Iff OTJRNAL. VOL. X.--NO; 199. NEW BEBNE, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. BUSINESS LOCALS. OLD Fashioned fleh.) Cod Fiih (Whole 0. E- Slorer. WANTED A gentleman and wife to board and few table boarders. novl7 if , . . Mm 8. B. Coward. FINS TUEKET8 at II. F. Obum's, . Mxk toK. B Jones. A A COBDS of seasoned slab wood TcU jaat rcoslved at Major Dennison'j wharves, adjoining the railtoad, and for sale by novl53t PaKSons & Edwards. FOB BALE CHEAP-1 B b Cornet in good order. norlSn Apply at this Offl ;e. GOLD FISH One pair given FBEE with eaoh fifty oent bottle of "Bishop's Cough Cure," at Autx. Miller's, BlS lw 61 & 63 Broid street. FOB BENT, Nicely finished five room dwelling desirable neighbor hood. Apply to novStf E. K. Bishop. RE. Hodeon House Fainter, Paper . Hanger, Kalsominer, Orders Promptly attended lo. Apply at If L. H. Cutler's store. FOUND A Package of Dry Goods. Lost in New Berne two or three months ago. Owner can get same upon payment for this adv. novlO BAR3AlN3in beautiful work-baskets fanoy aty lea job lot just received. J. Botes. s MOKE Genuine Cubana Tobaooo. oototf NEW DRUG 8T0BE. Drug, Medi nit.ai and nhamliull II. P. PODDlar Proprietary Medlolnes. All varletle of Drnggtit'e Hundriee. TrUBSea bdU Brao s. New orop Garden Heed.. Fin. and barge btoek Olgars and Tobacco, all new. Pre eorlpilon aeeurately compounded (and not Sit wa a prloes). onr mtto and oar .access. O. 0. QttilCN, Druggist ami Apolheoary, Middle St.. four door, from Pollock. Janlly ON Friday, Nov. 13th., the Laurel Cotton Mills, three miles below Shelby were totally destroyed toy fire. Loss $30,000. THB Emperor William is called "Gondola Willie" by his comrades of the Life Guards. Every officer of this corps has a nickname. The robbers of the express car on the Chicago & Milwaukee rail road escaped; they got away with money and valuables to the amount of $4,009. Financial circles in Berlin are again startled by the arrest of Banker Mass, who confesses having .stolen his customers' securities, amounting to a large sum. Conflicting reports as to the condition of affairs in Brazil. It is ' ' ' -evident that monarchial sentiments are growing, and patriots are ap ,y ) 4rehensive that Brazil is not ready for Eepublican government. . PlBNBLL'a estate will be in Lt uerited by his brother, John Parnell, who is soon to leave At lanta for Ireland to claim the property. Mrs. Parnell receives K ' only a life interest in the estate. A conspiracy has been die covered in Bnssia with ramifica tions throughout the Empire for a movement having for its end the creation of a representative assem bly; sixty . members of the nobility and ": npper families have been arrested. ' The Wilmington Messenger : closes an article on Extempore Orators with this paragraph: So ... far as we know among living North uarouneans toe man who com ' mandi at 'will the most abnndant , sonorous and off-hand rhetoric, .some times kindling into eloquence, U Dr. Joim S. Long, of New Bern. The Charlottee Chronicle hits the nail on the bead when it says: It makes bat little ' difference whether Sherman or Foraker ia elected to the Senate so far as the South is oonoerned. The former is able and mean, , the latter la too mean to be able. , But Democrats ahoold have nothing to say. They have a man there named Brioe who has nothing but money, t&.-lj 4- THB Boston Port, in an editorial 'advocating . the election of Mr. Mills to the Speakership! says he has agreed, In case of his success, to thrust the silver Question to one Vslde. -Mr. Mills has written a card, rr-lnwhich he states. In the most fetBpriatid i terms thai he hasTen- tered into, na, agreement with.