. - . -. . I - 1 -. . - ii inn . j for Infants and Children. - tisaaaatnaMrtassuparkx-.toaayprascriftiea ill 8a Oxter St, Sntokb-a, H. T. - Tkm9f OMtartolifBlraiWltl sto aasHtasa well kaowa that it sauna a work ;a OTnwrrwatfontoetadoners, lewa-rathe aunllM wko do aot kMp Castoria Lata raster MoomlneMalaBsformad Obu-roa. Tn Castritrs 1 Fast Psftcroger tad Freight Line between ', NEWBFRNF Eastern North, Carolina Point, and all Con- IM" A nectlons pf the . : PEIfSSTLViKlA HAILKOAD, XHCLVODta W York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Bl- -Uuon and Boston. OMLT Trl-Weekly- Uno'Ont of ' ...!'... How Bone. Aie and Elegantly Equipped Steamer 8alls from New Bern I0IDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, FRIDAYS, AT FIVE P. M. UtOBShls? at Roanoke Tulund- Mnh nv and - forming eloae connection with the Norfolk Southern Railroad. . The Eastern Dispatch Line, consisting of :,' the Wilmington S. 8. Co, Norfolk Southern U. K New York, Phila. and Norfolk B.R, and Pennsylvania R. R, form a reliable and regular line, offering snperior facilities for a.alck paseenner and freight transportation. : No transfer except at Elisabeth City.at which point freight will be loaded on Cars to gvuirouga w aesunanon. a Carolina Dispatch daily aa follows: ;'rom New York, by Penna. B. B, Pier 37. . North River. ; From Philadelphia, by Phils, W. and Balto. - B. IU Dock Bt, Station. ' From Baltimore, by Phila, Wil. and Balto. v IL It, President St Btation. . From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern B. B. From Boston, by Merchants & Miners Trans . porUtion Co.; New York and New England Rates as low and time quicker than by any other line. v . For further information apply to W. II. Joyob, (Qen'l Freight Traffic Agent, P. B. R) General Traffio Agent j uenenu tPlIBNS. 1 Quo. Stephens, Division Freight (Agent, P. W. A B. R. B, Philadelphia. B. B. COOKE, Oen'l Freight Agent, N. Y. P. AN.R.R, Norfolk, Vs. II. C IIudoins, General Freight Agent N. S. B. B, Norfolk. Va. GEO. HENDERSON, Aoknt, T Newberne. N.C. OLD DOMINION 1 Steamship Company, 8EMI-WEEKLY LINE. 14 Old Dominion SUamihip Company'i Old ' and Favorite Water EouU,na Albe r . . v Marie and' Chetapeakt Canal. FOR Mortolsi, Baltimore, New York, FtUla. , delpbta, Bito, ProTldeaee. and Waalitgtoa City. 4i ttS points North, East and tyai. ' On and after TUESDAY, April 29, cntll utn mrtner tentie SteacrKEWBBRNE, Cact. Soutlmate, t- Wlll'tXll from Norfolk, Va., for New Berne, SE. foi JIOKFOtK dlreet, at t p,m. Tnerdata eteantert fpf BaJUrnere; wyae wne enips ror ia. AM. T. Co.'t ship for Be vldehCv.i - itea(rl Klneten, Capt Dixon, will aaR for rl... Alt rrll jl ats4mer Newberne. a steamer ne Urder au gooaa nan i v. a p vm, : ragwmanda - hlfrooms, and every courtesy and attentten Clyde's f C wtpw a h stnnt mm.?. I vbstiru . I " .i , sssnsss-as ;. .",',.?..-'. ' On and aftet February 1st, 1891, this Una will make regular , PiHIrnorq V AY. fAXUi.UAXrM.' 4s',r'ATV( tfe B1trJrt TUB .aw,... , JAX.U04rMi tortii-u'j ib3 yj-.'AK Taki loUce. . ThuTutne?DltECt ttaeentafyew Bern! tot I '' r withont i,s ;ln enlykt'' nesting ti. lrj,ujton, oii. r,..n', Last a" West llakjDgelose em ion tor all points by A. M. C JUi toad aad River ont of New Bern., " Euiikm lorrEE, QenT VataMf, . . WLkhtSt, Baltimore. . . P. Ciyde Covniladelphia, lis South wrwee. . .... . v- !