THE JOURNAL,. NEW BERNE 3 ITUTE, 1 53 j3:tt AN ELECTRICAL CITY. Where Housekeeping is a Dream, and Work a Pleasant Diversion. "" H-LJJi".!"1 " for Infants M. A. K.B- 1U U. Wri lb, Braktn . T. ikJMi rf'OiMrii'knalfml sad iiMIHnMKiMatm fas assi iiaslliiatesassrsslt, Few arete WtMaOMirk4B(4kMp Pastorta Caw IUwra,T.B XaffatOr. pun Clyde's N. 0. Freight Line. Stm'rs Beo.H. Stout, BeGidcs ad Vesper. 1 and after February Int. lifll.ttiir. Uni-Jdll m;ike regular SEMI-WEEKLY TKU': hMTWMK Baltimor' and fvf Wru- Iseavtn, tfa itiuito ioi New rernt). WKD NJCSKAY. r-A(UUl) K1X f. M. Lssevina New it.-ruo lur Haiti mure, l'lTW DAY. PIUDAY. at iWbLVH. SUO. saeressants and ablppera, Take Notice. mis la me only IHUECT .Inuoul or Ned Berne for Utelti wore without cnauge, eiop- Cl only at No (oik, cuunectiug tnon lor tou, Providence, t', Kieh inond. and all whits North, baa: aud Went. Making close uouueotion lor w polnwi.y A. A,N. CI. rlallroad and Klvur out of New Kan. . A.K'" r- S follOWS: HKUBhiN p. a UK, uea'l Manager, W Light hu, Baltimore. JAM. W.MOUAKUIOK., U. n.Agt.. Noriolk.Va W P Ulyde A Co., r-uiladeiphla, liiaoutb wharves. Maw York t Balto. Trans. Line, Pier North river, a). Sampson, Boston , S3 Central wharf. 8. H. Hook well, Providenoe, K. 1. Ships leave Boston, Tuesdays and Saturdays ' " New York dally. " " Balto., Wednesdays A Saturday " Philadelphia, Mondays, Wednes- days, Saturdays. Pcovldenoe, Haturdays. Through bills lading given, and rales guar anteed to all points at the different offloea 01 toe oompanlea as low as by any other line. AVOID BREAKAGE Or BULK ARD HIP VIA K. C. LINK, 8, H. OKAY, Agent, New Heine N. ( old rnmmm Steamship Camjjany 8EMI-WEEKLY LINE. aTfce Old Dominion Steamship t'ois -pane's Old and (HiTarita Water Haute, rla Albemarle sued tlsteaapeaaia Canal. voa Rerfolk, BalUmore, Mew York, Phila delphia, Boaton, Providence, aud Washington City. And all points, North, Eaat and West. On and after TUESDAY, APRIL 14th, 1891 aatll further notloe, the Stumer KEWBERNE, Southgate, W1U sail from Norfolk, Vs., for New Berne. H.C,atreot, every Monday and Thursday, making oloae connection wltb the A. ft W. O. K, K. lor all stations on that road, and with the Hteamers Kluaton and Haward for Klneton, Trenton, and nil other lundlngson tbs Neuae and Trent HI vera. Return! on. will sail r-KoM NEW RKRNK. Vote NOKFOLK direct, at 12 m , Tuesdays) and Fridays making connection with tne O.J ju.a.n. uo.'s snipe for .New York, . a. p. co.'a steamers lor Baltimore: Clyde Line Ship for Philadelphia. M. A M. X. Co.'a ahlpa for Boston and Provide oe. rjleamer Kluaton, Capt Dixon, will sail for Kluaton on arrival of steamer New borns. Order all goods ours or O D. H. H. Oo.. Nor folk. V a. Passengers will d nd a good table, comfort able rooms, and every oourtony and atten tion will be paid tbam by theoffioent. E. B. ROBEKT.4, Agent. Mmskma. nniPKPPKH a I'tJBNKK. AeuU, Norfolk, V. W KTANKOK0, Vice-President. New York Olty. JklMm JLJm Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Fast Passenger and iTelght Line between NHW BBHNQ, Xaatern North Carolina Points, and all oon naotlor s oi the PBSrllYIVArllA RAILROAD' IHCLDDIMO New York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Ba timers and Boston. The ONLV TrlWeekly Line Out of I Hew Berne, THK NSW AND KLEUANTLY KQDIPPED SXBAMKrl Halts from Now Berne HOHDATS, WESNKSDAYS,: FRIDAYS, -eVT VXXTSt X.3MC., Slopping