JOURNAL. : CABTEKET COTJXTT, 5. C. ; B4Wettr-HolllyFrollcjS:liools 1 Cfcirck Kkklar Partj Preacnlngv . , ' . - 81aoe January 2 appeared we kBTe had - successions of rainy weather day after ; day and night after night, nntil now the roads are v almost impassable in oar common. Uy, and the weather is changing almost every day, hot and cold t alternately. Bad oolds and other 1 slokneM among some of the citizen. , The farmers are trying to start to work, bat can't do much on account of bad weather. : Christmas and New Year passed off Tory pleasantly. Kissing tbe pretty girls, Leap Year parties, etc., were enjoyed by the young folks and by some of the old ones as well, bat now and then an old hen would flare up and crow about the kissing frolics as being nnino distio to kill. We reckon it was because no one oflered them a "buss." Miss Mary Hewitt of Onslow, is teaching school at Goose Neck school house, near Hadnots creek. Miss Mary is an excellent teacher. Miss Lulu Stnart has another good school at Eocky Ban school house near Mr. Jno. A. Week's tore. Mr. G. W. Ward is teaching still at New Hope near Pettyfoot's creek. A splendid and thriving Sanday-schoel at New Hope with 35 pupils, B. H. Irvin Sup't. The patrons of this school expect to have a grand festival and basket party there before long, in order to raise funds to enlarge the bouse and bny books etc., for same. The colored folks were holding preaching the other day in their cbureh near here, when tbe dog go to lighting in the house daring prayer,, but one of the members and a woman we heard, kicked one Of the dogs, whereupon another member, and a woman too, re taliated with a kick too, this created a row somewhat, and tbe preacher had to quit praying to try and stop the fight. A magis trate's trial was tbe result, don't know any further proceeding, be cause we left them. Plenty of fish in White oak river now, trout, drum and mallets. Mr. 8. B. Holland is building a new dwelling on his place. Mr. Boot. Irvin and Bro., contractors. Eev. Benj. Ward preaches at old Bethlehem every 2ad Sunday nntil farther notice. Answer This Question. Why do so many people we see around as sssm to prefer to suffer and be made eatable by indigestion Constipation, Diuinets, Lose of Appetite, Coming up Of the Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75a. wo will sell them Shi lob's Vitalizer, : guaranteed to eure them. Sold by New s. Boras Prog Co. Ion can tell more about a man's character by trading horses with him onoe than you can by hearing him talk for a year. " 1 The Cause of Fain. .' Aa ache or pain it not of itself a dis ease), it fat bat symptom, and. warns - the sufferer that there is something the ' aatter with his phvsioal organizition. Wsek kidneys, bad blood, and ner VCKUne are frequently the source or eauss of the many my.terious aching aaeationa that affliot the body. You , can remove the cause of such distress by using B. B. B. ( Botanio Blood Balm ) 0. H. Roberts, Atlanta, Oa., writes: .-."My kidneys were disordered and gave --ate excruciating pain. A single bottle i Of &B.B. helped me wonderfully." jft Ws. N. Nelson, McDonough, Oa., "T-writee: "B. B. B. has benefited my lwangbter very muoh. She was afflicted f witk severe nervousness. I think it the f beet family medioine." Sit W, B. Ellis, Brunswiok, Oa, writes: ? tried B. B. B. and it is a great ' thing for the blood. It also cured me of raeumatlo pains." A great man is aways more sur prised than anybody else, when he finds out that he is great. . Hat rVhPIT AND TBE STAGE . Bev. F. M. Shront, Pastor United Breth reu Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's Hew Discovery lias done for me .My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few Weeks. I took five bottles of lr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 26 lbs . in weight . " Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thor ougn trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery foi r Consumption beats 'em all and cares when everything else latls. The crrf-atest kind ness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it." Free trial bottles at F. 8. Duffy's drug store. Regular sizes 50c and $1.00. Tbe man who attends strictly to his own business will always have a business to attend to, VOKMU ARNICA SALVE The Beat Salve in the world for Cuts, Braises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Bores), Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras, and all Bkin Eruptions, and posi tively cares Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, er money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsale in Newborn by F. 8. Duffy, wholesale and retail druggist. " The man who walks straight at... a .. - . .ii nimseii Keeps a sooa many oiuer people from wobbling. Ballon 's Catarrh Bemedy. 