'i 'he Daily "Iour ; .1 -Y v. VOL. X.-NO. 244 NEW BERNE, N. C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. I NAL. .ft ill BUSINESS LOCALS COO FISH, frisk PoUtoM, Whi.e Bmiii, Small Hams, Pig Pork, i Bnekwbaat Fresh Cake and Crackers. 0. E. StoviB. FOUND A nickel door key, a watoh key and patent cuff button. Apply MthUoffloe. jtolOSt THE Coeaol Policy reoently announod by The Mutual l.m Ikbubarox CoXPkXr or NW YoBK oombioea MORE ADVANTAGE! with FEWER RE8TBICTI0KS than any IoTestmeDt Insurance Contract eer offered. It . eonaolidatas Insurance, Endowment, .Investment. Annual Income. No other company offer, this poiioy. LARGE lot of handsome Laoe Cur tain,, Chenille Curtsin,, Covers, Rat, eto., ju,t received at janO J. Bdtbb's. R. E. Hu iaon House Painter, Paper BnoKer. Kilaoiuiner, Orders ' Promptly auend'd 10. Apply at tf L H. Cutlrr's (tore. SMOKE Genuine C'ubxua Tobacco. oot6tf N'eW DBUQ 8TOBE.-Druge,Medi-eu.e, and 'homlouls, (). 1. Popular Proprietary Medletnee. All vrltlee of Droggltt', Handrifa. Trussea and Brao ,. Nw crop Qanl-n Heed,. Kino and barge fttoek Olgara arid Tobnoco. all mw. Fre eerlptlone aoeurately oompoandeo (and not at WAI prlcea), ont m tto and our auooeas. O. O. OB'.JCN. Druijglet and Apothecary, MMdle at., four door, from Pollock, lanli) ly Japan has set apart $000,000 for the World's Fair. ' ALL the woild's a stage and everybody seems to waut a seat with tbe driver. "So far as the railroad situation is concerned, Jay Gould is march ing through Georgia." IN London, Jan. 8., a number of anarchists were arrested ami sen sational discoveries made. ON Thursday, Jan'y 7th, Senator Peffer introduced a bill providing for a loan by the National Govern ment of 1100,000,000 to the people oi Indiana. The Olarksville, Ga., woolen mills have been totally destroyed by Are. Loss $1,000,000. No insurance. Two hundred employees are thrown out of work. BANKING houses in London are tunable properly to condact their business by reason of the great number oi oases oi grip among the men in the postal service. The Washington Post Bays: "The New York papers complain that a corpse was robbed on one oi tbe principal streets of that ctty. Yet people who imagine themselves as much alive are robbed every day on Wall street and no great fuss is made over it." MUCH of our Editorial columns today and tomorrow are surren dered to the great speech of Mr. Clevelapd oa Jackson day. We ask our readers to give it a careful perusal It is wise and timely, and it is tbe very soul of Demo- , many. . , O'OOOANUT butter a new product was at first said to be prepared from the milk of tbe coooanuts, bat as a matter of fact it is pro- duoed irom the oocoannt oil, by treatment with alcohol and animal ; charcoal, which removes tbe ranoid Savor and makes the butter white. IT is reported from New Orleans that tbe trouble over tbe color question in the Grand Army of the Hepubtie has broken ont there afresh, and threatens to cause a dissolution of all the white posts in the district,, whioh includes the Btates of Louisiana and Missis sippi. .'. 1 Charleston News and Courier Bays: The net outcome of the Ala bama experiment in tate banking Was a loss of $31,000,000, principal and interest, and the amount of Interest that the taxpayers are yet called upon ' to pay annually, on account of --the lost funds and out ' standing bonds, is over $271,000. . Governor Jones estimates that the total amount of taxation for these 'objects is 1302,000. or nea'ily $1,000 a day. . " r " A reverse vf seasons is sop posed to take place upon this earth onoe in every 10,500 years, due to the varying inclination of the earth's, axis, , About 