1 -r for Infants and Children J"1' iKMsopcslartosararascriptfaa ' wa !. E.A.Aaan,(.lX, 1U (a. Oztert St, BraUm, . T. ' ' - - 'ftt an f Cutarto'h iiidnnd aai tlMtkMinnkMnlMII HMnk ,a iiiulUi)OtolorMlt, lawaiatha its vasaaaotiaap Materia Culm Kttmb D.D- H XawTsrfcOsr. llaomlmrlito Bafonasa Quw. Fast Passenger and Freight Line between NEW BERNE, EatatnIM10HolinPoinia. ind all Con . eetiOMof Ihe i - vitmgTi.rAinA bailkoad, ikolvdiho Hew York, Philadelphia, HorfMk, Bal. tlmora and Boston. OltLT TrI-Weekly Una Out of r New Berne. 1 '2Vew and Elegantly Equipped Steamer 8alls from New Beme I0IOATS, WEDIESDAYS, FRIDAYS, AT FIVE P. M., Stealing 'at Koanoko Island esoh war and forming close connection with the Norfolk Southern Rftnmd. The Eastern Dlsi atch Line, oomiiting of the Wilmington 8.8. Co, Norfolk Southern fi. a. New York, Phila. and Norfolk B.K, and Pennsylvania R. K, form a reliable and regain line, offering superior facilities for quick passenger and freight transportation. No transfer except at Elizabeth City, "at which point freight will be loaded on ears to go through to destination. Direct all goods to be shipped Tia Eastern Carolina Dispatch daily as follows! from New York, by Penna. B. &,Pler 87. North River. ' MelnMa,byPTiila, MT. and Balto. lt It, Dook 8t Station. From Baltimore, by Phila., WL and Balto. B..B President SL Station. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern B. B. From Boston, by Merchants & Miners Trans. portation Co.; New York and New England iaT-Bates as low and time quicker than by any other line. For further information apply to W. H. JoTCS, (Gent Freight Traffio Aaent P. B. K.) General Traffio Agent Oko. Stephens, Division Freight lAgent, . r. a u. u. iw r uiiaueiDUlB. I B. B. COOKE, Oen'l Freight Agent. N. Y. If. . K. H, Norfolk, Va. H. C. HUDGixs. Oeneral Freight Agent K. 8. B.B, Norfolk!, Va. r GEO. HENDERSON, AGBirr, 1 ti n rf i i i Mewbemo. N. C. a J 4H, D OMINION Steamship Company, EMI-WEEKLY UNB. the Old JkmixinStuMthif Cempany'i Old ad Favorite Water uU,ii Albe marle and Chaaptaks Canal, Jle6lk,' ataltlasare, Sew Tark, Phlla a)phl, Boetoat, PravMesna, ! Waskngto City. And off points JpTorft, JEbd tend Wat. 6a and after TUESDAY, April 29, until jmanrtDer loneeTtte ' ; Steamer EIBEHHB. Cast Soutlmate. sail from Nerfolk, Va, for New Berne, Hi ti direct, rrery Monday and Thnrsdsy: makinf olose oonneotioa with the A. A N. CC TL B, for ail stations on that road, aid with tks Steamers KJ niton and Howard (or Kin- slon, Trenton, sad all other landing! e the Neuse stnd Trent Elvers. - , i-Jtournloavwill sail FBQUSE7 BESNE. -i K foe NORFOLK dlnsnt, at p,m. luesdais aairiOTylLliaMnt eOnfieeK wIOT tBTTX KB . &Uoyt sups tor pew xsrc, o. isr.vo.-i tlmrej Ulyde wne com tor ,U.T.Co..shlplfbxBoi. , Cpt T)lxm, will sail fer ot steamer New berne. Order all coodi care of O. D. S. B. Co- Norfolk, Va. ... . . ... . . gers will nna a goea mole, oomiorv able rooms, and every oourtety rery oennesy aaa awenuen by theoffieeta... t K B7BOBERT9L ArenL will bo paut ibea oy tne omcei UtSBM. colpeppeb tubnkbT AgenttbNorfoXa, Va. W. H. BTANFOBD, r Viee-President. New York Qty. . taflandPrevlaeliee . iteaav&laston, sTfnstoa On arrival ClyileN:;C.Fi8MIji Stealers 3. E. Stoat, Defiance & Vesjer Oa and after Febroary 1st, 1891, tbia ' --WiriUiiialfwj .i&&swEEiY,irMroj..' ' Diltlmora and New Barns afaMkanla aaJ Shtanara Tska sTaftaa. DIBECT Has etrtof New tluiore without change, sippplug koonneotias; tBun iorlboMoa, Proideoo.PMiaaerpbia, KHhond,awiu : BofetaNohLEasVand WestTTiaUng eloee eonneotlon tor all points by A. A N. CBaU road and Birer out of New Bern. , Ceatral wharfi 1 . v oVuusa,Hii I. - I uen iai SatardaM. iw Ye c iiA iltau v edtaeipiiavt A Saturdays. : . -: Ihiladelphia, kondays, Wodaes- fr3tai'ba0.