at RoanokeNIsland each way aid forming eloss eonoectlon with the Norfolk routhern Railroad. The Esatem Dispatch Line, consisting of . the Wilmington b. 8. Oo.. Norfolk Sonthern . ' K B,, Near York, Thlla, and Norfolk H. B.. . .j v. aad Pennsylvania H. B., form a reliable and .c . regular line, offering superior facilities for . .. nulok paaaenger and freight transportation. ', No transfer except at JCllsabeth City, at , v , vhleb point freight will bs loaded on ears to through to destination, r Direct all goods to be shipped via Kastsrn j flaroltaa Dlspatn da'ly as follows: From New York, bj Penna. U. R,,Fler27, From Philadelphia, by PhUa., W. and Balto. i s - Wmm, BalllMu. I.. DhiU Wi r J ui. m m u ..v., nu,ieuu omivwt " - B B., President St. station. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern K H. ' -rrom Boston, oy HerrcbanUasMlnsrsTrans. - porUUoa Co.; New York and New KngUnd . w nrp me iwwaeuiu Miuv uutoaer lUBniUT aa other ltne k . rU For further Information apply to . TF. H. JOTCS (Oen'l Freight Trafflo Agent, , ' F.H. H.) GeneialTramc Agent. OxiJStbphbhs, . Division Freight TAgent, P. V. at B. B. B.. Phllarielnhla. at. n, uws, uen-t rreignt Agent.. A, x. , P. N. B. B., Norfolk, Va . tr n iiniuiTu. a.nM.iMi,tiiMe, St. U V , . . New berns, N. 0. "tins; mil llwtittxMBaTw iswii wmam Work fr as, by Ann lrtfw, Aviiia, inn, OHI. i vim, mum jno. umn, toipoa, uiii. 19 j uttr ! rari Dm t itOMtli. To GtH do rbs wrk iwUIti I tetteate), Warrv.r rod rts ErwB bew J tritwtn m my mrnlnf fron w now all lbs iIm. Bis tnosair tar wortr- jvs, ijsBij wont ism auwrej iimsl trs. Fuiurt nnknowii vraoBtT lasftm, . MRW a vul wnndarful. Particular! ftwtv . J. XJ. BttON, ; HARDER SHOP. .t '-r !platht bett ef style. Balk r " ' eoli watsr. . ' " Wr i artd Children. f ue, WwfaML, Brnss I WH gtrss asssg, tad 1TMfatkrtiiillifc r.FiaMBLlL. ' VMnp," UNk aVareet art Its. In, XevTtrkOUr. Cm TT Xnui XavYei JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF Garble Works NEW BERNE, N. a Italian and Amtrieem XarbU and all QuaUXa UatmiaL Orden Bolidtod nd riven prompt at tention, with satisfaction guaranteed. Terra CbMa Taternr ikats aafl HlWi taralahed at the vsry lswtst rates. 1,000 Cenulne Tyler Curtain Desks $21 and t24 Net Spot Cash, So. 40O7 Antique Oak Standard Tyler Beeke, 4ft. ein. lone by art. Bin. hlh. Mice and Dust Proof. Zinc Bottom under drawers: patent! Brass lined Curtilni Polished Oak; Writing Table: 6TUIU bler lock: one look securing all drawers; 8 heavy cardbonrd Filing Boxes; Cupboard in end; Paneled Finished Back; Extension Arm glides; Weight SOO lbs. Price, F. O. B. at Factory, Net, Also 1,000 Antique Ash Desks, No. 4008. Same as above,except made of Solid Antique A a b .Rood as oak. Weight SOO lb. Price F. O.B. a Factory, 1 Net. Shipped from our Indtanapollsfactory direct. Made and sold solely by the TYLER DE9K3CO., St. Louis, Mo. lao pass Cfttalogus of Btalt Coulters, Desks, io.tlBOolors ret ever printed. Books free; postege la eeafal. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrey' Spffdflcs CArefOily prepared Bemedles, used for yean In private practice and for over thirty years by the people wltb entire success. Every single Specific a Bpeclal cure for the disease named. They cure without drugging, purging or reduclntr the system and are In fact ana deed the fiorerclui Remedies of the World. auT or raiRctrAL Mos. ctntas. 