JOUJINAL. Is the oommittee on-way and means, npoo the proposition to pot cotton ties end binding twine on tie fre Uet, every Eepnblioan member voted against it and everj Democrat voted for it That was test vote to ahow who ia the real friend of the farmer of the coon try. Stick n pin here. Whiskey ia not the only article tbie Legislature id determined to prohibit. It ia alao after cigarettes. Bjth branches have passed a law making it unlawful for any person to sell, barter, or give away cigar ettes, smoking or chewing tobacco, or snuff to any child nnder the age of 18, nnlees authorized in writing by the parent or guardian, nnder a penalty -of 920 tp 1100 Age, or im prisonment for not less than one : nor , more than three months, or both, in the discretion of the court. The House also passed the follow- . ing: uIf any person shall smoke a cigarette, or tobacco, or other sub stance rolled in paper on any public street or highway, or at any church, theatre, or public hall, ho tel, court house, or any other publio building, shall suffer the penalties above prescribed forth with." Jackson, Miss., Dispatch. FORT BARNWELL, N. C. Track Phrenology Personals Railroad. Our farmer's are preparing for Irish potatoes; and beaus with much rapidity. Garden peas are jast above the surface and the timid J bare and the graoefnl lark are anticipating general feasting. Mr. R. G. Maxwell, a phrenolo gist from Duplin county, was in our vicinity last wee Iff Mr. Max well has abown great skill and caused .many of our citizen to beleive in the soinoe of Phrenology, his lectures are remunerative. - We have one (B. M.) this year ' Brothers. H. Gibbert of South Carolina. Be is a model young man. And very highly esteemed la our neighborhood. We are glad to note that Miss Lilly Dail, a bright and charming young lady of Tuscarora is now in our town, we sinoeerly hope that she will remain in it forever- Fort Barnwell bov'a where are Ivouf Two gentlmen from Philadelphia were in in onr vicinity last week for the purpose of taking up the right of way for the N. vV. and G. R. E. Our citizens acted very liberally; as they are very much in need of quick transportation. The farmer's life association of 'this plaee is booming we advise all to join and thus ensure their livs's for the orphan and widow. R. We have a speedy and poiitive cure for oatarrb, diphtheria canker mouth and headache, in SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A natal injector free with each bottle. Uaa it if you desire health and sweat breath. Prloe SOo. S j!d by New Berne Drug Co. If a man has any brains at all, let him hold on to his calling and drift with the current of existence, and in the grand sweep of things his turn will come at last. fUrCKLBlT'S IRHOt ULVB The Beet Salve In the world for Outs, Braises, Bores, 'Dicers, Salt Bheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively eurea Piles, or no pay required. It la gaaraateed to give perfeot satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsele in Newbem by F. 8. Duty, wholesale and setall druggist. 8ocietyisa strong solution of books. It draws the virtue out of what is best worth reading, as hot water draws the strength of tea leaves. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, Is it not worth ths small price of 75o., te free yourself of every eymtom of these distressing complaints, if you think so oall at our store and get a bottle of Bhiloh's Vitalize, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, uie accordingly and if it does you no good It will cost you nothing. Sold by New Berne Drug Co. A man living amid the advantages and activities of the Nineteenth century is a condensed Methuselah. The Deaf Hear. That sounds miraculous, and yet one may beoome temporarily deaf on ao eouat Of blood poison settling in the ear, ad then find quick relief by using B. 8. B. (Batanio Blood Balm.) J oka W. Weeks. Dscatur.Ga., writes: "Six months ago I had a pain in my ear ad is a few daya it discharged matter. The I grew deaf and could not bear at all. I began the use of thsB. B. B. and ths running of my ear sooD ceased aadl'aow hear, while my health is tuek Improved and I feel full of grati tude to God and to the proprietors of so good a remedy." 