"1 1 1 M ' . . ; " n w II-: mm OURNAL. VOL.X.--N0.153: NEW BERNE, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. 3 0 BUSINESS :L6CALS M tAOCO.-If you want the, highsrt A. market prion lor your Tobaooo ship J to Ream Warehouse, DirrhamJ.'N.',C.. ere Jno. B UoU;hlog.fe Co, 4Lj; i , ''PO ONE who a copy musio in L Clear style. I wilt give -work Vt ia - trvuli during the w inter.;! prefer - lbs service of one- who understands harmony aud counterpoint, although this knowledge it not necessary. j - Mpl6lf-. CBAS L.GaSKIIX..5 A GENTS WANTED. -Fres preoaid XXoatBt to energetic men.- Serersl of " onr salesmen have earned from $70 to 1100 a week for year pasts PlO. Box r 1871, New-- York.--- CONVENIENT Booms for rent. " r : . s . .v . o. t Hancock. - T)OOMS to its fo pleasant locality. - IA Furnished or unfurnished. Suitable - for housekeeping. Apply) at Jotjbral OLD papers for sale at the Joubnal office :br the dcr-an. hundred or : thousand.- : ?- ? . .,. ti INSURE with the MUTUAL BENE , FIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY v of Newark, N. J., and get ail the bene- fite of life insuranoe before, or after , death. Forty-six years in business. Forty-six millions assets. The leading Company In the State in 1890 Healthy male persons taken from fourteen to seventy years old. - augStf : D. T. Cabbawat, Agent, NEW DRUG STORE.-Drngs.Medi-eti.es and Chemicals. V. P. Popular .. Proprietary Medlolnes. AH vartUee of Drnggtst's Snndrus. Trasses and Bne s. 3few crop Gardan Beed. Fine and Large Htoek Cigars and Tobaooo. all hew. Pre - cripllona acourately compounded (and not v . t WAtt prices), onr m"tto and onr success. , O. O. OH4KN, Druggist and Apothecary, : Middle St.. four doors from Pollock. JanJS ly A ROTIO SODA and Coca Cola at Sax'l B. Waters. - Mb. Bptjrgkon, reported better for dajB,'i8 worse. 'A London bank has been robbed of more than a million- dollars. r Gen. Qabza, leader of the revo lution in Mexico has been shot and afterwards hnnK. THE Christian Sun, Raleigh, is enlarged and otherwise improved. Congratulations. ; IN this country 7,000,000 persons are engaged ' in farming 44 per cent of onr Wage earners. " . The steamship Ems, bound from Bremen to ITew ,York is bringing 11,230,000 in gold to this conntry. ' EX-OONORESSMAN ' ; SCOTT, of l'enn., ia dead. : He was leading . Democrat and a great friend of Mr. Cleveland. - - Aocobdino to the New York World- Hill was far ahead for the i Presidency in the. Democratic con vention of that State. :-'- The News and Observer appears enlarged and mnoh improved. The paper, is doing splendid service for the Democratic party - and, the Btate-;.-.;.: c,-.,. : Thomas s J. i Nottingham, a prominent merchant of Norfolk died Saturday night of malady con tracted tf in either. Palestine or Egypt. . , If the Tennessee - Legislature adjourns without 'repealing the eonviot labor law, the citizens in the coal regions swear they will release the convicts at work in the mines; s- i. :. ; Governor Holt has appointed Ool. Julian SOarr, of Durham, as the tobacco ; representative of the - State at the Southern Exposition and for ; the World's .Fair, at Chicago. . v ' , A bevoltjtion has broken oat in Mexico. It is not iully developed. At last accounts the '.revolutionists were retreating, bat it was reported that 1 large re-enforoements . were going to their assistance. ; " ' blOCKPORT, England, claims to have the largest Sunday schoolin the world, ' It now contains 5,000 children and teachers. Since its organization : in 1804 over 6,000 teachers have been trained in the school and over 100,000 scholars have passed through it. ' f f' JAPAN is becoming a : r naval power. In addition to three steel battle Bhlps of 4,273 tons each and one torpedo vessel nearly finished in Franoe for Japan, the Japanese Marine Ministry .'will submit to I":llament a plan for building eleven iron clads, at a cost of $45,- cod.cco. The Wilmington Messenger erj-s: "Mrs. Epencer'a clever and r"" r .tie "First Steps in North "ra nictory" is now in its i eiitson. It has teen, we , f --nratad of some political i r t ce clTonse and were ; t .:' r-3. We are glad r ; i -purr-.'