1 Fevers, CorsttOna.InnaliimtUona.. .99 ! Worms, Worm lever. Worm Oolio 93 3- TeethUg Ctollo, Crying, Wakefomass .33 4- Diarrhea, of Cluldren or Adults .33 7-Coagks, Colds, Bsonaultls .US 5- Neuralgla, Toothache, Fsoetcha. 93 9-Headachea, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .39 14V-Uyspeasleu BUlooaneas, Constipation. .33 II Sapsreeaed or Palafal Periods... .93 14-Wkltea. TooIrofns Periods.... .95 13 Croup, Laryasttla, Boarscnejs. .33 14 Salt Bheam, Erysipelas, BrDptkais.. .98 13 Kheaaaatlsm, RusumaUoPsinj ..... ,93 1 6 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 93 lr-PUes, Bund or Bleeding 1 .93 19 Catarrh, InflwMa, Cold in the Head. .95 90 Whooping Cough .95 37 Kidney Diseases .93 28-Nervoua Debility 1.00 30 Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .33 Sold tr Drwfltte, or sist poetpsld en netlpt of prtoe. Da HtrarBTBsTS' BLufu&L (1,4 pegee,) builkd rasa. BTaTHRKTS' STD. CO., Ill Silt Wttlas, St, BswTsrk, SPECIFICS. MBS. J. ffl. HINES' Boarding House REOPENED. Mag. J. M HINES has reopened s Fim-Clasa Boarding House in the city, oppciite Baptist Church. Tne Pioneer Daris Mm MM, Can b had at ths torn plaa$. ,J. M. HINES, Agent. Boot and Shoe Maker. All Styles of Boots and Shoes made to order on short notice. Repairing; a Specialty, M. ABPEN, Craven stieet. opposite Journal office. ; CO. ABE OFFEHINO FOB 8AU - The World Eenowned f !( Daniel Prait Gotten Gir.s , TOGETHEB WITH THE ; , ;'y "Boss" Cotton Presses wbloh Combined tnak ths moat ' . gatiafaotorj outfit for ginning oottoa ... . aver need in this country. : - -' They also carry (nit 11ns of "' Belting, Machine Oil,: and Lace Leather, together with full Una or - Bend for prices and come aad examine their stock. They guarantee to please yon, i ' J. 0. WHITTY CO., ' : Cor. South Front and Craven Bts, BrnasltsS .SeV ' "Far mail jiailtm iwuaM yea AMak' aad shall always to nun.- JsCeWliitty Alfer the completion of the great tunnel works now iu progress t Niagara FallSk there will be noth ing to hinder the rapid rise and growth ot that interesting town into a great and wonderful city. Its dwellings and factories will je supplied with light, heat, and motive power at an extremely low cost, and useful industries of every kind ought there to flourish with unwonted vigor. Domestic lite will be attended with many comforts and conveniences. The cook will only need to touch a button, and hresto. her electrical stove will be in full operation, the pot will boil, the oven bake, the turkey roast, the pump move, the washing machine tarn: while the electric refrigerator will freeze the water, preserve the meats, vegetables, milk, butter, eggs, and other supplies. No coal, no wood, no dunt, no dirt, no oil, do gas. The lady ot the house will be relieved ot care. She presses a button, and every nook and corner of the dwelling glows with cheerful light Touch another, and the electric tire glimmers in every iouoj, diffus ing genial warmth. The electric lur, takes her up or down stairs in a jiffy. The telephone convejs her oiders to market, and distributes her social commands among tr lends and neighbors. Niagara is iu a fair way to become famous as the great electrical city of the world. At any rate it will possess, in a great degree, the means for economic electric generation and supply. Near to Niagara, only twenty five miles distant, is Buffalo, already a large and prosperous city, the head canter of