irrn 1 J.- "' v.:.. ' . .: v. ; LY VOL. X.--NO. 250 NEW BERNE, N. C , TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. I - v JOURNAL 111 ja r "S. ' -4 I. BUSINESS LOC1L8. EAELY B08E and Hebron Potatoei for planting. Try my 80 c. Bdt ur; , t . O. E.8lotkb. fjwtt Bondrad pair of Rnbbar Shoos Vf for palldren, 10, 12i and IB cento per ietr. r jenlStf BIO 1KB. I WOULD imform my friend and the publio aenerally (hat I bare opened a allor shop at H. L Uall's Book atoro, id would ask a liberal there of their patronge. jaalt lw F. U. Chad wick. THE CoDtol Folioy recently announcd by The Mutual I.ifb Iksubanok Compact of New York oombioee MORE ADVANTAGES with FEWER RESTRICTIONS tban any Investment Ioanranoe Contract ever offered. It eonaolidate Insurance, Endowment, Investment. Annual Iooome. No other company offer thia poiioy . WUldE lot of handsome Laee Car XJ taine, Chenille Cortaina, Covers, Rof, eto., just reo ived at jo9 J- Scteb's. RE. Hndaon House Painter, Paper . Hanger, Kalsoniiner, Orders Promptly attended to. Apply at tf L H. Cutler's store. s MOKE Genuine Cubans Tobsooo. i t ootOtf NEW DRUG STORE. Drags, Medi and Obamloalt, O. P. Popular Proprietary Medtolnes. All varl-tles of Drnifiat's Bundnes. Trusses and Bro s. N.w erop Garden seeds. Kin. and Lai ge atoek Cigars and Tobacco, all M.W. Pre scription, accurately eonoponndeii (and not at was prices), our m-tto aDd our suooess. U. 0. GHiKN. UraKKlsi and Apothecary, Middle at., four doors from Pollock. lanX) 1; There is a surplus of Chilian outrages and a deficit of Chilian reparations. The Cullom boom is now en gaged in responding to an alleged enoore. As yet the applause is confined to Illinois. Somebody has invented the word "triplet," to describe an attack that is worse tban a cold, bnt not so bad as the grip. The indications are that the Mugwumps will experience con siderable difficulty in securing terminal facilities in the approach ing campaign. QThe New York Republicans have not yet become reconciled to the fact that the decision of the court of appeals was every bit as effec tive as the thirtieth ballot in the late Speakership contest. If I were a young man," said John G. Wnittier recently, "I should ally myself with some high and, at present, unpopular cause, and devote my every effort to ac complishing its success." Those newspapers that declare ,their intentions of waiting to see what Gov. McKinley will do with a gerrymandering bill should under stand that the governor of Ohio doesn't possess the veto power. DEW MEXICO is entitled to by every right that any mmon wealth under our form of government can ell possess. Will Statehood be granted and that apeedily by the powers that bet To be or not to be a State, that is the question. The individual of the name of Wheeler who ran for governor of Iowa on the Republican ticket last fall is gathering 2,300 acres of corn that averages forty bushels to the acre. It is a great pity that he did not know bow to get votes as well as he knows how to raise corn. IF Senator Stewart after all, is right about free coinage being possible under existing law, whata commentary on our national law makers, Including the silver Sena tor from Navada ! It is the case of the man who ransacks the house v and stirs up the household in angry search for the spectacles on his face. Wash. Star. Lord Salisbury, it is under stood, thinks it will take seven arbitrator! to settle the Bering Sea dispute. i -Very wall. How woald Ihese dor The Emperors of Bossls, Germany, and Austria, the Presidents of Mexico, Brazil, and Chili, and , for a easting vote. the Queen Kegent of Spain. Most of these distinguished people hare - the prime requisite, of a Jury; they know nothing whatever about the ' . merits of the ease. ' ' ' ' MI DON'T like these American knives; they are too dull," said Sir Edwin Arnold, rather abruptly, as bis breakfast at the Myers House was laid before him, and he reach ed down into a ' trousers pocket. When his hand came baok into sight It, held big clasp knife, With this formidable weapon he proceeded to ' cut his ; beefsteak ls9 diminutive squares., Then the knife was returned to his pocket