Daily OURNAL -V' VOL. X.-NO. 200. NEWEKNE.N. C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. 12 BUSINESS LOCALS, jr v YXTANTJSD A gentleman and wife Y to board and a few table boarder, not l? if .- ;'- IIbs. 8. B. Coward. GOLD FISH One! pair given FEEE with . each fifty oent bottle of "Bishop's Congo Core," at : V't Alex. Millkb's, nl8 fw.4,, 6L4t 63 Broad street FOB i BENT, Nicely - finished five room dwelling desirable neighbor hood. Apply to novOcf E- K. Eiihop. RE. Hudson House Painter, Paper Hanger, Kalsominer, Orders Promptly attended to. Apply at If fix;.- L. H. Cutler's store. FOUND A Packeice of Dry Goods. .Lost in New Berne two or three months ago. Owner can get asms upon payment for this adv. novlO BARGAINS in beautiful work-baskets fancy aty les job lot just received. J. 8UTEB. s MOKE Genuine Cubana Tobacco. octtw KTRtfr DRUG BTOBE. DruKi. Medl- mi.in and nhamlaala. (1. P. Popular Proprietary Medicines. All varieties of Drngglat'. Sundries. Trusses and una 8. New crop Garden Seeds. Fine and large titaek Cigar, and Tobacco, am. new. Pr aorlption. accurately oomponnded (and not el-WA a prices), our m -tto and our success. O. O. QhaJCN. Drngglat and Apothecary, afl4dls at., four doors from Pollock. JanW ly fhD papers for sale at the Jodenal V office by the dozen, hundred or thousand. tf Twenty foub States are repre sented at the Atlanta Exposition. Revolution has again broken oat in Mexico, if Garza's Band can be designated as revolutionists. Sknoe Montt, the Chilian minister to this country, has been presented to President Harrison by Secretary Blaine. The acting secretary of the navy denies that orders have been sent the cruiser Charleston to seize the Hawaiian Islands. ' An effort is being made to estab 3&h reciprocity relations between t his government and the British West Indies and Guiana. Democratic success in New xrk, Iowa and Massachusetts practically settles the Presidential question for the Demooracy next year. The president ot Guatamala is moving troops to the northern frontier of that country to prevent the incursion of Mexican revolu tiOnists. Benatob Plump expresses the opinion that a large majority of the people of Kansas are opposed to Third party action, and also op posed to the alleged principles upOn which it was sought to fonnd Men action. The total visible supply of cotton for, the World is: 3,668,233, of which 3,253,983 are American; against 2,691,579, and 2,192,779, respective ly last year. Receipts at all interior towns 260,666; receipts on plantation 895,216; crop in sight 3,701,421. rrJL dispatch from Huron, South Dakota. Nov. 11, says: The Farm era Alliance is dwindling down to nothing in this State. The annual session, now in ' progress here Attended by only sixty men, being far the ' smallest of any similar gathering here since the organize tion was started. aChaibscan E. ,0. Sjuth of the Bute 'Democratic Executive Com' mittee Bald ' i today that - the Democratic " prospects : in Worth Carolina brighten daily and that he ' has ' no. doubt,' when the time comes,- the Democracy, will be found united as heretofore. Mr. 8mlth is of opinion that the re verses In the West have killed the Third party idea in this State. .And now it is reported that there is no . trouble in Brazil. J3enor Mendonca, the Brazilian minister, has received the , following cable gram from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, at Rio de Janeiro: Braz ;. Uian minister at Washington:; em in receipt of yonr telegram of , yesterday. - Thej newa of - the -vecesBion of Bio Grande, or any otKef; state is nntrne," ' We are in '. neffflct'oeace; fc'iftv-'.. U rV-$ The President closed his recep tion speech to tho Chilian Minister as follows; Mr. Minister, this gov. eminent and par people i rejoice .that peace has been restored in ; Chili, and that Its governments is the expression of a free choice of Its people, Yon may assure yonr honored president, who has been xshoserf under circumstances which o strongly testify! to his modera tion and to the esteem in which he is Ld J ty the people of all parties States entertains only good will or him and she people of OhilL lad dan not doubt that the existing and all future difference between the two governments' will find ah honorable adjustment. To you, Mr. Minister, tender a personal, welcome."' Thb played out