lake navigation. Tne simple extension of conductors over the short distance above mentioned will bring to the people of Buffalo a direct share in the economic and other advantages of the new and great enterprise. Light, heat and motive power for streets, vehicles, works shops, factories, 8tore8,churches, dwellings can be supplied from the dynamos at Niagara, more economically, probably, than by any other means Local steam engines may be dismissed; their occupation, for Buffalo, will be gone. Even the steam fire engines may retire. The electric pump will beat them out of sight. We look toward Niagara and Buffalo with hopeful interest, ex peotingBOon to witness there many novel applications of electricity for industrial, domestio and municipal purposes, in the latter category the promotion of the public health and the expulsion of diseases by electrical agencies seem to be among the reasonable possibilitit a of the near futore. Scientific American. Exceptions as a Rule. The Rev. G. 0. Dorimer, D: D., is credited with the following: Talking with a man who had pro fessed to be converted, a minister said: "Have yon joined the churcht" "No; the dying thief did not join the church, and he went to heaven." "Have you talked to your neigh bors." "No; the dying thief did not talk to his neighbors, and he went to heaven." "Have you given anything to missions?" "No; the dying thief never gave anything, and he went to heaven." "Well it seems to me the differ ence is that he was a dying thief, and yon are a living thief." HAPPY HOOSIERS. Wm. Tlmmons, postmaster of Idaville, lad., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising irom nddney and Liver trouble. Jonn Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same Dlace, gays.' "Find Electrio Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J, W. Uard ner, hardware merchant, same town, aaya: Electrio Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all ran down and don't care wheth er he lives or dies; he found new strength. good appetite, and felt just like be had a new lease on life. Only 60o. a bottle atF.. 9 Daffy 'a wholesale and retail drag stors Garrulous Stranger (on the train) "My wife's name , was Wood. What was yonrsl" Crusty Old Bachelor "I guess ' mine's name was wouldn't. X didn't get her." Shlloh's Consumption Core. Thiol Is beyond question tba most snooessful Cough Medicine we hava ever sold, a few doses invariably care the worst oases of Cough.Croup and Bronchitis, while its wonderful suooeas in the ours of Consumption is without a parallel In the history ot medloine. Sine IU first discovery ft has been told on guarantee, teat which no other medioina can stand. It you hava cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Price 10o.. 60c, and II. If your lung are sore, chest, or bee If lame usa 8ht Ion's Porous Plaster. Bolt) by New BartM Drug Co. :6 j '- ; U New tins should be ,..s filled witb cold water and set . oa the stove until the water bolls for an boor or more, , before they are used for oooUng,;-(- ';' ;' Answer This IJnesUoiuiI.j-'-Why do so many people wa sea krone d us seem to prefer to suffer and ba made miserable by indigestion Constipation, Dizziness, Lo ot Appetite, Coming" up of the Food, Yellow Skin, When for 75c we will sell them Bbiloh's Vltaliier, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by New Berne Drug Co. - ?v: ,' ;;r' ' '.;'.' Children Cry for Pitcher Cakorfa! G, T. ADAMS, A. 13. (Trinity MRS. A. B. FEREBEE, Primary J. S. THOMAS (Univ. N. C), English Literature. SHEPARD BRYAN, A.B. (Univ. N. C), Ancient Lan-ua; ART DEPARTMENT. MISS AURORA MACE. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. FOR THE HOLIDAYS! WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF 44 piece Tea Sets, 56 niece Tea Sets, 100 piece Dinner Sets, 120 piece Dinner Sets, 1 ft rtinna Tm'Iot Care 12 piece Toilet Sets, ALSO Hall and Library Lamps. Al. X. UUUC1 Ofr VU. NORTH CAROLINA CRAVEN CoUNTY. In the Superior Court. The Board of Oommiaalonera of Craven Oonnty. Plaintiff, vs. Robert Hancock, jr., (Jtaas.K. Hancock, R. D. Hancock, K w. Hancock. Ballle Hancock, widow of L,. W. Hanoock, and David rl. I yan, Kll.nbeth Ryan, Hannah Ryan and Robert Ryan, Notice. To David H. Ryan and Elizabeth Ilyan, Han nah Ryan and KODert uyan: Ihe defendants above named will tako notloe that an action entitled aa above haH been commenced In the Superior court of Craven eounty, North Carolina, tue purpose of whloh is to foreclose certain tax deeria or tax certificates hsld by the county of i raveu and state of North Carolina, aud to have the amount due said connty and Htate of taxes, interest, costs ant penalty as appears from said tax deeds declared a lien upuu the lands of the defendants described In the complaint filed In this action, and situate in ths county of Craven, North Carolina, and to ave the said land sold to pay tbe same and to exolnde and foreclose aDy lien or In terest w hlch you may own or claim iu the said land. And you will further take notice that you are required to appear at the next term or tbsHnperior Court of Craven county, to bo held on the Third Mondy before the r'lrat Monday In March, 1892. at the Court H iuse of ead county In New Berne N. C ,and an. awer or demur to tbe complaint In said un tlon, or the plaintiff will i-pplv to the court for the relief demanded in auid complaint. This the 25th day oi November, 1WII W. M. WATSON, nov28 6w Clerk Buperior Court. NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Craven county. I In the ! Superior court. j The Board of Commissioners of Craven county, riaintin, vs. name o.Biiiun, ; K. Q. Hill, Trustee of Kt-tln" Moullnn. uiarnee Hicnaruaou.uenuiB n auHworiu, and I. H. smith. Defendants. NOTICE. To Clarenoe Richardson: The defendant above named will take notice that an aoclon eu'ltlbd as above has been commenced In the superior court of Oraven eounty. North Carolina, the purpore of wbloh la to foreclose certain tax d eus or tax eertlflcatea held by the connty oroiavn and Htate oi Nortb Carolina and to have the amount due said county and Htate of uxes. Interest, costs, and penalty aa appears from said tax deeds, declared a lien rpon in lands of the defendant, described In the complaint, filed In this action and situate In the county of JTeven, Nor h ''arolloa and to have tb said land sold to pay the same, and to exolude and foreclose any Hen or Interest vou may own orolalm-ln the said land. And yon will further tas notice that Ton are required to appear at the next term of the Superior court of said county, to be held on the third Mnnday before tbe first Monday in -March. 