainte assume their most virulent type, this Incomparable medicinal safeguard is universally need and esteemed, Byspeptia, biliousness, constipation, debility and kidney trouble art all thoroughly remediable by the Hitters. - ':i " Hall Notice.' --t During; Fair -week at Goldsboro Sept. IS. 16 and 17 the mail will oloee at 7:80 a. m. for the A, ft N. O. Bailroad going 5. .W. E. Clarke, P, K. It Means Something. The importance and notoriety to whioh New Berne is being elevated is spreading farther and wider every day. There has been soarcaly a day within tho last few months that we have not reoeived letters or oards requesting sample oopies of the Journal. It means something. It means that the efforts of the businessmen of New Berne reoorded and sent abroad through the oolumns of the Journal and various other ways are not go ing unheeded and the result, though not being proclaimed by any great hul labaloo, ia fast developing iato propor tions that are soon to dawn upon this section as a now era. The time has oome when our advantages that have so long bean lying dormant are to be util ized. Tlit' ball has iiooa slarittl and t let itsontvard motion by inoroased and new force added by evory man siyir.g, te:e'a a helpizj hand! Colored A. and M. College. At the meeting Thursday night at St. Peters church in the interest of the Colored Agricultural and Mechanical College, a permanent organization wa effected. Geo. H. White was elected President, C. E. Palmer, Seoretary, and a set of resolutions were offered and adopted setting forth the natural and othor advantages of this section sb be ing the proper place for the college. There was an executive committee appointed to go among the citizens and solicit subecriptipns in land and money to be used as o fund to induce the oollexe to locate here. Tho committee appointed were C. E. Palmer, chairman; E. R. Dudly, B. G. Mosley, Bev. A. J. Marshall, I. H. Smith, Joese Brooke and W. W. Lawrence. There wore also a number of vioe Presidents appointed. The meeting ad journod to meet at the court house next Thursday night to whioh mooting all citizens are invited. Cooks were opened at tho meeting held and about 8300 were subscribed. For Uio Exposition. Iter. Edward Bull, who has been get ting specimens of the varieties of wood and all the useful and ornamental grasses of Craven county obtainable at this season of the year for the Inter state Exposition, turned his collection over to Mr. Wm. Dunn, the chairman of the committee in charge of the Craven county exhibit yesterday and it ia all in readiness to be forwarded to Raleigh. The ooilection of woods is a very superior one. Samples of most of the more valuable timber varieties are of large size about five feet in length and from aix to nine inches in diameter. Mr. Dunn's oarpenter took them in hand and fixed them up nicely, so they show up handsomely, and display the grain and fibre to good advantage. The less important and ornamental varieties are much smaller. All bear a nicely printed label : " North Carolina Woods Craven Cocnty'' with the name of the variety plainly written in. There are about, a hundred and twenty samples not quite so many varieties. The collection of grasses is not as full as that of the wood. To make a complete ooilection the work must be begun early and continued through the season. Many kinds have ripened and passed away. A few beautiful varieties of the finest ornamental grasses bave not yet matured. But the more important ones and those most valuable for market and forage have been secured and the collection is an excellent one. A man is in Raleigh looking after and arranging the Craven county ex hibita and Mr. Dunn himself intends to go up next week and he is anxious to cure without further delay all the exhibits that are now in readiness. Send them right in to him at New Berne and he will attend to the rest, but do not stop guheriog for the Exposition. Get all ) ou can and send it in as fast as convenient. Craven ooonty appropri ated 1300 to be expended on the ex hibit and there one-lit to be enough sent in to cause the expenditure