-,:;!.:u;!; two OuereMouwsa i f: . Thle lotbe only : i-i ."-!. 4 aM- o ta sr.zu. -visriJvortQr;;! n fK' r r r" r i i n r Uf i It LJL.it ; Wis IToa'.'y 8'lfd d? In 1' I t of tor- a ' - - T:h eW Ssosaaeh, Manhcss, ftwxauoa. WlsCSkto Mas- AMtorta. aa shall always esnUaas ta Malta. M , .. sfcws1sisii.OY "Tlia If hi trail -mia arra aai lla Sa ;-. JOE K." WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF Eastern H Carolina NEW BERNE, N. C. Italian and American Marble and aV QuaKUet of Material Orders solicited and given prompt at tention, with satisfaction guaranteed. 'Terra com Vasornr Maata and Rvmh tarnished at the very lov jit rates. 'HUMPHREYS' 'VnERIlURiSPtCIFICS lor Horses, Cattle, Sheop, Itp, Eoa 3 ABO POULTRY. OPa.k.r.fAl-alo craas ( yevera,CaBseatlaas,Iaiaaf atlaa A.A. I Splaal meainaitia, miia ; Fever. B.B. Sualne, Ijsvaeaeaa. Khraaiattaaa, u.i;. livienpcr, naaai uiacaataaa g.DBata ar Graba, Vima .aWCaacha, Heave, Paeassaata. W.F. Calio ar eriaea, Bellraeha. O.O. Bflscarrlaa-e, Heaserrhaaea. H.H. Prtaary and Klaaey DlaeaeOQi Jk7 Llieaaes af lHgeuisBParmlrsla. Single Bottle tnrar HI doaeU -Stable i Oaee,tt pei Kajroal, M Veteriajiry Onre OU and Medloator, sjT.Of Jr Veterinary Care Oil, - - 1.0 Sold bTDrasalstsi or Sent PienaM anrwhere' andin any quantity on BeoelploiPris. X ; . ; HtTMPHEETS' MlTO!0nr.00i I 2 OornerTUliMandJohnlijereA IIT7MPIIBEXS' EOKZOPAIBIO ff' SPECIHC IaaaelByeus. The onV miniaaifiil reaiady fee i nervous ueDtiin, vital weaness. j and rwttaUoa, from mamuik Of cehet eau e I fl par Ticr S Tills S1 rta Till VOwdar, for U, Bold ar Daooonn, orient poerpaldoaraosapf at prlok-UDMPnFUYS' HED1C1II CO, Cor. William and John Sta, V. H All of our Veterinary Freparatlou can be had of J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N. W. cor. Broad and Middle streets, Nowbarn.N.O MRS. J. M. HINES' Boarding House REOPENED. Mbs. J. M. HINES has reopened a First-Clasa Boarding House in tie city, oppc site Baptist Church. - j Tie FifliBff Darts Jeiiif MacMns, Con be had at the tarn plaot, j J.M. HINES, Agent. ( Tm aits - f ffl-T' 1 . . 1 1 Bank Counter, Tyler System, Pa rfcl. 1M Tin CtUWw W bulf Bmkt M4., ITlartra 81 . u. im " iaiw Aiao Trms ana 1Mtea H.ka and Tr arrlta Cmblaata. s.w tyles. Beat and eaaae- on carta, with areas reduction In priene. Is i ue m MUiifai WtaW twkt, Ctab dUM,iBMk tin, (WW lni PUti t Jl C.UMte,li.llmla m.k.ta DKSKCO., lt.LMI11e.i1T, Boot and Shoe M&kpr, All Styles of Boots and Shoes made ? ' tn nrrlor nn atinrt TlrttlKfl.-' 1 r Repairiftg SpeclaltTdi i-Hii -;- - . .