VOL. X.NOt 265 ftfEW BERNE. N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1892. P Hi CE 5 CENTS. 5 i ft: BUSINESS LOCALS.. I MPOETED HOLLAND GIN. Bark Bvw' Ale uil' BarkeV Guinness Stoat for ale by Jab. Bkdmonb, O. BACOS AND LAKD at A 41w ,' K. B JONES r "'TU8T EECKIVED A fin lot of . J O, Hams, all eiiae. Alio, looted . Horn ton Early Bom Seed Potatoes t Tery low prioes for easb at ; ' s ' . Chobohih ft Pabxbb, - f 4 1 w i .- v - Broad .treei HBEB room on Brat flor for re. -X' 0. T. HAHCOCK -.. -i tf . ; TBoIe destrtnu to bra Fresco and Artistio Painting or Fashionable "'.Papering dona in beat style oan secure " ' Ih aarvioet Of Messrs. Donnelly ft Bel v lard of New . York at Howl Albert - 'v : jan. -ol tf. FOB SALE One Sacond-hsnd Piano. "Apply at tbe offloe o . "' febltf . Clam ft Clam; ''r'K AAA' 01GAB8 at Tort low O.UUu figures to wholeaale aad : retail trade for sale by , - Jin Redmosd. f ; y HEMT - T CALVIN SCHAFFEB'8 WILD Xe CHERRY BOCK AND BYE. pat V tap expressly tor throat and lung dis eases, for sale by r"--jan89 ; Jas. Bbdmohd. I HAVE moved oa Broad street, Stall No. 7, -K. Fiahers old .tend. Fine r S.usegetneaMlO cent per lb. jwSSlmo VikqilS Bryan. ' I ABRETT'S COGNAC BBANDY : r- VXaaed very maoh in ibe eick room. - For tale by - jn28if x Jas Bedmohp. FrVE Hundred pairaof Rubber Shoe tor ohlldren, 10. 131 and 15 oenta per pair - janlStf BIG IKE. HCNYADI Janoa Mineral Water, the beat Natural aperient. For aate by Jab. Rkdhond. THE Conanl Polioy reoently annoanod by Thi Mutual I.ifb Issubancb COMPAKT OF Nw Yobk 'oombines KOBE ADVANTAGES with FEWEB -,- RESTRICTIONS tban any Investment Insurance) Contract aw offered. It consolidate Inauranoe, Endowment, Investment. Annual Ineome. No other - company offere thia potior ; PURE CORN Wai8KEY for sale by Jas Redmond. LARGE lot ol handsome Lace Cur teine, Chenille Curtain, Cofera. ' Bogs, etc., just received at . , jtnO, J. BtJTEB 8. RE. Hudaon House Painter. Paper Hanger. Kalaominer, Ordera " Promptly attendnd to. Apply at tf L. H. Cutler'e atore. DUFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for sale by Jab Redmond. s MOKE Genuine Cubana Tobaooo. . oetoti MI8H. SACRAMENTAL, PORT and SOUPPEBNOSG WINES fr aate by . -v Jab. Rbkkomd NEW DRUG STORE. Drugs, Medl iiiM and hemlola, o. p. Popolat Proprietary MadielnM, Alt Tarl tie of DrDggtat'a rtondrua. Trnawe and Bna a. Nw orop Gard-n Seede. Fin. and Larg Bioek Cigar aad Tobaooo. ALtW.. Pru orlptloni aaearately oo nponnd and ot at wab prion), odi m no and oar aaoaeae. O. O. OB JCM. Drongl.". and Apotbcoary, , Middle at.foardoo(a from PoUook. lanUDly DUFFY 8 MALT WHISKEY for Medioinal nae for eale bt ' jan9 , Jas. Bbdmokd. , FARMERS generally are reducing the oottOB area. . Thk youH emperor ot Germany haa exhibited many excentrioities, J-J-- tbe latest bring an attempt to pie-'"-.vent llirtlng. It cannot be dune, yont MajeBty.' The girls will flirt. " ' THE Hirer question "hangs fire . - in fjongresa. Both - parties are ' afraid to tackle it. It ia probable , - that when the Stewart free coinage . bill ia reported to the Senate it Will . . be defeated. . v . " ' 1 -!'..-' alataMawMwaaBMemBWanwaianaMaaa ; Tax Bevlaiioniy spirit ".' is growing ia Mexico. It Is expeoted . " that outbreaks will be more general ':C, and formidable in the spring. . The ' ' , followers of Garza are said to be " : backed by a ring of cattle barrons ' and in niog kings : ' with head - quarters in New York and Wast :- Ington. , . ' K&m:iMi:p ' v Ih a speech Feb. 2, at Exeter, - - Lord Salisbury, in reviewing the - issnea before tbe people, said that Ireland "- remained , the burning i question, of tbe hoar, ; on which would rest he issues not only oi - the next election, but perhaps of others, and he appealed to the eountry to uphold tbe union. Postmaster General . .: Wana- - tniker has informed the House -Postoffloe Committee that to re ' dace the letter postage to one cent an ounce and postal cards to one ' half a cent each will cause a deficit in the poBtal revejaues of $25,000,: 0C9. He does not believe that the increased business would compen ' sate for this less. The House Committee on the Ju'iolary has authorized Mr. Cul- t :on to favorably report the I' a bill which provides that a ( ::.t;oa shall be deemed and ? ' . t"zja f r aU judicial par- ..'if ' Ii r!.:.'