and the locturer's repast began. The straits to which the Ad ministration is pat by the depleted oondition of the National Treasury is shoVn in the faot that the wages of 1,200 employes of the navy yard at Washington were not paid Sat urday when doe an occurrence almost unprecedented in the his tory of the yard. Louisville Courier-Journal. While Mr, Springer has no authority to speak upon the sub jeot, his assertion that no free ooinage bill will pas a', the present session of Congress if H be reas suring to the country. The position taken by Mr. Mills that no free ooinage bill should be passed was used to his disadvantage in the Speakership contest, and it is satisfactory to find so eminent a supporter of his successful riv?l as the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee now taking the same stand. No one seems to know positive- wbether Judge Lindsay, of Kentucky, will accept the office of interstate commissioner. "My opinion is'" said a prominent citi zen of the Blue Grass State at Chamberlin's, "be will not accept. In that event, if the President wants to bestow the place on an equally good man he will choose Hon. Proctor Knott. During his long service in the House he im pressed the country with bis ability as a legislator, and as chairman of the Judiciary Committee he was recognized as one oi the best equipped lawyers in Congress. He is not an applicant for the position, and that ought to be an additional recommendation." LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTI3EMS NTS. Prof. Bell Testimoniil. W. M. Watson Trustees' meeting. C. E. Slorer Potatoes, butter. New Berne Collegiate Institute. Weather today: Rainy and warmer. Last night Mr. J. K. Willi, of tie Atlantlo fire company, was elected Chief of the New Berne Fire Depart ment; Mr. M. H. Sultan, First Assistant. and Mr. 8. C. Radoliff, Secretary and Treasurer. Good selections. An excellent opportunity will be af forded today, at 12 o'clock, to purohaae a desirable, well built, nicely arranged and conveniently located dwelling, with. large lot. Mr. C. H. Blank's reei- denoe will be sold at auotion at the courthouse at the time mentioned. We will begin printing and sending out the Fair edition of the Wmkly Journal tomorrow, containing the pre mium lists and much other interesting matter relative lo the Fair. Let ovtry one who haa friends that be would like to be suppliad send in their addressee) plainly written at once, and a copy will bo mailed to each one without any ex pense whatever. Several colored boya got in the cell ar at the poet-office laat night, Io faot they broke in. They didn't mean to do so, however. They had oongregeted on the old cellar door; their combined weight was too much, and without warning the old door collspsed and boya and door were immediately pre- oipitated below in one confused mats, 'Twas fun for some bystandera bnt not for the boy. Today is the birth day of the South ern hero and renowned commander-in- chief of the Confederate Army, Gen, Robert E. Lee, as pure dauntless and able a pitrlot and a man of. as exalted sublimity of character a America ha erer produced. Hi name will add lustre to the pages of history as long as the world shall stand. He was born January 19th, 1807 in Stratford. Va. and died October 12th, 1870. The steamer 'Carolina took np another shipment Saturday of the buggies made at Messrs. G. H. Water and son' fac lory to Vsnosboro. The same factory has also Just shipped a nice one to Dr. C. N. Mason, of Harlowe. This firm will have a good exhibit at the Fair, and Messrs. Henry . Wlnfield Bon's, though they have jist completed their oarriage factory building and com menoed operations sxpeot to have their make of vehicles represented among the exhibits also. ThU will give all aa opportunity to examine and see the beauty and substantial oharacter of the work turded out by those two homo enUrptlses. : A Promlneit Minister's Testimony If affords me pleasure to testify to the gentlemanly bearing and a professional ekill of Mr H. H. Bell, knowing him a I do from his home in Winchester to the present. Ho deserves the respect and patronage , of all who have