1,500 years ago we entered the epoch of a more genial winter temperature.' and if nothing happens ' to prevent, we may expect a gradual softening of our winter climate daring the next nine thousand years, when another glacial epoch ; will v begin. . What sort of a country will this be in the year 11,500 1 Will 1; it resemble TpV with remains r; of i great buildings buried or sticking op out cf the sand, and known to be r.ora - than 4,000 year old t Cicsilio American. ' ' Grip teams to be raging almost everywhere. It is having an no precidented run in Illinois. ' In Vandalia, containing a population of about 15,000, over 5,000 are suffering from the malady. Tus cola, 111., a place of about 2,000 inhabitant has 700 affected with it and the small town of Wancoma, Iowa reports an average of six deaths daily. The Anchor Line steamer Ethio pia, on its last passage to 'New York, enconntered a large whale about 800 miles east of Sandy Hook. Tbe captain and second officer were on the bridge, keeping a close watch ahead. Suddenly a whale eame to the surface directly in the path of the ship, and only a few feet ahead. TThe ship was rushing toward the whale at the rate of 10 miles an hour. There was no time to check the spaed of the vessel, and almost before the astonished officers realized it the ship's sharp iron prow crashed into the monster. Tbe blow was a direct, incisive one. The ship seemed to sail right through the whale, which disappeared almost immediately, leaving a trail of crimson as far as the eye could see. Shortly afterward the whale was sighted astern, floating lifelessly. When tbe ship came into collision with the whale, the shock caused the vessel to tremble from stem to stern, and somewhat startled the passengers. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C.E. Slover CodBsb, eto. Moses T. Bryan Carpenter, eto. J C. Harrison Publio Bale of land. Calvin Smith Sale of valuable land. O. R. Thomas Sale ot valuable land. There ha, recently been donated to the Collegiate Institute Library 100 use ful volumes. The Shell Fish Commission will hold its regular semi-annual meeting in Uorehead today. The members thereof went down last night for the purpose. The annual meeting of the Female Benevolent Society adjourned last Tuesday on account of bad weather will be held this afternoon at half past three o'clock at the house cf Mrs. Dud ley. Tbe managers are requested 10 attend, as business of impo.tanoe will Ome tefore the meeting. Riy. Alexander Sprunc, cf Wilming ton, gave plain and faithful expositions of gospel truth at the Presbyterian Church iaat Sabbath and last night. Be will preach again tonight in the churob at 7:30 o'clook, and just previous to that service there will be a prayer-meeting in lha lecture 103m oommenoing at 7 o'olock. A oordial invitation to attend these meetings is extended to the public Mr. J. K. Willie has a beautiful ohilds monument which he has just finished at his marble yard and whioh he will probably ship to Einston today. It represents a mound ot rough rooks with beautiful eoroll containing the inscription resting on them with a lore ly lily of the valley at the top. It is an exquisite peioa of workmanship and it is to be placed over the grave of the little son of Capt J. D, and Mra. W. O. Taylor, of Einston. A Raleigh correspondent of the Nor folk Virginian tells that a strange bit of news basbeen'pioked up there regard ing the deaf-mute Bingham wbo murdered Miss Turlington just before Qbristmas 1886 and then miaterieusly disappeared. It is said that he ia alive and in a private asylum in the south of France. The correspondent does not vouoh for the