-. v". '-a: ' y' ' Wmm OTJRNAL. r V0E3X.--N0. 228, NEW BERNE, N. C. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. fx 1 1 r BUSINESS LOCALS. - It AISINS, Currant., Citron, Indian . XL hirer Oranges, Lemons, CocoannU, ' i ' Candies, Note, Eoglkb. Plain Padding, Preere, Erap'd Fruits. Minos-meat, " Small Hams, Olives, Sweet Mixed ' Piokles, Imported . Bay 1 Bum, Forest Flower Cologne ate ' dec823t 0 B Cloves. S "WOODYARD 0 H. 8LADE, on f V Long Wharf, keeps on ntnd all kindi of Firewood," Give him a call. WANTED A ' gentleman and wife to board and a few table boarders. " " V nov 17 tt':s ' i MitS 8. B. Coward. . '-r ? T E. Hudson Honse Painter. P.prr IX Hanger. KaNominer, Order. . v.- Promptly attended to. - ,: Apply at .. ; - tf i H. Cutler', store. BARGAINS ia beautiful work-baokels fanoy styles job lot just received. f V 1 ii' " fixptV:"-':' ::,'f; J. 80TEB. - a1 MOKE Genuine Cubans Tobacco.' ootOtf KTEW DRUG STORB.-Drum J.1 ii.n and ohemtoiU. O. P. Popular Proprietary sUdlolne..- AH vart-tie. of - Dragg-i.?. Hnadrua. Trnaa. and Bras a. New crop Oard-n Heed. Vina and Larga Htoek Cigar, and Tobeoo. all w. Fre aertpllont accurately ooupoondixl (and not at was prices), oui m-tto and oar aneeeaa. O. O. GttJiKN. Driwglac an Apotheoary, Mlddl. at., (our doorafrom Pollock. lanSJ Is ' , Tboops bave. been ordered to Crested Butte, Colorado, the scene of, the nflner's trouble in that State. AN explosion of dynamite Friday caused the- people of Harriaburg, Pa., to think an earthquake shock had befallen them. , Doorkeeper Turner has ap pointed H. G. Williams, of North Carolina, assistant supereutendent of the document room. ' , Miohbal Harvey, an insane rt man, shot three persons in Brook V rT'Iyn, N. T., yesterday, killing one, I , N ' , and then committed saicide. ' Tbb .Norfolk woman who has - 7" -" gived birth to nine .sets of twins is , " living argument in faror of a permanent census bureau. J. -.'iW'. ,L'f' nwaMsMaasMawasasMataiaaaaasMiaaa 1 i :.f - Bbtbk ; hundred sugar jeet ? ' T, ' raiders in Nebraska, are in conven ' , - tion at Lincoln to devise means " ' how .best to encourage the in y -1 dustry. Charles Adolphus Murray, Earl of Dunmore, is to be presided of the Union Bank of Sonth Caro- Una and London, shortly to be t .:-established at Columbia, S. C, with 15,000,000 British capital.. ,1: - Two negroes - confined in jail at -Live." Oak, Fla., on suspicion of liSTing murdered young Paramore at Branford, last week, were taken ont by a band of masked and armed men and riddled with bullets. 1 Albert Dawnes, who was to . hare been hanged at Charlotte last Friday has been respited until January 15th.' Thil is the colored . man : who : was convicted of bnrg- lary. Great efforts have been made to save his neck, but the probabil ity la he will hang, v Thb total valuation of all pro : perty in - this State, including railways, is 1257,052,000. Ibis show an increase - of no less than thirty-one millions over last year. The increase in the valuation of railways alone - this year brer last : year famine millions. ; Thb Emperor of Bussta has . given 12,500,000 out of his private " fortune to help the people Buffering v; from the Eossian famine. ' Accord ing to ; foreign papers he also " Intends to visit the stricken dis' trfots, If possible, in order to learn the extent of the misero.' A Baltimore dispatch of Dee., IS, Bay6: Tomorrow in the cathedral Cardinal Gibbons : wilt officiate at the 6rdination of a number :','of priests. , This number ' will include . Charles Bandolph Uncles,' the first colored man id be ordained a : Catholic priest in this country. - ssaaaMyaMsaasaaaMasaawaaMaaMgpasa J ,' Despitb the fact that the ere dentials of Governor Bill have been presented, in the United States Senate, it is perfectly well nndcrstood that he will fill out his term as Governor.' He has invited Governor-elect Flower to visit him dai-ing the last week of his admin i tration as Qovernor, and to re-r-a'a at the executive .' mansicn nr.' II inauguration day. , 'y.: ' Ca. G atling, 1 the celebrated r th Carolina inventor and l 's, has a new gun ont he calls i rolice.'' - It is intended for t' i ;e of the city police, will fire t 7 bbots a second, is email and I " i.