V ANNOUNCEMENT ? JOTRVAX la publish - ' y at &uG pr year) tlM . t ayared to ouy lubaoribara iL y' JOURNAL la published y at $1.60 per annum. . .. images or Deaths not to ex- will be ineerted tree. All ad' r will ba ohanred 5 eta. par line. . : t tranileutadvertlsementemuat m atlvaaoa. Regular adYertise i collooted promptly at tha end a. "'ioni oontalatsf , iumrest ara eoliciited. Ko oora a must b expected to ba published una objectiooabla peraoniUtiea, or tha name of tha author. Aruolai tuaa bait eolamn moat ba paia tor. -i-aon feelinrr imkrad at anr anonT- nmunicaUoncan obtain tha name of r by application at tola omoe nnd i Herein toe f naranoe axuta, HE JOURNAL. ".HARPER, a Proprietor. , HANCOCK, - Local Reporter. ' Entered at the Poitofllce at Neu Er i at cam&lm matttr. political snuATios. v la a weak from this writing the ctioa will take place in the -tee of Ken .York, PenuBjl aia, Ohio, Massachusetts and wa, and wo believe that the mocratio party will be succeES 1 all along the line. In all of these States national utica have entered very largely to tha campaign: ' especially is is the ease in Massachosettss, Mo and Iowa. The nomination of McKmley in lilo made the tariff the leading sue in that State, and It of De nsity became an issue in all parts f the Union; Democrats contend for a . redaction of custom aties, and Republicans insisting bat the MoKinley bill supplement J with Blaine reciprocity, is the Brfection of tariff legislation. In New York strenuous t ffor ta re made to divert attention from lie tariff and concentrate it upon ; hat Republicans are pleased to all the abominations of Tammany. There is an unknown factor that complicates the situation. It is the presence'? of a secret political rganization. How far it will con rol the results of next Tuesday lies bidden in Hhe womb of the 'itare, but we rely with confidence in the consetfatism and patriotism of the masses. Should all these States go Demo cratio, it will indicate the election of a Democratic President, in 1892, la the person of Grover Cleveland: bat, should the East go Republican, a'id the West be carried by the Democrats,' the result will be favorable to the prospects of a wes tern Democrat. Iu a word, the Democratic Presidential noniina tion probably lies betweeu Grover Cleveland and Gov. Campbell, or Gen. Palmer. The last named is not often men tioned in this connection. By some his advanced age is regaided as an obstacle to bis advancement, bat, he has very many elements of strength. He has great ability, and military and civic renown, and (or ono of bis years, be bas remark able mental and physical vigor. K will be remembered that he is now United Slates Senator from Lli ndis, and that it was his Candida cy that carried the State into ibe Democratic column and be alone can keep it there. Then, there too is Qtay, of Indiana, backed by the Democracy of a great State. The Democratic party has plenty of material ont of which to make a presidential candidate, but a party mast have its chief recommenda tion in the principles on which it stands and the measures it advo oatea. - Congress antidates the National Convention, and it behoves the Democrats of the Bouse to pro mulgate sound doctrine, and in aognrate and press forward measures of relief. The unrest everywhere exhibited most not be treated as the idle wind, bnt, in the light of its past history, the party ranst attempt great things and achieve great things for the people. r Then the work of the National Convention will be com paratively easy