V i 'J a S J 1 J 1 -V i . ...... wtmlm m 9mm mm, .V''-t " "V' ...... for Infants and Children. In.uauperlorteapnserlBSJaB : NkMrtltovUjDwwadMM mmmnmlioaiomiatmlt rewsvetee Casus Hiwnr,BJ Hew OLD DOMINION v Steamship Company, P"Wt.W.I LINE. CBgfiito StcanuMp Company', Old ftp flrrtt "'"X"' ein Alt wnv ww viiutapealct Catuu. job atartMk, Baltimore, Sew York, Phlla. ' eWtpnla, Boston, Provldeaee, sad ' Wutan city. Ttftt a8 jjtnU North, Fast and Wat. On and rter TUKsuav, April 2a, until WW lis Liter notree, in SteflMEWlTC. rant SnntliirstP from Norfolk, V, for New Berne, 1 everr Uondar and Thnmdav (lew connection with the A. & N. C. uietanouon that road, and with enEinaton and Howard for Kln Iton. and all other l&ndlnn an tha V1! Trent Rivera, UbU&UWeCvwUl aail FBOMLNEW BEONE. tm VOtroLK dlr't. at 11 m. Tue)ay iBtmg eelinectt itltH (te'O. IpeforNew Vark, B. a P.Ck'e umore; uirae Line Bnip tor .AM. T. Co.'i ihlpi for Bo enee. latum, Cfept Dixon, will tall far mTai oi ateameT newDerne. fail care of O. D. S. 8. Co, fll find a coed table, comfort. nd everr eonrtear and attention .. E. B. BOBKRTS, Annt. vWpreeldent. New York City. 23J 0 - 1m fttRBger and Freight Line between Nt W BERNE, : iMdrn Rorth Carolina Point, and all Con nectioni of the PKlrRgYLVAJO. RAILROAD, . . DtOLVDIHa Tork, Pniladelphla, RorfoUt, Bal Union and Boaton. OXVt Trl-Weoklr Una Oat of How Berne. fa Kew and Elegantly Equipped Steamer r m. wETETTSE, . Balls from New Berne ' ; tOlBATS, WEDIESDAYS, FRIDAYS, I ' AT FIVE P. M., w oTtTOfng at Boanoke Island each war d fcnntnroloM oonneotlon with tho Horfolk Southern Railroad. TO Slroatoh Line, oonslstlnff of mlnirton 8. S. Co, Norfolk Southern ewTork, Phila. and Norfolk E.B, Sia it. n, form a reiiaDis ana ering auperior facilities for rand freight transportation, except at Elisabeth. City,' lieht will be loaded on ears to destination. goods to be shipped Tla Saltan paten aaiir as louowst ork. br Fenna. B. 1L. Flap 17. iver.- - Kielphla.byPMIa, W. and Bait oek St. Station. . Itlnoro hv Phlla. Wit. and Hallo. ttPrealdent Bt Station. : From Norfolk, by Norfolk Sonthern B, B. r From Boston, by Merchants & Miners Trans " jaaT-Bates at low and time quloker than by r an y other line. . For further Infbrinatlon apply to IrV, S. otob, (GenH Freight Traffio Agent, ifr. B. R) General Traffio Agent, : mcsBarSBNa, Dirision Freight lAgent, t.XKE, QenJ Freigfit Agent, N. T. . P, AN. B. E, Norfolk, Va. , l v. C, HtipoiRS, General Freight Agent N. 8, bTB, Norfolk, Va. . --v. - ' GEO. HENDERSON, AoBirr, " , ' ; - .ewberne. N. C. OTft N: C. Freieiit Liae. , . 1 toier. O. Btont, Defiance & Vesper Do ad after February 1st, 1891, this ' lins will tnaka regular V ' CEMhWlSEKLY TRIPS JTrSssioro and New Berne if New Bernf. trET BDAY.atdfla. Lb-, tw BerM fbr BaltkBore. T0B fab.. rrJ 'tsS. BWipen. fait lotlcs. 4V. ii rtTBWa M aert lf Vra flui more withoat ehange.stepplng 4 -ill eenneettog the tot Boston. ,llf4lphla, Bldhwond.aad all II and West Maklnjr close i Ik Ml points by A. .&RaU' w autw af New Beraifc; i ...., A Hn! VaiajeK : 'Imd lMRe. Trasa lineMPler "i.tftlTaB, tS.CsBtral wharf ;, i.,!fell,PTldeoe,B,l. ' jt &Hr Rnatan, Tnesdayi tad SaturdAya. ' J eork llally. . , v ?MloH?edneaaayss.Satnrdaya. : VhilsdelpUe, Mondays, Wednaa ' -1 y. Kaiurdkye. - ' N pryiifnoe, Batnrdaya. - """n f .Is Wing aiTen, and rates gaar: to kb points at the aUffereafcefaees el m,d Breakage Bulk mdShit C. line. .& 1L CiiAT. Aieut JflW ,9 J, D. DJIOW1V, ",nrlER SHOP. ? in ti e but of style. aia 1 c 1 t ' r. TxiMM Dae. ' loji-wktli t,1 . , vrm New i ffnfll B " P. ana far Mnl tun 1 1 reaa-'Saesefasea always oaolUaate mm KkMtawtaUr rsihiss sasaS XevTerkOJey. 