The OURNAL. VOL. X.--NO. 277. NEW BERNE, N. C, .FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. 1 - 1 BUSINESS LOCALS. SMALL BAMS, Pig Pork, Corned BsV Breakfast Strip.. Chipped Beef. Cod FUh. Canned Fruit ant Vg ' viable. Baokwheat, Maoeronl,. Cheese. Roasted Coffee nod Finest Tee 0. E BLOVKBf1 -TMPOETED HOLLAND GIN. Burke' 1 Bm' Ale and Bark1 Oainneee' : Stool, for tale by Jab. Bidmord. ; FOB SALE One Seoond-band Piano. ; Apply at the offioe of f eb) t( - Clabk & Clabk AAA CIQAB3 at very low 4 tJaVvV Bgare to wholesale aad Tetail trade for tale by Jab. Redmond. I- CALVIN BCTIAFFEB'B WILD OHEBBY ROOK AND RYE. pat op expressly for throat aad lung dis nhi, for aale by jan20 Jab Redmond. I HAVE moved on Broad street. Stall No. 7, Fishers old stend. Floe Sausage meat,(10 oent per lb. jn861mo VinaiLS Fryah. G ABRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY need very roach in the sick room. For sale by ju26tf Jab Rbdmoick FIVE Hundred pairs of Rubber Shoe for children, 10. 131 and 15 cents per pain . JanlBtf BIO IKE HUNYADI Janoe Mmral Water, the best Natural aperient. For date by JaS. Redmond. PURE CORN WHISKEY frr sale by J as Redmond. LARGE lot of hamlroru" L.oy Our tains, Chooillu Curt-tin -t. Covfiie, B-igs, fcio.. just received at jn9 J Suteh's RE. Hudson IloiiKi) Paiaitr. P-iper Hinger, Kalsoiuiuer, Order Promptly attended to. A pply at If L H. Cutler's fture. DUFF Gordon Itnpirttd Sherry, for sale by Jab Redmond. OIIOKE Genuine Cubans Tobacco oot6tt Tlri8U, 8ACR AMETAL, PORT and J.TA 80UPPERNO.NG WINES far sale 4y Jab. Redmond. NEW DRUG STORE.-Drugs, Medl oibe Mid (ihamloala. v. F. Popular Proprietary Medicines. ,A11 varl ties of Druggist's itandttes. ItSm and Bruo s, Ifew erop Gartl-n Heed. Finn and Large leek Cigars and Tobacco all f, tw. tr eerlplion aeourately oonpounde" (and -ot at WAB prices I, oat m tto and our success. O. C. OB '.KN. Ira1st n1 Apothecary, Aflddl at., four doors from Pollock. I a, olid ly DUFFY'S HALT WHISKEY for If sdioinal use. for aale by janM Jab. Redmond. Spxakeb Cbisp is on the sick lht again. Japan has voted 1500,000 for the Chicago Fair. . , The aurora affected telegraphic lines in Sweden and Russia. Thb Bapreme (Joort, at Baleigh, has confirmed the legality of "Schedule B" tax. ,Thb Typhna fever is in New York. Vigorous efforts are being made to prevent its spread. California Congressman Geary's No Ohinese-nnder-any-con-Ideration bill has been favorably reported. IT' Is believed-at Borne that the ', ancient Roman Catholic hierarchy , of England will be cotnp'ete'y i ; restored1. ; J. Jfj, aV t .- aassMsjMspMwMTeMissMsja ALGBB, Cullom and Beed have roae to ue iron to reconnoiter. HorrisoB feels, perfectly safe in his V VJ entrenched camp. 1 . t ti. - , ' osifi Ihsbi -ym 60,000 people who attended Ber.' 'Charles Sporgeon's funeral in London. Was the like ever seen before f Is North Carolina going to make a creditable exhibition at the World's fair I It is for the people . to decide, and their deoission should be in the affirmative.. - Congressmen Simpson and .Walking-will attend the St Louis Alliance meeting in the interest of establishing; a Third party and patting a Presidential ticket in the : The country people in the Char lotte section, the News reports, are : conrplainitg gfeatly of the soaroity of labor., The colored people have been leaving the farms and flocking to town where they live in idleness. - Not only do the farmers have trouble in getting farm help, bat 'laundry? women are scarcer., In softs' portions Kf Oabarrns; there are whole' neighborhoods without a I colored family. ' 3 AJThb revolt; against Senator Hill in New York demonstrates the fatal weakness of bis candidacy.. His f nomination ' at' -Chlcago'ia morally impossible. Such an act of folly would justly consign the Demo- cratle party to deleat.,Even - . Harrison would win with Hill as an - .antagonist. ' Ex-President- Cleve (and is now, as