THE JOURNAL; V v : Death Ftnerals. , ' Mr. Glads'.on ia cielited with having stated that - "many an old man takes hia death throngh at tonrtinira funeral.' - It does seem that funerals are eo managed or mismanaged by the "funeral direc tor" bo that email investments should biiog large returns, or else hu hn attend ' faneraw are either earned away by their grief or are fooia. , . What good can coma by jeopar twin t Afiit'il life in order to show nmasortofresDect for the memory of the dead. Have the liviog no claims upou usl 'Surely we can hnrv nnrdead with all respect and MnMi9 without eoing to such extremes, as is often the case, Rnmn show of reform has been ao omDiiahed in this direction, bnt it . . , . r l . I,. nnnil lalla very tar snore 01 wuai ia uu oH.v Tnnnmerable cases novo oc curred where funerals have been danth to the liviog. or. nM aiia a nnmhArnf oases ITB WWU wv .'where the death could be directly traced to these ill advised affairs. TtJunotnnlv theold men, like Mr Gladstone, but the young as well, who are the sufferers. When life I. Uo ha fl rat thnntrht. Rhonld AO OAWIlUh - a h tar the living, now that death has claimed the life we have battled to save. We eannot bring that life back aeain. but we can restore to health, perhaps, those who are worne and wearv with their, perhaps, those j ; . I, f uAii wno are worn uu wemj iuo Ion at vleilsin the sick cbamoer And vet. in SDite of the protests ol nature, the very ones whose health ia already imperilled, take risks by going out in all sorts of weather, riding long distances in cold and cheerless vehicles to a damp anil death-dealing graveyard, there re maing an hour or more at the risk ol their lives. The thermometer may be at 100 in the shade, or it may be in the dead of Winter with the mercury below zero; it is all one and the same it means sick ness or death. Can nothing be done to correct this evil! Let us hope so, and let ns strengthen that hope by each individual taking the initiative in the matter of a sensible and salu tary reform. N. Y. Kation Entirely Satisfactory. W. J. Arkell, publisher of Judgo and Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, writes: "Judge Building, Cor. Fifth Ave. and Sixteenth St.. New York, January 14, 1891. "About three weeks since, while suffering from a severe cold which bad settled on my chest, I applied an All- COOK'S POBOUS Plaster, end in a short time obtained relief. "In my opinion, these plasters should be In every household, for use in case of coughs, colds, sprains, bruises, or paioa of any kind. I know that ia my ease the results have been entirely sat isfactory and benefioial." The course of true love may never ran smooth, but this fact doesn't prevent the lovers from striking a gate now and then. The Yoice of the People Reaches us or should do so through the ballot-box This it the medium through whioh it ought to speak in clarion tones. But there are other means by which the people voice their sentiments, irrespective of politics, con oeraing matters of vital importance. Bnooessfnl or unsuccessful are those popular admonitions as they are heard dlatinolyor faintly, But health, the grand desideratum, appeals to us all. Ths avenue is only cleared when the ebsUcle whioh bar its complete recov ' ery are swept aside. Hos tetter's Btomaoh Bitters has'for nearly a third of a century ocoupied the first rank among proprietary remedies for debili ty, dyspepsia, constipation, disorder of the liver and kidneye, and as effectual means of conquering and preventing malarial complaints. Since the advent of "la grippe" it has also signalized itsilf as a onre of the oomplaint. If stock companies are formed to control the rain-making enterprise, they mast expect to have big drops in their business. How Are the Folks I "Oh, they're all well except Mother, ihe'a about the same. Poor Mother, worn out by household cares, exposure and overwork. No wonder she gives up at last and takes to her bed. But oh 1 how muoh brighter the family fireside would be if mother's chair was not vacant. The doctors don't seem to be doing her any good. She says their medicines don't seem to go to the spot. Bbe feels so weak and longs for strength. "Oh 1 give me