I' Mi A 1 V, for Infants , 1 Ii cditM sapsrterteaayptaaci isttoa ; - tU 8 Oxtore St, BrooUya, X. T. Mtt Wet'Csatoria'tonnrfenalaae' . fts wrlh so nil known tfcaC It wnma a wark - ' at aniiararojratloo to endorse It. raw an tk ;.' IrMivnt family wko do aolkaep Oeakaia - T?" '""'cabloi aUarnr, TV D., ;' -- Haw York OSy. ' iMt faster eioomlngrtale Baf orates Onwca. ta Cranium - Fut Passenger and Freight Una betwaea NEW BERNE, Eastern North Carolina Points, and all Con nection! of the PBSnttXTAHU RAILROAD, ' IKOLUDWO tw Tark, Philadelphia, 'Norfolk, Bal ' tlnaore aad Boston, ka OliLY Trl-Weekly Una Out of Hew Bern a. New and Elegantly Equipped Steamer 8a.Ua from Naw Berne I0ID1TS, WEDIESDAYS, PEIDAYS, AT FIVE P. M., Stowing at Jtoanoke Island each way and forming oloae connection with the ... Norfolk Southern Railroad. . The Eastern Dlspatoh Line, consisting of the Wilmington 8.8. Co, Norfolk Southern ft. a, New York, Phila. and Norfolk K.B, end Pennsylvania R. R, form a reliable and regular line, offering superior facilities for quick passenger and freight transportation. No transfer except at Elizabeth City, Jet which point freight will be loaded on ears to (a through to destination. Direct all goods to be shipped via Eastern Carolina Dispatch daily as idllowst front New York, by Penna. R. R, Pier 47, North River, from Philadelphia, by Phils- W. andBalto. ' tt. IL. Dook St, Station. From Baltimore: by Phila., Wfl. and Balto. R. R., President St Station. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern R. B. From Boston, by Merchants A Miners Trans- TorUUoaCo.; New York and New England SxTRatei as low and time quicker than by any other line. - For further information apply to W. II. JOYCE, (Oen'l Freight Trafflo Agent. P. R. R.) General Traffic Agent. Qbo. Btkphbns. Division Freight (Agent, F. W. B. K. 1U rhiladelDhl B. B. COOKE, Gen'l Freight Agent, N. T. ' pTV N. R. R, Norfolk, Va. II. C HUDGIHS, General Freight Agent N. 8. B.R., Norfolk, Va. GEO. HENDERSON, Aokkt, Newberne. N. C. OP DOMINION SteaiiisMp Company, - SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. Tie Old bominim Uteanuhip Company'i Old Ad Favorite Water Route, via Albe- marie and Chttapeakt Canst FOB ertolk, Baltimore, Kew Tark. Fhllaxi delpbla, Boston, Providence, and Washington City. . And all paints North, East and Wed. Oo-aod after TUESDAY, April 29, until , jnta tamer notice, Us Stealer EWBERHE.Capl Sontngate, WUj'sail from Norfolk, Vs, for New Berne, H. C; direct, every Monday and Thursday, .taking oloae connection with the A. & N. C. R. R, for til stations on that road, and' with IksSieamen Kintton and Howard for Kin sto a, Trenton, and all other landings on the Nense and Trent Rivers. - - - RetornlntwiU sail, PROM-HEW' BEBNK t-f BORF-OLK direct, at t P.m. Tueidatt and FriyVkinreSnectt witt'WHJ. R 8. fl. C ? ships tot New York, B. B. P..Ca.'i eteemert for Baltimore; Clyde Line Ship for FhlladeiDnia.M. elphii U. T. Co.'e ships for Bca. : tan and Fravitience. - . BteamfeKiatton, Capt Dixon, win fall for Klnetoa ot arrival ot steamer Newberne. ' Order