1 OUKNAL. wi K 8 tl n raw? VOE?X.-NO. 177; NEW BEBNE, N, C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. BUSINESS LOCALS 'ft BABQ A1H8 in beautiful work-baskets Imoj styles job lot just received. J. Sutbh. SMOKE Genuine Cuban Tobacoo. .:;;.'-.' . . 0Ct6tf TO ONE who on copy musio in elMr style. I will give work at in ' terrala during the winter. I prefer ti wrrloet of one who understands harmony and counterpoint, although this knowledge ia not necessary. . sepl8tf : " CHag. L. GaSKILL. NEW DRUG STORE. Drugf, Medi oiw and Ohemloale, O. P. Popular Proprietary Medicines. All varieties of ; Iirnggtsi's Bnndnts. Trusses and Brae s. : New crop Gardtn Seeds. Vine and Largs Mtoek Cigars and Tobacco. iu Kw. Pre--, aerlptiont eeourately compounded (and not at waa prices), onr m tto and onr success. C. O. GHCJCN. Druggist and Apothecary, : MlddU at., four doora from Pollock. Jan231y STILL the Exposition grows. TSX aotual wealth of the South 'is estimated at 99,757,815,635. Teb Ecumenical ; Council has f adjourned, after a session of eleven days. A State temperance convention ia to be held at the Exposition grounds at Raleigh Nov. 19ih. The trustees of the oolored Agri cultural and Mechanioal college have decided to looate that institn tion at Greensboro. Russia's situation is deplorable. Business and commerce are very much depressed and the distitution A of the poor classes is awful. It Is evident' that the danger that menaced Democratic Buocess in North Carolina is growing small by degrees and beautifully less. THESE are 413 species of trees found within the limits of the United States, 1G of which, when perfectly seasoned, will sink in , water. Gov. Hill was the guoa of the Powhattan Club of Richmond last Mouda', the 19th, instaur. His Excellency was ou bin way to At lanta to deliver the address at the unveiling of the Grady monumejir, , and e'opped at Richmond by special request. THE cordial weloome extended to Ool. MoOlure, editor of the Philadelphia Times at the South em Exposition was richly deserved. No man in the North has done more to restore the South to her rightful position in the Union than this distinguished Pennsylvanian. We surrender onr editorial columns to the very able address pt the Ecumenical Oounoil to the twenty-five million Methodist re presented in that body. Very many of our readers are Methodists and this courtesy is due them, but the address commends itself to Chris tians of every creed. A dispatch to the London Times from Valparaiso of the 10th instant says evidence from a nentral source confirms the statement made : that the United States squadron in Chilian waters, both in words and deeds, displayed enmity towards the Congressional navy during the recent oivil war in Chili. It is, however, denied by the Navy De partment at Washington. . AbhbVillb was somewhat startled on Friday, the Citizen states, by the appearance on the streets of a young lady riding on a horse without '. the aid of a side addle. In other words, there was i divided skirt on exhibition. The aaddle was a man's, and the young I tdy rode like a man. The spectacle was an entirely modest one, and tbe sense of security the fair rider must have 'enjoyed from her man ner of riding ahoutd have com pen sated for the unusual attention , Acoobdiho to ; ; v advices from Londonderry r and ' -other places in the North of Ireland, thetrotes. tant population of the North is verv much aroused ori the robieot of Irish Home Rule, in 'view of the liberal confidence of sucoess in the general . .. election. The ; Orange lodges are: thronged with candi datea ' for . admission, .;' and the amount of drilling that is going on is greater than in many years be fore. ' It is said that the Protestant opponents of Home Rale are or ganized in associations numbering at least $30,000 men capable' of bearing arms. , They make no con cealment of their intention to offer violent resistance to the rule of an Irish Parliament dominated, as they claim that It would be, by the r: ::an Cr'.aol'.s