performance of the pretentious Polk-Peffer.Peo- ple's party in Ohio and Kansas is the general talk. In Ohio the Domocrats in the P. P. P. P. voted for their men. The Bepnblioans, on the other band, in tne Tmra arty, departed and voted for the regular Republican nominees. This knocks out the confident state ments heretofore of Republican emissaries in the South disguised as Third party men, that the new party was strong and sound, true and growing in the (ireat North west. In Ohio, Iowa and Kansas the Republicans in the Third party illustrated the Bible saying of the sow that was washed returning to her wallowing in the mire. There is no use in the world for this new fangled Polk-Peffer-People's party in North Carolina or in any South ern State. Wil. Messenger. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. M- Howard Features. Bell, the Jeweler Presents. Walter H. Bray Fine Chlokene. Cotton New Berne Market Bales yesterday 184 bales at 6 3 8 to 6 3 4 Six new pupils entered the Collegiate Institute Monday morning. All those who are indebted to the Journal are respectfully asked to settle their aocounts. Truckers are busy setting out cab bages for spring shipmeat- The winter cabbages are growing nicely and some are already showing signs of heading, To view Middle street at the market now and draw comparison with how it was a few years ago Is astonishing, Neat and good and substantial work by the oity authorities have contributed the change. A colored man named BUI Taylor killed a bine heron yesterday on the banks of Liwson's creek at the upper part of the eity whioh stood five feet high and measured six feet from tip to tip of extended wings. The liveries are getting in large stocks of horses and males for the winter trade. Mr. J. W. Stewart has in another shipment of mules, which he olsims to be one of the finest lots that he has ever brought ob. Bemember the oyster supper ot the the Ladies' Memorial Association, whioh Is to be held this evening in the store formerly occupied . by Mr. D, Hasiel. Send In your contribution to day and be prepared to attend to-night Commencing to-day at IS o'clock Messrs. W. B. Barriogton ft Co. will show at their office on Middle street for a week samples of ladies' fancy work done on the New Home Sewing Machines for whioh they are agents, The exhibit will be a beautiful one. ell worth seeing. The Orif ton Star whioh was estab lbhed at Vanoeboroand reoently moved to the former place has moved again, This time to Greenville, where it will be published -if an enlarged and Im proved form. Grifton however., will not be left lit darkness. : As the Star, like a oomet, wandered to other re gions, Lamp-light took it place. Dr. P. B. Loftin it the editor and proprietor. It is a newsy little weekly., The first oopy of it was issued last Thursday.' Coming and doing'. Mr. 0. T. Watson left yesterday for Charlotte on a business trip. Mrs. J. S. Cohen returned last night from a visit to her sister at Winflsld, N.O. Mrs. J. O. Whitty and eon returned from visiting the Exposition. . Mr. 0. B. Thomas went down to Horehead on a business trip.- . . Bsv. N. M. Journey and family went down to spend a short time at Beaufort. .:.yi;List of Letters Bemaining in the oostofflce at New Berne, Craven oounty, N. 0., Nov. Mti ioVl. . . --vM-S s- v , i J : A Mr. Henry D. Albrltton. tvi B D. G. Bell for George Williams, Msroe Bant. Mettle Brooks. t ' ' O Nellie M. Carl tool.). George W. Clabern, oare or KObert Butler, . Ubapmen. - ' ' -rtl? - D Miss Ella Dixon, B. JE.' Chapman . F Miss Emma Fisher. ' H Mr, B. D. Hsrrls, Barkin', Har rison' (ool.), IMiss , Bode; Anne Part; Biobard Uarker.-- w- v jh-?- v is- J Miss Luoy Jonas, : Mm Fanny Jones, care of John HalL ?. " K Mr. Lafaystte King. T t T.k. rr, .. -...v M Bev P. F, . Maloy, MIjs Ha'ttje j xlann. u . v . -... -.w-. i.! t P Rsv. Noah Pollock, Mrs.. Emma F. Bowe, nee Pittman. -- i . B Mr. Alex Roberts, William Rob erts ' (ool ), - Miss Emily ' Robertson, Master Hanes H. Richardson, v r 8-Miss Luoy Smith, Miss ovinia Smith. Miss Luoy A. Smith.. - r; , i ; - VMi. Rllca York.. Sri". Persons oalling for above letters, will say advertised.and give date of list.' - The regulations now require that one oent shall be oolieotea on the delivery of each letter BiveKiRficl. ' ' . DTPBOTED LitE STOCK, How One of Hew Berne's Enterprising