1L. I NCFFAETIES. Lirs of parties no refef- : j intended to the Alliance or ' ctier industrial association. : r. Cladatouo recently asserted t there could be but two parties : i r :;'and, and history establishes 1 .t we have often asserted, that t' era can be bat two parties in this country, Factions always exist, and these are constantly straggling for domi nation in the party to which they belong. The Alliance is Demo cratic and all well directed effort on the part ol the Alliance is to indaoe the party to adopt the measures it approves. . . ... Large bodies attract smaller ones, and before the battle of 1892 has been joined there will be a general gravitation towards the Democrat ioand Kepublioan parties the great contesting parties before the country. The Campaign in Ohio has fixed thA naramount issue before the country. In nominating McKlnley the Eepublioans brought the tariff to the forefront. It is true that the astute leader attempted to change the issue by bringing forward sil- vr. "Rnt. the orator was not at home. He was as a stranger in HhmncrA land. His name was Bilind with the tariff, and he could no more change the issue than tatm hia name from a measure too previous to be borne. The people demanded of him an explanation and justification of the MoEinley hill. Tt wba hia orogeny, bone of - his bone and flesh of his flesh, To refuse to defend his offspring, although it was a poor and Bickly creature, would have subjected him to public reproach and personal dishonor. ' The Republicans presented the tariff issue and the Democrats anMtntAil it . and are forcing the lighting all along the line. , Republicans : are criticising Campbell because he does notjpress iivnr the n&ramonnt issue of the campaign. How can he do it with McKlnley the opposing can didate! McKlnley is the embodi ment of the tariff and represents nothing else. , The Eepublioans could not have Buited the Democrats better. The tariff is the issue on which they won their great victory in last November, and on which thay will ' again win at the approaching elections. If there could be any question as to the paramount issue in Ohio it ' would be' at once answered by the appearance of Mills and Carlisle on the field. Mills opened his cam paign against McKinley and the McKinley bill on the 19th, and will make about a dozen more speeches. i He spoke for two hours and held the audience of 3,000 people in rapt attention. "Mr. Mills took rawer strong ground against the free AninniTA nf silver as a cure-all for the flnanical ills of the body-politic, and declared himself utterly unable to see how the opening of the mints to the coinage proposed would 'dis pel' the cloud that is now darken' ing the land. Ten or twelve million dollars, which is all that free coinage oould possibly add to the circulation, would be but a drop in the bucket, so to speak. He de clared further that it was not the scarcity of money in the country; it was scarcity of money in the pockets of the people that caused the "distress." Carlisle will follow Mills, and when he gets through the fragments of the McKinley bill will not be worth gathering, although there nay be enough to fill twelve bas kets. As it is in Ohio so will it be in the great national contest of 1892. The Mckinley bill will be shown to be an engine that crushes the people of every section, and makes agriculturalists, tradesmen, me ohanics and laborers, hewers of wood and drawers ,' of water to worse than Egyptian taskmasters. We insist upon the free coinage these two issues, Tariff Beform and of silver because it is right - Upon Free Coinage, the United Demo cracy Is invulnerable ; and invinci ble. But if there are .divisions in our ranks: if faction rales the hour, the hitherto impregnable ramparts will be carried and the enemy take possession of the citadel of our liber ties. ' ' Democrats must get together and stay together, if we would save our filtara from' desecration and "our homes from dishonor. . " - - The sea is music, and Pan and Apollo are the - streams and the Minds. r.ich blade of grass has a pur ; - ly not each man and worn- BALME ( EIU A SllClDE. Excitement Over Hii Death His last - Statement Futile Attempt v to Escape. ,-. New Yob Sept 20.The Heralds' Valpariso correspondent telegraphs as follows: Ex President Jtialma. ceda, of Chili, shot himself throagh the temple