X aily Journal. HE VOL. X.--NO. 189: : NEW BERNE, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. ID Mi BUSINESS LOCALS. . BUCKWHEAT, Mine Meat, Small Hems,. Breakfast Baooa, Cod flak, SMOKED HALIBUT, ail kinds Canned Good. -Fresh Prone, Evep. Apples, Baiains, Currants, Citron eto. - . . . 0. E. SLOVf B. . OPERA CHAIR8-A1I those , wto hays not renewed their leete on tbe theatre opera chairs must do so by x Thursday morning or they "will be sold. 8t . w r Mkw Bkbnb Dbuci Co. FOB BEtfTNioely furnished rooms for gentlemen. Apply- at Jouenal Offioa. .. . ; . , " 0018I iw - - T 03 r On Saturday, a Gold Beaded A-J Cane, marked J. W. M., Mtroh 1880. The person Boding will be re-, warded on leaving it at Journal offioa. , OcSTTtf BABQAISSta beantiful work-baskets fenoy sty lee Job lot just received. J. 8CTCB. ' CHOKE Oenulne Cubana Tobacco. O ootdtf ('fTKNE who ean copy muslo in a X olear sty le. I will give work at In tsrrala daring tbe winter. I prefer the services of one who understands harmony and counterpoint, although " this knowledge is not neoeeeary.' BSplStf . CHAS L. GaSKILL. NEW DRUG STORE.-Drugs, Medi eu.ee and Oh.mloala, O. P. Popular : Proprietary Medicine. All varl-tle of Droggtst' Sundries. TrosMS and Brae a. Nw .rap Gardon Heeds. ITln. sod Large . Hleek Cigars and Tobueo.AU. Haw. Vr : sertptlon aeeurateiv compounded (and not . BtWABprieesi, oil m tto and our aneeea. U. O. abeJCN, Dragglst and Apothecary, Middle St.. four doors from Pollock, janittly - TJhpbeoidknted - cold - weather ' for this eailj in tbe aeaaon ia pre Tailing in Europe. Mbs. Charles Stewart Pab- ReLl continues very ill and her reoorery it doubtful. ' The testimony in the Motz case it aJI in. PaWio opinion very much la favor of tbe defendants. Thb Tennesse convicts, at work ia the mines have been released by the miners. No arrest reported. ' On Tuesday elections were held in the States of Colorado, Iowa, Kaosas, 'Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania And Virginia. - THE BaptiBt State convention that meets in Goldsboro next week will consist of about 400 delegates, representing a' constituency of boat .100,000 ' membera. L. L. Polk lis President of the conven tion.; "' ' THE Inman Steamship Company have' decided to use oil instead of coal for fuel on their six big steam hips, and the vessels are all to be fitted op with the necessary tanks. The oil ia from the Lima field and will be piped to New York. . AH alarming fall of the water oi Like Michigan ia reported at Chicago, for which nobody seems able to account.- A fall of a few more 'inches and the people of Lakeview, occupying one fourth of the' city, will have, their water supply eat off. It" will be a bad condition Of affairs If Chicago loses , her beautiful water front before the World' Fair. . As Mr. Gladstone is almost the only member who sits in the Bouse of Commons with his bat off, his face is more carefully scrutinized by visitors and becomes better knows than that of any other man in public life.' Strangers admitted Into the gallery invariably express deep disappointment ' when they are informed that he is absent from his place. EefkbbihCt to the demand for ; better houses, the Southern Build ing Record says, that throughout tne South within the past four or five' years more houses of various kinds have been erected than were probably built during the whole roriod of twenty years previdus. At Cist the buildings were of cheap sirtare, built as speedily and eoocomlc&lly as possible, but that the present demand ia for an alto gether better style of building with the best improvements of the date. The idea being now to build, homes end not houses for speculation. Tsa Norfolk Virginian aayi: Est tiere ia a way to enable Amer ican tliips to recover . their lost share in the ocean carrying trade, tad this would be to repeal the Navigation laws and to remove ev;y burden of daty npon the ma i cf shipbuilding The effect ":asEship bounty would be to 3 an