.!oa. T.Irs. C " Al-'ycf ILOCAL NEWS. JiEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. ;tJ, Mi; Howard Shoes, etc. . MissCorions Harri.on See add. ' Bargain Score Look at your shoes,. ; A N. O. B. B Bound Trip Rater. f 9. a Whitty ft Co. Cotton Gins, etc. The stookholders' train will pass through New Bf meat this morn- The maohinerr for their drr-kiln was taken over to Messrs Pretty man ft Co. 'a mill opposlt New Berne yesterday after noon. It will be built at onov,u Blind; Tom, the idiot negro musical prodigy, delighted his audieno last night with inimitable displays of his wonderful gifts in produoing melody end imitating sounds of various kinds on mutioal instrument. 'Workmen are engaged" "making windor frames, fto. for the Episcopal reotory. The work of ' ereotion will oommenoe, as soon as the (mall bui d fag now oooupying the . ground, and which were told to clear it, are re moved. '.The Raleigh Ohroniole says "Peg Leg" Williams, so well known to the North Carolina negroes, was here yesterday. His ocoupalion ia gone ainoe the 'Lepit lature passed the aot forbidding the removal of laborers from the State. The "exodus" is now but a memory. As a James City oolored man, named Guion who was helping to put a heavy box of merchandise on a cart at the Clyde steamer wharf yesterday after noon the box slipped, knookedhim over, fell on his leg whioh was across a truck, and cut a very severe gash, reaohiog to the muscles and nearly to the bone. Dr. Primrose rendered the neoesary surgical assistance. We noticed a specimen of the Baker Mattress Campany'a best hair mattress passing the Jodbal offioe for delivery toaoustmerr It is equal to any, the workmanship being first-olass and the material of finest quality. Experienced dealers pronounce the produota of this f aotory'to be of the highest exoellenoe This is one of New Berne ' new in dustries and it is starling out the right way, building up on the merits of its wares whioh are worthy tn every re aped. ' - Mayor Matt Manly returned on the steamer Neuse of the E. O. D. line from attending as a delegate from this city and as an invited guest, the celebra tion of the 700th, anniversary of its founding. Mr. Manly speaks in high terms of the pleasure of the visit and the success of the celebration which was well attended by various national ise and lasted . during the . four days from August 14th to 17th Inclusive. We hope to hear something from Mr. Manly, on the subjeot. The Hemenway school Norfolk, Va. established and supported by Mrs. Mary Hemenway of Boston, Mass. has secured the servioes of Miss Oorinne Harrison as Principal. Miss Harrison has added to her experience in New Berne N. O. eight years successful teaching In the Boston and Quinoy schools, and a course of special study at the Harvard Annex and at. the Boston Normal sohool of Gymnastics, The Hemenway sohool, through the generosity of its founder is provided with every appointment of a first class sohool. - Soientiflo physical training aooording to the Ling or Sweedish system ;of gymnastics will form a regular part of the daily work, and private olasses in gymnastics will be open for ladies, and ohlldre in the newly fitted Gymnasium from Novem ber 1st to May. For further ' informa tion send for ciroular. Coming and Going. . - . .; Mtaa Lonella Malta! v and' MI Bessie Peterson left yesterday morning for Raleigh to enter St. Marys sohool, Mr. M. Makely aooompanylng tbetn. Mr. E. B. Haokburn returned on the Steamer Neuae from a Northen business trip , ;-? vy r:;,,frv i "'v&'t Miss - MattdMoore; returned on the steamer Neuse, from a summer visit to friends at Long Branch and New York. -Hon. W. H. Lucas, chief shell fish commissioner, cams in last night from a trip to Raleigh ia the prosecution of the work of his offioe, and Is stopping a short time In the oity at the Humphrey House." 