in his room in the Ac centing legation in Santiago at ball-past 8 a. m. today (Saturday) The story became known here this afternoon, and created the great est excitement. . :''Av-Ki, ' It now seems thaV Balmaoeda left Santiago on August 29 in the hope of making his escape from Chili, bat ..; seeing L that every avenue of retreat was cut off, he returned there on September a, and went direct to the Argentine legation. . ' . r -. After the disastrous battle near Valparaiso and the surrender of Santiago on August 29, in company with ex-Alcalde Tlotor Eohauren, he took a carriage and drove to a point two miles : outside the city. Here a special train of one car and a locomotive were in waiting. - The route was toward San An tonioBay. All trace of the fogl tives . was, however, lost. His intention had Deen to go on board the vessel Condell, which he ex peoted to find lying in San Anto nio Bay. Upon arriving there. however, he discovered to his oharin that the torpedoro had sailed. Since his retnrn back to the Ar gentine legation' in Santiago, Balmaceda has been lnjan extreme ly nerveous condition. No one, with the exception of the minister of the Argentine Republic and one other man who was devoted to the unfortunate ex Presidents cause, was permitted to talk to or see him. Senora Urribnria -about 8 a. m today heard a pistol-shot in the bedroom that had been assigned to Balmaoeda. The notified ber husband. Before he went to Bal maceda'a room he ran aronnd to the house of Carlos , Walker Mar tinez and brought that gentleman back tothe legation. Upon breaking in the door of Balmaceda's room it was ionnd that he had shot himself. The body was still warm. There was a gaping wound in the temple. The body was nndressed and lay on the bed. The revolver was still held in his right hand. Gradually the news spread all over Santiago. The excitement it created is indescribable. Great crowds oi terribly excited people gathered all around the Argentine legation. They cheered ana tney booted and went into a frenzy the death of their chief enemy. Above all the discordant shouts were heard cries congratulating thenn fortunate Balmaceda that in taking his own lite he Bad esoaped a worse fate. Balmaceda left a letter to his mother. , Also a statement to the Herald. As almost the last declar ations of a dying man they are of especial importance. He says: "I acted all during the past eight months with the firm conviction that I was right. I had no one in the army in whom I could place any trust. My generals were false to me. They lied all through the war. Had my orders been obeyed, I believe that the battle ol uonoon would have resulted in a decisive victory against the enemy. My heart all through this trouble has been with' Chill. I sought to re scue my country from foreign domination. I strove to make her the first republic iu America. My enemies say that I was cruel. Cir cumstances compelled me to sane tion certain acts, but many bad deeds that have been attributed to my orders were never known by me until they had been committed. "Until the final battle at Placilla I had strong hopes of triumphing over my foes. Victory was assured by my generals. Alcerecca and Baroosa and Viel. They all lied. I now know those who only pretend ed friendship for me because of the money that was to be gotten out of me. "All the money thvt I have in my paesession is 92,500. My wife gave if to me on the night of Ang. 28. Your minister, Patrick Egan, many times offered me good advice. He urged me to make peace with those opposed to me and to retire from Chili. I did not heed hia wise advice, lor I thought that he was under the influence of the junta's orders, who were then refugees in the American legation. Ail enrougn the trouble my closest advisors were always opposed to any over tures for peace." .