' ., i..'.' .vini, J ilA-ftfc ' J ... ') ! II it 1 1 1 iQUXD near Meadow's. Grist mill. one bunch keys.flSVWJ sCij brtk 'r08A0Ci-l i'oi jr.wvii fteJOithaet J. market prJaea.fMyoucTobaoeo.ebip it Mf Ilani WaMboMarOarkmvHAC.,i ore Jno.E Huo1WVCi ; TO ONE whrf oanrcopy musio in the services of one who undcrstetMie harmony siMsfl ntereetti t, although AGENTS WANTED. Free prepaid oirtnf toertretle men.' Sever, of one talesman .have earned .from $70 to 100 a week foryeaw part1.-!. O; Box imrweir To: " - QLD feptAWrfe&leatthe'JOyBftl. ofBee -by' the do no,' huoerW or thousand, tf IN80RE-wW4h MU.TUAIi BENE FIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Newark, N. J. and get all the bene fit of life Buranoe before; -or fter death; f; Fotiy-eiJ years inibuBlemis. Forty-six millions assets. The leading Company in the State ln 1890 Healthy male fcersonstakin f$o$ fourteefa to seventy years old fiTff i f& Wt NEW DRUG 8TORE. Drugs. Medi oli.es and Ohemloels. O. , P. PODUlar Proprietary Medicine. All varieties of uraggiat's nunuriee. Trusses anu israo a. Maw crop Qarden 8osda Fine and Large Mtook Cigars tad Vobaoeo. aix ntw. Pre asrlptlona accurately compounded (and not at was prloeev, our motto nod onr success. O. O. ORMiBN. Drnfgtet and Apothecary, : Middle St- (our doors from Pollock- im 'J onTTrf anni ,'.it rwi rvi 'at 8 am !. B. Waters. ' Tn platform of the Democrats of thi fitatrof Waahington de I -a , rtinr - s-v if . UUUUVUO bUD AIIU1VU VUl VUU(,lWOO and toeXMcKlnley tariff,. and deelaresTor frels Bllvef Coinage. The Kepnblioan campaigners are endeavoring to get tbe people to admit that they were fools last yeai4 iii condemning McKlnleyfsm andihe Billion Dollar Pongrees. " OhItjnget M. Dbpbw aaya that it Mr, Flower is elected Governor of New York, Cleveland and Hill will prove to be back numbers, and that he will be the presidential nominee. - ; Tax 1 cable brings intelligence that the whole population o( many villages in Aetrakan are absolately dying, ; from stravfttion, and Afe 1 reported that parents are compelled to eat their children. ' ' The National Woman's Farmers' Alliarictf h'a been organized in Kansas," and leotnrers are to be sent into aQ the States to organize snb Anianoes. r Their platform favors woman suffrage. Marshall Field & Go.,- im- ported $1,400 "i worth" "of 'pearl bnttqni jand' P'd I3.00Q datj ipa the lot. These buttons are to be sold to the people of Chicagoii Who will ultimately pay that 13,000 as a tribute" to -a mistaken .economio policy T-i i'.v.t'.' kim- ' The LoniBville Farmers. Home r Joornal,-- for nearly a : year the offlolal ' organ ' of the FaroieraVAl lianoey -in Kentucky, has given lip its connexion with that organiza tion. ;; Ibe reason assigned is that tbe Aftia'nqe! .wisfies Vio".",gi1 into 1 ' The Chinese, Government offers , indemnity' to trie poWrs- for the murder of foreigners and the des trnctloiyf qfi their jpirdperty;ii the recent, riots., ,A joantityof jrms for secret societies Jias been, seized, : and the Ghinese Government gives assuranoe that it is capable of pre ; servinrordei'';"; ;. .." . The Democrats of . Nebraska have "spiked a Bepublioan gun by prefacing their- , platform , with thanks' toi God .for the bountiful erops , The idea of the Bepublioan organs is that thanks should be given to the Harrison Administra tion, . but , they will ' hardly have Buffioient i assurance to contest or criticise the action of the Nebraska Democrats ,K " ' '" Eteby Eennblican in the Al liance that1 we havo' 's'een every bolter " and disorganizer; every independent; every, fellow that has been tt secret enemy o'f the'Demo- cratio party all along is howling in the Alliance foe a third party. Bat yoa rarely find a man who has been . a true, consistend . Democrat who favors party action by the Alliance State Ohroniole. This Legislature has refused to give any money for an appropria t!on at the World's Fair. Even ? the General Assembly next : r ay follow in the same coarse, ' 'a thrift and wealth and i i rid progress will be xe- I ? r : -e is tie tanner c , : ; i caji.