4 marvel WU bum for Catarrh, Diphtheria, ' Canker mouth, and Headache. Witb ? each bottle there is an ingenious nasal Injector for the more auooessful treat aseat of these oomolalnte without extra "7 euarge. Fries Wo. Bold by New , Bsrx Drug Co. v. JIra.Qrnbly My boarders have no ' ' tight to growl at my victuals. Damby lam sare I don' 5 I had ' tares years' experience in tbe army. i Chndran JCry for Pitcher's Castoria.' I THE A56ELTJS. 'aawjaBwaB " ' f : B( AMIS F WSIB.' Thil pUar lighting Dp the vaosnt - wall. Gives to - my sight s through an opened door f The artist's owm rapt tiiw: The fur rowed moor, Tke peaaanta gathering np their har vest store Reverend amid their toil; o'erhaagiog 11 Toe wide and mantling iky. LUtl how the air Translaoent with the sunset's hoe and glow. And stirred by beat of wings, where birds fly low. Expands with billowy sounds! From distant tower The silvern ohime riagt out th' appoin ted hour, Now riling, now reocdiogt toft aid sweet, Each new vibration doth the oail re peat. And bid the world, in joy or in despair, To mark departing day with voice of prayer. Yet something more inspired the pain ter's touoh, A something all migbt feel who seek for such Among life's common things. The only wise Are those who catoh the spirits of the skies: Who breathe in air diviner balm. In earth's unrest are stilled with heav enly calm, A) these, who worship. Fountains ever draw From hidden Bprings their fullness, na ture's law But typifies the spirits. He-.ven to earth bends When earth, from oornmon day, - in mind ascends Nor questi in how this scene can truth itUDarlV 'Tie simple things do most affect tha heart, :Ooeoordil salutation cilds my day; One bird s brief warble, chasetb care awav : One ways de flower awakes a poet's lay; And here the artist, who hath hallowed art By this lime picture, moveth ma to pray. 1425 H. T. Ave., WA8H1HOTON, D, C, Orrice ov York KsTXBrRisa, YoRKVli.l.c. 8. 0 Aug: 14, '91. Atlant.o hlkctbopoisb Gentlemen: Foi the a - si Bve year my wife haa been a anffaror fram rilloDAla bO OUIDPletel V did the disease make a wreo of ner former eslf tbat lira waa almost oespaireu m. xiwr nervous system was almost entirely de stroyed ana the slightest noise would throw her Into a nervous spasm, which won id last lor hours. .Medical skill failed to bring anv relief. Through the recommendation of an emi nent divine we were indued to try tbe Blectropoise. After a persistent use of tbe Instrument, the enact has oeen wooanmi. Her nervous system has been restored to Its almost normal condition; her digestion Is wonderfully Improved; she Is rapidly gain ing In flesh; and, upon tbe whole. Is making a rapid recovery, which speaks volumes for the wor,derfold curative powers of the Eiectropotse, aa her case waa considered hopelets. if any are skeptical on the sub ject, lei them try tbe Eleotropolee, ana In wonderful powers will quickly dlp;l all doubt. Yours truly. W. M. PROPST. For Information Addbess as abovb, or 239 King St., CHARLESTON, S. 0. W, M.WATSON.'.Agent. New herns, N 0. Tbe man who plays the bass drum in a band, always thinks the music world be better if he had more to do. For Over Fifty Tears Mas. Winslow'b Soothing Sybop has bean used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the kUtnt, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is tbe best remedy fcr Diarrboei. Twenty five cents a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throuhout the world. jDflJ&wlv While the servant was improv ing his master's five talents he was working for himself. We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, oanker mouth and headache, in SHILOH'8 CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet. breath. Price 50o. Bold by Maw Berne Drug Co. Look where yon are going, and know where you are looking. When Baby was sick, we give, her Castoria. Then