oppressive monopoly of rtstion on . the high seas, i i s r r me time to heavily tax ' ;. A repeal oi the Natl ' ei the other rand, If IT is settled that Persia is to have a good exhibit at the World's Fair, x With the view of giving encouragement to this purpose the Government has shown ' great liberality in ordaining that no ex port duties shall be levied on good sent to Chicago, and that all arti cles porchased at the Fair shall be admitted into Persia free of duty. Evidently the Shah knows a thing or two about promoting reciprocal trade between the two countries. Bobebt Bohheb, owner of the New York Ledger attributes his success to his liberal advertising. We qnote: When I began to adver tise one page some people would say i ''Oh, that is throwing money away !'" others, again, would say: "Ob, he knows what he is about." When I advertised two pages some of my acquaintances would shake their hands gravely. When I advertised fonr pages of the dailies my friends were in clined to eive me up. Finally. when I took the whole Herald (for it was an eight page sheet at that time) people thought I had become draft sure enough. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVEBTISEMt NTS. J. M. Howard New Goods. W. B. Lane, Sheriff -Be ward. COTTON-Hew Berne Market Sales yeeterday 177 bales at 6 1 3 to 7.27,. If r. G. F. M. Dail has sold oat his grocery business on Broad street to If r. J as. M. Harrison. The T. H. 0. A., annnal Week of Prayer will be observed in this city next week by the Hew Berne Assccit- tion. Jos. Pollock, col., had one of his fin gers injured by saw at the Stimson mill yesterday, bat not bad enough to oaass the loss of it. 1 hough the eudienoe at tbe theatre last night was not large (he evening was made quite enjoyable by soon ex cellent performance. The- Baptist State Convention will assemble In Goldsboro next Wednesday. It will represent a membership of about 100,000 and is expected to be a Urge assembly. Dr. Thoa. Hume, Professor of Eoglish ia the Bute University will preach tbe Introductory sermon Sun day night. The neat and pretty 61-page book en titled "The Norfolk and Southern Bail road anl its Tributaries," whiob has been issued by the Norfjlk and South ern Btilroad with a view to bringing more direotly to the nothe of the gen eral publia the advantages of the sec tion through whioh the road whoie name it bears and its tributaries pus, Is attraotiog considerable attention. , It was written by Mr. Frank A. Hey wood, a New England- journalist employed for the purpoee, after a oareful 'study of the oountry. It contains a dasortption of New Barne and vlolnity, engravings Of oar Fair buildings and others in (ha oity, and sketches of other Etit Caro lina cities similarly Muitreted and wlthnotloes of their chief Industries. It is a pamphlet of interesting informa tion and deserves a wide oiroulation. II ean bo seoureM from the Norfolk and Southern Bsllroad Company , Norfolk, Vs. . Coming and trolng. - UissS. F. Nelson, who has been visit ing at Judge Geo. Green's, returned to her home in Winston. Mr. E. F. Lamb, prominent lawyer of Elizabeth City, and; who was the ohief marshal of the late Fair there, use in on (he steamer Neutron a basinets trip to the oity. " Mr. S. Cohen returned last night from a business trip to Goldsboro. V Caps. W. H. Kitohen came in last night one business trip; also Mr. J. L, Hardy of (he State Chroniole. , -' A Cigar Factory te Start. Mr. Phil. L. Thomas, a native of this oity, who f jr four yean past has bean a cigar manufacturer of, Durham, hat moved back to Now Berne "with hit family, and will toon have a factory running here. It will be located ever Mr, 8. B. Waters' conf eotienery, and at the beginning will give employment to five operative, thenomber to be In creased as the demand requires. rr . i Mr. Thomas learned his trade la this city, first working in Dr. 3. L. Wafkiaa' faotory and finishing with Mr. 0. Ejd man, and prior to goiog Into business for himself