he ever has beea - $!nce his retirement from office, the (roe of the Democratic masses ' ' -ocshont the country. He is the 1 1 ical candidate. The strong' " t the paYty can place in tic , a sure winner. Boston TflB Bofeton Herald says the danger of the Democrats is that they do not realize that "the Inde pendent vote controls the Presi dency." There are 100,000 alone in New York State. Thb lunatic asylum at Jackson, Miss., was Bet on fire by one of the inmates, who perished in the flames. The six hundred inmates were transferred by the light of the fire to another building. The Milwaukee Journal is a Demooratio newspaper, and views the situation in Wisconsin in this wise: "The Wisconsin delegation to the Republican national conven tion may be set down as for Mr. Harrison. All the principal Re publican papers of the State, suoh as the Milwaukee Sentinel, the Wisconsin, the Oahkosh North western, and the Appleton Post, have been given well-paying offioes by the President and are commit ted irrevocably to his canse. If there should be prospect of any contest at the State convention the old game of electing Harrison delegation under too name of a Rusk delegation may be played. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADV6RTISEMR NTS. Where to stop. Jaoob Rosenberg For sale; Howard Umbrella philosophy. C. E. Slover Small hams, eto. G. H. Waters & Son Boggles, eto. Bargain Store Two for a quarter. The Presbyterians of Greenville have purchaied a lot on which to eroot a o'.mrch. Have you invested $1 BO in a season ticket for the Fair? The time to cease selling them U nearly here. I L Chescuutt ei presses hi thanks for and appreciation of the niee pound ing given on Wednesday night. All the members of the Kirg's Daughters Sootety are requested to meet M the usual time and plaoa tonight. The steamer Nellie B: Dey was haul ed up on Howard's wajs yesterday to be lengthened by being sawn in two and having a sixteen-foot section in serted in tbe centre. The Fair ii assured of three big curl ositios, for they are already here the heaviest man in the world, the biggest hog on earth, and a monster taxider mized crocodile. The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Simpson Bryan, widow of tbe late Dr Jamss P. Bryan of, Kineton, will be held from the Episcopal Church this afternoon at three o'clock. Mr. William H. Oliver has reoeirsd a upply of hosiery fcr the Fair, from knitljing mills ot the State, which he ezpeots to send up to the Fair grounds today. We hope still others will send. Captain T. Q. Dixon, of the steamer Einston, brought in oolleotion for the Fair yesterday. Among them Is the twelve foot American crocodile which he killed on Neuse river near ibis olty last summer. Mr. Geo. Henderson, agent of the E. O D. line, reoeived positive information by telegram from Norfolk yesterday, that the steamer Nsuse will arrive here Sunday morning and leave at her regu lar hour Monday. We are delighted to hear this. We hope she will bring over many a visitor from Elizabeth City. Are you aware that today and tcmor row are pottivtly the lost days that yon oan bay season tiokets? If yon put off buying until Monday yon will not get one. Do not grumble if you pat it off until it is too late and yon miss getting one. Mr, Beicenstein - will be at the Fairgrounds both today and tomor row and will supply those who wish to purchase at 11 SO each. The engine whioh had its tender broke in the aooident at Morehead Mon day morning oommenoed work again Wednesday. . Tbe other is expected to be ready for aotlve service again Satur day. One of the coaches that was in regular nse as a first olass oar prior to the parohase of the-new ones has just been overhauled and handsomely paint ed in tusoan red with blaok trimmings and sold and blaok letters and will be among those put on regular during Fair week. A mall and baggage oar has been similarly treated and will also be ready