.i it may ; ' " : i. At rreient ( ' " i f' i tl e t' . TAB MiUankw Juuroal fluow thefollowing in its editorial ool amna from day to day for tbe edifloation of ita esteemed Eepuoli can oppoDeots'Tne eulta broogbr. by the ttmooratie admmisrratioD will resalt ia the repj meat Into tbe Wisconsin State treasury of t422,120, the amount illegally taken and appropriated to their own naes by the Republican State treaaarere." : Mb. Sptjeokon's funeral wiJ be held on Thursday, the 11th instant. His body will lie at the Metro, politau Tabernacle daring Tuesday and Wednesday ot next waex, and the building will be open to visi tors. The last. Soriptuie quotation made by Mr. Spnrgnon "I have tonght a good fight) I have finished my course; I have kept the faith" (II Timothy, iv, 1) is inscribed on bis coffin. AN event that is anticipated with interest is the promised speech of Senator Palmer, who has an nounced that he would at some convenient day address the Senate on the subject of the election of Senators by tbe people. He is the only man in the Senate who was praotioally elected in this manner, and it is known that his speech will be a thorough review and advocacy of the principle of which he is the exponent. LUUAL ISEWfe. NEW ADVKBTI8XMINTS. Bargain Store Ribbone. Jae. Redmond Holland gin, eto. J. E Latham Gen. oom'n merehant Weather today: Fair and warmer. Mr. J. H. Shot well, the Riverdale let ter writer, went up to Qoldaooro y es ter dy to apend a few days there. The Woman's Missionary Sooiety of Centenary M. E. ohuroh will meet at Mrs. K. R Jone.i this afternoon, at 8:30 oaolock. Special Fair Preminm 48: One bbt Pratt'. Attral Oil donated by Bait. U Oil Co, repreeented by W. B. Guiun. For best merohants exhibit- Tbe Udy managers of the Iaduttrial 8ohool and Women's Exchange will huld a meeting tomorrow afternoon in the Y. M O. A hall at 8:80 o'olook. A fall ettendanoe is requested. A mistake wee made in setting up th tte advertisement of the Mutual Life Inauranoe Company of New York on yesterday. The assets were put at (80, 000 000; it ahouldhave been $160 000 000 After oop j iag a communication from an exchange wnlon stated that tbe writer had an old law bjok in which i he name of this oity waa op.lled New Berne e wrote to the ooireopondeot and found that it was a mistake on hie part and we determined in Juatioe to all to make the error known. We eopy by rqaet this morning a oironlar wbi-b Mr W H Oliver is circulating tha tells the story We have given f tola on all aides as they have developed. There li proof enough that the proper name of the oity Is New Bern, that the flnal e haa oome in general dm by the post offloe stamp having it that way and that there is less reason in spelling the name as one word than in any other way that has ever been used. Coming and Going. : Hon. A S. Seymourr, left yesterday for New York on business and to visit relatives. - Mrs John O. Winder, of Raleigh, ar rived lait night to visit her daughter Mrs F, W. Hushes. ; a Mr. Fred IV Hunter and family, of Henderson arrived to visit the family of of Mr. N. S. Richardson. Southern tFar gongs. . ''Southern War Songs" oolleoted and Arranged by W. L. Fagan and publish ed by M T. Riohardsoa & Co.. of New York is a handsome book of 400 pages, with thrse desan illustrations It opens wild the National hymn, "Qod Save the South,V the flrsi one publlihed daring the war, then comes 'Tbe Sonthern Marseillaise," a grand martial air and the rally leg song of Ibe Con federacy whloh was eomposed early ia 1861 and song throughout the South while th soldiers were harrying to