JOURNAL. c:d coxticts released. Immense Stochades Barned IIsoxvillb, Tenn., Nov 1: Oae 'red and fifty coavicta released i .iceville to-night, and tbe im ..; stockade burned. A battle ; taken plaoa between guards r. 1 miners. Fatalities unknown. IIKOXYIIXB, Tenn., November 2. At an early hour this morning 30 convicts at Oliver Springs were l.berated by a band of armed and mounted men, who rode into that place, from' the direction, of tbe mountains. After liberating; the prisonersltbe.stockade was .set on fire and burned. The convicts for the most part were furnished with citizens clothes by their liberators. The band had no trouble in setting the convicts free. The gnard was evidently overawed and . offered no resistanse. f It is reported that it is the inten tion of the miners to liberate tbe eonviots now confined at Tracy City, but no confirmation of this rumor can be had at present. It is estimated that there are at least 600 convicts now at large who have been given their liberty by the min ers. ; Lir. " The Governor left early this morning for Nashville. A good deal of speculation as to the reason for bis visit to that city is indulged in. " m m m DteMtrwu Failure ! ,v- It fa with feeling of regret that we annoanoe the failure of hosts ol people trembled with- inaction of the kidneys to take efficient means to renew tte r otivitr. This failure is moat disastrous, for a complete wreck of the organ tnemaelvee mast eventuate if timely meana are not taken to re-establish their secretive faaotion on a basis of otivity and regularity. Hostetter'e Btomaoh Bitters renews both, and pre venta ultimate anl fatal disaster. As it ia oae of the f anotions of the kidneys to strain from the blood, in its passage through them, impurities prooreative of dropsy, rheumatism and gout, an early impetus is all the- more needful to be given to their operations when tardy or ineffectual. Tbe nnmedioated stimuli of commerce do not answer this pur pose. Use the Bitten for dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and biliousness. VCKLKnU AKMICA SALVE The Best SalTe in the world for Cuts, BraJaee, Boras, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi ttvety eoiM Piles, or bo pay required. It la fmaiaateed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale in Newborn by F. S. Duffy, wholesale and retail druggist. If you undertake to drag the cross yon will find it very heavy. Superior to all Others. - Allcock'b Pobocs Plasters are the great external remedy of the day. The quickest, safest, rarest, best. Not only immeasurably superior to all other plasters, but also to liniments, cint- tenta, oils and similar unctuous eomoounds. V Beware of imitations, and do not be (feceived by misrepresentation. Ask for AlLcock's and let no solicitation or explanation induoe you to accept a substitute f You can never be happy without asking God to tell you how. Shlloh's Consumption Cure. :. This is beyond question the moet suoooaofui Cough Medioine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably oure the worst cues of Cough.Crcup and Bronchitis, while its wonderful success in the oure of Consumption is without a parallel ia the history, of medicine : Sine its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test wnicn no oiner medicine can stand. If yon bare a cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Prioe 10c., BOo, and $1. If your lungs are sore, chest, or back lame, use Shi loh's Porous Plaster. Bold by New Berne Drug Co. - The surest way of becoming good looking is to behave that way. No griping or nausea after using BreokBeld's Liver and Kidney Pillr. 'Wilt cure Biliousness, Constipation. Torpid Liver and stomach troubles. Sugar coated, oval. Price 25 cents. Give them a trial. For sale by F. S. Duffy, New Berne, N. O. - The best preparation for Heaven is to have ajheavenly sprit. t I- . . HAPPY BOOSTERS. ' Win. Ttmmons, postmaster of Idaville, Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, lays: "Find Electric Bitters to be the beat Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Gard ner, hardware merchant, same town, says: Electric Bitters Is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care wheth er he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite, and felt just like he had s new lease on life. Only 60c. a bottle atF.. S