and victory bless our flag. I AM A DEMOCRAT? The StatesvilleLandmark, whose editor Is a member of the State Executive Committee, referring to tae recent meeting of the commit tee, said: "It is not lawful to disclose the ccrets of the meeting, bat there is cne thing we are going to : tell be ise it ought to be known: Mr. E. O.Beddlngfleld, like the honest and idid man that- he is, told the nmittee that there will be a Jrd party ticket in the field in f3 State next year and that this i had Just as' well be looked iirely in the face. Mr. Bedding 1 was one of the few- persons o did p what seeded above all Z to have been done by every f on this occasion: he talked !y and without reserve." 'r : a can ba noconditlon of pub- -, t-v 't it will not be honorable and patriot! to say, Am a Democbat. . There has not boon an hoar since the Democratic party was founded in which it has not stood before the country the champion of liberty the friend of the oppress ed and the enemy of the oppressor. Several months mast elapse before the contemplated movement for the formation of a Third party can be projected, and befo:e then the flltuatim will change. Congress is ebo it to assemble. The Democratic pajty has a ma jot uy iu the House, and it cannot be supposed that it will lie supinely on its back until its enemies shall have bound it hand and foot. With the Democratic party energetic and prompt in its rrs'stauua to op pression and vigorous aid resolute in its purpose of reform, there can be no apology for the formation tf a third party, unless it be to furn ish a fire escape for patriotic Re publicans who Oriii no longer stand with Harrison, fiwid and McKiii ley, and yet have not the manhood to saluro the Democratic flag and muster under its sheltering folds. For us who were rocked in the cradle of Democracy, and year after year have had our manhood broadened and eunobled by Demo cratic principles, we have no re sponse to the tempter but the words, mada memorable by David B. Hill, 1 AM A DEMOCEAT. We have a high regard for Mr. Beddingtou. In personal char ac he is worthy ol imitation by the young men of tlio State, and in public affairs he has favorably im pressed the people. But he may be mistaken iu his forecast of the futare. We raav well believe that ho will be true to its demands. Ii there is no occasion for it there will be no Third party. At all events, we fear no new or ganization. The Democratic party cannot be sidetracked, and what ever collides with it in North Caro Una will be wrecked. I am a Democrat 1 is our watchword and reply. No such qualifying word as Alliance is wanted to limit its meaning, but Democrat is enough, comprbi ig in icself the perfection of government, and associated with honorable names, sacred memories and glorions achievements. No, no 1 There will be no thiid party in North Carolina sucking the life blood of the Democracy and inviting the restless and turbu l.nttoriot revolution. Tbegiav.B of our ancestors and the sanctity of our homes for bid it The honor of the past, the tranquility of the present and the 8(Oi;r'.ty of the future imperatively demand that true men stand to their colors and perpetuate Democratic ascendency in North Carolina. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. -100 bbls, 40 " 25 " 25 " 25 " 100 " 100 " 30 " Flour, Sugar, Molasses, Pork, Oil. Lime, Cement, Snuff, 200 boxes Tobacco, 500 " Cigars, 100 " Starch, 25 " Pearline. 