.IE JOURNAL. THE TVOELD'S FAIR, - The World's Fair is looming op la magnificent proportious.,Vr'. Aside from its business and ex 1 isitory aspects, it has entered politics, and the rival parties in the Eapire State are trying to fix on each other the blame of the failure of New Jork to secure it One or the Democratic clubs or the city is called the World's Fair Club, and its members are "making it hot" for Boss Piatt and his candidate. Whatever . disturbing elements the great American enterprise may eontaln, it is pleasing to know that it will bring the nations together in , the disply of their indnstries and 1 resources and contribute largely to the enlightenment and elevation of '.: the age.'-'' Thirty-five foreign powers have officially accepted the invitation to participate in the Exposition, These comprise Seventeen Ameri can Sister Bepnblica, Great Britain, Germany, France, Bossia, Belgarn, Spain, Turkey, China, Japan Per sia andSiam. It will be a revela tion of the World's gennis, civili ; cation, enlightenment and power, It is impossible to estimate the Tains of this Exposition to science - and art, industrial pursuits and Intellectual achievement. Nations will feel its influence and awake to newness of life. The United : States will be the chief beneficiary, and we trust that the South will lead all other sections of the Union both in exhibits and resultant bene fits. It may be reasonably expected , that the World's Fair will be fol lowed by a large influx of immi srants: not hordes of half starved ' peasantry, but multitudes of the better classes, who. having seen America in its glory, come to par tioiDate in its blessings and con tribute to its prosperity. North Carolina is in need of ouch immigrants. For this reason, il no other, we trust that North Caro Una will make such an exhibit at Chicago as will attract the obeer vation of Europeans and Asiatics. The Exposition now being held at. Baleigh should be made to con tribute to this end. The intelli gent publio spirit shown by Gov ernor Holt, and other distinguished North Carolinians, strengthens the hope that our Grand Old Common wealth will make such a display before the nations as will commend her to the admiration of the civil iaed world. THE NEWSPAPER. A -newspaper as well as a man can have a character, and the better the character the better and larger its influence. It must be partisan and stand to its known principles through thick and thin. Richmond State. . A man who cannot improve upon his local paper wonld be a curi osity. t ! Every body is agreed that a news paper should give the news. Bat, what is newsl What one man would consider news an other calls an unwarrantable interference with other people's business. What kind of news should have the preference 1 One subscriber wants his paper to give the foreign news and tell of wars and revolutions- Another while demanding foreign news, wants to know the progress of civilization and Christ ianity. Both tells ulthat they don't take a paper to find out what is going on around them, they know that themselves. Many there are who think that nothing is so entertaining as the fashion news, and others insist that nothing can take the place of racing and base ball reports- It is impossible to please suoh a variety of news vataries. The World and the Her ald have attempted it and signally failed. It is just as difficult to please all in the political department of the paper, suppose an me readers are Democrats, and the difficulty re mains. One says '-who cares any thing about the tariff 1" Another says, "don't waste time on silver, the tariff is the burning issue." One wants editorial discussions, another detests editorials and wants pithy paragraphs. And so it goes. Bat It is in the local department that the editor "puts his foot in it." If ha writes up an enterprise, some one says, ''yes, confound him, he is nartiaL How comes that fellow to deserve more notice than I do t" If lie does not notice improvements he is called "an old stick in the mud.1? If he intends to give per sonals, some one steps into the office and say: 'Hello, bow came yod not to mention Miss Penelope Peachblossom 1 She is as good as anv body, and I ; don't , , want per lighted." ? Another says: 'PfoafleJ do not again mention me or my family without authority." ' Let as hear the conclusion