8. M. Ellis. AtlanU, Oa., writes: 'B.B. B. eured ma of most stubborn seasaaa. I had dootered it without smsBsss for twelve years." W. H. Davis, Ban Marcos, Texas, writes: "J am rapidly reoovering from Mood poison by use of B. B. B. X -il. . . ' Ifyooerersaw a crow with a king-bird after him, yon will get an - Image of ft dull apeaker and a lively listener. " Pas Over Fifty Tears - Mas. Wwe&ow Sooth wo Bmvr hss bsjea used lor children teething. It soothes the ohlld, softens the gams, tilers all pain, eurea wind colic, and ia : the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty lve cents bottle. Sold by all drug atats throughout the world. . Jen9dwiv , ' " '. too lite. .. :; ;. CHaS COBH BASKS :. v . Tea call me weak, beoauee, foirsotb, : Hotter by the way, - . .- . j ' 1 And. chanting broken bite of tbjme, Yet slip the fuli-frsneht day . To l chide me that I io not tarn "V Eich moment to aocouot, And, upward on the wiagagiT thought. To higher pleaaorea mount - Ton late, O mocking fate, too late Your kind heart prompta my own! We may not gather panaiea where ' , We only weeda have sown. Bad your kind spirit shone about My life ia earlier daya: If then I had but oaught one gleam Of your sweet bains; rays; It from these gentle finger-tips One touch had kissed, my brow, 8wet t angal, there were then no need, Mo cause to abide me now. Too lata, O mocking fate, too late Your heart inspires my own 1 We may not gather panaiee where We only weeds have sown. You do not fear the bitter world? You'd brave Its soont for me? Ah! sweetheart, may you never know How harsh the world can be. If o I loved you lees, perhpj But no, God's mercy, nol IM sail my troubled bark alone, Howe'er the winda may blow. Too late. O mocking fate, too late Your kind beart prompts my own 1 We may not gather pintles where We only weeds have sown. Qo, go! farewell! nsy. nay, go nol! I oannot lose you sot The sun will never shine again When you are gone, I know. And yet and yet sweet love, good by, I will be strong and brave Oonel gone! then is my life but death The eold world but a grave! Too late! too late! O mooking fate! My bruised heart found its ot! We may not gather pansios where We naught but weuds have e wn. EDISON BAFFLED BY TVIXD. HIS Telephone to the Sun Delayed by the Sorthers. The wizard Edison looked at the aurora borealis Saturday night aud mourned. Ik's been watching the big spot on the Ban ever since it ap- oeared. ana be has oeen unea wud regret. This is because the wind has been playing nine-pin up around bis big Iron mine in Morris county, N. J., and has swept down his ring of big poles as fast aa he has put them up. If the wind had minded its own business these past two years, the people of New York might now be able to drop a nickel in the slot and hear the son spot roar. The wizard baa as great faith in bis telephone to the sun as he had the day be suggested it. This telephone line wbicb is to reproduce the disturbance on tbe sun in Bound on tbe earth is going to be built now, Mr. Edison sa s, in defiance of tbe winds, as soon as the snow is off the ground. The Doles are to be made metal and are to be set in the solid rock. The row will reach around the big mine, and then the finest and most ex Densive coDDer wire that can be had is to be Dut up on them. The-I disturbances will reach tbe earth on waves of electricity