? r. :?31m ' F 1-r HE VOLVJL-N. 26$ NEW BERIME, N. C., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1892. FK1CE5CENTS. Journal. .ft' ftUSINm LOCAL. ' v- - rr HRGB room on first Boo Ut ret t. i JL v . . , O T. Hakoock tf. ' ; T k MA HOSfi deelrin. to bav FraaoO and -.'io-:.'- X' Arisiio" Painting or ' Fashionable , ' ' Papering done io belt etyie od secure - tha services of. BieaeiS-. vonneuy at, Dai J ' - lard of Sew, York at Hotel AWert- FOB SALE One Second-hand Piano : Apply at the offioe of - feb it Clakk & Clibk f"X Afirt CIQAB8 at verv low - ' '"' t OaUUl figure towboloiale aod . : ' retail traoej rui j '- " ,, - JB BsUiJtOllD, - ,r .f 'CALVIN SCHiFFEB'8 WILD . v . X OBEBBT ROiK AND RYE put -op Mpreealy lor throat and lung die '' earn, for aaie by , - -' i - ,AB Rbdm jhd i Jf T HAVE movtd on Broad etr-et, 8tall ; ' iNo 7. a. Fikbere old atend, Flo . ' H usaga meat,(10 cent per lb ; jD261mo VibghlS Betas. ' - ' "i ABBOTT'S COGNAC BRANDY . f'-"'.. JTosed Yery much In tne aick room. -?-..., - Fur sale by t jaaSStt JAS EHDM05P, ., .-'.r v" fTTVE Hundred pair of Rubber Shoes for ohlidren, 10. 12i ana 10 cents per .7'y .'V'-:"'T-jj ' ?r- ' 'VjeolS tt BIG IKE HONTlDI Janoa Mineral Water, too bent Natural aperient. .--'' i. . ForealebyJaB Eedmond. ' : .'.npHB Consul Policy recently announce ..i JLby TH IfUTUAIt IlFB IliSUBANOE - :. . t COMPANY Of NltW YOHK MnDime -' W MuRE ADVANTAGES wi.h FEWER '. ' - RESTRICTIONS tban any Inv atment i'fsiCS loauranoa Contract eer offered. It y , oooiollitaiM Insurance, Endowmoni. : Cv - Infeatment. Anoul Ioeoma. No other ' ; V-wmpMF offer thla poiioy. ' TJUBE CORN WHISKEY foraalaby - J IT. , " Jab Redmond. .:;.T.v-;r.:.i "ABOB lot of handtome Laoo Cur 1 A:'''-' AJ taina, Ohanille Cnrtains, Covers. : "T.'-";" Bast, etc, joat reotived at . -'k jo9 , J Sdtkbs. i "'. ?. ' If PORTED HOLLAND GIN for tale , .' ,;'JLbyjAB Redmond. - f j " ; E. Hadaon Honaa Painter. Paper x.'.$T. .rX'Va Hinger. Kalaominer. Orders . .. ,:-' . proaip(y attended io. Apply at " V. 3 f i L H. Cutler's store. i D TJFF Gordon Imparled Bberry, for aalebyjAS Redmond MOKE Genuine Cubana Tobacoo octotr. MI8a.8ACRME5TAL. PORT and 80UPPEUNONG WINE8 lax sale by Jab. Rbiuodd NEW DRUG STORE. Droga, Medi eu.a and ohemloals, o. r. Popular Proprietary Medicine. All varl ties of Druggist' Bnndne. TroHea and Bre a. New crop Gr4-n Seed. Kina and Large Btoek Cigar and Tobaooo. aliV. Pra aariptlon aesnrately aomponndart (and iot ,-at WAB prices), .out m tto. and onr euoeeae. ' a C. ok vKN. DniKlsc and Apothecary, M Iddla at., four door from Pollock. laniB ly DUFFY'S HALT WHISKEY for MediolnaJ nio. for sale by ' janad Jas. Redmond. p.' Compliments have passed be tween Chili and the United States . and honors are easy. BOTH parents oonsented, and a girl of thirteen was married a few ' days igo in Georgia to a boy of Ibarteen. 4 i It U; estimated from very relia ble sonrees ; that ths season : Virginia had 100,000 acres of land . derated to tobacco culture. :f COIi. Bhbpard says New Tork will never become reliably Eepabli ew nntil all the Republicans read the Mall ' and Express. If this be true the State is hopelessly Demo, cratie. .' Idaho ha jast about enough population and territory to give to eaob person in the "State a square ' mile of room.