THE JOURNAL. i ONSLOW COUNTY AND NEW BITER. ,-i . . . i . - '.... j . . i - J - - - ;Cotto realists, turpentine and Ojs- ' V teni-ProIlflo onnl Tine Fine . ;.i-" Hi Jfew SharpieTribute to -.' Jtra.Tavior. , ""P.9 Bre ftU ,n pea-nni are Wo 'being eaten pretty- faaf both by ! K9 ttd people too. ' . , j " y i phe low pricg or cotton and pea ' amta ia very bad on the' , larmtrs, M4 , turpentine Is not moeh bet- .. ter. -(-- ' . . aj f ut .Ever? one that can, has gone tn . yateripg. , j ' tV.f'Ji'Att'OW'adgo Bays." rich men -!-'.for money,' poof men for" children) 1 and niggers for dogs and gourds, Jj.tmt it any man .black or white, rich "or poor, oan beat this gourd story, 3 (and a strictly', true one too.), we . will say no more about gourds, on . Mr. Bol Gornto's land, one gourd ,.vlne covered an area of one Quarter ' oi an acre of ground, ran over the , ;o tops of a building 30 feet high, and . .,' bore 206 - grown gourds, at the ' .''- wonting which was in September. and had as many young ones that , " were not counted at the time, only 4the grown ones were counted, and ;i t remember, only one vine which . -nuthad three branches or runners to "fj It. ; Now if any one can beat this gonrd story, let them pitch in and we will , tumble, but it must be a s I"? true" story ours is true, and we have good proof if you want it. has launched his fine Sharpie, "Joseph'' 20 tons she will carry 240 lbs turpentine. We took a sail on her to Beaufort last week to see the custom officers, she sails well she is 58 feet long and 17 feet wide and. draws only about 12 inches .water light and abeut 3 teet loaded she coat near 91200. We were sorry to hear of the sad accident that caused the death of the esteemed wife of Col. S. B .Taylor, of Catherine Lake. Sbe .was a good woman we knew her well and the many friends of the deceased deeply sympathise with Col. Taylor and children in their sad bereavement. " ' SMloh'g Consumption Cure. This Is beyond question the most ..'i neoeasful Cough Medioine we have ' 't ever sold, a few doses invariably cure ;, the worst ewes of Cough.Croup and : .Bronchitis, while its wonderful suocese "'' la the eure of Consumption ia without a parallel in the history of medioine a; Sinea its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medioine can stand. If yon have a . eonsrh we earnestly ask you to try it. Price 10o.,60o, and $1. If your lunge are sore, chest, or back Isme, use Shi loh'a Porous Plaster. Bold by New Berne Drag Co. All the philosophy in the world . hat sever made anybody Getter. 1EMONEIIX.IE. A, PUM.BANT LIHON DB1NK. For biliouneas and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and fouUsomach, take ' Imftn Elixir. i For sick and nervous headaches, take f i . Lemon Elixir ';' For sleeplessness and nervoutness '? lake Lemon Elixir. ism"- For loss of appetite and debility, take mon Elixir. '':?, For fever, ohills and malaria, take - Lemo Elixir. lmon Elixir will not fail you In any of the above diseases, all of whioh arise :j from a torpid or diseased liver, stomacn, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, .Atlanta. G. . .. 60o. and 81.00 per bottle. Sold by ; druggists. . : -i i . , . pnOMISENT MINISTER WHITES. " M After ten yean of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous nroetration. biliousness, disordered eiq aeys and constipation, I have been oured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir, . and am now a well man. ;.' Eev.O. O.Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, No. 28 Tatnall St.. Atlanta, Oa, The people who need yonr prayers most are those you don't use. Skin Diseases. What speotaole is more disgusting than that of a man or woman with a kin disease whioh shows itself in pimples or blotches on hands, arms, faoe .and. neck? It ia simply impure blood.' Bee what Bbandkbth's Pitus did for a chronlo case: Osorge Chapman, Pincenicg, Mich., ays! "For four years I was in the Mounted Infantry In the U. 8, Army, residing .during that time principally in Texas. Almost all of that time I had a obronio ' akin disease, characterized by an erup tion Over the entire surface of my legs . j .1 & mt-m. J ana anigns, arms ana uuwi. iuvuuu i . Ion termed it eczema. I had given up att' hopes !of aver being oured, when BEAJDHKTn's Pilu were recommended to me. I eenolnded to try them, and I have thanked God daily einoe then that -s -I did so.' I Used them for about three months, and - by that time, was com- )i plstely cared and have never had any w" ttpublartaoe." , ' ; f Nothing cafi'hurt you so much as :oJ t rto doubt the the word of God. 1 ' ,'') No' griping or nausea after Using :';3!raokaaU'a Liver and Kidney Pills. lKwUl enre Biliousness, Constipation fc Torpid Liver and stomach troubleu V',Give them a trial. J For tale by F. B. s Duffy, New Berne, TT. p. .."A'tnan who will lie on'hls knees wont tell the truth anywhere, j i TOW TRY THIS. It wlu cost vou nothlne and will surely Vto Job .good, if yon havea .Congh, Cold, IOjforany troBble with Throat, Chtst or BjjLuDg Dr. King's New Discovery for I Connumpflon, Coughs and Colds ia guaran. ' l ni" ?'T9 wliel or money will bajpaid , i back. , bufferers from La Grippe found t ,:, HjoHt the thing and under its use had a ' .aioey and perfect recovery. Try a sample ' ' at our expense and leant for your w" 'f fist how Rood a thing it Is. Trial ,: ' f at F. S. Dnfty's Drug Store. n 1 CO V 'A Oray twilight shadows lay about The cheerless little oell, Where ait. an aged inosK tobose thoughts Held him 'neoth Bloomy spell. Be mused in deep humility Upon a long life's span All spent within the oloiater walls, And thus his reverie ran: "My days hare passed like counted beads . v is 4 Upon a rosary strung ' With praysr and fast with matins, mass, And paaeeinl vespers sane. And in those hours cf work, when some Have painted pictures rare. And some wrote books ot blessed taints, Who spent their lives in Drover. I have done naught but trr each day, Mid.cbildish sport and strife. To teaoh the village boys. Dear Lord f orgive my useless hie:" Then glorious grew tho dusky oell With light, but not of sun, Nor moon,nor stars, but s. lining from The radiant form of One With tender face and pieroed hands, Who softly esid : 'Not so, My faithful servant, thou hast done As muoh astbey; for, lo! The beauty of their painted work With fleeting time departs, But thou hast pictured lasting scenes On little children's hearts. And while the pens of others wrote With ink that fades away. The words thou hast imprinted on My children's minds will stay Till they and thou and I ehall meet In Paradise the Fair." Then paled the light, the vision Had, And on his knees in prayer, Ecstatio from the Saviour's words, The aged brother fell. And, like a soothing mother, Night ' Came to the little cell. A Ecmeby for Poisoning by Snakes and Bogs. The Berlin correspondent of the Therapeutic Gazette says that a remedy for blood poisoning caused by the bites of snakes and rabid dogs has been discovered in Africa by a Doctor Engels," Five' hundred Africans bitten by poisonous snakes were treated with the ex tract of the noble palm, and four hundred and eighty-seven were cured in five days. Of sixty-seven farmers and negroes bitten by rabid dogs sixty-five were saved, while two died of weakness. , The remedy is injected nnder the skin, and causes a moderate fever not exceding 35.5 degrees 0, On the third day the patient is without fever, swelling and inflammation of the affected part have disappeared, and on the fifth, or, latest, and the on the seventh day the patient is cured. Scientific American. THE PULPIT AND THE STAGE. Bev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for me My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few Weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 36 lbs . in weight . " Aithur Love, Manager Love's Fnnny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thor ougn trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption beats 'em all and cures when everything else iails. The greatest kind ness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it" Free trial bottles at F. 8. Duffy's drug store. Regular sizes 50c. and SI. 00. The man who is not giving God is stealing from himself. to Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvel ous core' for. Catarrh. Diohtheria. Canker mouth, and Headache.