-i carried in a light wfaa 'u.'.i fmr , l.s en to handle, 'and ia ..,.! a tornUo wtapou.' Every ' Thb magistracy of the city of Vienna, at ..the instance of the public proseoutor, have issued a deoree commanding the closing of the Methodist church there. : They have also prohibited Pastor Bosoh from preaching . anywhere in the city on the ground that his "Metho distio denunciation of the masses as blaspbemons fables and dan gerous conceits is an insult against the Soman Catholic religion which is recognized by the State." Postmasteb Joseph P. Milter of High wood, Mass., a station in the town of Hamden, has been ar rested charged with paying per sonal debts with postage stamps. Miller in the fourth postmaster arrested since yeBterday. It is alleged that the postmasters had made an arrangement whereby certain card manufactures in towns adjaceat to New Haven, whose mail correspondence was very heavy, turned all matter over to them for cancellation. The salaries were hereby increased and the postmasters, it is charged, paid the manufactures a certain amount for the favor. It ia estimated that by these methods the New Haven post office has been beaten ont of at least 150,000 in the sale of stamps. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTI3EM&NT3. Howard Bounoe, eto. 0. E. Slover Baiains, eto. Prof. Bell Another testimonial. T. J. Torner Christmas (roods. Cbridtmas examinations are in prog ress at the Collegiate Institute. New B.rne is to be deprived of one of her oh'arming young ladies tomorrow morning. Centenary chnroh, at eight o'olock, is the time and plaoe. The seoond issue of the Pilot, the monthly of the O. D. Steamship com pany is before ui. It is a good guide for travellers and replete with interest ing artioles that oan be read by all with proBt. EJorts are being made at Edenton for the organisation of a $50,000 stock oompanr to establish a knitting mill. New Berne osnnot afford to remain pateire and let neighboring cities sur pass her in establishing factories. On Tuesday the 29th inst., Judge H. B, Bryan will try an important injunc tion, caee. at the court house in New Berno, that of the W. and W. Bailroad vs. the Sheriff of Hslifax connty ia re gard to the right of colleotiog taxes in question. Tickets for Prof. Winston's leoture and Collegiate Institute entertainment will be on sale at the New Berne Drug Company's store, corner Pollock and Middle streets, today and tomorrow, oommenoing at 10 o'clock this morn ing. . Call early and seonre your oboioe of seats. "Oar Country Cousin" didn't get here last night. It would have been a first-rate April fool if it had been the right time of year. No oause for their non-appearanoe was assigned. Proper connections were made by the railroads so no fault lies there. A troupe owes it to the publio In a matter of this ktnd to telegraph information of the failure as soon as it is known. Beats for the Coek entertainment will be on - sale Wednssdsy morning at Green's drug- store. Mr. Cook has worked hard to give an attractive pro gram, end we have no doubt but that the entertainment will be liberally pat ronised." ; He has always shown a per fect willingness to assist others in their enterprises, and it is but fair treatment for others to show their appreciation when a ohanoe i offered. . We thought argument on bow to spell this city's name was about ex hausted. The people at any rate seem to have pretty well decided the matter for themselves, as fully nine-tenths of the more Intelligent citizen of New Berne write the name ia two words, bat the busy "little b" has a spark of vitality ; left,; and is stirring, around despite the- w ia try weather. Another circular is being dhtributedt in advo oaoy of the almost obsolete one word system". w? f - v' ' " ' j.," That Double Mail." ' ' ' Z All over the oity the people are talk ing of the double mail and are unani mous in desiriog it.' Of oourte It is a new thing and wi'l be an experiment, but it ought to be tried.. It will in various way Increase the volume of business in the city, and along the line of the road by the Inorease of facilities. While the question is being agitated is the time to seoure, and we suggest that our most prominent business men call a meeting for the purpose of conferring or appointing a committee to confer with President Chadwlck-on this im portant matter, the securing of which wilt benefit both the oity and country. Even Jacksonville, small as It is, and with a railroad but little over half eon. atruoted. has double daily mail. Why should not we? , V - Notice, The publio are hereby notified that Clnirmont lirMxn, Trcttt river, is up rr nr. and win tsa i.orawable nriSil f t r notice. J. A Bright Outlook. The Fair Premium List books will he out next. week. The premiums bave been materially inoreased. Bev. Ed ward Bull Is also expeottd to start this week on his annual tour, billing the Fair in the different cities of the State. Contracts for good side shows bave been closed. Special features have been introduced and everything looks remarkably, bright for the coming ex hibition. During the past week Mr. 0. Beizeaateln, the secretary and treasurer, has received letters from quite distant States Missouri, Illinois and Ohio, in referenoe to It. Our Fair is gaining a wide reputation and deservedly to. Let every man arouse himself and work diligently in its behalf. The time is drawing very nigh and it is time to be moving in earnest in the matter of special preparations. Institute Tennis Court. The most fascinating of all the pleas ures of the Institute boys and girls is tennis. It Is a game in whioh the aim is to keep a tennis ball in motion within certain defined lines of the court by means of a racket. The exercise thus given the pupil is light and calls into play the organs of the body. The beauty of the game is activity, and well-played is scientific Old as well as young may enjoy the enthusiasm such diversion affords the mind. Surely the student must be provided with some satisfying reoreation after school hours that is not exoeeaive ia its nature and presents an opportunity for pleasant and profitable sooial intercourse. Prof. Thomas has just had completed a handsome tennis oourt on the play grounds of the Collegiate Institute. He haa ever had the best interests of the Institute pupils at heart and devoted much energy and consideration to their welfare by getting up pleasant rides, walks, sooial gatherings and other inno oent and pleasant pastimes. Is Peg Lee; at Work t Exohanges are giving items to the effect that Stephen Daniel, a colored excursion manager of Goldsboro will run three separate excuriion trains immediately after Christmas carrying oolored turpentine and plantation hands from this State across the South Caro lina line, for Georgia and South Caro lina contractors, the object being to outwit the law whioh makes it a mis demeanor for agents to oarry laborers out of the State without paying a lioense of $1,060 for each oounty operated in. The statement is made that "Peg Leg" Williams and several other labor agents are engineering the scheme and that every negro who will agree to cross the State line will be given free transportation and for every one thus smuggled over, Stephen Daniel is to receive a bonus of $2.50. It is further stated that one of the trains is to be run from Morehead City. We know nothing of what may have been done on other roads, but no ar rangements have been made for suoh a train as the one spoken of to be run over the A. & N. C. B. B. Mr. S. L. Dill, Superintendent of the road in forms ns that its authorities have not been approached on the matter in any way by the alleged exoursion runner Stephen Daniel, any agent of his or by the authorities of any other railroad. They