- the K anti-silver, men, andtherTost should :pia8te'Jo se1;Mrc;MUl8' A pisPATCH, dated T Shanghai Not. 13, says: The United Btates . otnlser Charleston has left these - "waters for j Honolulu, capital of the i kingdom ot Hawaii, and it is as serted' here in quarters likely to . tnow the (ruth or falsity oi a report . of this' nature", that the commander of " the Charleston, -George.O. tvuicy, has received instructions '-from tLa UclteJ Etatcs Govern meet to soiza the Eawaiia Inlands New ToBl markets Saturday: Money easy! at 35- per oentj eloBing offered at 4 per cent.) cotton quiet; middling 8 1-8 cents low middling 7 11-16 cents; Southern flour dull and unchanged; wheat less active, unsettled and lower; No. 2 red $1.06$ in store and at elevator and $1.07 3-81.00 afloat; corn unsettled, weak and moderate ly active; No. 2, 75 cents asked afloat; rosin steady and quiet; strained, common to good, $1.35 40; spirits turpentine quiet and steady at 3636J cents. When the Emporor of Bnssia passed privately through Berlin the other night he was attired in plain clothes, and it was the first time that he bad ever appeared in public thus arrayed. The Em peror's towering figure was not displayed to advantage in a loose suit of brown tweed, especially when contrasted with the splendid Russian uniform in which Prince Frederick Leopold appeared, and His Majesty was the only person age in plain clothes. The Emperor, who stopped for nearly an hour at the Stettin Line station, dined on sandwiches, which he washed down with several bowls of tea (well laced with rum), which was made on the spot by his own servants, with his own caravan tea. London World. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M. F. Orum Fine turkeja. Theatre Sunn's PhantaBma. Mrs. Coward Boarders wanted. C. E. Slover Old style codfish. Opera House Ford's Comedy Co, Francks ft Reeberry Machinists. Cotton New Berne Market Bales yesterday 60 bales at 6.65 to 6 7i. Tickota for the Phantaema Conoert and Novelty Companr will be placed on sale at the store of Capt B. B. Waters, President Harrison has issued his proclamation declaring Thursday, No vember the 26th, aa Thanksgiving day. Mr. Qoo. E. Born, of Hoboken, N. J., who came here three weeka ago badly afflicted with consumption, died there from Monday, at the residence of Mr. W. P. Burrui. The remains will be taken to Hoboken for interment. Jesse Brooks ool. near Biverdule who had his gin house burned about three weeks ago has rebuilt and ia only awaiting the aotion of the insurance adjuster so that the maohinery whioh waa not too badly damaged by fire oan be removed to begin work. Mr. J. W. Oast, supervising steam boat inspector, and Mr. Patrlok CSul- livan, local inspector, came in oa the steamer Neuse of the E. O. D. line from Norfolk, and inspected the lira. Neuse and Cobb and then left Mond.y afternoon on the steamer Neuse, re turning to Norfolk. Mr. Oast's wife and child aooompaoied him on a pleasure trip to the city. Not only are strangers moving in goodly numbers to our city but ycung men who left here some years ago to try what they thought were more inviting fields, are moving baok to their old home and that too from "booming" cities. Mr. Philip Thomas, aa we have announced, moved baok from Durham last week to establish a cigar factory here, and last sight we had the pleasure of welcoming another young native of the city, Mr. Fred Q. Mitchell,; return' ing to hia early home from Hendetsod. He will engage in the brokerage basl neaa. Mr. Geo. Womble also moved baok last night from Raleigh. T-l The Supper. The supper the ladies of the Memorial Association propose to give on Wednes day night, Nov. 18th, will not consist exclusively of oysters, bat will include the following nloely prepared refresh menta which will be served at reason able prioes: ' ?.au Sandwiches, ' Chioken Salad, -, r Hot Coffee. t 'OysVerif lokled and stewed 1 ;;v. . . Turtey, . - Ham, . 