- With eaoh bottle there ia an ingenious nasal Injector for the more successful treat ment of these oonlnlaints without extra charge. , Prioe 50o Bold by New Berne Drug Co. No man can overcome himself without help from Christ. Blood Diseases. Blood diseases are terrible on account of their loathsome natnre, and the fact that they wreck 'the constitntion so completely unless the proper antidote s applied, tf. -a. is. (Botanic Blood Balm) is composed of the true antidote for blood poison. Its nee never fails to I Airs. Laura Hart, Beaufort, S. C, writes: "A loathsome form of blood poison was killing mo. My appetite wss lost, my bones ached, and Darts of my flesh seemed as if it would oome off my bones. A friend brought me a bottle of B. B. B. The sores began healing at once, and when I bad taken two bottles I surprised .my friends at my rapid recovery." w, a. Bryant, JVlooay. Texas, writes: "I had an agonizing oase of Salt Rheum for four years, .which medicine I took only seemed to aggravate until I found B. B. B. It cured niy hand, whioh re sembles a burnt surfaoe. It also oured my two children of iroh. whioh had resisted previous treatment." REDUCTION in Old Virginia Cheroots. Also, Horsford Bread Preparation. Buy; your . . Shot -and Powder and aVe Mpiiiey : tr WH0LE3ALB '.J NEW B.SENB; H, rm.: A. WHITE, foot gv jnmnLn aTRKK;iri dealer in Ojsn'or'al Meroh'andlie. Sufera a j-goodllneof - - .. w.J , Groceriej, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, ftoY Choice Twist Tobacco 30c. per Pewnd. For those1 coming tq ,the olty .br water and themselves ;Iast Chance r. " For those leaving the same wayv' " . QIVK US A TRIa.Ii. A TWILIGHT VISION..? VIRGINIA EIOHKS HiHEBOX. Mature should te grain to threw off f ithe'4eaTlne9-of itheslutrgish winter circulation of the blood. - Nothing Idoes it so well, so Iprompt or so safely as Swift's Specific INTHB ; SPRING. I have used S. 8. 8. for a number oi years, and consider it the best tonic and ulood remedy that I ever used. In fact I would not attempt to enter upon a spring or summer in this climate with ut it. . H. W. Coucmax, !t , Of Coleman. Ferguson & Co., " ... Cads City, Fltw 1 1 " " r i ' " Ou book on Blood and kin Disease! IM.I I. m tllM Swift Bpbcifkj Ca. Atlanta, Ga. $ VVr ,t1-t:-B,,s-- sre. f, Wear Waukenhose. Particulars at the BARGAIN STORE; p ij jg FRUITS!' CONFECTIONERIES! Select and Fresh Lot on h ind for my customers and the publio generally. The ship has arrived and now is the time to oall and get the very beet qual ity of choice Fruits that have just or rived and are perfectly fresh. novll tf D. HASSEL. EEWABD. Eaoaped from Craven County Jail, New Berne, N. 0 Nov. Si, 1391, two white meny narae John Siaantonttd Henry Humphrey. The former a good- looking man, about 85 years old, S feet 9 or 10 inohes high, black hair and heavy black mustache. The other about 40 or 45 years old, about 5 feet 10 inches high, light hair and thin mustache, common looking, with an ambling gait. Both sailors by profession. 1 will pay a liberal reward for the oapture of these men, and be thankful for any informs tion as to their whereabouts. W. B. LANE, nov4 Sheriff Craven County. North Carolina Craven County. The Board of Commissioners of O.'aven county, Pialntirr, vs. Caroline woirenden ana otners, ueienaams. Pursuant to a indementof the Superior Court of the abovo etate and county, at Spring Term, Will, I win sell, for cash, at the Court House door of Uraven county, on Mon day, jjeoemoer , tn, mm, at it o'clock, m ail the following land, viz: Twelve hundred and sixty-five Bores of land known as "Cool Spring." situated in No. 7 Townshln. de scribed In a deed from J. J. Wolfenden to Carolina Wolfenden, recoided in the reoords of Craven county, Book No. 01, Folio SIS. ni w