truth of the story but he aya the person making the statement affirms that letters are regularly sent to Bingham. Mr. H. N. Munn, editor ef tbe Scien tific Amerioan and bis friend Capt. E. P Rogers of Hyde Park, .New York, arrived last tight to spend a week or two in our city. Mr. Mann's paper Is a regular and welcome visitor to this effioe and it has long stood in this oountry at the head of the list of jonrna'i of its class in aocuraoy of the information it imparts in the thorough ness of its reports and in enterprise in disseminating quiqkly the latest devel opments of toienot along every line of investigation and invention. Thii morning wa begin the publioa tion of the special premiums offered by merchants and others 'to exhibitors at cur approaohiuK Fair. Wa will giva mora of them tomoirow and nave them all as well as the regular and raoing premiums in the speoial Fair edition of five tbouni copies,' whioh we will Issue next week. If any of our busi oearmea with to add to what they have offered, cr any who have not yet offer ad special premiums desire to do to, there ia still time. Band la aotioe of what yon wish to offer and for what, and It will be published along - with the others. ' andronCryJortPlt,hertjCastor!s,f WELCOME MEETING. A Largely Attended and Enthusiastic Reception to the T. M. C. A. Secretary. Despite the unfavorable weather, the Y. M. C. A. Hall was nearly filled Sun day afternoon by those attending tbe meeting to weloome the General Secre tary of tbe Aeo:iation, Mr. Henry L. Walton, and the meeting was among the best and most enjoyable ever held in the hall. The meeting was led by Prof. G. T. Adams, President of the Association, and was opened with a fine instrumen tal voluntary with Mr. C. L. Qasklll at the piano, aooompanied by Messrs. J. C. Hill on the cornet, R .scoe Nunn on tbe fluteC. M. Kehoe.on the violin, F. E Morton on the viola and John Whit- ford on the pbolo. This was followed by the opening song, 10 tne won, men aer. i. m. N. George, the Episcopal pastor invoked the divine blessing and then afttr another bymn "I will sing of My R3 deemer" the addreasea of weloome OJmmenced. Tbe first one was by Mr. J. K. Willis, the first President the Association bad upon its organization six years sgo bo, with earnestness cordiality wel comed Mr. Walton in behalf of the Association, then came an admirable vocal quartette by Messrs. Willis, Hill, Nunn and Mcintosh. Next, in a truly beautiful and eloquent speech Dr. J. D. Clark, anoth er ex-Preeident of the Association weloomed the Secretary in behalf of the Ladies' Auxilary, and he used the occasion to extol the yaluo of women1, help and to bring into notice tbe foot that women's interest and efforts have furnished inspiration whioh has caused man's work to be performed in Old Testament times, in modern times and in the oonduct of tbe Assoriition itself. After Dr. Clark's address was con cluded. Rev. Rufus Ford, pastor of the Baptist church offered prayer and then after the singing of another bymn, Rev. O. Q. Vardell. pastor, of the Presby terian crraroh weloomed the Secretary in behalf of the cburcbes, greeting him as a co laborer in the work of saving souls, bidding him God-speed in his work and giving him assurance of readr and willing co-operation. Tben another hymn was sung and Mr. T. A. Green extended a weloome on behalf of the business men, offering their hearty good-will and pledging their support in Association work. This was the latt address of weloome Mr. Walton responded to them and spoke feelingly of his appreciation of the interest manifested, of the warm hospitality of the people of the city, and impressively