a little more than eight minutes after they nave occurred, having traveled at the rate of about 190,000 miles a second. They will be changed into sound when they reach tbe copper wire, and then they may be trans ferred to and worked off in slot machines at a nickel a listen. Edison says be computed tbe amount of electricity in an aurora borealis once, and found it to be 2.000,000, and it wasn't as fine an aurora as that of Saturday night, either. Phil. Record. His Heart In It. A manufacturer in Philadelphia lately told to a friend tbe s ory of one of bis superintendents, "Twelve years ago a boy applied to me for work. He was employed at low wages. Two days later the awards of premiums were made to manufacturers at tbe centennial Exhibition." (Passing down Chestnut street early in the morning I saw Bob Douring over the bulletin-board in front of a newspaper office. Sud denly he jerked off his cap with a shout." "We have taken a medal for sheeting!' he exclaimed. "I said nothing but kept my eye on Bob. The boy who could iden tify himseil in two days with my interest would be of use to me here after. "His work was to deliver pack ages. I found that he took a real pride ia i5. His wagon must be cleaner, his horse better fed, his orders fil e 1 more promptly than those of the men belonging to any other firm. He was as zealous for the house as though he had been a partner in it. I have advanced him step by step. His fortune is made, and the firm have added to their capital so much energy and force." Unidentified. When Baby was tick, vr. gar. her Castoria. TThen she was a Child, aha cried (or Castoria. Whea she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. Middle St. Restaurant, FOUR DOOB3 FROM POLLOCK. Oysters in every stylo at all hours from 7 a m. to 2 a.m. Regular meals can be obtsined from 7 a m. to 8 p.m. f . 10 dtf DAVID SPEIGHT. H0SE3 T. BRYAN, Carpenter and Builder. Small Job! of Repairing sol'eltcd and sat ts'aotton guaranteed. , Maybe found when wanted near ths Ice Factory, ... . Baiers (o past ekaraeter a eltlsea and meehanle, - . .... JanlMtf Children Cry for Pitcher's .Castor!: Uow is Your Blood? -r : c-rv : I had t malignant breaking Out on my leg bciow the knee, and was cured sound and well with two and a half bottles of B. 8. 8. Other Wood medicines bad fail- ed to do me any good. . - - Wni.C BxiTT, YorkvuTe, & 6. 2, i Mwiji v I was troubled from childhood with an aggravated case of Tetter, and three bottles of & & 8. cured me perma nently. Waixac; Mahic, MannTfllo.LT. Our oook on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. ;; Swire Spkcotc Co., Atlanta, Ga. PLEASED PATROHS I The best possible advertisement for a firm is pleased patrons. They always oome again and bring tbeir friends. That is why every mooth sees an in crease in the amount of our business, Goods of tbe best quiUsy, ana pnoei that are right th-se keep rur tradi moving rapidly evn during theie dull weeks after the hjlldiM", and we have always something special. Everybody pleased and filled with wonder, and YOU'LL BE PLEASED, too, if yon investigate the truth of the prioes we are making, and you'll oarry away just aa big a load and be just aa happy as our friend in the pioture. Very respectfully, llackburn & Villeit, 23 & 81 Pollock Street S. G. Bragaw, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEW BE2NE, N. C. Office Over Citizens Bank. luiSdwir S. R. STREET, General FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Aent, NEW BERNE, N. C. Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Company! NEW DAILY LINE BiTWEEN NORFOLK, VI. and I ASHIHBTQf, B.C. The Sew and rowerfnl Iron Palace S earn- "Norfolk" and "Washiogton" conceded to be the finest BUaners afloat, will leave Norfolk every day In the year from ihs wharf of Norfolk and Carolina Kallroad Company at 6il0 P.M., Old Point at Tito P.M!,arrlvlDgm Washington next morning at 6i30 A.M . oonneedng with tbe eariy trains or me rem, a i,iu,, ias. for tbe Norih, Eaat and West. Returning leaves Washington every even ing at T o'clock, arriving In Norfolk at Ti30 next morning, connecting with all trains on the Beaboard and Roanoke, Norfolk and Southern. Atlantic and Danville and Nor folk and Western Railroads. Passengers for the North will And this the most desirable and pleasant route to take, giving an opportun ity of stopping over at Washington, D.O., going or returning. Through tlok et son sale at all the princi pal Railroad offices Id order to avoid mistakes ask for tickets via the New tine steamers to Washington, For farther Information apply to JAB. F. MAUPIN, Agent, Norfolk, Va. JOHN U ALLAH AN, Oen'l Snpt. fail dSmwlt Sir Henry Thompson, the noted Lon don physician, says that more than one-half of the diseases of modern life are canted by easily avoidable errors in diet It is well known that the drunkard brings his ruin upon himself; but it is startling to be told in effect by so able a physician that, but for our ignorance, it is as much a sin to be ill as to be drunk. The proprietors of Garfield Tea have been doing missionary work in this field. They include with each of the millions oi free samples they yearly distribute, valuable medical essays on the Use of hot water as a remedy, and of diet in disease ; and with each package of Tea a booklet worth its weight in gold, written by a well-known hy gienic physician, residing in New York and London, and a graduate of the New York University Medical College, pointing out a few simple rules whereby all persons of or dinary intelligence are able to conduct an attack of illness without calling a doctor: showing how to get well and keep well, and how so to live that ho one need longuse Garfield Tea or any other medicine, un til then, Gar6eld Tea helps overcome ths evils of bad diet and over-eating. This booklet also gives the Dr. Salisbury treatment of chopped meat and hot water ( also the secret of the success of the milk care and the grape cure in Europe. 'Vs- And also, why the great success attending treatment at Carlsbad and other famous health springs (and shows how anyone may substantially, get all the good results that come from such health resorts at home, by following ths rules plainly set out ia the little 'book.'. . : ,, J. I -:z Why are physicians so much opposed to proprietary medicines? Is ft because such meritorious articles as Pond's Extract or Garfield Tea become household necessities and enable people to do their own doctoring sod so keep money out of tha pockets of physicians. J;' . - . . )i f i Ooodl,Tryirl work tot Ms. Umtt, jvm mmj set ! aaws, ww ww cm lMeli7oasuickl how tosMns t4 m Is) slay at A srsMl,a!fslsjaor njotn on. awies), all I. In tusy past of Utawrtca. yp caa aomniwaM at bVosm, fj ins; ail your tloisvwafsara ssoaaflts onlrls ihe wort. AOIlWff. Oram Mf MTltaT faff rwy worker. VVi atari too. ftralsMBf . .tjTtrrttrinf. KiSH'T. BPsTKHlLT touMl kUrAlfriCULAllH KKKR. itMr osc unvuiiat a. iat . ixiarVl.aais. avatwaf- Onslow Co. Hams w lot) 17. Y. Pig Hams; r rale Cream Cheese, i ; Best Creamery Butter,' Purest Lai d,:--:r Florida Oranges, -Choice Lemon, Oatmeal, Buckwheat, ud tm Best Hour on Earth," AT LUCAS & LEWIS. Nsn Ccrrisgo Shop, Just opened oa Broad street, where all v.