Jdtj RNAL. VOL;X.-NO;284, NEW BERNE, N. C , SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. IS -:;l -mm. &4 BUSINESS LOCALS. ; '. AQsNDSOME assortment of Mop 'r1y.iJi:$'2'i; XX ad linen, and (all supply of Em lj .-.c-' V broidrjoiaterialefor Artneo'le work JT "Mr J iurt noeived a HsU E F DlLUHO' . AyJP&'i ham's oorner of Broad aod Middle TMPOBTED HOLLAND GIN, Burke's .'"A Bass'. Ala and" Burke' Gvioneoe' 8tout, (or sale by Jan. Bidhokd. . , i-.'r f 'AAA - CIGARS at very low 1 tl.VvV figure to wholesale aad ' retai trade (or eale by . c-: " --.0 ';--..-';-'.- Rkdmohd. .T IOELY furnished rooms In pleas ;.X ani locality with Board by day Week or Month. Apply at the Jocb sULoffioe. T S CALVIN SCHAFFEB'8 WILD 1. OHEBRY BOCK AND EYE, put K A s t up sxpreasly for throat and lun die -jft'eaiei, for sale by " ii'." ImM ' Jab Ebdmosd. T HAVE moved on Broad street. Stall XNo.7. E. Fi.bers old steod. Fine Stussga meat,(10 oent per lb. jin261mo VieqilS Fbtan, ABBETTH3 COGNAC BBANDY JTused Tery much in the sick room. ,, - For sale by ? ' js26t( Jas Brdmohd. f?rVB Hundred pairs of Rubber Shoes V (or ohlldren, 10, 12i and IS cents per pair. ' JanWtf BIG IKE HUNYADI Jafias Mineral Wster, the best Natural aperient. For sale by J AS. EkdHond. PUBE COEN WHI8KEY ror sslti by Jas Redmond. LABQE lot of hnndeome Lice Cur tains, Chenille 'urt.iuu, Gofers, Bugs, eto., just received at jan9 J Sutbb'S. RE. Hudson House Painter, P.per Hanser. Kalsouiiner, Orders Promotlr attended to, Apply at tf . L. H, Cutler's store. DUFF Gordon Imported Bherry, foi sale by Jas Redmond. SMOKE Genuine Cubans Tobaooo. oct6tf MI8H. SACRAMENTAL, PORT and SCUPPEBNONG WINES far sale by Jas. Rkdmond. NEW DRUG STOBE.-Drogs, Medi eibSS and Ohemlo.l., O. P. Popular Proprietary Medlolnee. All varl tie ol - Drnggist's Handriea. Trusses and Brno s, W.w orop Garden Beeds. Fine aurt Larije Stock Olgars aod Tobaooo. all Riff, l're sorlptlon aecurately eo npounde . (.ndoi ai vii prloes), our in tto and on- nueoess. . C. OH '-KN. Draagl.t, and ApuMiveary, Mlddl. tour doors froon Pollock. Iuiuij T-VUFFYS MALT WHISKEY for JLMsdioinal nse. for sale by jtnSS Jas- Kbdmosd. THE LouIbviUo Coarier.Joanal pats Senator Carlisle in nomination for the presldedoy. Today we commence the publi cation of Senator Hill's speech. It : will be concluded tomorrow. THE Indiana Kepublioan prima ties have, almost without exception, chosen delegates farorable to Har rison. - Mobile, has a sensation that resembles the Alice Mitchell affair ac Memphis. The parties are -'colored. ' THB Charlotte Chronicle nomi nates Frank ' I. Osborne, of Meek laabarg, at a candidate for Attorney General at the next State election. ON Feb. 24, Dr. To woes, one of --"' ' ;-- ; the ' best " known physicians in . . .'" , - Chattanooga, - was horsewhipped by ft woman who'charged him with a Mary marine ' disasters are it ! pcr:ed. : It .wonld be diffloalt for : the weather bureau to get np worse weather than hai prevailed m this latitude during thisair week. ; 1 Tlf a Democratic convention ol the forth district of West Virginia Al-1 ? v Thursday, declaring the allegiance " of the party to David B. Bill. It " V - t-r C, m almost nnanimonsly defeated, " - JJ, while Clevetand'a name was loudly iv.-'ivA.-'! cheered. ' ' The people of Japan are now engaged in electing members of the Chamber of Eepresentatives, tad, although this is only the second election under the new Constitution, they are already . showing tbem selves capable of mastering the Intrioaoles; of politicsr even going .. so far 'as to emphasise their doc Wum by.; knockdown arguments. I -? They ' will lot be; likely, however, . to fully enjoy a political .campaign " - " ; vntll, Japan shall 'have been pro N - "claimed a Republic and a presiden. tlal election shall ensue. V - THE nncertaih position in which ithe:opponente:i.of; MrHlll; claim ' : that he occapies on the silver ques- tlon and other leading Issues now before the country, and tbe division that now exists in the Demooratie ranks have caused apprehensions ta sohie quarters concerAfng which the party will offer at the National Convention. It is pafe to say, how. tver that the wisdom of the party lessors when gathered in connoil will ba eqaal to the pecasioo, and v "l r ''est a platform on wllch 1 'i ci weTl afford to ap- " I ' f!ntry. Angccta LOCAL NEW 8. The admission to the Fair today will be only 85 cents. The Fair will be kept np In all its appointment. , . The fire works last night were ' brill iant and hovel.' They were of magnifl oent colors and greatly admired. There will be another display tonight. Messrs. G. H. Water ft Sons, New Berne carriage manufacturers, had photograph taken yesterday of their display at the Fair ground to be need in Advertising their business. Owing to the heavy ' track canted from the rain fait Itime oould not be made. The first waa the I80O raoe In which Fray ley' gray hone from Salis bury was the winner. Time 2:40. Seoond raoe waa for a flCO, puree. It was won by Tom, a bay hone frcm Durham. Time 3:43. Abel Ball, a colored braktmsn of the A. ft N. C. B. B , whose borne is at Wild