of the whole ' matter, The editor must determine what is proper matter for his columns, v Without W any intention to offend ' any one,-5 he must serve the publio to the best of his ability and aooording to his own judgement Gold is still gravitating in this direction. Over $15,000,000 has arrived in New York since Septem ber 15, and about $1,500,000 more is on the way. Help bat Dont Coerce. To help nature in ill efforts to throw off the trammels of disease ia, ot ooorae, the legitimate method of medication. This motto i ia, unfortunately, too often diverged from and help perverted into coercion. Drastic, excessive purging ia undoubtedly the moat frequent form of coeroion of this aort. The bowela are forced, literally wrenched into action. Of courte this ia accompanied with muoh griping pain, and auooeeded by exhauation, whioh leaves the organaof evaluation in a state incompatible with subsequent regularity and actiTity. The last state of that man or woman who uses drastio cathartics for consti pation is decidedly worse than the flrtt. rloatetter'a Stomach Bitters is the finest laxative in existence, since it produces the needful but no abnormal aotion, is progressive, not abrupt in operation, and strengthens instead of weakening the organs upon whioh it acts. Use it for malarial, kidney, rheumatic and dyspeptic ailments. Budolph Cronan, the eminent author and scientist of Leipsic, Germany, has tendered to the Ex position his extensive collection of paintings, sketches, photographs, representing scenes in the lite of Columbns and places visited by Columbus during his voyages to the new world. Doctor Cronan has spent a great part of his life iu the study of early American history, and has published a work on the subject, based entirely npon his personal investigations. 14-35 W. Y. Ave.. WASHINGTON, D, C. Cffiok o York Enteri-ris. Yobkviu.k, 3. O.. Acg: 14, '111. Ati.ant.c ITLKCTB()!"OiiB (lentlemen: Foj the a si live years ny wlf has been a Aotfrer from dikDeDsia bo completely dlu the d!seaa mate a wreck of ber former Blf that lira was almost aespairea or Her nervous system was almost entirely de stroyed and, the slightest noise would throw ber Into a nervous spasm, which would last lor hours. MeUleal skill railfcl to bring any relief, Tnroush the reoommendfitlon of an emi nent divine we ware lndnoed' to try the Klectropolse. After a persistent use of trie Instrument, the effect has been wonderful. Her nervous system has been restored to Its almost normal oondltlon; her digestion is wonderfully improved; she la rapidly gain ing In flesh; and, upon the whole. Is making a rapid recovery, which speaks volumes roi the wonderfuld curative powers of the E eotropoic-e, as ber case was considered hopeless. If any are skeptical on the sub- Ject, let them try the JKlectropolse, and Its wonderful powerB wl.l quickly dispel all doubt. Yours truly. W. M. PROPST. For Information Addhesh as above, ob 2i't IX I njj St. CHARLESTON. S. C. W. M. WATSON, Agent, liewfiern. tf.O. The Florida Horticultural Society has asked for three acres in which to show an orange grove and make a frnit display at the World's Exposition. LEMON ELIXIR. A PLEASANT LEMON DRINK. For biliouness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foubtomach, take Lemon Elixir. . For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fever, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail yon in any of the above diseases, all of whioh arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. a. Money, Atlanta, Oa. 50o. and 91.00 per bottle. Bold by druggists. A PROMINENT MINISTER WRITES. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kid neys and constipation, I nave been oured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Eev. O. O. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 23 Tatnall St. , Atlanta, Qa There are 413 species of trees found within the limits of the United States, 1G of which, when perfectly seasoned, will sink in water. NOW THY THIS. It win cost you notbing and will surely do j on good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Langs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, l ouchsana uoids is eaaran teed to give relief or money will b paid back, eutterers from 1j& urlppe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for your self just how Rood a thing it is. Trial bottles free at F. S. Daffy's Drug Store. Large size 50c. and $1.00. The first steel car for postal pur poses was run 270,000 miles and went through five smashups at a cost for repairs of only $42. btjckueh'i arnica salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cores Piles, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale in Newborn by F, B. Duffy, wholesale and retail druggist. When a Frenchman marries, un der the law he becomes responsible for the support of his wife's father and mother, . A f '.'flS'. " " . " J - J J Children CrfoV Pitched Castor v f "' "Blood Win-TelL t :: 1 r r .'i am President of a street rail road in San Fraofcisco.,' savs Bon. Leland Stanford, "where we have hundreds of horses. .The average me oi our animals la .three years- out one horse stood that hard life nine years. - Hie service was so exceptional that I looked ' up his record. I hired detectives to trace him from one sale to another, back to the man and farm that raised him. I found his sire wai a pedi greed horse; his dam was of good blood, though not standard. That explained the superior usefulness of the horse to 'my mind. He had better bones in substance, in form and length, better muscles, better nerves, Detter Heart, lungs and digestive organs, and be was worth 1100 more on these accounts than any other horse we have. Now, I ay mac, wneiuer we raise norses for the plow or traok, blood will tell and is worth money. Elec tioneer earned $200,000 a year for me, because he was a good horse. The old street oar horse earned three times as muoh for us aa his fellows, because he was a good horse. Each, in his place, proved a great truth, and it is time we all knew it." For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow'B Soothiho Syrup has been nsed for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the sums. allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty five oenty a bottle. Sold by all drug gists tnrougnont the world. An Octopus Caught by Hook and Line, Mr. W. W. Topp, while fishing yesterday off the gangway at the Hammocks, caught what doubtless no one hereabouts ever caught with hook and line before. It was nothing less than a genuine Octo pus, with eight teuacles, two of which were two feet long. The monster had crawled partly into tin can about six by eight inches and fourteen inches in length, and when he was pulled np from the bottom of the deep, he brought the can up with him. He was put into a keg after being caught, and is in possession of Mr. Jim Dray, at the Hammocks. Wilmington iu.es. Then Pi-.hj- wap pick, -.re snie her Costorla. TV'hcn she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Clultiren, she gave them Castoria. Mo cnr.in- or cause after using HrookHiiJ i.iver und Kidney Pills, Will euro liiliousof js. Constipation. lorpia Liver iiud stomach troubles Sugar coated, oval. Price 25 cent'. Give them a trial. For sale bv F. 8. Uuffy, New Berne, N. C. Full Line of HeatingiStoves L. H. Cutler & Go. An Unparalleled Offer! For the next thirty days we will sell SOLID GOLD RIDING BOW FRAMES SPECTACLES WITH K1KSI Q.UALITT LKBSKB AT $2.50 Per Pair! BELL THE JEWELER. Bank Counters, Tyler System, Port- anie, unequaied in styles. Cost and Finish. I SO rase CAbtn w Cmtm, BMta m., UMnM la Mm, Huh, tr hUmUIH, auo Trial's Koymi Ofllea Deaka and Tvm writer uaMaeta, w tries. Beat and cheap en on earth, with gnat mdncUonln nrioea. 1 VMast IS ate. ran Uaaa 1 i iiwr 1MW, aaoa Cmh, CaUMia, I,,! uiuk wiwMWi aiwaialaaana. "LiCM HF.HK CO.. St. Inla, Mo.. 1T.S.A. SALE, EX CHARGE AHD LIVEBY. "." Elaa now on hand alargalot of fine MULE8 and HORSES, raised is WEST ERN NORTH CAROLINA., v Also, s fins lot ot Bueelea. Boad Carta and Harness, all of which will be sold as LOW AS THE LOWEST. . - Dont fail to coma and see him before staking s trade.