-. There are 84,290 . aqaare miles of land in the State and 84,385 people.' , ' ' It la not often that Louisiana . Bepnblioana commend themselves Jto our admiration, but their re pudiation ot Wormouth , entitles them to a salute, and we courteous ; ly left our hat to tbem. vt The investigations recently made of the habitations of the Colorado eliff dwellers have: led, scientific men to believe that they were oconpled by a raoe of people fully ten thousand years ago. . : A - noted Western man riding ; aoross the veouotry and noticing thousands oi acres of cornstalk standing in the fields from which the eara had. been, jerked, said 'The farmer Is conducting the only vbaoiaesi in the world that allows a r.aa to lose 43 per cent, of his capital stack and at the same time Jive." - , " . T7eilb the large receipts and f ' ive supply of American cotton 1 : ? a forced down the price of the t ; 'a, the recent orop estimates ! atal accelerating influence to 3 the market and to reduce ; ' "3 far beyond their merits " ' "V the aotnal eOBtofpro . 1" ) Douth Atlantic f-wm cotton et ' ; ' a. Oif f ; n It is said that Mr. Cleveland's gan at his sporting lodge in New Orleans is confronted every morn ing by not less tban ten to fifteen thousand wild ducks, geese, plover, snipe and other aquatic birds. ' A correspondent of the Jour nal of Agriculture selected two hogs of the same sice, weight, age and thrift. To one he gave an ounce of salt daily; to the other none. The one salted had a much keener appetite than the other, and in" three months weighed fifty pounds the most. Democrats throughcont ,4ne country are very partial to Senator Carlisle, and justly so, because of hisgreat ability, sound Democracy and manly character. The Wash ington Star says: Possibiy nothing except his residence in a Southern State a Southern State, however, wnicn adbered to the Un on in the late war prevents the present movement to promote the candi dacy of Senator Carlisle for Presi- deuc from amounting to something HMtoas. The eminent Kuntuckiau i confessedly a atatesman and Uader and "orthodox" on the two great questions of tariff and finance Wah. S'ar. aJAL NEW. SEW ADVISRTIHEMtLNT3. i , T Hancock Booma for rent. Lucas & Lewis- Onelow Co ham. Fieher, Johnson ft Co. New firm, farmers & Marobanta Line Schedule Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co. Weather today: Fair and slightly warmer. Quarterly conference will be bald io New Borne next Sunday. The amateur minstrels bare added another feature, a staving faroe, with a large Ciste of characters, to the coming entertainment The racing horses for the Fair are till arriving;- Mr. W. O. Wiilelt re ceived a floe trotter yesterday from Miadleton, N. J., by tbe steamer New Berne of the O. D. line. Lewis R.nt, a colored man aged 64 years, who has btien in the employ of E. G. Hill, Eeq , about a dozen years, and who waa known to a good many 01 our oitizsns, died yesterday of pneu monia. Tbe county commissioners take the position that tbey have no right to act in the matter of a steam ferry or rivir bridge at New Berne until by aoc of tfce Legislature the question of levying a tar and issuing bonds for tb at purpose is submitted to tbe people. Perseverance is an element of ano- oms in any business, but especially does It apply to advertising. "A man who persistently and ardsntly pursues one objuot io life," says George Ohnet, th French novelist, "la invincible. " If any a msn has fallen short of success by reason ot his faintheartedness. An Atlanta deteotive named Haney suooeeded in collecting evidence that John Boyd, who sinoe Christmas haa been io Charlotte jiil for oow stealing, is tbe heartless misoreaet who wreokeo the train at Boatian's bridge, In whiob twenty-thrte lives were lost. Boyd hi oonfersed bis guilt and also informed on his acoompiiees. Kintsy Female Btmlnaiy has written to aeoure a good sized space at the Fair. This school intend to make a larger art exhibit this year than ever before and we are pleased to learn that it I almoat a settled faot that tbe school will visit the Fair. . We are told also