J. w. B1UUL.1S, commissioner. BIssoratioS" nT Cd-p Be it known that the undersigned have tbis day, bf mutual consent, dissolved the co partnership formlyextBtlng between them under the firm name of Moo y & Fox, Mr. a. w, ox witnaraws from tbe nrm ana tne business will continue under the nrm name of Moody dc Sobei ts. All Dersons indebted w me jjruioi muoay ot r ox will mue tueir payments to the firm ot Moody A Roberta: who have assumed the liabilities, end stand in i,ne ptace oi tne n m ot Aiooay at j? ox. xniB tne wia aay of October, lsui. J.W. MOODY, (Heal) J. h. MOOD I, (Seal) H-W.rOX, (eall NOTICE. '-iIU Mr: D. L. Roberts having this dav entered into oo-Dartner&hln with mmm. T. w. and J. L. Moody; the business of manufaolurlnc Lnmber formerly conducted nnder the firm name of Moody A Fox will be continued under the firm name of Moody ft Roberts, nupiug tuut tne present nrm win meet wun the liberal patronage bestowed bv the nubile upuii biie luraier oue. we are Very respectfully, octl58tw6w MOODY ft ROBERTS. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorii SALE, EXCHANGE AND LIVERY. Has now on hand a large lot of fine MULES and HORSES, raised in WEST ERN NORTH CAROLINA. Alio, a fine lot of Buggies, Road Carts and Harness, all of whioh will be sold as LOW AS THE LOWEST. Don't fail to oome and see him before making a trade. Feeding epneJasty.y.u.noW74wtl if ' Usersh? our Fish Dd JasVets , , 1 lajll"".; rabihty, but we vu.-t Oti hv4"Just-! flij.' U 1 ii.rn uu Brand" covered tnat the mill which has . made tbe cloth tor the past ten eredus a small ' f far below our .andrdtjjijadefept (wfelJietlknownAl jtti until some of the goods had been placed up on the market, and as we intend that the Fish strand 'goods shall betrstandafdr for strength.durability and water-, proot qualities, we hereby inform all users of these troods that we have autlior bed every store-keeper handling Fish Brand Oiled Qothinf to give at jorice lfney and perfect garment lev any that have been torn, and are not of the usual strength. TOWER, Sole Manfr, Boston, Mass, mm A FAILURE f i They are Moving Too Slow to Ever' lieaob Kewbern. Can the People of The Old City of Elms wait on tnem Any Lionger r "v Would It not be best to uka oar flfCy tnoosand dollars in bonds and give it to Bre mannfaotnrlnc Industries who will move tnalr plants to Hewbera anil mplor one hundrsd or more hands each, dally T fen thousand dollars ou to ttve Industries .! some kind would be a eonalucrabl induce ment for then to mov to Newbern. t bave water transportation equal to any Jut the country, Oar Bailroad uommissloners ctvevaaalow rates of freight a any. . w have the laboring clam, -both. ,whlt and biaok, here; arhat fear need we have to start - WouldltnotbeweUfortheeltauthorltiM to look into tb matter and aeetr somethlBK ean't be doner- lUhe BalUoad will be bum and they Intend to get eat bonds, let them give as some aHnwnoe as to when it will be eomnleted. .There eeema to be Obnalderable donbtastoBlglkeeve vlMting, hit native eounty any more IT he wattn to go on tbe E. aKK, There la no doubt that jsewbern is on the greatest boom dining her existence. Real estate has adyaoced fr'n. two to five hundred per cent. Net a Vant house in the city. FamlUei have moved but of town for want of houie to live in men, women and children. Then why ehonld this little pitiful sum ol 60,000 dollars railroad bonds stop thejprogress of et beimtlf bl a olty as ouiaf Why not eUan eleetloalot onoe and vote W thonmndeiieee and give to manufac turing Industries as above stated and em ploy seme good usent, say I. W. Waters, to travel the imu uittatm ing oltlsa bf our ooun ty andehow them the advantages our city has over any other town In this country. Our Board of Trade, Oottoa Exchange and ail other organizations have held meetings and advised every plan imaginable ahd all have failed. Now put this matter before the people and let it be thoroughly discussed and voted upon and it it is not carried then Bill Ike. who bnva so many DeODle out at 4(1. SO and m'As. on the