ail goods care of Ow D. 8, & Co, HftrfoUL VI.L . Piaaen Pasnger will Snd a good, table, oomfort- fcblr rooms, i able rooms, anu every wunojasaiKB t will be paid them By e' officers., ROBERT Agent EB A TURN vlMhti Norfo tCaicnlEStont, Defiance iTmer f On and after February '1st, 1891, this y-j; uue wiu make regular - - : v A,..t 3 f Card; 'j vl I ' Tl'tUt'ei - Bern f ' mly at J -flfSpw .1 lontC' tta,a Hng tinC i; a iorLuatod, 1 aipuia, Rid'hsnondtandall t .ia. Lust Md Wast. Halting done n tor all points by A. N. C. Rail' i aad River out of New Berne " . in oiotuwe ' . lOsiBS.Gen'I Manager, . ' : 0 Light 8k, Baltlmora, Vr. "nCaHBloX, Agnl Norfolk. Va. . 1. 1 ; is A CoVhiladelphia, li Bouth kand Eilto. Trana, Iin,lFler i i. n, Euf'n, fl Central whart ' B. i. tuwll, rroviiiouee, n. 1 (. i ,s lt v Boston, i s and Saturday J nlto- Wednaedays A Saturdays. Iniiwi1phia,Mouday,:Wednee- ' t 4 t tturdayt. i'.a. Baturdaya. i r Riven, and rates guar. jiiui diuereat offloae ol . 1 r..., I Emktgt of Bulk onS Shij . V r, A gant, IU Berae, N. 0 TTJV "''-'WjWHHHH!M!T TsTJMeaveBjEH.B8BSaBaBB . ' ILaUC. O. m and Children. Ckaterta ewne OoDo, Cooarrjmtfna, owStoouMk, Piarraoae. IractaUoa, MltWw gins saw, aad proaeots vTUaaaa Bnrtoaa siHssHosa Var several m I hava i year ' riaatarla. ' and ehaB always cenWaae ta la so aa it aaslavariaU pradusad aaaaMal Eawm F. Pisses. K. ft, "lbs matoiea," UMa Itraat aad ft Am, XtwTorkCUr- Oaamurr, TT Uuuut Stuot, Raw Teas. ! JOE Ka WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF Carolina EVlarblcVVorks NEW BERNE, N. C. Italian and American Marble and all QaalUie of Material, Orders solicited and given pfbmpt At tention, with Satisfaction guaranteed. "Terra CbttaVateriw Flints and IBWi tnjnished at the vary lowest rataa. HUMPHREYS' Dm. HoaniaaTS' araovios are solentUkoallT and aanf iSy prepared prenrlptlou l uatlor sw JTBWMpraettwrhauooasaBdIoro Grtr oed bj the people. ETarjr lnKUj Bp llflc fa a special curefor the disatM naraxt Tbaie Bpaolflea cure without dragging, jwrr IngornduolBgthe yttem.Md areTn tut and SedUwaaTerelaa reatedleaof theWarla. HrYMfta WomJrever, worm joiiu.. HZiiVa? Odld, Bronchitis 9$ Sa.ra.lala, Tootiaifaotan,. IaatCaltL Dlva'"1''" waswaaayw Vwanr1 AVaMSA. UfU WI.lg(Ia) Violent Ooogla. ffeneril KbYlltv'rnyslcalWsaaiian B.ldaeyjjli " '.1.1 Kerroaa n..wir..bi)Mf. Witt Wetttng Bod. .8' MeesuteeoitlioHeart,Palpli SohS Tamils cloth and gold, mailed tne. HtTMTHHBTS' MBDIOIHB 00- , Oar. William ana John Street, fl w Ton. Specifics, All of the above medicines ars tot tele at the drug stores of F. 8. DuBj tad B. Berry, Middle street, New Beras. N. O. Boot and Shoe Maker. 'AH Stylaa of Boots and SHjea mad to ordor and on Short notlo. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, N, ARPEN, WAVE! ST., apposlts IouTsu! Oytij K. R. JONES, ' HEAVY. AND LIGHT GROCERIES. lorUlard ud BaH i Ax Saul, Sold ol Manufacturer? JVfcea, ' Dry Goods & Notions. Fall 6toekand Large Asseftmeiil, Prloea as Id A Uwsat, Call aMid Cxamtne iwir Stwlt. v V;:' SatisfaeUoa QarfitMi. UBS. J. ZI. HII7ESV Boarding Hous . -REOPENED, 7, Mis. 3. M. HIKES has reopened a First-Class Boarding House It) the city, oppcslte Baptist Chvirch.s:;,:. Tie Pioneer DSsewini Maclilie, - Can b had at the tame place, 'i J. M. H1NES, Agent. J, 13. BHO W, BARBER SHOP. NaaUy fitted up in the best of style. Bath rooms with hot and cold Water. . BRICK BLOCK. MIDDLE ST. A ? u ( 1 gi.. !ri it AsnaaWlnWaaa THE JOURNAL. SUNK IN THE CHANNEL. Sixteen Persona Browned and Three , . ' Crushed to Death In a Collision London. Oct. 20. The British steamer Boston, from Cardiff for London, has arrived at Falmouth after having been in collision with the British bark Onarlwood, 759 tons, Capt. Salmon, from Antwerp to Valparaiso, i Tbe Gharlwood foundered almost immediately after tbe collision with a' loss of sixteen lives. Three men were killed on board the Boston at the time of tbe collision, and the steamerVJbeatj were badly etove in Tbe captain of tbe Cuarlwood, his wife, son, a governess, and tb stewardess, together witb all tbe bark's officers and six of the seamen a total of sixteen persons were drowned in spite of the desperate efforts made by tbe lifeboats of vessels which happened to he near the scene of the collision to rescue them. Tbo efforts of the would-be life savers were grea'.ly hambered by the darkness wbicb prevauea at the time the accident took place 1:45 in the morning The spot where tbe two vessels met was not far from tbe Eddystone rocks, fourteen miles from Flymonth. Only an apprentice and the cap tain's daughter were Baved. A Button's Journey. John Bowden, fifty five years of age, a brakemen on tne liammote and Ohio railroad, residing in Bal timore, went to the Presbyterian Hospital yesterday and complained of a severe pain in his leg. No ontward evidence of any injury 0 mid be distoverd by the physi cians, but. with Bowden's con sent, they cut into tbe centre of pain and removed a large confed erate military button. Bowden S lid thatjhe was wounded in tbe army, at the battle of Gettsburg, bat at the time tbe bullet eould not be fonnd, although the wound was probed several times by tne hjepital physicians. Tbe confed erate button was tbe misile that inflicted the wound in bis arm, and bad worked its way np through bis body and down to the place where it was found and removed. Phil. Times. 1485 M. Y. Ave.. WASHINGTON, D. O. Omen o York BNTaKPaua, TOBKVII.LB, i. 0 Aug: 14. '81. iTT.iNT.n -tacraopoisa Qentlameo: Fojthea a Ave years my wlf has b'ena auff rer rrum dlipensia So oomplettly ah tnea.ssaae maKeawreia oi avr jurmer bju that Ufa waa almoit despaired or Her nervous system waa almost entlly oe st'oyed and the a lgbtest iiolte wonld throw her Into a nervous apaam, which wonid last lor hours, mouiosi skui lauca to bring anvrfll f, xnroun tne reoommenaouun ui an oui- nent divine we wre loduo d to trr tne klectrorjo me. Alter a persistent ise oi toe Instrument, the Htect he been wonrtllol. Ber nervooa system has been restored to Its almost normal condition; bir dlcet'on la wjnd'rrully tmproveo; ane ia rapioiy gm Iok In flesh: and, upon the whole, la making a rapid recovery, wnlob speaks volumes to tne wor.oeiltua cuibmvv puwen vi iuo B! ectropolae, aa ner case waa consiaera haneleta. ICanvare eseotioal on the sub- jeot, let them try tbe Eleetropolae, and I s wonderful powe-s wl 1 quickly d'sp:l all doubt. Yours troiy. w. s. rnursi. For Information Add'bess as abov, on 2 Kins; St. CHARLESTON. 