strength," she murmurs. Why not give her the remedy her system craves 'i Her im poverished blood and shattered nerves are starving for just such ingredients as are contained in B. B. B. (Botacio Blood Balm). Then try a bottle of this excellent remedy. It is truly woman's beat friend. It quickly relieves pain and restores health, etrengih and funo- tlonal regularity. James W. Lanoaater, Hawkinsville Oa.. writes: "My wife was in bad health for eight years. Five doctors and as many mote different patent medicines bad 'done her no good. Six bottles of B. B. P. bas cured her." A promoter ispnngently defined as a man who sella something he hasn't ffot to a man who doesn't know what be is getting. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed i the warning. The . signal perhaps of the sure approach of thai more terrible disease Consumption. : 1W mmm.Iu If inn nan afford for the ' like of saving 60s., to run the risk and A Hnllii.. In, it Wa know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your oough. It never fsils. This , .latna mora thin a Million Unt il e were sold the past year. It relieves croups ana wnooping . cougu Br vow. Un,L. Alt tint ha wlthntifc it. For ' lama kaxk allla nv ajlftat t1a Hhlloh'S , Porous Plaster. , Sold by ? New, Berne Drug Co. ... ,. V C":n Crj.fofPitcher's Castorla TVHE3IWASI0U5r We take pltasurs in transcribing to Ibe columns of the JOURNAL the fol lowing beautiful and affecting vines from the pen of Mr. Sejtaour H. Ban- torn, now in attendant) ai admih College, Mass. The poem first ppered in ths Amherst Literary Monthly s magazine of high charaoter. ' When I was joung, I thoneht that life and lore were one Sweet Symphony, snd all the world A paradise) where mortals a wen At neaoe with nature, willing good To all humanitr: man's faith Simplicity; free truth bis God; Aad ohsrity his onangeieas oreea, When I was young. When I was young No aoeptio fears were wont to ohill Mr ardent hopes unmake the law That lived and moved wuhin my soul And led me trualiog. heavenward. And bade me reokon earth a plaoe Of traositorlness, a step In attiring for Eternity, W.ien I was young. When I waa young ! What thougots the words awake with in My memyry! Pdaoe and happiness Were mine how ling ago it seeme! And now, When 6ge has chilled my heart And drawn the lines of care across My brow, I fain would weloome back Again the days so far away When I was young. The Flrt Step. Perhaps yon are ran down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you . You should heed the warning you are taking the first step into Nervous Prostration. Yon seed a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Sur prising results follow the use Of this great nerve ionic ana Alterative, lourappe- Uite returns; good digestion is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys resume neaitny action. Try a bottle. Price 50s. at t. a. Duffy's drug store. Selfishness and godliness never get on well together. 'J.ue grapes on that branch only put the teeth on edge, and give a bad name to the vineyard. BVCELES'S ARNICA SALiVB The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChtlblainB, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures files, or no pay required. Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per boi. Forsale in INewbern by if. B. Durry, wholosale and retail druggist. "And she said that I was no lady." "The idea. And what did you do!" "I just slapped her lace and scratched her eyes most out." Listen AVhat the Green Front Novelty Store Says. Oar Pictures sell rapidly. Come early and pick out the finest and best Oil Chroruos in elegant Oak frames from 55c. up. Elegant beavey gilt framed Chromos $1.122 a piece. Genuine Hand Pointings with elegant gilt, bronze and oak frames, also Fine hnttraviogs ia carious sizes. bolect your Bargains for Christmas and oall at the UREEN FRONT to get (hem. Natest Music Pieces 6 and 10c, also a full line of all styles Musical Iastru meats at factory prices. Middle street, next to Baptist church, It is sadly but frequently the cese that the man who hurrahs the loudest has the least idea of what be is hurrahing about. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth ths small price of 75o. to tree yourself of every eymtom of these distressing complaints, if you tbioK so call at our store and get bottle of fihiloh's Vitalize, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, "use accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by New Udrne Drug (Jo. Have no business dealing with the man who never bas a good word to say for anybody. Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A marvel ous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal injector for tbe more successful treat ment of these complaints without extra charge. Price 60j. Sold by New Berne Drug Co. While the servant was improv ing his master's five talents he was working lor himself. Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs . Ada E, Hurd. of Groton. 8. D.. we Quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on rav Limes, couch set in and finally termi nated in consumption, tour doctors gave me up sayine I could live but a short time I irave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stav with my friends on earth I would meet my absent oues above. My husband was advised to set Dr. King s ISew Discovery for ton- sumption. Uoucms ana coins. I gave it trial, took in all eight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at F. S. Duffy's drug store; regular size, DOc and 1.0U. We lose tbe peace of years when we hunt arter me rapture momenta. Of For Over Fifty Years. Mna. Win blow's Soothing Sybtjp has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the euros allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty five oenty a bottle. Sold by all drug' gists throughout the world. When trying to outwit others take care that yon don't outwit yourself. njjoisvo tosin savS qa 'TOJpiPID psq eqi tnqj apoisvo oj Sonp Otis tsm mnvsaq aqs aaqjj IJttj wo JOJ D9H0 "tp 1imb I nm -vpopvo jar v3 jap n XqvQ tUi No griping or nausea after using Brook field's Diver and Kidney fins. Will cure - Biliousness. . Constipation Tornid Liver ' and stomach troubles 8uar coated,' oval. 'Price 25 cents. Give them trial- For -sale by F. B, Duffy, New Berne, w.j-; - ' Children Cry for Pitcher's CastorL How is Your Blood? I had a malirnant breaking out on bit leg below the knee, and was cured sound . ind well with two and a half bottles of fi. 8. 8. Other blood medicines had fail. td to 'dome any good. - - "Wru-.C; Bbatt, Torkvffle, 8. 0.i jMARKi I was troubled from childhood with an aggravated case of Tetter, and three. bottles of 8. 8. 8. cured me Derma- . nently. Wallace Mahk, junnvuie, x. i . Our oook on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. 8wht Sfecifio Co.. Atlanta, Ga. 00 TO BEE JfiO. A. RICHARDSON TO BUY YOUR Christmas Presents. HIVE JUST RECEIVED A NICE LOT OF Picture Framts. Bamboo Easles, Work Baskets and Stands, Wood Baskets, AND THE LATEST IN Wicker and Rattan Chairs. I have everything you need in a FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE ST0BE, E3 Come to see me before you buy mo. A. RICHARDSON, SOUTH FRONT STREET, dei 9 dwtf Opp. Roberts Bros. HORSES AND ?fll)LES. I have ju9t reoeived a FINE LOT of Western North Carolina HORSES AND MULES. ALSO, A FINE LOT OF BUGGIEb, ROAD CARTS AND HARNESS. All of which I will sell VERY CHEAP for oash or approved paper. Give me a trial. IE?. St. JStireot The National Bank, NEW BEBNE, N. C. The Annual Meeting of the Stockhol ders cf this Bank, for the Election of Directors, and the tiansaotion of such other business as may come before them, will be held at their Banking House on tbe Sid Tuesday, being tbe 12ih day of January, lfcU3. The Polls will be opened at 12 M to be closed at 1 P. M. G. H. BOBEBT3, Cashier. Dec. 11th. 1891 dtd W. H. Feanck. 