-,::.::. mi. .,,,, .i . , nt ,1 i ,' T " 9 r-,?. TT fijjfSJf,"J)VSTISEMl NTS. Furniture polisher. "Eneas ft !Aw1BKl5CSlfBto, ' J JttBwardw JokHaU. Jsa. Red mona Annual Meeting. Imm vi m j i ana A)ontHM-MM IM hales,- & Aioeaet i esfoot taaonM the ettablieh'meat f.dailymaTl forTew Tloketa for theoonoert tonight on sale MtnaVplataok this morning at T. A. ;-fOa oiUaana ayree that a double dairy mradiplejirifTtrafcl lrfaldjiOTe rroi. vjto.-ii nmnonwiU N manga rate Prtaldenl of' the State tfnfveraity oommuoitjf f f Tho.;hp'lBteat 'nd spend the mwty money In that com unity.) ..jj.-. i j 1., --Ilr. ... i The amonnt of building- and general improvement in New Berne this year surpasses all past records and it is still inpreasing. , We understand thai Mr. Will Hunter proprietor of the Gregory Hotel, Goldi- boro, has made an assignment to Mr. John 86ntherland. - - The two Taoant ' Iota -on New street, ad j lining the Methodist parsonage has boea purchased by our townsman, Cap t. 8. B. Waters. Mr. Waters will soon build on these desirable lota. ' f The social meeting giren by the "S. W. L." to be held at Miss Maud Green's tonight, will be held next Tuesday night instead, on acoount of the enter tainment at the theatre. We ate "glad to see that cotton sold yesterday in our market for 8 cents per poun,dU Thji it, .gratifying to bur farm ing friends, aa the outlook at one time was inclining to lower flgnres. Mr. H. B. Duffy added two gentlemen to his force yesterday.; Mr; Frank Smith formerly olerk at Hotel Gregory, Goldsboro, takes the position of book keeper, and Mr. R. H. Tunnell of Hyde, that of a salesman." f Weh trust that the' theatre ' will be filled tonight, The entertainment will be of the highest order and the objsot for wfiioh it isf sivan la moat excellent. Secure' tiokets Uhlr morning, 'and thus stimulate home' talent" and contribute to a : worthy cause. 11 v Mr.! u.i jr oilman- ba growing Hi bis yard an ornamental bean known as the Florida Jaok. The seed were brought toi him from Florida by his daughter, lira. Annie Howard. . Some of the pods are jf over a foot long and two ln6hes wme., vyoeo, muy ripe tney are var nished and used as ornaments. The beans ae pretty) etbbJbn oplor. ut. j. o. Jiritue, foreman or ur. o J.v Bbeelky's plaining , mills, met with the 'misfortune' yesterday morning or having his foot so badly mangled by the lower knives of a plaining machine that amputation of the front half of it was rendered neoessary, the o Deration being performed by Dra. Duffy. ' The accident happened by Mr. Brittla'i attempting to extrioate piece of mold ing which hall oaught fast in the maohine. We are informed that it is almost a regular occurrence on Saturday night between midnight and day for a noisy crowd, presumably .who have been drinking, to make such a clamor as to disturb some citizens who reside oloee to the business part of the city. Last Saturday night they went so. far aa to move a thermometer from the door of one business house to that of another and to take away the front gate from a residence add leave it in a yard two squares away; It is hoped the offenders will be oaught and the disorderly pro ceedings Immediately suppressed. The Church Disturbance. E.' , G. Hiil, Esq., decided yesterday that Bam Idlett and Dan Foy, colored (who ware tried before him Saturday on the oharge of disturbing religious eervioea in James City the previous Sabbath) were i guilty and he plaoed them under a $gwr justinea bona each for their appearanoe at Superior oourt. A oounter, charge