Virginia. ' ;- . The three songs with whloh the voi nme closes are "The Confederate Note" by - Miss J.' Turasr, of North Carolina, written Jat prior to the tar- render, the- familiar end touching ''Conquered Banner" by Father Ryan and a reply . "Fold' It Carefully" by Sir Henry Houghton, Bail., of England. The eoogs number - over 800 and though many of them are laokiog In poetio merit they make a valuable con tributloa to literature as they embraoe 11 olawcs eamp-flre," pstrlotio- and senltmentaland show the ptsslonsta ainoerity of tho Bouth in, the - mighty truggle between the Btates. . JSJ itnrroriHOnne or t it '-'rais on HE ASS WEES More Fully Than Necessary on Some Points, but Dodges Others. Yesterday morning' mail bronbt u a leiter from Mr J. H Sootwell, or East Btroodsburg. Pa . the author of tbe eourtillous eommuocatiun published in his town paper whloh we gave our patrone the benefit (?) of reading. Mr. Sfaotwell'e lettrr to us has no date or poet m-ikbuttbe envelope bears the stamp of Riverdale. poet-offioe. We gin hie letter in ful as be requests "with out any obange." Mr. Shotwellt attempt to divert at tention from the points at issue by speaking of non exaeniiat matters, aa the width of the river, eio. and his attempt to make oapital out of tbe accidental omission in tbe types of the tetter e in the word feather in Mr. Fish er's reply to bim is trilling and far fetched. Hie endeavor to put any political or any eectianal aspect on the affair with, out eff eot end will amount to nothing. We have Northern oitisens of both politloal partiee who enjoy tbe respect, confidence and good-will of oar entirt community. This effort of his reminds ns of an occurrence that took plaos not long after the war. A partiaan ipeeob waa made in the North by one fully acquainted with ibe facta telling that a number of Republicans at Kiotton bad been eeized and killed, leaving tbe inferenoe that it waa becauae they were Rftpublioans, when the truth, as tbe speaker knew perfectly well, was thst they were executed for the vilest crime known, without any other question hatever being raised. Likewise in Mr. Shotwells oase, no inquiry was msds as to his politics and the question of how he stood politically never onoe entered our minds. Tbe treatment extended bim waa bared upon his conduct. As to his reference to his companion we will say that we have not heard any one speak an ill word of him, that he appears to bs a olerer man and so far as we have heard) an opinion exp'ts-ed it is net believed tbat be had anything to do ith Mr. Shot well's writing or that he he knew of it. Mr. Shotwell says ;his "news" was not received from a certain source, but he fails to sav from what source he did reoelve it. He does not even say that tnat he received it from any one. We remain as much in the dark as ever to whether he waa told it or made it up as he wrote it. Of Mr. Shotwell 's other remarks we have naught to say. We do not con aider them worth farther notice. Female Benevolent Society Officers. Tne following are the officers of tbe Female Benevolent Sociaty eieoted for tbe ensniogyear: President, Mrs S. J Dudley; (Vice President. Miss H O Matte; Secretary. Mrs A S Seymour; Treasurer, Mrs. J A Meadows; Managers: first ward, Mrs Nelson Whitford, and Mrs J A. Simp- un; second ward, Misses Sadie Wilson and R O Brookfleid; third ward, Mrs W G. BrioBon, and Mrs. N F. Nunn; fourth ward Mrs. N S Richardson ana Mrs. H B. Dully; fifth ward, Mum Mary Hay and Mra E H. Olajpoole; tixtn ward, Miss Emma Jordan and Mra. Unas. Hulliater. The objeote of the society are grand and lie workings admirable, and as we remarked at the time the annual ser mon was preached the sooiety affords an easy and exoellent medium for onaritably inoliiied people to relieve the nvedy. The managers of eaoh ward vlait and look after the poor in that ward and keep posted aa to their neoes' elites ana worthiness, and in oaaea where help ia to be extended for