i it. THE JOURNAL; ' LI5W00D, 5. C. t ' ,;'r. . r. .- v .. :, .., ; ' Business Interest of these Thriving v UtUe YlllageFne Hnntlnj- ,T" ..eromitj. . r .."; ; Lin wood U a little village sitQat - 'd vereo milea West of Swansboro ud u a bosiness place it gets - thert.' There '"iireh two thriving ? atores, a mill a saw mill a cotton v i sin, a turpentine still, post office, Method wt cbnrci oda school ,1iow.':;a;;..';"V". f""" It Is beautifully nitnaied on the : estate of the '.Hsr. J. W. Bender--aoa and-all. we need is a railroad 4 to make it one of the most tbriv ' Jng little towns in Eastern Carolina aituated aa it is at the head of nav- Igation of Quaen Greek lonly a f jw miles from the sound make it one "among the best fish markets in the State. We eaa get fresh fish every ; : daj and if we had proper facilities foc transportation there could be a , ' vast business done in the fish trade ""and besides it is 'unexcelled for i fishing : with hook and line and surely la the hunters paradise. It abound in every kind of J game ! found within the borders of North Carolina.' Your correspondent went deer m (not dear) hnnting far the first . time not long since. The dogs started them in plenty bat Dens " cervis celeritatem dab. and their swiftness soon carried them be 'yond the reach of our gun bnt the coon were not so wary. Oar dogs treed two np a black gam and a lew shots soon brought them with in reach of the honnds which greeted them with a warm welcome. , The principal industry in this section is turpentine farming. We have just reached here from i. the cotton section where business of all kinds seemed paralysed and stricken with a financial panice but here everything is booming. Qulte'a cool wave has been with ne far a'while. i. Tour correspondent has just re turned from a visit to the pretty little village of Swansboro where he enjoyed the health giving sea breeze and the beantifnl scenery very much and the fresh fish too just out of the water is not to bp forgotton. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sore approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if yon oan afford for the sake of caving BOo., to run the risk and do Mowing for it We know from experience that 8hiloh's Care will cure your cough. It never fails. This ' explains why more than a Million Bot tles were sold the past year. It relieves eronpsand whooping cough at ooce. Mothers, do not be without it. For . lame back, side or chest use Sbiloh'e Porous Plaster. Sold by New Berne Drag Co. Poor Reward for Anxiety. A story is told of MusUpho Paeha, formerly the Turkish Ambassador at Berlin. At hie receptions he was in habit Of giving a bon-bon to eaoh of his lady visitors,; but on one occasion he . presented three to the same lady . Flat tered by the unusual attention she begged a friend, who spoke Turkish, to ascertain the reason of bis prefer ence. The ambarssdor's explanation was very simple. "It was became ber mouth Is nearly three times as bis as that of the other ladies." Strong Men.jJ women love strong men. A weak man may excite their sympathy and a womaa'S careful tenderness soothe and often the anguish of a weak man's sotlL bat the laughing, joyous warm exuberant love of women dear, btlongs tor the men that are strong and noble 'and kind. Then why will a man con tlnue weak, and meau and peevish V 1 Aa old gentleman writes: "B. B. B gives me new life and strength. It there is anything that will make an old ansa young, it is a. B. B." Soma aea say, and women too, they ;Wef feel weak and mean except in the spring. Why then feel weak and mean and- nervous and prostratod ia the ''spring time when life and spirit ' awakens with thrilling buoyancy even the vegetable world ? Must you allow ' sluggish blood, inactive organic func tions, rusty joints and general weak ness to make your life miserable simply because the long winter has restrained . your natural activity ? It need not be. If only yon will use that pleasant and ; incomparable tonio blood purifier known aa B. B. B. or Botanic Blood Balm your health in spring time will be all that you can wish. Try it this spring. Try it now. P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., August 10,1888, writes: "I depend cn B B. B. i far the preservation of my health. I have had it in my family now nearly two years, and in all that time have ; not bad to have a dector." Every good man builds his monument . Own Kleetrlc Bitten. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters ling the Same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and Kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive maloria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial levers. For cure of headache, MmatfttaHin and 1 1 i mwtinn rifu.,.:. Bitters. " Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at F. 8. Duffy's drug store. ' - The cross can only be seen acroBS. from , " TBK PULPIT AND THK STAGE. 'jV .pev. 7. 1L Shrout, Pastor United Bieth-e- Ten Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "1 " feel ft my duty to tell what wonders Dr. L) King's New Discovery has done forme- tfv l.tirfM VMM ImuIIv riisAMMl anil iTir 4 penanioDers inougnt i coma live only a iw una. x, wui nve WHin or. jur. "King's New plseorery and am sound and wejl, gaining 26 lbs. in weight." - Arthur Love, Manager Lovers -Funny : folks Combination, writes: "After a thor 'ougn trial and eonvineing evidence, I am , connaens ur. Aing s new iieeovery xor Consumption beats 'em all and earn when ..everything else UUs. The gre atet kind- ; ness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it." Free trial bottlei at F. S. Daffy's drug store. Regular sixes . 60c. and M.00. . . ,, - , ,: , h:'J Atery Toollsh Idea, i t ; It is a false pride of the very worst kind that leads many of our ycoog married people on to finan cial roia. Moat of them are poor; but, for some unaccountable reason, they are ashamed to admit it by any word or deed, and feel under obligation to keep up an appear ance of being at least well-to-do. As a general thing, both parties spend all their savings on their wedding, determined to be beard of once ia the world, if they never are again. There is always something about a wedding which appeals to the interest ot all beholders; hence, the temptation to secure, by display a certain, gratify ing notoriety which may never again be attainable. Thus their married life is begun in a mistake, and they continne the counterfeit as long as they can. They board in as stylish a place as their slender weekly income will allow, the wife taking np a life of idleness and gossip; or, it they go to keeping house, they bay flimsy and showythings for the parlor while their kitchen lacks ordinary conven iences. Thar the farce continues in the way of dress and entertainment nntil the collapse comes. We have known personally just such cases. And who has not! The world whose favor they have been trying to winsimply laughs at them. Now, how much better it would have been if such a pair had begun in a sensible way according to their means, buying a lew good thing adding tnoro as they could afford them, until their home was estab lisued on a firm and enduring basis No matter what the world itseli does, it always approves of honesty in others; and those who begin modestly, live within their means, plant a home and let grow, are always the ones who are sincere ly respected. Goldaboro Headlight Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75o to lree yourself of every symtom ol these distressing complaints, if you idiqe so can at our store and eet bottle of Hhiloh's Vitalizjr, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Slid by New Berne Drug Co. The apple you musn't have al ways looks