1 v J i ' .v i Mrs. Ji T. Hall and her daughter, Mits Sudie B. Halt, returned from Visit ing relatives In Einston. . The following directors of the Atlantio and N..C. Railroad wentTdown to More- head last night to attend a meeting of the directors U Messrs. W. G. Brinson and W.T. Cahoof the oity; P. M. Pear- soli, of Trenton; J. W. Granger, of Einston; and Chas. Dewey and Arnold Borden, of Goldaboro. - Mr. Jos. E. Robinson, of Goldaboro, State proxy, Mr. W, L. Kennedy, of Einston; Messrs. L. H. Cutler, J. J. Wolfenden and Capt. J. A, Richardson, of the city, and Mr. T. H. Mallison, of Pine Grove, went down to attend the stockholders' meeting. .; Judge W. T. Fairoloth, of Goldsboro, also went down to attend the stock holders' meeting, accompanied by the following party: Mrs. Fairoloth, Misses Ada Humphrey and Lizzy Dortoa, of Goldsboro, and Miss Helen Painter, of B<irhore, and Messrs. Waller Cordon " I CI as. GrangeY of GwUiV'- on ; " iretrlp. " . New Berne a Hood Market. . Luge shipments of goods are now being dally received by New Berne merchants, whioh indioatee something mors than looal trade. For a number of years the Joubnal ha spoken of the advisability of purchasers, both whole sale and retail, patronising the market here and our merchants have met them with the lowest possible prices, which we believe are not underbidden any where. . New Berne has business relations with the greater portions of all the ad joining oounties and a number of others that do not touch the borders of Craven. Only a few days ago we were in con versation with a gentleman from the Palo Alto section of Onslow county and he much prefered New Berne to other markets, even though he had to travel over publio roads forty or fifty miles. The principal reasons that these ad vantages exist are the superior oom- merolal location of the city, the mer chants buying in heavy shipments, and so many of theae paying oash, thus taking advantage at every turn. Bates Into the Exposition. The followiog rates have been fixed by the management of Raleigh Exposi tion and for proper protection every purchaser ?has to have their "piotur" taken: Season tiokets, good for fifty-two admilons, onoe each day: Gentleman, $10.00 Ladiae, 5 00 Children, 2.50 The above ii less than 20 oenta admis sion for gentlemen, less than 10 cents for ladies, and less than, 5 oenta for child r.en. Rates fos one month, either October or November : Gentlemen, $6.00 Ladies, 3 00 Children. 150 Rates for one week: Gentlemen, $2 00 Ladies, . ISO Children, 75 oents These tiokets are i jsued very low and are not transferable, and are good for one adminion daily during the time they are issued for. They are what are known as photograph, tiokets. The holder has to have attaohed to the tick et bis or her photograph, or tin-type. This Is done to protect the Exposition from the fraud that could be praotioed in buying these lioktea and anyone using them. Unless this plan ii adopted the low piioe tiokot ean't bo plaoed on sale. The addition of a tiu-type will not oost more than 20 to 25 cents. No eripiog or nausea after using Brookfield's Liver and Kidney Pills. Will oure Biliousness, Constipation. Torpid Liver and stomaoh troubles. Sugar coated, oval. Price 25 cents. Give them a trial. For sale by F. 8. Duffy, New Berne, N. C. A Capital Appointment. Baluqh, Sept. 21. Special--Governor Holt today appointed Julian S. Oarr, of Durham, ae the representa tive of the tobaooo interests of North Carolina at the 8outhern Exposition at Raleigh, and at the World's Fair at Chicago in 1802. . . fA Common Sense Remedy. In the' matter of curatives what yon want is something that will do its work while yon. oontinue to do yours a remedy that will give you no inoon- venienoe nor interfere with your busi ness. Such a remedy is ALLOOCK s Pobous Plastkbs. These plasters are not an experiment v thev have been in use for over thirty yean, and their value has been attested by the highest medical authorities, as well as by testi monials "from -those who have used them.: They require no change of diet and are not affected by . wet or cold. Their aotion does not interfere with labor or business; yon oan toil and yet be cured while hard at work. They are so pure that the youngest, the oldest, the most delicate person of either sex oan use them with great benefit. Beware of imitations, and do not be deceived by misrepresentations. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or explanation Induce yon to, aooept a substitute.' ; To the Public. I have leased - the old reliable and popular Beams warehouse. Durham. N. 0. for a term of years. I have had many years experience in the warehouse business ana understand thoroughly how to guard the Farmer's Interest and get the highest market prices for to baooo, ' I have an elegant warehouse well equipped. The bat liaht in the world, and a well trained warehouse force. I will have my opening sale October 1st, and you will do well to have a shipment there in time. Give me a trial and I will look carefully to your interest. , Ship- to Beams ware house, uurnam, n. o., and write to , Yours very truly, . 'r . tep22im ' : Jno. B. HuTCmsaB ft Co. B0TICE. The Fourth Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the New Berne Building and Loan Association will be held at the Y. M. . A. Rail m WainiuIn night, Sept. 80th, at 8 o'olook. A full attenaanoe is requested.. . :; By order of President, ' "'; v '.J. B. B. Oabbawat, sep23td, . Seo'y and Trees, "vx''-:-7-.'-5: Notice, .r'.:::i;'; i:"j, ,; SBOBBTABV'sOmoii . NltWnilTlM N. fl A An- -IRQ! The Thlrtv.anvanth Annual Vutlna of the Btockholdnrs of the Atlantio and l.orth Carolina Kailmad Company will t k 'i at ITorflhead City on the fourth iniiisuay Mib) in l-w.wmber, laal.i F. C. i f io'y. ( " ' f f -1 ' r GOVERNOR HOLT SPEAKS. No Sympathy with Those Seeking to Monopolise the Oyster Industry ! The Law Beds Not on the Chart TJnaathorlsed Entries and Grants Absolutely Void. The Law and Not Force I lie True Remedy. Numbers of people are seeking an expression of the Governor's petition relative to the complications at the oyster grounds growing out of the attempt by individuals and oompanies to thwart the intents of the law and make the publio welfare subsarvient to their greed. Governor Holt, ia replying to a gen tleman of Pamlioo, oovers the points quite fully end we give the letter be low for the information and benefit of all oonoerned: North Carolina, Executive Dbfabt- MRNT. Raleigh, N. 0., Sept., 21, 1891. W. E. Wilson, Esq., Meeaio, N. O. Dear Sir: I have received your letter of the 14th instant, and I thank you for the kind spirit expressed in it for me personally and officially. It is gratify ing to know there are some who appreciate the difficulties which sur round the Exeoutive Department when dealing with the complicated oyster laws of this State, and are willing to accord to him pure motives and an earnest desire to be the "Governor of the people and for the people." I have sympathy with those who would monopilizs the oyster industry of the State; I do not know the name of a single individual who has entered or purposes to enter oyster grounds. My duty and my purpose are to see that the laws of the State are observed. I am aware that in the discharge of this duty I will be subject to the censure of those who from lack of proper informa tion, do not understand the situation. and will also meet the opposition of those whose interest is to evade or violate the law, but this I must submit to, trusting to the support of the good citizens of the State and to the rectitude of my purpose to vindicate my course. I proceed to reply, as best I oan. to the speoifio inquiries contained in your letter, whioh are: 1. "Do you (I) think those laying off grounds in large lots can aooording to our present laws bold them '!" I. "Ia