of every eent in arranging and displaying Craven's exhibit. It is an opportunity to bring the county 's resouroes before the world that ought to be fully used. Mrs. Leland Stanford's Donation. Albany, N. Y., Sept. 9. Mrs. Leland Stanford has donated property valued at $100,000, to the benefit of the Society for the Belief of Orphan and Destitute Children in this oity, LEMON ELIXIK. A PLEASANT LEMON DBINK. For billouness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foulit omaoh. take Lemon Elixir. For sick end nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir - For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. For lose of appetite and debility , take Lmon Elixir. For fever, ohilla and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. , Lemon Elixir will not fail von In any of the above diseases, nil of whioh arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomaoh, Kinneye, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. B. Mosley, Atlanta, Ga. ' 50o. and 11.00 per bottle. Bold by arvKgista. . FBOHISBNT HDftSrCB WBITES. ' After ten years of greet suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kid neya end constipation, I haw been oared by Dr. Mosley1 Lemon Elixir, ana em now weit man. ... . . . Bev. 0. 0. Davis, - Eld. II. E. Ohnroh South. "' . No. 23 Tatnall St., Atlanta, Ga, ABSTRACT OF TAXABLES. Amount of Property In Craven County and Assessed Valuation Compari son with Last Tears Tax List. The register of Deeds has completed tho computation of the tax list for 1801 with the following result: 8tb Towhship City. White polls between 21 and 60 years of age 409 Colored polls between SI and 50 years of age 557 Total City poll between 21 and 50 years of age 1,166 Value of town lots at true value in money.. $1,262,200 Number of horses 181 Value of " Number of mules Value " " Number of gots Value - " Number of cattle Value ' " Number of hogs Value " " Number of eheep Value " " " farming utonciis . " tools of Mechanics household and kitchen 814,125 70 85,380 8 827 lb7 2,CS4 U9 3 85 3541 $1,446 furniture 82 353 1 provisions " fife arms " libraries " eoientifio instruments f765 55151 601 Money on hand S,( UG Bolvent credits SllO.Sm Shares in incorporated joint stock &o-, companies S74 Oil All other personal property... 830,713 Aggregate value real and per sonal property (white Sl.eUH.Tl, Aggregate value real and per sonal property (colored) . 2li,o50 Total aggregate value real & ii personal property S3 82U,0tsa Net amount of income 81,620 Aggregate value railroad track (Smiles) rolling stock, share, capital stock eto 84o.01S Value of shares bank stock (500) 8114,800 8rn Townshu' Outside Ciiv. White polls ... 37 Colored " 74 Total " Ill Number aores land 30.839 Value of land with improve ments thereon 8204,472 Number of horses, 74 Value " " . Number of mules.. 8; 043 08 Value 87.890 473 33,200 1,109 S1.S54 60 Number oattlo.. hogs... sheep.. Value Number Value Number Value 805 farming utenoils S3 911 Value tools of mechanics $373 household and kitchen furniture 2 684 provisions 82,035 lire arms 825 " libraries Money cn hand ... 83,200 Solvent credits 89,000 Shares in incorporated com panies, etc, $525 All other personal property... . $804 Aggregate value real and per sonal property (white) 8221.272 Aggregate value real and per sonal property (colored ) ... oio Total aggregate value real and personal property 8244, 810 Total in all of Cbavbn County. White polls between 21 and 50 years of age 1,216 Colored polls between 21 and 50 years of age 1,333 Total polls between 21 and (0 yeas of age 2,651 Aores of land 822,637 Value of land Atimated at its true value in money 88,181,836 Value of town lots estimated at the true value in money. ..81,288,244 Number of horses 1,055 Value " " 837,860 Number of mules 700 Value " " $51,014 Number of Jacks and Jennies 2 Value " ' 325 Number ofeoats 644 Value " " 8408 Total number of cattle 6,834 Value of oattle 830,057 Number of hogs 15,326 Value " " 818,602 Number of sheep a,26i Value of sheep $2,045 " " farming utenBils 825,207 ' " tools of machanics 83,434 " household and kitchen furniture 8S0.720 " provisions 823,538 " Bre arms 83.837 " libraries 85,768 " SsientiQo instruments 654 Money on band 865,528 Solvent credit 8156.324 Shares in incorporated com panies, joint stock associa tion, railroad telegraph and oanal companies 886,503 All other personal property . . . 