peed of. his Service. ' . . - My daughter had typhoid feve three year ago and after her recovery her scalp seemed dry and dead as did also her hair, and large bald places appeared on her head. About two years and a half ago Mr Bell treated her head and scalp, and tossy ah haa a fine suit of alonv hair, which I all that eould be desired as regards lLe and vigor; ; -3 , v. . Wilmington, January WUj,-489 Ct!!drertCrjf for Pitcher1 Ctttartt OUR FISHM INTERESTS. Marrelloog Successes Along the Whole Carolina Coast TJnprecedentedljr Large Catches (treat Profits. Specimens of All Varieties and Appa ratus for Taking Them to be Exhibited at the New Berne Fair. The immensity of the run of fiih along the North Carolina ooast this sea son has been startling in its proportions. Wo have ins numer ef instances giv en f aots and figures of enormous quan tities of the finest fish being osught at various points, and told of how even boys, were making four and fire dollars per day fishing for trout, simply with book and lice, and of a eingle shipment of these fresh fish from Morehesd whloh was large enough to feed every man, woman and child in Morehesd, New Berne and Goldsboro combined allow ing eaoh individual two pounds of fish for the meal. We have told also of the remarkably profitable successes of fisher men in Onslow county, which adjoins Carteret in which Morehead is situated in their catohes of elegant speckled trout and nice mullets, and of how oarta are traversing the county in every di rection selling the fish besides those that are being shipped by rail and we cited an instance of a single haul in New river which consumed about 20 minutes time that resulted in scouring 190 large trout and other oases in whioh the nets were so full as to be unman ageable and it would be impossible to prevent the fish from making their es- oane. In one case that came to our knowledge a party of ei(ht made thir ty dollar each in one day catching fish. where oan labor expect better remuntr ation tban that? The Elizabeth Citv Carolinian recent iy said that the number of blue-fish oaught about there was never so large before tremendous quantities being brought to that city and shipped every day "Over twenty car-loads of the freih fish went off in one day and still they go!" Was the like ever heard of anywhere before. It was also repeatedly the case at Roanoke that nets would have to be cut and multitudes of large, magnificent blue fish allowed to esoape, so many more beiog enolosed than oould bs man aged and we told of how 80,000 were piled up at one time waiting to be boxed up and iced for shipment, and at one time so rspidly were they caught that all the boxes and barrels prspared for them were uisd up and others could not be purohassd or made as fast as the fish oould be oaught to fill them. We mentioned above about a party of fishermen making thirty dollars esoh in one night, but this was surpassed Wed needsy by ten fishermen, some miles below New Barns, of whioh oatoh. fuller aooount was given by us at the time Nearly 9 000 trout were enolosed at one time and the first lot of them hioh they brought up to the city the the next morning averaged 0? er $70 around to the ten men engaged . To a dietant visitor, the first examina tion of the East Carolina Fair is a sur prising revelation. Critios who have been to prominent fairs and exposition have eharaoterizsd the fish exhibits of the New Berne Fair a the bist M Ameri oa. There is no reason why our next on to bo held throughout the week commencing February 22d, should not surpass all others, for never in the hi tory of the industry waa it better than the present season, and the New Berne ioe faotory will show blocks of ice with fish frocen in, in natural positions at though they were disporting in their native element. Not only will native fish be shown but mounted specimens from other olimes and not only speoi mens of all our native fish, oysters and other product with whioh Eastern Carolina water teem and whloh wa the foundation on whioh the Fair waa built up but a complete line of the Implement with whioh they are taken will also ba ahown