HE 'AILY OURNAL. iVOL:;x,-No. 172. NEW BERNE, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. ,. BUSINESS LOCALS. BARGAINS ia beautiful ork-batke!i tenoy stylee job lot jnat received. . i J. BOTBB. I SMOKE Genuine Cuban Tobeooo. 'oot8tf ' T7OUND near Meadow'e GiiatmM, -T one bnnoh keys, Apply at, - tf " JOCBHAL OfflO. j TOBAOCO. If you want the highest market prion for jronr Tobaoeo ihip -. it to Reimi Warehouse, Durham, N. 0., eara Jno. B. Hatchings & Co. TO OOTS who can copy muslo In a olau style, I wilt give work at in terval! during the winter. I prefer the service! of one who understands -harmony rand' counterpoint, although , this knowledge is not necessary. . epl8tf Cha8. L. Gaskill. NEW DRUG STORE. Drugs, Medi ates and Ohemloals, O. P. Popular Proprietary Mediolnes. All varieties of Druggist's Sundries. Trasses and Brae s. Mew erop Garden Seeds. Klne and Large Htoek Cigars and Tobacco, all new. Pre scriptions accurately oom pounded (and not at VA a prices), our m"tto and our success. U. O. QKiKN. Drnirglst and Apothecary, Kiddle St.. four doors from pollock. janHily . ' ' fj Tst Old North State is making a grand display of her resources and industries this week at the Southern exposition in Raleigh. Wash. Post. Yesterday we said the "Dur ham Glove is two years old." or course we 1 intended to say the Globe, but the mistake was not so bad jtfter all, for the Globe is al ways' on hand and fits exactly. Ws agree with the State Chron icle that it is a great mistake to Bay that the Sab-Treasury is the ultimatum of the Alliance. They are in the fight for a reform of the present Republican financial sys tem, and they are going to help ' those who can and will secure the best and most feasible reforms. They are using the Sub Treasury as a basis, and they are rady to abandon it for soinothiug th tu will increase the currency and provide for its proper distribution and not be open to the objectionable fea tures of that plan. "The Swedes and Norwegians are not on the best of terms at home, and their mutual antipathies come with them to this country. These feelings have latterly as sumed such pronounced and vio lent shape in Minnesota that the people of both nationalities are determined that the representa tives of neither shall hereafter be recognized in American politics. This will simplify the political situation in Minnesota materially where the Norwegians and Swedes have hitherto developed a vigorous appetite for office." It is not surprising to learn that . England heads the list of foreign claimants against the new Chilian government for damages incurred "by ft late war. Over 150,000,000 . Indemnity will be asked for losses r'6n nitrate works, .and there,. are r Individual English claims amount ing to j $10,000,000 or 120,000,000 , Mmoraf The Spanish" and ' Italian ;ms aifroult, to ,$$,pd0,D00 eloh, while thq. United, States, notwith standing! the ! fact ' that Minister JSgan was insulted, the American 1,, legation policed,' and the : warship - Baltimore mobbed, only puts in a modest bill of $25,000. ' " 3JAM ' ; i .)' . u W Among the important cases to be decided at the present term of the Supreme Court are those 'of Stein bach & Co., of New York, and Marshall Field & Co., of Chicago, v'r.i? utyt wo Mvuguu ;wiiu imp .jviun of obtaining an authoritative deter mlnation in regard to the validity "of the McKinley tariff law. Both of these firms paid, under protest, - the duties Imposed by that law upon certain goods which they im- ported. Their - protest - was ' considered by the board of general ''appraisers and' decided adversely! ? Aocordinglyf the f cases ;now come to the Supreme 'Court for final v adjudication. :. rMnv'i , jTHatBfwklya(iStadarQlUnion refers to the the meeting at whioh Cleveland presided and Hill spoke l,aa, the 1 ' gDemocratio (i, "Comedy." - Contra: Biohard' Orokerthe chief sachem of the Tammany wigwam, says: "The speeches of Mr. Cleve land and Governor Hill will have a great effect, and will unite all