Lwrarchy. ", ' LOCAL-NEWS. Cottos -New Berne Market Salea yesterday 160 balee at 6 I S to 71. Messrs. Hackbnrn & Willett have hanging up in their Broad street store one potato viae with nine nioe shipping potatoes of the yellow bark variety still attached to it, whioh they raised on their trnok farm. Messrs. Hiokburn & Willett ' de livery wagon has I een so completely changed in appearanoe by a thorough overhauling at Water's oarriage factory that it appears to be bran-new. Mr. O. E. Slover's handsome delivery wagon whioh he recently pat on is the product of the same faotory. Wa are pleased to learn from Prof. W. R. Skinner, Principal of Vance Collegiate Institute, who cams down last night on a business trip to the oity that his school at Seven Springs is in a very flourishing and satisfactory con dition and as is also well pleased with the new building in which his school is located. A number of the delegates to tbe North Carolina Disciple Missionary con vention arrived during the day yester day by the steamere Neuse and by tirate oonveyanoe. Still more by the train last night, about fifty in all have arrived so far. They hold their first meeting at ohuroh this morning at 11 dock. Sse programme in another column. Mr. F' S. Mallory who is in the oity in the interst of a national organization known as the Iron. Beit Building and Loan Association, of which Ex-Go. Fits Hug Lee. of Virginia is President and whioh has its headquarters in Roan oke, Va., has interested some of our best business men in the oompany and will probably complete the organization branoh association in this city by the election of offloers today. Mr. W. F. Crockett received a car load 3,500 drain tiles Wednesday from L. Grant' brick and tile works at Qoldsboro. They will be used at places on his (arm where no ditches have been dug and will also take the plaoe of some ditoues already oonstruoted. If their uae proves suffijieotly satisfaotory, Mr. Crockett will extend them until all portions of his farm that are in any degree too wet are drained by them. It is atated that Chairman Wilson of the Railway commission aaya it will devote considerable time this week to the taking of depositions in the Atlantic Express company's suit against the Riobmond and Danville and Wilming ton and Weldon Railways in their contest for equal rights and privileges with other companies over those roads. The testimony of several witnesses was taken Monday and the case will proba bly be continued several days. Coming and Going. Mr. Hill Humphrey left yesterday morning to visit tbe Exposition. Mrs. M. M. Nash returned last night from a visit to relatives in Washington, D. O. Mra. Geo. Green and her little daugh ter, Annie who have been spending the summer in the western part of the State and visiting relatives in Durham re turned home last night. Messrs. M. T. King, general manager of the Norfolk & Southern Rtilrcad and E. T. Warner, vioe President of tbe Wilmington Steamship oompany took the round trip on the steamer Neuse on pleasure. Judge A. a. Seymour, returned on the steamer Neuse, of the E. 0. D. Line from holding Federal oourt in Eliza- beth City. Mr. J, B. Leigh left on the streamer Neuse to attend court in Tyrrell oounty, and Mr. W. B. Blade left on a business trip to Elezabeth City. Sheep-Raising Retarded by Dogs. The dog and sheep question deserves attention. It is an ordinary ooourrenoe. to hear farmers who attempt sheep raiting apeak of losses they havesos taiaed by rails of dogs. The common sense, useful and praotioal ought nat to be displaoed for the aake of sport B. , B. , Damville speaks thus oa ths subject in tbe Suffolk Herald: Mr dog may kill a hundred dollars worth of sheep for neighbor; kill the dog is all be nan do. But let the dog kill or, injure hu norae, ana neoan recover, provided I am, worth snoagh to make it. ' The result is, as sheep owners have no protection from dogs, they have abandoned the industry. . -Have you ever estimated the loas te our people V I do not know how many farm or one hundred