Daily Jour HE NAL. VOL. X.--NO. 190. NEW BERNE, N. C... FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1891. PS(U:E 5 CENTS. I 'at BUSINESS LOCALS. HEOKER'B Sslf Raising Buckwheat. 0. E. 8LOVBB. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen. Apply at Journal Offioe. ooi81l w LOST On Saturday, a Gold Haded Cane, marked J. W. M , Maroh 1890. Th8 person finding: will be re warded on leaving t at Journal olfloe. oc27 t( BARGAINS io beautiful work-baskets fancy styles job lot just received. J. fiUTKR. s MOKE Genuine Cubans Tobaoco. octet! TO ONE who can copy music In a olear style. I will Rive work at in tervals during the winter. I prefer the services of one who understands harmony and counterpoint, although this knowledge is not necessary. .sepl8tf i-has L. Gaskill. XTEW DRUG STORE.-Drugs. Medi oii.et and Obnmiouls, o. V. Popular proprietary Medicines. All varl ties of Druggist's Humifies. Trusses aud Urso s. 9i.w crop Gard-n Heeds. Finn and Laige Nloek Ulgars ard Tobucco. all stw, 1're scrlptloD. accurately compouude i (and 'Ot t vn prices), oui m tto and our success. U a. OK'.KN. Uruirgls'. and Apothecary, Middle st.. four doom from Pollock. JanlU ly OLD papers for sale at the Journal office by the dcz-m, hundred or thousand. tf Forest fires are doiug grdat damage io Alabama. In digging in Illinois a fine stone roadway has been discovered When it was made and by whom is uot k'lOWD. The Cumberland Fair is a big success. Gov. Holt is in atten dance. By the way, the Governor Beems strengthening his hold upon the people. Timothy Healey, the most bitter of the anti Parnell loaders, was pablioly horsewhipped in Dablin by Mr. MeDormott, a nephew of the late Mr. Parnell. THE Italia, a newspaper oi Rome, thinks Europe will have to unite in oallingthe attention of the United States to a more correct and precise notion of the law of nation. At the Exposition, at Montgom ery, Ala., the attendance is very large, ranging from 8,000 to 12,000 daily. The display of agricultural, mechanical and mineral products Is unsurpassed in the history oi the State. The Wilmington Messenger sayf: ' Since 1800, we venture to say that the taxes taken from the whites to educate the negroes in North Carolina will aggregate more than sixty hundred thousand dollars." Complaints are made that the Southern Exposition at Ualeigh is not doing justice to the South, that It is little more than a State fair. Before making this criticism it should be romembered that the Expositions at Montgomery, Ala., and Augusta, Ga., are in full blast. THE Journal always rejoices in the success of New Bernlans. We have learned with pleasure that Mr. James Brinson is rapidly rising in Oalorado. His services were in demand in the late campaign, and he gave all the time to the Demo cracy that he could spare from his exacting professional duties. Talent, pluck and energy always win. Mr. Thomas Dixon, like a great many smart men, indulges too much in the sensational. It seems that he took part in the New York eampain, and could not resist the tempation to appear in the arena : ai a gladiator against "the tiger." The New Tork Sun says: The Re publicans oarried tbeir campaign into the pulpit yesterday, and Mr. Piatt's man Fassett's man, the I Bev. Thomas Dixon, tackled the Tammany tiger in a style quite -equal to anything Mr. Fassett, or j tbia other man, 'Mr. Godkin, has , -done daring the whole coarse of - the campaign, and Mr. Dixon 't didn't have to take his coat off to V do it, either. ' S Tra , Qotpber number of the Wake Forest Student is fall of fresh r" and interesting matter. Prof. J. B. ..