Duffy's wholesale and retail drug store IMS W. T. Ave., -WASHINGTON, D. C. Ornca ov Yobk xhtbi'bi8, i t ' Xobxvixlb, S. 0., Aug: 14, '91. AtlAHT.C EMOTBOFOisa Gentlemen: Foi tbeast Ave r ears mj wlfa has been a offerer tram dlspeosla Bo completely die the S.HTMT make a wreck of aer lormer slf tbat Ufa waa almost despaired of. Her nervous system waa almost de stroyed and the slightest noise would throw bar late a nervous spurn, which would last lor hours. Medical skill failed to brine anv nlW, , 'i'nrouab the reeomroendntunnnf an emi nent divine we were Indued to trv the Junotropolae. After a pentttent ee of tbe Instrument, the efl.oth.e been wondnluL Jt r nervous system has been restored to It timiMt normal eondlUon; her dlsf st'on is ..n.irfally improved; she le rapidly gain ing In fleeb; and, npon the whole. Is making a rapid recovery, wbleh speaks volumes for e wotderfold curative powers or the ontropolee, ae her ease was considered imiMHi, If enyare skeptical en the sub ih it them try tbe Kleotropolse. and Us wrful powers wLl quickly dispel all """" Yours traly.' W. at. PROMT. For Information " ' ABDBXaS AS ABOVU, OB " f 1 King St.. CHARLESTON. B. C. rrr u w atron. Aeent. r Fleeing from BusU to Kansas. ; Raw Tom, Nov. 8 The advsnoe mud of a Russian colony aeekiog himea la Kansas passed through tbe birsa efflja todav. The Dtrtv number ed thirty-eight, and were compelled to fly from euttit. a little town on we Volga, because or wnal tney termea nniuat tribute levied noon them by the Russian government. Tbey belong to tbe better class of peasantry. vT;; :ingwer This Question. Why do so many people we see around ns seem to prefer to Buffer and be made miserable by indigestion Constipation, D azlness. Lom of Appetite, Coming up of tbe Food, Yellow rJkin, when for 75a. ws will sell Ihcm Bcloh's Vitalise. guaranteed to cure them. Sold by New Berne Drug Uo. Ood never sends a man where it is not for his highest good to go. 'A Wond.r Wcs-ker. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of Burlington, Ohio, states that he bad been under the care of two prominent physi cians, and used their treatment until he wsa not able to get around. They pro nounced his case to be Consumption and incurable. He waa persuaded to try Br, King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, and at that time waa not able to warn across tbe street wiuiom resting. He found, before he had used half of a dollar bottle, that he wsa much better; he continued to use it and is today enjoying good health. If you have any throat, lung or chest trouble try it. We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free at . o. unity s arug store. God will not live in any heait where His laws are trodden under foot, When Babj was sick, we care her Castoria. Tfben she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gare them Castoria W. A. WHITE, FOOT OF Pll DDLS STREET, Dealer In General Merchandlte, offers a good line or Groceries, Dry Goods, Bootp, Shoe, &e, Choice Twist Tobacee 20c. per Pound. First Chance For those oomlng to the city by water and lauding at me market dock, to supply themselves- Last Chance For tbtsi leaving the same way. GIVE U9 A TRIiL, Low Prices. New Goods! flew Goods! We are receiving new goods by every steamer. NOTICE OUR Special Low Prices! Jelly ; : ; 10c. ft Preserves . ; 12$c. " " 5 lb paih?, 75c. 31b Standard Peaches 15 & 20c. can 31b Pie " 10c. ' 21b t' Cherries 15o. " Fulton Market Corned Beef 8c. Ib Boneless " " 8c. " Finest Sugar Cured Earns 14". " Loose Pickles : : 10c. doz White Full Cream Cheese, 15c. ft Good Green and Biack Tea, 50c. ft Best " " " " 75c, " Our Special Blend Boasted Coffee 30 and 35s. per pound. And a full line of other fancy Groceries too numerous to mention. Thanking you for your past favors and trusting yon will give us another trial, we are Very Respectfully, CHURCHILL & PARKER, Broad Street. Southern Exposition at Rileigh. V; C. Round Trip Rales. Atlantic & Forth Carolina Railway, New Berne. October 25th, 1891, To Agents and the Public Bates to the Exposition of Sept. 35th, sold on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, are hereby withdrawn, to take effeotJlov. loih, prox , exeept by special train on Thursdays only. Tbe following rates will govern dated Bept. 16th, 1891: From yoor station to Ralelgu and retnrn, inolndlngone admission Into ue exposition, good for re turn passage at anr time np to and Inolnd tng December 81, 1891. Tickets off tale after November 80th. Morehead Olty $5 66 I Core Creek 43 70 Wtldwood 6 26 Dover 8 45 Newport.. 