by a Grifton gentleman that it faery probable that James1 Improved High School will attend. Visitor to the Fair are beginning to arrive. Mr. A. L. Mohlsr, of St Paul Minn., General Manager of the Great Northern Railroad, arrived last night to pend a few week In the city, covering the time of the Fair. r He U (topping at Hr. W. P. Bnrru.' Mm. H. D. Dean, of Brooklyn, arrived to vUit her CMsin. Mrs. J.: K. Willis, and Mr. Hamilton Ditosway, of Brooklyn, and ohild ar tired to visit relative, and all will re main nntlt after the Fair. The improvements v on , Hanoook Ucraet M. E Ohuroh are getting well under way. The old pulpit ha been pulled down 1 and entirely remodelled and a new olrouUr railing haa been plaoed around the new altar. The door at the rear will bs closed and tbe seats re-painted. The wood work is expected to be finished nut Sunday and the painting will then be proceeded with. The ' work. Of these Improvements is being done by the member at nlgbt and itt leisure; the pistor himaelf en gaging In the labor, o that tbe ohuroh is being put to no expense except for the purobase of the materl I. Mr. B. W. Cline, of Philadelphia, real estate agent for the Norfolk, Wil mington and Charleston Railroad oama in on the steamer New Berne yeeterday bringing hi horse' and buggy; He expects to be joined In New Berne by two other gentlemen, who will come in from Washington and they are to drive thrm' h the country from bore to Cl-r lu 'ia ert t- surves t'.t tv t ' ' t . i i f Coming and doing. Mr. A M Baker left yeeterday morn ing returning to Danville, Va. Mr. Wiley Jonee returned to Balelgh aooompsnird by hi mother moving there from New Berne. Judge L N Bang of Buffalo. N. Y.. Hon. Fabius H. Busbee, of Raleigh, and Mr. Tbeo. F Kluta of Salisbury are registered at Hotel Albert. Mr. Leo. D. Heartt. of Durham, ar rived to visit her sister, Mr. E. H Olaypoole. Mi Hattie Water returned from a viait to her sister, Ma. 0. T. Randolph, of Kinaton. Sam Jones' Lecture. The large audience that greeted Sim Jones in Goldsboro, a good portion of J which waa from New Berne, were well plwased with his leoture. HI founda tion argument waa that manhood con sisted in doing right becauae it wax right. He dealt sledge hammer blows against the whiskey traffic and the evils of trashy novel s. Hie humor wat excellent,' his illustrations apt, his remarks pointed, and his denunciation powerful. Mr. Jones took the position that it i very man's business to aee that no one else drinks. He emphaaized tbie position by tell Ing- of a prominent man no positively reiusea an urgent ap peal to a contribution for temperance work on tbe ground that he was not affected by it as neither he nor any member of hia family used it and im mediately after tbe refusal his wife an ohild who were away were killed as they were coming home, in a railroad acoident caused by the drunkenness o the engineer that was running the tram on whioh they were. Committee Meeting1. The following named ladies com posing the Fair Committee on Culinary are repueated lo met at the residence of Mrs. John Dunn this Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. It is desirable that there be as full an attendance is possible. Mrs. Graham Daves, Mrs. M 0 Windley, Mis. P H. Peltetier, Mrs. T. A Green, Mrs E. B. Roberts, Mrs John Dunn Mrs. S. R. 8treet, Miss Sadie Hollinter, Mrs. W. F. Rountree, Mrs. R A. Willis, Miss Nellie Jonet, Miss Annie Justioe Mrs. N. W. Jones. Mrs. J. K Willis, Mrs J. A. Patterson, Miss Maria Manly, Mine Hatiie Dail, Miss Luoy Rishton. Mrs K R. Jones. COMMITTEE ON CURIOSITIES. The following named ladles com posing the Fair . Committee on Curiosi ties, are requested to meet at