1 1 ,. Oraokeri,". . i: . , ;-r':WokleeJ'; A" i Cake nice varieties, toor Open at six o'clock' The Kettle W. Jtaaav i' i About sundowa : Satuiday .evening the steamar KettIC W Xfctft.a.DUoa, bound from Kinstoa to New Berne with a full load of naval stores struck some. Submerged obatraotion suppose 1 to be a portion of a partly removed Jetty In Neuas river at Caawell Turd 9 miles .from Klnston, 41 miles from New Barne, and sunk in five, minutes thereafter.. Tna steamer Kinsjon whioh fortunately was not far from -the soene of the accident rendered 'aaeicace and the n.rffft .wai saved and .krokiohfc kv her with the Nettie W.Vertw to New Berne.' The Kington leturiwd night with both prewa and', hoisting ap paratus to try. to raise ibej.'steamer which it is believed will be successfully aooompHiihed. The Nettle Vfi belongs ti he ' .in and Mr. Thomas Dixon, BITERS 15D HAEB0BS. Handtonte SoniS Becommended to be Expended to Improve Them. Washinqton, D. C November 18 The annual estimate of Gen. Casen, chief of engineers, United States Army, for river and harbor improvements tor the year, 1898, containa the following recommendations for North Carolina: From Norfolk harbor to Albemarle sound, N. O., through oanals to sound, $8,677 (estimated), but $26,600 oould be profitably expended; Koanoke river, Va. and N. C, 8131,000. of whioh C0, 000 oan profitably be expended in 1893; Ooraooke inlet, 8510,000,of which 8100, 000 for expenditure in 1893: Pamlico and Tar rivers, $09,000; Nense river, 3106,600; inland waterway between New Berne and Beaufort, $57,000; Beaufort harbor. 838,000; waterway between New river and Swansboro, 838,000; Cape Fear river, $25,000; Black river, 880,000; Cape Fear river above Wilmington, 8173,000; sama river be low Wilmington, 81,655,000. of whioh $309,000 ia to be expended in 1893; Yadkin river, 85,000. The improvement of her navigable waters is an exceedingly important matter te North Carolina, which has a larger amount of inland water than any other State, affording natural transportation facilities that are very valuable even as they now exist, but wbioh are capable of much greater im provement. One faot that renders suoh a move ment so important is that so much reli ance has to be placed upon them for travel and traffio where they abound, owing to the fact that the cost and dif ficulty of bridging them has a tendency to check railroad building and to pre vent the lines from running so close to the ooast aa they otherwise would do, whioh renders it necessary that the waters be utilized as muoh as possible. Sometimes the deepening of the chan nel of a small stream or the removal of some obstruction will make it navigable for a muoh greater length than before, and there are plaoes in whioh euoh work will enable vessels, by using a newly opened route, to save long stretches in the voyages they make. A good example of this is furnished by the two water routes between New Berne and Beaufort. The canal route shortens the distanoe about fifty miles, saving half the distance, which it a very. important point to gain. It will be remembered that this oanal was recently so deepened that larger vessels could pass through than could pass at some points through the oreeks whioh it unites, owing to the ohannels having become obstructed to some ex tent, and we are pleased to learn that the nioe sum of 857,000 is reoommended to be used as neoessary on these streams. It ia hoped that the appropriations reoommended by the ohief engineer will be allowed without trouble. The Improvements are badly needed, and the money expended in making them will be put to excellent use. Small Game. O 'possums appear to be remarkably abundant areund New Berne. A morn-ingtor-twoi ago wass'w a man with four o'poMuma which he stated ha had just oaught at one spot and he didat succeed"-in securing all that were there either. Ws were told of another hunter that got three o 'possums and a fox he shot the. latter with a revolver. Our readers will remember that an o'possum waa oaught a few weeks ago running along the streets Oftheelty. Saturday night another one was discovered in the heart of town on a shed at