for next week to be Used again looking a new as when first baltt. ; Great interest is centering in tbe con fliot between prohibitlonisti and liquor men in Meoklenburg county, by whioh all bar-iooms in ', that; county w ere olosed on tbe first of - the year, becausa the Commissioners refused liosnse to every applicant, whioh action heart suited in legal paper being served upon the commissioners ;; .to appear : before Judge Bynum on Tuesday the tsi insi and show cause why lloeos should not be granted to oertain applicant A point involved b," whether applicants can be ref need on the ground thai no man. who applies for lioenee to , sell Whiskey oan have a good moral oharaa ter. An immediate looa' effect le that the laok of tbe 118,000 whioh was an nually raised by the lioenees ha re sulted in the embarrassment of . the graded school of ' Charlotte, to the run nieg of which that money wai applied. MAGISTRATES REPOB IS. What the Supreme Court says About Them. It will be remembered that Mr. S. W. Latham's failure to make a report as magistrate during a term in which he had not disposed of any oases was made a test oase to settle the question of whether Juttioes of the Peace were required to make reports under such oiroumstanoes. The question Interests every magistrate. It is established that no reports have to be made during suoh terms. This will keep magistrate from the. (rouble of making a good many report and will save those who failed to make them in the past some 810 or SIS eaoh whioh It would have cost them bad tbe decision been the other way. We are indebted to Mr. C. R- Thomas for the oopy of the Supreme court opinion, which he promptly furnished us for publication knowing that it was a matter in whioh publio offioers are interested : North Carolina Supreme Court. February Term, 1892. No. 41. Craven County. State (appellant) vs. S. W Latham. The indiotmenc charges that the de fendant, being a justioe of the peace, did, "on certain daye in the year 1890 end 1891 V try and formailir of oertain criminal actions, and that he did wilfully and unlawfully fail to furDiah the Clerk of the Superior Court at February Term, 1891 with a list containing the names of all parties tried in all criminal actions finally die poBed of by him" &o. The speoial verdiot finds that the defendant failed to return suoh a list, but that suoh failure was attributable to the faot that "tbe defendant bad no oriminal proceedings of any kind before him and no oriminal oases of any kind were tried or to be tried and finally disposed of before him as a Justice of the Peace" daring tbe period set forth in the indioiment. It was also found that the defendant "had no papers in any oriminal oase or proceeding tried or to be tried before him between said terms to return to the Superior Court Clerk." Shepherd, J. We are of the opinion that Hi Honor was olearly right in holding that the defendant was not guilty. Code Seot. 906, under which the indiotment was drawn, does not provide that a Justice of the Peaoe shall make a report stating that he has had no suoh final proceedings before him. If 2 such had been the purpose of the legislature, it would undoubtedly have said so. Tbe statute only requires a return of suoh final oriminal proceed ings as may have been tried and dis posed of. If no such proceedings have been had. how oan the Justioe furnish the Clerk "with a list of the names and offences" of the parties tried before him ? We oannot stretoh the plain letter of the law eo as to make the failure to do an impossibls thing an indictable offense. Affirmed. The above copy is sent to Mr. O. R. Thomas, Aitorney at law, at his re quest. Tnos. S. Kenan. The Minstrel Performance. A good and srp eoiative audienoe greeted the ameteur minstrels at the theatre. They were all home boys and considering it their first attempt at min t re ley, triors had been considerable speculation as to how they would acquit themselves. This was most sptly answered by the applauding au dienoe. The program was an excellent and varied one. oonsifting as follows: The two end men, B. Guion with tambourine and L. Pearoe with bone Ioterlooutor, H. 