net, seines. trap, tongi, dredge, etc., of every de scription. Our rivers and sound are a mine of wealth whioh Is being better apprecia ted as tb value thereof is getting cot ter understood and no batter opportuni ty of examinlag the industry in all it phase ha ever been presented tban will given at this exhitlon of the East Carolina. Fish. Oyster, Game and In duaulsl Association- Costing and Going. Bsv. W. S. Bone, who ha been hold ing quarterly confsrsnoe at several points In Carteret oounty, passed thsongh yesterday morning returamg to his home in Qoldsboro. Mr. Bosom Noun, Assistant Meteoro logical Observer , who ha been spend torn a oowpi of wests at nis nom m this city, returned to the Weather Bu rean offioe in Raleigh. Mrs, Edmund Sirndwick, of Norfolk, and little Mtat Margie Roesell, of Wash ington City, who havo boon visiting relatives i this oity. left, returning to thlr respewtlve homes. , Mr. an Mrs, Fred. O. Ml tohell re turned ' iron their bridal ' tour last olghl.,-;;:1, Mr.' Jobs . Wahab returned from visit to relative at Wilton, JIs O. H. i( Waters returned from busiaMM trip to Ykaceboro. FIFTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE EAST CAROLINA FISH, OYSTER, GAME AND INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. Officers, Regulations, and Roles Got. ernlng Judges, Entries, Awards, tee. Prices of Admission, Premium List, Officers and General Remarks. (CORTIHUED ) CLASS H A. MILLER, DIRECTOR. 'LADtBS' WORK. Committee in Charge. Mrs. C E Slover, Mre. C R Thomas, Mrs. J W Waters, Miss Maiis Manly, Mrs. K E Johnson, Mr. F. Ulrioh, Mrs J F Ives, Misses Lillian Roberts. Stella Roberts, Mrs. Robert Rsneom, Mrr. Robert Primroee and Misses F B Small wood and Maud Amyette. Rules No premium will be awarded to any artiole unless entered and tagged for it. No premium given when there Is no competition, unless the artiole is of deoided merit. No artiole or objeot deemed unworthy shall be awarded a premiums No entries will be made for second premiums, butarticles adjudged seoond best will receive second pre mium. All the artioles in this class must be the handiwork of the exhibitor. Entries close at 2 o'clock on Monday. Miscellaneous Handsomest portiere 13; handsomest oenter square, drawn work center square and drawn work doylies (not less than 6) f 2 eaoh; handsomest sorap basket, monchoir case, deoorated chair, most artistio home made table cover, and best linen do.,(l each; best men's or boy'e country-made clothes, hand made Infant's draw, maobine-made do., (3 each; best rag carpeting, best homespun ootton and homespun woolen (10 yards each or more) (2 each for 1st best and $1 eaoh for 2d best exhibit; best home-made hearth rug (any style) 1st beet $1, 2d best 60 cents; bast silk patch work and crazy quilt and knit and crocheted counterpane $1 each; best calioo patoh-work quilt and whits quilt (fancy quilting) 50 cents each; best sewing by hand SI; beat machine sewing 50 cents; beet calico dross cut and made by exhibitor, best hand made pioture frame, soiled'' linen bag, knit ting yarn (cotton or woolen, 1 pound), 50 cents each; best hair pin reoeivir and pen wiper, 25 cents each; hand somest dress doll $1. Fancy Needle Work. Best silk embroidery on flannel speci men, outline embroidery in silk, do. in thread, laprobe embroidery, Roman embroidery, drawn work, bureau or buffet scarf, ladies' fancy bag and glove or oravat oase; 1st beet each $1; 2d best 50 cents; beat cotton or thread, silver or gold and chenille or arasane embroid ery, embroidered piano or table cover, pin cushion, fire screen and chair cover, $1 eaob; best turkish or applied em broidery II each; best pillow sham and ladies dressing sack, $1 each; best pair embroidered Blippert, best infant's oarriage robe embroidered or braided, 60 cents each, best tatting, sofa pillow, head rest, half dczen table mats, speci men of braiding, deoorated baiket, and fanoy apron, 50 cents each. Hand' somest display of work in this olass, 5 or more artioles not entered elsewhere, by one lady, 13. CYocTietinfli and Knitting. Beit knit shirt, ft. 50; 2d best. 50 oents; best shawl or soarf and afghan, crocheted, tl; 21 best 60 