-' - --:'T y-"'.r';, r-tm-U', Feedinr specialty BOvt7 owtf Children JJry otitcfier'siJa'a; Geld Wav'j Coming ! I 1 if t " LA M0BT AMOUK. ;: Whan was It that love died? We wen so iona. ;..v;-:r-..v So varv fond a HtH. l.il. - With leapias pulses, and blood til We dreamed about a fairer Ufa beyond. When ws should dwell together aa one hears." ,. - And soaroe could wait that happy time ' - tn ivuna ... Now side by side we sit, with 1 ipa : quite aumn. And feel ourselves thousscd miles - apart... How was it that love died? I do not -' snow , I only know that all its raoe untold Has faded into gray! I miss the gold From one dull skies, bnt did not See it s" Why should love die? We prized it, I mat auro; We thought of nothing elae when it was ours; We cherished it in smiling aunlit It was our all: why could it not endure? Alas! we know not how or when, or way Thia dear thing died. We only know it went. And lAranadnll a11 AnJ I,,4:jw. We who found heaven once in each outer's sun OW aitifnl tt la. avid vat hn HThat half the lovers in the world' one say Look questioning in each other's eyea thia .. wmj , And know love 'a gone forever, aa we aoi Sometimes I cannot he: p but think, dear neari, Aa I look oat o'er all the wide, sad earth And sea love's flame gone cut on marjv a hAarfh That those who would ket n love mu't j a weu apart, Ella Wheeler. HAPPY HOOSIEuS. Wm. Tlmmnnn. nnRtmanfAv nf THttvillA Ind.. writes: "F.liwriHn Piftm ,. AL more for me than all other medicines combined, "or that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John fjAalfA. farmer and BliUiVman nf canA Dlaoe, says; "Find Electric Bitters to be uie ueat n.:uiuj ana jjiver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Gard ner, hardware merohant, Bame town, says: Electric Bitters Is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care wheth er llA Uvea nr dlrfl- hA fnnnd rta-nr aran4l. good appetite, and felt just like he had a new lease on me. uniy ovc. a oottie at.. a Duffy's wholesale and retail drug store Smallwood & Slower, DEALERS IN Stoves, General Hardware, ASD Harness, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Glass and Putty, Lime, Plaster, flair and Cement. Agents for DEV0E & CO'S celebrated Ready Mixed Paints, which are strictly pure goods. MIDDLE STREET. Pi (D 01 NEW BERNE DRUG-i-GOnPANY, Corner Pollock and Kiddle Streets, New Berne, ' NY O. A FULL LINE OP Drugs, medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, Jigars and Tobacco t9SpsoIal attention will be given to Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions with accuracy and at reaaonabU prioes. ', - ii - ' ' ' - y ' - ' "i Yft make a spoiaKy ot'it- ,jCSLKBRATEI BTBb7 BPB1BTOS , whioh It kept oa draught.'. , Jlj . " " V f. A.' HENET, Pharboli.! 'Nature atonldTie assisted in the spring to throw off the heaviness of. the sluggish winter circulation of the blood. Nothing does it to well, so prompt or so safely rs xhx SPRING. Bwina opeouo. i I have used 8. 8. 8. for a number of years, and consider it the best tonic and olood remedy that I ever used. In fact I would not' attempt to enter npon a apring or summer In this climate with out it, H. W. OOLHtAH, ' Of Coleman, Ferguson A Co., -' Dade City, Fla. Our book tffl Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swdt Sracrno Co.. Atlanta, Oa. Never broken Kabo. The "bones" in the Kabo corset are made of it' warranted for a year, too, It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get your money back if it doesn't suit. ' But it's pretty sure to suit else it wouldn't be sold so. U. HIRES & SON. S. R. STREET, General Insurance Agent, NEW BERNE. N. C. edmond Wf OLF.8ALE OEaLEU in and CIGARS, South Front Street, Two Doors East Gaston House New Berne, N. C. Inne dwlr ' The East Carolina Eailroad A FAILURE f They are VoTing Too Slow to Ever tteaon JNewnern. Can the People of The Old City of Elms wait on them Any Longer ( Wonld lc not be u. at to tak onr nttj thousand dollars In bonds and give It to Ave mannfaotnrlng iDdos'ms who will move tbalr plants to Avwuera ana raptor one hundred or mora baovs each, dallr? Tan thousand dollars cn t nve Industries of soma kind wonld be a oonsldsrable Induce ment for them to move to Newbern. We have water transportation eaual to anv In the country, Onr Kailroad Oommlasloners give ns as low rates oi freight as an 7. we have the laboring elass, Both white and black, here; what fear need we hwe to start the ball In this dlreetlont , Wonld It not be well for the city authorities to iook into tne matter and see if something can't be doner 1( the Railroad wUl be bull t and they Intend to get onr bonds, let them gtve as some assurance a to when It will be oompleted. There seems to be considerable doubt as to Big Ike ever visiting his native county anv more If he waits to go on tee B. 