of the great work that was to be done in the confliot of truth against error, right against wrong, good sgainst evil, then with the singing of another hymn followed by the benediction pronounoed by Rev, It. A. Willis, pastor of Centenary M. E. Churob, the meeting was dismissed. The musio on tbe oooaaion was ad mirable, the addresses all that oould be desired, and the meeting throughout was a grand and enthusiastio one. benefioial we bolieve alike to the Asso ciation and to all present. Now as the Association at tbe be ginning of the year starts out more fully equipped than ever before for a career of usefulness let every member nd friend rally to the work with renewed and prolonged zeal and with the determination that no effort shall be spared to make the present year one highly fruitful in substantial results. Comint; and. Hoing. Mr. O. S. Bryan left yesterdsy morning for his home in New York. Mr. A. Sohultz left for Einston to visit his brothers wbo are in businc there. Mr. S. C. Hamilton left on a Northern business trip and on a visit to relative! in Maine. Mr. Pulaski Cooper ad j aster of the oombined Insurance companies of Vir ginlaand the Carolinas left from business trip to the city. Mr. P. H. Pelletier left on a trip to New York and Broaklyn. Mr. J. H. Haokburn returned on the steamer Newborn of the E. O. D. line, from a nleasure trio to Baltimore, and Mrs. I. C. Yeoman, and ohifd and Miss Carrie Yeomans from a visit to rela tives in Norfolk. Chief Shell Fiab Commlsaioner W. H. Lucas and wife, and their daughter Miss Sallle, who have - been making abort visit to the f amily of Mr. Jonathan Havens, left yesterday Mra. Luoae and daughter in the morning to visit rela tives at Rooky Pi tint, Pender county, and Gommiasionei - Luoaa last night to attend mooting o t the Shell Fiah Com mission at Morehei 4. Capt. Adam War oer, Assooiate Com' misaioner, also wa.nt town to attend the meeting aad Prof. H. V. Wilson of tha chair of Theology at the Univei icy, the other Associate Commissioner, passed through en route to Morebead tor the same pvrpeae. . Mr. James : W. Xuoat, of Wilson arrived Iaat night to viilt relative, in the city. Ceauwndable. All claims not consistent with the bigh cbaraoter of tiyrup of Figs are purposely avoided by the Cel. Fig Syrup Oumpaav. It acts gently on the kidneys, It vsr end bowels, oleanslng the system effectually, but it is not a rare-all .and makes no pretensions that every eoiue will not eaastaatiate. SPECIAL PREMIUMS Offered by Business Men for Articles Exhibited at the New Berne Fair. 1 By Jaa. Redmond, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, for largest alligator, 85. By Cbas. Reizenstein, for most efficient Day Policeman (on duty at Grounds) $5. By John A. Richardson, Dealer in Furniture, for the 2nd best colleotion of ourios, 1 hall raok. 4 By O. Marks & Son, Dealers in Dry Goods, feo., for best bushel sweet potatoes, 1 set silver tea spoons. S By O. Marks & Son, Dealers in Dry Goods, fto., for 2nd best pair wild turkeys, 1 set silver tea spoons. 6 By Holland & Jarvis, Dry Goods, feo., 1 pair fine band made shoes, for best plain pound cake made by girl. 7 By Holland & Jarvis, Dry Goods, etc.. 1 ladies' fine oorset, for best col lection of canned fruits by housekeeper. 8 By Holland & Jsrvis, Dry Goods, &c, 1 dress pattern of outing cloth, for best home made carpet. 9 By Mrs. S. W. Lane, Milliner, 1 spring hat for beet hand made dress by child. 10 By J. M. Howard, Dealer in Clothing, &c, 1 60 inch Smyrna Rug, for best knit buggy robe. 11 By John Dunn, Dealer in Gro ceries, &e., 1 satined lined straw work basket, for handsomest soarf in Ladies Department. 