50 gross Baking Powders, 75 " Matches, 50 " Coffee Essence, 50 sacks Coffee, 5 cases Tea, 200 rolls Bagging, 500 bdls. Ties, 100 reams Paper, 100,000 Paper Sacks, 50 dozen Axes, 40 " Pocket Knives, 50 " Files, 50 " Locks, all sizes, 10 " Coffee Mills. Also a thousand and one other articles too numerous to men tion. These Goods must be sold. Call to see us, foot of Middle street. Latham, Burrut & Go. janvazawwlr Dissolution of Co-partnersliip. Bfl ft known that tha nnrtorafcmeMl ha.wa tbla day. brmntnalcontenttdlrjaolved ttaeoo- pai-iaeranip rormiyaxmutig Datween lliem nndor tba Arm uama of Moody A Fox. Mr. H. W, Kox withdraw! from the I tm aod tba onsinaaa win eonunna nodar tha firm nama or Moody A Roba- U. All peraona Indebted to tha Arm of Moody A Fox will make thalr payment to the Arm or Moody et Roberta; who have aaanmed the llabllltlea, and atand In the nlaea of tha ft m of Moody A fox. This ihs Will day of Ootober, 184(1. ' J.WMOOI)T, (aaal) ) J . It. MO D X, (rleal ) a. w.ruA, (Heal NOTICE. Mr. D. Ii. Kobertt bit vim thla da entar.rl Intoco-pirtntrship with Maeara. f. W. and J. It. Moody-, tbe boalneaa of roannfaatniing Lumber formerly ertndactad under the Arm name of Moody A Fox will ba continued nnrjor the Arm name of Moody Roberta. Hoping tbat tho preaant Arm Will meet with the liberal patronage beatowed by the pobllo nsoa tua former one. we are , , V ery rwmntftil!y, ortrirw ) MUuilf A lioTSVmB. ' : "'TM .' Both the method and results' when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant tnd refreshing to the taste, and acts Knuy yet promptly on too Juuneya Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy or its kind lever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from themost healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. . Byrfp of Figs is for tale la, 60s and $1 bottles ty all leading drug gists. Any .reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try rt. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HO SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, OAL toumiut. nr. mm tout, n.t- VOflfia. 0ft a .Mr I. Im!- m.A. h .T-h- it ,Uoorlwln,Trij,N.V..nt work fur u. Uwd.r. ma? at" iii.k it Much, but can taacfajrun quickly how lo.arn from fS to 10 a. day at tho Mart, and Mora aa you ro on. Built aoxoa, all afea. Iu any part of AuaCliua. VUII tiu. anmmrtir- at knm- t. In 8- all your tla,e,r.r aiaro momenta only to the work. All la u.w. Ureal pay SUKKfor every worker. We .tart vou. fiiral.l.ln rerytlilnp:. F.A811.V, 81'EEMLY learon". PAKIU LLAIU 11EK. Jtdilreia ttonea, bll.XSUj a CO., IHMUSU, UalSaV S3f n lnj.,ivi:i v-urk :ti.lUMloubv, ii TWi-fe UMiSlla UoftniM't, vt-r (H,yiio.l HilJalcoAirni.h lli It ttmruli i-nni Ihul ni,.,... YcarlntluHrnwrt , the itur.titnuiri iiijil nu inuMHr n,r im imit'sn Mutrssful ns aluvo. i:uHllyand ouicKlv h-arurd. I , los ro bt one workt-r fro,., etch district "r coui.ty. JC llox 4SO, Au.utta, Muino. Buy OW, SPECIAL. SUMMER SALES FIRE OitGANS at Way -or SI 9 CrkIi, balance to jou. no interest. GREAT BARGAINS RiuBt d6 sold, tin l linld. Write tot Unronin Sheet. LUDOEN BSTES. avagaq VAN E COLLEGIATE I'iTITUTE, f i'.Vi N SPRINGS, N. C. TOE 150TU SEXES. Teachera all R-adnalis. Military government for boyi. Prof. (Jlusel, graduate of St. John's College. Annapolli, teaon er of Military Taetlca. Muilo Teacher, graduate New Kngland C'onaervalory of Mnalo. rtpeclal courae In com. Law, Bo ilt-ke plrjg and Penmanship. Vocal Musio, Callstbenlo and uumu-naii exerciaee free. Ko additional eoat for Olaaalaa. W For Catalogue call at Joubnal office or aitJreis the Principal. W. E. SKINNER, Principal, seven