the resi dence of Mrs. John Hughe this Wed nesday afternoon ot 4 o'clock to fully organize Mr M. McK. Nash, Mrs. E M Duguid. Miss Hannah Osgood, Mr C E. Foy, Miss Mutie Olark, Miss Katie Daniels, Mn. R P- Williams, Miss Rosa Cox. Mis Emma Henderson, Mrs W M Lorch, Miss Msry Manly, Mi- Etta Nunn. Better Boads Demanded. A iolentino gentleman in speaking on this subject says: It 1 almost a helpless task to attempt to arouse the people to the necessity of making better roads in the country, but it is one that must be continued on il something i done. Our country roads, a a whole, are far behind the age and are holding other thing back. They areth channel of commerce nod ocia intercourse, and when they are out of order and obstructed, business suffers, expenses aw increased and people are shut off fora the educating and inspii lag effects of mingling in sooiety. Under the long standing system of repairing roads, individual feel that they are working for the town or conn ty Instead of for thsmselves, and that it is the business of, suoh municipality to aee that the work is done and their business to do a little as possible for the pay received. , Much of the work is done as if the only object was to have it pas inspection without regard to the permanent usefulness of the road. The particular are too well known to every one who ha seen the work done. and no rale for Improvement oan be given that will apply to all oases; but there should be a general awakening on this subject in country towns, and men should realiz that they are at work for themselves, and that in making a good road they are increasing the durability of their team Hind carriages, reduoiog the cost of getting their produce to mar ket ahd Improving the meant of asso ciating with their neighbor. . So. fine a reputation has Saddler' Bryant and Stratton Business College Baltimore, MdV established that it had over two hundred oalls daring the past year from business Jaouse of Baltimore and th South for its student to 811 positions, and over one; hundred of the plaoe were filled by young men and ladieedireos from the College. Tbh College etand in the front rank of In- atltutlone of the kind, and ha furnished more luorative and desirable situations to it graduate B than all similar Institu tion in the South, This oan tmlybe accounted for by the recognition of the faot that the aotnal teat Of business re sponsibilitie ha proved . that - the graduate are prepared to enter upon and properly discharge the varied and important duties belonging to business enrcs for which special training U in: " 1 to the highest measure of suo ' t "e tbe course msfped out Hancock Street Church. Marked religious interest is being manifested at lb Hancock Street Methodist Church There is steady increase in the congregation and all the meetinga of the oburch are well at tended. The membership of tbe church has been put in olasses aooording to the requirement of the law of the ohuroh and six leader have been appointed, who are sub-piston in the ohnrohi Six olas meetings will be held each week. These leaders have a spiritual oversight over eaoh one of their members and report weekly to the pastor if any are siokorifany ot th-m walk disorder y so the pastor oan visit, reprove, ex hort and encourage, as tbe case may require. And eaoh leader, in add ii ion, calls his olas together at some private house onee a week to rr quire of each one personally about their growth in grace, also to oolleot asseament of dues to the Church. There waa a large congregation on Sunday night and nearly 20 parsons oama forward and gave the pretcber their hand, asking the prayers of the Church for their convention, and the Holy Spirit