12 By Hackburn & Willet, Dialers in Groceries, &o., 1 china chamber set, for best embroidered slippers. 13 By Jos. L' Hahn; for best shuck mat, $1. H By C. E. Slover, Dealer in Gro- oenes, dec, for best home made bread tray, 60 lbs flour. 15 By Roberts & Bio., Dealer, in Groceries, &c, 1 barrel Diadem flour, for largest hog on exhibition. 16 By E. K. Biahop, Broker & Com- mission Merchant, 1 barrel flour for 2nd best display in Agricultural De partment. 17 By 8. B. Waters, Dealer in Con- feotionery, for best colt, 1 box fine ci gars. 18 By C. C. Green, Druggist, for best and largest display Jellies, Pickles and Preserves, 1 manicure set, plueh oaae. 19 By Henry L. Hall , Stationer, best peice of work by girl under 16, Oseian's poems. 0 By A. E. Hibbard, Jeweler, for best calico quilt, 1 silver thimble. 21 By Wm. Sultan, Dealer in Dry Goods Ac, for beBt 10 yards homespun (cotton) 1 breakfast shawl. 23 By W. H. Cohen, Dealer in Dry Goods, &o,, for best diaplay of bread and biscuits, one pair ladies fine shoes, Enforce the Law Against Concealed Weapons. From the Clinton Caucasian we learn of another death from the reckless handling of a firearm in Sampson coun ty. Sam Wilson a fool nigger, who got two much firewater aboard at a party swung bis pistol arounl his head promiscuously snapping at others pres ent. Finally it went off and the bullet went through the head of Harry Mat thews ool., killing him instantly. This is the seoond deadly reault from them in the same township within 12 months and the ooroner jury in tbe last cesi saw fit to pass a wise and timely recom mendation which is applicable and would be well to be heeded everywhere follows: "We do earnestly beg the Magistrates and offioers of the law to enforce the statute concerning concealed weapons. for every day we oan hear the evil oon sequences of them. " There are neaoable times and if a man avoids vicious company and oon. ducts himself properly the occasion is extremely rare that any emergenoy would arise requiring him to defend himself by a deadly weapon. For every oase where a pistol proves of ser vice a dozans instances etn ba cited here valuable lives here been eaori ficed. $10,000. Editok Journal: The North and Northwest during tbe winter months do not call for money by the hundred of thousand. So any one who oould use to an advantage one, two, three, four, five, six, Beven, eigbt, nine or ten thousand dollars, would find it to his interest to borrow it from the Eastern Building and Loan Association of Syra ouse. N. Y. The Eastern has already loaned several thousand dollars to its members in N. O. In my presence December 2Ut, 1891 it granted all applications on file from North Carolina members. For particulars apply to Isaac H. Smith, New Berne, N. C General Agent. jan630d EASTERN CAROLINA LINE. DISPATCH Change of Schedule. To permit the annual renovation of the steamer Neuae she will oa witn drawn from tha line for a few dayi After Monday Jan. 11th, inat, tbe Neuse will temporarily replaced by the steamer Plymouth, which wili eail from New Berne, (commencing Friday low. inst.l Tuesdays and Fridays at 3 p.m, The Plymouth, while a pasenger boat, haa no state-room aooommodations. Timely notioe will be given of the resumption of service by eteamer Nauae. Gko. Henderson, Agt, Now Berne, N. C. Jan. 8th. 1891. Bargains t One first class new upright Piano for tele, tar below factory price, also one old Piano, In very good conditio, and fine tone. Inquire at the Gbxbh Front NOvkltt BTOTg, iiiaaie street, next to the Baptist Cnuron. I u98t v Pnor. B. WALLHAV, Died, At the residence of his parents, in this city, of aoute