- Carljle is alumni editor; E. S. ' Eeaves and G. .W, Pasohal repre "ent the Phi. Sooiety, and W. W. '; . Vass, Jr., and W. P. Daniel the Eu. . . . aoclety. Mr. E. V. Howell is busi ness tnanaeer. In addition to tlm . editorials aod college notes the following is thetabltf of contents: V, Oniy'I'xlends, by E. T. Of "The . y Bcattertd i Nation ( by Boert N. ' Cook; ; Oar Colleges Their Work, ? y I.'l T.'Newton They Wanted a . Kieg, AnoDi Throuah Meifoo. . bv Janie P. - Doggau;" Live, by Win. , jL?9r,.r This magazine is elegantly printed and its articles have real literary ability. Its friends and the friends of the college ought to give it a large list of subscribers. A Birmingham dispatch of Nov. 3, says: A regular Jack the Bipper is at work around Georgian, Ala., a small town in Butler county. This morning the horrible mutilated body of an unknown dead man was found in the public road near that place, making six murders within the last few days. Only yesterday Tuos. Shepherd and wife, aged 80, were murdered in their own home. The country is wild with excite ment and everybody is up in arms. Bloodhounds have been put on the trails in all directions, but there is no clue whatever to the perpetra tors of these deeds. In each case the victim was brained with an axe. The latest victim is believed to be a peddler and the motive of the murder was probably robbery. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. G. Hanison Adm'rs notioe. Haokburn Willett Boots, shoer. Wm. Ellis Proposals wanted. J. W. Stewart Horses and moles. Howard A thing cf beauty, etc G. E. Slover Self-raising buokwhett. John MoSorley Boot and shoe maker. Cotton New Berne Market Silos yesterday 152 bales at 6 1 4 to 7 1 4 The Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina will meet in Durham next week. It commences Tuesday night at 7:30 o'olock. The Woman's Missionary Society of Centenary M. E. Church will meet this afternoon at 3:80 o'olock, at the Parson age. A full attendance is earnestly requested. The ladies of Croatan are to hold a festival next Tuesday evening for the benefit of the Presbyterian churoh. The money raised is to be applied to painting the church. The festival will begin immediately Rfter the arrival of the mail train. Cleveland's Minstrels? probably the. largest that has ever appeared-in this city, gave a splendid performance at the theatre lsst night. It was the high est order of minstrelsy fun, wit, mirth and music The Urgo audienoe present was enraptured. Next Wodnesdsy is to be a big day at the Exposition. It has been set spirt as Odd Fellows day for the orphanage soon to be established at Goldaboro by the order, and a great gathering of Odd Fellows from all over the State is ex pected. Ex-Gov. T. J. Jarvia will make an address on the occasion. An extra train will be run there on the same sohedule and low prioes as the Thurs day extras have been giving. The Thursday special train will also be ran 85 usual. There seems to be an epidemic of petty burglaries in the eastern part of the State. Four houses in Tarboro were entered in one night, pookets of inmates earohed and watcbea and other small valuables secured. One of the houses visited waa the residenoe of former chief of police. Nothing was stolen there however owing to the early awaking of the occupants. Other attempt were made the next night bat the designs of the burglars were frus trated in eaoh instance and at one house were fired at al tbey commenced oper ations. Coining and doing. Rev. D. MoLeod, of Beaufort, passed through en route to visit the Exposition at Raleigh and to attend the Baptist State Convention at Goldsboro next week. Hiss Settle L. Hall went down to Harlowe last night to take oharge of a school. Miss Alios Rjper, of Middleton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Crabtreo. Messrs. D. B. Hooker and W. H, Sawyer of Bayboro. O. H. Fowlerof Stonewall, and A. M. Williams, R D. Williams, O. D Lewis and A. Cleve of Vanoeboro, arrived on a short business trip. The Minstrel are In the oity. Rapid Oyster Openi ng. Mr. O. N. Ives had some rapid work of opening oyster dqne yesterday, Nine hand began work at 10 t. m. and worked nntil 4 p. m. six hours and in that time tbey opened 93 gallon, an average of nearly 11 gallons each nearly two gallon per hoar, eaoh. Mr. Ives, who has much experience in euou matters does not believe this re' oord can be beat In the country and it show the splendid quality of the oys ters, which Mr. Ives saya be never taw exoelled at tbii teason of the year, The ones jut spoken of -ware a load of fine ones from jar Point, A, load of magnificent Far Creek 'oyster that were in market yesterday brought 81 00 par bushel without trouble, The oyster exhibit at the