have had not absolutely the slightest Intimation of such a scheme exoept the published reports. Coming and Going. Mr. J. W. Neal left yesterday morn ing for Laurinburg to spend Christ mas with bis brother, Mr. Walter H. Neal. Mr. G. W. Lawrence who has been assistant operator in the New Berne telegraph effloe, left yesterday morn ing to take a position as telegraph op erator at Bedford, Va.; in the office of the Norfolk and Western Bailroad. Miss Annie Jones, of Hillsboro, who has been visiting the family of Mrs. Basil Manly, left for her home. Miss Gertrude Bagby, who isteaobing school at Vandemers), came up to spend the Christmas holidays in the oity . Miss Chattie Credle, who has betn teaohing school at Adams Creek, and Miss Jennie Willis, who has been teaoh ing school at Smith 'a Creek, oame vp on the steamer Trent, to spend tie Christmas holidays. -: : ' Judge Frederlok Phillips, of Tarboro. Is spending a abort time in the city and is registered at Hotel Albert. Messrs. J. C, Watkins and L. J. Dur ham, Of Greensboro, arrived last night and are registered at Hotel " Albeit; Mr. Watkins ' sisterKiss i Ella, alto oame down and ia visiting Hiss Bertha Cutler. P::t,'':'K-S;:0Sr' - Mrs. Jehnla. Duke,, of Wilmington, arrived to visit at Mr.,0. Follman'a. v: Hiss Fannie Davie,, who has been visiting the family of Mr. Samuel Par sons, returned to her borne at More ,Mr. C. F. SherriU, the new pastor of the Methodist churoh v St Beanfort, moved down last night with his family from Hattamuikeel , olrouit, Hyde OOunty, v.?: --v , Mr. Wiley Jones, S former employee of the Jooftiuti effloe, now a typo In the offloe of the Progressive Farmer, came down last night to spend Christ mas with his relative is the oity. V : Dr. O. B. Woodly, of Kinston, came down last night on a short business trip. Est. O. O. Vardell returned from Death of D. B. Morton. Mr. David B. Morton, one of the most prominent citizens of Harlowe, died at his home, on Wednesday the 16th inst., of typhoid-pneumonia. Mr. Morton war a fair-dealing, accu rate and enterprising business man, and as farmer, country merohant and mill proprietor -he was a very useful man and one of -the pillars of the com munity, and he was withal a oourteous, kind-hearted and -generous old gentle man, obliging to all and ready at all time to do a neighborly kindness. He will be greatly missed. Unprecented Success. Profitable fishing along the whole Carolino coast this season has never been excelled. The number caught has been startling.' We have been told of the enormous quantities caught at Morehead and Boanoke. The Elizabeth City Carolinean says the number of blue fish caught about there was never so large before. Tremendous quantities are being brought to that city and shipped every day. Over twenty ear loads of the fresh fish went off in one day and still they go 1 Was the like ever heard of anywhere before ? Mr. J. A. Paris who has just returned from a business trip in Onslow county tells of the remarkable success the fishermen there are meeting with. He met carts travelling in every direction selling the fish, besides those that are shipped by rail. The run at this time consists mainly of elegant speckled trout, but nice mullets are also being oaught. In one instance a single haul with one of the nets in New River, which con sumed about 20 minutes time, resulted in securing 190 large trout. Sometimes the nets would be so full as to be un manageable and it would be impossible to prevent the fish from making their esospe. Those not informed might think from their abundance that the fish are not fine, but the reverse is the oase. No one need wish to taste better. Mr. Paris knew of one party of eight who made thirty dollars each in one day in catching fish. Where oan labor expect a better remuneration than that. The sucoees attending this industry in Carolina waters is marvellous. Died, At her residence in this Deo. 20. Mrs. Jnlm Hmith in th r.a.h year of her age. The funeral was hld vaaturHnv