it the intent of the law that a few men should monopilize thousands of aores of natural oyster bottom V" To your first inquiry I respond by oalling your attention to chapter 119 laws loov, particularly to seotions 4 and I am advised that under the pro visions of that aot persons may enter the bottoms of Pamlico sound, tcitch have not been ascertained and declared to be "public grounds" by whioh terms I understand are meant natural oyster beds. If within the "two mile limit" suoh ground can only be entered by citizens of this State, and no entrv shall contain more than ten aores. Outside of the two mile limit, it seems that any person may make an entry, "but no person shall be permitted to enter in any one period of five years more than six hundred and forty aores." To the second inquiry, I reply that in my opinion, it is not only not "the intention or the law that few men should monopilize thousands of aores of natural oyster beds", but on the con trary It was the dear intent of the statute and the fundamental principles permeating the whole system of legisla tion on this subjeot that no natural oyster bed, or as the statute calls it, publio grouno.," should be entered by. granted to or become the subject of control of any one person or olass of persons, but such "beds", or "grounds" should be preserved for the oommon use and benefit of all the people alike. And here I think arises the trouble we are all contending with. The act to hioh I have referred yon, seems to have aesnmed that the survey therein authorized and which waa subsequent ly made by Lieut. Winalow, under the direction of the State would discover and locate all the "natural beds" or "publio grounds." You will notioe the aot requires the commissioners to have plats made and publio notioe given of what bottoms were subieot to entry and what were not, and if no objeotion was made, they should determine finally the areas designated as "publio grounds," and all the remaining bottom not so "designated" waa declared to be open to entry. It appears from the publio reoords tbat the survey was made, the maps furnished shoving the natural beds, publication waa made, and in due time the nnal aeoision of the shell-fish - Commissioners was an nounced. But it has since been dis covered, I am informed, that there were natural oyster beds within the survey wnton were not located oy it. and that these are now being entered by parties who allege that inasmuch as thev were not "designated" by the surrey and the decision of the Commissioner, they are subject to entry and grant. What is the true interpretation of this olause of the statute is a question for the Courts and lit would be improper for me to express an opinion about it. In a case determined at the last term of the Su preme Court, it was decided that where the papers upon whioh a grant Is an- plied for are regular upon their face, the Secretary of State and the Governor have no discretion tn the matter, but must issue the' grant and let any ques tion going to its validity be settled by the Courts. So yon see that aooording to this ruling, the Governor has no power to arrest the issuing of a grant though be may be aatitued upon lafor mation not oootained in . the entry. survey and warrants that it ought aot to issue, .v. : But there Is, I am advised; a way. by whioh any wrong proposed oan be pre vented. Whenever it Is apparent, or there is reasonable ground to believe that an entry has been made and a grant is about to issue for land not sub jeot to entry, the Courts at the suit of any citizen of the State will Interpose and enforce the statute aooording to its true intent. And again, the laat Gen eral Assembly appointed a Shell-fish Commission whose duty it shall be to have "general supervision and control of the oyster industry of' the State; . . . to maie an suon regulations ae they may deem necessary and re- qm-u-e rt tue pmtpounn or the t -'e s cy-'r i I t' -t r 1 tot xov ..ad by