cents; best knitted afghan, handsomest oroobetod silk tidy, $1; linen do., 50 oents; best crocheted childs' afghan and knitted do., tleaoh; best pair silk stockings, best 6 pairs infant's knit or oroobeted socks, SI each; best orooheted Child's hood, do., sack, ohair tidy, lac and set of table mat, 1-2 dozen, 50 cents each; best knitted laoe, orocheted and knitted shoes, knitted shoulder oape, purse, and silk or worsted wristlets, 60 oents eaoh best orooheted mittens and slippers, 50 oents; 2d best do., 25 cents; best pair of ootton stocking or socks, 1st best 50 oents, 2d best 25 cents; best crochet ed lamp mats, 25 cents; best display of work in this department, by one lady, 5 or more ariioles. $2. CniLDRRlt'B DEPARTMENT. Under sixteen years of age. Best plain sewing, machine or hand, 50 cents; 2d do., 25 cents; best oalico quilt, 50 cents, 2d do., 25 oents; be ilk quilt, dressed doll, silk and out line embroidery, wall protector, fanoy book bag, button hole (not lea than 8) 50oenta eaoh; best sooks or stockings crocheted mats, knitting (sny style) pin euebiou and specimen darning, 25 oenta each; most ingenious piece of handiwork, vl. ' rlill ARTS Committee in Charge. Mrs. B B Ellis, Mrs. L H Cutler, Misses Mary Oliver and Leah Jones Mrs. A 8 Seymour, Misses Aurora Macs and Jeannett Holllster, Mrs. Geo. H, Roberts, Mrs. H B Duffy and Misses Laura and Jennie Hughe. Beat oil portrait, oil painting other than portrait, water oolored portrait, do. landsoape, pastelle painting, paint ing in oil (any aubjwt, still life study) and hand painted fire acreon, 13 eaoh best orayon portrait, and crayon draw ing other thkn portrait. It each; best watat oolor fruit, and flower $1; beet deoorated ehlaa tea set, 80 piaots, t8 best dtooratad full dinner set, !5; bsst dozen tea plates, cups and sauoers, end ohina tiles, $3 each; best vase, royal worater, $2; beet pltcner, $1, best paint ing on silk satia or velvet, 50 oents; best do. oa glass and pofcelain, 50 oenta eaoh; bet deoorated soreen, (S; beat rustio or fancy work in wood, $2; best tapestry painting. $3; beet deco rated mirror, piacquea, painted fan (eilk or satin), psn and ink sketch, psnoil drawing, charcoal do., collection of photographs by amateurs, wood oarving, handsomest display of pressed flowers, best poker work and hammered brass, il each; best display of wax, shell and feather work, 50 cents each. children's department: Under sixteen Years ofayti. Best crayon portrait, oil painting, water color, orayon drawing any sub ject, scroll work and deoorative work , $1 eaob; beBt orayon still life study and charcoal do , 50 cents each; pencil drawing 50 cents. Note Any article of decided merit, not enumerated, will be awarded a prize. Poultry at the Fair. The poultry exhibit at the last New Berne Fair was certainly among the beat ever shown in the State. Numerous disinterested parties, competent to judge, pronounced it the vary best. To many people this is one of the most interesting departments of tbo Fair, and knowing of the reputation it has justly established parties beyond our immediate locality are beginning to make use of the advantages it offers for bringing their choice stock into notice One of the latest notifications of an intention to make a large and excellent display of different varieties is from Messrs. D. W Harrell & Co , breeders of fanoy poultry, Elenboro, N. C. Others, even from regions more remote, might follow the example of thoeo gen tlemen with profit. To bring nioe specimens of good breeds before such throngs of interested spectators as annually assemble at the New Berne Fair is a splendid advertise ment in itself for any breeder, and vastly benefioial outside of the chance at the generous premiums which the Fair offers, and to those desiring to invest in, or to Isarn more of poultry, the Fair affords an opportunity that is not to be lightly esteemed. Let all remember thc a oareful, experienced mn will be in charge of all the poul try, and further that there will be no xpeose for freight attaching lo any ex- Dibit sent to the Fair, as the money paid for freight on any exhibit whatever ill be returned by the freight