'Willis. Solo, "Tbe Mighty Deep," W. Q. Boyd. Song and ohorus, "Signal Bell at Sea," O. R Hanook. Solo, "Near It," B. 8. Guion. Song and chorus, "We were shipmates, Jaok and I," A. H. Powell. Solo, "Oh Whai J a Difference in the Moraing,' L. Pleroe. Solo, "Let Me Dream,.' H. Willi, Quartet, H. Wil li, A. Powell, B. Guion and W. Boyd Part second insisted in athletio sport and the farce, "Oar Country Cousin, The tumbling and performing on the horizontal bar were quite good and excited muoh applause and laughter, Swinging Indian clubs by O.J. McSor ley ' was especially fine. He handled them with the ease and graoe of a pro fessions!. Other characters were very clever in ' their role. The singing gave evidence of very careful training. The aooompaniments were played by Misses Walker and Dail. The evening olosed an enjoyable one indeed. A repetition of the play Fair week would no doubt be largely attended. His First Speech at the Bar. Judge Baown is present, and is pre siding with hi usual lability and learn ing. Oneof the most interesting Inoi dents of the term so far was the State verms Peterson, for murder. This was not a owe of muoh dramatio charaoter, and failed to create much excitement in the trial. The only , faot of muoh value was the advent in ths case of our young friend, Stephen O. Bragaw, who has recently gone to the bar. -Mr. Bra gawhas for a year or two past been filling the chair of English Literature In a very oreditabl manner at ths New Bern Uoliegiate Institnte. ' His ap pearance in ihl capital trial was satis factory to everybody. ' Modest and un pretentious, he was nevertheless clear earnest and logical. And the best of alt is, hi won his first oase, for 'tbe prisoner wa acquitted. V -. B. h We oall attention to the notloe of the Fair ' parade next Tuesday : morning whioh, we published yesterday. ' !We bop all our citizen will hsed the'oall of the Marshall and ' be on hand If pos sible at the appointed h our at the oorner of Broad and Middle street la their vehloles, so that the procession may be long and imposing. He is Here. Mr. John Hanson Crai of Indiana tbe heaviest man on earth arrived last night for the New Berue Fair. He was accompanied by his wife and baby. Mr. Craig, who now weighs 907 pounds weighed 206 pounds when he was 2 year old and at that time took the thousand dollar premium at Bar naul's baby show in 1858. Mr. Craig showed us last night a fine gold medal with which be was present ed In Philadelphia, on September 15th 1876, the opening day of the centennial by tbe brethren of these societies to whioh he belonged as being the heaviest Knight of Pythias, Odd Fellow and member of the Independent Order of Red Men on record. Suitable inscrip tions on both sides of tbe medal cet forth the above facts. Superior Court. In the divorce oase of Brown vs. Brown, Wednesday, judgment was rendered for plaintiff. The jury whioh was out Wednesday night in tbe case of State vs. Cebron Harris brought in a verdict of guilty of assault, and he was sentenced to four months in the county jail and to be hired out by the commissioners after the first thirty dsys. The case of the State vr. G. W. Best. obarged with murdering his wife by poisoning her, wca postponed to next term on account of the nbiecce of an important State witness by reason of illness. A oivil, a suit for $1,000 dam ages, Sultaa vs. Lice, occupied nearly II day yesterday and wae foufiht strenuously on both eidee. Meesrs. M. DeW. SteveDBoa and W. W. Clarke represented the plaintiff and Mr. O. H. Guion the defendants. The jury ren dered a verdiot for plaintiff in the sum of $250. A motion was made to set the verdiot aside. Judge Brown now has the motion under consideration. Memorial