Mrs. M. D. Nelson's by Messrs. Thomas and James Carraway andknooked on the head and killed with a base ball bat. He waa large, fat and fine a specimen as Is ever seen. Hunters of small game In this vioinity are reporting nne sport. Cartridges have never known to be so plentiful as they are this year; other game birds are around as usual; fine mallard duokaare being 1 bagged near the city and if one wants larger game and more exoiting sport the deer and - bears afford the opportunity for it. Coming and Going. t Judge H.1 Bi Bryan left yesterday aaprnlng. to hold. Halifax court, t His Mr. F. J. Bryan who has been home an short visit, left returning to Norfolk. Miss Ootsvia Winder, who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. f. W, Hughes, returned to her home la Balelgn. ! Mr.", w. Saaeoek left for Oxford aocompsnlsd by Mr. (Bobert Haaoook and Mr. Jos. tuoaa to he present at his marriage which takes place tonight. Dr. a N: Mason and, famUr. Miss Kmma Bell and Miss Emeltne Pickett, of Hsrlowe, tiame up . Mondar ahd left on the steamer Neusei to spend a few meek ta.BMtlmore, u & a ' . MiasLUlie Morris who-has just con- oluded a-Aoodj eaavass -of the oity for 'ThBraM bt Healtk4',,retariied to hplf hbm in KfoBton.' 4 f M Uti tMt: TbosaaS rrlvsd last night toviait his relative la the city. ? ,' Mr, J. It. Hartsfleld returned, from a ttslt to friends at Kinrton, and Mrs. A. Davis, of Ktnston, earn flowH" to visit relaUves.:r.:,.u;;- Mrs, B. O, Oredle and Mrs. T. S. Maee left to visit relatives la Beaufort. 4 , , . ' Its Excellent Qualities Commend to public approval the Cali fornia liqaid : fruit remedy SvruD of Figs. It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste and by gently noting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, it cleanses tbe system effectually, thereby pro moting the health and comfort of all who use it. ,; ' ' . v. . ; . ; NEW BEBX. Our Sister Town Is It Kingston, Cas well or Klnston. 1763. An act for establishing a town on the land of William Herritage at a place called Atkins Banks, Dobbs county.'' i '? - whereas, it nas Men represented to this assembly that the land of William Herritage, lying on tne norm siae aeuee river at a place called Ataina Danaa, m Dobbs county, is a pleasant and healthy situation .'-and commodious for trade and commerce; ana tne said wuiiam Herritage having acknowledged his free consent to have one hundred acres of the said land laid off for a town, and fifty aorea for a town common, which will greatly promote the trade of the said river. "Be it therefore enacted by the Oovernor, Council and Assembly and by the authority of the same. That the aireotors or trustees herein after appointed, or a majority of them shall bo soon as may be, after the passing of this aot, cause the said one hundred acres of land to be laid off in lots of half an acre- each, with convenient street, lanes and allies reserving one aore and a half of the said land whereon the chapel and publio warehouse now stands, which land laid off according to the direction of this aot, ia hereby con stituted, erected and established a town and shall bo called by the name of Kingston. Francis Mcllwean, Biehard Caswell, Simon Bright, Juo., John 8bine and David Oorden, be and they and everyone of them are hereby con stituted directors for designing building and carrying out of the said town. The publio warehouse referred to above was ereoted under an aet as below, 1758. An aot lo establish a warehouse for the inspection of tobacco in the county of Dobbs at Yadkin Banks on the land of William Herritage and at Content nea, of the land of Abraham Sbepard. One other place for the inspection of tobacco in Dobbs oounty was directed which we now disremember. The place on Neuse river seleoted for tue ware house it will be observed, ia called Yadkin banks and in the aot incorpora ting the town of Kingston the same is called Atkins