8285,164 Beat and personal property (white 82,678,782 Beal and personal property (coloiedl 8364,574 Net amount of income 81,620 Total value roal and personal DroDertv 83,043,356 Aggregate railroad property... 346,013 oanx stoox ii4,ouv Total valuation in 1891 88,503,860 1890 8,665,003 Increase of valuation from 1890 to 1891 8888,666 whioh Is an inorease of about 81i per cent. Amount of Taxes to bk Collkcted This Ykab. State tax 8 8,763.00 School" 8,351.68 General county tax 9,266.30 County special tax for ponded debt 15,707,41 County special tax for float ing debt 6,443.70 Fence tax, 1st, 2d, and 8d town ships 878.00 850,275.14 The above inoludes poll tax which is 83.45 each. The rate of taxation is 81.261 on the 8100 valuation. No ' griping or nausea after using Brook field Liver and Kidney Pills. Will cure Biliousness, Constipation, Torpid . Liver and stomach troubles. Sugar ooated, oval. Prloe M cents. Give them a trial. For tela by F, 8. Duffy, New Bern, N. O. The greatest canning U to. have nooannlng m all. i HPS mm Absolutely Pure. A cream of tut-.r biking pr.n DiliPut of nil in leavening efr ; LmUU f. -S'. (Imvrumcnt food lx- SK1XNM1 ::.', A I'icnU i:i l,i.hi-,i;:;:ii 1". , of I: i:; All n. iou- ii New Oiar.ANS, Sent, 9 - A 1 Sbreveport, Lt , ry- ' s--reoeivsd here tod ay i : i". outrage corumi'u- i o ... i; young lady school ka Arcadia. The school hi.-i from the young lady's ! other afternoon alter er-.ii-.-' missed she started to t;k. place sle was set upon :.r- i who dragged her i -c i! ,. hy aDd tied her to a tr.vj v.'V kept for two dayu. Amu found her thsro on lh i . second day, whoa .! ntory th s requ st o '. i ' the negro wouli s'joti r lliev did, nu j in !: short v Li' made his oppetrs-.oj ar 1 w ,; lie was fearfully tort.r' Bkirned alive and literally r. Iiis body was left ia :b) v.o. l,u.irdn to dinpoao uf. Tlic Million l!a!iii;iviin ; ,i. London, Bfpt. 0. Too cou-jeo! or. lu bnlf of the Chilli. iu Junta .'iv applied c , the high court for an order restr; i .i; the owners and r.ili'.'pra of tlic fttimir Mosi'elle from tmitin-; r"ji'i :; in v. . i the Chillinn pilver, ilti which fl!u i.i reported tc arrive ct Set l'-- .-.n. i .'a'.i week, except by depojiting tho ei;.io ia the Bank of EcKland. Thd Junta &1ho applies for nu order rent rait: iiK the Plato bpct. which uiado i.i!yi.:rai against the silver in question, f 'ora in dor8in,,r oi'.h reU! :.-;: ilijn-'o. I'm judge allowed i.otiuo to bo solved tor next Wednesday, la the meautiait temporary rcrtiaiuirjg ordtia were granted. Xeithei' Ko'li er L.;n;' t an II "'! i. MONTUOMlCKY, Ala., ttc-pt. 9. The opinion of Jude Randoly to iiiy in tho LaneKolb oonteet over tho oftico of State oommUsionerof ogricultuie wn t the etleot that the oot of the Inxt Ivkih lature making theoiUueeleAtirabcctme operative immediately, and tht the governor had no right to appoint ft suc cessor toKolb, wheo term tiy iiati; .in expired Septembr 1- Tiiis dfcidej nothing as to Kolb'rij-ht to hold over. The case has b.ien applied t i the su preme court. The Cholera SpiTiidinir. . Paius, Sept. 9. M. 1'reust announced at the Aoademy of Me iio no last even ing that the ct'ol' ! t - ii 'imc, which arose in the eh.. : 'l-pin. H i thinks the grc t.cii.,ie l- in the Pers-at buiioves thru the immijri'iou cf d-. itu' Russian Jews, sevra t' Tjsaud of whrm have gone to Aleppo, wi ! ijcioasa trie vio lence of the epidemic. Spinal Meningitis in Frederick County. Frederick, Md., Sept. 0. Dr. S. J. Syolurk, oue of Frederick county's ablest veterinary surgeons. Nays the dise&so known as spinal meningitis is raging in the southern section if the county. Tho farmers are beoo.xing much alarmed ana (oar an epidc;u: The Record Itroken Airnin. London, Sept. 8. Tho steamer Citv tf New Yoik of the Ionian line arrived n , Queenatown at two o clock thui f .er noon, haviut; cross ed the Ataolic in i Bve days, 22 hours and 50 mintves, j beatinz the bust previous record, llor daily rune wer c440, 4S0. C01. 