sppics, n. c. Juiy28awtl Notice of Incorporation State of N'orth Carolina, I Superior Court Craven County. J (Jierk'a Office. Take notice that I have thta day leaned Lettera declaring I. aae Powell, Jamea Person, J, O. Sutton, !r, Lonnle Fulford. Shade A. Edwards, Mllla Hall, Thorn aa Griffin, Uatllda Powell, and Joe Uonoan, and their snceeasoia to be a corporation for the purposes and acoording to the terms pre scribed In Articles of Agreement Died and re corded in said office, i'he subatanosof aald agreement la that parties desire to become Incorporated under tbe name of "Loving Union and BlBlng Star (Juvenile) Christian Aid Relief Corps," located In the city or New Bern, N. C.aald corporation shall have no capital stock, and abail Issue no shares of atocc to its membera or Incorporators and shall not enter into or carry on any trading operations, bnt the aald corporation la ereated exoluslvelr for Mental, Moral, Re ligious, foetal, and Benevolent pur posts' Incorporator! and membera of a .id aoolety hail not be individually 11 able lor lta deaia. Witness my hand and official aeal at Mew Bern, this Uth day of Sept., 1891. -aeplDlw . W. M, WAT805. 0.fl.O. AGE11TS double thetr mens Selling snr BKA81 Anlshod corrngateri wmwumusi. Can bo sold In very family. Glrof mora light than three ordinary lamps, tend ililriy-flYtt cent for eera letc laap aiMl ba) eonvlneeab wa man u tact are a larffo lino of Lhonnhold articles fioud for J rat llllnstratMl Circulars to F0R9HGE A fiSoH AKIN, ClnolllBaUA NOTICE On and after September 80th I shall reduce mr ihavlne ticket to ten shaves and one hair cut for SI 00. Now Is your chsnoe to lay In a snnplv. I IT IS THE BEST. J!j 6 J s EASIEST TO USE, t f j " & THE CHEAPEST. B 31 F1 Li rmf.v. i;. : t--. Atlantic & N. ,0. Railroad! ; ?AS3SNQEK UKPARTMEST, . : (, 1;' Kew lieru, N, C, Oct. 17, F-VlR, SPE0IAL TfiAIN RALEIGH EXP0SITI01T. , October 22d. October 29th. " Not, 5th. . Nov. 12lhi Thursday, Thnraday, Thursday. Solid Ttowglt TraJns With't Cfcanga Cars. An arrant-ment has been a trxl a on be tween Ibsvi.a is. O. Ha-.lrojd t'Oiupany and theK & u; Railroad tympany lu juu lour Kast r-p-jotttt 1'ntinaiioui if rchu-i i.itj and lutem.tHliaie stations lu huleiKh ami rolurn same day u giv all pet sons d.jirliK to at tend 1U Ural Inter-Kiaw. t xn. Biliuu at KalelKh. W. u.,au oppurr.uulty ot.uuliw ao I'D la exijOtitllim ltl Aitbniiwilk-M.i ttt'h.. nnu ,t the grandeal of its onaraotei uvtrr wli nwsttd in xnuitu .iha or Uio b.kiiIi. The arcueuuie ive HU-JUI MVeu hcurtt li KMtnKb Fscre for ths Rtuad Ti ip Wten TloRt'sare purchaa- d f:om t-t.tlonL uauca temw, .lueiadmg Ome aduilsslon lata tits Kxpoaulou Morsht-ail City, . WUldwoo.1. Newpit, Uvluck, s Croatau, Klyerdal. New Mrn, lu uroia. UOJCore!r.lt, lia S 11 j I Lover, . sUu ' II J ( we:i, 3.10 8.05 1 Kmilon, S.115 e J f aun, u i-r.k, l. W lal,tali,. I. Ml a 711 j iit si a, 1.75 X.L-V 1 Sch.. dale or Special Train 1 Leuve Moreheud city iXipiit, 4 oj A..M Moreuead City, up town 4:23 Wlidwood, i 88 . Newport. 4:8 ,f " Ilivelock, 6:08 " " (Jroatiiii, 6.1a ' H l.lver-laie, e:l7 .t " . New Bro, e:05 " ' Clark's, 6:!M Tuscarur, 0:33 " CoreCroeu, e:i8 " Uoer, 7:(i8 ' t'flBwell, 7:11 " ' Kiustou, 7:28 ! " Falling Uuefe. 7:11 ' Ia Gntl'gi), Si'KI Best's. :1H Arrive at Ooldsboro 8 ATi I.euve Ooldsboro lor Rule!, ti at 0 Oil " ' Arrive at Italelah 111 43 iiBTiiant.x, Leave RuKlth b.35 P.M Arrive at Uoldanoro 7.2U Leat a Qolasnoro 7. so ' Best'a 7.6a La Orange u.w ailing Ureelt. 