FT7?V r V. 1. - . HE 'AILY OU ,i-VL.-XiST0. 267. NEW BERNE, N. C, SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1892. PK1CE5CENTS, p a -4 f -.1 MfOttrED HOLLAND GIN. Butre't 'A I Rua Ala kud ButkttV . GuiuUew Burnt ioraU by Jas. Ebdmd BACOS AND lAKO Ht K B . JuH&S -nrmf REOHIVED-A floe lot of S 1 ' J (J. Hm, all silos . -Also, eeleotea r" Hoolton Early Rose Seed Potato at .: ' very low priose for Oash at v - - - Cbcbchill & Pabkbb, . 7 ti lar - " ' , ' B'oad ttreet rp deslriBk to have Fresoo and - JL Artistio Painting or Fasbionabi. Papering done in beat style can saoure - 'the aerviws of Messrs. Donnelly ft Bl Jard of flew York at Howl Albert t'r ft - . , ' - j" 81 if- T70B SALE One 8oond-lnnd Pino. JL. Apply at tbe omoe or .febSlf CHEK& CLABK (" AAA 3IGAE8 at verv low i Oa UU V figure to wholesale and " . , a 1 I Jjjj. - J" "retail trade for aale by Jab Redmond. W BEN? I' -OALVIN SCHiFFER'S WILD CHERRY ROCK AND RYE put ; 7 -' op expressly for throat and Iudk dls- - ease, for aale by . . C -jan26 Jas Remi nd " TTHAVE moved on Broad street, 85ih - ANo. 7, K. Fishers old stand. Fine S " 8iusage meat, (10 coot per lb ,-L- jn261mo Virgil 8 Bbvan. CI ARRETr'd COGNAC BV1ANDY Juied very much in the sick 100m. " ' Fir sate by jl026.f, Ja8 Rrdmo:. 71VB Hundred &ir of Rubber Shoe . for children, 10. 1, and 16 cent per paira' janlS tf BIO IKE. HONYADI Janoa Mineral Wster, the beet Natural aperient. i For aale by J as Redmond. THE Conaol Polloy recently nnounoi by Th. Mutual I.ifb Insurance Company of Nbw York oombina K MORE ADVANTAGES wiih FEWER BESTRIOTIONS than any Investment " Inauranoa Contract ever offered.. It eoaaolidatea Insurance, Endowment, Investment. Annual Inoume. No other ' oompany offers this poiioy. PURE CORN WHISKEY for sale by J as Redmond. ". . LAltOE lot of faandeoma Lice Cur tains, Chenille Curtiian, Oo.-ers. ' Rugs, eto., just roctivd at ttDg ,J. Scteb's. E?. E. Hudaon Hooue Painter. Pp. r Hinger, Kalaoininer. Ocduis i Promptly attecd d to. Apply at 5: it L H. CutUr'a rtore. TTVTJFF Oordoa Imported Sherry, for jyaie by J as Redmond. SMOKE Genuine Cubana Tobacco . oottf MI8II, SACRAMENTAL, PORT and S0TJPPERNO3G WINES fr sale br Jab. Redmond. NSW DRtTG STORE. Drugs, Medl aii.e and lhomlaals, O. P. Populai Proprietary Medlolnes. Alt varl .tlaa of ' D'nggist's Hundrtes. Trnues and Brae a. ' Niw eroa Sard n Heed. Fins and Largo - BtoeK Cigars and Tobaoeo. alim. Pr- aorlptlont aeourately oo npoonde' (and oi at WAS prices), out m tto and our success, U. e. OH KN Urongli'. and Apothor.v, ' Mlddl St., funr doors from Pollock. IsniiH ly TTVTJFFY'8 MALT "WHISKEY for . iMdioinal use, for sale bv . v jn86 Jab. Redmond. -, Jr- ' QROYEB OLKVELANI Id owing. ' "J". i"a BWDDd tbe oirclr, HDtl David Hill thinks Its hardly the square tbing lot Grover to do. . . h r, . . r - By all means, let ilia King of ' r r Portugal be invited to the fair. A , j monarch - who asked to have his '" '' Balur reduced would be a real ' , . t'cqrloaity.Boston Herald j . -t y FORSYTH leads every country in ..the state in the organization of a '' , , ",1 Democratic Olab for the ensuing Q' campaign. The club starts oat fail ' J " r -s of 11 a, enthusiasm and determina .s ' ' ' Won. . 