dollar, w ill pay the entire expense oi tne election, xne qnestion i now we have got Newbern on a boom. Will we continue to ooom ner t - Notice! Execution Sale! In pursuance ot executions issued to me from the superior Court of Uraven oonnty, in uie zouowing oaeef, to wit: itooerw jhw vb, 0 (a. aeadlsom. e U T. J. XoJaou vs. Q. U HaftlsbrFef 15 1. Wayl & o,.vs. i. U Uatdlson et al.;rijyf;, O..ftoaison, a'NlKdn Oafif vAxlHaaAiabI,ievred by me upon the lands herelnafterward de scribed as the lands of G. h. Hardmon afore said, I will on Monday. Nov. 30th, at the uourt jiouse aoor at ine nour oi i o-oiuok, M., or as suon thereafter as there shall be a recess of the court then in session, offer and seu to tne mgnsst bidder for oasn tne roiiow- Hardlson, to wit: All- that traot wherein he now resides, in 7th township, deeming the fifteen acres set aside as his homestead, being about 280 acres, the same being the old home place of his father, devised to him. Also I bat traot known as the Cohen Place, deeded by Wm. Cohen to the said G. L. Har dlson and registered in tho offloe of the Register of Deeds of Craven county, book 102. page 674, containing 1111 aores. xhese two tracts being subject to mortgage made by said (fela. HariHsen. .f. tie. -m Utmm- soth w. j&3rA . i. juai.ii!!, Sheriff Craven County.; W. D. McIVKB.PlaintiffB' Altornev. td Static or Nohth Cakolin. ) Hefore -a Craven County, J W.M. Watson; ) OlerkS. Court. Jesse B Griffin, L B Humphrey, L M Mer rett and others Exparte ; Notice of tbe Bale of lands for division, Bv virtue of a ludsment of the Bnoerlor Court of the county or Craven, North Caro lina, obtained on the !Mlh day ot Octoprr, 1881, in the above en titled cause, I, as Com' missioner or tne sam court, win sen, tor cash, to tne hlehest bidder, at Dover Btatloh on the A & N O Railroad, In the county of, urven,on toetnuayoi ieoemoer, iBtfi,at about noon of said day, the lands described In the petition filed In the above entitled cause, oelpg a part of the lands belonging to the eWte'OT WPItatn B. Orltfin. dee'd. The above named landa are sold for partition amoni tbe beirs-ut-Iaw of the said William B. Orffln, deo'd. JNOV.Xd.lWl. BKIH WBBT, , n4w30d CommlEaiouer. Thomas A. Green end 1). N. Kllbtirn,Trns- tees, vs. Thd Neuse awl Trent Klver Steamboat Company. NOTICE, Pursuant to a judgment of the Btmerlnr Conrt of Craven county, rendeied at ithe Spring Term, 1891, In the above entitled-ao. tlon, notice is hereby given that application will be made at the Fall Term of said oourt for a dissolution of the said Neuse and Trent River Steamboat Company, and a flu al set tlement of Its buslnosmir . v." lu snatnarvwiqe ls-nereoy given to nil ttOni fioianniftl Malnst said com pany, pnrsuant to said judgment, to present tbe same dulv authenticated to the nnfLer- slgned for settlement, on or before the loth uay of novemoer, issi, otttorwlse said JUdB mens wui be pieanea in bar ot their reoov eIZr. . . .... xnia tue iutu osy of October, lsvi. nl 80d T. A. GKKEN. Commissions Gold Vavo Gosningi A" I4W rr'rT"itBi'i'i i ' nt full Line of Heating Stotes , ,,,, pr--VJ -. iLlaidutiB&co; Proposals Wanted Proposals are wanted immediately for Water Works and Electric Street Bail way by the Cityf New Berne. dwtf Wm. Ellis. Ch'n Com. on Water Works and Eleotrio Street Car 4 iSfl BoiKRtET,0 h Insurance Asrent, It'li OP PHILADELPHIA, Sit eH od vOiii'Juil ob uoi.mivr " - it i .... .... 1 m z . . . i . i isvtf aiiiiiu ii n D'jiirujti I In the city , and sqlioits orders fen oeoimens of Work' nurforme'd bv Mm ean be seen at 'I'nJ.'I't htieU 'srtttiJqn on the nacadamizad road. Full line c( Fsnhiona' 'o Ftmplos to I, ir(i ,i t e Us ' i 'm e. j f ;;T7EESTES'S f ' UJCABHIDCED DICTIONARY. G. 0. Kerr lam Edition, revised 1890, tu,: Patent Index (store price ailOO.) 