nor. inconsistent with this aot; .... also empowered to examine and locate any natural oyster rooks that have been or may be diaoovered and have net been located and shall report the same to the Secretary of State. " It ia more thon probablo tbat this laat pro vision was intend, d to remedy the defeot, or remove the doubt in the con struction of the aot of 1887; and it might be that the Coaomiieion by proper action oan now by surveys ordered by them, or adopting surveys and discov eries heretofore made locate and designate any natural bed, or public ground which was overlooked in the Winslow survey. I do not wish to be understood a expressing an opinion on this point, but throw out the suggestion for consideration. I have no doubt all entries and grants for "bottoms" not authorized by the statute are not onlyivoidable, but abso lutely void. Now for tuy position in reference to the recent violation con duct of certain persons at Vaudemere toward the officer j makiog surveys. Those effiaers were simply performing a duty whiob they were commanded to perform. They had warrants of sur vey from the proper authorities. They were not responsible for the law, nor for any errors made by those who issued the papers under whioh they were acting. Whother the surreys would have been good in law, was not a ques tion they could determine no more than a sheriff or constable could deter mine whether a man for whose arrest he had a warrant was guilty of the orime with whioh he waa charged Can not every one see that in a civilized country it will not do to let any man or set of mon take tho laws into his or their hands and enforco them by violenco V The persons who take this course, be come themselves violators of the law, and inasmuch as suoh conduct tends directly to serious breaohea of public peaoeand the undermining of our whole system of free and orderly gov ernment, it oannot be tolerated. I hope and believe the conduct of those who made the assault referred to, does not have the approval or sympathy of the good people of that community. Tlu-.t is not the way to get rid of a bad or un popular law, but it is a vory effective way to bring communities into disgrace and individuals into Berioua danger. I have gone into this matter ot great er length than was perhaps necctssary. but I desired co have you and others undent and my views as well as the difficulties of my position and urce nil good citizens to aid me In the enforce ment of the laws. I am sir, vary eiuceroly yours, Tuos M. Holt, Governor. Conliriiieil. The favorable impression produced on he first appearance of tho agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a few years ago has been more than confirmed by tho pleaeent experience of all who have used it, and the sucouts of tho propritors and manufacturers tho Cal fornio Fig Syrup Company. "A man must eve bii time to ev'ry trade." Bsron. All of our Stacy Adams & Co'h shoos are mado to order and by workmen that liavo served their timo at the trade, therefore tbey are made right. They lit well, wear well and look well. Onr fall stock of them is now being added to con stantly and if yon need a pair of GOOD shoes, do not fail to sec us. The Prices are $3.00 to 15.00. Tlie elastic in all of them will stand. LI ate, Shoes, and Clothing, At HOWARD'S. LOOK AT Y0UE SHOES. Don't you need a New Pair? If so, we have just what you want. BARGAIN STORE. J. C. Whitty oo. ARE OFFERING FOR SALE The World Renowned Daniel Pratt Cotton Bins TOGETHER WITH THE "Boss" Cotton Presses whioh combined make the most satisfactory outfit for ginning cotton ever used in this country. Tbey also oarry a full line of Belting, Machine Oil, and Lace Leather, together with a full line of HAEDWARE. Bead for crloea and coma and axamlna weiriiocK. jney guarantee u please you, J. C. WHITTY ft CO.. ' Cor. South Front and Graven Sta. TrVeMatoci. Salesmen and Collectors To handle the Great est Maohine on earth the genuine f Singer Sewing Machine with latest improvements, beet attach ments aud handsomest. Cabinet work It Is the easiest to sell and the best to purchase, always giving satisfaction. Good territory allotted to responsible men, and a nioe, light running wacon furnished. For particulars, call on or address ' -3 . ?