5 . . ' J1OT8 of bright paragraphs are -'J beings made about the "nickel" , Congress; bat the people are better ' iatisfled -with a nickel's worth ot . ' economy than a billion's worth of - extravagance. Savannah News. - TH2 ,Kev. - Mr - Wadsworth's 'diagnosis of,..aocietj" , is uuique. He finds that there are four ele . " mento in it, "the cutaway coat oi the man at the bottom, the caia C " way dress of the ,womaa at the top, , ; cards and liquor." - - " Lieutenant v William Shipp, of " the United btates army; eon ot the late Judge William Shipp, ot Charlotte, has been detailed to drill the North Carolina-State troops, and will have headquarters - in Qenebal Beoreturj E. I. Harris, of the Winston-Salem Toaug Men's - Ohristion' Association, announces that he has ieoldtd to accept the secretaryship of the Association at XloUle,' Ala. He Will leave for his new fluid of labor the latter part of tiia present montb. - - A New Orleans telegram of Feb. 4'ih says: The great lottery f .'.t iu Louisiana is over. . John A. I" orris addressed a letter to- i.' ' ; ! t'ae people of Louisiana in x i n bits that under no c "9i will he ttnd his , t tbe charter should 'in pn --t'd ly ever The Dmourats uf the citj of Lock Haveu, after nominating oaudidates for municipal uffiues in tbeir convention held on Monday, wound up tbeir proceedings by indorsing Grover Cleveland and akinjr their district delegates to the National Convention to keep voting for him. The hhaw University (colored) at R.ileigh now has an enrollment f 4U0 students. Over 200 are in thu agricultural and mechanical course; ixry-one are studying medicine, forty theotogy, eleveu law aud eleven pharmacy. Of the medical aud theological studenrv some are from each of tbe Southern States. A Kansas farmer was havitig a good time at a camp meeting. He received a telegram saying, "Tbe grasshoppers have come und attacked your corn." He read the telegram andhaid: "The corn is t he Lord'; tbe grasshoppers are tbe Lord's. If tbe Lord wants to fatten hih grasshoppers on bis corn he has a petleot right to do it. I shall stay uere aod enjoy tliU catop- meting." A 1300 000 tramp has been pick ed up in Indiana almost trozeu to death because be was too penunons to bay clothes enough to keep him warm, lie is lJ7 years oia, ana na been a tramp from boyhood. All his property has been accumulated from the proceeds of legging An effort is being made to have a guardian appointed for him, but be has retained lawyers to fight ic id the courts. Wil. Star. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVURTIiiEM&NTS. Howard Fine oloth. eto. Alfred Perry Warning. C r Qauoock R otob for rent. Weather today, fair and warmer. Mr J W. Stewart received another Urge lot of horses and mules yesterday. An interesting match raoe is to tak plaoe on the Fair (rounds track tbe lat ter put of this week. Look out fur it. Sume handsome brrnza relief work is being done to the interior of Mr. M. tl Sultan's residenoe by Messrs Ballard ft Donnelly, art deooratora. The tracker are through planting ibeir peas, radisbca and turnip and are letting in tbeir Irish potatoes. A very Urge crop of the lam r ij likely to be p'.nted. Thd Y M. O. A. entertainment will be held Tuesdiy night. A general in vitntiou is extended ne publio to be prtesn. uni eojiy some delightful mumo Instrument) and vooal solos. tfunrtoie und uueia by ladies and gen tlemen. Rtadings aid reoitations. A letter t ai teen received from Mr. tt. A Fox, a prominent Virginia poul try breeder aod riter, staling that be desires to bring four hundred obiokens of popular breeds to tbe Fair, and in-' quiring for information about entering them, the aouommodations for them. eto. tie was replied to promptly ana tneohiokens are expected to oome; alio Mr. Fox