the sweetest. H SUCKXKK'S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve In the world for Cute, Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever 8ores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and ?osi- uYujy cures r lies, or do pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction, or money refunded. Fries 25 cents per dox. rorsaje in aewriern By. B, Duny, wnoiesaie ana retail druggist. Beware of love children people who and flowers. do not For Over Fifty Years. ME3. WlJiSLOW'S 8ooTHisa 8YB0P haB been uoed for children teething. It eooches tbe child, soften i the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is tbe best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty five centy a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. Troubles will ran when you look them squarely in the face. We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth and headache, inSHILOH'S OATAURB REMEDY. A nasal injector free with each bottlo. Use it if yon desire health and eweet;treath. Price 50o. Sold ty New Berne Drug Co. Teopie do not grow into grace by looking at tbe faults of others. No griping or nausea after using BrnckSeld's Liver and Kidney Pills. Will cure Biliousness, Constipation. Torpid Liver and stomach troubles. Sugar coated, oval. Price 35 cents. Give tbem a trial. For sale by F. H. Duffy, New Berne, N. C. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorii Expanses Co. Commissioners I. J as. W. Biddlk, Beguter of Deeds and ex-cfBcio Clerk. Board Commis sioners of Craven county, do hereby oertify that the following is a oorrect statement of the amounts, items end nature of all compensation audited by the said Board of Commissioners to the members thereof severally, the number of days the Board was in session, and the distance traveled by the members of said Board respectively and oharged or in attending tbe same during tbe year endiug Nov. 80, 1891: as rer records of esii county, to wit: James A. Betas, Chairman. Attendance at meetings of Board. 12dayBat82 00 534 00 Signing vouchers 14 CO Examining Treasurer's account. 4.00 Supervising court house and jail 35 00 lo cash paid out for telegraohV. 9 11 Sarvtcrs obtaining evidence in the caae Pamiicoag. Craven Co. 50 00 S1E6 11 E. W. Smallwood, Co. Com. Attendance at meetings, S3 days at 83.00 864.00 8igning vouchers 6 66 Supervising poor house and oourt house and itil 75 00 uoree hire to poor house 4 00 $149.00 J. A. Meadows, Oo. Com. Attendance at meetings, 14 days at it vu 828 00 15.00 43 00 Supervising bridges Daniel Lane, Co. Com. Attendance at meetings, 23 days at a oo 46 00 Mileage, 132 at 5c...... 6 60 $53 60 Wm Clkve, Co. Com. Attendance at meetings, 24 days at $3 00 S49.00 480 miles at 5o.... 24 00 13 ferriages at 85c 8 CO ' I farther oertify that the Board was in session 83 days, and that no unveri tied accounts were audited. . ,,x - In witness whereol I have1 hereunto subsoribed toy name at offico ia New bera on the 2d day of December, 1891. J A 4:- y '- J- W. BIDDLE.' : 0f Deeds and Clerk : v dec4 4 v B'd of Ootnmis'n. WZFTS SFEGZFZOL - A troublesome skin disease caused me to scratch for ten mrmthe and has hem crnwH ha a Jew days use of S. 8. 8. M. H. TToiw, Upper Marlboro, lid. Swift JJpecific. I was cured several years ego of white swelling in ray leg by the use of S. 8. 8., and nave had no symptom of -any return of the disease. AUnyprom- ) inert physicians attended me and att failed, but 8. 8. 