- jJ':-. . uraven stiest. opposite juuuu 'ti TT v1 J"Virw tft4 53J til OJWI;- ta-s!ua-:at fcvian-.iil-i!ra .'i t- raTUCuiars ai iao,:;- . Tn Oarrum Oaarur, TT Xuuat VrBaa, JTsw Tm. vJ i , THE JOURNAL, ' -1 Seme Uood Bales. In aa exchange we find the follow ing roles, which were very much enforced upon as' when we Were yonbg, and we do not think they would injure the world to be prac tloedTDOw a little more uniTereallj; Never exaggerate. Never point at another. Never betray a confidence. Never wantanly frighten others. Never neglect to call upon friends. Never leave home with unkind words. Never laugh at the misfortune of others. Never give a promise which yon do not fulfill. Never send a present, hoping for one la return. Never speak much of your own (erf irmanues. Never tail to be punctual at the time appointed. Never make yourselfi the bero of your own story. Never pick the teeth or clean the riaiU in company :w Never fail to give a polite answer to a civil question. Never question a servant or a child about family affaire. Never present a gift, saying it is of no use to yourself. Never read letters that you may find addressed to others. Never fail, if a gentleman, of be ing polite and civil to ladies. Never call attention to the fea tures or form bt any one present. Never associate with bad com pany; hare good company, or none. Never look over the shoulder of another who is reading or writing. Never appear to notice a scar, deformity, or defect in any one present. Never refer to a gift you have made, or a favor you have render ed. Never arrest the attention of au acquaintance by a touch: speak to him. lemoVlixib. A PLEASANT LEMON DRINK. For biliounesa and oonstipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and fouli omach, take Lemon Elixir. For siok and nervous headachea. take Lemon Elixir For sleeplessness and nervousness. take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fever, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomaoh, Sidneys, bowels or blood. rrepared only by ir. a.. Money, Atlanta, Oa. Wo. and $1.00 per bottle. Bold by druggists. a PBOMIMENT MINISTEB WHITES. After ten years of great Buffering: from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kid neys and- constipation, I have been oured by Dr. Mocley's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Bev. 0. 0. Davis, Eld. M. E. Churoh South, No. 28 Tatnall st., Atlanta, Q. Paris green cannot be used alone with safety stronger than 1 lb. to 300 gallons of water, but with the nmfj mixture it may be very safely usedatat I lUatofrom 50 to 200 gallons of water. The (erst injary is done to the foliage of plants, when the livuid dries off most rapidly; the time of day when the applica tion is made is unimportant. A Chamber of Horrors. The apartment to which the unhappy wretch is confined by inflammatory rheumatism is Indeed a chamber of hor rors. Appalling: are the tortues infiiot- edbjthU-agonizing complaint, and tnoee eaanrea oy , persons sunerins; from milder forms- of -it are severe enougav Obstinitteaa.il ia in itf mature development, it i surely remediable at theoqae( with Boetetter's Stomach Vlltai. auioumteiy aster , mm .ett as more effsotive remedy than the poisons often used to subdue it Always should it be borne ia mind by those), seeking relief from rhematiem, that though con querable in the incipient stage, it is hot only-'stubborn ' but daBgeroue when fully developed, on aooount or its ten dency to attack the vital parts. This consideration should lead to -the. early adoption of curative measures. The Bitters will overoome malarial, kidney, dyspeptto and billious trouble. r i til i ii ii. am aa' a . . n i . CblWrpn .Cry for Pitcher's Castorl City Taxes are TIT :i ,bi&kvii fifii a,;j( iijy .wjx ; ;; Thi Clty Weds Mey W .pay bills and eirry on Improvements. PieasJiemaQjrward and settle. "'-i"' SW w 1 to a r r a r v- ,F a, iiauuavui . t Of' 'i ' ii City Tax Oolleotor. Wo; 15,18.1. if ii. Fcr S:l3 cr Exchange. ." t.,:-t. i whioh Ilea five miles east of Mt. Olive, a the W. A W. B. B. , The Farm oon- tales -,imteijiwif. wan w iiwi!