In Durham bat acceptably filled positions requiring an-expertia tome of the largest honaea North. ' : j He had a flourishing factory In Dur ham, sometimes .working at high at thirty nands.and having considerable trade in (hit section, but he told oat advantateoaslT a few months sco. eon- traottog to remain a short time with Uei company, and now at toon at released from the agreement ho moves to New Berne, tt stated above. Oae more factory Is assured for New Berne, and thouRh It It not operated on a grand eoale it must be rememterid .... ... . t -at tnruugn many email inuu"-,rm iae 5 t and most eqna'Iy il" '.' i 1 r" " t r i. Vt. T 9(11 A COTTON FACTORY. New Berne Ought to Hare One The Way ttoldsboro Secured Hen. Now that eatablished manufacturing enterprlset are flourishing in New Berne and tbe interest In suoh indus tries is on the increase, (be queetion arises again, Can we not get a good cotton faotory here V The large cotton faotory :he build ings for which are now beiog erected In Goldsboro, is a good plsnt that is being moved down from the North where it haa heretofore been run and was secured on the following condi tions: First, Two aores of well located land on the Atlantic and N. 0- Bailroad at the northern limit of Goldsboro were donated for the aite by one of the public spirited citizens, Mr. Arnold Borden and then an agreement wae entered into by different parties of the city to loan 110,000 on tbe buildings, maohioery and grounds. Ground has already been broken for the buildiogs, the main one ie to be 75x135 feet, another 80x40 and . still another 34x88, and all of them are to constructed that they can be enlarged hereafter ae tbe busineee may require. The advantages of the Sooth over the North for faotoriee of this kind are be ginning to be realized and acknowl edged even by those who would fain believe tbe opposite, and they are sprioging up all over the South. The number in North Carolina ia inoreaeing rapidly and they are paying good divi dends. If our people will not invest for tbemselvee in such a factory per haps oneOan be secured on some plan similar to (he way Goldsboro secured hers. Perhaps other faotoriee are ready for a change if a little inducement ie offered. Here is a good opportunity for investigation by the board ot trade and for leriona consideration by our capitalists and business men. Ltgs Amputated. Mr. John D. Bryan, of Lenoir county, has had a ohronio nloerof several years standing and being brought to (hit city for treatment the plaoe was found to be so bad that amputation of the afflicted limb was deemed necessary and it was taken off at the thigh. Dr. N. H. Street, assisted by Dr. Leinster Duffy, performing tte operation. A colored man near Havelock named Bam Locker lost one of bis legs by ac cidental shorting. Bears bad been troubling hie corn, and in company with another man he set two guns and a bear trap in the woods by the 'field in whioh the bears had been. In retrac ing their steps they went baok in a path in whioh one cf the guns was set, thinking they were in one they had not previously traversed and the mistake wss not discovered until, Looker struck against the string attached to the gun, discharging it, the load of buck shot taking effect above the knee, mangling it so that the' limb had to be taken off at the lower third of (be (high. The operation was performed by Dra.C. and F. Duffy, assisted by Dr. Prlmroee. Both operatione were suooeseiuiiy per formed and the patients are getting on ae well at oan bo expected. - List of Lettera Remaining in the poetoffloe at New Berne, Craven county, N. O., Oct. 81st, mi. A Mrs P J Arms. B Mr L Berry. E Mrs Luoy Elky. G-Oapt 8 N Giffllh, Bohr Jas J Bees H-W U Hanoock. Willie Harris. Mist Sarah Hsnoey, B L Hill, Miss Lizzie Humphrey oars of Henty Smith, Mr u Holland. Mr B J Horniday, J Miss i,uia JS Jackson, Daniel Johnson. . L Cant Joseph Loviok, Bohr Beaulah Lend, . M Mr weeekire Mounter, wuiiam Moore, Bohr Beaulah