- York and Balto. Trans. Une.iFler I -h mer. . r. r imrwoB, Boston, o,' uentrai wnari. . R K luokwall. Providsuse. R. I, c. s leave lioston, inesuaye anu oaiuruaje. New York dally. day Philadelphia, Uondsys, Wednos- daye, (Saturdays. " Providenoo, Saturdays. v hllle ladinir alren. and rates roar 1 nolnte at the different olooee of Vi 1 Breakage of Bulk adShij '. C. Jim. fc 11. t 2 AY, Agent, KW Berne, W. 0 -1 i i H.uroucoVvaTeiT jioaaaj ana xnnrsaay, tnakinB close tenneotlon with the A. : N. C for ail stations on that road: nndlrith asBteSmers EinetOA and Howard for Kin tton, Trenton, and all other landing! oath Nans and Trtnt Rlerai "-.' JL : - LJieioMiBjriU nil FBOItSSWJBEm as OtXa. CMUimUrm.- ear Stosaaeh, Plarrkesa, roctation, UktWarai, (irsa steap, and Bswsaotss WutS! 'iSjwfcini Wliratlc rr sereral years 1 have mwnlil fear 'nsstirla.' an shall always oenMsee M Whsa UTarialPMaMsea' ssnslslsl bwnr F. Tuasn. at B, Sbinstfaiep'!UMhK(MasdTtkA XevTsrkas. Oexr axy, TT Xuuut Srotn, Haw Ton. JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF Eastern Nottb Carolina NEW BERNE, N. C. Italian and American Marble and all Qualilie$ of Material. Orders solicited and given prompt at tention, with satisfaction guaranteed. 'Terra CottaTasarroT Flints and IMm famished at the very lowest rates. HUMPHREYS' " . . . . s , nmA fnrndnr b!Znjyem vttd bj the people. Brery single apo Ulc 1 special care for the disease named. Ties Btieoines cure without drawing, irarr tBioridototte system, d ftff.Vj1 deed the Mverelaa remedleeef the World. ivwe. Congestion. InjUmmatlon... .2 tryl.e belle, or Teething of Infunis DlaTTheZ oi ChUdren ot adniu. ... i; wj firm raver, t unit twi... nfiiTerst Merhas, WlUng eadach ei, Blck Beadsehe, Vertigo '.., Oowrh, DlfflcoltBreatblnf .... hlee, Klafor Bln........M.. likrrlt inn "rural, vwiu "hooping Ceagfo Violent Coughs. Deneral UeSllllV.riwsnau rtour bemid In oli TrniimBll' cloth and gold, mailed free. Oer. WUUasa and John Streets, SPEC! F TO S . i All of the above medioinea are tot WU aa tha druz ttorea of F. 6. Daffy CndB. Barry, Middle street, Brn. N. O. Mew iBoot and Shoe Maker, All Styjea'of ffoot5nd 6KM rAatM to order and on shof hotlo. REPAIRING A SECIALfY, N. ARP CalYEl ST., ipposlti rsnrul 0B ! ' ii HisniTs i i a Mslssii K. R. JONES, HEAVY AND LIGHT GROCERIES. Lorillard and flail 4 Ax Snnfl. Sold at Manufacturer? Prim. Dry Goods & Notions. Fall BtoakandLaraaAsaartmant, Prleea ieW al KwaVt Call and Examine my 'J &at1afaetU 6m?IiV "EffiS. J. n. HIKES' Boarding House -r-REOPENED. ' : Km. 3. M: HINES has reopened a Firat-Claaa Boarding Houie in he city, oppcs.te Baptist Uburcn, i ' tub Pionesr Bails geirau Maclie Can be had at the tame phut. ) J.. M . H I N ES, Agent. BARBER SHOP Neatly fitted up in the best of style. Bath rooms wil hot and cold, water.;" ".