considerable time the sooiety votes ss to the amount to ' be bestowed and far what time it is to last. In any emer gency between the meetings of the ociety eaoh manager has the power to decide at to the amount of relief to be extended. Thus the need for street begging ,whloh is always demoralising especially when children are sent out for. the purpose, la to a large sxtei-t done away with. The society is limited in the good It oan aooompiiah by 'the amount of money it has to distribute There are worthy oases enough to take-more.' than lis in come. Kits main rellanoe Is monthly oolleotlont from gentlemen contribu tors, aad we believe there are numbers of others who would become contribu tors if they realised, the good they thus oonld; accomplish. A small amount from many la exactly what the society needs and desires for carrying on its work in the beat manner. - Getting B.Vt;: b""f; Tne (650 eneoxtment of fireworks for the Fair hat arrived, also the mammoth balloon In whioh the four a Mentions are to be made. Work is goingoa in the main, building getting it la good shape for the exhibits, a.d the large shed, under whijo the chicken coops are to be placed so that the poultry will be doubly proteoted from Inoietnent weather is being built. Hurrah for the Fair I Whoop ber 'aptsi your ex aibiti in readiness. See how many of the generous premiums yon oan win, and how muoh benefit" and pleasure yon tan derive from viewing the ex hibits of others, and how muoh yon oan bestow on them in return by the exosl lenos ot your own exhibits. Tls tlintcrels shoti'l be greeted by a r - imitative New t erne audience on At -i't you going ? SHOTWELL'S REPLY. Read It and Draw Your Inferences. Own Mb. Eon OB through your ooluninti wouid like luoorteoi. a fa errors ibu our E.at btroudsDurK Pa Mews mfcdc not beiog as I wrote Mm also some tm othere I made myself. First I bav learned through Mr. Fiaher Jatuue (Juj has 1H0O to 8000 lnhaDitante in regaro to the country around Biverdale it u very Level wet and p or Mr. Fiaher eaja they can raise no orops without Ferterliaer a good many of the People white aa well aa Blacks are to Lazy to work a good many of the people have 00 Stoveo and some no beds in rogero to the rather Beds Mr Fisher epease oi 1 do not know what they are we have met inawhiie a Feather bed to bomt when I said one sore in 100 oleared 1 ent it to the paper one out of 1U0 tilleo if tbat ia wrong willingly oorreot it m regard to the nvsroes have since leartoi oy conversing with them that they art good oookc also iu regard to cow wish to ooriect that as I have aeen nout hitched and will further sav have not seen here in two weeks a double Team of horaee and only one double team of mulea a good many have Fences but imply laid np 8 or 10 Rails high with out being Staked & Ridered which tbey ten me the heavy winds blow down 1 should have said Miss L zzie instead or the Northern war of p akiog L zzi a good many People bund their houare in rjwamps you ought to all know the definition of Swamp all Land you havi- to ditch before you oan p:aut we north em Poop a call swamps la my lettei do not say Mr. Leary Built that he oboae a high spot. Should aiso say it e Neuoe river is over 8 miles wide in stead ot 8 we now have 75 nets sbouli read they now have 75 Mr. Flanner it -forme me nearer 1000 tbe fi.h 1 bought for shad they the Fiehermana inform me waa not a shad but good many could not tell them that ibe lam K j anud they sold in Newberne for 4 80 Pr I also want the people around here not to be under the impression that Mr. Lean icave me any news as he did not know I had written anything and in regard to Mr. Fisher I will prove tbat my paper was directed in plain writing and stamped to Rirerdale when it came out of the Mail Bag at Croatan was in dil- lerent wrapper and n stamp on ano nothing cut scratches on it Poet Master Mr. rianner Williams, Uardison, ano othere oould not read it no such wrap- par waa put on at &et Btrou inourg 1 will prove I have bten kindly treat eo by suoh men I uecame aiquainted with aa Leary Flanner Smith rianks Pone. and a few others but only by one River- dale man Mr. Porter I kindly wish i ou would Publish this without any ohangr word for word as I know all the sood thinking People csn't say but it is tb truth p-rhapa (here might be tome si Biverdale living retired would think i not plain enough I shall bid good Bye to your county and some kind Friend tbat t met Pleaae send me copy ot your paper to Goldsboro and don't believ- your northern Uemocrata are tbe worse soamps in tbe world McDanolds and myseif and our fathers before us nevPi voted only the Democrat ticket the wsy we have been treated will make good cspitol for Northern Kepublioans YOUrS J. tl. SHOTWELL A MISTAKE. A correspondent of tbe News and Observer in a communication stated that "be had an old relio entitled tfce Laws of North Carolina from 1719 1790 in which the name of tbia pi id was in every icatauce spelled N Berne." I obtained tbe loan of tbe book, it is at my offloe aur-jnot to tbt inspection of an one. Ii is true it i tbe Laws of North Carolina It ws printed at Newborn by Martin & Ogdeo. Ia it are tumorous acta of l e Gneral Assembly in regard to N bern. All over tbe book referenoa i made to Newborn and in net a eiogi. instance is it oihrwe than Newborn William H Olives Nawbern, N. C. Department of the Interior, United States Geographical Survey, Ueogrspbio branch. Washington, D 0 , July 18, 1891. Wm H. Oliver. Esq , Nwbern, N. O. Daar Sir: I take pleasure in inform ing you that at a meeting of the Boaro on Geographio Names, held last Tu-m day. it waa decided tbat in all Guverv ment publications and usagsa hereafte the name of your city be spelleo Newbern. With renewed thanks for the infor matioa you have so freely furnishes me. 1 am Very Ksspectrully. Henrt Gannett, Chairman Executive Committed on Geographical Names. From the Washington Post, Washing' ton, D. O 1 ' The uncertainty which has blthert existed ia regard to the palling of th- word Newbern, the name of the busy North Carolina City, wbioh haa been variously spelled Newbern. Newberne, New Bern, New Berne, and New bur o, Is done away with by the amhoritative decision of the. board on geographic names, whioh makes It Newbern. the decision being in aooord with and rest' ing upon the spelling of the name in the original charter of the town and the early statutes referring to it, " From Washington Post. Dao. 24 . 1801 "The Preeldent yesterday transmitted to the Senate the first annual report ot the board on , gsographio names, to whioh la referred all unsettled ques tions arising in the Departments eon' oe ruing the orthography and nomenola tare of geographic names. Tbe decision. of the board are accepted by the De partments as tne standard authority in such matters.". 10,000. : Enrron Joubnal:-The North end Northwest during the winter months do not call for mousy bv the hundred of thousand. So any one who oould use to an advantage one, two, three, four. five, eix, seven, eight,- nine or ten thousand dollars, wonld find it to his interest to borrow it from the Eastern Building and L?sn Association of Syra OUSS, St. X. s, -.; : - The. Eastern has f already loaned several thousand dollars to its members in N. O. In my pressnos December 81st. 1801 It granted all applications on Ble from North Oarolina member, V : For particulars spplv to : : - -Isaac H. Smith, " New Berne, N. O., General Agent. Jan680d ChlldrcrrJDry for.Pitchefo.Castorfr List of Letters Remaining in t e Po tnffice at New Berne N C Jan 30tb 1893. A Mra. Hvnab A. Arling, O Miss Mary Ci roll, Qeo. L. Cren than, D Mr. GoO Donah. Franklin D ve. E Mr B. C E s. Rose Earn, Blount wards, F Mrs Fannie A Frzll, Q Mr. George Oardipg Col. Lesnder Q.ery. H Mr. Henry J. Huaay, Mr. Lewis Bob. J Mrs Sarah F Jacrx. M-Mre C C Myer. P-Mr Frank Powell, Str J C. Me aUK-htoD, R H. A Richarlson, 8-Mr H. S