Land, Miss Lisyay Moore, O Mr John Orminy. S-Mr William Simmons, W-Mrs. Kate Walker. Louisa WiUis Emma White. Fannie Williams. Persona calling- for above letters, will say advertitea,and give date of list. The regulations now require mat one oent shall be collected on the delivery of each letter advertised. . , - Wa E. ChAiss, P. M. A HARROWING STORY. . A Thousand Dead from. Starvation ; SurriTors Too Weak te Bury - " : ; Them,;- ;f :-: ; Br PmBSBnsa. Nov. 8. A harrow tag story comes from- the province of Samara. The peasants are to reduced by starvation and want that many of thtmare nnable to go even to the covernment distributing points Mor supplying -food. In one village ae lees than forty-two nave perunea, ana us number of dead In the whole province will amount not lest than, a thousand. The survivors in most iostsnoee are too weak to Mtond the burial of the depart ed, end offioiale are compelled ' snuoh aaalnst their will to enter the remains. Samara it alto visited by typhus fever which is play ins; navoo witn tnoet wno have managed to survive the famine. Bt Pxtxbsbfho, Nov, . The Imperi al Ukase,, prohibiting henceforth the exportation of all eereale exoept wheat, also interdicts the sending ont of the country of potatoes, floor,, mall, meal dough and baaed preen. , " A White Lynching ia tieorala. Atlanta. Oa., Nov. . Lerkin Nix Of Thomss county, who had mnrdend tbe father of a girl he had rained, for whioh he was under indictment, waa token from jaU last night at Meigge and lynohed. All the partiee were wnite. ; i i ; Gratifying to All. The high position attained and the universal acceptance and approval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Byiup of 1 : i. ss t'se most e-oe!fnt lavMtve I t, 1 t 1 V "': ef t' ! I I V I ' t It I DEMOCRATIC VICTORY. HEW YORK POLLS UP 40,000 FOB FLOWER. Three. Out of Four of the Most Impor tant States Elect Democratic Governors. BY TELKOBIPH. NEW YORK. Flower's majority for Governor of this State will probably reach 40.000. Latest returns indicate that the Legis lature stsnds as follows: Senate, Bep. 15, Dem: 17; Assembly, B p. 66, Dem. IOWA. Botse, Democrat, eteoted Governor by a fair majority. PENNSYLVANIA. Tbe State haa gone Republican by over 40,000. OHIO. McEinly has been elcoted Governor by over 15 000. Republicans also oarry the Legislature by a gojd workiog ma jority. MASSACHUSETTS. Russell, democrat, eleoted Governor of Massachusetts by 6 000 to 8.000 majority. Balance of State tioket is Bepublioan. Tbe Legislature is also Republican. COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S PRO CEED1NG8, Action on Individual Taxes Roads Draining a Branch Land Sold for Taxes-Bill's Allowed. State of North Carolina, Craven county. The Board of Commissioners of Craven county met at the court house in New Berne on the first Monday in November, it being tbe second day of aaid month,' vhen the following-wss had and done: Present, Commistionere E. W. Small- wcod, Daniel Lane and Win. Cleve. Ordered, Tbet in the oaee of Board of Commissioners of Craven county vs. Emetine Tuoker and others that tbe penalty of 85 per cent due in addition to tbe taxes upon the property desoribed in the complaint' in aaid action be re mitted and that said suit be dismissed or non suited, provided tbe single tax upon said property, allsged to be due in eaid complaint for the years 1877. 1878. 1879, 1887 and 1884, together with all costs ot said suit be paid by Biohard Tuoker as per his proporition this day aubmitted, on or before the June term of Craven county Superior court, 1893 The costs and the taxes to be paid direot to the oounty treasurer. Ordered, That the property on the delinquent list of No. 6 township listed toW. B. Blades & Bro , upon petition of the assessore of said township be strioken from said list, tbe tax upon same property having been charged to Mrs. Holton M. Tolson. Ordered, That the Board of Super visors of Kosds oi township no. o examine the., road passing