46 , m and 452 miles, j Not ice. - DHUUblAltl D ll'Cll.r,, , . .,,1.- 1 1 Nkwdehn, N. C, 26 AuK., leOl. j whore 1 W"L f.P The Thirty-seienth Annual Mtina P'""t" hfore of the Stockholders of tho Atlantic and constantly on hand North Carolina Railroad Company will ' A 1 ULL JjirsK (.ii1 be held at Morehead City on Oi fnarlb Thursday (24th) in September, 1891. F. O KoumtTs, Sec'y. Scllinir Out nt Co nI. Now is the time to msko j our pur chases for Dry Goods nnd Notions. Owinz to Ilia largo stock to be procured this fall, the balunco cf goods on haad must be disposed of pomiively ot cout to make room for my good p. tf M. U. Sdltan. THOSE UMBBELLAS have arrived and they are beauties; especially those Steel rods and Feather -weights Our Fall Stock of Clothing has also arrived and comprises the FinoSt Selected stock we ever carried, aud that is saying a great deal. We havo also a line of pretty, LATEST ST.LE DERBIES. Ziegler's and Crossett's Men's nine siioes wmcn we have, need only to be mentionod. A full line of Ziegler's Ladies' Shoes also just received. Does your Boy need a suit ? See ours, before Duving also a nice BALL and BAT FREE vitb. every suit. , , - Earrington & Baxter. B jTTCTIGN in Old 7giaia Cheroots. AI Eorsfon Preparation. -:y your ivder and 17... MIL'Oi.i. Shot and i.iil. S, W. WsiUS, AND- Cheese. i St. .tfew Berne, N.C. i:ihd i. J , 1 I'i r 4 o KO o -Si m ft) in S '' p erf 1 1-1 i : --' ..- I A o o O 0 to p3 r T. W. DKH . DEWEY Life, Fir 64 IS INSURANCE OKK it f. IN FaKMKIIS AND JIl'.KCIIANTS iAN . N l'iV BKUNK, N. ti. WILL I'.i i.l.AI) TO r.KKVK Vol'. Bt'Jill L'u To Ily Patrons and the Public Generally. Lmving removed my place of business to Sol TH FKONT Sl'KKK'l', Throe doors Kast of the Gaaton Houpp. to serve my I shall keep SAMTLES cf tho very best FOKKK'N M DOMESTK.' (lOuD-.. H. SAWYEJv, eeplltf Fashionable Tailor. BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, . ROAD CARTS, HARNESS. Will be sold low for Cash or secured Notes. Horses and Mules kept , IN STOCK. ' . J. W. STEWAUT' ;:;7; PS CM If Eg8 J :" M ,u ' .i': Cloth an:1. ;-ol for ir" '' :::0 ''. o:k-, i.i; .l.uiai 1 ro wr j vv.i l!i oi' i i 'Mi i;s rs'ui :u . I,. .... 1 i!r h !V '. . ,! mi. : SO! .-, j j '. " ,' : Vv-: uli hi I -i aii'l c u i i i. !-;g i i-5 ?. S? 1 ' t;, ' 'f '-- I I - .if". V " ,' The pents of children who take e'.u. .'() ol",:tiii from me i lIoc : 1EW WORDS I. rcMiad to the pain !: : '11: NT the ' ATION imi.'ii.' 1. UA.SK ILL. i Man to ' M'.cltidb. run Dressing C5"One who ttlOli.;,!' ki-epiiv, km running and ii orOi r. ii v HtaCL..lJO KINSrON LUMBER CO. seplOJ.twlv. . Kinston.N. C. FOR SALE. Two BRAND NEW Georgia Cotton (Jin;;, :r and -l' Saws each. :.r ' ;iio by Hi Iko at 45 and :i.'t dollars, oacli t'actory price '.) and 11") doi.'.us, each. Ci 1 1 1 i n p- will (!) well to call mid Si U . i i l;. u'JjC AN YOU. i!ne nf SOVVKS1K v, tan' ir :vea. FOl'HTAIM 'Oflft 11:. : i.i' so itiL' r;l il d t :. . ran' C9 V In .-!-. ; v.- jri; 1'jd iveil a fresh r.i :oLn chains, ars. Wo islve a written 'fOO v IS V. Will row ai.il THICKS .o i'i Liitl see A KK :1 A vl. X. xlATON, 4i 3 i V.i. utili if est Virginia ' ' ; ' Arrived r ' I . ads of Young ' in I WEST VA. 7 m MULES i; Yours Old. o DRIVERS, ; i-i i.ldlo Horses, ' ! ' Sold Cheap. ' v c V Hi iety of , ijdgies, Cirts, 1 1 m -ii'-s.-,. Whips, htistors etc., etc, w. ,;. Mt)TT() IS cales Small Profits. and st-f us in-fore you Quick l.ll v"; lO Uu .-, iv. Ii ! r.v .idvanlage & GO. s i:rr, I ' it Geii&ial 0 LIFE Insurance Agent, NEW BERNE, N. C. Seed Kye, Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, White and Red Clover, Blue Grass and Timothy Seed, Hay and Feed, Bagging and Ties. CHAS. B. HILL, Hay, (ha:n and Feed, East side Market Dock, NKWBEltNE.N. O. st! pt: illt w'lao. COTTON GINS. YOUR -COTTON GUIS 8. R. STREET, General Insurance Agent, i2-4t' ' T' tved 1 m

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