- V i .; BRICK BLOCK, MIDDLE ST. Marbleworks TIIE JOURNAL. Enforcing Sunday Idtws. THAT the size of a city presents no obstacles to the enforcement of Sunday laws, when suoh laws are supported by the public sentiment of the community in which they exist, is shown by the fact that the city or London the largest city in the world, containing; as it does a population greater than any State in the United States with me exception of New York Strictly enforces Ltbe laws intended to prevent tne transaction or oasiness on Sundaj. Mr George W. Ochs, of Chat tanooea, who is traveling in Great Britain, has recently written a letter to the Times, of that city, in which, referring to the observance of Sunday laws in Great Britain, and on the Continent, he says: Sunday in London is ver5 differ, ent from what we in America are accustomed to. One wonld suppose thatit would be totally impossible to enforce a Sunday law in a city of 95,000,000 inhabitants, bnt it is not Everything is closea tignt in Lon don and there is no "back door business." Every theatre, gallery, museum, store, shop, saloon and resort is shut, and shut tight, from midnight Saturday until Monday morning, and very , many of the trains cease running. no newspapers are issuea on aan- day not even the Times. The only places. open on Ennday are tho cigar shops, parks and churches. Most of the statnboat lines lay np, tne way trains and freights do not ran and the city and country are as quiet as the grave. The business streets are entirely deserted, and in the central part of the city not a sound is heard and scarcely a person is seen. This igid observance of Sunday is gen eral throughout Great Britain and it impresses one the more who has j ust come from the Continent, where they never know such a thing as Sunday at least no such thing as a Sunday law is beard or thought of. Ex. 1425 N. T. Ave., WASHINGTON, D, O. Office of York Bntirpris, iobkvili.ii, 0 adg: ii, 'vi. ATI.ANT.C h.kctropouic Qentlemen:- Fojlhea a five seare my wir, has b.eo a sun rer Ir m ditpeosia leo oomplettly dl tbsd.swSK tnuKoa re"a oi ntr ioru,e "i that lifd was almost despaired of tier nervous ys!em was almost entlMly oe nt'Oyed and the a Ighteat uolsa would throw ber Into a nervouB spasm, which wonid last lor hours, jhmio.i sk:ii la ita ti bring auv rell- f, Tnroufch the reoommendatlon of an emi nent divine we waro loauod to trr the alectrcpolee. Alter a persistent nse oi me instrument, Ihe ttlccl hs been wonderlnl. Ber nervous system has been restored to It. almost normal condition: her dlrfcston Is wonderfully improved; sbe is rapidly gain ing In flesh; and, upon the whole, Is making a rapid n co.ery, which speaks volumes lo the wo'deifjld curative powers of iue K eetropolse, a ner case was consiaen-a hopeleis. If my are sliept.oal on the sub ject, let mem try IDO mectroDtiiee, sua i h onoerful powers wl I quickly dlfp.l all doubt. . Yours truly. w. . i nurni. For Infojjoatlon Abdekss as Anova, on 2aKlns;8t. CHARLESTON. 8. C. W, M. WATBON. Agent, ewlierne, N. O. . No Rripiog; or nausea after using Brook field 'a Liver and Kidney Pills. Will cure Biliousness, Conatipation, TorDid Liver and stomach troubles Saear coated, oval. Price 25 cents. Give them a trial. For sale by F. 8 Duffy. Mew Berne, N. O. Riding Vehicles. We are prepared to make to order anything in the line ot Drays, Carts, Buggies, or other Biding Vehioles. All work built strong sad finished in a handsome manner, G. H. WATERS & SON. New