Farmers' is Succeeding With it- Fine Specimens Will Be Shown ) at the Sew Setae; Fair. It is surprising in this "day of enlight ened progress that so many., adhere to old ways and continue to raise scrub oattle, poor sheep razor back hogs and common poultry when a . few dollars outlay at the beginning will suffloe to make a atari on thoroughbreds that m few'yeare will suffloe to raise the quality arid highly enhance the value of the whole herd, or flock into which they are introduced. Mr. W. H. Bray, who for some years has been giving special attention to raising in perfection the choicest breeds of swine and poultry (and who made the finest display and. showed the great est number of varieties of the former at the last New Barns Fair that was ever plaosd on' exhibition by one indi vidual In the State) has built up a trade on them for breeding purposes that reaches into several States and he is still farther enlarging his business along these lines. His bogs and also his chickens of which he has the leading varieties are a magnificent sight. So are his Bronze turkeys, Pekin ducks and Toulose geeee. He has raised speoimens of the latter to reach 20 pounds etob in weight and of the former that weighed nearly double that. He has quite a drove of pure-bred Berkshire hogs and has just received from the North additional ones of pedigreed stook. Mr. Bray's experi ence has led him to prefer this breed above all others and though be still has others he intends to confine himself to breeding . Berkshires in the future. Why will any one raise piney woods stook when even grades of this breed weigh more at six months old than grown animals of the other kind? Mr. Bray has the next Fair in view and will make an exhibit at it that will even surpass the one be made last year. Let all others who exhibited do like wise and those who never exhibited before bring in something, and all attend. By seeing what eaoh other has and exchanging views thereon informs tion is gained, views broadened and all parties benefited. All poultry fancies and lovers of fine live stook througtiout the State will do well te oorne to the Fair. They will find much to interest them and will doubtless glean hew ideas by the visit. Laurel Cotton Mills, three milei be low Shelby, were totally destroyed by fire Friday. The fire was oaqsed by the gearing becoming overheated, and setting fire to the cotton in the pioking room, rapidly sread to the mill. B. B. Miller, the proprietor, estimates his loss at $80,000; insurance 815,000. TBENT0N, . C. School Peas Taters, 'Possum and Coon lively Trade. We its havisg the very kind of weather for gathering oroes. The corn crop is moon better than the farmers expected to And. it. ... , The school oommUteei We learn, have oontraoted with Mjss Florence Wooten to teaoh thff publie school at the Nether- antt flhikal hAnasE. ta eamaaanaa the 83d of November. Alias Florence has taught two terms of school for us. and ku al ways given the peeple general satisfao- The measles are still' flourishing in our midst but. will soon have to wane for want of material. With all the mishaps, troubles and misfortunes of our people since the war we have aaued to us two real blessings, "Haman' potatoes ana speokied peas, Wall it does u real good to see the darkies while digging them to unearth a real large "haman" and hear them say, "Ain't he a jelly whopper V" Coon and 'possum hunting Is fine sport for the boys with ns, as this game Is very plentiful wit a us now. The fish certs have made their visit sgaiand fine fresh fish are in abun dance, , 'W? ': The river at Trenton la getting very low. ..-.- :;.- Eggs are telling at lSj per dozen. The cotton crop la nearly gathered and is short m our county, KABBIBD. Tuesday, Nov. 17th at Oxford in the Baptist ehuroh by Rev. J. 8. Hardaway assisted by Bsv, Dr. B. H. Marsh, Miss Ltssle pobgood daughter or rror. r. r Hobgood, of that city to Mr. F. W. Han oook of New Berne. - After the perform anoe - of .the oeremorny the happy eouplo lef t on a bridal sour - to New York, Niagara Falls, Chioago and other Pomai-i yt, y',j :,:..':':.V', -. J., .r,UC J ' .U.' nii1J)i J.. The .Ladies'- Memorial -Association will give an Oyster flapper at the Store fonnrly oooupied by Hassell. eor net PoUook and Craven streets, Wed nesdsy evening,- Nov.. ,18, 1691.