8, T. Easbkkby, Fransfc & Rasberry, FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS We know what it is. Fellow countrymen! We have plowed many a steer. Hating now changed onr business and settled hare for the purpose of steering you to a safe harbor and furnishing yon FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LIVIS6 PRICES, keeping that hard earned dollar In your pocket. . Try us and be eonvlnced. Marine work given special attention. Everything new. dec2 tf HOWARD'S SHIP YARD, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Eastern District or Bokth Oaboliha In tne District of Pamlloo. , Q. S. District Court In Admiralty. Marshal's Notic of bbizubjs. Whereas, a Ubel hath been filed In the DIs. trlot Court of tne United States of America in the Dlatrlet of Pamlico, on the 11th day of December. lm. by J. a. uraoirea vo. agalnstthe steam tug Hygea.and praying the Unuai proceBeana monition ui tuv uuun,uwi 11 persons Interested in the said vesael, her taokie, apparel ana xarniiare, may do citea to answer the nremltea. and all due pro ceedings being had, that the same may be danreed to be aold. and the uroceedl thereof bediauiDnieaacooraiug wt iw: xnereiore In nnrinanee of the said monition under tbe seal of said Conrt, to me directed and deliv ered, I do hereby give notice generally nnto an persons naving or preteuuiaa to nave any right, title or In tern t therein, and to XOnng, uolDlirn x uhi uwbbii ui aaiu cui in aneoiai. so apnaar Deiore um aioreaai nnnrtat tha filtv of Newnerne.on the S8d day of ueoember 1891, If It be a court day nr alas nn the next oonrt dav thereBlter. at 11 o'olook In tne forenoon, men ana mere to answe the earn uoei, ana to mane ineir aiiffationa in tnai nenaii. Dated at Mew Hern, N. O.. the 14th day of December, In the year of onr Lord one thousand eitht nnnarea ana ninety -one. Joshua b. uiu, u. . uarsna, t By ohas B. Hill. Dept Marshal. FOR THE HOLIDAYS WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF 44 piece Tea Sets, 56 piece Tea Sets, 100 piece Dinner Sets, 120 piece Pinner Sets 10 piece Toilet Sets, 12 piece Toilet Sets,. Hall ftad Library. Lamps, .'.UFFLEnS AND LADIES' AND GENTS'; Silk iland AT THE BARGAIN STORE. Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs, S 25 Black UofQers. 125 1 25 White ' M' :. . ' Beautiful Colored Mufflers, 1 25 Eor Sale Cheap! . Fifty alee LIVE 8H0AT3. Alio, one fine PONY and a No. 1 MULE. Apply at once to O. Li HABDISON, deol9 dlw wt , Thurman, N. 0 WM. P. LA WHENCE, OF PHILADELPHIA, Professional Artistic Paper Hanger, Has decided to remain in tbe city short while longer, and will be pleased tJ exhibit samples of work at the Gas ton House. Orders for any kind of work in my line solioited. . decl5 lm Long Investments. Parties wishing to make long invest ments on city property drawing eight per cent intereet per annum, payable semi-annually, will do welt to call at my office and learn full particulars. Deo. 11. U01. dtf A Ship Just Arrived with Pine Apples and other Fruits on board for D. HASSELL. HELP BETTKB THAN A GOLD MINK! No Oamtal need ed! No risk, but 810to15 TJtT A nTTTTlla d,y prodil 'leachers, VV iilt LlVl StudenU Minlsters.Hrteht Men and Ladles Wanted In every town and county. No experience needed. Credit alven If deBtred. Be early this time and secure nnt choice of exclusive territory on this brand New Book. Don't be an Ostrich I Write and get fnll Information and solid facta about FOOTPRINTS OF THE WORLD'S HISTORY! By WM. B. BRYAN and JOHN CLiAKK KI DPATrt, the World Celebrated Historians. The btory of the Nations as told In the brilliant deeds and grand achievements of the World's Heroes and Heroines. A rich storehouse of History, Travel, Adventnre, and the weird and wonderful events of the "times that tried men's souls." 'inrunng stories of tbe dava of chivalry, s artllng heroic achievements of warriors and Crusa ders. Also a vast collection of tbe rarest ems ol English and American Historical .iteratare. The most wonderful new book of today, the great self-educator, Just the door tne people want, uveraoonrana jib torieal Illuminations. Haif-Tene ttteel En gravings, and brilliant Oil-colored Plates. Everybody finds it a bonanza of success It sells without asking. No Capital, no risk. alght business and Dig proms. Hpienaia strated circulars and full particulars seat free. Address, MST0BICAL PUB. CO , Phila., Ta. novwatr Dissolution of Co-partnership. Be It known that the undersigned have this day, by mutual ooncent,dlssolved the co partnership formerly existing between them under the firm name of M. L. Hollo well A Co, Mr. M. Ij. Hollowell withdraws from the brmand the business will continue under the firm name T. H. Davis. All