- - HOW -ENGLISH INTERESTS ABE AF FECTED BY THE DEATH OF BALMACEDA. London, Sept. 20 Notwithstand ing the usual quiet of Sunday the news of Balmaceda's death mand a marked impression here, and was the chief topic, even surpassing the question of the Dardanelles and the Germen Emperor's assault on Napoleon the Great. The general ieeling in English commercial cir cles is ane of relief and joy. While Balmaceda lived there never could be an assurance that Balmaceda, who undoubtedly bad a larga fol lowing in Chili, might not stir np another revolution, and reverse the order of things, to the great detriment andj disappointment ol the English interests in control or the nitrate traffic v A prominent Chilian, who. for fear of making enemies athome, did not wish bis name mentioned, said this morning: Balmaceda would sooner have surrendered to ' the enemy then to have left his native death to surrender, lie remained alive in Santiago until his presiden tial term was over which wason Frl day, September 18, and on Satur day he killed himself. The atroci ties of his subordinates are largely responsible for the hatred borne him by the Oongressionalista." ' - '." Tmm Fir SUp. . , Perhaps you tn run down, can't sat can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and yon wonder what ails yon. You should heed the warning yon are taking the first step into Karroos rroeirauon. ion need a nerve tonle and in Electria Bitters yon will find the exact remedy for restoring your nerrooa system to its normal, healthy condition. Sur prising results follow the use Of this great Nerve Tonle and Alterative. Your aDBe- tite returns; good digestion is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action, -rry a Dome.. raoaouo. at jr. b. Duffy's drag store, j ; . ;- ' ; . . A man sat on a fence and whittled a stick; another plowed , the field at his side; which was the loborerT ' The locust sings every seventeen years; why are not- some noets lOCUStS. , 'v . ; For Over Fifty If ears. : MBS. WlHSLOW'B 800THIHO BYBtJP haa been tued for children teethins. It soothes the child, softens th gums, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty five oenty a bottle. Sold by all drug gists laroagnous tne worm. Did you ever hear a voice in the dark! Is it fear In us, or in him who speaks, that makes a midnight saiuation gnostlyT . Some men and women become acquainted through their ; children. A Wonder Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman, a voudt man of Barmigion, unto, states that tie naa been under the care of two prominent physi cians, and used their treatment until he was not able to get around. They pro nounced his ease to be Consumption and incuraDie. tie was persuaded to try Vi, King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, aod at that time was not able to walk across the street without resting. He found, before he had used half of a dollar bottle, that he was much better; he continued to use jt and is today enjoying good health. If yon have any throat, lung or chest trouble try it. We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle freo at F. S. Duffy's drug store. Cotton Sales 20 bales, 7to7i centr. Sales for the week 47 bales, against 288 b ties this week a year ago. BUCKLER'S ARNICA SALVB The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale in Newborn by F. 8. Duffy, wholesale and retail druggist. Always something lost in achieve ment. Always some water that drips from the drawn bucket the sand. into LEJHON ELIXIK. A PLEASANT LEMON DRINK. For biliouness and oonstiDstion. take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul it omach. take Lemon Elixir. For siok and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir For sleeplessness and nervonsooss. take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and dobility. take Lmon jsiixir. For fever, chills and malaria, take ijemon naixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail von In an of the above diseases, all of whioh arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, Moneys, Dowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. E. Morley, Atlanta, ua. 50o. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. a PROMINENT MINISTER WRITES. After ten yean of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kid neys and constipation, I have bean cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Bev. O. O. Davis, Eld. H. E. Chnroh South, No. 28 Tatnall St., Atlanta, Ga. Notice. Becbetabt's Office. Nbwbern, N. O, 26 Aug., 1891. The Thirty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Oomrjanv will be held at Horehead Gitf on the fourth Thursday (24th) in September, 1891. F. O. Bobebts, See'y. Children Cry.for.Pitcher's .Castorii REDUCTION in Old Virginia Cheroots. Also, Horsford Bread Preparation. Buy your Shot and Powder and save Money IT. XTLc-ieli, WHOLESALE GEOOEB, -MIDDLE STEIKT, . v ' , . NSW BERKS. H. O. - Riding Vehicles t ' i 'l''::':J''-Z H-t. We Are preparedT to mtke to order eujtniDg in the line of f ,n Drays, Carts. Busrsdes, or other Eidln? Vshiolee. - AH work hnllt atrnno- and finished In a hafirlaAm mAnnAr. , ... G. H. 