himself. Improving the Track. Tne raoe track of tbe New Berne Fair ia reoeiving extra preparation, so thai it will be in first-class order for tbe itrand raoe to take plaoe during tbe Fair. Sixteen cart and twenty men were kept busy all day yes'.erdar hauling olay. Over a thousand loads were pnt on during tbe day, and it was partially levelled. - The levelling and rolling wiil be continued and probably 8 ilshed Monday. The olay was covered about three inohes deep before. The new supply will make an additional four inones. Considerable Interest is man! felted in the races, both by those who expect to participate and by those who expect to view them, and there it good reason to expeot them to be tbe best ever held in North Carolina, for the traok will be ia exoellent order and the premium are larger than were ever before offered In the Btate. Coming and Going, Presiding eider W. 8. Bone oame down from Goidsboro last night to hold quarterly meeting and confertno in the New Berne Metbfdi t churobe. I Maj Jno. C. Winde arrived last night to visit bit ton in-law Dr. F. W. Hughes. '. Dr. J. If. Manning, of Durham, came down on account of . the dangeroui lllnss of hi father in law; Capt. Jno. a Riohardton. ' 'K Mil Mamie Gaskill returned from a visit to relatives In Durham "- ' . Mr. Bill Humphrey toturned from Wbltaker's, where he ha Just par chased ' the t8 000 stock f H. J. Wbeelll who recently failed in bust nes. ) t . Mr. O. B. Leet, of New York, it stop, ping at Hotel Albert : also Mr. fi. Crof ton Fox, of Grand Rtpidi, Mich., rep resenting the South Grand Rapid Im- provement Company (a syndicate for addirg to that city and building facto Ji . '"'i, e'a ), and l.v V,i i i, so f "Compel Them to Gome In." This morninM, Rev. O O. Vardell, of the Presbyterian Church, will prtiach the last of a series of three sermon on "The Great Supu r." The first waa addreated to those lesred under re ligious training who hid never accepted the Gospel invitation; the sooond to Christians on -Work Among the Masses " In this sermon Mr. Vardell showed strongly nd in a manner that oould not have failed to m&ke an aoiding impression upon every hearer, the lack of proper Christian spirit and effort shown in the tendency to natisfy ooneoience by the bestowal of nlouc, when direct personal oontaot snd sym pathy was nteded and should b iven and in simply extndng an Invita on to cr.end chuiob when tne ooinmitiid 8 ' Bring ibrm in " The sermon tbis mumiug will be fiom tbe clause in Luke 14: 22, "Coiup l them to oonre ia," and wo are oonfident that no one who heard either of tne first two will willingly rnins this one. Good for the Schools. J mes improved High Sohool whiob stteuded our Foir set year and which we stated a few days ago was likely to oome again this your has publioiy an nounced its intention of doing so B yx and girla willjooih be uniform-d. Kinsey Seminary ia cmiox in a body a'ohnd will oomp'te for the bpt nit exbihit by a echool Tbtee schools boiti know from pist experience that a vi it to the New Bern F.i r mesne u da well pent botb as reiturda recreation which givrs "beal h for the toils of the morrow." xnd as a pleanpnc means of gaining a large amount of information eaeily in a very short time. Kinaton, Goldeb'ro, Raleigh and other soheola that are close enough to admit of their spending a day here would flod the adoption of tbe amr plan equally advantageeon to tbem. Ti e raat variety of the exhibits at the Fair, their fullness and their excellence will give almost any one, ohild or adult clesrer ooooeptiona of many things around us Church Serriccs Sunday. St Piul'a Church Kv Mathias Hau, eotor. Sermon and blah mans at 11 a m Banediation witn tne uiesaid Saorament at 5 p m. Sunday school at 4 30 Friends are oorditlly invitw. Christ Oburoh Rev. T. M. N Geortte. rector. 