6 15 1 Caswell..... 8 5 Htvelock 4 90 Klnston 8 10 Oroatan . 4 851 FalllngOreek.. 2 90 Rlverdale 4 69 1 La Oraage .. 2 70 Newbern 4 31) Bests... SI 80 Ttucarora 8 90 1 Pell contrast tickets only. The original purchaser mnst be required to tlgn the same Special Exposition train on Thnts day, Nov. 5th and 12th, will continue to rnn at time and same rate of fare as heretofore. a. 1. DILL, O. P. A. S. R. STREET, General FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Agent, NEW BERNE, N.- C. Notice! Execution Sale! In pursnance ol ezentlona Issued to me irom lha superior Court of Uravenoonnty, in tbe following oaaea, to wll: K bcrta liros. vs. U. L. tlardlaun.etal., '. J. Tolson vs. O. U Hardlson et al., L P. r-toval A Co. Vf. O. U, UardUon et al L. I)uff vs. O. L. Hardlson, and Mxon A DnOy vs. U. L. Hardlson, levies by me npon the lands htrelnafterward de anrlbed as the lands of O. ii. Hard son afore sall, I will on Monday Kov,80lb, 1W1. at the Ooirt Bouo door at tbe hour of ISo'eloek, .,oraaauon thereafter as there shall bea recs of the oourt then in session offer and ell to tbe blghtst bidder for eish the follow -Ins lands, the property of the tald Hardlson. to wll: All that traot wherein be now resides, la 7th township, emoeotlng the fifteen sores set aside as hie homestead, boles; about 20) sorts, the same being tbe old home plaee o' bis father, devised to him. Also that tract known as the Cohen lIce, deeded by Win. Uohon to tbe said Q. L Har dlson and registered In tbe offlee of tbe Bcglstar of lceds of Craven county, book 102. pegs 674, oontalnlng lis aeres. Theeetwo trsets being subject to mortgage made by said O. 1j Hardlson I'hISOct.iWIh, )ttt. -V W. B. LAND, :-"' Hherl IT Craven Conntv. W.D.McIvaR.PlalnlllU' Attorney. td WU1uS ETECTFIO. A troublesome akin disease : caused ma to. scratch for tea ; months, and has been cured bv ' - i few days use of 8. 8. a r . jn. tt. wourr, a Upper Marlboro, Md. w sm vuavu sjfv v n. am fraig Bf(U VeV white swelling in ray leg by 4he use of ana . -j any return of the disease, jnany prom- iww vujmiauB wtenueu um auu au failed, hut 8. S. 8. did the work. . raUL w. luxxraTBicK, -r , .:. 4onnsoaU7, Ten. Treatise on Blood Bkln maued free. ,- i .. -Atlanta, 3a. HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION Is called to the fact that . T no: JPimn Most Complete Stock OF CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES in the city. Complete in every department. Quality of the Highest and Prices as Low as any tirocery m the city. He requests a call from the ladies to satisfy them that what he claims is a fact indeed. Confectionery Department Is supplied with the very nicest lines of goods, imported fresh each weet. To satisfy tbe public and to secure an early call he will give for the next 30 days the following low prices: Chocolate Cream Drops, best Marsh Mallow " " Caramels, " Cocoa Bon Bons, And all fine goods of Whitmans & Miller's Phi la. make, at Rock Bottom Prices, only 25c. per lb. A nice Mixed Candy, pure and good, 20c. Plain Candy, 15c. Choice Fruits, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, and everything in this line at equally low prices. A call will be appreciated. oclOdv REDUCTION in Old Virginia Cheroots. Also, Horsford Bread Preparation. Buy your Shot and Powder and save Money JR. Ulxdoli, WHOLESALE GBOOEB, MIDDLE STBEKT, NBW BEBKE. N. O. Wanted. Salesmen and Collectors To handle the Greatest Machine on earth the genuine Singer Sewing Machine with latest improvements, best attach ments and handsomest Cabinet work. It is the easiest to sell and the beat to purohase, always giving satisfaction. Good territory allotted to responsible men, and a nioe, light rnnning wagon furnished. For particulars, call on or address -, j-.