189., at the court house of said county, In New Berne, n . C. aad answer or demur to the complaint In sal action or ths plslnt'ff will apply to tbe court for the relief demanded lit said com plaint This the 16th day of Dee , lefll. W, M. WATSON. C. 8 0. ROBERTS & BRO. Whalaaals Dead are in Oroceries. . Provisions TOBACCO Md IinJFF, BOOTS and SHOES. We are also stents for STOCK "DIADEM1 FliODH, every barrel wananted. A lane stock or PCRK .WEST INDIA MOLA88K8, our own importation. ear Oome to see as, or send your ordess Toa wUi find our lrloss as LOW as tbe ,Iw"idwt.?? '.'fBOBKBTB k BRO AGENTS m. .Millie tS O m Itaywiliiis ourAitTjiL W bMt tF Worlti totT Uw price thla 7mlt. , -, . IMPORTED PLUSH ALBUM, l.00 (SxHMt. Imboeeed padoed aldai, sold dses, eafei nearly fifty CaUioat asa Cfs SI. on (retells fur KjIi). No slos ciaan, aoiatas ml,tnMe. Sent for SI wUbsiasdl&r the tariff oa lmanrtd albums Is raised PaoaonaeiHS ntittn FsaitT Bins ccntalnlnt old and new 'vtirsions, are what thf peopl. wane IlolHlarUaJl LbeaLC IfW-vAdBonan-rafoi A rent, frota now until Christmas. Send Ucsnts for eaaesssinf book. Illustrated elrcnlars rasa tot aa of oar fust, selling goods. IMSH'V BH4V. FORtHES skafARlN, Itsjierica, ClrrvlnntU, Ik . ,.n-f-wu-aranasi mmr hm.mamtlattSmS '-.t'..?- 4 S$.i. Jijti l Col.) Principal. ?.JISS JfAKV 1- ALLKX Department. (;i s. Term lOosriaa Atlantic & N. C. Rallroa : In ECeot 1:30 P.M. Fric'ty, Oot, 17, 1'iSO. OOIlQEAfiT. SOHSDULK. G;)!N No. 51. Pansenijer Trains, i ( i i TaX& TABLS At; i Ar. Lve. Stations. At. 1ve. i pm 3 80 Goldaboro 1110 am I i 06 4 00 La GrsLpo Vj K 5 4 35 4 40 Kinator. 'J is 'J 6 00 6 0b New Berne :7 h !u 7 3S pm MoreheadCi'; ;r; (' T Dailv. I Goibo East. bour:i)ULis Vt i No. l.t o. 2. ! Mixed Ft. ot MixBii Ft. 6 Pass. Train. Stations. Phn. Train, am 8 30 QoldaDoro 7 :!!) p m i6 57 7 05 Beet's ti L'4 (i VA 7 20 7 30 La Grange 0 j 1 C (,4 7 43 7 53 Falling Creek 5 CI ; ;;0 8 11 8 80 Kinaton V.i I 0 8 50 8 05 Caswell 4 00 4 05 9 15 10 Oil Dover f. -.j I; 1; 10 31 10 oQ Cora Creek 2 -M - vj 11 00 11 05 Tusorora ;.'' ill 17 11 41 Clark's :; J 212 12 15 3 00 Now burn 10 :JJ 3 37 8 42 Eiverdalo U 11 0 4U 8 48 3 50 Oroatuti !) 1SU J : :; 4 08 4 la Hitveloofc 8 i L) i) I ! 4 37 4 42 Newport 8 17 t: 27 4 51 4 55 Wildwoou 8 On 8 05 5 01 5 01 AUituiic 7:7 7 01 5 18 6 21 Moreheaii Ciiy 7 17 7 27 I 5 23 5 28 Atlatitio Hi;t.el 1 0" 7 11. 5 31 p in Morehcad Dej'ot a Monday, Wednesday and Ki'UIim fTuesdav, Thuraday au HKtur . ' 00 60 oonneota with Wllm:i:; don Train bund "orth. lcavm, i.-.l.l, 11:60 a. m., aud with KlcMuont Ai i it-ivi Train Weal, leavlutt Ooldeboro :' ;n p u . Traill 61 conaecte wi:b Rii-hn'. '.'. .'t ti.::?: Train, arriving atGoldsbcro:-.Vi r-.ij.. u v. Wilmington and Welrlon Tiu l. ! a t North at 3:10 p.m. Train 2 connects with Wllmlcr: r. Weldon Tbrouktu Freight Tn.ln. .s bonnd; leaving Uoloeboro at S:. i . S. L. Uill tcrnt'iuiu VETERiNASYSPECiFlCS Tor Horses. Cattle. Sheep, lnt lie-:. AND POULTRY. 500 Page Book on Treat men t of A.i.:-::; U uutl i'hurt cui It if. CURES ( FpTOrKtC'OIIffOfllioilN.Illflil TMI1K" I itt A.A.iSpinnl .llfiiiiitfil im, .Si ill. Ictcr. It.ll. SiruiiiMt I.aniL-ui"-t. J hi'iirnni i '.'.--IMrtifiiiprr, Niitsiil li-. tun ;:i D.D. Holf or nriibf4, iirms. K.K. CotiffliN, Ilenvet 1'iiiMi.tuini.i. folic or ' ripen, I.t llvn in-. (.(M.isiarriasr's lrnioii-li;ii:-.. II. U. Urinary nud Ividuey liisenses. J.I.Ernpiive Di8rHiiet, liuiv'. H.. Diaeaaeaof DiueBtaoii, Tarulysis. Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - - .00 Stable CniMS with Spec! firs, Manual, Veterinary Cure Oil and Medlcuiur, S.tlO Tar Veterinary Cure Oil, - Bfttfl by DntrflaU) or if at prepaid ftBTtilirre and In auj ! Ill oh rtrcelpt of prle. UCirnRsTTH'MKP. CO., Ill llSTflllln St., VcwToik. HOinSOPATEIO SPECIFIC No In niat. an voat-. Thi anv iicr!Aisftil roinoilv for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, ntid Prostration, from oywr-work or other canof 1 per Tiai, or SrlaJiaindlArvevial powder, ioi-. Sold by Druggiau, or aeni oaiinirl oil nctucl u' i.n. e. BntrHaUCTS'lKB. CO., Ill A IIS WUllBtn St., V. WL. It has cured mousANDa of oases ' less, i If pronoun by dofitors hope- yott have premonitory symp toms, anon aa sjoujrn, aJiincuity ci Breathinir; o; don't delay, but nst FISO'8 CURE, oit CONSUMPTION irainedlateiy. ' By Druggists. 25 centa. .'";i.? 'ii,t. .(.- : . :, :A? V;'-ir i,iSn ln 1 ii! N . - ;. W. SKA!, A. .M., !,. :-!. i:;:ixsi)N, a. r.. .'.Vui i I I'.'.ory. DEPART uliJNT F. E. MOWToN', 3 SiL3LXiSi,i' 37" Addkkss THE I'KLV HoiC Of InCOriOOriO: i;lvi-n nf lis M . Kiit .11 .1 i:. :tll ( urn I . I,i4l 111" i.l I'M-.' ' ., .,1 '. !' J i. Tit I I 'I n - jt : I : I . I it I : n I. i m;i' WM h:i. ..I! Ir V 1-i llll p.- :i : ri ., pi.v. I :i .ill... it-iii - i-'ll! ill Mil '.villi I Ml. HI : 1 lie I ' llll I.. i.i:.- li in i. . ! HI' i'o, l.limll.', llf II .:i .; I il.Ms or lnil, 1 ' i . !. :i: V 1"., III I CC: :'::ii: r. ill:., W M. v.'AV' )i. C'llil l. r:-u ( i N , i'.i I. I II A-.-,-, y m.1 i i . -I I i nrl -, l I 1 1 1' - f .1 ii.1. u: irubl: Sale .il: in , I'l . in 110 1 l-i . I il h-.i,. II. ." I.t , .i, ., . ,, 1 ; ; , , -i- i-ns 11 h 1: ii' ;n-ii- n, i,:( 1 1 : .-.-r,. 1 . and 1 i.ilH 1:0 v, 1, 1 lie i imil L'ljiii.ii., I. , M ,, , ; lo i; 01 1111: M. 1 uri 'a 1 1 nf, 1 !i. l. In I ;:i' ln-j:' . iiiiii:. bi'lng one aorf, iiiiiH. or It ks. i:(, t unlit ..vein, nta lliert-on; ht'ln ilio t-.. .n. ,1,--senbtd In tne uiorigiMe Ir in .lonu .I.Wtbt uroott l the Mtale. uuinl .luno w ISSu, 2. A certjiiu liotisn uiid lot in Uih 'lllnt:o i f Hnrntv l.No. 8 lowiiHbin, Ciaveu I'inuity, iinj j.nlna ; Iih Im.ils nf 1'el-r W nlji n on i i,o Mil n.ou ii- Kusi hy lands lati-ly own. . I n W. 0. brow. , on lliH Houlli l.y 1i,ihm)i.V Ian. .foroeiiy owned hy ll. brov.n.oi. 'In wrKI Iiy l'nWKon'8 land. Ileitis Ii.hmiiii. pace utiere hkUI ex'sinroou di.l t.usiiifHs: in" union neri-intu In n iinnltH.'. from lot .1. '. i-tlir.i-lc lo In.. t-,ie n- oriU-t in 1. 1 Honk o II"., 1 etu'r it. I, i.l. t. r.iv n c ninu y.: u.i ii i u Ii:. .I. - I'll :Cn 1 i. I'P of ;a!o ol H;.rnwil. Kn. I'oin.i , i n 1 to inn 1 .1 I'd ; .:..' ii. Ii 1 UW Iibli ... i , -.11- I. ' .. in l.i ll 1 1 1 ) 1 1.,' noi l h liy l,o Inr.i. 1' lot . on Hit: f,.i. hy ilu, Inn,-,, ... linlili' . on I lie sonlh l.j lliy Inn,: . ;i ' air.-n llirt wt-st oy lie 'nnr1.:. of i .-o, ,. 'Vior, on ivlidi th-ri' is a il w . : . ,i u h.,n, Mx.K rt'i't.rioniHlnliiK one lourl li of ,,, in in or I- ti.: Iwini! llie sun i:fRei llinl in moriKagx Iroin .l.i .ii ,1 Weatnr-ok I Hi. 4tul.t-. rt'conlnl In Craven county leeordof iii-f dp. t ook Mo. sia, lulio its, to which roi. r enee ia bud A cerluin p'ei-e oi lot or land nilnn'i il In N'o :i 'rnwLiihip, Crr.Viin couiily, on Ni-iimi onil, nliont iiiim mil Jroin iinri.wi-il, i..n. o.lumg I'm-Sl'irrlitniiii. ninl iiiioni I'-rer.' 