sores tnere are in the oounty,, but I do know that oa each one from fifteen to thirty sheep could be kens, whioh would pay a profit la lambs, ana wool or apieoe.iana u improved oreeas, oaref oiiy oared, ror and lambs marketed early, at least 85 per head could be netted, i This belnc so, or you can dlsoount It one-half, and see if it will not brant more money into the county from abroad than all the eattle and hogs would together. Sheep do well and are as healthy as in any part of tne State, and are not like bogs. dying up with cholera three out of every five years. ",', A':?''ti- Th First SUp.'i;;;:y'J't Perhaps you are run down: can't eat. ean't sleep, enn't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you; You should heed the warning yon are takingthe first step Into Nervous Prostration. You need a nerve tonio and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to Us normal, healthy condition. . Sur prising results follow the use of this great Nsrve Tonio and Alterative, f Your appe tite returns; good digestion is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy ai'n. Try a bottle. , Price 60c. at F. S. I u s si ore, The MoDougal Case. The MoDougal case has been removed to Cumberland county, and will be tried November 18th. The Wilmington Messenger in speaking of the case says: This will be the most noted trial in the history of the State for the past thirty years. There are about 150 witnesses, all the evidence being cir cumstantial, and it will take ten days to try it. The defendant stood as high in point of character as any man in tbe State, and the case will be watched with great interest. Both eidea are represented by superb lawyers. N. A. MoLean has been employed by the citi zens of Robeson county, and Walter H. Neal, who is fearless and aggressive as lawyer, by tbe New York Mutual Life Insnranoe oompany, in whioh the life of the mnrdered man was insured. Both sides have tbe ablest lawyers and anvooates in this section of North Caro lina and the contest will be a memor able one. Mr. Neal, the attorney alluded to above, as the majority of our oity readers are aware, is a former New Bernian, the son of cur esteemed townsman, Prof. Qeo. W. Neal. SENATOR CALL. He Is Recognized in tho Official Legis lative Proceedings as Having Been ' Elected Senator from Florida. TALLAHA88IB, Fla., Oot. 10. On Friday last John L Crawford, secretary of state, attached bis signature and tbe sreat seal of tbe fcttato of Florida to a oopy of the proceedings of the joint session of the Legislature from April 81 to May 26, inclusive, certifying to tbe correctness of the same. This shows, of course, the preceedings of Hay 28, upon which date Wilkinson Call was deolared duly elected United States Senator. This is the only instrument bearing the signature of Crawford and seal of tbe State He declined absolute ly to affix them to the Governor ' oertifloate of Davidson's appointment some days ago. Qovernor Fleming instruoted Attorney General Lamar to institute in the Supreme court pro ofed it gj for the ietainoe of a man damus compelling Crawford to sign and seal this appointment of Davidson This morning Mr. Lamar filed with the Governor his official reply to the Gov ernor s instructions, in wnion ne de clines to institute suoh proceedings, giving his reaions therefor in detail The Attorney General holds that there nothing in tbe Constitution or stat utea of the State or of the United States warranted suoh prooeediogs. He has from the first been of the opinion that Mr. Call was legally elected and would b seated. Mr, Call already has in bi possession this certified copy of tbe joint sessions of the Legislature, and Senator Pasoo will present it to the Senate on the opaning day of the see eion. Rescued from the Depths of Misery. The misery endured by unfortunates whose livers are derelict in duty is un speakable oiok headache, nausea, ooetiveness, disorder of the digestive apparatus, heartburn, vertigo, unrest. sourness of tbe breath, uneasiness beneath the short right ribs