8. did the work. Paul W. EibXPaTBICX. ioaaaon uuy. Ten. Treatise on Blood Ska Disease mailed nee. 8 wiPT Sncmo Co.," ,Ga. Cold Wave Coning ! Full Line of Heating Stoves r-AT L. H. Cutler & Co. A National Family Paper. Tbe Announcements of The Youth's Companion for 1892, which we hare received, seem to touch about all healthy tastes. Its fiction embraces folklore, ferial, sea. adventure and holiday stories Frank Stockton, Clark Eussell, Will Allen Dromgoole, Mary Catherine Lee are a few of the distinguished story-writers. Its general articles cover a wide range- Self-Education, Business, Success, College Success, Girls Who Think They Oan Write, Natural History, Railway Life, coys ana uiris at the World s Fair, Glimpses of Koyalty, How to See Great Cities, Practical Advice are some of the lines to be written on by eminent specialists. Gladstone, De Lessens. Vasili Verostchagin, Cyrus W. Field, Andrew Carnegie, Mrs. Henry M. Stanley are among the contributors. The Companion readers thus come into personal touch with tbe people whose greatness make oar age famous. Its 500,000 subscribers show how it is appreciated. Whoever subscribes now for 1892 gets it free irom tbe time the subscription is received till Jan. 1, lb92. $1.75 a year. Address. The Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass. Notice of Incorporation Notice Is herebv elven of tha Tnfinrnnrft. t!on of the ".Norlh Onrollna Paoklng com caav." That tbe names or the lncorDoratnra are ucorge W. Moore, Marti a Wagner, Bur- ueue n rarren, jonn h.uidds, iiosea F, Going, Charles U. Pearson and Joseph H. Hmlth. and such otheis as they may asso. elate will) them. That the name of t.he aia.1ri flnrnnraflnn shall be the "Worth Carolina Fckiuit Com pany." That said Corporation ia formed for purposes o Dorchasloii. eannlns and Benin? oysters, rlsh, fruiti and vegetables, and or oatchlng, planting, rhlpplus, propogfttlng uu .i.uDjmiuu); tu. Htiuie, ana lor Duying, owning, -lllnl. leasing or mortgaging land, and lor manufacturing lime, ens and all other artlcUs aDDerlalnlnar toihem ln business, and of procuring and preparing for uauK0., .iuauuruiuun ana selling 01 mm ber, timber, trees, plants, seeds, Irnlt, roots or other nroductaof the land. - That the liuslnesa of said corporation Is to and Carteret counties and In the adlntnins uvmriicuuu in uraven. ua&nmiL nm mi counties to those counties of the btate of norm uarouna. mat the time or existence of this Corpora tion Is limited to five Team and tup. nrlnnl. pal place of business at New Bern, North uarouna. The amount of the canltal stnnlr nf aalH Corporation Is Thirty rlv Thousand Dollars; thatsalu capital slock is divided Intoihraa hundred and fifty shares of the par value of vy 11 u Duuumi ioiiitrs eacn WHnf 88 mv hsnd and or71nla.l aanl Ihla Oth day of November, IB)1. W. M. WATSON, novll Clerk Sap. Court, Craven County -si mil $ 0 h 09) i 0) 7 ; . ; j ! i i iVhen Bab was sick, w gava bar Caatoria. When ska was a Child, slio cried tor Caatoria, , rV'hea shs became Ulss, aha olontto Castoria, Tlshli4Cnilldrea,UfaoUiCaSt)i1 v - V. " v-. .... ' t ' J-k. Si s a J K P SaSSBSsf I" Si HEADQUARTERS FOE FRESH EGGS, NEW LOT UNOAN VASED Pale Cream Ghees., MINCE MEAT, ' BUCKWHEAT. HOMINY. . - ,,v .OATMEAL, - . - COKNED BEEF, Fir.::t 0y:t:r C;::kers ; - AN THE CITY, ? " LUCAS & LET7IS. EEDUCTIOH in: Old Yirgiida CSKeroots. Also, Horsford Bread fteparaUon. Bny omr" Shot J and Powder and save Money IT. Triolein WHOLESALE GKOCEK MIDDLE STUiET, SEW BEBNJ. S. C HELP ISETTEH THAN A GOLD MINE I No Capital need- Artt lUnvlclr kut tinintlt WA'NfT'C'ri? uy proflit 'leachers, IT nil LLilll Students MinlBters.Brlgbt Men ana iAdles Wanted D every town and nonntr. Nn nrnoi iant-a needed, credit ulvcn ir deslrpd Tin n. this time and S8cnre flrst choice cjf ezcluBtye ivuii.uy uu tuiB Drana now liocK. Don't be an tistilcb! Write and get full information and solid (acre about F00TPEINTS OF THE WORLD'S EIST0EY! By WV. 8. BRYAN and JOHN CLARK RIDPATM. the World 11elehmt.i.rt Hltlnrlan. The tstory of the Nations as told In the brilliant deeds und grand achievements ol the World's He rots and HerolneB. A rich storehouse of History, Travel, Adventme, and the weird and wondornl event of the 'times that tried men's souls." Thrilling