8.18 " Klnttton Sin " Caswell H.b6 " Dover 9.1 0 ' " Core Creek, 0.10 " " Tuscarora 0 3,1 " Clark's u.i 1 " New Uern 10 (W " " Hlveidjle 10.S9 " " Crimtan in. n " Uav l CK lO.oi) " " Nawpoit 11 ifl WlldH-ool J 1.21 " arrive at Morehead City 11 us -' 8. L. MLL, O. 1 A. AGENTS mn mak 65.00 pa lny aeiling our Albums. Wa bent the World toi iow prices una year. IMPORTED PLUSH ALBUM, Sl.00 dion clasp, holdius ucnrly fifty Cobinot and Card pictures. Bent fur tJ (tetalU for 12.00). Not withBiRndiDrj: tho tariff on impnrtbd Albnnis is raised iron, id to ea per cent. thtro will not beany inrreitBe io oar f;.V. Oar'iewJrffl PltnNnllNrtMri P.mr.rRr. IFiwir.TIiiiir. unntntnln old And now versions, are what the seoDle want. our- niUFitii b nnAwaii: I lolid,y(IU W CHELC DUUKdBonan.. to AffODts ri-Oirt now Until Ohrlatmita. Nnnil 92rnta fn. of our fust selling goods. DO!)'T KLA. . ruitantt a bicbakin, importen, Cincinnati. 0. i-.n h.HniMliln.,VRril...r t. rii.llr and h..m.ritblr lij- tiio.o Oiva lu.Blilii .,w lit-rrtur Miry livi". Any OlM can do ilia irork. Knav In l..nr W. lunil.il avwylhlnff. IV. Mart Jrnii. No ri.lt. You tan devota rniir .unra Itiuilisnla, or all vaur lima to tlio ivrk. Tl.l. I. .Htlraly nuiTlcad.nail ariag. tronderful .uccet. to erc-ry workia " a nun hi v.u pur we.K anu untrarua and mura aftora llttla a.nrtnno. tv. n.n.t.1. ploymetitand teaoh you rKKR. No apacto-Txiilin her. PnU lufunoiUon rUKH. TBlIEa! CO.. atUUSIA, Utlt,, "Hullo I Tom. Glnrl to tec you, old fellow I It's almost ten years Mnce wo w ere married. Bit down: let's Lave an experience meeting. How'a tbe wife f " "Oh I she's bo-so, tirnit os rtraa!, always wonb. InesoaietUing I can't afford." ' " Well, we all want 8011101111112 more than we've got. Don't yon f " 'Yes : but I gpess 'want will bo my master. I started to keep down expenses ; and now Lil says I'm 'mean,' and she's tired of saving and never baring anything to show for it. I saw your wife down Btreet, and she looked as happy as a queen ' a inula. Bite la ; auu we are economical, too, nave to be. My wife can make a little go further than anyone I ever knew, yet Blio's always snr. prising me with some dainty contrivance that adds to the comfort and beauty of our little home, and she's always 'merry as a lark.' When I ask how she manages It, she always laughs and ears: 'Oh I that's my secret I" But I think I've dls." covered her ' secret.' When wo married, we both knew we should have to be very careful, bnt she Blade oneoondition she would nave her Magazine. And she was right 1 1 wouldn't do withoutH my. elf for double the subscription price. We read It together, from the title-page to the last word : the stories keep oar hearts young; the synopsis of Important events and scientific matters keeps me posted so that I can talk understandingly of what Is going on : my wife is always trying some new Idea from the household department: she makes all her dresses and those for the children, and she gets all her patterns for nothing, with the magazine ; and we saved Joe when he was so sick with the croup, by doing just as directed In the Sanitarian Department. Eiitlcan'ttellyoulialf 1" "What wonderful Magazine Is it " ' Demoreet's Family Magazine, and "What I Why that's what Lll wanted BO bad. and I told hay it WaJ an rxtrvaenni- . " - '"Well, my friend, that's where yon marls a tea-set In time for our tin wedding next month. My gold watch was the premium I got for getting ap a club. Here's a copy, with the new Premium Ltstfor clubs, the biggest thing on tl If yon don't In '"hat you