and right shoulder blade, fickle appetite, are among the hateful indioia of bilious nest, whioh, however, speedily vanish when Hostetter's Stomaoh Bitters is employed as a regulator. Most effec tually is its work of disciplining carried out, as a complete renewal of the digestive, secretive and evacuative fnaotiona satisfactorily proves, in oases of malarial disease the liver is the prinoipal gland involved, and for mala dies of a malarial type Hostetter's Stomaoh Bitten is an absolute apeoifio a laxative painless but effective- it ia unrivalled, and it ia an admirable preventive of ohronio kidney trouble and rheumatism, and a superb general tonio and corrective. A Distinguished Citizen of Philadelphia On His Way to the Exposition. The oitizsns meet this evening to ar range for tbe reception oi uoi. A. K MoClure, of Philadelphia, and the Fifth regiment of tbe Maryland National Guard. Col. MoOlure arrives here to morrow afternoon from Asheville, and five young ladies will be in hie party. one of these being Miss n;ilen Lee, daughter of ex-Governor Fitzhugh Lee, of Virginia. There will be a reoeption at the capital, one at tbe executive mansion,, and one at the Capital club. The Fifth regiment will probably arrive November 4 As now arranged, it will be quartered in a large building. A ball will be given in its honor. Ral oor. Wii. Messenger. LEMON ELIXIR. A PLEASANT LEMON DRINK. For biliounees and constipation, take Liemon Elixir. For indigestion and fouUt omaoh, take Liemon Elixir. For sink and nervous headaohee, take Lemon Elixir' For sleeplessness and nervousn take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For (ever, ohills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fall von Iu an of the above diseases, all of whioh arise front a torpid or diseased liver, stomaoh, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only ny vt. a. juosiey, AUantavGsv t 1 ' boo. and n.ou per Dottle. Bow oy druggists. t f ( 3 -1 , A PHOMHIBNT MINISTER WRITES. After tent yean of treat suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kid neve and oonstipation, I have been oured by Dr. Moaley's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. - - Bev. a O. Davis, Eld. M. E. Ohuroh South, ' - , No. 28 Tatnall at.. Atlanta, Qa. ' A Paving Penal Institution. . Jackson. Miss.. Oot. 19. The Missis sippi penitentiary, whioh ' la now paying institution, has to date this year paid into the State treasury the sum of S81.000. This nioe little sum is over nd above all expenses for the rapport and maintenance of the State prison, and Is derived from a leaee of eonviots to Mississippi bottom planters. , " ;'' Gratifying to All.' The high position attained and the universal aooeptanoe and approval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Syiup of Figs, as the moat exoellent laxative known, Illustrate the value of. tbe qualities on whioh its suooesa ia baaed and are eMindantiy gratifying to the (Jaliforiua rig cyrup tJOmpany. , STATE CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY comrEHTioir To be Held in New Berne, October 22-85, 1891. THURSDAY. 11 :C0 o'clock Annual address by the tbe President E. A. Moye. Calling roll of churches. 18:80. Intermission. 2:00. Report of Board of Managers. Miscellaneous business. 7:30. "The mission and work of tbe ohurch," by L. A. Cutler of Rich mond, Va. FRIDAY. 9;30. Devotional service and business session . 10:00. Calling the roll of Sunday schools'. 11:00. "Tho origin and progresi of the Sunday sohools," by H. A. Latham. Business session. 12 30. Intermission. 2:00. Session of the Sisters' Mieeion Workers. 3:00. "A plea for an educated minis try, "by Dr. H. D. Harper. Session of the Ministerial Association. 7:30 Address by Mrs. Pereis L. Chris tian, of Chicago. SATURDAY. 0:30 Devotional and business session. 11:00 "Reflex influence of missions,'' by J. L. Burns. Business session. 12.80. Intermission. 2:00. Business session. 