--' 120 cf Wllich Is Cleared '4 The balance well timbered with PINE and OAS.. Will sell cheap or wlU'exohange for property ia or near New Berne, or near the Kaiiroad Between new Berne ana Iforehead. .-:;..:', - r -1 , For any other Information address.. THOMAS G. LOFTIN,; tit. Olive, Wayne County, N. 0. norttldvsir BAKER MATTRESS -aUVeS 'walV-" ViJWw j """""" ,M,mmali . t Manufacturing Company! New Beme, N. C, A. M. BAKER, Manager. MaixxilVietTii'ei's of Sfraw and Excelsior Cotton Top, Hair DEALERS IN We make as good a Hair Mattress as any factory in the United States, MAKE THEM TO ORDER of any size or quality -' y-v ..... '-'ns-vi .. Our XXt Steam cured Moss is durable mattress. It is better than a medium priced Hair. : Straw with CottorxjXop. - We put od'a heavy 5btt'6ii top. . ".JI'-.VV ....,-.1 ,.7. .. ..W (; ; HaTi?iHaijr;X)r: Moss ..........,..-,.yi,t5St-o'si Pai t . V-, bMutifuiitTdr1rI4rjid:JUl.t)Qjure i what we wliat wo ' get fiom k mattress that has been used several jiaxh you !do ;not knoW iow y Call on ua ' Jfoir , Jpatners-Qoose Feathers, Duck Feathers or Chicken Feathers. . ; 7e make Beds, and Hoss Mattresses, FEATHERS. the very best and makes a very use none but the best straw and mattresses renovated. We do to please you. ; Unless you have very necessary it is to have them . - Eolsters or Pillows Jas. Redmond WHOLESALE DEALEK IN WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS, South Front Street, Two :ioo s E.tst Garten House New Bet lie, N. C. Ulantic N. C. fteiln-ad TAsil.ll la Effect 1:30 17. P.K. lS'JO. Clot 9oio Eabt. S'-ubdulk. Qoinu Wnr No. 51. Pa.wnjer i'taina. Kw. ' , Ar. p m 4 OS 4 35 0 00 7 38 Lve. 3 80 4 09 4 40 6 08 (. m Siatkiiis. Uuldsboro La (Irat.ge Kiuston Nu iv Berue Moroheud City Dailv. Ar. Lvp. 11 10 a til 10 22 10 25 J 48 9 53 8 17 8 30 am 6 17 QOINQ K.8T. SO1IKD0LK GOINO WeBT. No. l.t No. 2. Mixed Ft. & Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. HtatioDS. Pass. Train. am 6 30 (ioldaooro 6 57 7 05 Best's 7 30 7 30 La Grange 7 48 7 53 Falling Creek 8 11 8 80 Kinetcn 8 50 8 55 Caawcll 9 15 10 03 Dover 10 81 10 36 Core Creek 11 00 11 05 Tuncarorn U 17 11 41 Clark's 12 15 3 00 iiowbern ;3 37 8 42 HUordalj 3 48 3 50 Croatan 4 08 4 13 Ravblock 4 37 4 42 Newport 4 51 4 55 Wild wood 5 01 5 01 Atlantic 5 16 5 21 Morebead City 5 23 5 28 Atlantio Hotel 5 31 pm Morehtad Depo 7 20 pm 6i!4 6 34 5 54 6 04 5 24 6 30 4 25 5(0 4 00 4 05 3 25 3 40 2 54 3 00 2 24 2 30 2 03 213 10 32 1 30 8 41 U 46 9 2b 9 K3 8 59 9 C4 8 17 8 27 8 00 8 05 7 47 7 f.2 7 17 7 27 7 05 7 15 7U1! Monday, Mi ednebilay aud Frlils?. iTneBday, Thumduy au i Ki-t.urday. Train 60oonneott wltu WUmtiiitton a wl- don.Trala tMnnd North. leaviDg Uoidsooro 11:50 a. m.f ajtl with Klchiuond s Laav!!, Train West, leaving Uoidsboro 2. iO p. m, Traia ul connectf witb Klchroiia A Utr;!:.'' Train, arriving ai Ooldsboro ?:65 n.m.. end rlth wiiimngiou ana we.'Jon iran frum the North at AiW p.m. Train 2 connects with WllminKH n and Weldon Througo Krelht Train, JNorib bound; leaving Goldsboro at 8:50 p.