stories of the cava of chivalry, giarlllng heroic achievements of warriors and Cruea dsrs. Alio a vast collection of the rarest gems ol English and American Historical Literal ore. The most wonderlul new book of today, the great aelf-edncatnr, Just Hie book the people want. Over 350 srand His torical Illuminations. Half-Tone (steel Kn. cravings, ana brilliant uu-colored Plates. everybody tlnda it a bonanza of success It sens witnout ssklrjg. No Capital, no risk straight business and big proflis. splendid illustrated circulars and lull particulars ..lie., Auoresa, HISTORICAL PUB. CO., Tliila., Pa. novjuuu S. R. STREET, General Insurance Aent, NEW BERNE, N. C. J. G. Wiiittyoo. AK1S Or F ERINQ FOB SALE The World Renowned ins TOGETHER WITH THE Boss" Cotton Presses which combined make the most ' satisfactory outfit forginniog: cotton ever used in this country. . They also carry a full line of Belting, Machine Oil, and Lace Leather, together with a full lice of HARDWARE. Bend for prices and come and examlna their slock. They guarantee to please you. J. C. WHITTY ft CO., Oor. Sooth Front and Craven Sta. We will plies on Sale To-day only, some hand some STERLI&Q SILVER abut 33 1-3 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN CAN BE BOUGHT ELSEWHERE." A rare" opportunity t) get a wedding cr Christmas gift- very cneap. BELL THE JEWELER. HUMPHREYS' Da. Buanaars' Sracmcs are solan tlflo&llr and araCnll prapand prescriptions Med for manr nealnarlvateprscl bilrtTToanoacdbT t i privaM ynnwjo wiui uooeai.Bna lor itloewi suoceas,snd lor over mim naeaoyuie people, urery single SMeui oan for the disease named. spa- suns tA or reducing UK fjstem, and aro ki fact and BnaalnflS enre wlthont rironln.. laia. saaaavreisai naseaieaaitae weria. Vara. Cooaqsgoa. inflarnmstlon... rornaaVWorm VeTer. Worm Colic. '! sjaue.orTeeuunseruiraBa unuoren or Aaain. ... UOlkVn vsvevsisu BlUoi nearesssSorF ia oiomaou......... alktal Period. too I eveae a A mb, cmiiti Mthwla raeemai Cleask. Violent Cougha. ; ,ri , Miuy,hysk)siWsitnMS Lntarra, UJLinanKa, uvm uuenan .irras i..rf 4 Bity ....u,..,1.........l. lViaieeiaf SBeartr w eattaeea. wmuaruM. . iartke.xoart,PalpllaUonl. reeetpt alaCtr bonnoTla elotk and acid, mailed Oasv WUllaai and John Streets, WewTorlLl ;. JJPLCIFI O JUI U Um abort snedlolMt r tot KMlh drug itorM of F. B. Da? j. IB. Banr. Middlt itreefc, Kf A TEAK t L-1ttnllntYkl6raf tvauliBiry Uirltiiielif(riiil jtirsonoffilhcr who ft rtatl Bint writs), an who, s)fli litsirirctlon. will wnrk itidnairlamaiw. Tcrinfhr(riwn lurrillilas.MhfrHfprthaivltM.I u!ii.iuA,ni.i. Uw slUtnttun or i'int)tunioti( jt v hlr Krn..n HVn WBHBtte,.r Itfiiti!i asiir'srul.M Abvrii. Essllvainil rmir-klw 1 df str hut worker frtsni titeti dislrict or county J bawairudyUuriii anal proviflrd witti employmeiil i-i --) umbrr, who are tnnkltifr orar 9U(HH) Tr each. It'a IV V nd 80M l. Hull i.nrticiijar- ar 1 Addrraa at on. -a, C, AsUsUftllw, ikvx 4, iXuuuatu. JUutuc FIRE AND LIFE UTatmterv. unping,iiuions Cenaka, (Sli BroZehltls Mrarairlsu TeeOiacne, VaoMehe.... y neadaekea. BlcKBeadaebe. Vartm HOUSEKEEPERS ''''ATTENTION - S j j t Is called to the fact that . t - t 1 Ol ' , t Jno; Drnrn HAS THK ' - Most Complete ' Stock 1 - , ,-.1,! ;,,v choice FAMILY GROCERIES in the city. Complete in every department. Quality of - the Highest and Prices-as Low as any Grocery in the city. , He requests a call from the ladies to satisfy them that what I l i: : Ji ;J I , Confectionery Department Is' supplied with the very nicest lines of goods, imported ' fresh each week. To satisfy the public and to secure an early call he will give for the next 30 days the following low prices: cnoooiate uream iirops, best Marsh Mallow " " r y 1 1 aramtJiH, r!nrna. "Rnn T?nna I And all fine goods of Whitmans & Miller's Phila. make, at Rock Bottom rnces, only 35a per lb. A nice Mixed Candy, pure and