she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gavo them Castoria, EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE. Change of Schedule. To permit the annual renovation of the steamer Neuse she will be with drawu from the line for a few days After Monday Jan. 11th, innt, the Neuse will temporarily replaced by the steamer Plymouth, which wilisail from New Berne, (commencing Friday IStb, inst.) Tuesdays and Fridays at 3 p.m. Tbe Plymouth, while a pasenger boat, has no state room accommodations. Timely notico will be given of the resumption of service by steamer Neuse. Geo. Henderson, Agt, New Berne, N. C, Jan. 8th. 1891. VANCE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, SEVEN SPRINGS, N. C. FOB BOTH SEXES. Teachers all graduates. Military government for boys. Prof, dlssel, graduate of ft. John's Oonege. Annapolis, teach er of Military Tactics. Musio Teacher, graduate New England Conservatory of stasia Bpsclal coarse In coos. Law, Book-kerptog and Penmanship. vocal aiosia, uansiuenio ana Damb-hell exercises free. Do additional eost for Claaslov sartror Catalogue can at Joubbal office or address tlie Rrtnoipal. W. B. SKINNEB, Principal, ETBIf SPR1SCS, M, C. lniyS8dwtr i J wTXPTSBPEClTia A traabtooms skm disease 'caused me to scratch for tea months, and haa been cured b . a It w days use oX B. a a ;; UppeKeMarlboro, MtL, I was cured sever Tears ago ol white swelling In ny leg by the use Of , 8. B. 8., and have had m symptoms of any return of the disease, v Hany prom-, inent physicians attended me and all ' failed, but 8. & 8. did the work. . ' , PatoW. Ejbxpatbick, Johnson City. Ten.) . maUedlree. Atlanta, Oa. Jas. Redmond WHOLESALE DEALEH IS WINES. LIQUORS and CIGARS, South Front Street, Two Doo't East Gaston House New Berne, N. G. Notice of Incorporation Notice Is hereby given of tbe Incorpora tion of the MeW Berne Sewerage Company. Tbat tbe names of the Incorporators are Robt. M. Cole, Charles M Mearrlan, and Ju lius M. Fnrgurson, all of tbe City and State of Hew Toik, and George F. Wyman, of New Bern. North Carolina, and aacnotneis as tbey may associate with ibem. That the name of toe said corporation shall be tbe "New Bern 8swerae Com pany." That aald corporation la formed for ibe purpose of maintaining and operating a system of sewerage within the eorporate lim its and Immediate vlolalty of the City of new jsern, norm carouna, witn power to make contruots with the tnnaoKants and owners of houses for th use of aald sewers, and to collect the rents thereof. That the business ot aald corporation Is to be carried on In tbe city of New Berne, Cra ven connty. N. C. and tbe company ahall also have an office la the city, county and State of New York. That the tlmeof existence of tbts Corpora on Is limited to thirty years. Tbe amount of the Capital Woo of said corporation Is One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, a d the number of aharea of which aald Capital Stook shall cooaist shall be fifteen hundred of the par valne of One Hundred Dollars each. The private property of the Stockholders shall be abaolutelv exempt from the corpo rate debts or liabilities. Witness my hand and official seal this 80th day of Deoember, A.' D. 1891. W. M. WATSON, ' dec3l Clerk Snp. Court. Craven County. Foreclosure Sale. State of North Carolina. On tbe relation of the Clerk of tbe Superior Court of Craven County, vs. Oeoige llllams. By virtue of a Judgment of th Superior Court of craven county, made at Jll Term, lmi, of said court In the aoove entitled ac tion . the undersigned Commissioner, duly appointed In and by said Judgment, will ou Monday, the 15th day of February, 1882 (being tbe first day of February Term of Craven Superior Court), at 13 o'clock, aell at the Court House door in th City of New Bern, SF.C. for cash, tbe land described In the complaint In aald action, and ordered to be sold aa aforesaid, and whlch-ls slnatd In No. 3 Township of Craven connty, adjoin ing th lands of Noah Fuleher, Thomas Slap eford and others, bounded and de sorlbed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a lUhtwood stake on tbe main road (known aa the Fnrefy road), thence In a southeastern dlrectlon'to a new made stake on tbe boundary Una of a tract of 5t acres bought hv Alex. Moses and George Williams of Noah Folcherand Mary A. Ful eher Ills wife, by deed