manifested hirjself joyfully in the hearts of the membership. Services during Ibis week: Monday night Working Sooiety of tbe Church meet; Tuesday ninbt 8;e ward's meet ing; Wednesday night prayer meeting;', Tnursday night the classes meet; Fri day night Livefecst at the churcb, everybody invited to attend, and that day is appointed as a day of fasting and prayer for a great revival cf religion iu tbe city and all christians are asked to unite with them without regard t denomination. Qiarterly meeting on next Sunday, 7th inat.,on which day the Presiding Elder will preach. President E. T. Warner. The direotors of the Delaware rail road mat io this city yesterday morniog for the purpjae of electing a uaoeaor to the late Colonel Christian Febier, president of the road Tin ee pree-ni were E T. Warner, John r Ureen K T Waleh, J. N. DuBarry. Th . Cur rey and W. T Records. E T Warner as unanimously elected president William T. Porter was eleoted a direc tor "to fill the vacancy in the bo-rd oaused by the death of Colenel Febiger. The Mr. Warner alluded to in the above paragraph, from the Wilmington Morniog News, is tho vice president aod managing head of the Wilmington S. S. Co , who own the elegant steamer Neuee, whose eervioe between New Berne and Eliz tbeth City, bb ptrt of the Eastern Caroiiua Dispatch line, is so admirable. To Mr. Warner It due primarily tho oredit of establishing this line, and es pecially for the cons ruotion and placing on it the Nnuae. Mr. Warner has for many years oc cupied a prominent plaoe in transporta tion oiroles and hit seleotion as oreei dentor this. railroad is a merited recog nition of hi abilities and worth. The Delaware Railroad extends from Wilmington Del., to Delmar, which in a part of the E 0. D system. The performonoe of the Minstrels on evening at tbe theatre will be to aid the Club oomplete the work begun on the property at the foot of Broad street. a place where muoh enjoyment may be bad this summer. Medical Testimony. W. Thornton Parker, M D , Recor der, Association of Acting Atsistant Surgeons of the U. S Army, writes: "Salem, Msbs., Maroh 23 1801 'When at Btuttgart. Germany, dur ing tw winter or 1831-82. i was suffering rrom a severe attack of bron- chitia, which seemed to threaten potumonia. I met, at the Hotel Mar- quardt, Commander Beardslee, of the United Statea Navy. In speakioe of my sickness, be remarked: 'Oootor, you can cure that ohest trouble of yours by nsing an Allcock's Porous Plaster ' 'That may be true,' I answered, 'but when oan I get the plaster ? 'Any where in the civilized world, and anrely here in Stuttgart. Whenever I have oold, I always use one and find relief.' I sent to the drug store for the plaster, and it did all that my friend had promised. Ever ainoe then I have used it whenever suffering from a oold, and I have many times prescribed it for patients. "The Allcock's Plaster is the best to be bad, and has saved many from severe illness, and undoubtedly, If used promptly, will save many valuable lives. Whenever one has a severe oold they should put on an Allcock's Plas ter toon as possible. It should be placed aoross the chest, the upper mar gin just below the neok ; some hot beef ten; or milk, will aid in the treatment "This ii not a patent remedy in the objeotionable sense of that term, but standard preparation of value Tbe Government supplies for the U. 8 Army and Indian Hospital Stores con tain , Allcock's PLasrsRS, and " the medioal profession throughout the woria are wen aware ot weir reliability and excellence. I shall always recom mend It,' not only to break op eolda, but as useful io allaying pains in the ohest and In the back. It is a prepara tion wortoy or