banks. It is supposed the latter must be correct as the original owner of the land, William Herritage and his son-in-law, Richard Caswell, were appointed "directors or trustees," in the act and the former being then an eminent attorney, it was probably written by him. But Caswell was, at the time (1762) a member of the Assem bly in JNew tierne Irooi Johnston oounty, it ia known it was formed from Craven, and a lawyer and practioed the profession with suocesa and he may have drawn the bill. At any rate, it Is reasonable to presume they knew the name of their own place and how to spell it whether we do Newbern or not. We have been thus particular as there is difference of opinion at present and which has existed for years, relative to the name of that place. If less noiey it is somewhat akin to tne Newbernun's dispute about Newbern. While the 2. in Kingston was so gently dropped it never did create a ripple or contention. A scene touohing the aucject is vividly in our mind. It was a bright, piping hot day in summer; we were crossing Atkins branoh wltb horse and buggy the water was above the hubs of the wheels. Notioing when half way over a small negro boy with fishing rod in hand, sitting on the foot way soundly sleeping, now is our opportunity we thought for a scare and a ducking, Turning the horse toward him and driving as quickly aa possible ' until within a few feet of the boy when rap ping the horse with the whip, he sprang we designed, forward covering the unconscious fisherman with eprav. who sat paralized with tear. I expected to aee him tumble Backwards in tne branoh and was thus disappointed as he clung to the log. But waen fully arouaed we drew the horse off, and enquired how far to Kinston and what do you oall this plaoe. He instantly replied "Die ere niace is de xe-aoain and when you so up de hill you are dar already." We treated the boy to the remnant of a dinner we had and passed on. We had been that way before a number of times. Meeting unexpectedly a highly es teemed citizen of Lenoir a day or two ago, we asked the name of the first branch on the road towards his house from Kinston and be replied "Adkin. "Spell it" we requested, -'A-d-k i n,' Slowly be gave the letters. "Then you are certain" we continued. "I am" he answered, "and though it is often oalled Yadkin, in the old deeds it is Adkin. We were mute reBpeotiog our object for tbe information and be never dreamed the subject probably had be fore arisen in our mind. The gentleman alluded to was John Tuli, Esq., who owns and resides on the very land once selected for the Capital of the State of North Carolina. Tower Hill, Lenoir oounty. (To be continued tomorrow. ) Name Settled. A correspondent of the New Bern Journal most effectually disposes of the spelling of the name of that f amoua little oity. He gives proof positive that the name wa spelled Now Bern from its foundstion until now. Tbe Colonial Records published by ' the State and edited so ably by the late Col. William L. Saunders tlx the matter beyond all doubt or preadventure. Da Graffen rled spelled It New Bern, ' and the Colonial Beoords show that it was so spelled from 1789 to 1771. The cortes- nonaent maae a partial examination as the Colonial Beoords and found then "ablaae with th name New Bern." i We have had no deabt ef the; oorreot ortboeraubv slnos we. read what Kev. Dr. Vase said of the 1 spelling . ot Bern tbe capital oity of Bwltrerlana.-wu. Messenger..:,. 1.',.;: .. 