0. H. M. There Is no doubt that Mewbern la on me greatest Doom duruut her existence Real CBtate has advanoed from two to Ave hundred per cent. Mot a vacant house In the city. Families have moved out of town for want of honsea to live In men, women and children. Then why should this little pitiful sum ol 60,000 dollars railroad bonds stop theprogreas of so beautiful a elty as onisf Why not call an election t once and vote W thonaand more and give to manufac turing industries aa above stated and em ploy seme good agent, say J. W. Waters, to travel the mannfaotnrlng ettles of our coun try and snow mem tne advantage onr elty has over any other town la this eountrv Our Board of Trade. Oottoo. Xzohanse and ail other organizations have held meetings ana aavisea every pian lmaginaDie ana eu have failed. Now pnt this matter before the people and let It be laorouKbly dleousstd and voted open and II It Is not carried then Big Ike. who buys so many people out at 4i. 50andU7Hconthedollar,fll pay the entire expense of the election. The qnestion i now we have got Newbern on a boom. Will we oontinn to Boom net r .1 uu anirea iromtns fiorb wiw we , ILAiRGKEST Best Asserted Stcck Groceries. - ' 1 Dry Goods, ; ; SWp (aiandlery )'r':f eto.'rl . ete & &0ii'tif. ha Tr kept, and how offer to bis many friends inducements to call. 1 Lowest Pricei. TAKE FIRE AND LIFE Jas. R Wif.ES, LIQUORS War!Waff!rars!; "Against Iligli Prices. The War Has I HAVING PUEOHASED WHILE ORTH ibi'j 1 ji iiiii 1 - n That I ever kept, I am determined any house in the city, as I bought Sales I can afford to sell you ai m ' A ?nrl iiff.ch 11 .11111 Villi III And so on down in proportion. IN YOUTH'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING Both bhort and Long Pant Suits, I have the best line in the city. unee suns so low as age u to lo years. B Anything in the Clothing line yon want. Also a larsre line of Gent's Furnishing Goods. Boots, Shoes, Hats, CPS, TRUNKS and VALISES. A large line of Ladies' Cloaks, Newmarkets, and Children's Walking Jackets from 12 to 1(3 years, and other goods too numerous to mention. Come and see me before purchasing elsewhere. Nhxt Door to It. liorry, Mirtdlo St., NEW BERNE, SI. O. 7U"C: SULTAN. J. A. Thomas, Salesman. BAKER MATTRESS- Manufacturing Company! Mew Berne, H. C-, A. M. BAKER, Manager, Straw and Excelsior GotSsn Top. m m flair DEALERS IN FEATHERS. We make as good a Hair Mattress as any factory in the. United States, MAKE THEM TO ORDER of ny size or -quality.. Our XXt Steam cured Moss is the- very pest and makes a very durable mattress. It is better than a medium priced Hair. Straw with Cotton Top. We use i none but l&e best; straw and put on a heavy cotton top. Have your old Hair or Moss mattresses renovated.- We do beautiful work and will be sure to pleaso you. )Unles8 you bave seen what we get from a mattress that has been used several years you do not know how very necessary it is to have them purified aid made over. Call on us for Feathers Goose Feathers, Duck Feathers or Chicken Feathers. ; ' Wo make Beds, Bolster or :Pillows. I.0UNDED IN 1864 by the present ezecntlve 27 YEARS of conUnaons and snweaafnl mauaiK"-' .F?ntTlncro,Bed snnnal attenAanee Now oempying four bnlldlni-s Stands nnrlvalwl lit uilitles tor educating YOUMO MIR ASD WOMei? for soccees In fifc.V In eclair. upon school for their children, PARENTS shoaU send them to THB KEST, because it pays. IS SSie2ir!t.h eIP"H'nr ofa few dollars more at Srst, bntltwillproT the cheapest In the end.' CHEAP tmtkmls Terr dear, because it means che.D teachers, eheao sumnndiDin. Inferior faci all similar institutions combined. Catalogue and 'Address, W. H. SADLER, Fresldetit, and BUSINESS C0LLECE,6,8, IO & 1 2 Carriages, Buggies, iload , Cart57 Spring Carts; Phaeton Carts, Harness, Whips, Bobes &c , ah or which will be sold low to , TJ3y Stock of Is constantly' being replenished ;for the Trade. f low Sales fpr Cash pened If v --jr 1 ir 111 jli 1 ' w 1 linn to sell as cheap If pot cheaper thatL, the most of my goods at Assignee . .si, m mm .. ' im nv 1111 tiftiSJ ,1111 Villi. . and oss Mattresses ana grsaii.ie.. - c position. mor.f particular, mailed en application. , ., Pounder J or p. A. SADLER, Secretsry r N. Charles St., BALTIMORE, MD.X ,f -, 41; . '.-.'i OSES: meet the demands of the public , 1 - ot Cecnred tfotcs ' V