New Berne Fair ha al ways been a prominent fertnre and the display at the approaching one will be worth coining a long diataoo to see. ' Ballon' Cetanh Remedy- A marvel ous i ear lor uatarrb. ., Diphtheria, Canker month, and Headache. With each bottle there ia an ingenious nasal Iojaotor for the mere- enooessfnl treat ment of these complain ti without extra charge Price ,50 j. Bold by ; New oerne urug wo. . . v - - , CITI COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Nov. 3, 1891. Board met ia regular session this evening Mayor Manly presiding, Coun oilmea Ellis, Manly, Lovick, Crawford, Bell, Richardson, Miller and Oden present. Petitions for lights at foot of Eden, corners of Pollock and Fleet, and Broad and Fleet streets were referred to com mittee on streets and pumps. Petition of J. F. Taylor to erect an iron shed on his wharf property was on motion of Counoilman Ellis granted. N. S. Richardson Admr., was per mitted to list taxes for four years baok. A communication from Hettie A. Styron and attorneys asking damages for alleged injuries was referred to the city attorney to investigate and report next meeting. Fire Department committee report nothing speoial. Finance committee the treasurer submitted the annexed statement show ing collections from all souroes to Nov, 1: Receipts of Tax Collector for 1880, op to Oot. 31 $3 598 03 Receipt same perhd this year 2.970,2a Difference in favor of this year 878 10 Reoeipta of City Marshal for 1890 up to Oot. 81 8283 87 Receipts same period this year 891.46 Difference in favor of this year 161.09 Tax Collector 378 19 City Marshal 161 09 Total collected over last year for same length of time 539.38 On motion the finance committee and attorney were instructed to investigate the appraiamect cf railroad property and report. Councilman Ellis presented the mat ter of overcoats for the polioe force. samples and prices, and on motion of Councilman Miller, an appropriation not to exceed $130.00 was made to purchase, the selection to be left to the chairman of police committee and Mayor voting aye Councilmen Ellis Manly, Lovick, Crawford, Bell, Rioh- ardson, Miller and Oden. Councilman Ellis on ttreots reported muoh good work done and still going on. Un motion a liaht waa ordered to be plaoed at corner Crooked and Nor wood ; and a light on Primrose street referred to committoe on streets and pump with power to act. Councilman Ellis offered the follow ing resolution: Whertas, It seems impossible to fullv enforce the fire district ordinance, and mucn dissatisfaction exists thereat, tberefore, inasmuch as the ordinance appears to be ineffective, and faiis to serve the purpose intended. Be it resolved, That the same be repealed. Being warmly discussed failed to pass. Councilman Richardson was alio jred to retire. The oity attorney reported on the ob structions of certain streets. In regard to foot of Qeorge street the clerk was instruoted to place the same for back years on the tax list. Foot of Eden street referred to street and pump com mittee with power to aot. Outstanding fence on Muddy street, olerk instruct ed to notify owners to move. Hanoock street, ocoupancy by A. R. Dennison referred to street and pump oommittee. Foot of Metcalf street, olerk was in structed to issue notice I. W. Eubank to move building baok on line in 30 day. The matter of obtaining plot of Pavie town for record was referred to Coun oilman Oden. Permission was granted Dr. F. W. Hughes to ereot a email building of iron on Qaaton House lot. On motion of Counoilman Crawford the recent work of Dr. F. W. Hughes' on Hotel premise waa regarded a a repair; Councilman Ellis voted aye, but desired to go on record at favoring the enforcement of the fire district ordinanoe. Councilman Ellis, for the city was allowed to move and repair a small building on oity hall lot. Mr. Wm. O. Clarke stated that he was prepared to make propositions for water work; the board would oontult but was not yet ready to reoelve proposals. On motion all proposals for water work and eleotrio street railway will be closed on the lOch Nov. Board took a recess until Wednesday evening. Nov. 4. Board reassembled this evening. Mayor Mayly in the chair, present Councilmen Ellis, Manly, Loviok, Bell, Crawford, Oden and Miller. On motion the Fire Distriot ordinanoe was referred to the oommittee on ordi nanoe and license to whioh Counoilman Manly waa added. The olerk was instructed to notify the flreloompanle that no bill will be paid unlet authorized by the board. Mayor' report read and reoeived as follow: To the board of Oounoilmen: I have the honor to report a follows for the month of October. Fine $ 83.20 Ccr. 13170 163 90 M. Manly, Miyor, Oct. 81, 1891. Marshal's report read and adopted as follow: Nov. 8. 