- All an tovltedvt''-i-'i" w'irf-ps.w Uontrlbntlons will be received by the oommittea at the building. In the afternoon after ip'olook same data-. 4 - ''Featuree (he great souls apparent I 'iTbtt.featnres will not be in tht pnoper repose, u . your ; oouar is ravelled '!oa . the edge or if yout trousers are Ringed on the bottom, tf theyf'w ; in that -Condition call on us and get new ones, and if yon need any- Clothing, Hats, or Shoes don't fait to see as,; Odr aim Js to give yori your moneys worth every tim - Sample socks, parses and booket . bobkfr -tvtS T. ooete New lot stiff hats' just in. See as if yoa need one. New lotSmyrn a Bags a close figures. .'XA rlv? . m:t a4 J. M. nbWABTi. NEW BEBN. Oar Sister Town Is It Kingston, Cas well or Kington. John Toll, Eaf., who owns and re sides on the very land onoe selected for the capital of the State of North Caro linaTower Hill, Lenoir oounty. It is something new as we copy : "An aot for erecting a city on Neuse River, upon the Plantation called Tower-Hill, fixing the seat of Govern ment thereon, -and buildup a Gover nor's House and Publio offices in the same," 1768. This plantation is about S mile from Kins ton, the publio road to Grifton running through it. Should we write those towns Kingston and Bell's Ferry then we beg pardon of those direotly interested; and it is from Newborn per-, haps 85 miles. Should we apologise to the ''big B, "It is." Let the law decide. Newborn was thus afterwards substi tuted for Tower-Hill whioh then belonged to the Crooms. One of t lie family Hardy B. Croom was born in Lenoir, married Miss Smith of New born. He was a lawyer and scholar and himself and family perished in the shipwreck of the steamer Home on the ooast of North Carolina on his way from New York to Florida, 9th Ootober, 1837. But to the law "An Aot for erecting a convenient Building within the Town ot Newbern, for the Residence of the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being, 1766." "Whereas it is neoessary that a con venient Edifice, for the residenoe of the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being within this Province, be erected. Be it there enaoted by tho Governor, Counoil and Assembly, and by the Authority of the same. That his Ex cellency William Trynn, Enquire, Governor and Commander in Chief in and ovor this his Majeaty's Province of North Carolina, be and is hereby au thorized and empowered to purchase any number ot lots ot land, not exceed ing twelve lying within the limits and boundaries of the town of Newbern, in any part of the said Town he shall think most proper and convenient; and to take and reoeive one or more Deed or Deeds sufficient in &Lw for convey ing the same to himself. Successors, Governors and Commanders in Chief of this Province; and- upon such convey ance and conveyances, his Exoellency the Governor is hereby requested and empowered as soon as may be, to con tract and agree with proper Persons for designing, ereoting, and completely finishing a good Dwolling-House, with all neoessary offices for the use of him self, and his successors. Governors and Commanders in Chief, in and over this Province; and that the planning, de signing, building and finishing the said Edilioe and Uraoes, shall be under the sole Direction and Management of his Excellency the Governor, or euoh Per son or Persons as he shall appoint, till the same is completely built and fin ished. Aud the said lots of land, with the Houses, Buildings, and other Edifloes thereon to be erected, shall, and is hereby direoted to be for the use of his Excellency the Governor, and his Suooessors, Governors and Commanders in unier in and over this Province forever." And be it further enacted bv the Autnority atoresam. That bis- Hi oellency the Governor, as of ter as he shall hare oooasion of money for the purposes ol aforesaid, may and is here by authorized to Issue his warrant to one or both of the Treasurers of this Province, requiring him or they to pay so muon money as he shall have ocoa aion for, not exceeding the sum of five thousand pounds, Proclamation Money; whioh the said Treasurers are horeby required to pay to his Exoellenoy the Governor, upon his warrant oat of the Money appropriated by Aot of Assembly ror ereotoni or publio schools, and pur chasing uieoes." To replace this 6.000 nounds into the hands of the Treasurers and annual tax