-- THE SINGER MF'G CO., Pollock St., New Berne. N. O. sep22. W . T. L ANE, Agent, An Unparalleled Offer! For tbe next thirty days we will selli SOLID GOLD RIDINOBOW FRAMES SPECTACLES, WITH F1BS1 QUALITY LEK8IS AT $2.50 Per Pair! BELL THE JEWELER. Administrator's Notice. Nannie 0. Adams having qualified as Administratrix of David Adama, deo.. Notice ia hereby given that ail debts held against the aald estate shall be presented to me duly authenticated for settlement on or before Hot. BJ, 1893, or they will be plead in bar of recovery. All parties owing the estate' are re quired to make immediate settlement. NaHHiB O. Adams, . n81t6w. Admisistrstrix. Plso's Cure for Con anmption ia also the beat Congfi Medicine. If yon have a Oongh without disease of the Lungs, a few doaea are all , ! yon need. But if you ne ' gleet this easy meana of , safety, tbe slight Cough -aaay become serious , matter, and several bot- v ' ties will be required. ; " n 'Pan's Reroedy tot CaUnb Is tbe M Beat, SatieU e TJse, and CbeapeiC . ! I Swift pecific Diseaael C LAI i -; Sold hv or v t 5"JC m K T. 1 V i' ' I, A n Cr.:!I.:::lfi SLvcr, - i DEALERS IN ... ' - General Hardware. ' Harness. Sash, Doors, Blinds,. Faints, Oils. Varnish, , Glass and Putty, .. Lime, ' Plaster, : flair and Cement' . Agents for SEV0E & CO'S celebrated Beady Ilixed Paints," which arAstrictly pure" ; goods; ; MIDDLE 8TEEET. ROBERTS & BRO. Wholesale Dealers tm Groceries, Provisions ;T0B1CC0 and SNCFF, BOOTS and SHOE? We are alto scents for STOCK "D1ADEH" FLOUK, every barrel wartantrd. , A lane stock of FTTRK ,WK8T INDIi onr own lmporiutOD. r v. , S Come to sea- ns. or aead to or nrdem Ton will and onr Prices as LOW aa tbe lweti. majMdwtr kobsrts a BRO The East Carolina Railroad A FAILURE 1 They are Moving Too Slow to Ever Beach Newbern. Can the People of Tbe Old City of Elms Wait on them Any Longer t Wonld It not be best to take onr flrn thousand dollars In boads and alve It to five manufacturing Industries who will move their plants to Mewbern an employ one hundred or more hands each, dally r Ten thousand dollars e. eh to flve Industrie! of some kind would be a considerable induce ment lor them to move to Mewbern. We have water transportation equal to any In the country. Our Railroad commissioners give ns ss low rates of freight ae any. We nave the laboring class, both white and macBYnere; wnawear neea we nive to start tbe ball In this dlreotlon r Would It not be well for the olty authorities to look Into the matter and see If something can't be done T It the Railroad will be built aud they Intend to get our bonds, let them give ns some assurance as to when It will be completed. There seems to be oonsldesable doubt as to Big Ike ever visiting bis native county anv more If be waits to go on toe K. 0. R. H. There Is no doubt that Mewbern Is on the greatest boom during ber. existence. seal estate nas advanced irom two to five hundred per cent. Not a vacant bonse In the eltv. Families have moved oat or town for want of housee to live ln-dneo, women and children. Then whv should this little pitiful sum ol 60,000 dollars railroad bonds stop tne progress or so nenntirul a city as ouisT Why not call an election ,st onoe and vote 60 thousand more and give to manufac turing industries as sdov stated and em ploy some good sgentf say J. W. Waters, to travel t be manufacturing cities of our eoun try and show them the advantages onr city haa over nf other town In this eonntrv Our Board of Trade, Cotton Exchange and all other onramzailocs have held mastlnmi and advised every plan Imaginable and all nave ieuea, now put mis matter oeiore tbe oeonle and let It be tboronihlv dlsensasd and voted npon and tt it Is not carried then Big Ike, who buys so many people Cut at 40, SO and 67J4c. on the dollar, w 111 pay the entire expense oi ine eieonon. 'ine question is now we nave got newDern on a boom. Will we continue to bojm her t NOTICE. North Oiro'.lnt Craven County. The Board of Commissioners of Graven County, piBlntiir, vs. Carolina v?oirenden and others, Defendants. Pursuant to a ludementof the Rnmrlnr Court of tbeabove State ana asjontjr, at Bprlng Term, 1891, 1 will sell, for the Oourt Bouse door of Craven county, eat Mon day, December 7th, 1801, atHo'okckrM,.aU tbe following land, viz: Twelve handred and sixty-five aerea Of land known as 'Cool epnng." snuatea in jno. 7 Township, de scribed In a deed from J. J. Welfendma to Oarollne Wolfenden, reootdew hi the records of Craven county. Book No.M, Folio 15. al 6w J. W. BIDDLKGommlssloner. BrsTa or North Cauouha. ) Before - Craven Conniy. t W.M. Watson, r Clerk 8. Court. Jesse B Grlffli, LB Bnmphrey, 1. M Her