want, you've only to write to the publisher and tell him what you want, whether It Is a tack-hammer or a new e arrlage, and he will make special terms for yon, either foraclub, or for part eauh. Better snbscribo right off and surprise Mrs. Tom. Only t&00 a year-will save fifty times that la six months. Or send lOccnts direct to the Eoblleher, W. Jennings Dcmorest, 15 East 14th troet. New York, for a specimen copy containing the Fremkun List," ' v,-. THE INTERNATIONAL A Btrictly flrst-cla machine, Fully wiir rantrd. Mule from very liest material, by skilled workmen, and with the best tools that have ever been devised for tlie purrroixa. Warranted to do all tltat can be roiutonablv expected of the very best typewriter extant, Capable of writing JIM words per minute er nioru according to the ability of the operator. . rrico 1 $100.00.?;' It there is no agent in your town, ad Jross the manufaotufciti, . , - . , . THE PARISH IffirO. CO., A genu Wanted. . fARISU, If. T. "C STKNOOnAPHY antlTYPI IN(3 FBF.H. Flint ctnasfncili i ictichers. .i..-i. 1. - v.i.t !, Hits" I . PROFESSIONAL : DR. C. K. BAGBY, Surgeon Dentist, Offiot, Middle Sired, opp. Baptist Chvrcht ':V.-. '";.- J HEWBEttlf JB, W. 5. W. D. MclVER, Attorney-at-JLaw NEW BERNE, N. C. may22dwtf - --. . ,. C. R. THOM AS, Attorney aud Counselor-at-Law, Office, Craven Street, Stanley Building, -, ? NEW BERNE, N.iC PpArttlrwtt In iViA rnnraanf frsvpn flarlarAi. f Jones, Onslow, Lenoir and Pamlico counties. the supreme uourt ot norm tjaroimo, ana the U. . Jlictriot and CiroOit.Oourta, jlyll Ha L. GIBBS, ATTQRNEY AT - LAW. ' Craven St., next to Journal Offloa, ' NEW BERNE, N. Q. ,' Practice in the Courts of Craven, Carteret, Hyde, Pamlico, Jones, Onslow, and Lenoir counties, end in tbe Supreme and Federal courts. ad&wtf dr.j.d. clark; NEW BEftNE, N. C , Jt3"0tlice on Craven Street, betwwn rolloclc and Broad. . . P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND MONEY BROKER.' Craycn Street; ?p0?z:;&': " fflABpeoialty made in negotiating small loans for snort time, Will ipractice in the Connthn of Craven, Carteret, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. BSrlnitod States Court at New Berne, and Supreme Court of the State. .. . GE0.HENDEES0N. (Succettor toEoberit tt JTendcrton. General mim leii, IllltlMBMll.. T n rt . 1 aw . I 1 iuountutjo vosTpanroi JMonn Amerloa, of Philadelphia. uism insurance uompany, ot aew York. , Queen Insurance Company, of England. Hflrtlnnl PfA Ti,..h.u rt r . Hartford. r' VUUJiU7' w North Carolina Home Inftaraoce CompanT, of Raleigh. ,v . GfGfin Witfh Trn.iiranna,'rn..- V. York ivvuijauf vft xrww fr ?nK?n;urance Oompany, of Brooklyn. United TTmlorurrita T.... rt I.. ot Atlanta. Boston Marine Insurance Company, of Boston. iuliJdwtf L. S. WOOD, Formerly 18 yean with Geo. Allen & Co. DEA1BB IS Geieral Hardware and Ciflerj, Harness, Saddles, Bridles and Whips, FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Pollock Street, next to latlongl Bank NEW BERNE. H, O. t. a. tavan.ra re. thos. Dannia, vici-pru. c. m. aoacnva, caHia. The National Bant. OF NEWBERNE, N. C. - INCOItPOUATED 18G3. $11)0,000 1' Capital, Surplus Profits, DIRECTORS Jas. A. Bryan, -Chab. S. Bbyah. Thob. Dakjka J. H. IlACKBUitm N E XT! Prof. W. H. SHEPARtT mptnt aiatstuata la th tooaoiial ant 70a . flM5tor s to Cents.. l;l3AST0a IJ3USE SHOP. NEW BE..JNE. N. C. ;t0 WW 1 t!Srs LIVER; C.IEDICiriS; CHILUCURE.' CBEAPKBT HKDIC1MK liHOWS'. CONSIDERING QUALITY AND SIZE OP D08B.J '" vr will Aiso oubh r BILIOUSNESS, DY8PEPai4,r . Ami OHBOMIO OOKSTlPAMOlt . ;R; BERRY; New Berne. - k, r a THE BEST KWflVWRFMFn aorld or polwnous anjXna?ar3: ia (rnarnnteed abaolasoiv hnrmiu., S22vS? nylsna. Best 8.