- m.:-::r Ktnas OI 0ABT, WAGON & BUGGY WORK will be done on short notioo. Also, are have a FIRST-CLASS HORSE BHOEB from tbe Weet, where a ahoer stands on his merit Give us a oall and we will giro satis-J notion. H. WINFIELO & SONS. janUlwtt E. Fisher. V.H. JohoBon. J. H Flaber. Fisher, Johnson I Go,, (S. B. Haekburn'a O d Btacd.) CINtRlt HlRKETi Broad St , New Berne, N. 0. Tbe above flrro have 'onm. tost?," and If you want to getour mnu)yworiti, come aal streoi weu yoa notdany G-roceries, Confectioneries, Vegetables, Etc., Etc. taT Coantry Produee Bought and Sold. We have a Delivery Wagon, and will send your goocis any wnere in we oii . Bolloitlng your patronage, we are Yours respectfully, feb3 tf FIS OK B, JOHNSON A CO. . THE Mutual Life Insurance COMPANY OF NEW YORK ISSUES EVERY DESIRABLE FORM OF Its New Distribution Policy is the Most Liberal ever offered by any Insurance Company. Assets, Dec. 31, 1891 : $159,507,138.68. Endowments and Death Claims pafd last week: 369,887.51. Average Daily Payments: $61,647,92. C. A. BATTLE, f4 tf At Journal Office. TO THEjmiC. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE FIFTY DOLLARS In tbe purchase of a HAHO, and f.ona Ten to Fifteen Dollars In tha purchase of anpRG AN, address AD0LPHC0HK, NEW BEBNE, N. O., General Agent for Horlh Carolina, who now bandllng goods direct Irons the mann faoturers, as follows: HIGH GBAOB HIHUR PIANOS, distinguished for tone, workmsnshlp and durability, and endorsed by nearly all the musloal Journals In the Unlud States. Made by Paul Q. Mehltn, who la at this time one ol the best mechanics and Inventors of the day Thirteen new pa Ian is on this high-grade Mehlln Piano, Also the NIWBT KVAHSITFH1GHT PIANO, which haa been sold by him for the oast tlx rears in the eastern pan of this State, end-up to this time haa given entire satisfaction The Upright Piano Just men tioned will be sold at from 1200 to SS 0, In Ebonlaed Koaewood, Oak, Walnut or Ma hogany oases, .v Also tbe CROWS PARLOR ORGAB7, from ISO to 1 1(0 In solid Walnutor Oak oeses Ten years' experience In tbe mnsle busi ness has enabled him to handle nothing but standard goods, and he does not hesitate to aay that he wli sell any mostoal Instrument about 26 per esnt. cheaper lhau other agents are now offering. Refer to all bank a In Beaters Carolina, -janaswar. PROFESSIONAL - : ABO - ! ' , , ARTISTIGPAPERiriQ. All kinds of FIRST-CLAW WGEK in tbla llna dona bat 8HOBT HOTI0E and it BEASONABLB PBICEa . - Samples and alt tha' latest stjlss oaa ba seen by applying at the GASTON house. v .: ; y Wli; ?r LAWRENCE. -iifcl.l.111iit,iii t TYLER DESXS-200 New Style. TTXER 0TA1 TYPS WRITER OABDrBTB, TA BLES, 0 HAULS, BOOK OASES, A,,at BedtMea Bates aqS apedal SiaMuta, OatalegM for 1880 new ready. IMsatisVllaitretea, Beok fne Peetage 10a, TYLER BANK COUNTERS. V SiHuMSt HtU. a. JHf Trim. nimh'rt.Sle tWew i ..ri.M wrk WArl, li.fW. BMk frM ra, It tlUS DSJX CO . SI. WUIB, MO, VMM MONEY! tM weWTtasJ At HWKIW ttM ryfOT. Hlr BRSl BK.nar.blr 4y tboM ol mr , ToamfT r old, aintt la their . Lu.llil.1 vkaraaras thav Hv. ASB ilUllIsS I eaa aae elds ifasi work- aUlT K IsWTft. Wsj IWwta. wrsrvlbi.e;. We Urt y.. Jlo rta. sjo mr mm asurnraaia, r all y' Thta SatlMtv nana UswlaMl krintra wOQrrl BwOCSSM isj trwerry wnra Baffnstan tra aavrnlns; aWm J a. to par we mod -pwreH ad toraftra litilt m nco. Won ftrish ym UtOTUillo. Hum. -liKV ti A; to., AlUvoia. ailkS. r v.rn t r w r i q it Q "A . . ....... . .r-- I have just replenished my Stables with a WELL-SELECTED STOCK of HORSES AND MUXES, and wffl contintte toieep a FULL SJOCK on hand. My Belections are made with a view to the wants of the community, and satisfaction. : ' Have also just contracted lor ONE HUNDRED BUGGIES, and will keep constantly on , VEHICLES of every description, and m fact everything usually kept in a First Class Carriage Repository. Buying in such large quantities enables mo to give my customers the benefit of discounts. All goods sold on a very small paper on one or two years' time. J. W. SfEWART, For Catalogue and Prices, write tho Mantifeottirera, Austin, Tomlinson & Waster Mfg. Co. JACKSON. MICHIGAN, U. 8. A. OUNOED 1864 by the present