rett and others Exparte. Motloe of the Sale-of liands for division. By vlrtne of a Judgment of the Superior Conrtof the county of Graven, North Caro lina, onteinedxon the Sltb day or October, 1801, In the abov. entitled eause. I. as Com missioner of tbe eald court, will sell, for own. to tbe highest bidder, at Dover station oothsAAN O Railroad, In tbe county of uraven,.on toetnuayoi December, Kill, at about noon of said day. the lands described In tbe petltlen Hied in the above entitled cause, being a part of the lands belonging to tbe eesate of William B. Griffin, dee'd, Ihe above named lands ere sold for partition ,amoo the belre-at-law otthe said William to- wmn,aeo'a. I Hov. 2d, 1891. BETH WEST, nswSOd Commlisloner. Tkomss A. Green and D. N. Kllburn.Tms. tee., vs. The Nense and Trent River Bteamooat company. NoTlCF. ' Pursuant to a Judgment of Ibe Superior Court of Craven eonntv. rendered at lha Sprlpg Term.IWlj In tbe above entitled ae. tlon. notloe la hereby alventhat ansHoatloa will be made at the Fall Term of said eojrt for a dissolution of tbe said Nense and Tr ant River Steamboat Company, and a final net uvujen oi ih ousinasa. And further notice la hereby given to all persons holding claims against said com pany, pursuant to said Judgment, to present iw muv uuiy suiaBsuoiwa w mi souer slgned for settlement, on or before the Soth day of November, 18111, olherwlss said Jndg- lu-siis wuiuf picM.ea ia uar oj tnear reeoV' ery. This the 80th dsjr of October, 1891. nl80d T. A. GBJtBN, Commlfiloner. Gold VVava Coming ! 1 :.. f 1 ... jf. ., . - i Nature should be assisted in the spring to throw off tbe heaviness of TAKE tbeslufrgish winter circulation of tbe blood. Nothing idoes ttso well, so OT TUB : I have used 8. & 8. for a number of vears, and consider it the beat tabic and ulood remedy that I ever used. In not I would not attempt to enter upon a spring or summer in this climate with out It. H.W. COLBKAR. Of Coleman, Perrusoa 4 Cov ' Dadeatr.lW Our book On Blood and BkJn Disease! Xallecl free. , v -.y 8wdt Sracmti Co. Atlanta, Ga. ,'-. IPs easifeTwugJi the Ball c6et.)Thart W4 cause it has coils of fine wire springs in the sideSsThey clasp the figure closely, but I yield to every motion. j They "give", but they come back. So does your money if you've worn a Ball cor set two or three weeks, and find that you don't like it " O. MABKS 4t SON. Jas. Redmond "WHOU SALE DEALEM IN nitiEs, UQUORS and CIGARS: South Front Street. Tne 3oois Xast Gaston , Hons & CO ARE OFFERING tOR BALK 7 The World Benowned w OanislPrdlCstlcnCiss whWj oombineo sBwi tha most'l. satinfsot'ww outfit Tor ciastng.ooUon Tsr Bssa in tuts. earn wj,, ,-;- ,. -Ther sl6 oetr fall lUaoE? Belling, Mtc.atoi.Ofl, y , nd X.aoe Leather, U togtAhn With) it full ilns of ; j v HAEDWAEE. . ' Be od for price, and come and ezaaalaa taMr stock. Tber guarantee to please you. ; . , J. C. WHITTT CO.. J) l Cor. fouth Front and Craven But, Yousg Kentucky and ; Mf Virginia IfceslLiUlos r. TrxTnvr TTfts Just Arrived witKi two Cat Loads of Young KKIdTUCKY and WEST VA. HORSES AND IIULE3 1 From 3 to 7 Years Old :TBMH1,E , DRIVERS, Draft suid Saddle Horses,- lich ! Will Be Sold Cheap. .f Al Klcw Variety of ; Carriagesit Buggitjs, Carts t f ' HartveBS, Whips' L'apBole8, Dusters etc., etc $. 'OUR. MOTTO JS Quick Stiles - Trclti Pall f nl -non 11a r' Tl TflM buy; it will La to youx r . - ? to i'j ri.' ' J.C.Whttv Just Arrived q::l7. ; ,: -, -t -7 (' From Until Jan. FOB WEEKLY v ' : ' Subscribe nowand scription &ee. NINB OOtUMN FOLIO-LiBOB AMOUNT OF BEADING. The Daily $5.00 Per Year. ' Circulates in every direction from New Berne, where there is a daily mail, and is a splendid medium for advertisers. Liberal Adveiti:i:s R&t:s. Thmiirh the busv season is than In the dullest summer months. Job "Depart I I ' ' - - 5 t .' - fin connection with the JouttNAt, there ia a FIRST-CLASS JOB DEPARTMENT All of order and at satisfactory prices.;' . r i .Letter Heads, Note Statements, r 5 Business Cards, , Envelopes, ' porters, And c!U.!n;!s of work. o i .5.0 . .'r "i ' . .:-:rer- '-T Wow i7 Ist3893, THE - JOUJRWAIL. ". rs:';:ii' get two months' rob 50c. Per IXonth. Journal nearly here, onr rates are no higher ? : .v -if 4-:... i iiieiit. ... ...... ... .-. ; ... ... : kinds of work executed in the best Heads, Bill Heads. iXnarB.rne, If. O.