r. ternoon from Centenary M. E. Church. Commendable. All claims not consistent with the high oharaoter of Syrup of Figs are purposely avoided by the Cal. Fig Syrup Company. It acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system effectually, but it is not a cure-all and makes no pretensions that every bottle will not substantiate. ANOTHER TESTIMONIAL. Prof. Bell's Treatment Endorsed by the Teachers of Washburne Seminary. Beaufort, N. C, Deo. 8, '91. We, the teaohers of Washburne Sem inary, have used Mr. Bell's Eureka with great satisfaction, the improve ment in the hair and scalp being very marked in a short time. We alio reoommend Prof. Bell's method of cleansing the scalp, and ap plying his specifio. Wherever he may go we wiah him well-deserved success in his profession. Cornelia P. Lewis, Mat L. Alley, Zcjre H Buxton. M. E. Wilcox. "Bounce, buckrum, velvets dear, Christmas oomes but once a year." We wish to osli attention to our new line of eUk Scarfs and 4 in-hand Ties. Red and blue seem to be the prevailing oolore. We oan sell you the reguisr 75c. grade for 50o- They are very suit able for your brother. We have just reoeived a beautiful line of Pique Bosom Shirts at $1.00 eaoh. They would be much appre ciated by any young man for full dress Also, a new line of white dude bows. Black silk handkerchiefs at 50o. eaoh. At HOWARD'S. Why Mot! Why Not! STOP AND SEE OUR PRETTY DISPLAY OF Silverware IN THE WINDOW THI9 MOB SING. Fresh lot of K Souvenir Spoons just reoeived in Orange, Tea and Coffee Sizas. Come and tee us. t'-i&l 8 AVI. K. EATON, -- : - ,. t TUB JEWELEB, dl8tf ! Middle at., opp. Baptist Churoh. Will sell during the Xmaa season, at Special Beduced Bates, viz: 5 Candies, per lb., tO to 25o ? Carolina Water in pint lot at $1 00.' . Handkerohief Extracts, per on. 80c New Currants, 4 lb, for 25o. 1 . Nuts, ISo. per lb. v No. 8 Presentation Teachers' Bibles for $8 00. v - - . No. B do. for $3 50 ' , Florida Oranges, Malaga . Grape. Apples, and many other Santa Claus' Artioles at less than customary prioes. Give yourself a ohanoe to save money. : fleol8 9 w IVo Uhh To Du7 The cut of one or two short leaf Y. Pine Mills for 1893. The Nos. 1 and ' must be pmnerly kiln dried. , -, Ail p'vinflt full Particulars, to 1 1' LiluJi Jt-'JA. NO. B37, (' : ; iwlt l,a;r nore, lid, Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavenini? strength. latest U. S. Government Food Report. NEW BER1TE THEATRE. Christinas Night. MR.A.W. COOK AND A REFINED VAUDEVILLE PROGRAMME OP Eumorous and Pathetic SKITS AND SONGS. FUN AND MYSTERY! "Kalaka!" Astoundicg ! Mysterious! Laws of Materhl Nature Cvercoine. THE "Cyclorama of Phantasms', DELIGHTFULLY CHARMING Transformations and Dissolutions 1 NEW AND NOVEL. Tha Juvenils Reserved Seatj, 50s. Gallerv 25j. Seats on sale at Henry's Drug Store Thursday morning. Go After Christmas Presents. Go after them sb this boy is doing the morning after Christmas with your whole soul and with enthusiasm. And do what he isn't doing use good judg ment. He may get atuok and wish he hadn't begun. We are able to offer some suggestions for Christmas buyers, the acceptance of which will briug continued satisfaction every time. Fall inl Fall in! And examine our Superb Stock of Xmaa Goods, Presents, Novelties and Begular Lines, etc, eto. Ilackburn & Willeit. Churchill & Parker's To our customers and the publio generally we bave, in addition to our already complete stock of Choioe Fam -lly Grooeries, for the Xmas Trade: 4,003 nice Florida Oranges at 253. dor, SO bush, exoelient Apples at 40o. peck. The best lOo. Candy in the oity. New Mixed Nuts, 15o. lb. ' New dates, 10c. lb. Best new Citron, 25c. lb. Perfect Gem Currants, lOo. lb. or 8 lbs. f er 85o..:-".,'-'-"';;,: ' , Best London Layer Balsina, 15o, lb. ; Good Ltyer Raisins, 12Jo. lb. ; Pare Maple Syrup, 25o. quart. . . Heinifc Cc's Sweet Mixed Pickles, 10. quarfc '.rv :-':;:,: C,:. ' : ; Heius Co.'s Soar Mixed Pickles, 80o.quart.' ....;,'.'