8. C. W. M. WATBON. Agent, re 'Berne. N.O. Riding Vehicles We are prepared to make to ordor anything in tbe line of Drays, Carts, Bugfries, or other Riding Vehicles. All work built strong and finished in a handsome manner, G.'h.. WATERS. &. SON, Nsw Berne, tf. 0. ao85dwlf SALE, EXCHAKGE AHD LIVERY. HS?i3 txroet 1 : . Em now on hand aisrgs lot ot f MULES aad HOBSES, raised la WEST EBN NOBTH CAROLINA. " - I ' Also, a fins' lot of Boggles, Boad Carta tnd Harness, all of which will bs sold as LOW AS THE LOWEST j ' Don't fall to ootne and see him before making; a trade. ;Sf -:s0M ft Feedln a speolalr. bovOT dwtf ? UKAZXCEQ DICTIONARY, ' fl AO Herr'lam Edition, rarlaed 1890 V'-- Patent Indrx (atore price tis.00 ) J1 -Far Six Dollars an ' Nluty Ceata. Mo rehash, no reprint. It la the orlgSaal. We will relnnd money If not what represent ed Lank e seeerel. Ordera 01 ad promptly. AgenjJi wanted. i ,.. . Nontkara Jpnbll.hlaa Ttonsei ' ocM lm 103 spruce t., r-amvme, xtas . . !A -a rr' i-irr! are wanted immediately .r ' r Worse and I"' 'rio Street T' i ,r i ,jBoaaaycwai"aa I jaaaaa aang5sg Clanufacturing Company! New Berne, N. C, A. M. BAKER, Manager, Mautifacturer of Siraw and Excelsior Cotton Top, Hair DEALERS IN We make as good a Hair Mattress as any factory in the United j Stjates, . MAKE THEM TQ ORDER. of any size or quality. Our XXt Steam cured Moss is the very best and makes a very durable mattress." It is better than a medium priced Hair. Straw with Cotton Top. We put on a heavy cotton top. Have your old Hair or Moss beautiful work and will be sure . seen what we, get from a mattress that has been used several rears you do not, know how very' necessary it is to have them puriueu auu uiauo vv vi. i Call on 'us for Chicken Feathers, and ioss Mattresses, FEATHERS. use none but the best straw and mattresses .renovated. Wet'o to. please yon. Unless you have PeathersQoose. Feathers, Duck Feathers oi ; '.- : v J bt-tit )4 m-:--h'i-iK i;. I , i; . " ' ' 1 1- Souther. Exposition; RALEIGH, N. C. ROUND TRIP RkTES IS EFFCT Sept. 29 to Dec 1st, 1891. Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, Passenger Department, New Bern, N. C , 25. 1891. TO AGENTS A. & N 0. R B : You ara hereby authorized to sell Round Trip Tickets to the Southern exposition at Rtltih, N (J . fiom your stall jn to R-tlfiKh and Return at tbe following rate. Tickets to embrace ote admission into Exposition, to be etamppd at th Expomtiun vruundg be fore they are vatetl for return paeBagp. Sell Contract Ticbeia only to the above Tickets to be sold on Tuesday. Wed nesday und Thursday of each week, commencing S pv 29:h to be limited to a continuous pat-sage- in each direction. Good to return any lime within 7 dajs from date of sale. Mnrehead City Wildwood Newport Have" rk .S3 40 ... 