is ' now .'brought against the pastor of the ehuroh, Bev MoDanlel for disturbing the servioes, the defendants in the first notion alleg- tqg tht ho waa notro-eiectea ana tut in attempting to hold seryice he was disturbing a prayer netting whloh was being htld4 The trial will be held be fore yruai.!pr,$aq.1rto morrow morning. .:.:. -r;-,L?.. The Lumber Combine. v fv .s.i&-: : The twentytwt firms enumerated below were the prime msrers 'in getting np the meeting fot the protection of the Interests of lumber men bnt about one hundred other Important firms were invited to attend and oq operate in the effort?'' &.' ;M..is-?j;'V!t Pi! Johnson & Whimsatt, Thomas W. Smith, Washington, D. O.; Mullein ft Dale, Otto Duker ft Co., E. W. Horst- mler ft Son, The Tunis Lumber Co., G. E. Sloan ft Bro., and Geo. O. Tyler, all of Baltimore; W. L. Pearley, Bjeeoher ft Bao., Wilmington; J. L, Boper Lum' ber Co., Norfolk, Va., Southern Lumber Co., O. B. Lset ft Co., Suffolk, Va.; J. Steward Enlght ft Co., A!mrle LnmK Co., Mart!n tr""'Tli Co., l hiladt'pbla; Neu 1 1 1 r I ;o., : o. N. O.: aj.u. ,I "w - , i '. (!.; Ti' ""r Li n i '. C ,:V. AU - if. Co., el ti'-'"--- : - ni fii silt ,iq.,ni. i WiU Not Can Until Hovember o-U-l;' MeeareVKaMln WagneT ft CJ.? 11 do re ft Brid iGibbs Preserrin Co, and the outer prominent oyster, fsnnere unani- monaly ,deeldd at a meeting oallsd for tire purpose that they woaldnot pack any oysters In Baltimore North Carols na 6t elsewhere ptlor to tH4 Brs flay of i Xiey..,annouiKje thatthia ( aotwins taken beoauee "it is the awnwnof the ptoktrs that the picking Of oova ey sters during the warn weather Of', the;' early fall Is detrimental 'f the bes( uterest of , the !,oyster(;' industry, and , ttadt towards tbe depletion of the natural oyster beds." !1 ' ' Changes In the Priesthood. Father Thomas Ti Price, who has for a number of years been in Charge' of the New Berne Catholio ehuroh, and who has by hie geniality won many friends here, will hereafter have his head quarters at Goldaboro,"bcing in oharge of the church there and of the contig uous mission territory. He preaohed his farewell sermon here Sunday morn ing and left yesterday morning for hit new ;hoefi.aij:.::!S Father Matthias How, a young priest just graduated from St. Mary's Semi nary, at Belmont, Gaston oounty, who arrived last weok takeB up the work here at onoe. Thia parish is his first oharge. Father Ghas. E. Burns, who on ao- oount of the extent of the mission operations in whloh Father Prioe has been engaged, has assisted him in the New Berne work, will now minister to the oolored people in tbe new building on Berne street which is being erected for a combined church and school house for them. Coming and Going. Mr. Seymour Hanoock of Washington N. O. is in tbe city visiting his parents. Mr. J. M. nines left yesterday morn ing on a business trip to various points. Mr. G. H. Waters went up Kinston on a business trip accompanied by bis daughter Miss Olivia to visit her sister Mrs. O. T. Randolph. Messrs. Stanly Oaksmith of Holly wood, and Herbert and Cannie Willis from near Morehead passed through yesterday morning to'enter Vanoe col legiate Institute at Seven Springs. Mra. Basil Manly returned on the steamer Neuse from spending the sum mer in Canada. Mr. W. W. Clark went up to Kinston and Messrs. W. D. Molver and Jas. W. Waters to Kinston on professional business trips. Mr. W. H. Lane, of Pamlico, who has aooepted a situation with Mr. M. H. Sultan, came np on the steamer Trent with his family, moving to the city. Misses May Caho and Hetty Baxter, of Bayboro, left on the steamer Neuse of the E. C. D. line to enter Norfolk Female College. . M, C. A. Resolutions. At a meeting of the Executive Com mittee Of the Y. M. O. A. Friday evening the following resolution was