Berne. N. O. an25dwtf SALE, EXCHAKGE AND LIVEEY. Baa now on -hand Urge lot of fine UULES and BOSSES, raised In WBSiT EBN lf0BTH0ABOlA, K , V Alto, Bne lot of Buggtoa, Boad CstfU and Barneaa,, all of whips will bo told m LO W AS THE Lo wm. ': , - DmH fail to eomo and ae him befort making a 64aV " Feedloe- a .paoialty. '.f';..:?'1ifeiS;r: "'noW dwtf ; - WEBSTER'S UNAEPilQGED DICTIONARY. , 00 Merrlara Edition, revised 1890. . - p.u.t initvx fatAre nrlre 119.00 ) . aw stellar an ' Nlnetr Cents. Ho rehash, no reprint. It Is l he oHajlaal, We will refund money if not what repieeeut. nit., xiaols SB ear imia..viw, m-vv promptly. Adenta wented. ' p Nouihera raillUla Hons. mtil im 151 (nruoe St,, fashvllle, T enn Proposals T7anted. ' rroi.oaala are wanted immediately f.ir T.'.i.'r Works and FV !of "i easii i i sT '( l ss "-i!"J Saf a1 ssisiisMlistT' ?fBKit&FCin Manufacturing Company! New Berne, N. C, A. M. BAKER, Manager, Siraw and Excelsior Cotton Top, Hair DEALERS IN We make a good Hair Mattress as any factory in the United States, VJXZ THEM, TO ORDER of any size or quality. 2 r 'i . . . Our XXt Steam cured Moss is durable mattress. It is better than a medium priced Hair. Straw with Cotton Top. We put on a heavy cotton top. Have your bid Hair or Moss beautiful work ftod will be sure seen what .we eet from a mattress that has been used several years you do not" know how : purified and made over. - - Call on us for Foathers Goose Feathers, Duck Feathers or Chicken Feathers. v ' and tfoss Mattresses, FEATHERS. the very best and makes a very use none but the best straw and mattresses renovated. We do to please you. Unless you have very necessary it is to have them , - , 7 s Southern Exposition ; RALEIGH, N. C. BOUND TRIP RkTES IS EFFCT Sept. 29 to Dec. 1st, 1891. Atlantic 13d Koitl Carolina. Railroad, Passenicer Department, New Bebn, N. C, 25. 1891. TO AGEKTd A. & N C. It. R : You are hereby authorized to Bell Round Trip Tickets to the Southern Uxpoeition at Kill ih, N. C, from ycur station to Rileiuh and Return at the following rates, Tickcta to embrace ono admission into Exposition, to be sturnp-d at the Exposition grounds be- lore tbey are valed for return paesaee. , Sell Contract Tickets ODly to the above j tickets 10 be told on Tuesday, Wed- i ntsdav and Thnrsdav r.f nurli wt-ek nesaay ana inursaay r,i eacu .w. ! commencing Sept. 2Bih to be limited to a continuous paeeaKe in each direction. Oood to return aDy time within 7 dajs from date of sale. Morehesd City S3 40 Wild wood H.23 Newport 3 20 Uavelrcl: 3 05 roa...u 2 95 Riveru..i- 2 90 New Bern ; 2 70 Tuscarora 2 50 Core Creek 2 3 Dover 2 20 OaBwell 2.10 Kinston 2 1)5 Falling Creek 1 90 La Orange 1 0 Best's 1.75 8. L. DILL, O. P. A. TIME TABUS No. 22. In Effect 1:30 P.M.,' Friday, Oat 17, U90. Qoiya East. Sohedule. Going Welt No. 51. Ar. Lve Passenger Trains. Stations. No. 50. Ar. Lve. 1110 am 10 22 10 25 9 48 9 53 8 17 8 30 am 6 47 p m 4 06 4 35 6 00 7 38 3 80 4 09 Qoldaboro La Grange Kinxton New Berne Morehead City Dailv. 