1891. The Hon. Mayor and Board Oity Coun cil, Gentlemen: Below please find my report for the month of Ootober, 1891. We have made during the month 76 arrest, S were sent to jail, S appealed to Superior court, 11 dismissed. Fine oolleoted $ 15 95 Costa 109 M Total SU0.S5 'J One half th above: ooit St. 65 waa da- AnataA fop tnv Iam. -'-.s - :r '. - The ballano $70.60. turned ovtr to Trtuurer. . ... .. i - rts Betpeotfnlly tnbmittsd i ViJ-;.? iix' iT. Lawn, M." ; " Board took t renes nntil T p. m. Nov. 17th. 4- W, D. Wallace, oity olerk.,. TIIE DOUBLE MAIL. Will Be Established if Proper Currj in? Facilities are Arranged. A favorable reply has been received from the Government in response to the petition from our citizsns for the estab lishment of a double daily mail. Wil lingness to supply a double mail ser vice Is intimated providod tho trains will run right to take it. I; now re mains to aot on the suggestion offered, confer with the railroad officials and then oommanioato with tha Post-office department again on the matter. And we are satisfied this will promptly be done and we are hopaful in regard to the ultimate result. We have been wanting the double mail accommodations a long time and some effort ia that direction has been made in tho past but never has the prospect for euccees been so bright as at present. It lies now with the railroad and the people. Let every one who desires this daily mail (and who is there that dosen't'r') go to work and talk and use whatever influence he possesses for the putting on of the ad ditional trains. The double service ii desirable, not only for ths convenience in referenoe to the mall but for the increase in trade and in the number of vititors it will bring to the city. Travelling and other business men who wish to spend but a few hours in the city can then do so ome now pass us by for lack of this very ac commodation. Likewise those who live west of tha city could then trade here and return home the same day by train and this would have a tendency to cause them to uso tho railroad more than they do, instead of thoir teams. We doubt not that the income from the increased patronage added to the ad ditional sum the government wou d pay for the increased service would pay tho expenses of the added trains from the very start possibly more than do so. At any rate this service would be an important developing factor and the railroad would soon feel the beneficial effects thereof. Let ua have the double mall. It will benellt us all, and every body desires it. Gratifying to AH. The high position attained and the universal acceptance and approval of the Pleasant liailirl fruit, ramariv R.mn of Figs, as the most excellent laxative auowD, illustrate the value of the qualities on which its Buccees is based and are abundantly gratify ing to tbe California Fig Syrup Company. Homicide in Cireeue County. Saturday afternoon about three miles from Hookerton Mr. Dub Smith and Mr John Brown ant intn n fnaa nhii-h ended fatally for Brown. The trouble wa utariHa oy omitn teasing Brown, at which the lattar hnn.mA nff.jlu Smith struck Brown on the head vith a piece of scantling, breaking his skull. Drown a iea Sunday morning, smith has left for parts unknown. Kineton rree rress. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Klieum, Fever 8ores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to dive nerfect s&tisfRrtinn or money refunded. Price 25 cents per doi. rorsaie in newbern by F. a. Duffy, wholosale and retail druggist. Children Cry for.PitcherXCastoria: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." Keats. Do not forget our line of sample goods thore are some goods in them that are ''things of beauty and a joy forever." We bought out the drummer's whole lot, there are no two things alike, if yoa need a pocket book or card case we have at least a hundred different kind, also hair brushes and clothes brushes. Remember us if you want a new hat for your husband. J. M. HOWAKD. JOHN LlcSGRLEY, Boot and Shoe Maker, POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERNE. N. C. Having secured the services or a skilled Mecbamo and flrat-olass Workman from Mew Tork, I am now fully prepare d to nil promptly all orders (or fine CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. The many years that I have satisfactorily supplied the wants of my nnraerone patrons Is the best guarantee of tbe enaraoterofniy work Hepalrlng a specialty. Neatly and prompt ly done. uovSdw tflstp JOHN MC30RLEY, Proposals Wanted. WM. ELLIS, Chairman Committee. New Berne, N. C , will reoeive propo sals for Water Works, Eleotrio Street Railway and Sewerage until Nov. ICth No proposition to be altered after re oeived. not 6 NOTICE. The nnds signed, James O. Harrlaon.has amy quaiinea as Ailmlnlstrtorof theeala of William W Dauiihertv. deo'd. and hereby gives notioe that he require all persons uTiusuiiinep.BB.iueiine estate or me said Wm. W. Dauanerlr. to nrMant them to the said Administrator duly authenticated, for Kymeot. on or before tbe 6tb day of Movem r, 1802, or else this notice will be pleaued In bar of recovery. Hereon Indebted to wm eeiai muei pay Wlltjonl delay, flew Berne, N. O., Nov th,18l JAMEM O. HARRISON, Administrator, novStw Dr. W. L. LA4SITER, Will praotlotln New Berne. James Citv. and vicinity, ' Offioe hoar from 9 to 11 a. m. and. from to-'5 p. m., at Solicitor Geo H. White' law offioe. on Craven St., near Bouth Fronti, t ootl6d&wtfl New Berne; K. 0. 0VVDER Absolutely Pure. A 'crcam of tartar baking powdor. Highest of all in leavening ntn ulh Latest U. S. Government Food lii'iimi HEW ARD. Escaped from Craven Countv J-il. Now Berne. N. C. Nov. 3J. lS'Ji iu white men by namo John Simpson and Henry Humphrey. Tho forrnyr a i?ood lookice man. about 35 veara old. 5 fnni 9 or 10 inchos high, black hair bh1 heavy blank mustache Tho other ttboiu 40 or 45 yeara old, about 5 feet 10 inches high, light hair and thin mustsche. common looking, with an hiiiblinir g-iit notn sailors by profession I will pny a liberal reward for the capture of ihiBe men, and bo thankful for any informa tion as to their whereabouts. W. 13. LANE, nov4 Sheriff Craven Couuty. PINE APPLES, PINE APPLES, Large lot of this Delicious Fruit just arrived at D. HA.SSELL'3, oct28tfl Near the Post-cflice. Don't Have Corns! Wear Waukenhose. Particulars at the BARGAIN STORE. Trimmer Wanted A First-class Trimmer in Carii.tgo and Buggy Factory, Permanent j : if a good workman. O.Ti. WATERS & SON, OCt31tf) New Herno N. C. Solid Silver! I have got the BEST SELECTION of Salid Silver ever brought to New livrno. Fn sh Goads Just Received ! I havo a Nice Selection of Solid Gold Plain Rings. Also a Fine Stock of AL'. KINDS of Oooda in my line. J4T All work nmtij done and warranted. SAM K. EATON, New Berne, N. (' Millinery ! Millinery ! NEW STAND. Mns M J RHODES would call the attention of the Ladies that she has re moved her place of business to the R. N. Duffy Building, corner Uiddle and Pollook tt., where ha ha just received a full line of ttw tiATEST BtYLB HATS, BONNETS. FSA1BEBS, NOTIONS, eto. nl d wlw E t I3 & 9 ICO s 35 ?5 n -i Wanted. i A good man as BAR TENDER. Only! those who koc-p perfectly sober waiited. J j Apply at once to j ' nultf "JIM 11 IK." ! To j3k.ll i Whsmlt to Decern! f I have not onlisti'd ill tho (Srovcry, Vu,ifcctiiinerv. Tobacco ui Duster ll'ur (uur ii I intend ho dninn, it n ; iux:irv I cannot hfTord.) but I ura s.ill polling 1 tbo tiueht Boa " u" ! WIS' T M AX'S r?lii!ttdl;h;-. laul,.:i. KliSfclU VI frit Fan Caki'M. AImo. Fruttrt, Rmnkirtg .in'l th'-ing Totiacco, igarn. Sm')ki-r' Ariiidcd i-te. ' Also difp.