Day. At a reoent meeting of the Ladies' Memorial Association of this county it was decided to observe Memorial Day May 10th next, with the uual cere monies, and the following appoint ments were made-: Orator, Colonel Wharton J. Green of Fayetieville; Chaplains, Revs. C. G. Vardell and T. M. N. George; Chief Marshall, James W. Biddle. It was resolved that tbe observances of the dsy should be in great measure commemorative cf tho late General Robert Ransom, a sketch of whose life and services will form part of Colonel Wharton Green 'a address. A oommit tee of six young ladies, daughters of true and tried Confederate soldien will have in special charge the decora tion of General Ransom's prava, the wreaths for which they will carry in the procession. The Association of Confederate Vet erans will be asked to take part in tbe ceremonies as an organization, and to seoure representations from the Asso ciations of othor counties; and all members of General Ransom's first oommand, the 1st North Carolina Cavalry, now surviving, are paiticular- Iy iaviccd to be present and to partici pate. The Sewerage. It has been deoided that outlets there nan ne two aewerage outlets, one at tbe foot of New and the other at the foot of Pollock street, eaoh resohiug out lo the ohannel dug out by Gen'l Robert Ransom. A thousand feet of spiral welded, 12 linch, steel pipe for extending the system under water from the shore to the ohannel now lies near the O. D. wharf having been brought in by the steamer New Berte of that line. ine wors: oi construction is now going on Berne street at its junction with Broad. The main running east and west, are of 12 inoh pipe, tbe .latere, runnicg North and South of 8 inch. One line will run up Griffith steet es far as the ice factory with that excep tion the system will embrace that por tion of the city which lies between Queen streets and the rivers, extending a far west as the junction of that street with Broad. The glass blowers for the Fair have arrived. The merry-go-round is position, a tent is up for a museum, and exhibits are ooming in. Tomorro they are likely'to oome so thiok and fast that the worker will be almost orowded to death. So if von oan not- ibly get yonr exhibit up today do so. The assistance of eaoh member of a oommittee will count and be aDora- ciated by the other worker. Umbrella Philosophy. " To plaoe yonr umbrella in a rack indicates that its abont to Ohange owners aa umbrolla carriedpver a woman, 4 the man geUitiaf alfthe drippings, signifies courtship; when the man has the tobrella and the woman ; tbe , dripRiugsyjK indicates marriage to cairy i& nnder the arm at an angle, signifies .that an eye is to be lost by the mar who follows 700; to put 6 a eotwitmbrellsl by the side of a silk one, irfdtoatea "exchange taio robbelry. Now if yon want to exchange; some of yonr hard earned dollars for. Umbrellas, Clothing, Hats or Shoes, Try 1 . . . ; , J. M'HOWAIUV Tor rent- All on first? floor . 4 Water convenient,? . ; ; 0. T, Hancock, ; INDIAN RIGHTS. Protest Against the Removal of lie Indians from Colorado. As our citizens have just nad their attention oailed to unfair dealings with the Indian tribes we take it that they will read with pleasure cf aciion on their behalf by an organization formed for tbe purpose which is told about in the Philadelphia Record under the head of "A ProOied Injustice" a follows: A PROPOSED INJUSTICE. The Indian Rights Association has earned a fair title to its name by lis sturdy championship of the right of tbe Indians to fair treatmtneat tbe hands of the Government. Tue prottst laid before the Indian Committej f tbe House against the removal of tho South ern Ute Indians from Colorado to Utah appeals to tbe better nature of all cuuii table men. Tbe protest declare: "Such removal wi l be in violaiion of fie policy of the Govt-rutient, which is designed to promote the oivitization of tbe Indians, and