4 40 6 08 p m Going Ea&t. No. l.t Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. bonEDULE Going West. No. 2 Mixed Ft. & SUtiotu 1'hhs. Train. am b 30 UoldKCnra ( . oi 6 57 7 05 Het' 6 ;4 34 6 30 7 05 7 20 7 30 La Grange ( 5t (i "4 7 48 7 53 Fallinx Creek 5 24 5 30 8 11 8 30 Kmston 4 25 6 i 0 8 50 8 55 Caawell 4 00 4 05 9 15 10 03 Duvcr 3 25 3 tn 10 31 10 36 Core Creek 2 54 3 Ou 1 1 00 1 1 05 Tuarora 2 24 2 3d U 17 11 41 Clark's 2 02 212 '2 15 3 00 Newbtrn 10 130 3 37 3 42 Riveidalo 9 41 9 40 3 48 3 50 OtMtun 9 2 I 4 08 4 13 Hivi'h.vk 8 09 9 4 4 37 4 42 Newport fc 17 B 4 51 4 55 WiUv.oud fc UO 8 u. 01 5ul Atiauiit 7 47 7.' 5 16 6 21 Morehtati City 7 1" 7 2: 5 23 5 28 Atlantic Hotel 7 05 7 1 5 31 pm Morehead llepot aai 7 Ot Monday, V edneMtay au.i Krldpy. tTuehdav. Thuryd.i. an Hulurouy. iraiu oyj oouueot. wl.!. A uuiiukivi. a rVt. ilon Train b'''md NortJi leaving 'Joi'tt.bolt .1:50 u. m., aud with Hlrlniiuni: A t a:tvl)l TrKln West, leaving tlol'WMirt; '2:1U p. in T'ain 51 connect. Mil -UniiM iiu A h.ntlti T:mu. ri-iviu at t-ivMl(.tuo 'J:t y.m. , and Witt ImtiiKlon and dllun train troin t.r. ortb at 3:10 p.m train L connecis wim wiirriintiti n atv ftVldon ThrotiK' Kn-lsht Trnlii, Norll mil; leaving Ooldeboro atS:.'i p. . 8. L.- uill THE NEW LEVER SAFETY The PERFECTION of SIMPLICITY and ECONOMY of POWER. NO CIIAIXH. T GEAKHi VARIABLE STROKE, only two sets of Revolving Bearings. Best Hill Climbing and all around Safety made. r-lTA -r.r--T-TT-Bt FETtlTTI. H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO. SMITHVILLE, N. J. Onc5troKej THIS is the is used machine that ia the Office, Court-room, and for reporting lectures and sermons. While its speed is greater than any other known method, ii is so simple that any intelligent person can gain a speed of loo or more words per min ute, in five or six weeks, without the aid of an instructor. Circulars and testimonials sent to ell who mention thla paper. L T. PIERCE, FAlfETTE, OHIO, 8ble Agent for U. 8. and Canada. NOTICE. Tha hnderslraed. Jesmnette t. Pvl. has ani nnaltflad sa Kxaontrlx of E. M PaTls. deceased, and hereby lves notloe thatsh reqalreaaii persons navin oiaime Ktnn tbi sild a. Bi. Pavl to pres-nt them to the undersigned, duly auihenKeated. for Py n.nt n or befuni tha 4tn dar of sentember. UW2: or this netlcs will be plead In bar of SHtre. All prsns tuilebled to aald K. M. Atlantic tV N. C. Railroad NORTH CAROLINA Craven County, in the superior Court. The Board of commlsslo ere of Craven county, pUlDtlrr, vs. mellne Toeker, Ad mluisiramx ol bk hard Tucker, Kmelloa TucKer. jilia k. Mace, C. B. Maoe, Luke Bu'D'y Kanny Hurney, Abraham N. Brn, Ht-nry fpcrllng, K. B.audM.B. rinjallwo u.aefen anls. Notice. To Heiiry Sperling: You will take notice llmt aa actlou rniul d as above has been i;uiutie;.crd in the Kupei lor Court of Craven couuiy. N nh Caio lni.,lhe purposeof whtcn ; if to furecluse certain tnx deeds or taxcer 'tifloaus held by ttieconuiy ofuravenand IHiaio or Nortd Cnroliua, and lo have tha j amount due snid c.iuDly and State of taxes. Inter t cis s ud p-ua ty, aa a. pears from Is.ld tux UeeiU Oecl red a Hen upon the lamlH oi i he d feuoauis, described tn the ; complaint flleii In this action, ano situate In I the cou lty uf (?ruen, North Carolina, and : to Dave the feHid iu!.u sold to pay the same aim toexciude no' forecloteany l'enorln tere t wuicu younmyown or claim in the bHIU IHI1U Ann you win