passed: Kesoived, The meeting or all Asso ciations, Companies and other publio bodies be prohibited from meeting in the Hall of thia Association without obtaining the permission of the Execu tive Committee. And suoh Association!, and Companies being granted permis sion, shall pay for.the use of Hall, for eaon meeting tne sum or one dollar to defray necessary expenses. U.T. ADAMS, Dr. J. D. C&ABK, H.W.Simpson, A. B. Cabbou., Committee. The Tyler Desk Co. The Tyler Desk Oo.,of St Louis, Mo.. is taid to be the largest oonoern of the kind on earth. . Thev manufacture the oelebrated Tyler System of Portable Bank Counters that are unequalled In style, cost and finish; alto 200 styles of Tyler's Koyal Uffloe Desks, Typewriter Cabinets and office furniture generally. Send tor their mamoth catalogue illustrated In colors; the only work of the kind ever printed. Hooks free: pos tagt, 15 cents. Sea advertisement in today 'e paper.;!,,. j.. - , . ,'i. ' !,'. i. ii . hi,- No griping 'or nausea after, using Brookneld'a Liver and Kidney Fills. Will cure Biliousness, Constipation. Torpid uver ana stomaoh, troubles. Sugar' coated, oval. Price 28 cents Give them a trial. For' tale by F. 8; DuffVi New Berne, N. O. i J - 1 . i"1 " i-if', " r- r . Fire at Chattanooga;1 -' Ch aWamoooa. Tennl Sent. 25.-8. D. Waster's warehouse the largest in the oltr ws barned to-night. The loss it timattd In the neighborhood of 1200,000 :jj4iir Confirmed. i'f i Tbe favorable Impression produced on he first -appearance of the agreeable liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a few yeart ago net peen more than confirmed by the pleasent experience of all who have used it,-and the success of tht propritort and manufacturers tht Cal- (orata rig Byrup tympany.. Annual Meeting; Wk The annual meeting of the members of new Bern Ootton and Grain Ex ohange will be held at their rooms on Wednesdav evening September 80th. 1891, at 8 o'clock.; A full attendance it uteirea. -J' ,KABf, mbdmokd, .' ;: It yCfc' Secretary. "' " : ' Perhaps you are ran down, can't eat. can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what alls vou. You should heed the warnlns you are taking the first step Into Nervous Prostration, xou need a nerve tome and ln Eleotrio Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to Its normal, ' healthy -condition. Sur prising results follow the use Of this great Nerve Tonio and Alterative. Your appe tite retnrns; gooa atsestion H rmtorod, ana t e l iver ana .uiiievg rwmme ho" j i. Try a boUli Price bye. at 1. ti, I i -in; store. 1 '.-v : ... ' ,, i , ln ,i ''... 1 ' " , , , , , SEPTEMBER 297 1 891. Bice Quotations. (Commercial Bollettn, S. Y. pt. 21 1') We take the following on European rloe position from cireular letter of Messrs. Biahard Gough ft Co.: "In addition to the damage reported from Japan the ''general condition of rice throughout the East Indies aeems to be somewhat precarious. The shortage in some of the larger provinces of China ie undoubted, and at China is the largest consumer of rice in the world, and not an exporting oountry,' thia faot it of great weight..' Besides, in those dis tricts of India Whloh have tuff sred so severely1 from drought, there it great fear of famine and oable advioea today report large shipments from Rangoon, Basselin, eto aa being already made thithea to meet the expected deficiency. As to Japan whloh la bow the leading foreign tioe in thia market, it must be noted that her exports) have never exoeeded from 8 to 4 per cent, of her orop, so that a deficiency of 30 per oent. conservative estimates reoelved by oa ble. would produce a state of affaire exactly like two years ago. when an advance began which placed Japan rice here at 6 to (He per lb. " Referring to above, 6 to Ci. per pound for oleaned it equivalent