general coatidence," The Minstrels should bo greeted by a representative New Berne audience on -evening. Aren't yon going r - J - Commendable. ' , All claims not Consistent with the high character of Syrup of Flga are purposely avoided by the Cat. Fig Pruo Company. Itactarently on the k. ' icys, liver and bowels, cleansing tho The Lame Walk. Pitifufindeed is tbe condition of thes who are confined to their beds or ohaire unable to walk How grateful all eui b must feel when they recover from tht ir helplessness. B M B. (Batanio Blood Balai) ba made more than one lame person happy. Mrs. Emm Griffiths. Uniiia. Tenn . writes: "My little boy had scrofula so bad his knees were drawn up and his knees stiff, and he could not walk. He derived no benefit from medicines until I tried B. B B. After using it a shirt time only, he can walk and baa no pain I shall continue its use " Mirtle M Tanner, Boonville. Ind.. writes: "I had blood poison from birth Knots on my limbs were es larg-i as hen's eyg. Doctors said I would be a ciipple, but B. B B. has cured me sound and well I shall ever praise th day tbe men who invented Blood Bilm were born!" 4510,000. EpiTOB JOURNAL: The North and Northwest during tbe winter mcn'ha do not call for money by the hundred of thousand. So any one who could u-e to an advantage one, two, three, four, Ave, six, seven, eight, cine or ten thousand dollars, would And it to his interest to borrow it from tbe Eietern Building and Lif.n Association of Syra cuse, N Y. The Eastern has already loine' several thousand dollars to its members in N. C. In my presence December 21st. 1891 it granted all applications on file from North Carolina members. For particulars applv to Isaac H Smith, New Berne, N. C, General Ag?nf. jit(J30d "The shoe which suits i' th - i-hoe which sells " Bring your feet with jou ud have them fitted to apnirofoiu common sense Bhoen. The sruw- sold by its are the old reHilile Stacy Adams & Co'.. They an- not only wear resisters, but iKirtifH using them for the last Syfars sn oot troubled with corns. We lr-tve them at 3 00, $3 50, $1,00 aud 85.00. If you need any goods in the men's line, give ua a trial. We will treat you right every limp. Clothing, Hats and Shoes. At J. M. HOWARD'S. The Minstrels. Din't mis the Minstrel! songs, bite and humor. Aid i cause and attend the Minstrels. L item hen Bab waa sick, we cave her Ca-storia. ' -Tt'hen slio was a Child, she cried for Castor .a. When Bhe became Miss, she clung to Castoria When see bod Children, she gave them Castoria W.il Johisou. J. H Flahoi . Fisher, Johnson I Go ., (Qiekburn'e O.d Stand,) CENTRAL JIAKKET, Broad St , New Berne, N. 0. The above Arm have 'come tostHy,"ni If you wiiQt to getoui money's wor.h, come ani see ut wutm you net d any Groceries, Confectioneries, Vegetables, Etc., Etc. fiT Conntry Produce Bought and Sold. We have a elivery Wason, and will send tout goods anywhere in theciiy . BolluitliiKyou- patronage, we are Yours respctfnlly, feMtf J IS HE ft, JOHNSON & CO. JUST ARRIVED : Onslow Co. Hams (new lot.) ff. Y. Pig Hams, Pale Cream Cheese. Best Creamery Butter, Purest Laid, Florida Oranges, Choice Lemons, Oatmeal, Buckwheat, aad the "Best Flour on Earth," AT LUCAS & LEWIS. Farmers' & rchanta' Line. Steamer R. E Lee Siila forPollookBTille and Trenton, . TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS, 8:30 A. M. Returning, leavei Trenton - WEDNE3DAYS AND FRIDAYS1 8:30 A. M. Freights received daily under covtr k Olyde'a Wharf. J. E. MT1LER, lanSOtf Agent. ,. Having bought out the entire stock of furniture of A M. BAKER, I will continue tbe business at the same stand and respeotfully soliolt share of the publlo patronage. ' ? Also, I . will continue the manufao tora of ALL QEADE9 OF : HAT TBE83RS. : Old llattreaees renovated and put la flrst-olass order. ' p Absolutely Pure. A craam cf tartar baking powder. HighrHt of all in leavening strength. Latent U. S. Government Food Report. Norfolk acd Washington NfiW DAILY LINE Bl-TWEES NORFOLK. VA , and Wi H'fl!, B.C. Ttiu yew u 1 i'oweifal Ircn Pulacs S eam- "Norfu k" and "Washington" c :i(!PUfd t" re ihf finest St-m tiers -ifiia. will 1 ne "-' rfo'K evtr (1 .V 1 ilio y r ni i h- wharf of IVtrTnlfc and CaroMiin rtl'ro-ul I'-Jinjiany ill fi;tU P. i . -'Id Pnun ii 7jiO P. i . r-iviuy hi VV'u-hlngton xt 'tor. iue; a i:0 tMnnec Ing with ti r e-erly trui' ut ih ' eni v B o. U. Rtls. or th '-or h t.Hi Mitl Went KtilU'iiliw leaves ubiil gtn everv evpn. i-'K at 7 o'clock, a' n it-gin Iorru;h u 7:.'I0 uex nornlnn, cont'd- Iiik wtth all 1 1 it L ti m i Iip t-oaix'jirtl ai.il Ho nok, Noi foi & and S uthftTj. At lantle nti Piinvllle und Nor To k and W s'ern Kullrodn. Par-He- kp'B tor Ui No'th find this the moRi, .iesi utile "d pien-ant rout" to lakf, fivlllrf an oppO timty O: BtO(ipiiii (ii tt a1 Rfi1n ton, . (' . i tig .r n-i ..j nli g Tliroimli 'lctvotK 'iisaiU.i-L ttiw jirStic pal Kat i ron i t.Mircs l Older ' o v i ; t.1 m s'ik" forih'kets Tlatlie -t-w Line M'Uin-is t - W 'iisiilugLon for r..i", h rr infurniathtn ripply t- JAS. P M UPIN, igt-nt, Norfo'k Va JOU 7 v: LI.AII X, fien'l Supt, fo ,",:3nwll Atlantic & S. 0. R llroad. TltA.M.SPOItrATIDN lii:rKTM: NT. ow Bern, N t'. J.iq J i. M)2. Cheap Excursioii Ratej TO T'ifi A8T OAOLINA FISE, QY6 iR, G A ME AND Industrial Association, AT t'EU. 'J.-Z. Si, 24, -.). 20, 27, 11. It im ail s tlou -;s will in- ho (1 over V'ni- roiu t- o ' u ; u of New H. ni, tmk u 'to.td on the Mao 1 h to in ioclusive- trooii to return to V iriiHr J.)) h, inc.uM e i Btatlonh h.ni of N- w eni wl1 1 s. il i ick ew U..I Lo iid Including Fet.ruuiy 7, by Ma 1 Train. The Fpfci--1 Fair Train Will run on February 22, 23 24 23 20 and 27, from Goldsboro and inter mediiite Stations to New Bern and return name day. Fare for Round Trip lncluling adai -Mion to thr Four, when ' iortts are pur I'.bHBi'd by M til or Special Train: Gldsb tro HI Til I l'listmrra S.'i Betn 1 60 1 larlt's 75 a Grange 1 4. KiVfr.mie 76 Kl iuK t't-ek... ... 1 -I" i CroiiUu sf) KiriMtf-n 1 6 11 vcio k , 1 uu Caswell ! -i N'ewiort 1 'lb UoVei 1 . i.J wood 1 M' Cure (.'rerli 1 0j j itiiiutic 1 ."6 vi ore head City ...1 4J 43r cli- du of ;icci .t Traiu for t u forma tion oi lie puhll and n a r trMn non, hk tills tr l'V wll' im t)v teie-raphlc orders and will hay.' iiu rmhtu over renu Br trmna un tecB ao oi dt-rfd b the 1 ram D.BpuU-tier. hchedull; : Lea e Oolosboro 8 00 A.M. item '8 H ;t0 ' ' I a (Junge s.i'i 1 ' it 1 1 u u i;reel( It Oil Kinr-toa M.'JO " " Car-welL i) :u Dovor iU9 Core ('reek, lo.oi " Tusearora 10 -D ' ,;lark'a 10 7 Arrive at Rern ltl.4i " itt niri ing, leave New Kern (i.iO P.M. This con: pan y will tranpport aitic b for exhibio on pre pav i ent of irtlgtiL t J w B rn,and up ai prodtiction ol c rtill cate rom th Hecrttry of the b'alr Ahb cia tonthatauch artieleb hav uothteosod for Height ctiaics wilt hs retundfd an art lcU 8 returned free, nr upon prouc ion ofcertltlotrt rrom the Hcretr' that rn a tides ar lnte ded fo txhibluou, the wiil bt trnep Tied tr e from r-hlppintr p ili nd tetum) fre as ib e provide- foi gents f h'H com puny will be in tru 'to 8 l permhbltr ai t li'le. etc., to io i li-li ifccrtloii lu sipine them f ee Mansp -ta t'Oo witn-ut ccrtlfl'ihte frtm H civ tar . These prlvliei s a e iio ex:endd to article n inte ded for advertising pirposett or for race horhes. 