bearing date Decem ber 11th, ItttW. Also deed from Alex. Moses and wife Penny Moses to George Williams, containing 29 acres more or less. W. M. WATSON, C. 8 O:, Commissioner. January 2, 1S!)2. J5S0d GO TO JOHN OEM'S FOR Holiday GOODS. , NOTICE. Having qualified as Administratrix of B. H. Coward, deceased, lata of Craven eoanty, H una la to notify' alt parsons having claim acalnat tbe est! e of aald deceased to exhibit them to tbe undersigned on or before tb2Sd day ot DMtmbtr, 1692, or this notice will be plead id oar of their recovery . All persons Indebted to said estater will pieaae make immediate payment. DELIA K, OOWAUD, 4 Administratrix. This 23d day ot December, IBM, , w Swift jjSpecific. 'CM SALE OF Yaluabk, City Property.1 Superior Court, judgment, Bp.-ing Term, - - leT;i. - The Rational Bank: of New Berne T. A. B. DenniaoA ana other. Pursuant to 4h Judgment la th atwv aamed action, w wUl aell at Pobllc Auction at tha Court flooa In New Berne, on th 17th day of February, A.D. 1892, at 12 o'clock midday, th following described lands situ ated In th Hy of Nw Berne: 1. All tho Iota or pieces of land being lots Bos. IB and M In the plan of said olty , bound ed on the south by South Front street, on thewest by Me toalf street, on tbe north by lot of Mrs. A. B. Bey moor, and on the eaat by the Oaa Company lot. H. Tn lot of land known as water front of lot No. 21 in the plan of aald el u , at the oor ner of HaneooJt and Booth Front smu, balng th same conveyed to Clara a. Dennl son by John Brookneld. 5, The lot of land known as watei front of lot No. 24 la lh plan of aald city, and also thstt hone power engine, haftn.g, pulleys, tfc.onaaldlot. a. Thaaternhlfof the lot of land known1 In the plan of said olty as th water lront of lot Mo. S2, being tha same oonveyed to ular 8. Dennlaon by Ann Maria Dlsosway. Also th machinery on aald land which waa oonveyed lo LkiuIb Billiard by A. R. Dennlaon by mortcage dated 27th day of September, 1881, to wit: on sat hydraulic presses with single Kmp and M Patent Hester oomple e, log th machinery purchased by said Dennlaon of William Taylor A Bom; alto one set No. 2 Rolls, purchised from Savan nah OU Company, and set of Mats purchased fiom X.H. Nutt Bods a Co. 6. All that lot of land on south side of Sooth Front street being part of let No. 2 (waterfront), Ming same dcacrlbed in deed it. R. Stanly and wife to Geo. Whit ner, registered in Craven county In Kook 79, pages (61 etc., and by A. 4 N. 0. It. R jo. to G-?o. Whltner, by deed registered In said oonnty In Book 80, page 868; also the build ings. Improvements and machinery on said land; also all the machinery wul h was mortgaged to said The Nailonal Bank or New Berne by said A. H. Dennlson. Terms, cash. W. W. CLARK and M. DW. BTKVKNSON, Commissioners. January ISth, 1S1U. tds Commissioners' Sle rnrsuant to an order of the Superior Conrt of Craven eoanty, rendered at tbe Fall Term 1891, In an aetton therein pending en- .iLiou uidqu, ruj at vg, Hgains. w. jr. r oy, Executor, and others, the undersigned com missioners in said order appointed and by the same directed, will expose to sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Conrt Bouse ooor in tne olty oi Bev Berne, N.U., Wednesday the 17th dav of ribnr. hour ol 12 o'clock, M., or aa soon thsrsajtar as the superior Court shall adjourn fot the noon recess, tbe following described proper ty fully set out and described In th com plaint in the abov action filed, to wit: Tbe piece or parcel of land lying; and being in the eoanty of Jonee, North Carolina, known aa the William Foy Seven Springs plantation, and describe.! In a mortgage deed executed by W. and W. F. Foy to Green, Foy A Co. on tbe 8th day of June, 18C9, and recorded In tne records or Jones county, Book No, 85, folios 696. 698 and 697; also the records of craven connty. Book no. 100, pages 817,818, 819 and 82u, reference to which in hereby made. 2. Also the tract of land In the said connty known aa th Frank s oy land, and fuliv aet oat anddesarlbed In said mortgage deed. 3. Tbe tract or land In said mortgage de scribed aa a part of the Kavenawood land sooth of the tract next above described. . The tract fully described la aald mort gage aa the Owen Whltty ttact, lying on Island creek. 