good Democrats in support of the State tioket. The Democratic campaign ' has been opened, and the Repub lioans will soon find out that they , . are on the defensive. From now until election dajr jou will hear the Xc-i-cc.Llc) side? of Jail issues. In v v nsy r-'-'-", tta presence of Clevf 1 land and Eill at the meetfngis raod lor 23.000 votes for Mr, Kiirsr E2a;;t!i8 entire Democratic LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' John Suter Bargains. W. A. White First Chanee. : J. M. Howard See Notloe. Dr. W.L. Lassiter Professional Card Cotton New Berne Market Sales yesterday 86 bale at 7 1-4 to 8. The Newa ' and Observer Bays that between five and six thousands visitors were on the Exposition grounds Wed nesday. , Cox & Cox of Belle Haven resume oyster canning operations this week. This ia the first cannery lathe State to begin this year. . The New Berne Improved Cetton Ginnery has steamed up and made a satisfactory trial of the machinery. It ia about ready to begin operations The inquest held over the steamboat agent that fell into the river yesterday found the following verdict: "He escaped drowning from causes unknown to the jury," Our regular Stonewall correspondent sends information of the death of Mr. H. H. Muse, a kind and honest man and exoellent citizen of Pamlico coun ty. He died at his home on the 14th iast. , aged 73 years. Aloizo Rhem charged with violating the oity ordinance against disorderly conduct was fined 85 and costs yester day, by Mayor Manly. An appeal was taken to Superior oourt and he was plaoed under 9100 bond. Loses by fire sometimes occur by neglect to examine flues at the com mencement of oold weather to see whether they have in any way become defective during the summer. A word to the wise is sufficeut. All regular correspondents to the Journal will please have their Items reach us not later in the week than Monday. Also we would respectfully say that no long artiole need expect to be published unless paid for. The oase of E. L Smith vs. tie schooner Melven being an action brought by plaintiff for wage which be alleged were due was tried by JudKe Seymour at his office yesterday and deoided in favor of the schooner. We publish in this issue the profes sional card of Dr. William L .Lassiter. Dr. Lassiter is a young colored man who recently graduated from the medi cal department of Howard University, District of Columbia, and comes here highly recommended, and is a native North Carolinian, from Northampton oounty. Greenville is working for a smoking tobacco faotory. The Rsfieotor says the stock subscriptions have reaohed suffioent proportions for the enterprise to organize and v meeting has been called for the: purpose of electing a board of direotors and taking all other steps neoessary to securing the charter aid starting the faotory. The Superintendent of the United States coast' and Geodetic Survey gives notioe to mariners that red can buoy, No. 4, has been substituted for the red day-beaoon, with the same number, formerly shown in a position from whioh Weir's point bears, N. E. dis tant four-fifths of mile and also that the blaok day-beaoon formerly shown in a position from whioh Weir's point bears North, distant one and three-fifth miles has been removed. These ohanges effest charts 140 and 408. Coming and Going. Mr. J. O. Whltty returned yesterday morning from attending a meeting of the Baptist Atlantio Association. Mrs. O. E. Slover, Mrs. E. B. Ellis and Miss Lizzie Ellis went up to Raleigh to attend the Exposition and Mr. J. E. Latham and Mr. B. M. Brinson also left to attend the Exposition. Mr. E. J. Matthews left to visit his mother at Oreedmoor, Granville oounty. Mr. J. M. Mocdy left to send some time in the western part of the State. Tiles Nannie Hill returned last night from a visit to relatives and friends in Greene and Lenoir counties. Increase of Hay Culture. The Scotland Neck Democrat notioes ith approval that more than an ordi. nary quantity of peavine and other hay has been