7:30. ''The Christian endeavor move ment," by W. 8. Stallings. State Secretary and Treasurer of North Carolina. LORD'S DAY. 10:30. Memorial servioe in respect to Giddeon Allen, oonduoted by M. T. Moye. 11:00. "Agreement and disagreement of tbe denominations," by A, K Moore of Riobmond, Va. Commun ion service. 8:00. Lord's day school. 7:30. Preaching. Diftsol ution of Copartnership. The undersigned have this day die. solved by mutual consent, O. R F. Ed wards and T. C. Howard oarrying on the business under the firm name ot U R. F. Edwards & Co., Mr. Wm. Wood withdrawing. All liabilities against the firm and any indebtedness to tbe firm will be settled by C. R F. Edwards and T. O. Howard. Hoping for a con tinuanoe of the patronage. Respectfully, ool7 1 w C. R. F. Edwards & Co. "Good olothes open all doors." So says a Danish proverb, and it is in a great measure so. Uet tne best clothes you can afford, and when you get ready for them don't forget to try Howard. With a suit you will need other things, we have some fixings you can't do without. They consist of col lars and cuffs, scsrfs, underwear, shoes and hats. We have just received by express an invoioe or roster's kid gloves in black and colors. They are considered tbe best and are warranted. J. M. HOWARD. PROPERTY FOR SALE Will be sold AT AUCTION, at tbe COURT BOUSE in NEWBERN, on MONDAY, the 2d Day of November, 1891, at twelve o'clock, hidday. the following property: 1. Lot No. 821, la ths plan of the (lltr of Newbern, the former residence ot Mr. Oeorge Allen. 3. About flveaoresof land on Pembroke Hoad, near tbe nty, bounded on three sides by tbe "Ahem Farm." and oa the olhsr Iqr said road. S. Tract of land In Township 5o, 1, Craven oounty, adlolnlng the lands of Qeo. J. Dud ley and othei s. ees deed , book 81 , pages 153 to 165. 4. Lot of Land on End street, being Lot No. 368, plan of tbe oity of Newb.rn 5. Lot of Land on Federal Alley, In rear of lot of Messrs. HaokDurn 4 Wlllstt, about 49x6(1 feet. For Information applr to ocSStds M. UaW. 8TEVKNSOK. You may think our HATS are HANGING OVER THE SIDEWALK, but it is a MIS TAKE, they are INSIDE THE STORE. Prices from 50c. to $3.00 each. Good value and no tariff in the shape of costs or fines piled on just simply the latest N. Y. styles in soft crush and stiff hats. BARGAIN STORE. OYSTERS -AT- JimmiVs Restaurant 20 Cents .'per QUART. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. G. a O. Merrlam Edition, revised 1890. - Patent Index (store price f 11,00.) Far Ms Bollara an' Mlnstv Cam No rehash, no reprint. It Is tha oriflBal. W wlU refund money if oot wbat represent ed Look mp star raecrtl,. Orders ailed promptly. Aenw wantea. swaisaivrBi ruDiiHiav nova. " ecUlm l&t Sprues Bh.ftaan Tills, Tenn, 1001. Hifery. 1002. Fall and Winter We have now ready for tha trade, the latest and most desirable styles for ladies and children, at prloes to rait all and will be glad to see all the ladies on THURSDAY, OCT., 15th, aa it will be a ipeolal day. for displaying Patterns, Hate and Novelties. r OotHtf ME3. a H. LANE. bill POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Government Food Report Atlantic & N. 0. Railroad! PA83ENOBB DEPARTMENT, New Bern, N. C Oot. 17, 15-1)1. FMR SPECIAL TRAIN FOB THE RALEIGH EXPOSITION. Thursday, Thursday, Thursday, Thursday. October 22d. October 29th. Riov. 5th. Nov. 12th. Solid Through Trains With't Changs Gars. An arrangement has boen agreed m on be tween (lie A. A N. (J. Kailroutl Company aud the B & I). Hatlroad Company 10 tun four Fst Special Train. Irom Murehead uuv aud Intermediate stations to KalelKh and return same aay to give all persons uesiring to at. tend the Uroat lnler-Hlate Imposition at Kalelgh. N. O., an opportunity o doiuu so Thli exposition Is acknowledged to be one or tne grandest or its onaracter ever witnessed In North Carolina or the Houth. The schedule gives about seven hours In Kaleigh. Fajre for the Round Trip When Tickets are purchased from Btitkms named Delow, including One Admission into tbs Exposition. Morehead City, Wlldwood, Newport, Havelook, Croa tan, Klyerdale, New Bern, Tuscaroia, l 101 Core Crtek, 8 iti Dover, 8 ai Caswell, 3.05 I Kindlon, 'I !lr falling Cruok, J. llli La Grant e, -1 711 Hem's, 2.SII I J2 3." 