rheumatism with heart complication, Monday, Jan. 11th, William Joseph, son of Dr. and Mrs, U. E. Bagby, aged 9 yc ars. The funeral will be held from tbu Centenary Methodist Church this morn ing at 11 o'clock. ( Atlantic Seasido please copy . ) At the residence of bii pirents in thit city, John Henry, only boo o( Mr Henry J. and Mrs. Albeniaa Staub, of pneumonia, aged 18 years, 11 moDtat and 20 days. The fuoeral services will take place from the Centenary M. E. Church, today at 3 p m. Thus in one night the angel of death oame in our midst and removed from us a bud of promise and u 5011th in the flower of early minhood. L'tlle Joe Bagby was a bright and lively child, a lover of his Sunday-school and a f.ivor ite with hii playmates. Mr. HtauLi was a quiet, steady, industii" 'is. Christian young man, who up to the time of the commencement of hin illnota. weehs ago. was strcng and Liiir'y, witli every indication that a Iodk !ifo of m" fulneaa lay ahsad of him. but the All wise Ruler of every event siw fi; l order differently, and tbe bereaved rel atives can but submit to the rlivio will wi'.h tbe comforting a;urucu th.,t ' it is well wi'.h the lad." Your At (fill ion To page 00 of the East Carolina Fnb, Game and Iidustri-il Association pr mium list A careful p-ruml of it i page will financially bentfi; every una, woman and child in North Carolina. The entire presa of North Carolina ij respectfully rrqueetel to copy tiie above for one issue, for benefit of their readers, and send one copy to Box 4'JS), Newborn, N. C. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. MOSES T. BRYAH, Carpenter and Builder. fimali Jobi of Repairing eol cltrd ai d Eat Is faction guaranteed. Maybe lound ween wanxei ntartreice actory. Refers to pa6t cbarrcter s ft cMlz.'n nnd mechanic. ja.olJ.ltl Sale of Valuable Land. I will aell for cash, at the Court Hmkp door In New Berne, on Monday, the lstli of January, iyz, ai li o clock, M.. a t ract, of land containing 100 acrtH more or 1 ens. 'Si acreB cleared, Toacrea heavily tiniheiej with pine, asn, cypreaa and oa. lylui; ut.out. eight nillea from New Eerue. near Kivrr daie, about oneuliarteror a mile from the A N. U. II. H.. bail oue mllo from eup(. Hirer, adjoining the Gray farm uixi Ihe lunda ofo. riluisjn, Mlp Loodle and Harney Dixon. jantsth, 16t2 C'Al.VIN HMI i ll. For further particulars aiuily to 11. 1.. GIBH3, New Berne, N.U. llds Commissioner's Sale cf VALUABLE LAND Pursuant to a Judgment of foreclosure n MorlgBKee, and an order or sale, at Kuli ierm. lain, or tno superior court or 1 ravuu County, wortn Carolina, in tne civil vction entitled Green, toy & Co. vs. W.J.J1. Cav ner. et als..as commmalooer duly Hir timed and authorized by tne ua d jiultzincnt and order of sale, I will Bell to the higi.tm bidd at the Court House door of Craven bounty. n the city or new Bern, N. C. oniheliih day of February, iai2 (being Monday and the flret day of February Term of Craven County Superior Court), at 12 o clock, noon, or hh boou thereafter as the court Hhiill lake a te cesa. all the following deBci lbed land: LvlnE and beinK iu Craven count v, North Carolina, on Clubfoot's creek, and biiuntif tl on the north by Clubfoot's creek, on thu caBt bv Adams creek road, on tne south by the New IJerne road, on the west by the lands of the late Rufus W. iiell, contt inm one hundred aud fitly aeres more or lets, b.Mnn the eame tract of lan formerly owned by Stephen L. C&viuer, and welt kuown as thu Oaviner tract of land. Terms of tale, cash. This, January 12th, iK'z. td C. U. THOMAS, Com ml sinner. Public Sale of Land. In obedience to aJadKtnent ol thu .supe rior Court of Craven