from Han oock creek through the lands of P. J. Arms, W. Y. Wynne, O. J. Wynne, M. M. Fisher, William Cully and James H. Hunter, Ag't.. leading to the Beaufort and New Berne road and report condi tion cf the lame to the Board of Commistionere of Craven oounty at their next meeting. Ordered, That the valuation of the lande of Mrs. Laura Smith in township No. 5. be redneed from 81,500 to f 1,800 In order to equaliae lie value with other lande In same neighborhood. Ordered, That Handy Wright, listed In township No. 8, be relieved from (he payment of a poll tax, he being over fifty years old. Ordered, In the matter of W.H. Griffin and others: A petition signed by W. H. Griffin, Norman Willis, Charles Sutton and other citizens of Craven county peti tioning for the drainage' of a oertaln creek or branch mentioned In the peti tion filed ia tblt proceeding, in aooordtnot with the laws of 1887. chapter 867. It ia ordered that Geo. a Wlloox, the county surveyor summons three disinterested free holders, good tnd lawful man of Intelligence and discretion, who thall oonatitutt a board and 'the surveyor thall be chairman of aaid board. The chairman of said board shall give all persons intereeted ia having said branch drained three (8) day a notice of the time of meeting of the board and do all things required of them by said aots of the General Assembly aforesaid. Provided that the petitionere thall deposit with the County Treasurer the earn of twenty-five dollars for the pay aunt of current expenses, not otherwise provided for in said act, and provided the county it saved h at mien from any oottt of the prooeedlogt. ' The board took a reoest until 81 o'clock, p. m. The Board convened at Si o'clock p. m. Present,'; Commissioners E. W, Small wood, Danl Ltne and Wm. Cleve. f Ordered, That (he elerk make up a list of suoh cenifioatet of tale of real estate for taxes for the year 1890 at are now in tbe hands of the Treasurer, ia order that the. oounty "ban Institute tail in all soon eases. ' , The following claims were allowed Robt G. Uoeely. house rent for pauper-, t"i C3; Fonte Williams, kwjwr cf p f '1CD; I s C- '7, poor house, f 8 00: Chas. O Greeo, medi oine furnished poor and jil for Sept. and uot. 1BVI, rj'JH uu; J J lolson. sup plies furnished poor for October, $64.50; Dr. Leinster Duffy, Superintendent of Health, September and October, 833.83; Ben. MoFrater, burying Sherman Mit chell pauper, 83 00; H. B. Duffy, Roods furnished poor, 877.78; do blankets furnished j.il. 89 00; Dau'l Line, per diem and mileige as commissioner for November 83 60; Wm. Oleve, per diem and mileage as commissioner for Ooto ber and November 86 25; E W Small wood, per diem as commissioner, etc., 813 00; Jas. W. B.ddle, fees as clerk of Board of commissioneis. 830.85; Wm. Watson, clerk Superior oouit. stationery for office, 83 45; W. B. Lane, sheriff, boarding prisoners for October, 877.35; Jas. C. Harrison, servioes making out bills costs J J Westbrook 83; EE Harper, contraot for advertising for month of Ootober, 813 60; J. W. Line, attendance upon board commissioners in obedience to their summons, 83 10; Dr. R 8 Primrose, inqueet Isaao Allen and sum moning juty, 86 80; B. P. Williams services as juror at coroners icquect Isaao Allen, 81 00; Geo. L Wadewortb, do., 8100; Benjamin Habn, do , 81 00; BBNeal.do.. 8100, J ELuham, do., 81.G0; T. A. Henry, do., 81.(0; Judge Stantly, summoning two witness coro ner's inquest Isaao Allen, .60; David N Stallings, exhuming body of Isaao Allen, tJ 00; W E Allen, one half refe rence fee in oase of commissioners Craven county vs. Psmlico, 81v!5 00; Small wood & Slover, bill goods furnish ed the county, 833.83; Luham & Burrus, 1500 No. 8 heart shingles, 84.95; Edwards & Brounhton, Treasur er's account book, $28 60; M. W. Page, sheriff Wake oounty, conveying James Haesell from Wake to Craven oountv, 834 65, E E Qiidly, janitor for October, 810.00; G A Hill, keeper Clermont bridge, 810.00; Macon Bryan, eupportof