saved by the farmers of its seotion tnis season and assert that there is no necessity for farmers to buy any hay as it can be grown in abun dance there. H U iniu viuuu. The same holds trne of Graven oounty and our people ' are giving more atten tion than formerly to this orop. -' Borne farmers are raising good quantities of it and, harvesting it with improved maohinery horse mowers,' and horse rakse but there is nothing like the supply raised that should be. Then is not even enough to meet the demands of looei oonramptloQ- ' Many cargoes of Northern hay are brought to New Berne very , winter but thli state of thinis ought to be reversed ?No only ought each farmer to raise as mush forage of every diaoription a he uses but there ought to be a rasplna large enough to supply the demands of. the city and also to admit of shipments being made to Other sections. . . ,,, - : 4- nisrja-aw . Krai Mil il iliiisW.' Mangled All the Occupants. BiunKQEAat, Ala.,' ' Ool. 18. Last night six laborers on a construction train at Eneley City went to sleep ia oar where a red-hot stove .'was : elose to two kegs of powder. The powder Ignited and exipodea, blowing the oar to fragment," kUling" 6am Williams, John. Jones, Orange Flumbt, and Frank luilur, and fatally injuring Bandy Korwey ana utnry trauma. v FAIRS. Their Iiencilts-The New Berne Fair Its Good Effects Our Next One. Fairs and expositions are a topic of the day. TheGoldsboro and Elizabeth City Fairs have recently been held, week after next the Albemarle Park Association is to hold its third annual Fair in the latter oity, the Southern Inter-State Exposition is now in pro gress in Raleigh and also the North Carolina State Fair whioh is being held this week in connection with the Expo sition, and the preparations for the World' Fair to be held in Chicago are being made on a colossal scale and fur nish abundant opportunity to those who wish to expatiate on the marvellous growth and present power and influence of this glorious oountry. In the midst of these things lot it be borne in mind that eight month's have passed away since the last New Berne Fair the fourth annual exhibition of tho East Carolina Fish, Oyster. Game and Industrial Association was held and that tfio time ia comparatively near for us to show once mora to assembled multitudes the handiwork of our artisans, the products of our factories, the resources of our tioh fields, forests and waters and the present progress and future capabilities generally of this naturally rich and productive region. Owing to the wide range, varied character and superiority of the ex hibits the fame of our former Fairs has spread widely and this city, county, and eastern seotion of North Carolina is coming more prominently into notioe tban ever before and a stimulus to in dustrial activity, and the promotion of a solid confidence in its oontinued in crease and in the future still greater development of our latent resources, and in the assuranoe of continued ad vance in prosperity are direct benefioial results flowing therefrom. The officers of the Fair are on the alert as neual and working with a will for the next exhibition. They will soon hold a meeting and decide upon the exact date for holding it. In the meantime and until tho Fair opens let every man, woman and obild of Craven and surrounding counties re member that they have a direct interest in it and thut upon each individual, as such, rests a certain proportion of the responsibility for the measure of its success. Plan well ahead cf time for the Fair. Select and save something nice for it whenever you have the opportunity and more than that put forth extra effort and make something purposely for it. This has been a splendid year for both the city and country and with the help of each one who made exhibits at the last Fair, augmented by the help of their neighbors whom by a few words they can Induce to do likewise at the next Fair, the exhibition can be made even more of a surprise to the visitors