county, reudt red at nil Term, ltwl, in tne suit wherein tho Hiate of North Carolina ou relation of W.M, Watson, Olerk of the (Superior court of Craven county. Is plaintiff, and Cyrus Weatbrook and otners are defendants, the underslgne . will, as comm la loner, sea to tne highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House In Cra .en county, on MONDAY. FKUHUAHY 15, mi, at JZ o oiooB, M., mo iouowiub Heal Estate, to wit: 1. A certain tract of land in No. 9 Town ship, Craven counly, adjoining the lands of A. UOfuon ana oiuon, vvuvnuiug ai tne north side of ISeuse Koad (where the line or Stevenson's 0'XI acre patent crosses the road ) nd runs down the road -M poles, then nonh to Caroline M. carr'tuine, then 10 1 lie begin ning, being one acre, more or less, with the 1 m Drove me uts thereon: beinie the sainede- Bcnbed In the mortgage from John J. West - brook to the Mtaie. uaiea j une za, 2. A certain house and lot in the V lilaeo of Harnweil.No. it iownsblp. Craven county. adjoining the lands of Peter Walden on the Worm, ou 1 no jasi uy iuuuh miviy owned uy W. D. Brown, on the south by l.tw hod's land, formerly owned by W. 11. lirown, on the west by DawBon's land, being tne mime lace where Baiu westorooK. am bnsineriB: lelutr the same described In a inortuiiL-u ironi John J. Westbrook to the htute. ie- oorded In Craven county record or deeds, Hook No. Do, folios 427 ana iSi to which refer ence Is had. 3. A certain piece or lacti lying in (he vil lage of Barnwell, No. H Townthlp, (raven county, on the north sldo of Neu;e road, bounded on the north by the lands of tieor-;. Taylor, on the east by tbe lumts of l .lz.ii- Blddiu.ontne souin uy me lanus or i ci- r Oarr, on the west by loe lauds of oi'n;;t) I'&ylor. on which there is a dwelling house 4ux iH feet, containing one fourth of in aero, more or lets: being the suiui described Ida moi'igage from Joun J. Vvest'iruok to tlie ?tat. recorded In Craven county record of deeds. rJook No. 90, folio 17fi, to which ruler ence Is bad. 4. A certain piece or lot or laud situated in No. 3 Township, Craven county, ou ieuae road, about one mile from Barnwell, con taining one Storehouse and about 1 Uteres of land; being tbe same purchased by H. A Russell, bounded on the north by land of Doctor Carr aud R. A. Unssel), on the ean by K. A. UusseU's land, on ih south by K. A. Russell's laud, and ou the werit by l eter Pettlway'e; t'lug the same dt-Bilbed In a mortgage from John J. Weatbrock tK. W Carpenter, C. B, .. jecorded 'n Craven county record of deeds, Hook No. tiff, Kollo 180, to which reference is had. 5. Also a tract of land In No. 8 T wnshlp, Cr.tvcn county, adjoining the la.nte lateiy owned hy W. 1. Brown, now owiud by one Mo Law horn on all MdfcS, except Neuhoroad on tne north side, situated In the i;l isoof Barnwell, c tntalnmn IMj iquare eei; t lug same lot purchased by John J. Wehtnraok from B. H. Wooten and wife, by ded d'tted Feb. 19th, 1880. recorded In book No. H, folios 1W and 197, Craven county rtoi j 01 deeds The above triors will be sold eepara'ely. J AMU 3 C. HARRISON, Commissioner. New Bdrne. NC., Jan, 12th, 18l2. tds Money To Loan. Tha Trustee, of New Berne Aoademy offer to loan Fire Thousand Dollar on first mortgage seourity of property in the city at a rate of interest to be agiead upon. Apply to W. M. WATSON, 1an8 lOd Seo. and Treas. flip fp POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cit-.ta of f.-irtir biking powdor. UiL'l)'-t.t uf all in iHH's-'iiing utrtnuth. Latest U. S. Gurenuiic.il l 'vuil Report. ((:,; 1 1 x c : of Ladies' Shoes, .75 WE HAVE educed Them to $2.25. Now i.