agent unon the presentation of a certificate that they were exhibited at the Fair. The poultry exhibited will all be well protected from the weather. The Fair has always provided good coops for poultry which will be uaed again this year and in addition to that a etill fur ther improvement will be made this year in that tho coops themselves will be placed under a large ehu! which is to be built for tbe purpose between this time and tbe opening of the Fair, thus nobly ensurinz toe protection and comfort of the valuable birds shown. Steam Ferry Across Neusc River. A petition for a Steam Ferry across Nouse River will be circulated among the buaines men and the citizens of New Berne in a few days, requesting the nonorable board of County Commission rs to establish a Steam ferry across Neuse River, near New Derne, so as t ) bave it in thorough running order by S;nt. 1st, 1892. To induoe the comma nity to build tbis f erry tne mercnants of New Berne propose to open tbe road to South Creek, wbiob brings our sister town Aurora and surrounding country within sixteen miles of New Berne. ooneider this enterprise of more benefit to New Berne than tbe tsou.uuu bonds which we voted to build the East Caro Una R. R. Now is the time for the businesa men of New Berno to do some thing to Induoe this trade to como to New Berne next fall. Who will take hold of the South Greek road and put it hroush while Big Ike is building the Quaker Bridge road during the spring and summer. Think of it, only two merchants in the town of New Berne have ever visited Onslow county, hence nrODOse to take ten representative merohant of New Berne, pay their ex Dense to Riohlands, Onslow county over the Quaker Bridge road, and let them see the neoessity of building this road throuzh. scouring the Onslo trade. Two thousand dollars each will build this road, and with the assistance of merchants, banks, steamboat lines and oitizsns we can easily raise this amount and put from three to Ave bales of ootton annually on our market that is now going to other markets. Mer chant of .New Berne, open your eyes and pocket book, and let us reorganize tbe Board of Trade and work together nntil we have completed the two roads and take Big Ike e word that such increase of trade in New Berne wt never befoie experienced. Notice. Tha Trnstoes of New Berno Academy will meet at the office of the President thia afternoon at 3 o'clock T hear propositions for loan of money By order 01 the fresiaeot, W. M. Watson, Seo'y and Taeos. $10,000. Editor Journal: The North and Northwest during the winter montb do not call for money by the hundred of thousand. 80 any one who oould use to an advantage one, two, three, four, Ave, six, (even, eight, nine or ten thousand dollars, would find it to his interest to borrow it from tbe Eastern Building and Loan Association of Syra cuse, H. x. The Eastern ba already loanea several thousand dollar to its member in N. O. In my preeenoe December 21st, 1891 it granted all application on file (ram North Carolina members. For partioulars apply to ' Isaac H. Suits, Nw Rem. N. 0., General Agent. janWM POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. HigheBt of all in leavening strength. Latest U. 6'. Government Food Report Having bought out the entire stock of Furniture of A M. BAKER, I will oontiaue the business at tbe same stand, and respectfully eolicit share of the public patronage. Also, I will continue tbe manufac ture of ALL GRADES OF MAT TRESSES. Old Mattresses renovated and put in first-class order. W. P. JONES. jn!7 dwtf Piano For Sale. In eood tune and first-class order, fine Mahogany case, at a very low prioe, at tbe GREEN FRONT NOVELTY STORE, jal7 Middle street. Cor. Alley next to baptist uburcb. TO Whom It May Concern. Be it known that tho copart nership heretofore existing un der the firm namo of Latham, Hurras & Co. is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. Mr. J. E Latham withdraws from the firm, and tho business will bo continued by tbe two remaining partners, W. 1'. Burrus and C. L. Spencer. Persons indebted to Latham, Burrus t Co. will make their payments to V. 1. Burrus !t Co., who