6. The tract known aa the W. H. Bryan tract at described in aald mortgage, on the north side of Trent river and near the town of Trenton, on botn aides of the Trenton and Core Creek road, - 8. Nine tow j lots In the town of Trenton, wnlch embraees atl the land In the W. H. Bryan property and described in the mort gage aloreaald; saving and excepting one of said lot which haa heretofore been sold and oonveyed to Barker of aald town. Also the tract of land known as the Tuck ahoe traot, containing 867)4 acres, adjoining tne Adam land, near where William A. Cox formerly lived, and near where old Benja min Brock formerly lived, known aa the John H Oliver land. Also the tract known as the Home tract, oommonly known as the Foy lande; formerly known aa the Samuel Hill Jandaud owned by Samuel Hill, containing 30UV acres more or less; tbe interest In said traot being the life estate of w.Foy and the undivided one half Interest of W. F. Foy; the eald traot lying on the south sld erf Trent river and on the eaat side of Hedy branch, an&adjoinlng the lands of the late Daniel Williamson In Craven county, North Carolina. Also the tract known as the Ballahaok land, containing about 41 acres on Katia.hs.nk branch, belngthe traot or land which was Inherited by W. Foy from bis fat her Thomas Foy. and which was devised to Thomas Foy by Frederick Koy.iir., lying and being In the And If the total Dreceedi of tha an lea at ih above tracts do not satisfy the Judgment debt aforesaid, then will tbe following per. uu piuioi,. w vApiwvu tu ,aie as tne same may be deemed necessary and at snob time and place as notice may be ki red of All the caul of the said William and W. F. Foy. being now Ibl'ty in number and in. eluding tnree yoke of oxen; ail their sheep uviut uuw up, uuuurea m numDer; all toe horstsand mules of the said rov. balm now two mares, one stallion, and (oar mules; also vuviMuivukuiwnuu uiu one muie named Mag. This 15th day of January. 1192.' OWKN H. i.UION, M. V. V. BTaiVKNSON, tds Commission, n. Public Sale of Land. In obedience to a Judgment ol the Supe rior Court of Uraven county, rend) red at Fall Term, 1891, in the ault wherein th state o Clerk of the Superior court of Craven oonnty. Is plaintiff, and Cyrus Westbrook and otners ar defendanta. the underslane , will, aa Commltaioner, aell to tbe hlgbest uiauer, lor casn, at tne i;ourt House in ura ven connty, oa MONDAY. KKBKUAKT 15. 1892, at 12 o'clock, M., the following Real Uatat. to wit: 1. A certain tract of land In No. 8 Town ship, Craven county, adjoining the lands of a. uoiuon ana otnere, Deginning at tbe north side of Nense Road (where th ilneot Stevenson's 600 acre patent crosses the road) and runs down the road 20 pole, then north to Carqllne M. Carr's line, then to the begin nlng, being one acre, more or less, with the Improvements thereon; being the sam e de scribed In the mortgtge from John J, West brook to the State, dated Jane 2d, 1880, . 2. A oertaln house and lot lb the Village of Barnwell, No. 8 Township, Craven conuty, adjoining the lacda of Peter Walden on the North, on the East by lands lately owned by W. D. Brown, on the sooth by Dawson's land, formerly owned by W. B. Brown, on the west by Dawson's land, being tne same &iace where aald westbrook did business: sing the same desorlbed in a mortgage from John J, Westbrook to the state, re corded in Craven oonnty record oc deeds, Book No. 95, folios 427 and 128. to whloh refer ence Is had. 8. A oertaln piece of land lying In the vil lage of Barnwell, No. 8 Township. Graven county, on the north side of Neuse road, bounded on the north by the lands of George Taylor, on tbe east by tbe landa of Utile Hlddlo. on tbe south by the lands of J ctor Oarr, on the west oy ti.e lauds of ueoige Taylor, on which there Is a dwelling house 10x18 feet, containing one fourth of o acre, more or lass: belngthe sum j eesctlbed In a morte-aa from Joon J. Wesmrook to th. State, recorded la Ornven county record f aeeas, book rto. vs, roiio ie, to wnicn refer ence Is bd 4. A certain piece or lot or land situated In No. 8 Township, Craven county, on Neuse road, about on mile from ,Barnwell, con taining ons Storehouse and about 1J fores Russell, bounded on the nortn by land if uoctor varr ana n. a. rtnsecu, on tne east ny R. A. Bnaaell's land, on th south by R. a. Russell's land, and on th west bv Petar Pettlway'r, Ming th asm described In aJ mortgage mm oon t. westDrooK to s. w Carpenter, O. 8, O., recorded In Craven county record of deeds. Book Ho. (8, Folio 180, to which referanc is had. 6. Also a tract of land In No. 8 Township, Craven eoanty. edlotnln- the land laten owned br W. 1. Brown, now owned bv onal He La whom on ail side, exoept NenseroadJ onto nortn iu,situaceain ins village ol Barnwell, containing 1660 square feet; balng same lot purchased by "John J. Westbrook from B. H. Wootn and wlf, by deed dated Fb. 19th, 1886. recorded In Book No. 9(1, folio 19 and 197, Craves) eeaaty record of aeeo i ; -v j i- .