to $1 40 to 81.60 per bushel rough. It would be folly to advise our planters to hold in expectation of getting fancy prices, but there ie oertainly no good reason why they should not get right royal results from their rice crops this year. We say unhesitatingly 81.25 per buah. good quality rough is very reasonable. Desires to Bear Testimony. Henry Thome, Traveling Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., writes from Exeter Hall, Strand, London, February 2d, 1888: "I desire to bear my testimony to the value of Allcock's Porous Plasthrs. I have used them for pains in the back and side arising from rheumatic and other causes never without deriving benefit from their application. They are easily applied and very comforting. Those engaged as I am in publio work whloh involves exposure to sudden ohanges of temperature, will do well to keep a supply of Allcock's Porous Plasters in their portmanteaus." To the Public. I have leased the old reliable and popular Reams warehouse, Durham, N. C. for a term of years. I have had many years experience in the warehouse business and understand thoroughly how to guard the Farmer 'b interest and get the highest market prices for to bacco. I have an olei-ant warehouse well equipped. The best light in the world, and a well trained warehouse foroe. I will have my opening sale Ootober 1st, and you will do well to have a shipment there in time. Give me a trial and I will look carefully to your interest. Ship to Reams ware house, Durham, Ci. C, and write to Yours very truly, sep22im Jno. R. Uutcliinus & Co. "The hat is the bull's eve of a man's attire." Anon. No suit however handsome can withstand the awful discount of a "shocking bad hat." The straw hats has been called in and you need a new fall hat. We are get ting some new ones in, the second lot this season. Give us a call if you need one. Kemember us for Clothing and Shoes. A few sample booket books, Whisk brooms, and wool half hose at N. Y. cost. At HOWARD'S. IN ADDITION TO OUR "FAV0BITE" CIGAR, We desire to call speolal attention to our celebrated "Challenge" Brand Roasted Goffee! pronounced by competent judges "TheBestr ALSO JUST ARRIVED Fresh Sogar Cured Hams, BONELESS COD-FISH, Breakfast Homioy, Samp, Crushed Oats, etc LUCAS & LEWIS. H. GILES, Piano and Furnitare Polisher , K'.:i " ' ' ' : SHOP OS, BROAD BT., NKAB MtDDLK BERNE, K. C. i ,1 j.a, ,...;,BiTimO!fIAM. . ...) ... H. Silas has polished a salt of Bed-room Furniture lor me, with whloh I am hlghty pleased. t , W.T.BiLb, i H. Giles polished some furniture for me. 1 am well satlaflhd with same and am pleased to rocommead him to ail, , - - aepJSlw , ; A Dr.OHAS. TKitr.lt, NEW BEENE THEATRE Wodneiday Erening, :v Sept. 30th, 1891, The Black Diamond : Kinstral I Troaf a! - Will kWo their first performance In New Berne, Wednesday Night, Septem ber BOth, 1881, ; ' ; ,'.'. "W VT FOB BENEFIT OF "A , ' Iks Breit Xottki Eipoaliif t ' Admission, IS, 25 and 85 osnts. , Tlokete on tale al New Berne Drag Company a Store. ai' , -j. Dooraopen al 7 o'olookv '. ik- Ferformano oommenoet promptly al 8 Si? pmmM Absolutely Pure. A Crnilm nf tartar hnkiniv iiiiu.lar Highest nf all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Government h'ovd Report Prof. Eugene Wallnau, Hancock Street, near MethodlBt church, Now Ilorne. N. I) . Eioort lMa.no nnrt iiri'in Timer and Bopalrer. educaU-il at the llnl- veisiiyor Hirlln. HallBfncUon enoranlced. Tuning fj(HJ. I'olliblng S1.IK) extru. TKSTIMONIAI.S. Miss Kannle Hollnntl, Muh'i 'Jorclier. New liorno. N . C Miss Marian B. Kadnlltr, Vooal 'J'eachnr, e iieino, N. c Prof. Qalesp'e, frlnclpnl orl'arhoro (.'ollcue. Mrs. Jalle Stat ton. Musi.; Tej'lur Orecnvllle. N. O., January ;:.J IM1: Mr. Eugene Wallnau, Dear sir: It gives mo great plrasure lo assure your pitrons nf your thorouf li ahlllly as a Tuner, and 1 Kive o-,i i.ho i;: riy or using my name as a testimonial. Kespcctfully, Mrs. L.OU1B C. Latham: Mr, Sugbne Wallnau isengige hb l'lano Tnner In the Groenviil C lli'S", :ui.l IuiIihs proved himself a very con pntcjiL and care ful workman. He Is a Rem toman mul c:.n sclentlously performs the- work cntruicil to him, and having? given perlect ratitfuirilou. 