'WATERS & SOU.' New Berne, N. O. ' ' au35dwtf ' SALE, EXCHAKGE 3. JS. Stareot Has now on band a large lot of fine MULES and HORSES, raised In WEST ERN NORTH CAROLINA. - Also. fine lot of Bueffiei, Road Carts and Harness, all of whioh will be sold as LOW AS THE LOWEST. Dont fail to some and see him before making a trade. 1 . Feeding a r ; ,,a';y. -. nov.'.7 J. GOD ULL'jS THEE, LOVE. .'Bow badly is the coarse of life si justed That where sweet rosea bloom sharp thorns abound. .. What thoukh tbe heart has dearly fon- dly trusted -The hour of parting will at last ceme round . ... '' , Of thy fond glances onoe I retd the mea- nintc . They spoke of joy and happineia for .- rae - God bless thee, love it was not so to be "Dark clouds appear, the winds sigh tnrougn the heather, . A rain storm falls out from gloomy skies: For bitter parting just the flttiog weatk- er i Gray as the sky the world before me Heel The future may with joys or woes be ' teeming . - Thou slender maid I will b true to thee! - God bless thee, love it was but idle dreaminf God bless thee, love it was not to to be!" t r Administrator's Notice.' TTAvtn nnallflitil aji Hm1n1atratnr nf ICnlf, Kunn, deceased, late of Craven county, H. U. this is to notify all persons having olaima against tns estate of aald deceased to exhibit tnem tu tn undersigned on or berore the Uth day of July, mi, or thla notice will be pieaain oerortnelr recovery. iiaiiui r, nufln.Aomiiuiinuir. Th!sthdar of August, 1892. w S. R. STREET, General FMEKJD LIFE Insurance Agent, NEW BERNE, N. C. Smallwood & Slaver, DEALERS IN Stoves, General Hardware, ASD Harness, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Faints, Oils, Varnish. Glass and Putty, Lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement. Agents for DEV0E & CO'S celebrated Beady Mixed Paints, which are strictly pure goods. MIDDLE STREET. Keep Cool, Keep Cool. For Iced Teas Use Churchill & Parker's GREEN and BLACK TEAS. ' Try our Boasted Coffees, THEY ARE DELICIOUS. - , Don't Be Led Off By Others, but come to see us, and see that we are selling First-Class Groceries STARVATION PRICES. So give us a trial and help the hard working young men of tbe town out. Dont forget the fact that we do our own work, and oan afford to sell goods Cheaper Than The Cheapest. Another important item: Everything we sell we guarantee to be as repre sented or money refunded. Thanking you for past favors, and trusting yon will give us a share of your future trade, We are, very respeotfully, Churchill & Parker, Broad St., 1st door Kast of AaUroad. JnneSMwU. , Atlantic & forth Carolina Railroad, Offloe of Superintendent, J New Bern. N. C, Sept 9th, 1891, SPECIAL Stockholders' Train! Thursday; Sept. 24, 1891." From Goldflboro and stations inter mediate to Morehead City and Return same aypW'V-iP'f .All Stockholders and their immediate families will be passed free. The con ductor of speoial train will be furnished with a list of the stockholders and they will be passed accordingly, . 8CHEDULE, .. ,. J Leave Goldsboro .......... 0 25 A. M. ". Best 's...w .. 6 5fl La Orange. ............... 7.09 " , Falling Greek 7.28 ' " " Kinston ....,.; ,.,.., 7.40 ' : Caswell.. H,.... 7.55 - w M Dover...... M... 8.05 " Core Greek 8 19 Tusoarora 8 85 " " . Clarks 8 49 ' . " New Bern.. 9 20 J, Riverdale , 9.51 ' " Oroatan......... 9 56 , " Havelook. ,.10.08 ' " Newport ....-10 29 " " . WUdwood , ..... 10 85 . " Atlantio -......10.40 - Ar've Morehead........ ...... ...10.55 ' Roturninv, P-n'nl to leave l'?r r""i City at 6: ) i. Li. or as r n n - mooting a' 3. 3. ' A troublesome akin disease I caused me to scratch for ten months, and haa been cured bv lew days use of S. 8. 8. t , M. H. WOMHV ... : ; Upper Marlboro, Md. Swift Specific. I was cured several yean ago of white swelling in my leg by the use of 8. 8. 8., and have had no symptoms of any return of the disease. Many prom inent physicians attended me and all failed, but 8. 8. 8. did the work. vl ' Paul W. Bjbkpatricz, Johnson City, Ten. 1 Treatise on Blood Skin Diseaael mailed tree. . i 1 ; .