1 I'M Biz pallars s ttnt Mlnatjr Ceata. No rehash, ne reprint. It Is the onglMl. We will efund money if not what represent ed Look as nr recoret Orders filled promptly, Agents wanted. b-HOBiat irveeierB eiousauB uein, , oc21 lm 1SS Sprues St., Nasht Hie, Tenn, : vJ ,rn n . NOTICE- i'r J 'r. - -lllfl vijuviiiuni. u num u. n i it--w , nam duly onaufled as Administrator of tbe estate of William W. Dauaherty. deo'd. and hereby givea notlee that he-reqntres all Mnons h&vlnz elalma asainat the estate of the aald Wm w. DAnanertv. to breeent them IA the isaldrttdmtniBtrator duly autbentioated. for Kyment. on or oeiore me sin aay oi novem r, lsea.flr else this aotioe will be pleaded in ;bw of recovery. Persona tlndebted to ue eatate must pay witnontaeiay. iew nerne, . u,, nor. etu, 4twi. m ::F'm i'T - . , i" - u ' Breaking in isn't needed, with the Ball corset, It's easy from the start. Coils of tihy, , wire springs in the sides make it so. There are bones ' that bend, but can't break, ' and soft eyelets that won't cut the laces. , YouUlike it. . If you don't, after a few weeks' wear; just return it ahd get your money. - ':-.; i 6. MARKS & SON. & CO. ARE OFFERING FOB BALE I ' The , World Eenowned; " Daniel Pratt Coif on Gins -. Hi X0PBTB8B WJTHiXHBif :1 j " Boss Cotton ;?re8ses , . whioh combined make the most satisfactory outfit for E'nning' 6oton ' ever n sed in thiii oountry r - ?r ; I'.: ..iui""'i, in... '.I,, i They also carry a full line of ! Belting, Machine (MI, - ..r: and Lace tether, together with a full ine of . j . HAEDABE.i Bend for ' nrinea and come end examine their stock. They guarantee to please you. ' J Oor.Bouth Front and Craven sis. New Goods I k Hew Ccod$I . ri ' .-. J i We are reoeivinK new looda by every steamer, . , , , i i - i j NOTICE OUR, - , : Special Low Prices;! Telljr ,,j , : ; I0o. (b ' 21t .fThfli!rIfla . lfift. If 4 FaltogMafketContadBeef 8c. !Ib Bonelesa rfsai crfti' vrlgft. 'MaestSngar Cnxea Pams l4c.; tu4 jjoosefiokies'. i : t.t t.. luo. uoz White foil Cr-eam Cheese. i6cr fjtobd Green and Biaok Tea, 60cv JO Best u ou i TBo'i Oar Special jilend Boasted Opfitaf OU UUU WOi JIHT piiimii. j j And pa 'fallvline. of gotht fancy QtooQcieB to anmerotu to mention. Thankintr yon for yoxa nast favors and trusting yon will give tm another triaT,"we are j Broad Street." ''"""'.'i HOUSEKEEPERS fJCi " . ' i ' V?J' L "' ATTENTION Is called to the faot that ;4 "irt Tin. Most Complete, Stock OF ln!'tlr!&"city:;t Complete in etfery department" Quality" t'; I the anylrocery in the city .tiK, i He' raduests" a call from this ladies to satisfy them that what bisflnn is a Jfac indeerl.'-',, f r 'Confectionery 'Departmeiit In fidprjliedwiththeery'nidesW lines-0t Booa8, imported fresh each week. .To satisfy the public ana 'jto secur' an&riyi iiihc will trive i for the next 30 dkv& Ithe" following low prices; i w unocoiate uream xrops, ttest t-1 Marsh Mallow, , ' 'K i . An all fine trodJs; of Wl ''-iAbs & Miller's Phila. makej tit liock l5dttom Prices',' "oa!y 22, per lb, V"A-nice Mixed Candy, pyt-e r'nd qou, ; ', 1 Choice iruita, KuN. 2, Ac "4 1 p . I .'4 " .. r . - y- - f ' i If! f'-f ( " ( f -FOB WEEKLY Subscribe now and , r . t Sy, ' scription free. Fntil Jan . .j. . - t-. ... i -.ftvii NINE COLUMN FOLIO LARGE AMOUNT OF BEADING. The Daily Journal .00 Per Tear. Circulates in every -direction AajOJbiaOsiaidjiejli'fi " . Liberal Advcrfisiits Hctcs. lm es Tit? "Ji'i .':o' .;!'.'. . ; - " u '.'I : Though the busy season is nearly here, our rates are no higher '. ,. ..j ,1 j , thftif Its thoHnllest sdr&mer months. , -. . s V ' i I. A i, sir ' i ;t I aawJis,?'' 4,4,s . l-rt t 4S ,.1 ) ly tilii or ',.a'f tMlepartimenii . ,. ttTHii'i 1 s t ,1 ,i"Tr.i-lJrf, Jl ''o.: n'tmnaoe . SOU DEPARTMENT. '' All 1 ri" i i"Ltt;? IIea4s ."jv.Note Heads, . . ..-Bill HeadFr sdi : ' - V.!'!1 (.'' 5 ' : " ' & ' fil .Vi tiW r , - Statements, : Business Cards, . Envelopes, !' s-- r fa . ' "i . r 1 lst,1893, TBE- JOURNAL get two months' sub- .... i'i rn r "1 i .. ; :.!ril!.!iyjCJ 50c. Per ZIonth. . V". !: a ' .KibtuiM .-tit i,-;-.z- i from New Berne, where thetc is a . ur; tu f i i . a Yt i J I'I bit' v a I s ,n t L 1. W : ' 1S1VT!) : m -i ..-J. kinils of Voetiu:W4in:4 best ,.,f;1i',", in j ( rmi Mt(!8 factory pricem'-S ;':' j; . " And all kinds of work, t ,