good, 20c Plain Candy, 15c. Choice Fruits, Nuts, Raisins. Figs, and everything in this line at equally low prices. a call win be appreciated. oolOdw ' Down to a fine point that's where the making of corsets has been brought to. Kabo for the "bones" it can't break or kink. Loops of corset lace in stead of metal eyelets they can't rust or cut the laces, i The Ball Corset for ease and comfort; the Kabd Cor-; set for unyielding'' strengthv Each is the best of it's kind If you doh't'think' pbaiterrt wearing for. two or three weeks, return it to us and gfjt your money back. , " O. MARES tu soy rwMrMryrMIV FREE. SSBBBBSBSBBBBBBS - tJSWI(SSSsss wwsj "( Journey from tha BALTIC io tHej ; DANUBE Portrayed ln 88 Chaptsrs; and 12 Qraphle Jllustratlonl,' ty f : Charles Aligii&fu3 Stoddard. Sorind ln Rich Cloth Dseoratsd with Cold Eailas. to Evsry Msw Subteflbv tol NEW YORK. OBSERVER! tha foremost Family Rsljgleiis NW- vupvr. ... , .. ,,p j, .. .- ; On; ook and ona nsw lubsorlbar, a.uo. . i ... i Two books and two nsw lubiorlbsrs! SPECIMEN COPItS SBKfi. NEW,YORkIOBSErWEft, 37 and 38 Park Row, ; NEW VORK.' '-1 ! , A MAN .04001 HIS UEICHBORI yiiA.j PJ4 nly . I J5375J IWttwr ana wm wottk! E3I lore Yoorseif sssnfatit tNVTinsT tKkor.f J" br bjTsto j LODDEN A tATES: Savannas, f.i. I "y W sr. not built that way. ... .a nrr.t.ni, urrKHn, EEWABD. Ksosped from Craren Conntr Jail, Nsw Berne, N. C.i Nor. 8d, 1891, two white men by name John Simpson and Htnry Humphrey.! The former a Kod lookine man, about 85 years old, 6 feet 9 or 10 inches hih. black hair kad heavy blaokaiustayjhs." The other" boat 0 or 45 yewrt or4vaboat6eetl ikehes high.' li.ht hair-sod thin mustache, otnmoo roaWioi,, 'with aDamblirja 4aik Both sailors 6y prof eion.' I will pay e'llberal lewant for th osptrxre of these men, an4 be taankf at for any inforna tion as to their whereabouts. j i Ir-Kii iSiJW, B, JiAJNB, i 1 nbv WMtt Ckven County. "ii a . TIT '' A TTtrt'tm-t i. raoT-oat niboua nuur, Sealer la General Merchandise, orraaw a iooailrlebf ' :fl 3 .. 1 f Groceries, pry Hoods, Booit, 6lioiJ Ike, Choice jTwIst Tobacco 20c, par Paaiad. For those eomlna to the city bv Vet er and ' ' laaams as tee ronraetaoca wwppij rorilhfSS leaving tho same wayi. ,' : ' OIVB TJ & TEIAIj. JnSf Bndln Rich Cloths' I t 1 1 -FOR WEEKLY Subscribe now and scription, free. V:. Ufitil Jan NINE. COLUMN FOLIO LAKGE AMOUNT OF BEADING. e .00 Per Year. Circulates in every direction daUy mail, and is a aplendid medium for advertisers. . Liberal Advertising Ralas Though the busy season is nearly here, our rates are no higher than in the dnllest summer months. ' t 1 -' - '' i ir ! i if . 1. w'Jfl - 'ft, I itK.i-s. tr L. , .. .. ' ,nU . ... ' In connection with the JottKMAL'Ihere .is i"MRrJT-CliAaa JOB DEPARTMENT MENT ' Alf ; i of order and at aatinfaptnrv nrippR.' " t , i -i.tonvu Letter Heads, statements,1 re ..V- Business Cards, V08toreV SEKD ro PilEE SPEJIMg-7 r EOUNMr a H i tnrnt Iucr'i filltirr. for 4 by ti r m - - 27 Y i c- t o"- lour UNI) v ., A fur iM mould und tunm to J ra n -.-',-M'ie At ( i'-r Wm. ;. . , ft. V l fctnth ;arvinA. f i Ctutiuna jtd pwiicuiturs liui school r C 4 Itifri, a 1 -r t o Preeidcut, tj1 01.50 4 i - t .tlz-firn-Ta-.i 1 THE- JOURNAL. get one months' sub 1 J.O 50c. Per Month from New Berne where there is a '3... 1st Journal Deparimeilt. !tt; . - .4.jr i.vitw .?tiAV..-. . . .... kindccUted'In - thVbest i oiii i , ' hit. 1 1 .r.-w."J Note ttiSA 'JX ? ?ill4Ieadsr Jbnveiopes, i - .'-3 :riil-; i M, Va m a r- h A i. sr ' sjlii And all kinds(of rwQrlr. a -COPY 0S-T3S JOUClTALr !n Mid mrfrsefnl tnn-ti mu.sr bianrts ftiirTvalf.d lu in liTo, Ia deciding nioa - 44 b,hf, Wanne It jiav. It mi nrov th rh(4mHt in tltTi (Bnrroumniit). ;fi mr Uv - lor its j)util mid rrfwltiai'm, it fd lndnikt porittioftm.' iea oa -u M.t. - tt or p

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