fu-ther teka nnti th.i ttr" r.ciunen i- .pii(.rKt the next term or , " ' . "W' " . ' uua".ly', bensm day ,n .September, impi, at the Court Hons ' KI euuii'y . in New Berne, N. ., anu an- , r oemur lo me complaint or the piaiunir win apply to the court for the relief demandei In haid cmiplamt. XIiih Hie lh day of Oct., 1MJ1. W. M. WATSON, octt tiw U. 8. O. Nohtii Caholina , ) In t ffice Clerk Ji't'liiM) j Superior Court. Nuticu is hi roby given of the incor porj,ti..u ot TIih; Trenton High School. " Th t!n n.iiceH uf the incorporators are Thomna J Whf.aker, C A. Baakins, Win II Itliodfs. S E Koonce and B. L aly, and such others ae they mar asscciato with them; that the principal plitcti of bupineee shall be in or near Trenton. Jones county, N. C, and its general rurpoee and bumnees is to con uuci aiul curry on a School for the edu cation of euth wttite pupils as it may admit thereto and to employ teacher and to do all things necessary for the conducting of same school, that tha duration of the Corporation shall be thirl) yn.irs; the capital stock is $2000 00 with privilege to iucreaae to 520,000.00, divi'iH in shares of the par value of 825 00 ench, JAS F. WHITE, Clerk oci 130 8u perior Court. NOKTII CAKOI.INA 1'i:a .N' Chi n i . In the Superior Court. The Bond of tommlstf oners of Graven ci.u'iiy, r'.amiiti, vs. K. I. Chance.De fi nilaul. NuTlt'E To K. K. (Mltllice: Hie ileteiniau: anve named will take ' noiKe h t a ac tion eittllleil aa above has ti en i dim ineiie ii in Hie Htiperlor court of t'e ei.uiil . nrt ti t arolina, the purpose of -.liu'ii is i-i ;.iu'i-io(.e certain tax deeds aa taxee. i ti.'Hi.sh i t the county of craven ain! -a:i-ol .n mi t h ami in and to have tha all otlht il llltei i hi , i i Hit Id I u. lie. nf Lne il. ii' rlleil 111 IHii nl T.. e , Sulil 1. 11. i m .-I -:!.- hi ,1 111!" ' ' ..'i sa e e.iunty ai.d rjlate of Uxes, is.n.iipe liy as appears from Isdcaied a Hen upoa the Jande I'.ant i.tsi rilieo in ine complaint i.r.'in i and slittate in the county , '.'ii v loniia, na 10 nave tua '1 lo p y I lie saute and lo ex I I- r i. t' any lieu or Interest 'i : 1 1. . .uii nr claint In the said 1 en w. i further taKe notice that i;:.r. (l-o pear at the next term .t;ri. r Mir- ii. Kilu i-ouiity lo be In t i nh Mimd.y after lite II ml :i .in... r sii ut be held In .i. ., ai ihe cuurt foue,a'd il n iir in i' e (-..iiiputnt. In Raid ii in ini ii apply tothecourt ( i.t iui.in:i d iii H-. in complaint. :-iu ii..j in ept . imi . M. .A I'.MIN C. 8.0. III the ei lur court. or i 'raven w wni take i n t n i .t (I hk iibove tias :.-, in r-M.ui-nor C"i.rt of i ; m .i aioim , i he purpose . .i t-t r: iin las (li-edaor : o h 'i ,. i i.t- conn i of i. raven I rii. n- il in mid to iiavf the . s.u:: (urn aii'l .siuio of taier, -f- hii p iimI-j to ajpea 8 rom - d (I i-. i'-.ih I ! upon the lands .'!.u t ts-T b-.i in i he c jiii plaint ml ;.i il t-ll .1:1 if in inn county ''Ii1 hio u: , uti lo have the h il (.. n :it bu-.uv aiultox-i-M, its.) aiy i tn or inter it ttwn r t':aun )h the said I -n m il lur her take ootioe lhat (u n- 'o ipjir-etr .i the next term ::: '"ml .1 hud county, to b ut .in Muiul.v alter the first II p.c icr 1 !fl, at the oourt iilr niiiy in New Hern, N. O. and ileum! tu ine complaint In said 1 1.. , :; tfl wil apply 10 tne IicilIi'I iltiuuLnktl in said com- i 'hit. tij-, s , ii ti..