than the proceeding ones. Every man and woman to the work and keep the matter moving. What the Flags Sean. The weather signals of the North Carolina State Weather Servioe which are hoisted daily (exoept on Sunday) at the A. & N. C. R. R. depot indioate the weather for the following 24 hours. Four flags, a black triangular one and tnree square ones otherwise oolorsd are need. The white flag indioate olear or fair weather no rain; the blue flag rain or snow; the white flag with a blaok square at the oentre a oold wave, and the blaok triangular flag is the temperature signal. . The arrangement of the flags as they are displayed gives still more particular information as to the weather to be ex pected. The black flag (temperature flag) when" plaoed above the white or blue one betokens warmer weather; when plaoed below, either of them colder weather; when not displayed, temperature stationary, or that the change In temperature will not vary five degrecsj of the same hour of the preceding day. The white flag with a blaok square in the centre, (cold - wave flag) indicates the approach of a sudden aad deoided fall of temperature. This signal is usu ally ordered at least 24 hours, in advance of the oold wave. It is not displayed unless a temperature of 86 degrees or, less is expected, and the regular temperature flag is not dU' played with it.. The oold wave flag also means that a frost will ooour. - - Besides the four flags spoken of there Is still another, a half blue and half white bnei This ia the looal rain flag; It means ..that there will be rain in the immediate seotion but that it will not be general. ,-i . r :. . v Snow Falls in Maryland. vUMBSBLAND. Md.. UOt. BttOW WH reported at Band Patch, about twenty five miles west of this city , yesterday afternoon, and advice from trostburg, eleven mile north of here, state that i number of flakes fell there. This is the first snow of the season reported In this vicinity i .1 ., Probably Means War With China. Shanghai, ? Oot - 14. The foreign ministers hare broken off negotiations vrltu then government and have an nonnced to China that bow their own governments must act...-- -.1 .. u - .-" t" '.', in . i-imtfi-.l'-fe. Gratifying to All.' The high position attained and the universal acceptance and approval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Syiup of rigs, as tne most exoellent laxative known illustrate the value fof the qualities 'on Whioh Its sucoess is bassd and are abundantly gratifying to the (Jaiuorniarig cyrup uompany.- I5TADED BY RUSSIANS. China and England Protesting Against Operations in Asia. London, Oot. 13. The Chinese min ister to Germany has arrived at St. Petersburg from Berlin ia consequence of sudden and urgent orders from Pe kin regarding Russian encroachments upon Pameer. the extensive tablo land of Central Asia, called from its altitude "Thereof of the world." The Chinese goverment became alarmed over the advices that the Russians bad penetra ted far beyond the frontier of this distriot, and the minister was instruct ed to proceed to St. Petersburg and obtain positive assurances with regard ti the intentions of the expedition. China and England are aoting in oon oert in the matter, owing to the receipt of trustworthy information to the effect that the teritory of Afghanistan has also been violated, Sir R. B. Morier, the British ambassabor to Russia, and De Stael, the Russian ambassador to England, are now both in London, and today had a long conference at the foreign office. Woman in the Church. Washington, D. C, October 13. Toe discussion of "The Church And Her Agencies," was oontinued at this morning's session of the Ecumenioal Methodist Conference today. The essay ou this subject was deliver ed by Rev. Benj. St. James Fry, M. E. Church, St. Louis, and editor of the Central Christian Advocate, Rev. Wm. Gorman, of Belfast, Ireland; Prof. J. P. Landis, of Ohio; Rev. Thomas Hunt, of England; Rev. W. F. Oldham, of Pitts burg; BiBhop Hood, of the African