1.000 Cenums Tyler Curtain Desks (21 and 24 Net Spot Caah. JTo. 40OT Antique Oak Standard Tyler Deike, 4fl. 6ln. Ions by aft. UId. hlh. Mice and Dust Proof, Ztno Bottom under drawers: patent; Brass lined Curtain; Polished Oak; Writing Tntle;6Tum bler lock; one lock Beourlng nil drawers; 8 heavy cardboard KlllngBoxes; Cupboard in end; Paneled Finished Bnck; Extension Arm Slides; Welffht SOU Iba. Price, F. O. II. at Factory, 88 Sot, Also l,00O Antique Ash Desk. Wo. 4009. Sanjeasabove,eiceptmadeof8o1ul Antique Ah, good as oak. tVelaht 00 Iba, Price F. O. It . a Factory, S1 Net. Shipped lrom our Indianapolis factory direct. Made and sold solely by the TYLER DESK CO.. 8t. Louis. Mo. lAOpngeCtittilosueorRiink Gountem, De.ki, eto.,la oolora 7tt ever printed. Book, free; postage 15 MDU. JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF EtlarbleWorks NEW BERNE, N. C. Italian and American Marou and tm QuaUtfa of Material Orders solicited and given prompt at tention, with satisfaction guaranteed. Terra CbttaTaserrer .lasts and niwen fju-nlshed at the Tory lowest rates. HUMPHREYS' 'mniHAmsPEancs To SorMS, Cattla, Smsr Soft Soft ASD POULTRY. . SeO Pate Book en Tmiaitl of Inlasass "" and Chart beat Free. emus t FiTera,CaareaaJfli a . a . 1 Hnlnal Mealna-ltia. Milk AtlM 5.B,HtralnavI,ameoaw Kheaaaatl O.C. Diatemser, Naaal Dlacharsea. .v. Beta or man rra. S.KCaagb, Beawee. Paeaaaeata v.F.nCelfa or eMsee. Belljraehe. tJ.G. Mlscarrlaa. Heanerlrhaa-os. H.B. Driaary and Kldafr Dlaeaaee . i.I KraetWe Dlaeaaee. WaBae. .K.vlMBeeeerDiceetlea, paralysis. Bhle Bottle rer 80 doatai - - Stable Case, wit i fcwrtnot. Manual, Veterinary Onra OU and Modloator, I7.M Jar Vetcriaarr Care Oil, . . 1.0S . Sold br Drnitiaisi or Sent Prepaid anywhere' and in ear Quantity oa Bseatpt oi Frio. HUMPHREYS' MBSIOtXB 00 Oornar William and John gla, Hew Torn, nUMPIXBEYS'- EOXEOFATKia SPECinC No.60 i Nenroas Debility, Vital Weakness, I and Pnatratton, from avaworic or oeaar oauasa, ' SI par viaLor SvlalaaiullarmTlBl powdar.loraa. Bold bt DRTmowra, oraant postpaUoareoHpt ef prtoar-UDMPHHtYS' HEDlCDIS CO., Oor. WUUam and John Sui, JT. T. All of our Veterinary Preparations oan be had of J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N. W. cor. Broad and Middle streets, Newbern.N. O MRS. J. M. HINES Boarding House REOPENED. Mas. J. M. HINES haSyreopened a First-Class Boarding-House in the city, oppcite Baptist Church. The Pioneer Mi Imn MM, Can be had at (he tarn place. J. M. HINES. Agent. Boot and Shoe Maker. All Styles of Boots and Shoes njade to order on short notice. Repairine a Specialty. ' N. ASPEN, ' Oraven at est. opposite Journal office. HEADQUARTERS FOR Fresh Vgs, Mince Uleat, Florida Oranges, Hixed Nuts, . , fnArr FiTlirer AUhleS Ilixed Pickles, Sour Pickles, Gweet Pickles, and Pickle3, t Test Ornxn Otvm, TT ktcajuT Vrusf, JTSY Teas. ram a THE JOURNAL, The Commercial Future of the PaciHe. William M.'ttaward once deolared that the Paoitio Ocean would, be the Ecene of the greatest commer el tl activity of tbe world. Taking op this great prediction, Gapt. William S. Merry, who was lor many years secretary of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, writes a glowing forecast in tbe Fornm of the commercial future oi tbe Pacific States. He shows the vol a me of their present commerce with all other countries, pointing out bow the commerce of Japan is at present worth much more to us tban the commerce of China. Tbe resources of these States are clearly explained; but Captain Merry finds reason to believe that they will never reach