1 Rive him, unsolicited, this testimonial of his work,commendinehtKserv!r"i.- Enpn-tly? In wantofa reliable tuner and i n-nrer. l'rol. Jolui tju kju, Principal of Gi't'otivilic '"l '"U'c, (ITOPIIVIH, N. ( Mrs. A. O. Hunter. Music Tenchor. We have just received a hice line of MisBes and Children Coat Bntton Shoes with Solid leather soles, Guaranteed to weak. Sizes from 9 to 2, hoel ami spring heel, with cap or plain toca. If you want a good school t-hoe not too heavy thia will suit, BftBQ&ll STORE. Miss Corinne Harrison (Formerly of Now Berne, N. O.) Will be glad to send descriptive circu lars of the llememeay School for Boy b and Girls to applicants. Address Mies COUINNK UAitlllsiON, sep216t Norfolk. Va. Gold Wave Coming! rr.TOriifAitrthtriiiAffiatgi!!! Full Line of Heating Stoves L. H. Cutler & Co. Special Cut Prices, To Close Out My Stock of CAN FEUITS. Former Cut Price. Price. 8 ffc cans U yellow Peaches .sue. 2Co. 8 lb cans all yellow full stand Peaehes, . Rw. 25o. BlboansUallfornuvOreenUase Hie. V.rw. 8lboana " KggPlunn c. lie. 8 tb cans " White Cherries H5c. -jr ; 8 lb cans " Apricots .'liw. 2So. 8 lb cans " Muscat Qrapes i,c, 8 lb oans " Prnnee ln syrup 3Uu, 20c. 2 lb oans Sliced Pineapple 2So. !iuo. 2 a, oans " " sua. 16c. All of these brands of fruits are guar anteed to be good, John mm. i If. you have not tried my new drinks, COCA COLA 110 6RAPE PHOSPEiTB, do to at onoe; they are refreshing and invigorating. Give me a trial. New Berne, N. O. 6 18 d w tf FOR SALE. Two BRAND NEW Georgia Cotton Gins, 35 and 45 Saws each, for sale by Big Ike' at 45 and 65 dollars, each. Factory prico 90 and 115 dollars, each. Ginnora will do welt to call and lewMai; J. 0. Whittyco. ARE OFFERING FOB SALE The World Renowned DanisS Frail Cotton Gins TOflKTJiEIt WITFf THE 3oss" Cotton Presses' whiuh combined make the most I satisfactory outfit for gicnini; cotton ; tver used in this country. They aiao carry a full line of I Belting, Machine Oil, ' and Lace Leather, I toKetlmr with it (nil lino of H-AJRmV-ARE. i Senl for prices antl conw and examine Uielratook. They suftramt- u pleiuiH you. j J. C. ' V UIT'J Y m. Tor. Houtli Kroul hih1 craven Hta. . vmC4TiiTdrd ' Virginia Cheroots. Also, Horsford Bread Preparation. Buy your Snot and Powder and save Money WHOLESALE GBOOEK, SlfBDLE STREET, NEW BEKSE. K. O. To My Patrons and the Public Generally. Hiving removed my placo of business to : Soi.Tlt FlJONT StJvEET, Tbrpn iloors Eaet of the Gaston Home, where 1 will be pleaeod to serve cij pitrone ss herotoforj. I sha'.l koer c jiutiintly on hand A FULL LINE OF SAMPLES of tho vory beat F(iki;h;n and Domestic Coons. II. SAWYEii, sepUl' Fenhionabie Tailor. W. A. AYHITE, SucctLior to Macu & Co., Oilers a full line of Choice; Groceries Lowest Prices. Also country -uibde Tubs, Roof Paints, Oils, Diushos, utc. Proprietary Ramodies an.l Medicines ii. ordinary use constantly on hand. auram is fjsw ?m Frog Lens, Quail ou 'Coiff, anil O well, they will conio in Mule mut. Regular Boarders, $ 00 por w Transient, on Kuropeuu plan. l ie. mmm, "W" O, t O JtX G J3, CLOCKS, Toweli-ya, And Silver-ware, NEW BEKNE, N. O. Repairing Heatly Done. June27 uwtf M0TICE. Tbe Fourth Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the New Berne Building and Loan Association will be held at the Y. M. O. A. Hall on Wednesday night, Sept. 30th, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is requested. Uy ordor of President, J. It. B. Cauraway. sep23td, Seo'y and Troas. Wholesale Dealer In Groceries, Provisions TOBACCO ond SNUFF, BOOTS and SHOES. Wn nr. ft left u.nl. fni. U TI ll ' I.