M. E. Zion Church; Rev. O. F. Reid, of Kentucky; Rev. J. W. Hamilton, of Boston, and others Bpoue, and they all favored having women take an active part in church work and ocoupying tho pulpit if they wished to do so. The Lottery Business Dying Out. Washington, D. C, Ootober 13. The Postmaster-General has received a report from an Indiana postmaster, who lately visited county postoffloes in his district, stating that the lottery busi ness is dying out in Indiana, and that in his own oity, where the lotteries for merly had great patronage and did perhaps $2,000 worth of business a month, the income of the lotteries from the same territory at the present time is less than 8200 per month. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. "Live well Die never Die well Live forever." Old Epitaph. Lire as woll as you can afford, and wear the best clothes yoo can pay for, and when you need any thing to complete yonr winter wardrobe give us a trial. We have just received a new lot of the cele brated tailor made suits of the Stein Bloch Co. They are the most per fect fitting clothes we ever handled. Onr Stacy Adams & Co's shoes are considered by all that wear them to be the best in the market. J. M, HOWARD. Dr. W. D. LASSITER, Will practioe in New Berne, James City, and vicinity. Office hours from 9 to 11 a. m. and from 3 to 0 p. m., at Solioitor Geo. H. White's law offioe. on Orrven St., near South Front, octl6d&wtf New Berne, N. O. W. A. WHITE, BOOT OF lRIDDIiB STREBT, Dealer In Oaneial Merchandise, otters a good line of Groceries, Dry Woods, Boots, Shoes, &e. Choice Twill Tobacco 20c. per Poasid. First Chance For tliofte coming to tbe city by water and landing at me market aocc to supply themselves- Last Chance For tbcao leaving the same way. QIVK US A TRIAL. Low Prices. Proposals Wanted. Proposals are wanted immediately for Water Works and Eleotrio Street Railway by tbe City of New Berne. dwtf Wm. Ellis. Ch'n Com. on Water Works and Eleotrio Street Cars. 'The Challenge Coffee 13 THE BEST, Fresh Roasted "-AND-i Ground to Order. Only 30 Cent Per Pound. NEW LOT OF -AND-, White Grean Cheese, LUCAS & LEWIS. till Fall and Winter Millinery goods. ' ' . t m ii ...hi With the assistance of Hiss KATE FALLIN, an experienced Milliner, I am now prepared to wait on oaller. and show the t.a.iu:ti' bixl&o in Laces, Bibboas, Feathers, Flowers, . NOTIONS, e. Orders from the country solicited and promptly nuea. Mrs. BETTIE WHALEY, North ride Pollock St.. two door above Middle. ' - ',: '. loiaddcwiw Daffy's Cough Mixture. I, -i. Ceil, (or B.: N. DUFFY'S COUGH IftXrttBjr. and see that ms SIMM U . ..uj . t., '-ft ,. u, .. I.; printed on the wrapper before you take tt,.,;otjterwlse , jou.ay,!lay!,,.Cngh Syrup passed on' yOd Which1 Jrotf did spill Baking POWDER Absolutely Pure. A crain of tartar baking ponder. Highest of all in leaveniDg strength. Latent U. S. Gorernmmit Food Report 1891. Millinery. 1892. Fall and Winter We have now ready for the trade, the latest and most desirable styles for ladies and children, at pricos to suit all, and will be glad to see all the ladies on THURSDAY, OCT., 15th, as it will be a epeoial day for displaying Patterns, Hats and Novelties. Octl4if MRS. S. H. LANE. MILLINERY OPEfflSiG. Miss HAKRIETTE LANE Will display an Elegant Stocl, of Fine Fall and Winter Milliner? Goods Thursday and Friday, Oct. 1 5 .and 1 0, All the LATEST NEW YORK Styles will be shown at prices thnt will as tonish all who favor her by calling to see them. oct.ludlw. HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION Is called to the fact that Jno; Iixiixi HAS THE Most Complete Stock OF CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES in the city. Completo in every department. Quality of the Highest and Prices as Low as any Grocery in the city. Ho requests a call from the ladies to satisfy them that what he claims is a fact indeed. Confectionery Department Is supplied with tho very nicest lines of goods, imported fresh each week. To satisfy