3.25 ... 3 20 ... 3 05 roam ii 2 95 Riverdali- 2 90 New Born 2 70 Tuacarora 2 50 Core Creek 2 3 Dover 2 20 (Jaswell 2 10 Kineton 2 i:5 Falling Creek 1 90 La Grange 1 "0 Best's 1 75 h. DILL, G. P. A. Atlantic & N. C. Railntad Gour-a East. Sohedulk. Going West No. 51. Passenger Trains. No. 50. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. 1110 am 10 22 10 25 9 48 9 53 8 17 8 30 am 6 47 pm 8 80 Goldsboro La Grauge Kineton New Berne Morehead City Dailv. 4 06 4 35 600 738 4 09 4 40 6 08 p m Going East. No. l.t Mixed Ft. & Puss. Train. Soiiedulb Goino West. No. 2 Mixed Ft dt Stationr . GoldsDoro He-it'? La tirante Falling Creek K.itie' on ("avoll LK.vor Cor .3 1 .'rt k T;j-'- irm. Clark'e e I;. 1 RiverdnU' Pas- Trait.. 7 20 pro a m 0 57 7 20 7 48 8 11 8 50 6 30 7 05 7 30 7 53 8 0 8 55 6 4 ,-) 54 5 24 4 2:. 4 U' 25 2 54 i 21 6 34 6 4 5 30 r 0 4 ' 5 1 -0 3 10 t 0 2 12 1 0 9 4b' 9 15 10 Oi 10 SI 111 36 11 00 II 05 11 17 11 41 12 15 3 00 2 .1. 10 3. y 4i a- 8 59 8 li 8 00 7 47 7 17 7 05 a o. 87 8 42 3 50 4 13 4 42 4 55 5 ul 5 21 5 28 3 48 4 08 4 37 4 51 5 01 5 16 5 23 9 A 9 4 v7 1)4 7 tliVt.lo:a Ncwp'jit Wild wood Atlantic Mon l'ead '.? AllatitH. Hiiltl 7 27 7 15 7 00 531 M 21 Slolr-lu ad DCLK." Monrfuy. V, ea.it anay u tTuedav. Ttuis 1 at. Kr.djiy. utur.:uy rill- .Jtf iMi trv -r v."' di Trail b'm . ; v(. 11:60 a. m.. uAif lit k:. Trtilii WfHt lenvliif U ' 411 (). TralD 51 connect- i Tram, arnTiui. m 'lohit .1(1 wlt.i for. th Wllmmt'tofi ani w Nortb at ;i:iu (j.di Train I jotiuecw wltti Witt-oiunt i and Nurih Wfldoa Tbrouti Krolhi Triii, l ounJ; leaving 'iKir'ro ui p. THE NEW LEVER SAFETY The PERFECTION of SIMPLICITY and ECONOMY of POWER. "NO CIIAIAN. NO GEARS. VARIABLE STROKE, only two 6dt8 of Revolving Bearings. Beat Hill Climbing and all around Safety made. OATALOO- U Ml LETEL H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO. SMITHVILLE, n. j: WTlh a TfXord machine that is used in the Office, Court-room, and for reporting lectures and sermons. While its speed is greater than any other known method, it is U simple that any intelligent person can tain a spsed of too or mors words per min nte, in five or six weeks, without the aid of an instructor. Circulars and testimonials sent ta all who mention this paper. E. T. PIERCE, FAYETTE, OHIO, Sols Afc-oft lor U. 8. and Canada. i0iiG. the nader-tnfJaar,ntteUPavle a.rSLaaS.aVffOT DfSrBMD.. U.TIU. U'.m.n H"-' underalne, dnlr aa'hent'td. for ry roam on or ner t- tn4i.n a iv ai Bpwui"". aarr'e. AH p ts.ua Indebted to ld Paviemuat py same o "ia eenti I. n Tr-1.' PAvr,v r TIME TABLJB In Effect 1:30 P.M., Friday, Cot 17. 