-nun 1'ona Cola. Miu. tn! .itl'l 8 :d i W.iifi in th.iM. in mej, at till) : Lowest possible j, rices. I am eull in in, little s!ur j,iMt ground . the coiucr nf I'ulluk, in Mi-idiu S'.rct. ' ome and see m J oll2;n SAM 11. WVTER-. W. A. WHITE, FOOT OF ffilOOLK bTIIKKr, ' I'iIit in (ieti.-ral Men IihiiiIim1, ( a! a.nu .liu- ill (Jriic. rieo, llry (ioiiiK, Ilooii, Hut. s, .Vc ! ( liiilie Twl.l Tolji , i) illi- .ri Pound, First Chduce For t lio-c c miliii; lo tiif c iy ' y w 1 1 -r f.iui . lmuliii at Ltie nut: li't duct; Lu Mipj-ly llH'JIIi-flV.-l- Last Chance l-'or - Jeavln Hit' Kftfn - way. (il VK A 1 UI I low Prices. 8. U 8 TREI71 , General ! 1 I awl Insurance Agent, NEW - BERNE, N.J. ! IIOUSEKEEPEKS1 ATTENTION Is called to tin: fact that Jno. Dunn , , ;, has th;: i ;, .' Most Complete Stock: a CHOICE FitllLY GROCERIES i in tho city. Complete in ovci ;, ! (Icpai'tnii'iit. (.Quality of Ihr Highest and Prices as Low as I any Grocery in the cily. j I Io requests a call from tin- j ladies to satisfy them that what he claims is a fact indeed. pi mi" iii n ic tint ANU Confectionery rcpartmont ! lt Is supplied with the very nicest j . lines of floods, imported freh j '' ' each week. To satisfy the nililii' ,. and to secure an early call 1 j will give for the next -'Io days : tho following low prices: Chocolate Criam Drops, bes! ' i' '; '-- Marsh Mallow Caramels, Cocoa ioii Hons. -, . And all line goods of Whiimaie it Miller's Phila. make, at Rock I liottum Prices, only J "ic. per II). imi A nice Mixed Can Iy. pure and w good, yoe , ''i- Plain Candy, 1 ."ic. ; . Choice Fruits. Xcls. Raising.; . ; , Figs, and every t hi ng in 1 Lis line ! im . . at equally low pi iees i A call will be appreciated. j REDUCTION in Oir! i Virginia Cheroots. Also, Korsford Brcd Preparation. Buy your Shot and Powder and save M-jnev i;ii'i.it SiHK-'i , An Unparail&fed Offer' Por tbo next thirty daj p we will sell SOLID GOLD RIDING BOVi FRAMES SPECTACLES WITH K1R9T QUALITY LFNS8 AT $2.50 Per Pair! BELL THE JEWELEE. Th j Challenge Coffee" 13 TIIE BEST, riesh lasted Oreund to Order, !0l1 30 Per Pound. i new r.or of w "B fC" t f yy-a . ft fiii gfjS bj sm Cheese. .y-A8& LEWI8. Pl'Cf ! i," ?ene Wallnau ni-ur Methodist churoh, l-.sn-rt l'lano and Organ i . : r. educated at Ihn Unl 'i. i-fi! l!uc(ton miaranteed. " --iini! extra. I 'l I.MOMAI.S. ;l ..uid, Muh!c 'I'erclier. -New lltnie.tl.C. ' Mi'.ilr X'ocbI 'I'eachor. .New lietue, N. (,'. i . ' 1 - p:il id Tarboro Coliege. i . Mliilc Teacher. N. C, Juuuary ;irj, ; llhlt. i sns me great pleasure to .lis nf 3 e .ii r t Intrude h alillliy ; i five, yr.u Hie liberty of :i I .-Kt i mrirj j aJ. U' a rtmily, .Mrj. l.nuis ('. Lulham: 1 :ni ia enefiKcd an Piano . t 'de I'uliege.aud hebae coK,ti-iit and eare !: s ceiiUeiuan and con - I ie nor entrnsled to ii p-r:eel. satisfaction, ' 1 ' Hiis testimonial of ' 1 Ids services I') patties - ! . ler imd ri'palier. Jf .loh n IHickett, i i.-euvlllet'oliege, Oreciivllle, N. C. ' ti ': uelc Ttaclu-r. ii .11- ., . u , '"' " ' s - ;' ' ' , ' , i 11 ' 1 , ' 1 '!'' '' ': - . '.'' j",'" ' .: ', ' 1 ' ji, ., iv , a job lot of WJRCOATS, i iag at very low ,i f wliic: Ii, ii M Vr. iT lilothiDg j ' m.VNL). Men's Shoes before i' arrntcd to give li-.vu also on hand I Vests, All Wool ii: iua!ity of Silk at .! 00 per vard. i; Sioex n ' Ziegler'e i nty. ;t i & Baxter. "i'ivm i '.i -ill-luci ;oit. 1 'hi ii n-i. '. ... h. ..r .1 Wai , V, M i -' !.. I. ili- i. , IKl'l P ' vis and the i- aerally. '.f h:;:-iness to l i' Sr;;i:r:T, i. ' : .... Cum House, ' : . i io serve my i - . I shall keep i.i: il )F SAMPLES iy best ! mkstic Goods. SAWYER, l'jbhionable Tailor (t'! fixture. ' ' I'f I'-FY'S couorl til. '!r.vf ins .n.vme is ' rapi.r before you take my have Cough . : r ycu v.hich you did dwif ! i x ; TIVE LEAGUE, rateil in 188J. ; r-rral Eeneficiary Order. sr:d Protection. t er.d of 5 years. 1 i ! at death ' . auiiinuls uiKin total 11 : i or liuEtiand or wife. . cracliii.l . u ciiso of sickness or ' hoineB and cancel of 6 years. -ii '. render Value after . 1 n , '.lie Htute Treasu er . I- . ihe proteetlon cf the lu ors'un!..d In KeW a. d. tope. novassliiK Holloltor. Fu 1 Line of Heating Stoves JTATi-m--..: L. H. Cutler & Co. f - .V.M.-i. I. .il..1l ... . IN. .1. .11 I Children Cry fof Prtcher, Castork d n Coming I ma "