their supreme commercial development until the cheaper transportation which will be brought by a tranB isthmian canal, is available; but. after the outting of tbe canal through the isthmus, he shows how the Pacific slope will rapidly become the home of as great a commerje as tue Atlantic slope, and perhaps even greater. Only One on His Side. A capital story is told of a well known jndge who is noted for his loudness for conveying to jurors in bis charges to them his own opinions with regard to the merits of the case. In one case he bad done so with great plainness, but to bis amazement tbe jury remained Lout for hours without coming to an agaeemeot. The judge inquired of the bailiff what was tbe matter, and learned from him that one jororwas holding', out against the other eleven. He sent for tbe jury at once, and srating to the jurors that be bad plainly intimated how tbe caBO ought to be decided, said he under stood the one juror was standing out against tbe other eleven. He proceeded to rebuke the juror sharply. The obstinate juror was a nervons little man, and as soon as the judge was done he rose and said: "My lord, may I say a word!'' ''Yes, sir," said the indignant judge; -'what havefyou to say!" "Well, what I wanted to say is, I am the only fellow that's on your side' London Tit-Bits. The Advantages Of Leap Tear. The leap year privilege accorded the fair Bex, has resulted doubtless in lifting the clouds of despondency ana lonely sadness from many a heart. We never knew of an unhappy marriaage to result from a leap year proposal. Men make mistakes along this line bnt tbe Iadiea do not. Many are the unhappy unions which result from the proposals of men who are accepted, hesitatingly and with foreboding, but aooepted with tbe risk, rather than let tbe last chance slip Many girls beyond her teens, acceds to proposals of marriage from those tbey would never approach, were it customary for them to. do the proposing and many a self discounting fellow would be made most happy in accepting the proposal of the woman he had long since adored but dispaired of saving. The ladies are coming to the front in every line of active life and some new departures should not create surprise in this field. Great aotivity may be looked for in the matrimonial market this year. ItSS If. T. Awe., WASHINGTON, D, o. Orrios or York nmarsni, yorkvills. s, O.. Ana: 14, '91. Atlakt.o blbotbopoibs Gentlemen: Foi the a a Ave years my wife has keen a sufferer from dttpensia, So oompletel y din me aiseaee maae a wreo. ui uor former sou that life waa almost despaired of. Her nervons system was almoat entirely de stroyed and the slightest noise would throw ner into a nervous apaam, wuicl would last lor hours. Medteal skill failed to bring any relief, Thrown the reeommendatlon of an emi nent divine we were lndnerd to try tbe Kleetropolee. After a persistent use of tbe Instrument, the efteet has been wonderful, Her nervous system has been restored to Its almost normal condition; her digestion Is wondarfqlly Improved; she la rapidly gain ing In flesh; ana, upon tbe whole, la making a rapia rteovery, wnien ape volumes iw tne wor.oennia curative power. u iu. B eetropoiae, as her case was considered hopsleta. If any are ekeptioal on the sub ject, let them try tbe Kleotropolse, and Its wonderful powers wUl quickly dispel all doubt. yonrs truly. w. n. rituroi. For Information . ADDBX8S AS ABOVE. OR sMKIaxM' CHARLESTON. S. C. W, M. WATSON. Agent, BewBerne.N.O. The first condition of salvation is to be willing to be saved today. Enpepsr This is what yon onght to hare, in fact, yon must have it to folly enjoy