persons In debted to the firm of .M. L. Hollowell 4 Co, will make their payments to T. H. Davis, who has assumed the liabilities of ssld Aim of M. L. Hoi; o well d: Oo. This the 9th day of Ueoember, 1891. M. h. HOLLOWELL, (Seal) T. tL, DAVIS, (Seal) declO & GO, ABE OFFERING FOB SALE . Th8 World Renowned Daniel Pratt Cotton Gins TOGETHKB WITH THE ;1 ' Bos" Cotton Presses whioh oombined make the most satisfaotory outfit for ginning ootton ever need in this Country. They also carry a full line of Belting, Machine Oil,' and Lace Leather, together with a full lice of HARDWARE. Berd for price and eome and examine their stock. They guarantee to please you. J. O. WHITTY & CO.. Cor. Booth Front and Oraven 61. S. R. STREET, General FIRE Ml . Insurance Aent, NEW BERNE, 11 C.l ( fiET OUT OF MI WAY, , Clear the traok for I am cominK, And about it mean no fan. I m.icoiDg to bay my goods of Big Ike, - through tne winter 01 - viri; Farmers, look to y cv r i atefest, And every Denny ve, t ,- And jrm'il thereby leave more to jour family '' r 1 ,'-t When yoo go trtho grare. r Hone ean oom pete with Big Ike1 pi ices, Is the rnmoron tbe street, . And the seoret of this important matter Is he buys hie good so ohnap The time ha ' boen when (roods soM hlRh, , , None can this statement doubt,- - But BlR Ike made a pans nt hip.h prices, And b-s knor'-" 1 t' 1 1 i out. J. G. IVhittv D LIFE For Esrta, Cattle, Sheep, ttp, ZtgH 2 BSOFaS JtMtntti """uUCaart kaat na t a.raaaeatlaaa.TiSai A.A.iftBlaal Mealaiitu,aik avar. .H-Mralaa. Iaeaeaa, V w a 1 1m ., Arlaea. Bellraoka. U.U.M I can-iacs, Uewrrkawe, u I -t-.rv mmd Hlaaev lli r aaa j laeaaeaaf Diaei imwm aw a, Panlyalaw. sinaUBotdaawarBdoaea. Stable Ornea, jrtth.SpBrtramdl., Veteruury dm uu ana aaoHa InVuarlun Car Oil. ' HUdicaHav tTr.Of A.we) i Sold by DrofiMis) or em nwiia anrwuan and in anv oautlty on Beeaipt oi Prloa. , , HTTMPHHBW &TEDIOIHB OO Oomar WUllam and Joan Bta, Hew TofV. HonOfATEM ft ft specific uaa la on JU iu. The obt rajoawtnl rmdj lav Nerrons Polity, Vita WwRnssi' ! SI par iai:beikalanrviMioto,taas. Sou nSnKm, orasnt poatpakl ouiaaavS otpriofc-UDMPBRStr MEBlCiaiCO -;. OecWlUiamaBAJeaaSta. M.I. All of our Veterinary Preparatlcmi ean be had of J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N. W. cor. Broad snd Middle streets. Newbsrn.N.O- "fV KORTII CAROLINA,) i In the ' -Craven county. I Buperler eourt. Tie Board of Commissioners of Craven county. Plaintiff, vs. Battle B. Smith, B O. Hill, Trustee of Ksther Moulton. UlarenaeKicnarason.uannia waaawwui, and I, H. Bmllh, ueienaanta. , NOTIOJS. To Clarence Rlohardson: V The defendant above named will take notice that an action entltlhd as above has hA.n Anrnmannad In the Bnnerior court of Oraven county, North Carolina, the purpote of which Is to foreclose certain tax deeds or tax certificates held oy ine oouniy otmav-n andBtatnoi North Carolina and to have the amount due said county and State ol txea, Interest, ocata, and penally as appear from said tax deeds, declared a Hen upon th lands of the aerenaant, aeeorieea in ine oomplaint, filed In this aetion and sltu.te In tne county 01 graven, nor a uumiua. uu ti hava tha aatd land sold to pay tbe same, and to exolnde and foreclose any Hen or Interest von may own oroiaim in tne rua land. And yon will further tae notice that vnn are rennired to aDnear at the next term of th Buporlor eourt of said euunty, to be held on the th'rd Monday before the first Monday In March. JBDi, at the eourt bouse of aald onnnty. In Mew Berne, N. O,. andanBweror demur to the complaint In said action or the plelntvrr will apply to tni conrt for the relief demanded In aald oom This the 16tU dy of Deo . 