Smith. Mrs. Ada H Smith Cpt JoHfph R 8ornpr Str. Annie E. Pierce, Mies Henri 'it Sprue! (3) Persons calling for above letters, will ay advertised, and give date of lint. The regulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery of each letter advertised. Wm. E. Clarke. P. M. ''Something lor Gentlemen that means you " We have just received a new lot of Collars and Caffs also shirts in piqae bosom and fall dress. There are some things gentlemen always need, snch as Surfs and Tien, (n new lot of white silk fonr in hands.) Half hose, underwear, cuff holders, eto. New lot Children's Yacht Caps at 60 cents. Boys Windsor ties and if your boy needs a winter snit we are giving special bargains in them. J. M. HOWaIUj. The Minstrels. Don't miss the Miuntreli-1 Litest lonye.hits and humor. Ail oause and attend the Minstrels J. . LATHAM. GENERAL COMMISSION MERSH4N7, Buyer of Cotton, Country Produce, and all speculative oommodiiits. Reasonable osh advanor a midt. i nn fur nish storage for 500 bales cotton. Office foot Uravtn street. In CI yd" hn lin ing, febjdfftr COMPLETE Line of RIBBONS, All Widths and Shades. BARGAIN STORE. THE Mutual Life Insurance COMPANY OF JNEW YORK. tats About S160.000.000. Among the death claims pre ented last week for payment was one on the life of the latt- Jacob D. Vermilye, President of the Merchants' National Bank of New York. He had an in surance on hia life in The Mutual for $8,000. He had been insured for forty-three years and had paid in premiums $8,637.00. His family now receive $22,821.00, being an actual profit over cost of $14 - 184 OO. Aside from the forty-three years ot Late Insurance the investment realized four pet- cent, compound interest, a result that has never been equaled by any other company in tne world. For insurance in this the Oldest, Largest and Best Com pany in the world, apply to C. A. BATTLE, fitf At Journal Office. ' E. Flitter. W. a Johnson. J, B. FUhet. Fisher, Johnson & Go., (E. B. Haokbnrn's O.d State!,) OI.1TB1L ITJARKKT, Broad St , New Berne, N. 0. The above Arm have ''oome to stay." and If ym waar- to getyom money woriti, come anl se ns when yoa need soy Groceries, Confectioneries, Vegetables, Etc., Etc. CT Country Produce Bought and Sold. We have a delivery Wagon, and will send oar goods anywhere In the oily . Soliciting yoor patronage, we are Yours respeotfnlly , febStf J13HKR. JOHNSON A CO. V7. P. JONES Is now otrrying Large Stock tf . v AND , Manufacturing and Cleming ;? HATTRESSES,; Opposite tho Qaeton House, and rts peotfallf hskt share of patronage from tht pnbllo. x ' 1 ' ; . j fiP Absolutely Pure. A cream of txrtar biking powder. Hirfhht of nil in lettvenii g strenir -Latest U. S. Government Food Report House For Rent. NINE ROOM1. wi:h Gib Fixtur-. ami i. inttrn. Apply lo 2t C. T. WATSON. A Full Line Samples J'iMt rfc wed, fiiiriicihing nice, net and c'noap N. M. OASKILL. Feb. 4, 18U2. 4t JO.J ARRIVED: Onslow Co. Hams (naw lot.) N. Y. Pig Earns, Pale Cream Cheese, Best Creamery Butter, Purest Laid, Florida Oranges, Choice Lemons, Oatmeal, Buckwheat, and the "Best Flour on Earth," AT LUCAS & LEWIS. Farmers' & Merchants' Line. Steamer R. E. Lee Sails for Pollocsnville and Trenton, TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS, 8:33 A M. Returning, leaves Trenton WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS' 8:39 A. M. Fri-iRhts ren"iv.d daily under cover at Clyde's Waxrf. J. H. MILLER. i-n.20;f Aeent An a UQtnp&ny NrAV DAIUY LINE NORFOLK, VA . ant) WA',HINGT0 B.C. TLcJStw n;l rcwerfnl Iron Palace S e&ni- IB ,,Norfok"and,,Wuhi-gt n" c inoett" d t tc Hip floes' Steantis floa, t wil. liio " r!o k t-vtr ii ihe y i ro - whtiil of NnrfnlR and t m ; Klrn (1 i'ijinn hi OilO P Id Pom ' a I 7:M) t'.M ,r iviuh " h hlineuin n x m In- a Gi.tO K c u i. c lng with ti o.i iy iral i ibt em a b It. Kds. orih 'r h b.Hr-i nl Wtst hetuMiln ea r unlit tt -n every pv. i u at 7 or lock, a m Inn u !orfob n 7i30 X' i.