ezecotire lues 10 r eauoauss ivvau om juijv r school, owing to Its H IO H standard ot excellence, has placed in business more young men and women from Md.. Vs., N. C 8. C. and Oa. than all similar Inititutrons combined. Catalogue and particulars mailed. W.H. SADLER, Pres., F. A. SADLER, Secy, Baltimore, Md. V A I f (l H N PATENT SPRING VEIUCLES. FITtST-CIAJS IN .LIGHTEST, STRONGEST EASIEST BIDING VEHICLE ON EARTH. BUGGIES, ROAD WAGONS, PHAETONS, AND SURREYS - BABCOCK &IELE ' Sole Proprlstors Writ or OoMogkt. JTsnMoa (Ml ftaptr. ; Atlantic & N. 0. Railroad. TRAJSBPORTATION DEPARTMENT. gew Bern. N. C, Jan. 28. IBM. Cheap Excursion Bates .. .. to vaa . . EA8T CAROLINA - FISH, 0YSTEE, G41P! Industrial Association, : : ; . At .-V 'Vi. FEB. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 1892. Prom all atatlona West of New Bern. tlek. sts wlUbeaold over thla Koad on the Mall rratn from Febiuary suih to Sftth lnoluslve good to return to February ln, lnoluslve. All stations Bast of New Bern will Mil tick, eta np to and Including February 17, by stall Train The Special Fair-Train Will run on February 32, 28, 24, 25, 26 and Ht from uoidsboro and inter mediate Stations to New Bern and retain same day, Fara for Bound Trip, inoludiog admit- sion to tba Fair, wben Tickets ars par chased by Mail or special Train: 0oldsborp.-..m4l 70 1 Tnsoarra... BesU-. ........ 1 60 Clark's.... 85 7S l. (Iraaae..... ... 1 D Rlveraale. 76 iraliin.ilreak.- 1 40 Oroatan.u. 86 KlnatonMM. .......... 1 US Ca.well-.i-. 1 80 Dover u. , . 1 SS Pore Ork ,.... 1 00 HavelOck Newport. .1 W Wildwooa 1 80 tlanue........l 86 auneneM Ultyi u ' jar Bchednle Of Special Train for Informa tion Of tne puoiio, ana not ior iraia men, aa this train will rna by telegraphlo orders and will hay. no right, over regular trains un lets so ordered by the Train Dispatcher. , LaavsOoldsboro Beat's i V; SOD A.M, " l SSO " l Grange it - 8.46 trailing UrMk. SOO Klnston" .: CaaweU .-V-ov-.-a:-. .Dover - -"";;.. trf i: 4S . . .... I.. ' . . A Tuscarora.'. IO- :'" 'n-'r Clark's- ''-ii-W'i; Arrive at hew Bern J0.4J . Returning, leav. New Bern ' ' .S0.P,M, A9-Thl. eontpanywlil transport articles for exhibit on pre payment of freight t New Born, and upon production ol certlfl eats from Lb Secretary of the Fair Associa tion that such .artlele. hav. not been .old for freight charges will be reloaded and artlole. returned free. Or upon produetlon of certldeate from the Beeretarr that each articles are Intended for exhibition, they Will be transported free from shipping point and returned fre. as above provided for. Agent, of tht. company will be lnatrneted as to perishable articles, eto., to use their, discretion In giving them fie. transport.-, tton wlinout eertliioat. from - tortary. Thau privllestsai. not exiniied to articles Intended for advertising jiurposea or for rwehor . U DU.Sup.rlat rd-nt, i r " 1 r ' 1 P : P s NllltMHWMiUMUMWIWltUUUIMWmAlMIM my terms' cannot fail to give : - ' hand 8 FULL" SUPPLY of HARNESS, ROBES. WHIPS, margin for cash or negotiable ) Occupies four building Unrivalled In lad. nvaan mr suooes. in iira. in nuuw m is most ieroraDie lor Dutluen opportunities, jt ne demand for oar graduate, is unpieoedenled. No vacation; -pupils can enter at any time with equal advantage. Never attend a school because tbe tuition h aheap, for C H EAP Is very dear; It means ebeap surroundings, Inferior facilities, and offers NOopportnnltieeror securing POSI TIONS lor ni duoIIs and sradaatea. This EVEBT ZIHSPECT1- AND C ARF.I AGE1 COMPANY H aad MaaslaattaTS,-;fl'-9';'K'-'' CO TO JOHN 11 Hi NOTICE. ; uwi mm AuiuiusamLTiaoi o. U. Opward, asoeaaed, let. of Craven county. S. O., this Is to notify all persons having claims against the-estat. of said deceased to ahlblt them to tbe nnd.rslgnd on or w ...... . u