-i the time to Knt For &2.0O. Stop! Stop AND SES T:1E Largest and Eest kkdA ick if WATCHES, J JCiWiSLrtl wv. rTi r fir1 Silverware and Novelties ever ehriwn in Ken- H"rne. I hive hi returnd from the J.'irth i,!; a FL'LL STOCK of nil kirk's cf gooiis in my Jine. SAM K. EATON, The Jeweler, Middle Ht., opposite Baptist Church. REDWtIOH in Old Virginia Okeroots. Also, Eorsford Bread Preparation. Buy your Shot and Powder and save Money WHOLESALE QliOOEB, MIDDLE iiTUEET, NEW KEBXE. V. C. NOTICE. Barrington & Eaxter For the next Thirty Days will cloao out their WINTER CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, At a Great Reduction. Cro3i2tt's aud Zcigler's Shoes the rac pric?. Boot and Shea Maker, POLLOCK StREi:r, K-w le-;jts. c. .1 tli IIih;- Mechuii.t ,i New Yt-i h, I ..I i ti fiorn 1 to 1111 fn. promptly u!l ni,l; id 1 ccaxoM M.viu: iiuois and snots. The n :i Buppllrrt il Is ihe IjOijl -f:trs thit 1 jiavo h;i sra(-lo-lly '.vd-ila o; nil 1 1 ,.!;'.' j oil n p:,i rotiw immune of li.e I'Si.ii ,.o.L-r of my work, KepiilrlnK H sp ly don,-. r lty. Nc:iM. Ki.ii prompt J.)I1N Mo-OHl.r.Y, novojw ir lalp Valuable City i roperty ale. Ul; f s eoober dietiot'd cf at crivate sale, 1 will sell to the bubest tidcer. at the Court Hmiae door in Newborn, Bt 1!S o oloclc, M., on thu 19. h inst , the House and Lnt whnr.-m I new rr,ide. Term r-aey mi l p-i.v. rjiniM'ruto. For ptivmo purrhnu:. nod o'hfr par ticular!. pply to 0VEN H. UUIO.V. Ejq , Attorney at L'w city. C. H. BLANK. Jan. 5,1591. tf LINDSAY & CO.. DEALERS IS Barrels! Ba.r&I Covers COR. KING AND WATER ST8., de23 lm POKTSMOCTH, TA. Kino S-oo -A u Umm STIM, Hackburn We etill curry thu AI.'JlNE S'J.OO 1 3 'Si Shoe J i - O Stolen, From ray Stables, one set of (imita ' tion) Rubber Mounted Harness, and one Bridle and Breast Strop to a forty dollar harness. A liberal reward will be paid for evidence to oonviot the thief. jnl02t J. W. 8TEWART. TSis .law Year Is Here. 11,, SATISFACTION j GUARANTEED, jj N ..rets tbu departure of de !' U) nerved his day or !:-. them and his bucbm- r;iti. : tin 80r ! ' hi" t-upi-tior. The old ia -n--;hi w i li.ro. , '- 'l tniliovc bo cornea to the .r i.:. Mi-! v ieh to inform all our cm- nu-r.1 f it. pcM:c generally that '. '.v.'l in ki rxtri tlfoiti during this !!r ' 1 i-it-fa tlioir roods, wham I'.y i.i oon:-i Jo.-ed, at prices that wilt i'orapi'tiii-)3. rul. ledmond WHOLESALE DEALER IN and CIGARS, Scuih Front Street, Two 1l.j. , i:it -t Gaston IIoum B-:7 Berne, II. C. i J.io-J UwlV e; -i.m:ent:j mind 1 SHOULD BEAR IN :? Eose-ju for attacks of on ua. Bo prepared for Lroup n os thio in -id .t lig tli eaao by always having .1 bot;; cf U li. Duffy's Croup Stbup iu t'a. hsie. Prepared after the re cipe of li e lu'.e Dr. Walter Duffy, and for ealo l.j tho proprietor at his store on Mid li i i-trcet, next to Custom House, and by Ni--,v Borne Drug Company, OOiEBTS u BRO. Wliolpxale Dealer, In" Gr . :ries, Provisions Tmi anJ SSLTP, BOWS and SHOES. M-ir lsfor STOCK "DIADXK' unnel wnriuutpd. : ..f I'LKE WEST INDIA ' urown Importation. . uh, or send yonr orders . ur rK'os aa LOW a, the ;cnKRTa 4 bko gaw, AT LAW. e:-:e, n. c. Ovr Citizens Bank. s&sSula 'I T.w.a. idAOti II, ii UniiU'j, Tr,idera, Liqaur Dealers, Comcjii-iiion M Tchante,or other dealers cuo hereby uotiiled that they mnst list at wy (Ciza bo weeu lbs 1st and 10th January, 1603, tho c mounts of their purch.i:un for .tt nix months ending Deoombor 31, U'fll. See Riv. Act, Sjc. 23, J3, eto. J. W. BIDDLE, jariS td Reg. of Deed a. S. R STREET, General? FIRE MJD LIFE Insurance Aent, NEW BERNE, IT. C. All, TH KV , I ' !, . l 1.CUP w mri r: mm ATTCHNEY XL' Olace

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