- 23l5.by Jwerglsta. Bwrtr ot Sok-. satntes. Acme Chiri.On.Ltrl..N.O.T,a , , Ban uouniors, Tyler Byatom, Port- - saviv, wncquaiea ir styles. ... Costand Finish' ' " im nnMihinwaf Cmian, aaj at, UlaialaS fca Oaica Oe.ks and Tya JVrltr Vnblacts, SOO , styla. Bust and ouettp- ettt on aartb, with grunt reduction Id nrlma. 1HO fair, nulmtu. VrM,, ft.. IS Ma, Vi.ll ll.e. Vl Biwa Chulra, f aMn, Itimt, Cithneta, ,WH Ji, t..a. l'(.i.i....t,, nla, m Bi' . it., '.ilill Ai,Jlr' ra"7l o i . 7. . U rT-t'TwaC. f ; o 1 YEAHS of eonUuuou and successful xnit'S-. , school for their children, JAREHTS abould ,tirJSitHj&tltt.t mav require the expendi5re ofa few dollars more at arst, "'''P"? '; rUPAD tuition is verv dear, because it means cheap teschcrt, cheap snrrounoinga, ii.iertpr 1 ai ..- all similar institutions combined. Catalogue and particulars mailed on application. Addrese, W. H. SADLER, Presiuent, and Founder! or F. A. VJ T&'nS? Mn BUSINESS COLLEGE, 6,8, IO 12 H.Charlem St., BALTISflORE, MD. LOVELL DIAMOrJD CYCLES. Io. 1. Solid Tires, strictly. ' M " ' $88.00 HIGH GRADE. Ro. 2, Goshlon Tires, . - -, - $05.00 lo. 3, Udlas Solid Tires, , $85.00 CnsMon Tires ft-v- PARTS IntercMge JOHN I3. LOVELL. Aitiviw -- ' MANUFACTURERS, BOSTON, MASS. - " tni til wnb Id lUmpi for our iM page Blintrttd Catalogue ot Crnii, Mb, toolrni, Spurting CoeJs of til Mail, sta whe ara makln Peiaty tfils wa uau rAnilUIUiil Made of the FINEST STOCK and ifjE8T WORKMANSHIP. Such a harness "cannot be bought for less tnan ' at retail. But we are wllllno;, In order to Introduce It, to Sell one set only to one person as a ;i sample for $16.50. WE ABE IN THE LEAD FOR FINE QUALITY AND STYLE OF SPRING VEHICLES. m HOST FOR THE MOM IS OUR MOTTO,- BEST MATERIAL AND, , WORKMAN SHIP , WINS. SMALL MD LAME ORDERS A SAMPLE JOB WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT OUR "WORK IS THE WORK TO BUT. BEIDGEWATEE CARRIAGE CO. VAUGHN patent jpiBST-ClASS IN 'Kx wsMsnmsM MmnA'KTin TICJrTl 1 EASIEST EIDIirCr VEHICLE ON E ARTH. BUGGIES BOADWACOHS, nnicTnue , AND SURREYS BABCOCK & YIELE Sols Proprletori PHUM-.totologu. Mention Paper. 1 mJl5C?7r?JL uMVfilXttLl?K. s.f $65"OUR SILVER QUEEN $65 I It possible aflrat-class Busgy with Silver-plated Dash Rail, Seat f , Ball, Handles, Hub Bands, and 3 oi - u. Writ for our Mew 80 pass Catalogue of all kinds of Vehloles, Southern .CINCINNATI, - - I' ; t ' "Weliave wagons, buggies, surreys. High frsdej si light, strong, ilurable, stylish, as beautifully finished as modernized manufacture can produce. ' Built on honor by men of life aaperienca. ? Honesty U our policy j prompt . shipment cur specialty. We want to know you. Write us. Costs you nothing. May lead to business by and by. Send .for our catalogue. It fe free to every reader of this paper. Cing tamtoq TVagon Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. "BUILT FOR Bo. 3 C, Ladles' ciiswon iiras, $es.oo - t!3. 4, ConverUbls Solid Tins, 985.00 " Ko. 4. G, " Cusblon Tires, $95.00 , No better machine made at -. any price. Bicycle GalalogQS Free. $85.00 season of What iiiiiLiaMtvM'i the very at. ONE OF OUR CAT A- LOGUES f FULLY IL LUSTRATES OUR LINE. RECEIVE BEST ATTENTION. - spring vehicles: BVEBT RESPECT. A Mil CARRIAGE COMPANT 3? and Manufacturers, :. EVANSVILLE, TKDIAKd. unart Tips, ror aoove price r k IC IO. o in' buggy co. OHIOrU.STAr WAGON?" I BUSINESS."