-n. S- ii. mil, STANDARD rOn5CENTUtXV TWIN BROTHER' DRYHOP YEAST QUICK RCT FOR LIGHT BREAD WATERLOO YCASTT.O DETROIT MICH THE NEW LEVER SAFETY The PERFECTION of SIMPLICITY and ECONOMY of POWER. ISO CHAINS. 3VO GEAK8. VARIABLE STROKE, only two set9 of Revolving1 Bearings. Best Hill Cllmblnar and all around Safety made. H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO. SMITHVILLE, N, J. Adminiatrator' Notice. Nannie O.' Adam having qualified a Administratrix of David Adams, deo., Notioeia hereby given that all debte held against the aaid estate abatl be presented to me duly authenticated for settlement on or before Nov. Sd, 1893, or they will be plead in bar of reooyery. AIL parties owing the e ate are re quired to make immedia e settlement. ' ' KiSHUI C ADAM8, n3It6v7.' " i. - Admieistntrlx. Administrator's Notice. H vim. q i fla .h Ailii.Ui .iu .xof r"rd VJ Ip .cta., Ub. e4Bed, lW ul . iavi:i ouuuiy. . t... tins ia lu lioufy nil persons having oiftlnm i-Kalnst the eetuie or said deceased uj exhibit them to the anderslgned on or before the I7ih da. ot November, 1883, or this notice will be plead Id bar of their recovery. AU persons iodebttd to said estate will please mane Immediate payment. Babih a. I pock. AdmlnlstraulX. Thli I iih day of November, NOTICE. The undesigned, James O. Harrison, has dulyquahtledasAd mlnlatrator of the estate of Wlnium W. Dauicherly. deo'd, and hereby KlveH notice that he lequlrea all pereoDs having claims against the estate or the said Win. w. luuKuerty, to present tbem to the Bald Administrator duly authenticated, for payiueuu on ur ueiore ine em day of Novem ber, 1SU2, or else thle noilce will be pleaded, in bar of recovery. Persons ilndebled U Ibe estate inuNt iiay will outdf lay. iew hi-riie, .. '., .Nov. lh, IBDI. JAMM f. UAhitldu.N, Admlnlstratov. uov (iw NOKTii CAROLINA L'KAVJUN COUNTY" Ia the Superior Court. The Hoard or roinnilHSloners of Craven Cuuutv, iJiaintin, b. Ubert Hancock, Jr., I'uas. K. liuiKotk, K. D. Hancock, K W HaL.ock Bailie Hai cOflk, Widow of U W. Hancock, una Onvid a. i-yau, tltzatxtb, Hj'qd, li umali Iiyan and Hobert ityfto. Notice. To vM s. Kyun and Liizabeth Ryan, Han- imii Kyu.ii nn.! Kobert Hyau: ibe defeud.tuts above named will take notice tkat un ucuoa entitled aa above bait i-eeu coiu in encrd in tbe hu parlor Court ot Ciuvi'ti comity, North Carolina, the pnrpoae of whicii is to lureilotie certain tax deeds or i ax cei tiilciiitt. hf id bv the couiity of raveu aud Htatti of .Norih Carolina, and to have ihu amount due Haia county and Btate of : fixes, interest, eosta anl penalty af. appears from said tax deeds declared a lieu Qpu the .amis of tin' dcfeudttDU described in the coiup uim hied in this action, and situate in ih..-i-oiinty of Craven, orih Carolina, and iO'ttotlu- k :Ui land told to pay the same md to exrr.ult and fori;eiose any Hen or in teresi Hnica u may own or claim in tbe said JaiiU A na you will further tuke n-jtlce tbatyoo arc r. iulir- i tn uiipt-nr at the next term of ilii' -upetMr luui! df Craven county, to be iiiM .ullio Third .MoiMNy before the r'lret ri: ny in M;.u ii, :t)!, sit ihe Court House of i ji -i cou. i) in : w Heme. N. C , and ao w : i r ih i.: !u o i CHiiphilut in said uc Oon, r!h iiniit; vi ii h ply to the court icr Oi r.