Bryan Laughinghouee for October and November, 84. CO Board adjourned. Cleveland's Minstrels. W. S Cleveland's Consolidated Min strels are all new ia every Bense of it e word, this season, new comedianr, new vooalist, uew dances and teipu chorean artists, new electrical and mechanical devices, and in fact, every thing comprising the magnificent array of minstrel talent composing this season's company, is entirely new. There are no "old favorites." Tickets on Bale at nine o'olock at the store of the New Berne Drug Co. Died. Near Trenton, Jones county. Wed esday Nov. 3J, 1891, Mr. W. Haroj Mallard, in the 7 1 it year ot his age. The funeral service will be held from bis residence at 13 m. Thursday Nov 5th, and be oonduoted by Bev. E. W. Vernon. Mr. Mallard was a useful citizen nud deacon ia the Trenton Baptist church. He leaves five married children and numerous grand children. REWARD. Esospcd from Craven Countv Jail, New Berne. N. 0.. Nov. 3d. 1891. two wiite men by name John Simpson and H nry Humphrey. The former a good locking man, about 85 years old. 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, black ha r and neavy black mustache The other about 40 or 45 years old, about 5 feet 10 inches high, light hair and thin mustache, nommon looking, with an ambling gait. Bjth sailors by profession. I will pay a liberal reward for the oapture of these men, and be thankful for any informa tion aeto their whereabouts. W. B. LANE, nov4 i Sh'sriff Craven County . JUST RECEIVED per Schooner Predmore, 500 Bales Ceil County iimotny nay, Which I am selling at bottom figures. CHAS. B. HILL, East side Market Dock. n3J8 New Berne Theatre! Thursday, Nov. 5th. Engagement Extraordinary. Event of 91. -THE- Big City Show! Cleveland's Great Consolidated. The Eiffel Tower of Minstrelsy. 37 PEOPLE 87 COUNT THEM. Comedians, Vooaliats, Musioians, Gymnasts, Contortionists, Acrobats. Clowns. Burlesquers, Aerialists and hosts of Vovelties. 60,000 Staging! 60,000 The Modern Beau Brummell, The Outing of the Swells. Grand Vocal Corps, Buparb solo Orchestra of Select ed instrumentalists. Four Emperors of noeiov ; : .Cleveland's Challenge Comedians Bigby, Boetrnm, Qteen, Blackford, Knight. Ouda, Iooarnate 8pirit of the Air, the Marvelous Beto's Equiliberiete. Qitard Leon and his Singing Donkeys, and America's Largest, Grandeet and Beet Amusement Institution. . W Secure beats at Once, . . . Wanted, A good man as BAR TENDER. Only those who keep perfectly sober wanted. Apply at once to noltf "JIMMIE," mm. ROYAL KXm I POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavt-ninir strength Latest U. S. Government Food Report Dress draioa our ce!Ur dry, and keps our larder lean -CowrjR. Dresa will ct rtiinly do that very thing, if you pay to J much for your Clothes. There ii no use paying fifty dollars for a suit whpn you cn go to Howard's acd get one of his tailor made sui.s deaigDed by the Stein, Bloch Co., for from 12 50 to 18 00, and in Overcoats we have some very nice ones at 10.00. New goods conotanilv arriving, see our third lot of Stiff Hats this spgRon. Some raw edge ones ia the lot at HOWARD'S. PINE APPLES, PINE APPLES, Large lot of this Delicious Fruit jus arrived at D HASSELL'8, oci28tf) Near the Post-cffice. Don't Have Wear Waukenhose. Particulars at the BARGAIN STORE. Trimmer Wanted. A First class Trimmer in Carriage and Buggy Factory. Permanent jb if a good workman. G. U. WATERS & SON, oct31lf) New Berne. N. C. Solid Silver! I have got tbe BEST SELECTION of Solid Silver ever brought to New Berne. Fresh Goods Just Received ! I have a Nice Selection of Solid Gold Plain Rings. Also a Fine Stock of AL'i KINDS of Goods in my line. --)'-' All work neatly done and wsrrsnttd. SAM K. EATON, New Berne, N C Dr. W. L. LA3SITER, Will practicein Nnw Berne, James City, and vicinity. Office hours from 9 to 11 a. m and Irnm 3 to 5 p m , at Solicitor Qeo H White's law offiae. on Craven St , near South Front, octlC!