- , . 1 1 t i i.- . , PLOUB, avery barrel wananted. a large iiock or jriJKE WBaT INDIA MULA8HE8, our own Importation. Come to see us, or send your orders Tou will and our Prices as LOW aa the Lowest. maj'ildwtf ROBERTS k BRO Grand Musical Treat In store for the oitizens of this good old city, under tho auspices of LADIES' AID SOCIETY OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH, AT 1H.U New Berne Theatre, TUESDAY 'EVENING, Oeueral Admission! : ' -s 85 cents. Reserved Seats, , 4 60 " Qallery . , , ... as For: farther information tee small bills. . , - PRICE 5 CENTS," FOR SALE. 1 1 1 A Very Valuable Truck Cotton and Coin Plantation,' And-ottie'if tbe land Is eonslderedto he aa flne f iil vi-o land aa win the eastern part of toe state k.iee mlm from the ey it Hew Kern.-, n uio poblle road to WaahlBRtoa anrt on tim A . N.c. K. R., and one of Uio uiosteoiiveulent forfethipplng 1a thooouiity. roT tub, ohout 50 aerea cleared, wait .1 i. iii. i ..i ; feiiru-d, in tine state of eultlva pnn, tin. bslnnee in original growth. l:wt:iii with hIjc iiK)ma and kltehav; Im:;." i r ; b.-jsu meat bonae; two barns; --j.L. f r - : iaulei: hlx tram balldlnaa, wil . i '. niif.yf. on paratively new, tor laiK-ui.-a. 1 1 . -i ..er wiih other ontbolldlnga. I'll iii-i : villsell wlih farm, thogrow lnu eni), mule., ai d otlier slock, oorn, (od der, ha . i i! al! Ihe farm Implements. 1 Alf. iiih Kiown Cotton UlB With 1'i-eiUr u'-.l .'oriae-.B'-r. one S bona power rn.uo s i.-'Mi-i;, pu:ies and beltinK, ono in h.ir-i- pou-i r return tnbnlnr Boiler, and on fnr Crcis-all In good order. Wilt si ll wi.'i or 'u: I inn. t'oriin on.. I. ( ii,,., inn balance In .one an. tvvoj.Mri ! mi'. Ad(reat. K. B. COX. ju!7 d::mwlt i;ox 32, Sew Berne, N. U. m mm you. Hioii i..ii:ooli.at our line oftsOVVKMlK Sl'ISOti. Af i "mil K. Wlite' PornTAI PSuMS, rr.,3n lot Just arrived, 1 forg.'t to Bay I have Just reci-lve.J a fresh lot or those BDLLKD COLD CHAINS, warranted for six years. We give a written guarantee with each chain. My STOCK IS WAY UP, and PRICES ARK WAY PPWN. Come In and see me. SAM. K. EATON, Middle Ht opposite Baptist Churun. mayJ Jwtf AND Olioese. Middle St. iir6w Berne. N.0. Ii.i:idwtf ' ist Arrived: Umg Usfefcy and West Virginia Horses! lilies Has Just Arrived , - 11 ('.ii- l.oatls of Younpr i. !'.N n'cl- -,.).) WEST VA. K0.;IR a:D MULES ' :: ': to Years Old. i.Xiiv.A FINE DRIVEKS, i)i,u; .-mil S,t(li!(f Horses, Wiii.-h Will ilo Sold Cheap. Ala .) Nice Variety of Car -o;- ., Binigi-is, Carts, li.uiiHss, Whips, L:ip Itobi-s, Dusters etc., etc. n MOTTO IS Qujok Sales Small Prts. t';i.l and beo us before you buy ; it will Lo to your advantage i, mm & oo. TH0E UMBEELLAS have arrived and they are beauties; especially those Sieel Rods and Feather weights. Our Fall Stcck of Clothing ban Hl'f arrived and comprises the Finest Selected stock wo ever carried, and that is saying great deal. We have elso a line of pretty LATEST STYLE DERBIES. Ziegler's and Crossett's Men's Fine Shoes which we have, need only to bo mentioned. A full line; of Ziegler's Ladies' Shoes . atao in at rAnflivAti. Dnnn vniir Tirv -nnrrl a art if V Qoa nrm before baying also a nice BALL and Dili vulvj wun every suit. Barrington & Baxter, J. F. Taylor Han ArrlvArl frnm .ti Metk -avltli (k - 'vm wua fuw wa SMa wv asM auv LAEGE8T , -AHD- Best Assorted St::!: ' , ' OF , .' Groceries, Dry Goods, ; Ship Chandlery i - &o. dto. : , &o. ba ever kept, and now offers fo b'! many friends inducements to call. s Bft Quality of OoocIt, and Lc r 1 1 . . -a- .T. . a ....

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