- Swot Snscmo Co., . Atlanta. Ga. ' Down to a fine point that's where the making of corsets has been brought to. ; Kabo for the "bones"- it can't break or kink ' Loops of corset lace in-' stead of metal eyelets they can't rust or cut the laces. The Ball Corset for ease and comfort; the Kabo Cor set for unyielding strength. Each is the best of it's kind If you don't think so, after wearing for . two , or three, weeks, return it to us and get your money back. " ' , O. MARKS & SON. NOTICE. On and after September 80th I shall reduce my shaving tioketa to ten shaves ana one hair out for 81.00. Now your chano9 to lay in a supply. ror. w. a. ohif. Special Gut Prices, To Ulose Out My Stock o: CAN FRUITS. Former Cot PrtAA. PrtnA. o iDcsni yenow reaenes aoo. aoo. S lb eana au yellow.full stand Peaenea. . sun. n. S lb oana uallfornla Green Gate 86c. 25o. SSieana KmPlnma BSe. 250. 8 lb eana White Cherries 85o. Mo,. 3 ft cans Aprloots SM. 25o. 8 9eana . UnufttflmnM ri. van 8 ft cane " franea In syrup Mo. ' ale. 2 lb cans Sliced Pineapple 26o. ' SHta. 2 fit cans " ". , soc 16c. r AU or Wess brands of frnlta an annr- .uuHawDOsnH, josm ounri. fUr If vou have not triad mv new anna, COCA COLA 1ND GRIPE PHOSPHITE, do so at onoe; they are refreshing and invigorating, uive me a trial. New Berne, a. O. " C 18 dwtf 0 If IS s 09 o O w I Am Happy to See Ton ' nn f ii 'i mil, " ' 'k-.- V ad tak pleaanre in Informing von that J. O. WD1TTV At CO. Have 1uet received a Oar Ixort of the World Hnnn-wntd DAHIKI, PliAxr f (' fcl MS, and are now prenarwi totLue .u .r r vn ti In. v ii" i.t, inr blned make the ntnt en innlnic ootton aver xt t in i hevatHO carry a f"H i e (U, !., J r olte ( k or . a oornw 'I e Ultt-e '., ( - . . ' fc5 i anufactui New Berne . "A. M. BAKER,: Manager; ' - , pi-.... 1 j -il n ; Hair We make as good a Hair Mattress as any factory in the United RtfttftR, ..;( MATCT2 THT5M Tfl nftDTCT?. nf nnv riVo nr nnnHf v ' Our XXt Steam cured Moss is durable mattress. It is better than a medium priced Hair. ' Straw with Cottoni Top. We put on a heavy cotton top, ; , tiave your oia tiair or moss mattresses renovated. We do beautiful work and will be sure to please you, 5 TJnless'you have seen what we get f rom a mattress that has been used several years you do not know how very necessary it is to have them punned and made over, .... ., , - Call on us for Feathers Gooso Feathers, ' Duck Feathers or Chicken Feathers. , - We make Beds, Lumber Gut to Order This Company is now prepared to cut bills of lumber to order at its Mills, located on the A. & H. a Railroad. Send all bills for Estimates to Goldshoio. Orders promptly filled. Termcs Cash. GOLDSBORO LUMBER CO. & Carriages, . Baggies; Aoad Carts, Spring Carts, Phaeton Carts, Harness, Whips, Bobes, &c.f All of which will be sold low to meat Mm demands nf t,hn nnblin. . :R3y Stock of H0RSES,1ND-I T i.' ii v. Low Sales for Cash JUMCIAL SALE. Under a decree of Nash Soperior and a subsequent order made at entitled, W. L. Hart and others undersigned Commissioners will House door in Newborn, Np C, on ; ;tkuisay,': ;; : ctober a certain tract of land, lying in tile side of Neuee River, and on Dam and Blocumb Creeka, containing twelve hundred acres more or less, and for a more particular descrip tion reference is made to a deed from Amos Wade to John I. Killibrew and J. H. Dillard for said land, recorded in Book 74, p. p. 432 and 433, Craven Registry. 4 ' , . 'jrj .AT''TEiiv.';; Siia.aS'Tl Jacob Battle, Commissioner, will, under the samo dccies, soil ancthcr tract of land In said county of Craven, '. v;:, - - and oUicrft, containing ' . acroamoreor less, the samo premises convrrc.l by Jo!m 1. Killibrew and wife to Louis Moye by deed rocordp J i i , vea in Look 81, p. 2j. TERMS OF SALE O:: '-tL; 1 Caiib, residue on a credit of one and two years, with 8 per c: nt. i:;ti ii .,t fiom day of nalu. : ' "' . '. ompany! ."sv.,;.; .it.' ; r jXm&h'firt snd Ooss ih iresscsi the very best and makes a very. use none but the best straw and ' ' ' Bolsters or Pillows. IES lSoad Carts v . 'v ii of Secured Notes . Court rendered at Fall term, 1890, Spring term 1801, in tho civil action vs. John I. Killibrew and others, the sell at public auction, at the Court - . . '; " ' ; lot, 1891, county of Craven, on tbe South a..D PIIC adjoining the lands of F. a. v;o DAED, jaco in gO

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