&wll New Berne, N. C. Millinery ! Millinery ! NEW STAND. Mrs M J RHODES would call thr attention of the Ladies that be ban re moved her place of business to the R. N. Duffy Building, corner Middle and Pol look sts , where hn has just received full linn of ilv LME-tT 8 1 YLE H4TS, BONNETS FlA HERS NOTIONS, eto nldwl All Whom It May Concern! I have not enivd in the Qrucery, Confectionery Tobacco oi Ouster War (nor a j 1 intmd no doing. H ia luxury i cannot afford.) but I am still selling tbe finest LiUWNKY'S Chocolates and Bon lion. WHITMANS Philadelphia and tea. KENEDY'j Celebrated Fancy Cakes. Also. Fruits, Smoking and Chewing Tobaooo, uigars. Smoker's Article etc. Also dispensing Coon Cola, Mineral and Soda Water to those in need, at the lowest pouiblt price. ; 1 ; ' r .:-.;-.: I am still in my Jiff's sir just around the corner of Pollok, in Middle Street. Come and see me. 0112ml SAM B. WATERS.'5 "The Challenge Coffee" 13 THE BEST, ' Fresh Roasted "-AND-x Ground to Order. Only 30 Cent Per Pound. NEW LOT OF '-AND-i Whits Cream Cheese, LUCAS & LEWIS. Prof Eugene Wallnau .Knock Htrcet, near Methodist ehnrah. New Heme, N.( Expert i-iano and Organ Itinera nd Kapilrer. educated at the llnl veisiu f H inn. Batmractlon guaranteed. Tuning S.i 00. t-oll.hlng Jl.uo extra. TESTIMONIALS. Miss Funnle Holland, Music Tercher, New Berne. N.C. Miss Marian K. Radcllir, Vooal Teacher, Sew Berne. M. J. Pror. Ja!etp e, 1'rlnclpnl of Tarboro College. Mrs Julie Hiuiion. Music Teacher. firrftnvlile.f). C, January 3rd, 1881; Mr huiiene Wullnau, I'e.r rii: it gives me great plessurs to asuur.- your p it runs nr your thorough ability as a I nner, and 1 give you the liberty of using my name nh a testimonial. Kespectfully, Mrs. Louis C. Latham: Mr. Knsline Wallnau is engaged as Piano Tu- er 'n Hie lireenviile College, and he baa prov il i,.nie:t a very competent and cars ful w.i u man He is a eentleman and con -scien-lously performs the work entrusted to bun an i iiiivinu ulven perfect satitfaotlon, IkIv. him, unsolicited, this testimonial of his wt irk. mm mending his services to parties in want o a le.iublo tuner and repalier. Prof. John Duckeu, P ir.cip .1 of Greenville College, Greenville, N. C, Mrs. A. (J. . uuier. MubIc Teacher. 0 Pi o H GQ O O a w 9) H H "Wo Just recivtd a job lot of NICE OVERCOATS. whioh we ar n-lliug at very low (Inures. A lull 11 at of Seas aai Boys' Winter Clothing ON HAND. See our ('rosseit a Men's Shoes before buying every pair warranted to give satisfaction. We have also on hand Children'H All Wool Vests, All Wool Hi en and a very nice quality of BtlJt Warp White Fiannel at $1.00 per yard. Mundells' Cbiidrens Shoes and Ziegler'e Lidies Shoes n speciality. Barrington & Baxters To My Patrons and the Public Generally. Having removed my place of business td Solth Fkont Street, Three doia East of the Qaston House where I will be pleased to eerve my purorn hs heretofoie. I ehill keen constat. tlv on hand A FULL LINE OF SAMPLES of the very best FoiiKKiN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. K. SAWYER, 'pA 11 m pi f Fashionable Tailof Ddi's Coyvh Mixture. Call for li N DUFFY'S COUGH MIXVURE and too that HIS ItA if urmt-d on tin wrapper before you take it ntlii-r wi.-e ou may have. Cough Syrup piptel on you whioh you did am Cllll fo'. d&swlt AMERICAN PROTECTIVE LEAGUE. Incorporated In 1880. A Patriotic Fraternal Beneficiary Onlef, Offers Prosperity and Protection. PAYS 1500. or J1C0O at and ofS year. '". . . PA Ym same amount at death PAYS half or iheae amount npdh total disability. r YS S50 npon deata ol hatband or wife. -; PAYS!25gponueath of achlld. 1 PAYS ISWpnr week an oaae of aleknesaer . aooidsnt. , , .: .;- . ' Loans monev to buy homes and eantele deut t il ath or at end oi S years. . , , a Fixw Casta Nrnaln Valma afls lOO have been paid In, . f O,0(iedeposited with the Btate Tteasn er of Hna.aohutetta for .the protection f th polio, bolder, i A Looal League Is to b organUsd In Ff Berne. ' . . B. D. pr. oot dw2wUtp Canvn"H!!