1 ; ! At the Hsrreg Death j afnoh arain Is nrimatnreft. roaned by thoacythe-of dUeaae'lHial jfilght have rtpenea to agpiaen maturity u -minor--bodily troubles'nad Been attended to in time- Nothing is truer than, this bod ily ailmanta not only grow apaoe, bat beget one another, Thus biliousness, constipation, dyspepsia follow oloae: on the heels of vat another, flourish, tor getber.tne one perpetuating tbe other, andjsegettinga numerous progeny of later ailmanta more, er lea, sever as their oauae is more or less disregarded aad nealaoted. Incipient rheumatism; malaria and "sUght" inaotivity of. the kidneys, of what djre disasterjthey , are the Cause whtn no or hdt slight atten tion is paid to their early warnings. Chaok thesa Vmlnnr" lilnniti with Hos tetter 'a Stomach'.. Bitters and fore stall th inexorable reaper, whor esaeta the forfeiture of life'a.aa the penalty for disregarding the mean of preserving Clark-Ford Comedy Company. In brilliant oontrast to the mediocre line of comedy that baa been running at the theatres this season, waa the presentation at Edaewood last night of Oliver Goldsmith', fine old English oomedy, "She Stoops to Conquer" by Ford a English Comedy Company. The oomedy lost none of its piquanoy and spirit in the hands of the company that produced it last night, and from begm- ing to end the audience was delighted. The fun oreated had about it a rich- neri and refinement that waa particularly pleasing. Tbe play was replete with ludricoua situations and delightful boa mots, and is altogether the best tb Ing seen in Atlanta this year. "The ctmpmy is a strong one and every role last night was sustained in such a manner to leave little if any thing to bo desired " Herald. Oyster Supper. The Ladies' Memorial Associntion will give an Oyster Supper at the Store formerly occupied by D. Hassell. cor ner Pollook and Craven streets. Wed nesday evening, Nov. 18, 1891. All are invited. Contributions will bo received by the committee at tbe building, in the afternoon after 4 o'clock game date. NEW BERNE THEATRE. 'S NOVELTY COMPANY, TUB Best on the Road, AT TIIE THEATRE T0-N10HT. Secure your Beats at Capt Sam. B. Waters' Confectionery. Qeneral admission, 50c; rcjerve seats, 75o. ; gallery, 25c. OPERA HOUSE NEW BERNE. AN EVENT OF SURPASSING INTEREST. Visit of the Notable Comedian f.1r. WILFRED GLMKE AND COMEDY COMPANY. FROM FORD'S GRAND OPERA HOUSE OF BALTIMORE, to appear in New Berne in threo en tirely different performances on Wednesday (Thanksgiving Eve) November 25th. Dr. Olivor Goldsmith's World-Famed 6 Aot Comedy of She Stoops to Conquer! And the Merry Farce of PILLIG0DPY! Thursday (Thriving lay) At 2 o'clock, Buokstone's Comedy of MARRIED LIFE! and the 1-act play of IN HONOR BOUND! Thursday (Thanksgiving KigM) Tom Taylor's Brilliant Comedy of A RUNAWAY MATCH! and the Laughable Farce of t Seat may be reserved in adyanoe on and after Monday, Nov. 23d, at the ual-plaoe. v i W. Hi Francks. 8. T. Rasbbbbt. " Two Greasers In Town. Francks & Rasberry, .gNI?W,BERNE,iN. C., Xannfactnrer of Engine and all kinds of Machinery, Marino En : n rs fcriaei, CUatvAo,, &c. Saw Kills, ate., repaired at short notice. , We are her and wa mean baslnes. If iron don't believe It, machine men, come and be eonvlnoed. Will b ready tor yea In a few days. aovl7dwlf 3rPAREHT3 SHOULD BEAR IN HIND Uat the season for tttaokt; of Croup i now on .jt, Bit prepared for this insidious dUeas by alwaya bavlnc bottlA of B. H. 'Duffy ' CBorjp $vkup m tho boose. Prepared after tbe ta ol'p of th lata Dr. Walter Puffy, and ; fot Ml bj tho proprietor at his atore on Ifiddlo street, next to Custom House,' IIP SAKlNc POWDER Absolutely Pure. A creim of tnrtnr baking powder. Hihtta of all in leavening strength. Latest U. S. Government Food Report. "Habit is a cable; everyday we weave a thread and soon we cannot break it. Dou't form any bad habits, bat get ia the habit of coming to Howard's lor what you iieed in Clothing, hats or shoes. We have just received a new lot of overcoats see us if you waut one, we have also a line of samples to select from. Do you need any under wear ! if so we may have just what you need. We have some double breaatod ones regular chest pro tectors they are. New lot Ked scarls and four in hands, they are all the "go." J. M. EOWAlll). TAX NOTICE. Your City Taxes are now due and payable. The city needs money to pay