life. Thousands ar searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. , Thou sands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually' by our people in the hope that they may attain this boom. And yet it maybe had by all. "We guarantee that Electrie Bittern, if wed according to direct, tlons and tbe uxe persisted in, will bring yon good di-eatlon and oust tne demon Drspepsla and install lnIea unpepry. We reoommrnd Elerrric Bitters fur Dj- D-rniaBd all dlst-aiwaof Liver; btoinacb and Kliinrys. Sold fur 00c. and tl.00 per hottle W Jr. H. Uutty, ttrugRlst. - . .. Jjive would new nave to weep if it could always be understood. V Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is It not worth thermal I price of 75o., to irse yourself of every lymtom of thees distressing ; oootplaipts. if you think so call at onr store and get a bottl Of flhiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle has fe printed guarantee on it, , use acoordiDgly and if it does you no good It will oost jriu nothiog. Bold by New oerne Lung uov:'', . yi", t'." ,::i.CryJcp4 Pitcher's CactortaQ For Sale, One 60 H. P. Return Tubular Boiler. One 85 H.P. Center Crank Engine, with all connections and in perfect order. -e One 0 foot Sroper Mill, double geared. One 14 foot Hectagon Bolter, with double conveycis. A lot of Shafting and Pulleys. The above goods will be sod cheap. JONATHAN HAVENS, Jb , dtl9dwlm Washington, N. C. FOR THE HOLIDAYS! WE HAVE A FULL LINE; OF 44 pitce Tea Sets, 56 piece Tea Sets, 100 piece Dinner Sets, 120 niece Dinner Sets. , 10 niece Toilet Sets. fa 12 piece Toilet Sets, ALSO- Hall and -Library Lamps. L. H. Cutler & Co. NORTH CAUOLINA 0KA.VJCX COUNTY. Ia the Superior court. The Hoard of CommiBsloners of Craven Countv. Plaintiff, vb. Kobert Hancock, Jr., Cfaa. K. Hancock, K. I). Hancock, K W. Hancock, Halite Hancock, widow of L. W. Hancock, and David t. i yan, iUizabetn Kyan, Hannah Ityan and Hubert K an. Notice. To David 8. Ryan and Elizibeth Kyan, Han- nan Kyan and itobert Kyan: Ibe defendants above named will take notice tkat an action entitled as above has been commenced in tbe superior Court of Craven county, North Carolina, tbe purpose of which 1b to foreclose certain tax deeds or tax certificates held by the couoty of i raven and wtate of NortA Carolina, and to have the amount due said county and Htate of taxes, Interest, costs and penalty as appears from said tax deeds declare d a Hen upon the lands of lh defendants described in the complaint filed In this action, and situate in the county of Craven, North Carolina, and to nave tbe said land sold to pay the same and to exclude and foreclose any lien or in terest which you may own or claim In the said land. And you will farther take notice that you are required to appear at the next term or tbe Huperior Court of Craven county, to be held on the Third Monday before tbe First Monday in March, lHUa. at the Court House of said county in New Berne. N. C, and an swer or demur to the complaint In said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relleT demanded In said oomplalut. Xhls the 25th day of November, 1MU W. M. WAT80N. nov23 6w Clerk Buperlor Court. NORTIT CAROLINA, 1 Graven county. j In the Buperlor court. The Board of Commissioners of Craven county, Plaintiff, vs. ilattle 8. Bniltb, E. U. Hill, Trustee of jfisther Moulton. Clarence Richardson, Dentils Wadswortb, and I. H.Bmlth, Defendants. NOTICE. To Clarence Richardson : The defendant above named will take notice that an action entltlbd as above has been commenced In the Huperior court of Craven county, North Carolina, the purpose of