- ornin. i'ouh1'' inn with a 1 1 t'tiln hf r-eaf- uni ri d It i oohe. No f "ft hmi tilhfii, ATlttnilc ftnl lauvlllt . nl Not fO kftnd W SMTi Km i I i't td ( Put-Bet tfeis 'oi Hi- i t will nml th t'f ti-oet iienl atilr' d i-u H-Hiit, i-ni ua , lvin-f B' oppo lun ty n Ktn(.pini; nv, i -en In ton, K i n "r ret. rii K Tliroueb u stirj t, .ill tu ur nc pal Kaliroftfi tti'a It (iT IO V U m BkS K TOT llCKeiS via tbe w Line -He-iimis t Wa ilugion Foi furilir itif rntatl -n Hpply to JAS. F M Arci v. Agent, Norfo.k Va. JOHN CALLAHAN, Geu'l Supft fe S dimwit Is. and always bsa been rih qjali and low prions. Tan public Iodk a. beoame oonvinoed. too. tbat we never mia4 the mark The Ball's Ejre of Popularity is looated Inst where the D oiure indioates A Oood Marksmsn hits tbe bull' ef very time. W. olaim to be that, an defj competition, - - Bespeotfully, HssUurn & Villstt. P HIGH QUALITY :JL LOW PRICES II. STREET, General? FIHE AND LIFE Insurance Aent, NEW BERNE, N. C. Stop! Stop! AND SEE THE Largest and Best Selected Stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY Silverware and Novelties -ver Hhnwn in New Berne. I have jat tu-n-d from the Nonli niih imtl. STOCK of all kinds of goods in my line SAM K. EATON, The Jeweler, Middle St . opposite Bnptist Church. NOTICE, Harrington & Baxter For the next Thirty Day will cloej cut their WXSTEil CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes, At a Great Reduction. Crosnctl's and Zeigler's Shoes the same prices. Utp New Carriage Shop, Just opened on Brond ftreet, kinds of rhere all CART, WA&0N & BUGGY WORK will be done on short noticw. Al-o. w.. have a FIRST CLASS HOUSE -HOER from iho West, where shoi r ttiuOH ou hiH meii; Hive u a cull and we will give satis- B. WINFIELD L SONS. j ! 14 I wtt 5 ? ? siT PA RENTS SHOULD BEAB N MIND that llirt teaeon for attaoki of Criiup in now tin Be prepared for thl" lU!:!.!!nu litoase by always having i h Jttle , f It N. Duffv's C'ROIT SvHrrp in th. ho-jno. Pr-pRred after the re- in- if its iate Dr Walter D .ffy, and oi ilc 1 5 the proprietor at bis store on Mid. street, next to Custoji House, nd b N . rue Drug Company. SORLEY, !!h - ; - . si and Shoe Maker POLLO-.K MREET, NrW BE..NB, N. C. 'nj. Heeiired Hie services of a skilled '.'0 H ' ll (ll-Nt CluSH Wnrbm n fmn. M t ' ih. I a . now fu 1 prepared to fill iiroiiii tu u i in,) r i01. tie '!'-. r m ma ik iioors AM) SHOES. ri,. M i 'I- y t 1 nave Ba'Ufaoto-lly -ie -t i;-ir.t n u in roos patrons eeof Hie oharcter of my i ni E h -p -.-i .:ty. -eatly and prompt '.iwtr.HV JOHN MC30RI.ET, PK0FS3SIONAL Tr P PETING. Kna.l FlUST-f LS8 WORK . o-. 6HORT NOTICE : 1EASONAMLE PRIUEa .pic...n-i nil the latest styles oan o t.y applying Bc the GA8TOX .nd a.-., W;I. P. LAWRENCE. TU THEJUBUCT IF YOU W4NT TO SAVE FIFTY DOLLARS iu i e purchase of a PIANO, aad from Fen to Fifteen Dollars iu Hi p inli se uran OKQN, address AD0LPH C0HK, NEW BERNE, N. O., Oencral A?ent for .North Carolina, who n . nand.loit no ids dheol (rooa themaaa lactuiers, fuil.iws: HI0H I1R108 iriKHLIIf PIANOS. diiinuilie . for ton, workmsosbla and iiuroiiuj, and en. orsed by nearly all the music IJ.mrnaia n the Unlud itatee Made by ul I M-tu n, wlKiisailblstimeoneot tfi." mechHu' and.nventorotthedar. I nut - u new plenie oa lb s blab- nil . .sv tb l B W BT ds tTlin TTKI6IIT 1 PI bith buao eo sold b htm for tbe Drt. i nix hii in Ihe easb-rn pari of tbla tiaw,nd up to thl. time has siren entire sal tfaouon Th OpHht f.anolnst men. tloned will bs sold at from taw to U . In Kbonized Kweeooo, oak, Walnnt sills, hoaaiiy easrs Also ll.e ROWR PARLOR ORG A, from tM to t IbU In xolld alnotnr Oak .hn Tneir.' exp. nenoe In tbe mn.le bnal neu Las enabled h m to hendleiotbln. bat atai.dard Koods. and he doea sot hesitate to aay that ha wl I Mil an. mneleal ln.trnn.nt aboot25 pererni eheaperihan other assnta : arenoorrerl g. . Jtefertoa'.lbantln Kastern Oarolina. -, v..-Jan28 dwtf ...... 6.

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