H v. .wuiuvwvjfOriQll notice will b. plead Id brof recovery All HMnU l..kturi . ..... . . . . plMsemake lmmef ttep" nent. Ato 1.1 a o WARD, ThUJBdiayofDe- '"T.Y DUNN'S ' ...... -r-:- AND; "We are in.thellnrilare''-, a.nd 1 Qrofiery Business to stay 1 'Faaiers, we , saved f you "money 1. last this, if - you will comtb see us. ' " Country mer-'-x: chants, I we rJ jsold .you 1 goodi last 'year, so that 4; you could make money and will do so this. . : J . We offer a full line of ; Hardware and Grocer- , ies, consisting of .Plows, y-ip Plow Castings. Shovels, $7&. Spades, Hoes, etc., etc. a.v Also Flouf, -Sugar, fee, and other things too VcJr numerous to mention- v: i na ii nrirve Mir..i: vnn ini.M ft. Mt .m nrnvi'ar anistoryor iirromthe neginnlag. Bnoh a. Pair In hlcaao In 1HD8 or not sou will want T C".' mm.w.x Mm ui. muuruLi. urm 11 wu --.,, .- (Ill I I ... rm . v.'"' : auu AiA.joitiuu uiapuW .- ' ' Printed In English. German, French and '". -Spanish. -, . The first numb, of this great quarterly -v , edition of The Graphlo.loat Issued, eontalu. ,-y .;. views or au the principal buildings from official deslgna the Admlnlatratioo, Fine . '" Arte, Hanufaotnres. fisheries, atlnas,aud Mining Agricultural Building, and every. " -f thing else to date), Portraits of he Principal " w iwoi ui .uo vwiuuiiHlun MU VimWITf a; Views of the Frmolpal Oltlea of Ajqerloa, t . foil-pace Portraits of President H.rrlaim and secretary Blaine; and a anperb triple. a. uivauaB man owiuing. from OeeigDB ny tne 4.' V Bureau of Oon.truotlon. Ton will want a eon. fbt vonraalf and . - " Aral fnrvanf fiiftnjl. . . os ragea, witn mippwment. The finest PUDlieatlon In amerlca, . Uo hot fall to aend tor a copy or ask your Newsdealer tor It. Pno- 60eia wit h order.1i 1 ' 1 BUbrcrlptlon oneyfar, J. - . THK GRAPHIC "That nhenomanal ane. eeaa of lllnat atmt wee.lie. In the world's b laireitv-. aii me piineipai current eventai "., finely lilu trated The moat compl'U, the, " most popnlar. and altogether toe moet val- unbl. lllualrat.l weekl - sik mm nawa ... i . . daalerforit oraddrets the puollsheia anb , solptlOD, one year, Sl.lW. Th. mtlDQTn .... il..Lm. n - b . ..J ... son SIS .Ohio" go. An agent wanted in eery town la tne - TJ. a). . , Seed Potatoes For 3ale.r. feeoond crowth Irish Potatoes, raised on tha Eastern Shore of Marylaad. ESPECIALLY FOB SEED. , Apply to ."...i-v .- ':" R. D. L. FLETCHER, -jtU d wlm ' - Oapa Oharlaa, Va. Executor's Notice. The nndaralniA. John tL If nrtnn. duly qualified as the Kzeeutor of the laai will and testament of David w. Morton. - -hereby gives notloe that all persona having claims agalnat the aald David W. Morton ' will present tbenton or bfor the 13th dayt of January, 1898. or thla notloe 111 be "- pioaueu in Dar or tneir recovery. v - jiu penon. owing tn. sau aetata or inns - w. Morton will mac. lmmadlat sattlamaBa - - j of the same. JOHN o. MORTOH, Kxeeavar, -. Harlowe.N.cj P. H. PELLETTES, Atty. - JaalOdnSw DOYS AND GIRLS, HAVE YOlf 8EEN T Southern Sunbssn::. That beautiful rnagagine'f or Son th t era Boys and Ohls. It Is tha hsuid. ' lomett-Young People's Magkiina in -America. It - has beoome a welooms " ' visitor to thousands of. Southern Homes. No pains or azpanae ia " spared to make it attraotiTa.- Each, number oontaing volume of inter -eating reading for young folks. Short, and continued atones, out-door sports, :. new games, and in faot arerjthing to -interest boys and girls, , Twenty eight pages and eover, eaoh p is i handsomely illustrated. 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Pnntoml... on.L t -u. .( reduo. m V ahavinir tinkau t . ' and one hair out for 11.00. Ko-v U (uur cnanoe to iy in a rn'f. , ... J rof . W. li. i " Children Cry forTi' ' UV1 rlm I in I

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