which la to foreclose certain tax d.euu or tax certificates held by the county of Ciavtn andBtateoi North Carolina andtohave tho amonntdne aald county and State of taxes. Interest, costs, and penalty as appears from saldtax deeds, declared a lien upon th lands of the defendant, described In the eomplaint, filed In this action and situate in the county of Craven, Nor h Oarollna. and to have the said land sold to pay the same, and to exclude and foreclose any lien or Interest you may own or claim in tho said lend. And yon will further tans notice that yon are required to appear at the next term of the Buporlor oourt of said county, to be held on the third Monday before the first Monday In March, lbt)2, at the court house or said county, In New Berne, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint In aald action or the plaintiff will apply to the oonrtforthe relief demanded lh said com plaint. This the 16th day of Dec , 1891. W. M. WAT80N, C. S. C. AGENTS ran mnke AA.OO pet ljay nt'iluiK our Ai.nusdi, V bfHt the Wdrld foi low prices this year- IMPORTED PLUSH ALBUM, SI. CO 8S I III). ftmilOHBCa paUUWU HUifs, khhi muro, i-wrm- ion clBip, holding n.-arly fifty t:'im-t and Card pict urns. St-nt f-r l.i i r-i:iil fr Not withatandiniir the tariff on im ported aUMimp ib raiaed from ia 10 03 sssn snm 1 per cent, there H j win not Many K 3 u 1 line of 0 BLF- , , 1'RONouNciNa PABAttBL Family Bibles containing nlil and new veniinns. are what tho people want -iiiTU- ifstaaill 9 ItAAIf P will nroTe lIolidavJUffCNILC DUU lidBonausafoi Aeentfl from now until unrisimtu. na cbo ior ranTnuiriir book. llluBtmted circulars tut., for B 7 11 1. wjkww nvi.iv OI OUT Ia. srmuiif. (utwn TT. . .. F0RSHE& A McMAKIN. Importcis, Cincinnati, a THE BEST LIVER MEDICINE CHILL CURE. CHEAPEST MXDICiaC KNOWS CONSIDERING QUALITY AND SIZS Of DOSt. it wirti also oxnsuB BILIOUSNESS, DY8PEP3U. Atra OBBONIO O0KBTIPAX10N, R. BERRY, New Berne, - N. C s Farer, worm couo.. .yt , or Tae thins af Intaals .9 OhUiiranofiaulu.... Jti rlpln(, Bllless CkiUa... Za neks, OOUL urouoww........... ryeaweelerBluboa aHoaaok....... Iteaktc lin rwww.,,,,.... UBenlt Bnauuns . j 33 Ireae.ooi alt ataei .feeani. rratpaiaa. arnpuoas. thsaaiatUas, kaenmatteFalnt..... raves aaa Aea uniiia,nsiina.... Pilee, BaaTor Blaa4ln...v..H..., , . I. I II I I III I Ml II II ...Im il.a.ii. VloleiltColllluv Beasral neaillty.a'aTSieatwsaraaai . rveas a eeiijsr ..i........!..!..' 1.1 rM l,iTMi,.MTa. 1 taW bond m ei amesoia, auuaa, uaa, ; XrnrmHBJl MBDI01BH m, - Osavw aadloha atraata, Krartara, . eaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaamaaaaaaa All of the aboT medicines ara fot fej st l drag (tore of F. a vnay i4 E. lerrr. Kiddie sweat, new street, waBV-W-r' HUMPHREYS' pa, HoawamaTS' Sraonos are sotentlBoelly and aaiarally praparad praaorlpctoiia t uasd for many VMua lnprtvaui aractloe w Lh .uooeM,and fur ctiut IhnWrearaaaedby tka people. Cvery slsila Spe- alflols a spacaU care for the dlssais ttamaa. Tfiwae ipsoules ente wlthont amnlng, part- Ia:;ritl7. eawiweTOttBoa. Ctnua. . mm 1 revere, wnrwwe. ""'."""