L ills and carry on improvements. Please come forwrd and settle. W. D. WALLACE, City Tax Collector. Nov. 10.18U1. Proposals Wanted. Wli. ELLIS, Chairman Committee, New Borne, N. C , will receive propo sals for Water Works, Electrio Street Railway and Sewerage until Nov. 10th. No proposition to be altered after re ceived. EOVO HEADQUARTERS FOR FRESH EGGS NEW LOT TJNCANVA8ED Pais Cream Gheeso, MINCE MEAT, BTJCKWDEAT. T HOMINY. OATMEAL, CORNED BEEF, Finest Oyster Crackers IN THE CITY. LUCAS & LEWIS. JOHN McSORLEY, Boot and. Shoe Maker, POLLOCK STREET. . . Bavins aeanred the servlcea of , ekillMl Meobania and ttnt-eleaa Workman from New Yot. I am now Tuny prepared u fill CUSTOM MADE BOOTS A5D SHOES. k'he many years that 1 have eatlefluitorlly supplied the wind of my numerous patrons Is ino best guarantee of the charaoter vf my worn. HoirlnB a epoclalt.y. Keatlyand prorcpt- j2 ijj gfl &i - d aw At rSl S3 m ft 100 LOtS BY THB WIHST0N-SALEI1 Land & Investment Comp'y. NOVEMBER 24thJlB91 All of these lots lie within 100 yards of El. otrio Street Car Line and Haoad amizbd Htreet, and 30 of them lie im mediately on said car line and street. Thi Company hag aotnally spent 880,000 IN DEVELOPING ITS LANDS. Mum Street, the chief busi ness and residence thoroughfare of the city of Winston-Salem, haa been ex tended by a straight line through the property. Mile and a half Electric Street Rail way iSpraKue Syulem) running through the property (Extension of City Sys tem). Fare to any part of the city, Ave PROPERTY SUPPLIED WITH ELrXTRIC LIGHT, WATER WORKS AM) TtLl'l'HONL SERVICE. Main streets tiirouh the property maoadatn-iz-jd. Iron bridge across Wachovia brook IDS fwr. lung, 55 feet wide at cost f su 000 SliO.OOO HllRTII OF LOTS SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE TO RESIDENT! OF Ml.NMO.N SlLEM. MANY HAND NO Mil It ESI HEMES IN COURSE OF ( 0.S1UIJII0N. Bunny Side Booial Club, composed largely of businee men oi Winsion-Shlem, now building hanrfs.mi) club house on the property. Two large Tobacco Factories and one Leaf OouRo lo be built on tbe property in tbe next f.-w months. Terms of Halo One-fourth cash aod tho bulnure n 13, 18 and 24 month, six per cent ini'rcst Reduced f ire on railro4ds. Correspondence invited. Addrem WINSTON-SALEM LAND uovim AND INVESTMENT CO. I liliV. Solid s; got the BEST SELECTION of ver ever brought to New Berne. Fresh Goods Just Received I I hnvo a Nice Selection of Solid Gold Plain Rings. Also a Hoe Stock of ALL KINDS of Goods in my line, for All work neatly lo;, nd warranted. SAM K, EATON, New Berne, N. C. Juat received a job lot of NICE OVERCOATS, which we aria selling t verv IoaT Qgurec. A full line of Ifsa's and Boys' Winter Clatfcng ON HAND. See our Crossett's Men's Shoes bef or buying every pair warranted to (too satisfaction. We have also on hand Children's All Wool Vesta. All Wool Hose and a very nice analitv nr Rrr.w WAitr White Flannel at 81.00 oar vard. Mundells' Childrens Shoe and Zieglw' Ladies Shoes a speciality. Barrington & Baiter. uti To My Patrons and the Public Generally. Having romoved my place of bueineas M South Fkont Street, Three doors Enst of the Oaston Houie, where I will be pleased to serve my patrons as heietofore. I shall keep conatanlly on band FULL LINE OF SAMPLES of tbe very best FoKEiuN- and Domestic Goods. K. SAWYER, scpll latplf Fashionable Tai lor TO TEE PUBLIC! We have opened a WOOD YARD at Major Dennison's Wharves, adjoining the Railroad, and propose to keep all kinds of wood, and also to sell as cheap as any one in the busin0sj We will run a cut-off saw in connectioii ith this business, an4 ' will cut your wood at 5o. need any wood, give us a call, and wei guataxi teesatisltioiiS- Parsons ! fiEdwcrds t-'U . '? i-li.Ti. s ,vl V $a'j, tiet A good man u BAK 1ENDEBJ Only those who kep perfectly sober wanted; Apply at once tb ; : ' bol tf - " Solid Silver! I,.-.. . ,.. - : - .. "'I fy T - r r