- 1 he above lfcts will be seiaterare'ely. JAMKtsO. HAthlMON, , nnmmlMlnn., Sew BiD. N.O., Jan. 12th, 1891. us s. 7 : i; ; aBBKT SSSSa. a yn ta tele alas, ay , V.Qwidwla,rro)-.K.rtttrork Ibr a.. ;vav, Vjom may hi nwk. a, aiaeh, bat tdsMk woeitjtarciiljr bow IfNrl tVoaJB M 10 Ur U Hut, mn& SB oft) M rosj f rm. Butk swi,aU Kwu 1st nyndl Artsv,7o mm samiawssss m maam,m Jar all yam tlSMr spsvrti nonsniti ottlr ts) Trr worker. W strt Tom, ftmlahlaf! atsrsBtasaa M tV. IHiMtTLAKlk. AIslSL 7 A n't ! . t ? 1 frs. i ; i He ilia8 just receiVed Mew :(ioods tnat fias this City, consisting of Easels, Walnut'Easels, -4 ;-:... :.. ; ...... tions,; Bicycles ' and Tricycles for Children, Large Size Oil Paintings, 24x30 inches, with nice frames, for $1.00, worth $1.50, and large lots of other New Goods too numerous to mention. I have also a Fine Stock of Improved Sewing Machines, Wheeler & Wilson Improved No. 9, Improved New Home, The Favorite, and The American. If yon are in need of a good Machine Save you $10.00 on -either of the Machines mentioned. We can furnish' attachments for all Machines, and if you want to rent a goad Machine, I have three for rent in good order; can rtnt one fjr EOj. per week." I ESPECIALLY CALL Stock of Consisting of Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Hall Stands, Wardrobes, Lounges. Bedsteads, Mattresses, Chairs, And lots of other Goods too numerous to mention. All of the above stock mentioned I bought for Spot Cash, and got a d is oount ot 10 per cent., therefore I oan sell Goods Cheaper than any Other House in the City. I Defy Competition, And Like Opposition, And Under No Condition Will I Budge from my Position As the Leading Furniture House ef the City. All orders ty mail will reoeire prompt attention. Yours respectfully, . 22 and 24 MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. O. HORSES AND MULES Ssk., - i tt . if" mi em I have just replenished my Stables with a WELL-SELfeCTED STOCK of HORSES AND MULES, and-will continue to keep a FULL STOCK on hand. My selections are made with a view to the wants of the community, and my terms cannot fail to give satisfaction. Have also just contracted for ONE HUNDRED BUGGIES, and will keep constantly on hand a FULL SUPPLY of VEHICLES of every description, HARNESS, ROBES, WHIPS, and in fact everything usually kapt in a First Class Carriage Repository, Buying in such large quantities enables ma to give my customers the benefit of discounts. All goods sold on a very small margin for cash or negotiable paper on one or two years' time. J. W. STEWART. 1 roUNDEB IN tMdbythsi 1 aimat aaaauUv gT f ment Increasefl annnal attandanea Now oemDvias? four balldlnars 8tsnds cnrivfiled in facilities for educating TOTJ(0 MBIT AMD "WOMKSl for sneesss In life. In deciding upon s school for their children, PARENTS saoald Send thaw to THE BEST, because it pays. It mar retinira iae exaenaitnrs el a law aoiiars more vnt Hies. 1 CHEAP taition la vary ear.becaaa It auaas les, ana oner ju opperaaines Tor seeanag This Inatitatioa. awiaa taltaUlriU ataadaM of yonng mea and womea from MarrTaBd, Virginia, Baaarasc ail similar uautatwns comoineo, uataiogm aaaparucaiart saaiiea on application. .-Address, W. H. SADLER, rrtsldeat, and Toandsr; or p. A. SADLER, Secretary. .Business coixtoi.e.8, 10 12 N.ohsviesi St., Baltimore, mit VAUGHN PATENT . .. iii.i a TWi f .Tn-TTTT ST STBONCrEST. EASIEST XnXSQ VEHICtB Off EIAETH"" " S' ' saa, Jm '21 ak' aa " ' BUGEIE5, BOAO WA&OXS. PHIETOSS,' STJEEETS. OijtliistiiulerMS ' rP'Hu, afatavawa il : afix v s jz. rsA. err u ai a vi4i s f STITiTiiitK:; the largest Stock of Ever Been Brougnr to Willow Chairs, Bamboo Pictures of all descrip call and sue me. Will guarantee t YOUR ATTENTION TO MY Furniture, yglSS of aoaUnnons and encceBfiful.ia&nnf.:. at arsv imi 11 win prove laecucapciio mrs cheap teachers, cheap surroundings, inferior l':'.c..