'itUll.l, iieirK tl.c Knrrc . loistu i " It. A "AltM'll. hO'ji de I o.l l-e liorln liv 1hi.i1 - f I'trlorln i inn I R . o-i I .o in .1 l.t 11. A. I U'Ri'iI'm, on ih K.iiintiy li. X tnnii.i.ji(l mi tne ti t l.y li:e I'etllwi.j'r; .nn llm s.nie dts rlt'fdln n iiiurignge (rnrn .'olin .1. WiHlnoi t i.i t. vi tla'peiili-r, c s. '., 'eiordeit in Cr.iven onnty tteord oi doods. Hook No. Uli. l ollo lKii. m u hinn rtfi rinre 's bad. 6. Also a tract of land In No. It Townttlilp, 'r ven county, adjoining the Ihih'b latei owned by w. I). Brown, now owned liv nn' Mnl.awliorn on all sides, except t'lrMnin on tun north tkle.sllnated In Hit: villugi-nr Barnwell, c in'al.ung V.ii square at; iieln Bttne lot port haaed btr John J. Wostlirook from rt. H. Woolen and wITe.hy deed date ! Feb llilli, IX.'B. recorded in book No. i folios ma and 107, Craven county record of deeds 1 he above (recta will be sold separately. 1 , . JAJaa.3 V. HAKHIHON, ..'', Comrnlsaloner. - rw nsrne. jm, v., asn, izta, ls'.iy.;. ,. ws Til ; - l. A; uli ni Languages. i .'. - A'.a'.ht'inatics. !.'!.. !'.!iical Science and OF MUSIC. l::i : !:. : I..V I'.KUXE, N. C. w .ii l iiiiiil' Paper. i..iiu:iaicut8 of The . .iiioii for 1S92, which i ( 'd, ccem to touch . I,. tastes. Its Action ...on-, H'rial, sea, holiday stories. ...... ChitklUissell, Will .. ;, Mury Catherine . it' l lit. ili.stiuguished ' :i: ' ic!en cover a wide iAlucatioD, liosmess, !f't! Succeas, Girls Tiuy Ciiu Write, - my, Kailway Life, , ;it the World's Fair, ;:.'ally, How to See . ':-.ii-,ical Advice are . ;o be written on ' .''l.tliBlB. . D. I.esaeps, Vasill CyniB W. Field, .. .;:('. .Mrs. Henry M. n iip I he contributors! -on readers thus come 1 '.ouch with the people iiis.s make our ag8 'ii. 0(10 subscribers show ; t ri.tted. . '.scribes now for 1892 iicm the time the is ri teived till Jan. 1, :ear. Address, The . I .mion, Boston, Mass. THE im SAFETY "TTIOM of SIMPLICITY :COOIWY of POWER. O GEAB81 : STROKE, only two aetti ... Ivlngr Bearings. (Jlimbingr and all around S.ifty made. OOUta tng-nrm , iMITH MACHINE CO. SiMTHVILLE, N. J. K:T p HKTTKB THAN A GOLD J-'T minki No Capital need ,. . , J'J! No risk, but 110 tolls VV A i1 I l-'Til1 llay Pioail teachers, I J-ilt i-HU studenlB.Minlaters.Brlsht Men and Ladles Wanted i ' v. i jimvn ' n, eounty. No expeilence ' i in Iven If deal red. Be early i li;.'." :i'nl K-.ure tlrst choloe of exclusive lerr t. . j ,,- n,.,, i)rud New Kook. ' oatiH'hl Write and get full I ion nutl solid facts about rPIJNTS OF THE T:0:;LD'iJ HISTORY! v 'A t s CisYAN and JOHN CLABK '1" "orld telebrated Historians. - i ' "f Hi" Nations as told la the ii ur i (I'tb. ..mi arena achievements of .. ' or.i s Men. s and Heroines. A rich i Mi.ii.B oi Hianry, Travel, Adventnre, . ...... n.iu WI.UUB1IUI eVBDHOHOff' s li t men's souls." Thrilling nf I e dins of chivalrv, slartlln : i -I. levt mentB of warriors and Crnsa-. .tl.i i, vnKt collection nr th, ,aMe alii In .i il r-. k oi i , hsu Rnd American Historical .i- :.!.. I bo most wonderful new book n. tin trreat aelf-edueatsir, Just the i.e p t ills want. Over 850 srand Hia. i.iim lutlnna. Hair.Tnne, Hti . nnil brilliant Oll-oolored Plates. liiiila It a bonania of sucoes" Is i hi nslnr.R. No Capital, no risk. li . S-.'i i ........ na yrvuie. Dpieoaisa utL'd circulars and lull particulars' e Address. itiKlCAl. pub. CO., Phllt. Pa. novzndi.f ilSEf3TSSL-S k Ik REFLECTING SiFEniL?. Si Can be old In even famllr. UtrM r"t light than threeoTdlnnrTW iieie lamp mum MtwariiiMi . Vt sTiniiufavr.tDr m lam lint, c i'.liiliistrated Ciroalart to I