5;h Sunday after the Epiph any. S rvioe. eermou and Holy Com 'uuuiou 11 a m. Evening prayer and sermon. 7.80 p. m. A cordial invita tion is extnied to the public. Attentive ushers. Sunday School at the Cbapel. Q.tiO a.m., and at tbe ohur h.8 80 p m. Bible oiasa for young men at the Chapel, to which all are cordially invited, at 4 p m. Prssbyter an church Rev. C. G. Vardell pastor. Morning services. 11 a.m. Subj-ot. "Compel them to coma in." Bell rings at 10:80; ontan recital at 10:45. Evening seivioe, 7:80 8ub jeot: "Mcijrj in 16 b and 17 h ceu turies " Bell rinitB at 7:00; orgau r -cital 7:15. Sun.i ay school 8.30 p m. Prayer uieetiog, Thursday, 7:30 pm All are invited to attend these ser vice. Centenary M. E. Cburch-R-v. R &. Willi, pastor. Services at 11 a. m.. oonducted by Rav W. 8. Roue, and ar 7:80 p m. a arrmon to young men by he pasior. Yung men's prayar meet ing at I.is a. m. Sunday ttobool at B p m., J K Willis. Hupt. Prayer meet' log on Tnursday nUht st 7.80 o'olook Th publio are cordially invited to attend these aervioi . The Fire Trap Buildings A faw days ago we spoke of the ad' visability of having mvau and dn emu DJidinggotOutof the ay. The Durhim Globe goes a step farther than we a d and recommends bow tbe removal ot suoh should be compelled. We quote: TBS DUTY OF THE CHI. F. Now that a new chief uf tbe fire de partment ba been chosen it will not be untimely to remind him of a few thing which foimsr. oniefj lave ignored or forgotten. Mr Bradsaer ie doubtless aware of the fact that ia niauy pirt of this city there a a trap wnichfire absolutely o-.urts. It 1 not our .ntnt on to name them ail nor it it neodsaa'y. Ph pi the most oouspionous of ail theee Ore traps 1 tbe abandoned paint shop near lha corner of Main and Church streets. There are a great many other equally as daugerous places and Mr Bradeher oan distinguish himself and at tbe tame time perform a noble service by having tbem all removed. -; It it manifestly the duty of the chief of tbe fire department to attend to boa! nasa of tbis kind. If it is not already bu lines he should at once make some bu lines out of It. --;K" ' , ' -'i - If tbe book of ordinances whioh la tbe Word for the common oonnoil, fails to give him the authority to have , the fire trap removed, then it unquestion ably becomes the chief dnty to make a oareful inspection and submit a ver bal report to the afore-memloned oonnoil. and inaisr upon it, that an ordinance' be to framed and enacted that he will have power to aot. The fire trap are dangerou, and in uranoemen say that if the tinder were removed people who have enterprise to build decent heuast could aeoure their pilioiea at muoh lowsrratethn era no offered. - ' The World's Columbian Exnosltlon. ' Send 60 entt to Bond ft Co.. 570 Rookery, Chicago, and you will re ceive, post paid a four hundred pace advance Guide to tbe Exposition, with elegant Engravings of tbe Gronnde and Buildings;-, Portraits of it loading spirit, and a Map of the City of Chica go; all of tbe Rule governing the Ex position and - Exhibitors, and all information which can be given out in advance of ita opening. Also, other I n"vaving and printed Information i t snt you a pi;li!;hed . It will i t-,; ! !e L',.i atd every per ' sat;'. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. Best in the State Concerns All North Carolina. From tbe many admirable compli mentary notices that the Press is publishing about our Fair, tbe Fifth Annual Exhibition of which is now at hand, we oopy the folloniag: The East Carolina Fisb, Oymer, Game and Industrial Association announoe tnat they will hold tbeir Fifth Annual Fair at tbeir grounde in Nuwberne. N. O., on Monday, Tuesday, WeoneBdry. Thursday. Friday and Satutday. Feb ruary 831. 23 , 24 h. 25th !6ib, 27th, 1892 Tbe grounds are nioel, located aud easily reached, being directly un tbe line of the Atlantic & North Caro lina Railroad Alao caoa and oarriages i rum all principal streets in tbe city. Hotel and boarding house accommoos ii ins are fully up to th requirement of the ocuasioo. Htrenuoua 'Sorts will oe put forth to make this the meat at tractive and moat suooesnful fairyei bell by the association. Tbe fair will ba formally opened by Governor T M. Solt, and mmy other distinguish, d mm are expected. Excursion trains will bo run every day duriuv tbe ses sion of tbe fair, and all railroads in North Carolina will ieeu- excurtion tickets to. tbe fair at th-i rate uf one ont for every mile traveled. Now York Pilot. New Berne is making bin prepsra- tiODa for the rlih auo oyster fair lioh will be held on Fenrur) 2 J 1 uml M h. Chn fair will be ousned ny Guv. ruui rtolr.. and a lare ciowd is expect-d Ai' Eastern Carolina will coutrinute t mnko a more lemaikable oiapluy than ever. Riohmond Times. On the 25ih February the Industrial Association will hold at N-w rierne Ha ttitb annual exbibition of fl-h, oy stere od game. It will continue for six days. Tbis is an interesting and some what novel Bhow, and one thi realh concerns Nrtb Carolina Considerin. fie opportunities ibis 8tate has done very little in developing its oyster in- erestand not what oould be oone as to he fishing industry. Wilmington M'ssenger The premium list of the New hem fair is the largeBt ever tffered and iuhtto secure even a better exhibit tban heretofore if possible. The eneritetio seoreiary, Mr Reizen stein, and the other officers are pun mit forth every effort make a better Fair n any ver 0 f re held end eacr pa r far h-U h-a oe.-n so loiprov - meut on in- previous one. There win f" balloon aacensions on Tuesday, Wednetday, Thursday and Fuday, Governor Holt will open Ibe exhibi tion on Monday. Tbe people of this section have al ways largely attended tr.eNewbern fait snd they will do so again ibis year roe secretary informs us ibat the rail road authorities have promised amp'e coommodstion to take ibe people to the fair tbis vear Ic will be remero he'ed that ait vear tbere were not cars enough fnrnigh'oi to carrv the pp .pl. who wanttd to attend Kinston Free Press. Tbeso New Berne fairs are reoog nized as the bsBt and most intereatitu that are held in tbe -tate. Pitt wih s- nd down many visitors. Greenville R flaotor. A Four, Month Old Jtaby Burned to I Death. On last Monday. Mrs Joe Dixon wh nves about four miles belo J.inn-on Vlills. lid her four month's I 'd oaby i the cradle, and stepped over to Bee s sick neighbor who Hv.d only abou fl'ty yards from Mr Dixon's house She stayed about ten or fifteen minutes and on her return she was foron i to witnetsthe bdart rending scene of her naby burned to a oriep Fire ha popped in the cradie and had oaugh the clothing and burned the