- fOBITIUNCI or 11a pnpiis auu grauuaici. excellence, has Disced In desirable D North Caro)lna,BotiUi Carolina and Georgia, than zceiieBOS, ass pisceo in ueeirame uubi,ii,u muro SPRING VEHICLES. 3rsrasu.v TlVGlDTii I'll- AlJD 3.C r i. 5 n stosawstllfeit,:' K..?-syV.BK 7: jMga 1 . notice. -;. : - ' Pursuant to a Judgment or th Superior Ooort of SJravtn oountv, rendered at th Kail Term 1891. In which L. J. Moore was plaintiff and C. Locker waa defendant, I W1U sell for eash. at th Court Hoose door 1 th oily of New Bern, N. Cth following de scribed property, to wit Two lot In Pavi . Town. or Farmvlile, known la tb plan of, Farmvill aa lots Noa. 61 and 97, being th earn lota purchased by O. Iioeker rroaa Pavle, Trust of Uabanks; being to same premlaes where th defendant now resides. ' Bale will ik plar atia U., on Monday th 15th day of February, 11. JAS. W. WATERS, tds- . - Coaaislonr. ' Sale of ValuablejLand. I will sen for cash, at tbe'Vouit Houa door In New Berne, on Monday, th 18th of Jan nary, 1893, at 12 o'clock, at., a traot of land containing iW sores mora or less, 35 acres cleared. 75 acres heavily timbered with pine, ash, cyprtsa and oak, lylbsVabout eight miles from Mew Perns, near Klver- . dale, about one quarter ot a mil from tb A. A N. o. V. H. aud on mil from Nus River, adjoining ibe Gray farm and the iHnds of U. dimis jo, Blp Loodle and Barney Dixon. janmh, 1692 OALVIS SMITH. For fnr'her parllcn:ara apply toX. H. GIB33, NeWfBerne, M.u. . ... ...,iatda Long Investments. Parties wirhing to make long lnrest mentson city property drawloc eight per cent interest per annum, payable semi-annually, will do well to call at my office and learn fall partfoalare. P. B. PELLETIEB. Dee. 11. im. dtf Administrator's Sale of TT T TT A TJ T Tl T t 1TT1 ' v auu ii jj jj jj u in v, OS MONDAY. FEBRUARY 1S.18BJ. I. - Hutuiuiier iur8Uinb ruwiu &acuos,Blus Coart House la Mew Berne, N. U., the IoUow lnif described traot or land situate In th county of Craven, on th Trent road aboat ' nve uinee iroui dow Dtfrus. uounaeaaa ioi lows: Beginning at the . w. comerof Hrlery Pnnaln rnnnlnv BnuthM.t Kli haIm IIimim southeasterly to the mam road 111 poles, thence west 57 poleB along said mala road. thence fcouth im poles to a red oak. theno along the swamp to a branch making out of -Bamuel oreek, tience across th main road to a gum marked "T," theneo northaaat wardly from said gam 119 poles to th bs glnnlaa, containing 100 acres mor or less; being the land belonging to tha estate of th late W. H. Johnson and sold by order of the Superior Court to make assets 'or the pay ment of the indebtedness of said estate. . Terms of Sale One-half cash; balance on creditor twelve months, title retained nntil tbe entire amount of purchase money Is paid. This 13th day fef January. 1898 ROBT. Q. MOBEUEY. JanI3 33d Administrator. Executor's Notice, -v The undersigned, John H. Morton, having duly qualified as the Kxecutor of the laat will and testament of David W. Morton, hereby gives notice that all persons having claims k gainst the- said David W, Morton will present them on or before of January, 1803. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their reoovtry. All persons owing Hie said estate of David W. Morton will mane Immediate settlement of the same. JOHN 8. MORTON, Executor, Harlowe, M. O. P. H. PELLET! GR, Atty. JanlOdwsW NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA Craven Connty. The Board of Commissioners of Craven county vs. Isaac K. Brown. Fursuaut to a judgment of ih Superior Court oi the above county and State, at Fall Term, 18911 will sell lor cash at the Conrt liouae door or Craven county, on Monday the 16ih day or February, 1892, at li o'olock, M., all the following landa, vis: Lots bos. 80 and 81 In the plan of tha estate of Joshua fcott, deceased, situated -n (be west side of West stieel (botwc en Cedar and Elm streets) in thr city of New Heme. No S Township, craven county, Morth Carolina, wliiofa lot was conveyed by If. C. Roberts, O, M. K to Edward Brown by deed recorded In Book 01 Deeds No. 82, folio 44. Craven oonnty records, and afterwards devised by aald kd ward Brown to Isaac , brown by his last Will and Testament recorded In Book "k," of Wills of sulci county, folios 112 