-. .'. ..!: :( d in Huid complaint. I li.t, , .. . of ovi niL-pr, R91 V. M. W'A'l'riON, iidvJ-i v CJ.-rk .Superior Court. .Sxccrdtioa Sale. in i...i r.- e of an execution Usucd to me ;ur i ourt of Wayne . ounty in 0 i- l.iS:ov Z (-..c, lo w.t: Clmrles M. fttieir ; a rj i J . Kilir.irn, IfVlcd by me upon :!:( ri-uitsite hortMiiii'lt-r described. I will o:i Mojid-iy, Jnrmuiy Itli. li, at 12 o'clock, r.i tin: lloiiv"door -f Craven t-',!i;ity N. C. In !ticc;iy of .New Borne, sell to the li v.Ii.-m !..idt-r, forc&Hu, all (he estate, rluht, i itie and luu-rett of 1. N. Kliburn, at law or In equity, in and lo the houses and lot nor i-a'iri .:! lots Minuted on the north aide of itroa'i Btiet. hi'tween Middle aud Craven BiretH. in tli-jeity of New Berne, heint; the s me formurly owuea bv Geo. Green uutl Ail situ 'A-tug, being the western hdlfof Lot, No. 'Sn), mid twenty four feet of the western bM of the eastern half of Lot No and iwenty-i. in i lt-et three Inches 1 Zunfr liiJiiS1-). bclTuj t bo eHterumont part of the Bid tiisleru hul.' of ald Lot No. lioO, with all ilL.'s uf w;ty. W. 1L LANE, y he i 111 Craven County No: : i :.:. nov2H td i ;'l r , cTrHI;; is the machine that - is i:3cd in the Office, Ccurt-roc.:i, cud for reporting lectures and sermons. White its rpced is greater than any other known method, it is so simple that r.ny intelligent person can gain a speed of 100 or more words per min ute, in five cr sis weeks, without the aid of instructor. Circulars and testimonials sent to all who mention this paper. E. T. FIERCE, FAYETTE, OHIO, Sole Agent for U. S. and Canada. THE BEST LIVER MEDICINE CHILL CURE. CHEAPEST MEDICINE KSOWH CONSIDERING QUALITY AND SIZE OF 0O8t. IT? WILL ALSO OTTSX BILIOUSNESS, DY8PEP8II, AHD CHHONIO OONBTIPATIOK. R. BERRY, New Berne, - N. C. m Scientific America! Agency for CAVEATS, DFSICN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc Fr r in rormitt ion pm) f t oo ITnnrthoolc write to MliNN fc CO.. 1 illio ADWAY. NW YoRC. Oldest i Mrcaa fir Hcctirifitz patents in America, lvvury p:iH-nt iJiK- ii u'.it ! ut is hrouRht before t!it' publiu by a nuiioo on free of cliurgo in the Larcest clrmlat lPTi of nny peientiRc paper in tho man nhmild bo without it. Weekly, 3.00 a year; nix nxmtbs. Add rem MtJNN & CO PL UUsiJiais, 3(11 iiruudway. New York. To The cloth used Userfi in our Fish Brand Jackets and Pants has always been of unexceuea strength and du rability, but we have just dis covered that the mill which has made the cloth for tbe past ten years has; thro a mistake, dell "Fish Brand" Goody cicu ua si susui quantity of cloth which is , far below our standard. This defect was not known to us until some of the goods had been placed up on the market, ana as we intend tnattne rtsn 5rand goods shall be the standard for strength, durability and water--proof Qualities, we hereby inform all users of these goods that we haveauthor ized every store-keeper handling Fish Brand Oiled Clothing to give at once knew and perfect garment for any' that have been tort and are not of the usual strength. 'I i : ,v3, TOWER, Sole Manf r, Boston; Man- 5 a SAm SfAT 9 sxr 1 ftMMs 1 r

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