babe m death. Mrs Dixon is a woman wb slmi st idolizes her children, and tb sboi-k is heavy upon her. Our deeps sympathy go out to the bereaved !aih. r and mother Mnfion Lamplight- Died. At the home of Mr Joseph E Rhodes near Catherine Lake. N C, on 17, tan'y, 1(02 of La Grippe. Mr A-uo. L dimmoua. Sr., aged 79 warn and 3 months, leaving four ohiidieueurvi-iu. him, being one daugb er aud thret sons, and several grand children t mourn the loss of one of tne nest an noblest men of Our ounty. Mr Sim mooH was a consistent mtmbrr of in. M E Oburoh. South, having giv.n him elf to the Service of his M,ker w u he wa a very young man and be liwd pious, godly life until summ men t that higher and better life abovo N o knew him but to love bim, none named him but to praise. Died on the S bbath be loved so well, And went with Jesus in Heaven to dwell. Grandp was a name sweet to hia . r. Bow often it was oalled year af.ei year. No more ou this earth will he hear tha name, But in Heaven can answer the n.me, To his loved one who have gone be'ore, And happily greeted him at the 8l v viour's door. Oh oease, dear children no longer weep, He is only with Jesus asleep. Not much longer will any of u wait. For Jeeua to oall at tbe golden gate. May we' all prepare to meet Grandpa . above. Where Jesus promise happiness and love; Bow happy we all will be then I Singing sweet song of Zion, Amen .v Z annul Riohlands, N. O. f " : "Fine Cloth it never out or Fashion." DaKisa PEOVBJte. When you buy an article of clothing' get the: best you can af ford, it pays in theend and cost but a fraotioo more in the begin oiog. It costs as muoh in labor to make an eight dollar snit as it does a 12 dollar one, the difference, four dollars, Is in the cloth, When yoU get ready to buy call on us for what yon need. We try t treat you fairly. -New lot of Diamond EMrts just In, all sizes. ' , ' At HOWARD'S. PAMLICO AND BAYBORO. Almost a Fire -A Runaway. A corn s jondint writes us f "u 8tonewall that a few days ago const1 erably excitemtn, was oaused at Stone wall by scmebody allowing fire to get awey from ibr-m in the wocds c r D . I Atlmore's retidtr.ee vl i!e a etrotm ! bretzo was blovting it strsight for his house and stables wiih a Int. of grnss and broom straw fcr it' to feed up n, which it devoured in bfcort order hui ui I quirk work it was held ui ftr c ntrol without Kuy i: results except therein T e s-me correspond-m hUskIso ol two Bayhoro boys running awsy. od- I named Richurd Smith was i h. ut, 17 rears of agH, the olhor u irnei Wil ii ; j Toler whs about 12 or 13 Tlu-y s d. Mr-W. H. Sawyer's horse mid bui- j ! arid made their eecpe with thstn ii ptrts unknown. The older youth i.s ro j orphan whom Mr Sawyer raised m. i i whom he is said to have trxuted io t:. goodness of hid heart like Lo kji h . aon. Tbe Minstrels. Don't mies ibu MijstreU! Luw ""Hi", bite and hu-uor An Uu.i uauau buu uttena trie tui nstr eld. X. C. School Exhibit at the World's' Fair. M-ibr Finder, tnn d.ate ejoeii.-. i-n 1 dnt of public insTuit' on. in . tiin u, rt uiroijlar in relation to tile pr. p .i OD of the school xhi'iic fromN -iinC i . una. which be rKiuet ehil n se-o n the rreaobers' As-emoiy nix; J i.. aud thei.oe to tho World's F.ir fha circnUr H desinno! t irv li. 8tate's educalio-,al inter sis a uj.!i,;.e . r-presentation Ic i-to cover i -in .r s' co- dary ai d -mperior i-diioa io '!' prioiary or eUm ntary wil --ibi city -nd Ci'Unly schools. Tln-n t'u ' will be doiieBtic and indus ii .1 tr . mil for girls, handicraft toac: ing f bys; science teaching, arc t.a oir teobuical and apprenticeship school-: -peial sohools for the eleinniit-ir t i---truotion of Imiians; eduoation o' ri,-:,'-mutes and blind; higher e.iiica-i-i: n aoademieB erj'l high schools, i-ol; . r and univer-ities; professiona! sc'-oo h; commercial, military, agriculture! -nn industrial schools; Oovernm.