8. L. DILL, 8nptTlntend( nt. wi jtJk , ft i . j HirrY LOW PRICES 5 j Is and always baa been huh qnuliu and low prices. Tbe publio lu i k became convinced, too, that we oev. oiiee tbe mark - The Bull's Eya of Popularity i located Just where the p o ure indicates. A Good Marhsmen hits the bull's e every tima W claim to be that, auo drfy compeiiiion- - . - -1 i Rpspeotf ully, , ' S!::!;!:"rn & Vi!!:tt. S. il. STREET, General FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Aent, NEW BERNE, N. C. Stop! Stop! AND SEE THE Largest and East Selected Stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY Silverware and Novelties ever shown in New Berne. I have jus ri.tnrnvd from the North with a FULL STOCK of all kinds cf gooda in my line SAM K. EATON, The Jeweler, Middle St , opposite Baptist Church. NOTICE. Harrington & Baxter For the next Thirty Days will close cut their WINTER CLOTHING, Boot3 and Shoes, At a Great Eeduction. Cros. 'tit's and Zeigler'n shoes tht same prices. IStp il&w Oarriago Shop, Jiistopetcd en Bro.id street, v here all kii.ds of CART, WAGON & BUGGY WORK bo dot. on snort notice. Mko wh Iwvfl B FIRST-CLASS TOK F BOKK from tho West, where r-aoi on t is ru ot i-:. Uivn ;i cali Htiti wo will give eatif- ii. vnf:elq & sons. Si" PARK. NTS SHOULD BEAK UIND that the feaeon for attacks of ""roup is now on ua. Be prepared for tins insidiodn d: ae by always having i b.i;rip . k n. Dully 's Croup Syrup in ttifl hotiae. Prepared after the re cine of the iate Dr. Walter Duffy, and (or suIh 'iy the proprietor at his store on Mid Die etrpet. nut to Custom House, md by New Berne Drug Company. J0HI. loSORLEY, Soot and Shoe Maker POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C. "nv'iig secr.ved the perviceB of a skilled Merit ft . ic Ht-d tli'8t-clnB8 Workm n fro in ew :k,l am mw fu ly prepared to fill prompt v all iMih vs tor fine ClroM MIE BOOTS AND SHOES. Fho mnnv yH rn i hot I have satisfactorily npp ted li wa its of my numerous patrons in i tit- be - iiHr..:i ee of the character of fliy wot k atrlnn a specialty, Neatlyand prompt ly doe. novtilw tf !stp JOHN MC30RLEY PE0FESSI0NAL AND IRTISTIG PIPEHING. All kin is of FIRST-CLASS WQEK i i his ii.d done oa SHORT NOTICE aud at REASONABLE PRICES. Sampic -in i nil tho latest Btyles oan st-n by nppljiug at the GA8T02T HOUSE. WE P. LAWRENCE. TO T1IEJU8LIC. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE FIFTY DOLLABS In t..u pi.ic: ao of a PIANO, aid from Ten to fifteen Dollars in th pin h 83 (.r an ORG A.N addrcfli AD0LPH C0HK, NEW BERNE, N. C, General A?ent for worth Carolina, who q " linndilu ko ils dnect iiooi themana ractute e. hi Io i wh: HiVH (tSADH MKHLIN PIA1T08, disiiuKuishe.i fur tune, woramsnahip and I irtibiii' and en oreed by nearly all the 'iiustc I I un.His in the Unll-d -tatee. Made hy ui M-hl n, ho lsailhlKtimeoneof tii t. - iuirhjmtn and.iiVenloreof thadar. riint , i: H4teu i tb a hlghraae eei II i .tio. v.s Ui EaBYJfKTtHsrjrBIOHt Pit", hich Has oeu sold iy htm lor tna ' i-l ' ' in Ihe eaefern part or I hie ; u, ml uptothia time haa given entlra at afat; ,i The lipn -bc e enojtut men tioued w'H be sold at from $200 UNO, tn i iim.ii. il tt.sowouu, k, walnat or i(a b BHnyAiiee A.o tlj CROWN PARLOR ORSAV. fioiu Soil toi u lusoiln Aa nuttirUuRo sea ' Tun mr'1 experience tu the mosle boel m l.nseT Hbled Ii m to handle notnlne bnl "" aiandaid moods nd b dues tot hesitate to ' y tht he wi I tell any runsloal luatrnn ent about 23 percent alia per ban other agent are m. ofTerl . i Hefertua ) ra ' si" ! leteraCarollnav Jan28 dwtf :UJVr'J i- d 9- o e r'-.ually. but it is not a cor i is a m- art la life for 7. P. JONES. , t 1; - no pretensions that every I Children Cry fopitchejsjCastoxIa i v r n --intiate. jnl7dwtf