to secure their settle ment upon lands in eayrrulity. Such aation will remove thtao Indians from arable lands, capable of rendering them self-supporting, and frcm civilized sur roundings to lands, for ihd most part, sterile, mountains arid inaco- edible, ad mirably suited ks a iMuvca fur outlaws (such as the proposed reuerviiucn will tempt these Indians to Lecture, find from which with great cja; ui.A blood shed only could they be duiloiigtil.) but wholly unfavorable to uio citi:izt.ion of an ignorant etd i,a!ur;:''y ic lue people. The removal will, moreover, :m?:a great and unnecessary expt'tto on tao Government, since it will iuvolvn tbe erection of an entirely now i'u:i iu agency buildings und tao cro .iu.l u; Lew military post. It seems to us unfair lo ini,r.;? , tbi - xiense upon the tail avers of tbeooui - try f or , ths sole benefit of " uoul 1: nd speculators. Moreover it is manifest tbit il.t- propoeed removal is but u t -mpjrery expedient: that it is not only d cui z- ing and extravagant in its purpuje, but that it is inconclusive; for iu a fe v yeara the same motives which uioaipt the present proposed removal frooi Colorada will operate to dictate a iu.i i lar future removal from tbe reierv,. tion in Utah. The effect of tbe pu-.sngf of this Senate bill. No. 303. which we oppese, will bo to reinstato lli-j old dis carded policy of continual rom;iv:.i nd 'perpelu&l motion' for tho luiiuas. which had proved destructive bo n to thorn and uselessly cxpf ueiv:, tu our own paople. " No denbt tho Southern UiCHsro an undesirable part cf tbe population of Colorado; but thoy aro there and have perhaps a better right to bo there than the white men who desire to displace them. There is, moreover, no more iustice in imposing them as neighbors upon the people of Utah than in driv ing them forth from Colorado, lb r? is no longer any excuse that warrants a Christian nation in dealing with men, ovilized or savage in en unchristian way. Tbe Southern Uts have a right to live. and they should not be denied tho op portunity. Headquarters Fire Department. Fireman will please take notice and govern thomselvea accordingly. The Annual Parade will take i.Uce Tuesday, Feb. 281, 11:93. Parade will form oomer bro. land Middle sts., 9:30 a.m. sharp. By order, J. K. Wilms, Chief Eaiuc-r. S. 0. Radcufp, Sao. Notice to Clubmen. All members of the Club arc expect ed to bo present at tbe meeting tombt at sight o clock. FlY TIIII Prrsidbnt. Qkmmi FAOTORY. G. H. Waters & Son, BUGGY AND CARRIAGE Manufacturers, Have moved in their New Building on Broad street, Dear the Railroad, and are now better prepared To Do First Class Work on every kind of Vehicles. Will aiso continue HORSE-SHOEING at the same price as before. Thanking the publio for past patron age, we ask a continuance of the eamv. febia dwtf For Sale, 400 Men's Suits at $3 00 up. 1000 pair Pants at 50o up. 250 Overcoats at $2 00 up, And a full line of Boy's Cloth in. JACOB HOSENBiiRG, Next to Burrus & Co., near the uisrktt. AUCTION EVERY NIGHT. 181w WHERE TO STOP DURING THE Fish, Oyster and Game Fair. To the p:onle who attend the Fair to bs held in New Berne, February 22 to , '93. 1 would say that proper arrange ments have beea made for the accom modation of all those who attend. Our doors are thrown open for all at very moderate oharges. Our market is well supplied with the best fish and oysters at the market dook, foot of Middle street, and any further information oan be obtained by oalling at the wonderful Oioihing Store of Big Ike, who is now cloung ont a ten thousand dollar stock whioh he has pntohaied at different bnkrapt sales sinoe 1st of January, a9. at 40. 