assume all liabilities and obligations of said Latham. Burrus cr Lo. This 11 th dav Jan'y, J. K LATHAM, W. P. BUHIU'S, C. L. SPENCER. In rotirincr from tho firm of Latham, Burrus it Co., 1 beg to thank my friends, one and all. for their patronage, and I heartily bespeak for my succes -sors a continuanco of your favors. Very respectfully, J. E. LATHAM. Havmo: succeeded the firm of Latham, Burrus it Co., we wish to announce that we will con tinuo business at "the same old stand," where we will be pleased to see our tenner patrons. Parties owing us by note or account will oblige us by making immediate settlement, Very respectfully, W. P. BUKUUS & CO. PROFESSIONAL AND ARTISTIC PAPERING. All kinds of FIUST-CLA8S WGRK in this line done on SHORT NOTICE and at REASONABLE PRICES. Samples and all tbe latest Btyles can be seen by applying at the OA9TON HOUSE. WM. P. LAWRENCE. R. BERRY'S Subscription Agency, NEW BERNE, N. C. Subscriptions and Renewals of the various Journal!1, Papers. Mags.ines, Reviews, etc , etc., solicited. By subscribing through this Agenoy you save money order fees, postsge, and worry in case of loss of money through the mails. jaclO lw S. G. Bragaw, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEW BEttNE, N. C. Office Over Citizens Bank. JaiSdwtf LINDSAY. & CO.. DEALERS IH Barrels'! Barrel Covers COR. Kllia AND WATER STB., de231m PORTSMOUTH, TA. Children Cry for Pitcher's CastorL, SPECIAL PREUIUL1. He who visits tbe East Carolina Fish, Oyster, Game and Industrial Associa tion, that Trades the Largest Amount wiTn WILL GET A Premium of MOSES T. BRYAN, Carpenter and Builder. small .jobi of Repairing solicited and tat is!a tion Kuaranleed. My U found when wanted near tbe ioa i;u:tory. Hc'eiHto pabt character as a oltlrenand mechanic. Janl3dtf NOTICE. Barrington & Baxter For the next Thirty Day will close out their WINTER CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, At a Great Reduction. Crosaett's and Zelgler'a Shoes the same prices. lstp New Garriage Shop, Just opentd on Broad street, where all kii.ds of CART, WAGON & BUGGY WORK will be done on short notice. Also, we have a FIRST-CLASS HORSE S1IOER from the West, where a shoer btunda on his merit. (Jive us a call and we will give satis faction. H. WINFIELD & SONS- janHJwtf Money To Loan. The Trustees of New Berne Aoademy offer to loin Five Thousand Dollar, on first mortgage seourity of property in the city at a rate of interest to be agreed upon. Apply to W. 11. WATSON, jan8 10J Sec, and Tree. Stop! Stop! AND SEE THE Largest and Best Selected Stock il WATCHES, JEWELRY J Silverware and Novelties i-vcr li,)wn in New Berne. I have jd. n tun:i'ii from tho North with a FULL S i i K'K of all kinds of goods in my line SAM K. EATON, The Jeweler, Middle Sc. , opposite Bsptist Churobi CiTARENTS SHOULD BEAR IN MIND that the season for attack, of Croup id now on us. Be prepared for this insidious disease by always having a bottle of R. N. Duffy's Crocp SybuI in tho boueo. Prepared after the re cipe of tho late Dr. Walter Duffy, and fur e:'.c by the proprietor at his store oil Mi ldle street, next to Custom Hou, and by New Berne Drug Company. Fine 'Florida Oranges, Mince Meat, Small Hominy. Buckwheat, Oatmeal, Boneless Codfish, Finest Flour on earth, AT LUCAS & LEWI8. JOHN HcSORLEY, Boot and Shoe Maker POLLOCK STREET, NEW BEBNE, N. C. Having seenred the services of a skilled Mechaiuo aDd Orst-olass Workman from New York, I am now fully prepared to fill promptly all orders for tine CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. The many years that I bave satlafaetoMr supplied tli wants of my numerons patrons la toe best guarantee oi tne cnaraotetr oi my work. KeDalrlne a specialty. Neatly and prompt ly done. novoawtiistp juus s10BUiU4a.i1 Valuable City Property IF" or JE Unless sooner disposed of at private; ale, I will sell to the highest bidder, ml the Court House door in no when, at 13 a'olock, M., on the 19th int., th House and Lot wherein I now reeide, Term easy and prioe moderate. For private pnroham and other par tioulara apply to OWEN B. GTJIOMV Esq., Attorney at Law olty. -t a EL BLANK. Jan. 8, 1891. - U :