the public and to secure an early call he will give for tho next 30 days the following low prices: Chocolate Cream Drops, best Marsh Mallow " ' Caramels, ' Cocoa Bon Bons, And all fine goods of Whitmans & Miller's Thila. make, at Rock Bottom Prices, only 25c. per lb. A nice Mixed Candy, pure and good, 20c. Flam Candy, 15c. Choice iruita, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, and everything in this line at equally low prices. A call will be appreciated. oclOdw THOSE UMBRELLAS have arrived and they ara beauties; especially those Steel Itodsand Feather weights. Our Fall Stock of Clothing haa also arrived and comprises the Finest Selected stock we ever oarried, and that ia saying a great deal. Wo have also a line of pretty LATEST STKLE DERBIES. Ziegler's and Crossett's lien 'a Fine Shoes which we have, need only to be mentioned. A full line of Ziegler's Ladies' Shoes also just reoeived. Does your Boy need a suit ? See ours before buying also a nice BALL and BAT FRKE with every suit. Barrington & Baxter. J. G. Whitiyco, ABE OFFERING FOB BALE The World Renowned Daniel Pratt Cotton Gins TOGETHER WITH THE "Boss" Cotton Presses Whioh combined make the most satisfactory omfH for ginning ootton ever used in this country. They also carry a full Una of Belting, Machine Oil, ' end Lace Leather, rV ' together with ft fall line of J HARDWARK: Bend for prir.es and come and examlna ttwirstovkV Xhey guarantee to plea too J r Casv Boath Front and Craven Btavi . All Whom It Ulay Concern! I have not enlisted in the Grocery, Confectionery, Tobacco or Orjstcr War, (nor do I intend so doing, it le a luxury I cannot afford.) but I am still selling me nneet lJWNLY'S I liocolates and lion Hons. WHITMAN'S Candles. I'liil8(lelihia KENE1V Cak;s. A Oltb-aW-d Fancy Aleo, FruilH, Smoking ntid Chewing Tobacco, Victim, Saiuksr'a Arliclee etc. Also dibpent-ing Coca Coin, Mineral and Soda Water to thono in need, at the Lowest poxniblc pi-kcx. .. I ai;' - ill in my little xlorc j.jat around the eo. . c of Pollok, m Middle Street. Come ami tu'H roe. 0ll2m SAM It WVTKH3. New Goods! We are recoivieK new goo'ln by every steamer. NOTICE OUR Special Low Prices! Jelly ; : ; 10c. lb Preserves . ; lL'.jc. " " 5 lb pails, 75c. 31b Standard Peaches 15 & 20c. can 31b " Pio " 10c. ' 21b ' Cherries 15c. " Fulton Market Corned Beef 8c. lb Boneless " " 8c. " Finest Sugar Cured Hams 14r. " Loose Pickles : : 10c. doz White Pull Cream Cheese, 15c. lb Good Green and BiackTea, 50c. Hi Best " " " 75c, " Oar Special Blend Koaated Coffee 30 and 35c. per pound. And a full line of other fancy Groceries coo numerous to mention. Thanking you for your past favors and trusting you will give us another trial, we are Very Kespectfully, CHURCHILL & PA11KI5K, Ilroad Street. BEWARD. We will pay TEN DOLLARS for Evidence Sufficient to Convict the Person who Spits Tobacco Juice on Our Show Windows Every Night. Stop nnd look at our linn (IMTVKN1H SPOONS. A8(c for Paul K. V. irln' PUNS, rreah lot Just arrived. KOIHTAI I roi'Kt lo way t liavf Jii!l ivooh is: a frt-sU lot of those KOLXaTCD -OM 1I.1IS, warranted for six years. We give a written guamntee with tacb clinic. MySTOl'KIS WAV IP, iml TUICKS ARK WAY DOWN. Come in ml d see me, SAM. K. EATON, Middle HI., opposite Baptist Chur . may 22 lstp dwtf Riding Vehicles. We are prepared to make to order anything in the line of Drays, Carts, Buggies, or other Riding Vehicles. All work built strong and finished in a handsome manner, G. H. WATERS & SON. New Berne, N. C. au25dwtf UJitki States ok Amckioa, Kaatern District of North Carol Ira. U.S. District Court, 1'amllco District. Jno. T. Dnnn et als. vs. The Steam lug N. W. A. Cohb. her tackle, etc etc. IN AHMIRALTV NOTICE. All nereons who mar be Interested In the balance of the proceeds arlBlng from the saleol said Tug. are hereby notified to ap pear nnd make their claims at the next term of the said Dlntrlot court of the U. H. to be held In New Hern, M. J on the 4th Monday octi:;ul GEO. OKKKN, OInrk. in