and IIS. to which reference is hud for full dsorlpilon. '1 his January 11,1892. JAMES W. BIDDLE, , td Commissioner. NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA Craven connty. g. The Hoard of Commissioners of Craven cjunty vs. U. h Chance. Pursuant to a judgment of the Superior . Court of said State aod oouuiy, t Fall Term isui, 1 will sell for cash at tii Ooort Houa door of Craven county, on Monday thalfrtb day of February, lfili, hi li o'clock li, tfc fjiiowlng lands, v:se: ' Three huiidred and thirteen sores of land o 1 Cttboque creek, in No 5 Tuwnsblp Cra ven couuiy, North i.'aiollna, being tbe same tusenbdd iuh ieittiu uutd irom ldware R. JoueH uLd ..ihcia 10 i.urus Chaooe. dated Uec Uih. 1806. and rourded in thrordaef Craven cuuty Book of Deeds M0.S8, lolloe 450and 451. to which reterence la had for a more complete description. This January 11, 1802. JAMES W BIDDLE, tJ Commlslonr; NOTICE. " " NORTH CAROLINA Craven oonnty. The Board of Commissioners of Oravea county vs. Samuel Dove, B, F. Borden and others. Pursuant to a judgm'nt of the Superior Court 01 the above State and oonnty at Fall mrm 1S91, 1 'rill soli for cash at the Conrt House door of Craven county, on Monday tne 15th day of Keuruary, I89i, atlso'eioejc M , the folio ing janda, viz.- . , - Two hundred acres of land on Ckhooqne creek, No. 5'1'owuship, Graven coonty. Marin Carolina listed by fcumuel love. dasorlosd In a deed from B. F. iiorden and otnrS to Samuel Dora, recorded In th Records If craven county. Book of Deeds Bo, ML folios 121 and 122, to whloh deed reterence la bad tor a fullaud more complete description. This January 11, 1892. JAMES W BIDDLE. td Commissioner. MOTICB. . -,,5,. north CAROLINA Craven eoanty. The Board of Commissioners of Craven county vs. Wu. MoUIll andM. Hann4 Pursuant to a Judgment or the Superior Court of ine above Stat and oonnty, at Fall Term, lxtil 1 will Bell for cash at tb Court Houen door of Oravea count, en Monday their:hdayof February. 1802, at, 12 o'cloik M., an the following lai da, vis: ' . Ten acres of land on Neuce ttoad In No. S Township. Craven county, North Carolina. Hated by Wm. McOin, being a plec of the "Dlngley Gray Tract," 1 about font miles west of tht olty of New Berne, adjoining tb land of Virgil Whitfield and Simon Moll, walne. . This January 14, If 92 " t ij JAME3 W. BIDDLE, . Commissioner, NOTICE. j ; NO.tT J 0 AROLINl-Cravan oonnt T.ih Bouid cf Commissioners of Craven coaity vs. Jab Jaspar, KrvnJl Jaanr et als. . Pursuant to a Judgment of the Bnperibr i out t of the above slat and Bounty, at Vail Term lt'91,1 will aell for oah at tn Court lliiuie door of Craven county, on Moaday theloih day of February, 1892, at 12 O'oloak M .allih followlag lands, vis: ' " Aoeruin Jot on th west side of aeotta Alley, in the olty of New Drae,No.Towav blp. Ura ven oonnty. North, Carolina, whiek is desorlbed in a deed f ronv W, u PJm-r to Sylvia Crawford, recorded In th Baeords of Graven county. Book of Doeds No. 78. folloa u.buu. w wuicu ae,ta rvisrsnoe is i for a fall cesorlntlon. ' a. --i Z, This January 11,1892. tV4- jisuv Bttmlrf . j- Commlasloner.. UommiBsioner'B Sale pf y V A L IT AB LErTi AN ti Pqranant to a lodgment of forealonr of Mnrtgsgea, and an order of sat, at Fall Term, 189', of the Bu parlor Court or Craven Cuuxy, North rolln, in the olvll ctln enntW.Kjreeu, Koy ds Co, v. W,sT.H..OaT. lnr, et a I , mi i oinm taaloa er dulv aapomtsd and authorised by the sa d ludgmant and ' order or sale, I will sell to the bigntat bidder at the Court Hons door or Craven county, lo tbe eit of w Berna, ft 0., on the task diyt.f being Monday andtha first day of Renin ry Term of Craven Oonntv . Huperlor 12 o'clock, boon, or aa soon thereafter as tha oout l ahall lak a ra. ' cess all the following riescrlhed land: Lying and being in Craven oputy. North Carolina, on Clobfnot's creek, k. d bounc ed on th nonh by Uiubfoot'gereekoii the east by Adnmsirreek vd. on.ttWLOuth ia . New.B-rn load, on ib west l the landa of tha late hufns W, BelLtont.lninsTone hundred and tiny acre more- o. jeia, belnc th same tract of lan " forme, ly owned bv Stephen h. Oavlner, and well known aa th Oaviner tract of lan d. Terms of sale. eaahT Thla. Jannarv lath, lwij. , ' ' .td .0. B. THOMAS, Commli stonsr. 'n , '...'.v-v.'-i i F

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