1891. W. M. WATBON, 0 B. O. Notice of Incorporation Notice Is hereby given of the Incorpora tion or the "North Carolina Packing oom- i any." That the names of the Incorporators are Ueorge W. Moore, Martin Wagner, Bur- dette H Farren, John B.uinos, nosea r, Going, Charles 11. Pearson ana josepn a Smith, and suoh otheis as they may aaso nlfttA with them. That tbe name of the aald Corporation shall be the "North Carolina Packing Com pany." That said Corporation Is formed tor oysters, fishrfrnlti and vegetables, and for oatchlng, planting, shipping, prorogating and transporting tne same, ana lor uuvius nwnlnu. aHlllnr. leaHlnff or mortffaBriniE land. ana lor manufacturing lime, one auu mi other artlelcs appertaining to the pa king bndness, and of procuring and preparing for market, transportation and selling of lam ber, timber, trees, plants, seeds, fruit, r nr other DmdllRtH of the land. That the hnslness of said corporation la to be carried on In Oraven, Beaufort. Pamlloo and nnrteret eonntlea and in the adlolnlriK countlfg to those conntlos of the btate of North Carolina. That tbe time of existence of this Corpora tion is limited to five vears. and tne princi pal place of business at New Bern, North uarouna Tha amount of the oarjltal stock of said Corporation Is Thirty-five Thousand Dollars; that natii naDltal atook la divided Into three hundred and fifty shares of the par value of One u una red Dollars eacn Witness my hand and official seal this 9th day oi M ovem per, itstii. novll Clerk Bup. Court, Craven County. for Sale, One Talbott Engine, 25 E. P., and Boiler 80 H. P. Will sell oheap or exchange for lumber or four foot cord wood. .Engine ana Doner in gooa con dition. Reason for selling have put in a larirer one. GOLDSBOBO BRICK & TILE WORKS Goldsroo, N. O. delB dlw wlm Scientlfio Anerioai Agenoy for , THADB MARKS, -.,T OE3IOH PATENTS) r''v COPYRIGHTS, eto. For Information ana free Handbook write to t MUNN CO- 8ta BEOADWiT, I YOBK. . : Oldest bnreaa for securing patents ta Amerloa. . ... u. I uttbwu Mini uu d j ua ia oruiqrai Daiora the publlo by a nouoe given tree of charge Is the mtmu unrest drenlatlon of imy Kientlflo psptf la ffcft Tvwaau. Duiwuiiuiv UlUHLr flnlfmrilrllf llhiflfnatArl No intnllifrnnt. . m re mm ttaouid bo without it. WeekV it. Weekly 3. 00 m Address MUNN ft GO. FrousBS&s, SCI Broadwfty. Now lark. etu-j i.ou Bix monuis. Th? Pittsburgh lamp venti ons that seems to be bn- " , ished It seems i-Xto reach : the " V end, as s to ""7 CT goodness Tof YAugnt in vand ease of " Imanace- Tment - " " The only care it requires is filling and wiping. ;; ' Dirt., falls out 'when the chimney is taken off. not into a pocket as in ' other central- draught lamps. " . -f ' Putting in a new wick is a very -easy matter indeed.' : All "this seems" strange' to one who -knows : how trouble some other good lamps ext. C ' It is in all the good lamp-: stores, Send for ft primer. Pituborgb, Pa. " PlTTSBtJRCU BRASS Co. . Bi Ua J 1 Wlo pricea-thll fan ,; IMPCaTES PLUSH ALBUR1,.0O 8'f x K)S Embosised podded ride, void cxIkh, enten fcron clasp, hoi dim nearly fiftjr Culiinct and Card pictures, Hent for i.(X rt tails for $2.w). hot withstaodliirf th tniill on lmTKrtd albums is raised wlllubtboanr I 1 1 f , i i , ; locrwn in oar 1 I j 1 ' J I ' x vrittt this 5 M ' l'RONOtJSfCINO PaBAitw, famtt.t Bthi.tb eoTttM"'"? olil rrtitt no' TiTHinns, are v. ! -t f -n pfloine "- -OUR- lf,-t-,! 1 f will pn..- m I rolidavtf s d k. . " Affpntu fruui now u .. .i n- -, fiariviiHHiMR bo"k. : -..-,i Of oiif' htttt !"' " : . lVtfBJ A -FOB Subscribe now and 8cription free. . .00 Per Year. Circulates in every direction The daily mail, and is a splendid medium for advertisers Libera! Advertising Rates Though the busy season is nearly here, our rates are no higher , . - . . - v. - :' - than in the dnllest summer months. . it:r.& In connection with the JbUKSAt, there, ia a FIR8T-CLA8a JOB DEPARTMENT.; AH SEND FOR FSEE 8PEC1LIS E0UN-a H 1 "4 1 Trint 1 ncrnavm-d iHlitti for eiurs' "4 Tt'fl r ichooifor thrirctnm-. n, - V n 1 1 of ordefanAaffetisfa'cHo Letter Heads, Note Head?, Bill Heads. ' -;. Statements, ' ; ' Business Eards,J,, ' ' . Enf elopes, t :' .;, ,- : Poster?, -- , .:' T ;,And all kinds of work. , ' .-:. . V-. THE - get one montha'f sub 1 v . "" " "!, '.iirA ;aJV"! JourBaliiii t - :'",:lj'.i;!'t.i,',f'iis!ji'' 50c. Per Month. from New Berne, where there is a'i 'f ::! - ';.'".".,s - .. - - V: ::t: -;. part ment. 'Ffr n'rS' kinds executed in the bo COfY 01? THE JOTjr" Of . "tti iffTKl t''T tf '( more at 1 i - "wntf)' "Hi - 1 - t Wild nccri'tti m n SUiiJs unrivAirM i i . In (acclding upa -- T, tecunirfl it piv,. ? tho rhcftpr'sM! t. '. irrouttn !(('?, hiffri'" H 4 1 I'' ':' ',: :';;i.,..iwi;j.- 5' J