1211 2.10 l.W l.MI 1. Scbfdulr of Special Tra'nt Leave Morehead City Depot, I ihi A.M. Morehead Oity, up town i:'"J " Wild wood, 4 ax Newport. -1:1s " " Havelock, 5:0K " (Jroatan, 5.22 " " lLlverdale, 6:;7 " " New Bern. Ii:ll.r " ' Clark's, li:T.l " Tusearura, B:.'ti ' CoreCreea, :i.x " Dover, 7:i ' Caswell, 7:11 ' Klnston, 7:lk " Falling Cit-ok, 7:11 " La Orange, S:' 0 " " Beit's, H.-15 ' Arrive at Qoldsboro X V " Leave Qoldsboro for Raleigh at II " Arrive at Ualelah 10 Ij " RKTUKNING Leave Ralelith f,.:r, P.M. Arrive at Qoldsboro 7. a' Leave Qolasboro 7.0 " Best's 7.58 La Orange .((! ' Fallinn Creek, H.i.'l ' " Klnston H.4' " ' Caswell K.ftS ' I lover luii Core Creek, !U! " Tuscarora 1 ' Clark's li.U " New Hern m m " Riverdal w.i!) " " Croa tan KM I " " Havel, ek lu.IW " " Wewpoit 11 Hi ' M Wlldwood 11.21 " Arrive at Morehead City 11 as - B. L. DILL, O. 1". A. WE MEAN YOU. Stop and look at our line of SOUVENIR SPOONS. Ask for Taut . Wlrts' fouhtah PENS, fresh lot Just arrived. I forget to say I have Just received a fresh lot of those ROLLED GOLD CHAINS, warranted for six years. We give a written guarantee with each chain. My STOCK 18 WAY TJP, and PRICES ARB WAT DOWN, Come in and see me. SAM. K. EATON, Middle St.. opposite Baptist Choro i. may 22 lstp dwtf Duffy's Cough Mixture. Call for It N. DUFFY'S COUGH UlAlUKrJ and see that ma name is printed on the wrapper before you take it, otherwise you may have Cough Syrup passed on you which you did not call for. d&ntf Dr. W. L. LA3SITER, Will praotioe ia New Berne, James Oity, and vicinity, Offloe hours from 9 to 11 a. m. and from 8 to 5 p m., at Solloitor Geo B. White's law offlae. on Graven St., near South Front, ootied&wtfl New Berne, N. 0. W. A. WHITE, FOOT OF BID DM STREET, Dealer In General afarehandUs, offers food 11ns of . Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, 8ho, &o. Okalse Twist Takaecw SOe. par Pawad. First Chance For those eomlng to the oity by water and landing as ue maiaei aoea to sappir . themselves- Last Chance for thus MYln- ths sam way. i . QIVK US A THIaX Low Prices. All Whom It May Concern! I have not enlisted in the Grocery, Confectionery. Tobacco or Ogstcr War, (nor do I intend so doing, it ie a luxury I cannot afford,) but I am still selling the finest L'WXU'S Chocolates ami Bon ISous. WHITMAN'S Philadelphia Candies. KENEl)V'(i Celebrated Fancy Cakes. Also, Fruits, Smofeine and Chewing Tobacco, (JigarB, Smoker's Articles etc. Also dispensing Coca Cola, Mineral and Soda Water to those in' need, at the Luirent issible prices. I an. .. 'il in my little xtorr mat around the corner of Polios', in Middle Street. Come and nee me. oll2m 8AM R. WATEK3. New Goods! New Goods! Wo are receiving now goods by every steamer. NOTICE OUR Special Low Prices! Jelly ; : ; 10c. H Preserves . ; l-.Vc. " " 5 11) pails, 1'tti. ;lli Standard Teaches 15 & 20c. can 31b " Tie " 10c. " 21b t Cherries 15c. " Fnlton Market Corned Beef Sc. Ib Boneless " " 8c. " Finest Sugar Cured Hums 11'. " Loose Pickles : : 10c. doz Whito Full Cream Cheese, 15c. lb Good Green and BiackTea, 50c. Hi Best " " " " 75c, " Oor Special Blend Roasted Coffee 30 and 35c. per pound. And a full line of other fancy Groceries too numerous to mention. Thanking you for your past favors and trusting you will give us another trial, we are Very Kespoctfully, CHURCHILL & PARKKH, Broad Street. THOSE UMBRELLAS have arrived anil they are beauties; especially those Sieel Kodsand Feather weights. Our Fall Stock of Clothing has also arrived and compr 8fH tin Finest Selected stock we ever carri1. and that is saying a great deal. We have also a line of pretty LATEST STYLE DERBIES. Ziegler's and Crossett's Men's Fine Shoes which we have, need only to be mentioned. A full line of Ziegler's Ladies' Shoes also just received. Does your Hoy need a suit '! See ours before buying aluo a nice BALL and BAT FRbE with every