1890. at ;-JttrorS epHIS is the 1 NORTH CAROLINA Craven County. In the nperior Ooart, The Board of - ommlaato ara of Cravaa eonnty. plalutln, va mellna Tnekar. Ad mluiauirix ol n.ii bard Tooker. Kaaabaa Tucker, clia K. Mao. TJ. . Maoa, lMk Barn. y .Fanny Baroey, Abraham . Bryan, Henry rfpernns. t. B.andat.b. Small wo d.defen anta Nouoe. To Henry Sperilng-: Yon will Uka notice that hj antlo-i entlil d aa above has Data cmmei cd iu tbe Huei lor t :onrt of cravaa couut N rcnCaro lit, the pD'poaeof whtan if bi foreclose certain lx deeda or tax ear tidoaua held by tbeeoau of craven and 8iau ot ortn Carolina, and to have the amount due aald oonuiy and atale of taxes. Inter. t iM-miiil p-n ty, aa a. pears from sld tax deedi deel red a ilen upon the lands ol ibe d lei.naioa. described In the cumpU:nt tile. i in lb a action, an aitoata In the cou .iyof Graven, North Carolina, and tobtive tbe nald jau. aoid to oav tbe auu au to exnii.de an foreelo-ean l'enorln tere t which you may own or claim In the said land Ana y. u will fa ther bike notice that yon arerequiien te nppearat the i axt term of ties.iperiur unr of said com. ty, to be held on t i itili moio) ar.rthe S at Mon day n Hep'euinei . ccgi. a' the ConrtHouee . oi aala cjiii.' . in ew Berne, N. .. anu an- ewer or demur to ibe complaint or the ! plaii.t n win apply m tb court for the relief deroaode In ea:d cm, lairt. This the 7lh day of h t , 1MH. oi 9 tiw W. M. HA i'SON, U. 8. O. North (.'arolina . ) In fBce Clerk Jiii'i'ii'i Superior Court. NuticH i- tn rer y uiven of the incor poratii.ti of IhH' 1'ieoton Hmh School " That thr nantea of the lucoipuretora are Thomas J Wbitaker. C A. Haakioa, Wm El Rhudes H E Koonre and B. L May, and such utheia aa they may associate with lb. m; that the principal place of tiiini8it ebll be in or near Tr-nton Jin ee county, N C. and its general purpose and business is to oon ouci and c-rr on a School for tbe eda ct.t. i, ui . u, b while pupils as it may adnji then to and to employ teaobere aud to do ail thinge necessary for the COoduiing ot same school, that the duration f the Corporation shall ha thirty y. i.rt.; the capital stuck is $2000 00 with privilege to increase to $20 000 00, dii 'i, rhares of the par Value of $25 00 each, JAS F. WHITE. Clerk ocll3C Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA Ckaven County. In the Superior Court. The Fo:ird of Commissioners of Craven county, lialntitl, vs. H. ti. Chance, De fendant. Notice To B. K. ( hance: j'he l i iiiiau aove naoaed will take non.e Ii t a - action entitled aa aoove baa b en com iiienceil In the Huperlor conrt of C'ave ciinniv onh Carolina, the purpose of whim ia ut forenobe certain tax deedsas tax coriifli'ti8 hi the county of Craven am! latent .Noi Ih i aroitn aDd to have tbe an.ouiit il. e aa. e county ai.d State of taxes, luiei ai , rw laai.dpe liy as appeara from B-Id tax needN i, o.uted a lien opo'i the lanae ottned ie i Hiit i iS''iileo In tbe com plaint h'til n i ;t-r io aui) aiiuate In thecountv Ol IT ott i ' oiliiH., -nd to have tbe i ll to p the same and to ex toric ee auy Hen or Interest niav un or cUim In tbe aald ti wm fu ih. r lake notice ihat Itii'd o pe.rt ihe nextterm 'i r ui1 " s l C iuuty u be i . . h vt. .hd y after me fl s. cliule Imi'i A you ire of 111 - h I., o Mi da eu em i H: t be b'- d In ih t ou e, a d ui' lupi Int In Said iij.plv lot ecourt i. iouipiaint. I -Hi Al -U.N C. . l. 1 h. Oi I'rKV.n J .h,t. . 1 r lik i tv .t. Jasper, i 10 !,'. .N i .1 i ii'tf Mil.