- THE SINGER IIF'G CO, : v Pollbok Bt. New Berne. N. O. 2'r;k sep23. : - ;:. W. T. LANE, Agent, for ChlldrenCrjjorPitcher'sjCa! .storia. ejnd Adinosqv uaoAOd f A e "im of tartar baking powder. Hiuhe I 'if all in leavening strength. Latent U. S Government Food Report REDUCTION in Old Virginia Cheroots. Also, Horsford Bread Preparation. Buy your Shot and Powder and save Money IT. FMcIi, WHOLESALE GBOOEK, MIDDLE STREET, NSW BERNE. N. O. S. W. WfLUS, AND Middle St. Now Berne, N.C. To My Patrons and the Public Generally. U&ving removed my placo of bubioees to South Fkont Street, Three doors East of the Gaston House. where I will be pleased to serve my patrons as heiftoforo. I shall keep constantly on hand A FULL LINE OF SAMPLES of the very beBt FOKKKiN ,WD DOMKSTIC (JOODS. It. SAAVYElt, sepllif Fashionable Tailor. w. a. worn:, Successor lo Maco & Co., Offers a full lino of Choice Groceries AT Lowest Prices. Also country-mnde Tuba, ltxf Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc. Proprietary Remedies and Medicines in ordinary use constantly on hand. Mason's Improved Fruit Jars -AT- L. H. CUTLER & CO. NEW BERNE, N. O. Restaurant IS NOW OPEN. Frog Legs, Quail on Toast, and O well, they will como in a little later. Regular Boarders, 85 00 per week. TranBiont. on European plan. A. E. H1BBARD, "VI7" EL t O 1. s. CL00KS. Jewelry. And Silver-ware, NEW BEENE, N. O. Repairing fteatly Done. June27dwtf ROBERTS & DRO. Wlieleaale Dealers la .. Groceries, Provisions I TOB&CCO ind SSCFP, BOOTS ni SHOES. We are also acen ts for STOCK "DIADEM" PLOTJH. every banral wan anted. A laree stock of FTIRK .WKST INDIA moijAwhks, ourown impor"tion. Oome to see oft, or send your orders Ton Will and oar Prloes a IOW as tlia Lowest. maM4wtf ' ' ROBERTS BRO WE HEAfl YOU. Stop anU look at onr line of SOCTKBIBK SPOOKS. Ask for Paul K. Wlrta' FOTJHTAIST PNS,fr.wli lot Just arrived. I torgst t say I liave just received a freelk lot of lh,e, HOCLFD GOLD CHAINS, warraote.l for six years. We give a wiitUn guarantee Ith efuh chain. Ifly STOl'K 18 WAY UP, and PBICBS ARK WAY DOVV.V. Come in and see rue. SAM. K. EATON, Middle St., opposite Baptist Char,) mail-dwir r. W. bKWKY, A. H. POWKI.L. DEWEY & POWELL. life, Fire and Marine INSURANCE. OKKlfE IN Farmers and Merchants Bank NEW BEltNE, N. C. WILL ; (J LAD TO SERVE YOU. sepl 1 2v Just Arrived : Young Kentucky and S3t Virginia lias Just Arrived with Two Car Loads of Young KENTUCKY and WEST VA, HORSES AND MULES From to "i Years Old. EXTRA FINE DEIVERS, Draft and Saddle Horses, Which Will He Sold Cheap. Also Nice Variety of Carriages, Baggies, Carts, Harness, Whips, Lap Koljcs, Dusters etc., etc. OUU MOTTO IS Quick Sales Small Profits. Call and see us before you buy; it will bo to your advantage to till so. i. mm El go. So Cig-ar 1N THE CITY, THE " FAVORITE," For Sale by LUCAS & LEWIS. THOSE UMBRELLAS have arrived and thev are beauties; especially those 8; eel Uodsaod Feather' weights. Our Fall Stock of Clothing has also arrived and comprises the Finest Selected stock we ever carried, and that is saying a great deal. We have rl-'O a lino of pretty LATEST STYLE DERBIES. Ziegler's and Crossett's Men's Fine Shoes which we have, need only to be mentioned. A full line of Ziegler's Ladies' Shoes also just received Does your Boy need a suit? See oure before buying also a nice BALL and BAT FREE with every suit. Sarrington & Baxter. J. F. Taylor Has ariivei from the North with the LARGEST. -AND Best Assorted Stock OF , . r Groceries, Dry Goods,, V Ship Chandlery &o. fto. &0. " be ever kept, and now offers to lis ' many friends inducements to oulL' ' y. B-t Quall-y of Goodij.'' , , and Lowest Price llorsesiilules