60. and 671 cente on tho dol lar. Tula may bs your last opportunity to trade with Big Ike. You may not come to New Berne again soon, or be may move to some larger oity. Look to your interest aad carry the joyful new horns to yonr rriena. ana when they visit the next Fair tbey wilt know V Where To Stop! , (HOTIGE. R, B. Blacklegs is not my agent, nor is he authorised to oolleot any rent, er transact any business for me. J s. Feb. 17, 1893. .fcbI8.8; B. Q. Eitt, AKlHe POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of Unar '-..king pod - tiigtiest ot ail in 1. n-.utA- g ftr, nglh. Latest U. S. Guvcrmucut I od Import. FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND Every pair warrantod to fciva PER FECT SATISFACTION. We havo just rcctipod it FuK Lino cf Men's, Youths' and Childron's CLOTHING, Of Lito Stjio, Shade aad Cuts. Also Some Nice Dress Goods COME AND SEE. Children's Jersey Suits, Bo's Corduroy Pants, Children's Shirt Waists, SAMPLE E0SE, SAMPLE SUMMS?. VESTS, FULL LINE SUSPENDERS, (Every pair warranted for 2 yra. wear.) SILK UMBRELLAS, Trunks and Valises. A FULL LINE OF Lata Sfjfla Hats. feblT dwtf To Whom ItMay oncern. We arc II ore M And ile;c to S ay. ftlAGHiXISTS. FOUNDERS ilsnufneturorH inm an', )(,,i; a 'id oilier U'u Lot-.. rt'M of Eo Pucpi. Mill ,.o E.-iginta, aivr juiiia, etc. Repairing of al' kinds a: ;t,t notice. All parties coming to L::e F.iir who have work to bo uoks. v. :ll f ive time by putting it in your bu-M-y ir wagon; it will receive ptomp; uttention. AT SlUPYAUl), NEAIt O I). Vi II All F. Go to P. M. DHAMEY for HARDWARE of all kiuda. "Farmer Girl :' Cook Stove the leader of n Stover. Cheaper grades to select from. HEATIFi SI0VE3 in great variety, which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Alfo. One Good Second-hand Piano will be sold at a BARGAIN. fel6J wm S3TPARENTS SHOULD BEAR MIND that the season for attacks ot Croup is now on us. Bo prepared fpr this insidious disease by always having a bottle of R, N. Duffy's Ceoup Stbup in the house. Prepared after tbe re cipe of the late Dr. Walter Duffy, and for sale by the proprietor at his store on Middle street, next to Custom House, and by New Berne Drag Company; oarnngioii j hid ij. en ilasier HAVE JU.-.T IfXEU-KD A OF A u fV tq Zciigler's Em Shues p0i Tws Fsr a Quarter. Have just received another lot those "Tws For a Quarter" Children's Stockings, all sizes. Guaranteed Fast Black. Mmm STORE. s Orat American HOG-, 1 KTye THE Earth, ii-.r-cled to this city by the r.ii uill be on exhibition Ogoi Last of Gas ton House, ' AKLii S OLD STAND). 1 .'.Ian. ;.f thi-i wetk. v, uvms 1 WS FOUNDS. -.-.. 10 cms. mE HERE I strong Work- lorses and Mules Fsst Drivers just a and bought ij. Hahn for mm & co. sale on Reason AjCj able terms. Come early and srer vour choice. Gotten Line3 and Eope and Gill Thread, SOLD CREAP BY . '.i C? r. u. Jj at G'HOCEIt, rr. I'.LE STSEET, NEW BERNE. N. O. Eugim, Expert Piano and Organ riJlTER AND REPAIRER. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Over 50 Testimonials in Town. Plea;o Icavi! orders in GREEN FRONT NOVELTY STORE. Djaitr in latest 6c, and lOo. Music. fobll elm. G-ot Tliere! SAM. JONES, Th j Great Evangelist, Will lecture at the Yu ::g lbn hristiin Association Hall, Tuesday, Feh. 23. '92. Suojtci: GST THERE. L j -u vih to -get there," yon had better tecum your ticket at onoe. Ticivoia on sale at the Y. M O. A. AiirnifMc noflj : reserved seats. 75o. top! Stop! AND SEE THE Largest and Best Selected Stock of WATCHES, JEWELEY Silverware and Novelties ever h-in iu Now Berne. - I have jue return-d .rum the North with, FULL STOCK of i ll kinds of goods in my line SAM K. EATON, Middle St., opposite Baptist Churcb. mn lgsojiley, Boot and Shoe Maker NEW BEBNE,:; '- Having seenretl tbe servten ef a ikin4 Meobamo and flrst-olas. Workjn.n from New York, I am bow folly pretend to nil promptly all orders (or flue CD8T03I MADE BOOTS IHD SHOES. .n,?i2,a.nh,T".il,;t I h" atl.faetoTlly applied in wants ot my inminui Mtrona wo'ik beHn"o ie SleTors?; lyKrloiirlnE a,pulf XrmrtpTomvt. vw tf lt X' JOft'MoBOBLKT. (adrcri Crx forPitchei'a Castorb. ,--i:f.'i'.'

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