of 8 pence on each taxable person in the rrovince was levied and 8 pence also proclamation money was put on every gallon of wine, rum and distilled Liquors imported into the Province either by land or water from any port or place whatsoever, ureat Britain ex cepted, for and during the term of two years next ensuing. Tbere were al ready other duties on the artioles enumerated, which were light com pared to the tana of the present period. Here we see Try on 's palace, at bis Newbern, was started with 810,000 and it cost when completed 880,000. So also was the Capital at KalelKh commenoed with an appropriation of $40,000 and it required to finish it 8350,000. The in terior or the ralaoe at Newbern was muoh more elegant if the State House at Kaleigh surpasses it in grandeur. In the ereotion of these buildings no one. from the day laborer through the over seers and contractors and those superin tending the work for the State were everaocused of filching one dollar or even suspected ot it. This may appear an oversigbt In this day of combina tions and trusts and rapid progression. It will be recollected after 1830. for a brief period Kinston was called Cas well. W, (To be oontinued.) , Its Excellent Qualities Commend to oublio approval the Cali fornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleashue to the eye, and to the taste and by gently noting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, it oleanses the system effectually, thereby pro moting tho health ana oomiortor eii who use It. " - -''- We will ' place ' on Sale To-dav only,'; somi some aSTEBJJAQ SILVER abut , 33 1-3 PER,: CENT CHEAPER THAU CAH EE BOUGHT ELSEWEE. adding or0Cfctistma pfl veryeneap; ; BELL THE JEWELER - Aazairnair&tora : Notice. . . eki . an fiavmf (jttallnadssAdmlnlStratrlxot Fred" u. idock, asoeaasa, m r uraven sounir, N. u.. thla la to notlrv all Mnoiis havlnc claims against to Mtata of aakl dacaaasd to xhttilt them to the undeclared on or before tt 17th day of November, Uut, or tola nottoswtil oe-pieaa la aaroi taeir neoni All parsons lndabUd tO' SMd estate w plaM make intattaiets payment, . BAB4H A. IFOC. .,)t.j, n i AdmttiletmtiUfc .mi inn day 01 NovemBer jiwu o m mm POWDER Absolutely Pure. A croam of tartar bakine nowder. Highest of all in leavening Btrmgth. Latest U. S. Oovernvient Food Report. PERA HOUSE NEW BERNE. IN EVENT OF SURPASSING INTEREST. Visit of the Notable Comedian Jr. WILFRED CUiiKE AND fE3 COMEDY COMPANY, FROM ORD'S GRAND OPERA HOUSE OF BALTIMORE, to appear in Near Bfrne in tliroo en tirely different performances on Wednesday (Thanksgiving Eve) November 25th. Dr. Olivor Ooldsmith's World Famed 5 Act Comedy of 0 And the Merry Farce of PILL1G0DDY! Thursday (Tha-nhgivisg ray) At 2 o'clock, Buoke tone's Comedy ot MARRIED LIFE! and the lct play of IN HONOR BOUND! Thursday (Thanksgiving Sight) Tom Taylor's Brilliant Comedy of A RUNAWAY MATCH! and the Laughable Faroe of Seats may be reserved in adyauco on and after Monday, Nov. 23d, at the usual place. W. H, Francks. 8. T. Rasbehby. Two Greasers in Town. Francks & Rasberry, NEW BERNE, N. C, Kannfactnrers of EDgines and all kinds of Machinery, Marino En gines, Gins, Ac, &e. Saw VlUa, sto., repaired at short notice. We are here and we mean business. If jou don't believe It, machine men, come and be convinced, SHOPS AT HOWARD'S SHIPYARD. Will be ready for yoa In a few days. novlT dwtf PARENTS SHOULD BEAR IS MIND that the season for attaoks of Croop is now on us. Be prepared for this insidious disease by always having a bottle of R. N. Duffy's Croup Stbcp In the house. Prepared after the ra oipa of the late Dr. Walter Duffy, and for sale by the proprietor at his store on Middle street, next to Custom House, and by New Berne Drag Oompsny. - ' WM. P. LAWRENCE, .OF PHILADELPHIA, Professional Artistic - Paper Hanger, is in the eity and solioite orders for work in hie line. ; ., .. ........ --. Boeolniene of work performed bv him oan be seen al Mrs. PenoeU's residenoe on the macadamised road. i Fait line Of Fashionable Bamples to select irom at tne uaston uonse. ' noviaim , ( i' WALTER H. BRAY, BREEDER OF Buff Cochins, White Cochins, Partridge Cochins, Bi'k & Wh. Langshans, S. S. Hamburg's. Golden Wyandottes, Dark Brahmas, Toulouse Geese, Pek?n Ducks, Bronze Turkeys, White Crested, White Polish. Eggs for Sale in Season. Also Breader of Celebrated Elack B- rkshife wine. ADDRESS : Q-reenview Poultry NEWBERNE, N. Yards, c. TAX NOTICE. Your City Taxes are now due aud payable. Tho city uocds money to pay bills and carry on imp roveranntB. P;ea-e come forwurd and &etilc. W. D. WALLACE, City Tax Collector. Nov HEADQUARTERS FOR FRESH EGOS. NEW LOT UNCANVASED Pals Cream Cheese, MINCE MEAT, BUCKWHEAT, HOMINY. OATMEAL, CORNED BEEF, Finest Oyster Gracbrs IN THE CITY. LUCAS & LEWIS. JOHN fJcSORLEY, Boot and Shoe Maker, POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERNE. N. C. Bavins: .ecu red the service, at a utlllod Meohanio and ttrst-class Workmm from New York, I am now fully prepared to nil promptly all orders for One CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AMD SHOES. The many years that I have aatlaractnrllv supplied the wants of my numerous putroos Is tne best guarantee of the oharacter of my work. Repairing a speolalty. Neatly and prompt ly done. novoawuistp john mcjobley, REDUCTION in Old Virginia"Cheroots. Also, Horsford Bread Preparation. Buy' your Shot and Powder and save Money WHOLESALE GBOOEB. .10,1801. v s 'rH ia& 3 G'5 SS ?2 ! U SI g OBI a r i N1WBEBNK.N. O. ; 100 -, - i l -:,b For Sale BY TUB WINSTON-SALEM Land & Investment Comp'y. NOVEMBER 24th, 1891 All of these lots lie within 100 yards of Electric Street Car Line and Macad amized Street, and 30 of them He 1m mediateiy on said car line and street. This Company hss actually spent S80 000 IN DEVELOPING ITS LASD.S. Mam Street, the chief busi ness acd residence thoroughfare of the city of Winston-Salem, has been ex tended by a straight line through the property. Mile end a half Eieotric Street Rail way (Sprague System) running through tho property (Extension of City Sys tem). Faro to iiny part of the city, five I'KOl'EltlY SUI'l'LIEI) ttlTH ELIXTltlO LIGHT, WATER WORKS AM) TELEPHONE SERVICE. Main streets through the property maoadam zad. Iron bridge across Wachovia Brook 103 fnpt Iodk, 55 feet wide, at a cost of ?14.C00 $(0,000 WORTH OF LOTS SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE TO RESIDENTS OF WLYSTOX SALEM. MANY HAND SOME RESIDENCES IX COURSE OF COXSTRUCTION. Sunny Bide Sooial C:ub, composed largely of business men o; Winston Siilem, now building a handacme club-house on the property. Two large Tobucoo Factories and one Laaf Hcuso to be built on the property in the ripxt few months. Terms of SnU One-fouuh oash and the balance in 13, 18 and 24 months, six per cent in!nr-rt. Reduced rnre on railroads. Correspond nee invited. Addrsen vi:-c. uo lit! "OX-SALEU LAND AND INVESTMENT CO. I llRV. Solid Si (.'.ot tho BEST SELECTION of vtr ever brought to New Berne. rcsh Goods Just deceived ! I h:ivo n Nico Selection of Solid Gold Plain Rings. Also i Fino Stock of ALj KINDS of (!oor!n in. try Im?. r-'All work neatlv louti iinJ wiArMsntcd. SAM K, EATON, New Berne, N. C. Just rsceived a job lot of NICE OVERCOATS, which we ara soiling at very low figure?. A full line of Yen's and Boys' Winter Clothing ON HAND. Sto our Crossott's Men's Shoes before buying every pair warranted to give satisfaction. We have also on hand Children's AH Wool Vests. AH Wool Hose and a very nice quality of SlXJS Warp Whito Flannel at 81.00 per yard. Mundells' Childrens Shoes and Ziegler's LadieB Shoes a speciality. Barrington & Baxter. To My Patrons and the Public Generally. Having removed my place of business to South Fkont Street, Threo doors Eaet of the Gaston House, where I will be plowed to serve my patrons as heretofore. I shall keep constantly on band A FULL LINE OF SAMPLES cf the very best FOKKICN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. K. SAWYER, eepll latptf Fashionable Tailor TO THE PUBLIC! We have opened a WOOD YARD at Major Dennison's Wharves, adjoining the Railroad, and propose to keep all kinds of wood, and also to sell as cheap as any one in the business. We will run a cut-off saw in connection with this business, and wiU cut your wood at if c. per cut. When jwi need any wood giye'js a call, and we guaran tee satisfaction; - VEB? BE3PECTFULt.'$',. Parsers & Edwerd-. noviaiw ffg..'a.- v.-;:.;. .Wantedf-;;;t!,1f : A good man as BAH TENDER.',, Only thOBe who keep rrfectyr sbex.ajated. tJ. WV jfrfi I (tVfj ti: no! ; Solid Silver! -v.-'.'igi,4'.y ii -fcr-.ffli'Jtts-'JAH a'i:

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