imuiuvr, iwii jjv uiuerui itm noun, FOR SALE. A Very Valuable Truck, Cotton and Corn Plantation, And some of the land Is considered to be as floe Tobacco land aa la In the eastern part of tne rjiate tnree mnea irom tne euy 01 new Berne, on the pnbllo road to Waahlnaton and on the A. N. U. R. K., and ona of the moat convenient for shipping in tbe oounty, SOT acres, about 1150 acres cleared, well ditched and feneed. In line state of cultiva tion, the balance in original growth. DwelUn with alz rooms and kitchen: large cistern; brlok meat house; two barns; stables for ten moles; six frame buildings, with brlok ohlroneys comparatively new, for laborers, together with other outbuildings. If desired. I will aall with farm, the now lng crop, mules and other stock, corn, fod- aer, nay, im u ia. itrm implements. Also one SO saw Brown Ootton Gin with Feeder and Oondenser, one 8 hone power Bnglne, shafting, pnlleya and baiting, ona 19 horse power return tubular Boiler, and one Power Press all In good order, Will ell wlthorwlthont farm,- - ' . . Terms, one half oath, the balance In one ,'V.r -"!. B. COX,' , Jn'T flJmwlt , Sox 33, New Barn, S. O. Prof. Eugene Wallnau Bannock street, near Methodist chnroh. New Heme, N. O., Expert Piano and Organ Inner aud Repairer, educated at the Unl versliynf B:rlln. Hatlsfactton cnaranteed. Tuning 8:1.00. follsblag J1.00 extra. TESTIMONIALS. Miss Kanule Holland, Music Tercher, New Berne. N. C. Miss Marian It. Eadc'.lff, Vocal Teacher. New Berne, M.O. Prof. Galefp e. Principal of Tarboro College. Mrs Julie Htatton, MubIo Teacher. (Ireenvtlle. N. C, January 3rd, 1881: Mr. Knuene Wallnau, Uear .Mr: It irlvca me great pleasure to ansurx your p . trou. of your thorough ability Tuner, una 1 Kive you the liberty of UBlnt; my na:iM- uh a l.t-B'.imonlul. lU-iii-irtfully, Mrs. Louis C. Latham: Mr. FikIii,.' Wallnau Is engaged as Piano 1 nner In (ireeuvliin i :i lege, and he haa prov, il IttuiKi'ii a very competent and cara ful workman Jle iu u uentlemaa and oon Bcieiitionsiy perfortiiH (lie work entrusted to him. ami tiav in Klveii iierfeol sail. faction. I sive linn, miMjneiieii. ti,i imiimonlal of tuy wm k, i uuiiii, nd'iig lnii services topartle. In wain o. a reliable tuner and repalier. Prof. John Lluckeu, !'. 'i.rip , (,f GieenYille College, Greenville, N. C, Mrs. A. ti. min:r. Musle Teaclier. REDUCTION in Old Virginia Cheroots. Also, Horsford Bread Preparation. Buy your Shot and Powder and save Money WHOLB3ALE GKOOEE, MIDULE STKEKT, NSW BERNE. N. O. A. E. HIBBARD, Watches, CLOCKS, Jewelry. And Silver-ware, KKW EKKNE, N. O. Repairing I-eatly Done. To My Patrons and the Public Generally. llavinc removed my place of business to S'H'th FiioxT Street, Three doors U iHt of the Gaston HouBe, where I will bo plonaed to serve my patrons as heretofore. 1 shall keep coiiHtantly on hand A FULL LINK OF SAMPLES of the very best Fokf.icn and Domestic Ooops. :.. SAWYER, eepll latptf fashionable Tailor. WBiolenale Dealers tn Groceries, TlliS.in'll iini! Provisions '. BOOTS anil SHOES. i' ; TM i I o at? I'l.Hl'll, every 1 A iartiO utoel; M.-I.AS.M-.-. . ii i:ls for STUCK "DIADEM' il lei wonanted. of 1'1'KK WKST INDIA u ii mi i-or'-iil Ion. - Co V"U w.l me to wee uh. or flend yonr Ordeff iln.i our 1'rlces as LuW aa the liOBKBTS BRO usi Viwg iCgntucky and cVas! Virginia Horses? Mules Has Just Arrived with Two Car Loads of YoUDjr KENTUCKY and WEST VA. HORSES AND MULES From : to 7 Years Old. EXTRA FINE DRIVERS, Draft and Saddle Horses. Which Will Bo Sold Cheap. Also Nice Variety of Carriages, Buggies, Carts Harness, Whips, Lap-Robes, Dusters etc., etc OUR MOTTO IS Quick Sales Small Profits. Call and see us before you buy; it will be to your advantage to do so. U. HAHN & CO. Restaurant ' - '' - '-- V ' ' le nnrf nncn Frog Lege, Quail on Toast, and - O well, they will come in a little later, Eegnlar Boarders, 5 00 per week ' ' Transient, on European plan., . , t Arrived: '':

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