."vm... . B1EER MATTEESS C53a5aSwtS 'UiJiaiiMt'itjiSk EVIanufacturing Company! New Berne, N. C, A. M. BAKER, Manager, XanilVictiix'ex's of Straw and Excelsior Cotton Top, Hair DEALERS IN We make as good a Hair Mattress as any factory in the United States, MAKE THEM TO ORDER of any size or quality. Our XXt Steam cured Moss is durable mattress. It is better Straw with Cotton Top. We use none but the best straw and put op a heavy cotton top. Have your old nair or Moss mattressesrenovated. We do beautiful work and will be sure to please you. Unless you have seen what we get from a mattress that has been used several years you do not know how very necessary it is to have them purified and made over. "Call on us for; Feathers Goose Feathers, Duck Feathers or Chicken ' Feathers, v - v 'i? ' 'ihtft H-V v Vi V .We mkelBeds Bolsters tJrPiUo7S.V : ; and Uqss Waitresses FEATHERS. the very best and makes a very than a medium priced Hair. woM a Parker's IO.0I xciesty Grreetings. To our cuatomorg and the publio generally we have, in addition to our already complete stock of Choice Fam- j ily Groceries, for the Holiday 3Trade: 4.C03 nice Florida Oraoea at25o. dor. 50 buah. psotlloiit Apples at40o. peck. The beat 10j. Condy in the city. New Mixed Nuts, 13c.'. . New dates, 10c. lb. Beet now Citron, 25c. lb. Perfect (Jem Currants, lOo. lb. or 8 lbs. fer 2Du. Bent London Layer Raiting. 15o. lb. Uooii Liyr Kiieins, 12Jc. lb. Puro Maple Syrup, 25o. quart. Iluinz & Co.' Sweet Mixed Pickles, 20o. quart. Heiuz & Co.'s Sour Mixed Pickles, 20o. quart. Heinz & Co. 'a Sour Kraut, 10o. quart. Bananas, Cocoanuta., etc., etc. In fact all the good thiogs for Xmaa. Bo sure to come and see us. CUl'IK'illLL & I'AKKER, Hroatl Street. Atlantic IL N. C. Railroad .Ti-ht iis -Vrtfiyi I'v SCe l.;io 17, P.M., Oot Goiyu N j. 51. t. 8j:u:dllb. Going West r " rams. Mo. 50. Ar. L.-o. i-i.:tutnH. lioldsboro La(rahRe ' Kineton Ar. Lvr. 1110 am 10 22 10 25 9 48 9 63 8 17 8 30 am 6 47 p m 4 00 4 at) 6 00 7 38 :i :, 4 ' .. i 4u (i 0 New Berno liorehoad City Dailv. Going E v3T. nouEDULS Going West. L 22, Friday, No. l.T No. 2 Mixod Ft. & Mixed Ft. Pass. TrBtn. Stations. Pass. Train, am ii o0 Goldbsoro 7 20 p m (Si T)7 7 05 Meet'" 6 24 6 34 7 20 7 SO La uranfie 5 54 6 04 7 48 7 53 Falling Creek 5 24 5 80 8 11 8 80 Kmston 4 25 5 CO 8 50 8 55 Ct.eweil 4 00 4 05 9 15 10 02 Dover 3 25 8 40 10 3110 30 Core Creek 2 54 8 00 11 00 11 05 iuscarorn 2 24 2 ?0 11 17 11 41 Clark e 2 Oa 319 12 15 3 00 J-ewbern 10 3a 180 3 37 3 42 Riverdale 9 41 9 43 3 48 3 50 Croatan 9 28 9 b3 4 08 4 13 iiavelock 8 59 9 04 4 37 4 42 Newport 8 17 8 27 4 51 4 55 Wildwood 8 00 8 0S 5 01 5 01 Atlantic 7 47 7 68 5 10 5 21 Jlorebead City 717 7 27 5 23 5 23 Atlantic Uotel 7 05 7 16 5 31 p m Morehead Depot am 7 00 . Weduesdav unii Krldav. ITuesdav, Thurbdav au : Haturdey. Train foonneetB with Wilmington A Wei don Train t"Jcd North, leaving GoldaborO ll:rnl . lu., and with Richmond A DaQvUle TTH'.i WeaL. ItuiV'.nn Guldsboro i!;40 p.m. Vr(.in ol coiiur'ctF with Rlchmona & Dut111 rn.ui, &I ri , ,uc rtt (JoM- hero 2: m p.m., and With WllTulnfcioi) uml W'fiJun Train from tbe Norm at 'i: 10 p.m. iruiu z eomiecis wim Wilmington and Weldio Turoiifih KrelKht Train, North bouudj leaving Goldulioro at 8:50 p.n. S. L. Dill, Inperlntendetit. STANDARD TOn.'j CENTURV TWIN BROTHERS DRY HOP YEAST THE cct QUICK 111 Wbl 1 FOR WATtHlOO YEAjT fl) OCTROITMICH THE NEW LEVER SAFETY The PERFECTION of SIMPLICITY and ECONOMY of POWER. 0 C1IAIXH. 3VQ GEARS. VARIABLE STROKE, only two sots of Revolving Bearings. Best Hill Climbing: and all around Safety made. Q-&-X A TiOGTCE ITT? -HTTP H. B. SMITH MACHINE Ca. SMITHVILLE, N.J. Administrator's Notice. Nannie O. Adams having; q nail Med as Administratrix of David Adams, dee.. Notice is hereby given that all debts held against the said estate shall be presented to me duly authenticated for settlement on or before Not. Zi, 1899', or they will be plead in bar of teooreryt All parties owing the estate are re quired to make immediate settlement. .;.v; , NASHM O. ADaHS, tt81tftpsr";-,.t'.-?: " AdmiBiBtretrl.

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