-ut mil t education.- Ex. THREE ROOMS For rent All on firs, flo r. Vte. onnveniei t U T iiANCOt K i ' 'l1' ' ,111 T 1 1 f The performonae of th-? M nstrtla on Fm' evening at the t heat re will ho to aiil i ( ) , ), . . '.he Club complete the nork be, tin orij.j,,, the prop rty at lh' footof HriiH I h-r-.i ' a plaee w here much onjor:i-ft ni v -ip hd this sumnier f i Warning1. AU pfrsorifl p.ro hereby forhiddin under the penalty of iho law frinn hiring or harh ring my two daughters Gmily and Harrie'te Prrv. ALFRED PERRY r. ..l dwlt Bachelor Cre k, near Bellair. 190 icres of Land I Por SaleS Situnteii one quarter mile f roai Uivr -lale, a j lininir the lanrla of '1. f-iinp-on. V. B.- Dixon and Evans pi ice. Seventy-five acres well timbered vim pine, cypress, oak anil nan. I wr;'j five in state of cultifaiion wiih huild oge on it. Will be Bold at thel'ourt TJoufe dooi in New Rerne. on MinJay, tho 15 h iot.. at 11:30 for cah For particu ars epply to c. smitft, feb6:d Riv-rdale N n. pleiseo ?mm The best possible adverli-emt nt for Srm l pleased patrons. Tbey alw , come again and bring their fiiei, that Is why every month sees an in crease in the amount of "ur business Quod ot tbe best quaiUy . ann price that are ria-bt- Ihse keep our trad movlnn rapidly even during tb-e dull weeks after the bolidats. and we h ve always somelhlng specitl Kveryoody piea.MrJ and hi'ei nih wonder, and YOU LL HE PLEASED too, if you invesiiiiaie the trum of ih prioes we are making, and you'll narri away just at hig a load end be jus: as happy as our friend in tbe picure. very respec fully. Hackburn 6 Wiileit, 2l & 21 Pollick Street. J. E. LATHAM. GISERiL CDMMIS :I0N MSRCHAHT, Buyer of Cotton Country Produce, and t. . .i , all speculative oommoniutS. -T""-t'"aft,rt' " made, ean fur nlsx storage forSUiibtlsseo' too. ffioe foot Craven streat, tu Olvdfhnll' In feb5dtf , A Full Line Samples. Just reoeived, tomtthing nice, neat and cheap. f l:lfl" - ; : " K. M. GASKILL. " eb.e,i803. , , - it r.;..5)V";l f-'.')colutoiy Pure. A ere I ttrtar hiking pnwd-r. !i in l-iHVt-rlg sTT'-n-i'b Gufcnuiunt 1- oud Report ? ffl?? THE ifisu.'ans. :i?a-y Or V YORK. 1:5160,000,000. A "T p . nt ot -''IC !:. I'rci-i'lftit of i fi i ; iiilyi s' ':k.. .'Id liad an i ti- '11 life in Thk. i r i iw. i. He had I'-'-d for forty-thrui had i-ii(t in preinimn ' I : family now l.iiu. bt i up; an lii over eotrt of $14 - l l : r. Ot-i'll ; ven rs ; ;.,.(;;;; . fHCl'j Vi ;u-lll;i I 18 1 C A ' ro m tl.o forty tin- c I ie-;; r.i nee the lii'il four per ; interest, a never lieen ct!ier comi;uiy years i i lives; ri J i. 1:1 this tin lil'nt Com ply to . Li', ial ( hli.'e. At n cnyir.g a L-ir,e Stock ol AND M-i uf.c'u log and Cienirg , ., , - Q -j. !),',. - ... f.el; ,..-!. trm tho i "' 11 I! I- ,h,n. of , '.Lid ret, pitrocoge 3 1 KJULD HEAR . !: f.-r difarika o !1MD 1 ... ;L tn... pi r.o ..' .;.'i tus I ; ,; ,1 - , Ii by r:-parnl fo; 1 w i s havini , hot f ; in th.- I. . to; . .i. 1: 1 I t.d bv T r ;i? "VI ' f K p uf.er the re I t; r D (Tv. atic tor at hi- store on ! isto.n Llous Company. D.