.';.. V. ' ; ; Helns & OoV Sour Kraut, 10a. quart. ? Bananas, Coooanutsl, eto. lA fscs all tha good thing for Xnas. ',s Be sure to com and see wj?$ CHURCHILL & PARKER, , Croad Street. ' ' : :v" CHRISTMAS GOODS! T. J. Turner Has just received the Largest Stock of Christmas Goods That Has Ever Been Brought to this City, Consisting cf Willow Chairs, Bamboo Easels, Walnut Easels, Pictures of all Doscdptions, Bicycles and Tricycles for Children, Large Size Oil Paintings, 24x30 laches, niih nice frames, for SI 00, worth $1.60, and largo lots of other Ghrietmas (Jocdj loo numerous to mention. I ALSO HAVE A TINE STOCK Of IMPE0VED SEWING HCHIfJES, Wheeler & Wilson Im proved Eo. 9, Improved Eew Home, The Favorite, and the American. If you are in naed of a good Michiue oali and B90 me. Will guarantee to save you $10 03 oa either of tk Mi chines mentioned. We can furnish sttachmcntd for all Midlines, an i if 3 on vrant to rsut a gooJ Machine, I hive threo for reDt in good crdei; can rent one for EOj. per week. I ESPECIALLY CALL YOUR AT TENTION TO MY STOCK OF Furniture CON3ISTINO OF Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Hall Stands, Wardrobes, Lounges, Bedsteads, Mattresses, Chairs, And lots of other GooJ a to uutr.erous to mention. All of tbo abovo stock auctioned I bought for Spot Ciih, and got a dis count of 10 per cent., therefore I can sell Goods than any other House in the city. I dtfy oompetition, And like opposition. And under no condition Will I budg from my position a the LEADING FURNITURE HOUSE V-,V: 1: tOBi THB CIIY. -. AU order by mail will reoeive niuimnt attf nf i.H. ,;,:irours respeotfullT,... . , . For Sale, One 50 H. P. Return Tubular Boiltr. One 35 H. P. Center Crank Engine, vtith all connections and in perfect order. One 5 foot Sropor Mill, double geared. One H foot Hectagon Bolter, with double conveyors. A lot of Shafting and Pulleys. The above goods will be sold cheap. JONATHAN HAVENS, Jb , de!9dwlm Washington, N. C. GO TO JOHN mm Christmas Hew Lot PIG HAMS, Reduced to 12 l-2c. DRESSED TURKEYS, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Florida Oranges, New Mixed Nuts, N. C Chestnuts, Palo Cream Cheese, Mince Meat, Hominy, Raisins, Samp, Figs, Oatmeal, Dates, Corn Starch, Prunes, Oyster Crackers, Can dies, Apples, &c-, &c LUCAS & LEWIS. mm icSQRLEY, Boot and Shoe Maker, POLLOCK STREET, NEW BEENE, N. 0. Hftvlna: secured Hie servicer? of a skilled Meclntuic tintl lirst-class Work nun from Psew York, I am now fully prepared to till promptly all orders tor tine custom: made hoots and shoes. The many years that I have sat Uf actor lly supplied Hie wauls of my numerous patrons In me beat guarantee of the character of my work. Kcpuirlng a specialty. Neatly and prompt' ly done. uovUJwtf letp JOHN McSORLKY, PARENTS SHOULD BEAR IS MIND that the season for attaoks of Croup ia now on us. Be prepared for this insidious disease by always having a bottle of R. N. Duffy's Croup STBTjf in tho houso. Prepared after the re cipe of the late Dr. Walter Duffy, and for sale by the proprietor at his store on Mi idle street, next to Custom House, and by New Berne Drug Company. GOODS. Stop! Stop! AND SEE THE Largest and Best Selected Stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY Silverware and Novelties ever ehown in New Berne. I have just returned from the North with a FULL STOCK of all kinds of goods in my line. SAM K. EATON, The Jeweler, Middle St., opposite Baptist ChnrOb. "fo Have Juat reoeived a job lot of . NICE OVERCOATS, which we are selling at Tery low ." flgurer. A full line of ' -i,i"x-Xi Men's and Boys' Winter. Clothing . ON HAND. ' .-' . ' ?. 8ee our Crossoit's Men's Shoe before ' ; . buying-i-every pair warranted to gl satisfaction. We hae also, on band Children's All ; Woo Veetsi All Wool : 'r ' Hose and ( a ery aloe quality of Smt '! ; WAEf White Flannel at $1.00 per yiW.w Mondells' Children. Shoss and Zieglert Ladies Shose a speciality. Barringtcn & Baxter,

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