euit. Barrington & Baxter. HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION Is called to the fact that J"noi Dunn II AS THE Most Complete Stock OK CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES n tho city. Completo in every department. Quality of the Highest ana rnces as ijow as any Grocery in tho city. Ho requests a call trom the ladies to satisfy them that what he claims is a fact indeed. Confectionery Department Is supplied with tho very nicest lines of sroods. imported fresli each week. To satisfy tho public and to secure an early call he will give for tho next 1)0 days tho following low prices: (Jhocolate (Jream Drops, best Marsh Mallow " Caramels, " Cocoa Bon Bons, And all fino goods of Whitmans & Miller's Phila. make, at Rock Bottom Prices, only 25c. per lb. A nice Mixed Candy, puro and good, 20c Plain Candy, lac. Choice Iruits, mits, Kaisins, Figs, and everything in this line at equally low prices. A call will ue appreciated. oclOdw An Unparalleled Offer! For tbe next thirty days we will sell SOLID GOLD BIDING BOW FRAMES SPECTACLES WITH FIRST X).UALITT LKBBkB AT $2.50 Per Fair! ; v:t 'v. ; " ' '.":"v;'.r---V''.--. BELL THE JEWELER. Children Cry 'forPitcherJsCastorla.' "The Challenge Coffee" 13 THE BEST, Fresh Roasted "-AND- Ground to Order. Only 30 Pent Per Pound. NEW LOT OF -AND- White Cream Cheese, LUCAS & LEWIS. M Fall and Winter MILLINERY GOODS. With the assistance of Miss KATE FALUN, an experienced Milliner, I am now prepared to wait on oallersand show the LVTE T STYLES in Lacea, lUibons, Feathers, Flower NOTIOXS, ie. Orders from the country solicited and promptly filled. Mrs. HETTIU W HALEY, North side Pollock St , two doors above Middle. ol5d&wlir Prof Eugene Wallnau Hancock Klrcet, in'iir Methodist church, Nw IttTiic, N. V Kxpcrt Piano and Orgad I'tifierund Repairer, educatM. at the Unl vermti "f K rim. HrtttsfTtion vtiaraDteed. Tuning in. r-oin-hi. nSl.Wcxtra. TESTIMONIALS Mies K.uii 1 1 HoMnml, Muh o Tnrclier. New JUrue, N, U. Miss Marian it. HailcIM Vocal Teacher. New Heine, (3. I'rol. Oa esp f. Principal of l'Rrboro CollegtJ. Mrs Julie stHitoii. M un c loaclier. itHfiiviiie N. L, January :!rj, ls9U Mr K'jLuiit WrI nun, ucr lr: ll kims mr Kfeal p If sure lit HhfJiirt yniit p . irons of (iu thorough at)illly us a Twiht, 1 iv(i j-mi the liberty of using my nninf us a t stimonial. K Spi ctfn y. Mi a. Louis C. Latliam: Mr. Midline allnnn iHcnnged as IMano Tuner n 1 1 if (r vui foliage, and he has provt 'l ii'in-i ii ii vt'y i i-pficnt aud care JUI wimUidh.ii llf h it eiiMcman and con scioti' ioiisij p. rf ru k i 'si- worR enlriiHled to him iin.i imvini: uivt n perfect sati faction, I Ktvc him, iiTifcoiicltnl. ttnH tesiimcuiai of liiH wot k, foinint-na im his services to parties in, want in a reliable tuner and rep-lier. i'ruf John Durfteii, Pili.ciptlof reonvlile Col ege, (ireenville, N. Mth. A. 1. unter. Music Teachr. aTEsHTbbard, "W alclies, CLOCKS, Jewelry. And Silver-ware, iJEVV BKHNE, N. O. Repairing Neatly Done. Hini L7 .Iwtf To My Patrons and the Public Generally. Having removed my placet of busioeei to South Fkont Strket, Thre fi.ioi E-Ht of ihe Uhiod House, "hure I wiU be pleatted to serve my p-urnni rb he rtofore. I Bhnll keep iiotiHrantlv on hand A FULL LINK OF SAMPLES of th very bst FouKniN am) Domestic Goods, 11. SAWYER, sepll letpif Fashionable Tailor. ROBERTS & BRO. Wholesale Deaifn In Groceries, T(IB.i;i: and SMI Provisions ' B0IITS and SHOES,; e arn aho aiteuu Tor TO("K "DIADEM'" I'LuU K, very Imr-t'l vRnauted. a hirtfe murk ol ITKK WK8T INDIA MHAS-vK-, our own importation. 0- i 'nine to 8f UN. or send yonr orders Yu wil On-, onr Trices aa LuW as tbtf LoweM ma'JIdwtf KOKKRTM A BRO UUI 0 Pi o H Tj O O j H Riding Vehicles. We are prepared to make to order anything in the line of Dravs, Carts, Bugpies, or other Bid inn Vfbiales. All work bails strong and Bnished in a handaoeso manner,' ' G. H. WATERS &' S01T. New Bern. N. O. v. au25dwtf , Children" Cry for Pitcher's C

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