- utiL lake i i n . ii I it tl hb above LB .it lie s .Dermr c urt of 1 1 li nohii ,lhit par pone rfcjuri .e L iu laid 0nor .it hi iht noui.t of ran Ui a uiin unt io tiavt- Ihe un ii ii il Slam of taxe-, ii , n I ) appt-a u rum J- I h Uftoii tti laiiOs n sib n, to. r uilatnt .1 ;t I Ml'i, COUUtiV i h ii , . (I io Invu ibe . . t rttine -ilid t X- k a y i ii or inter l it ii r c aim tu ihe eatl v il n.r lie ia ye uoliof that hi ipf ar t, ibe next term (Mint i naid county, to be in vi mid. v altrr be first In er l !H al the curl f w Hern, N i and ctiinpiul t in satd " i 1 Hp ly ' o the t r Ill.lt i (1 In ea u com- . lHitl x tON, 8. C. In Ihe Sunerior court i eis of Oraeu VB Uattln. t li" us Green sing tbe firm of I-UtH N Tl K. 111 Ml (irthl )). iij n.t in iiuivr n tt hi ed will lake i l i . t e, i, e i u 1 1 "nJ h8 lib' v. baa M i f eu i- .- i ti. In -iiiierlor CoU't of i v. i u , itniar ltim the i utpo w.i ' li ii . tr-'" fei-iHin tax d eds or ...x t i il ai i e ! . i lit- t-iiu tv Oav n L u 'ui . N- ii i ' -t . 1 1 1 , mi. t- have ibe in lid 111 O I; V H, (t -IrttH I1 t XeS, (tr. i . h a ii un p ars (rm mi ' HX n '1 V H I' t" P'Hl Uk ii s th (1 d i t d kc ' i-d in tbs io pi i ' t, ni i 1 1 tiii a ii nudHitiLlfln be on ty ii ' . r li ronia and oli i v ' t . s.ul ' -ni 1 io pa the same u to i' ii-i h 'i lo-ec ae hu iiit or muit-' on y vv- or -la'm I- the at id land. A yo will rur fier ta no uie lliat you t rn . ed to appear at the i ext U rm of ih ! -r ourt of Bald cuuniy. to -o held ii .uu twelfth M uday after tbe first Motidi iu September, WJl, at the eonrt housti iu New Beru, J . Iu said county, audanttweror demur to the complaint la sal action or the pip lnt fT will sppy to ths court lor the relief demanded Ih said com plaint This the 18th day of H Pt., 1R1. W. M WAT80N.C.8. C. NOTICE. Tt i- ii i'eraigned, Alioe P. Rose, has (1 ils quiniHi'd 8 Executrix ot Willis (Up, (feinted, and hereby gives notioe that flie requires all persons bavins claims apamst the Raid Willw Boss, to present them to ibe undersigned, duly authenticted, for payment on or be fore the 22J day of September, 18SJ, or ie no tc "i' read in bar of saese. V .i. n .aid Willis Boss . hi . -mi. i- ETiutrix. 1 h' s. pi. m'i. r t2 1891. 1JCR P. Ros Eecii"' f Willis Itoee. .1- UUi , 1 -,! r&iirt ( Kail ivrm.lrtl. Cr mi W .i Fl re Tithe l H,n.t. vi Fi'.fiDCe Bruwn. Acii' n fur Divurce. r- H nn O fendsnt, ,, ii-, ih .1 von ire require to i r. rm 1891, of the n ., n i for aaid couniy, ii. - in the city l i ii , ,i 12 M ir d Kfter N. " 1 ' e i i i.i ' Thi ei." mnr 1 '01 an4 rl n in ll- tf m Hi e. f heOlerk ( nr. 4 h 'H f S p br. I91 Clei k n,p ri..r 0iart. flKO H. WHITB At'y ii Pialatiff. Tha nude s'ane. Jamaa a Harrison, dn 'ou ,ri.iia d . 'ul tr -turnf iKeaiata , f . p. .., lz d neaaeil. and '-w byg vaa no m. ih thi" -.qui' a all nerna ba- ni .iB ..a I ui . t tj f hea 1 r -ohn P. hjU Ihmh fT.t!Jt - . . . . to tba MtaVa . - innst o -wiw oot ohm ' ent 9lh.ll , r a Tiii aimlBlatratlir. eaplO iVi'.; v , ',. fi?:".,..C.'": '"V" -j..-,',-;,. "i ;,". -rn'Cry for Fitter's f

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