-u ti 'vlarchanth' Line. K. E. Lea lii.03 viHe ;,:i. Trenton, . YS T-"D -1UKSDAY3, s.yj a. si. 3SL) 'tti. 1 1- ii r v. r i A""' A t. , tliii L U FiilD C,5 .T.FR, Agent. 30.. j -.'ffjli auci vVah Lgtjii NSW DAluY LIN 3 Hi-TWEES . ."tu;, VS. and WAHISGTQJ, D.P. he i.w 'ii 1 . nwerfnl Iron Fulace S eom- .18 tforf.i h"-.d"WiEhiagton'1 c :ncet(-U ti t( Hip finest Stna-noiK float, wiU 1 nic --fcrioia evr-i) 1 the yr r no t ill - uhrbi-t of Norfolk and ('uptii i a K:iMpn.. vMini'in ki6i10 P. vt , -u Holnt u,t 7i '0 P. .i-rnviDB ;ii Wa-hlnttton nxt HlO lut; a 6l3( V 1 O 'U-ii 0 llli Will. ttV e iy iral r. trt ih- em A Ii & ), K- Hdu. iH-ih -' i h iwi till W-bt ret n -11 111 im es W ,ielu nt i) evrrv fv 1 k mi 7 Tinea , H- m lrg in IMorruUn Ti30 ex : omul;, noun" with ail tiMln -n h t pat- Mrit ri d li t uohi, Noif.tin und s lithe ti.'VMHDtlo Mii'l I 'auvLUe hud Nor fokft'.dW 6fe-rn H-HlrosiilB - Pu-siv ite-8 or Mi- No ti will find thU th mHi esi fHl (I tAanb roufi to takf, atlvm ' an oppo mn tv ot mopping over at v.Hh1r wu, .0 k ing or ret rntig. i Throne h IrfTAis -u al all tbe prlne pat Kal rnm,arll" fB a o.drr o vnfJ Tn r.tk Hk fortlokti via the vw Line "teHtut-ra to Wasttlngton For furthtfr mfrmatl m .pplr to gent, Norfolk, Vft, ' , , Gen'ISnpt. Snpt. fe d3amlt E. s-ishr. w H Joh-son. J. H. Ft .her. Fislisr.Jsginson & Go,, (E. IS. Ilacktiurn'b O d Stand,) CENTRAL MARKET, I Broad St , New Berne, N. 0. Tbeah-vea-rx) have 'come to stay," and ii y -u w mi i. ge:ioui money's worth, come an 1 s,eu. WLen you ustdany Groceries, Confectioneries, Vegetables, Etc., Etc. jC" Country Produce Boofrht and Sold. We have a i-l Ivery Wa?on, and will send our oo.!y ti i y w In re 1 n Hie cl IV . holu- iii; vim- p-jti-.-nage, we are ours ret i .-tfiillj . i f I'lll MaHKK, JOHNSON A CO. ' VEILING. t All Silk Veiling, dot jted and plain, only iOc. Yard, at r r. SIOREa r iN"U SEE THE 8st bdi ,t?d ctock of JSWElRY '. '.- "'1 a.,d Novelties vAT. Lilv.ii v.-r sii-in '.ti New ilerne. I have jus to n-ii too . uie N, ub -ith a FULL SfOJi; i f nil k in n ' f Eoods in my line SAM K EATON, Ihc J,welr, Miii. ,i St . ofip .p. ftr puat Church. 3l. rigton & Baxter ihc next Thirty Daya olo'.t out their GL0THING, Boots and Shoes, At a Great deduction. Croa ctt'g and Zeigler'a tht time prices. iBtp ..? IHHiVED: 77 Co. Earns (new lot.) J sJ. i i Y. Pig Hams, Pair: Cream Cheese, iosv. Creamery Butter, .Pure? t laid, Fioiida Oranges, Jhoiee Lemons, Odl.ii'JiAi, Buckwheat, and the t Flour on Earth," AT UJCAS & LEWIS. 3oo it A Shoo Maker FULLO K STREET, Y aiiNfi, n. C. I ,-,v i :- pnren .hr i-ervloes of a skilled I 'fi-h ,.. i Mr-' Kss Workra n from V " . I a .a ii. tu 1 prepared to fill p lil t i - u I o i r. 'or 11,1. lis. t .H Hviill HiMfS i.MJ SU0E9. i. ... I""- ll nave sa l.taeto ily , .ilip-si L. wa .-o: ,iv u. oroas patrons ttjLi -.a ue oi t'ie cuaraotoroimy 01 k spfi-itv. Weatlyand prompt- dt"i. UT.-. H Iff If '8tp JOEN- McsOHLET, AND 10 ?PEr.!NG. All kins of FIUST-rLASS WGBK 1 .his Inn ti .iu rjaOttr NOTIOB and ai RE t' ib PRICES. ' HiiumiV--. au.l nl. um latest style Can b- s . n by ..jjpii mg at the QA3TON IL.USE. WM. P. LAWRENCE. New Oairriago Shop, Just epveed on Broad street, when fell kind ot -.' 0W, WAG0U & BUGGY WORK stnn! Stnnf w flaw tu. BN SI will be done on short notice. : " . Also, wi have a - FIR3T-CLA.8S QOR8E SHOER f fom tbe West, where a .finer atuul on bis meiit. ive us a oall and we will givtsatlt fotion.. - , ." H. WINHELD & SONS, jnl4Jwt( , , . -

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