-, o! - p:., ism M. A ATfcON',0. B.C. not: ru t A, I In the Superior court. t.lH vei ie l-'Oii! COU . tj J use pi co- iiiisstoi.erB of Craven '-i,n. b GaaklnB, tin an Thonotta A. (Jreen 11 11 1 , coiiHCKing ibe firm of recu, b oy i ( o , L- i 1 ilHiitB, N.'TIlK. i'.i WillUm (askt!.b! 1 he di-l.iidn.-iH above immert will take ioi'e i.hUii mcJ'.ii en lllud s above hat 0 if ciniiiiieisCO'i In the Huperlor court of r.vvt- . -oniry, : rth (.'andiua, the purpote t; whidi is in i.ih'i'i.ipn -erialu tax d-edit or it -i t !! at i- he il Im Hie county Of ClftVn 1 d -i i .t" Ii i nroiina ami U have Ibe ut iii, due . ill to.iuiy a';d .Stale of txe, liter, hi. c s ai m-nal'y an appears from ui.i ax im di ii'c.- a a 'leu pon tb nis uf in d f d,r t, tit sen tied lu the ,1:pU 1.1, ill d in im- aciiou and situate in lie . ii'iy ot rnfii, nr Ii Carolina, and h iv.- t,i siul Imiii 811 !d to pay Die lama i n lo xc ud mid (oieelose any lien or liter m ton ,iy -.wn or claim In the said land. A on o . w. il further taR notice thai you an- riMiiured to appear at the next term of th miii lor court of eahl county, to be neldoii Lliu nvellth M inlay after the flrtt Mond.iy lu Heptcmber, )MU, at the court oiiHti ia Mew hern. .. C. In said county. and answer or demur to the complaint In 1 action or ine itiPlht 11 win apply 10 lam court (orthe relief demanded lh said com plaint. riiia tne jkiu uay or M-pi.t ii. W.M. WATSON. C 8. O. NOTICE. Thn urdersigned, Alioe P. Rose, has iluly quiiliucil bs Executrix of Willis) It .M' nt-ct arcii. and hereby gives notio bat i-he nquirea all persona haTiag .-lainin Hainst the said Willis Boss, to present them to the undersigned, duly lutheutiented, for payment on or b fore the 22J day of September, 1699, or ' viia nonci w ill he plead in bar of samt. All pers"i i n.ili bieil to said Willis Bom p iv mini, to In Executrix. ThinBi.ptiui'.riS'i 1891. alice P. Robe, Exirutnx i f Willis Rose. ? ... ; Cr Jnhn W i l i r...iii 1 h pent rConrl vij -1 y ) Fall I'erm, W91. Ifii.vn Fitir.nce Brown. Ac'inn for Divorce. roFlnrp 'c H o. ii U ft-ndant, TiiIim un ich th i ynu nr required W utif r in ti n -h l fi rm 1891, of tha v ti i ' in in 'Ud f"r Bald county, i. i.j ' r.- . u. i i ..in., in theoitjr i N k . i . i. i-ii- lain Motidxs after i . 1 i-M - in s,'pt. mber. 191 and ipa". .n w. r i.r d. ninr to tn Oorfl i.ii-i t'ofi- in !h' ffineof the Olerk This 4th day cf Sep"-" bfr. TB1. , W If. WaTSOH, Oeo II. WniTE At'y tor Plaintiff. NOTICE. Tbe iintle s'ltnet1. James C. Bartrlaon.haa In y ou itlnl ns- d tDtrtntornf theestaia f oh n P. li o k d aeawd. and hereby gives uotloe ihnt he i.q.uita all persons haln a niSHg t t th- eft-its tf the s 11 lohn P. iliw. iii (imniii iwiu IU. stiet r duly n' hen tloated for tpav merit, ota nr hffore the li th flay nf Kept no ber, littu.or e'ee thla nottea win be pleacrd In bar of rre-v-try i-'eranna Indebted to tba estate most, tt w!t out aflaT -,fi;-?. ,. VawHfri.e, M. 0."ert th.Wl .' 1 J A.MKS a HARBISON, Administrator. sepia . l'ATte mufll py nftine n "is r.uii,'i. This -lej.teml'ei' I' i 1W't,-'T,t. ( "rVI(J,