wood, accidentally fell between two Cars of the freight train Thursday and was crushed to deaih. Hie body was discovered on the banner between two eara when the train stopped at a ooJ station, five or nix miles from Goldsboro. Tbe coroner's inquest beld la New lierne, rendered a ver- diot in accordance with the above faot. Thf Jocunal 8 weather bureau re-pirt'-r h'is complettd his prognos.ica- tious hud prcphetidS a bright ind clear Wdek fur ib e utit Fair, so deciJe now t) eouie ai d wo will show you an exhi bition superior even to this. There will be still more accomodations for tbe pubii j and new and additional features or attraction. Thtre will be electric oir liflSa to the city, a complete tele phone eetvioe and water work be sides other publio enterprises now un der oontract by the city. Yesterday afternoon, whioh WnS the fldh day of the fair, one of the grand est and most marveloo effeot could be seen in the fi.h and game buildlo wbere the bugs cakes of ioe in whioh the fi-h had been fr z a hid partially melted and the Bah appeared to be inoased in a silvered net w irk, and there were va rious other formations in the ice so oeautiful aod rep!endent as to attraot the deepeat interest. At night it was even more beautiful and sparkling un der the glimmer of the eleo rio light. W tather today fair and cooler. FAIR NOTES. "They are certainly great on raising chickens down tiiia way." "These are the beet I ever saw anywhere," was a remark made by one of tbe visitors this morning. He was right. Some of the buff and white Cochins, and white Brahmaa, are large as turkeys. Any breeder would have oause to be proud of them. Hon. Chas. P. Price, of Salitbury. his wife and friends, came in by -peoial oar Wednesday night to atteno the Fair. Mr. Prioe is United Stat. DUtriot Attorney and attorney for ih B. ft D. Railroad and Mrs. Prw-m Lidr Matater of the Nt't Carotin exhibit to in J World's FUr Editor Bosoower of tbe Gildsboro Headlight and Mr. J. 0. Oaddell travel ling correspondent : of the Biblical Recorder hive also favored our Fait with their presence. Hasn't that man Hardy, of the State Chrenisle, been friendly to oar Fair 1 A touoh of the foot on the treadle and silent ewift and - still. The potter's wheel is in motion, obeying the mas ter' witt- A touoh of a silent hand, and a beautiful form arises at the mas ter' word of command. We may lis ten to stories of magio, but where . is uoh magio a thi. Wbere deft band mucking lightly, never their mission mis. Abl the woaderfal art of the potter: With a mast of shapeless clay Fashioning forms of beauty, wonderful, quaint and gay. S the potter, Dn-gan-at work a, the; NewjBerneFair. His way of working clay is marvellous, qnlok and rare. " .Why doe tbe New Berne Fair al ways have suoh good attendance and why are so many compliments spoken in it praiae? In a nut shell, the Whalb will explain: Genuine, wide-awake and progressiva buiinea men are at the helm and they have the . heartiest co operation of the oitizen of New Berne, especially our noble and peerless ladies. Myl My I What pretty ladies come to our Fair. Three raoe today. Trotting raoe free to all, at 1 p. tn. Pane 4200. Pony running race at 3 p. m., purse S40. Con solation trotting raoe at 8 p"m., puree tlOO. , .-. , r Under the oiroumatanoes the atten dance at the Fair has been very large. With rain and slush every day it is a compliment to any exhibition to attraot so many visitor v. .:;.;- v Dcsens ' anf dozen of timet have we been told a boat the large numbers of beautiful ladle on the grounds.,. Why ood friande, that's old news. That has been characteristic of every Fair we have bad here, and more than that," it la just In keeping with the quality of the Fair. v . Very much gratified Indeed doe the TouBMAb feel at bavin- so many visi tor to our Fair and it. wishes each and every one of. them a pleasant time, though we realise bow : tnuoh the weather ha been "agio us," ; We hop to have you all with us nest year and trust for better weather. j v - v ' -' Building and Loan Department Uie , Insurance Company of Va. ; . ' " MEMBERS TAKE NOHCE. Yo4r monthly. payment for February ie now due and payable at my ofHoe and must be paid not later tbau Saturday next, S7ih inst. Bend receipt book.. W. M. Watsoh, f 25 8i . , . Local Treasurer. - iCryf rj. "r's C THE FAIR, The Floral, Culinary and Ladies' - Fancy Work Departments. Opposite the department of florlonl ture, of merchants and other business men made some very fine displays, That by the -New Home Sewing Ma ohine Company of lovely fanoy work, and the operation of making it on the machine I quite attractive. Mr. H. Cohen has a good exhibit of first class pianos and organ from three prominent manufacturer. The Green Front Novelty Store baa a a good and varied display. Mr. W. H. Oliver makes a large in surance exhibit representing all kinds of insurance. He ha also prooured from a number of mills throughout the State. Those from the Kinston and Scotland Neok knitting mill are much admired. Some of the articlee are elegant. There are good plaidsf rom Gov. T. M. Holt' mill and the Randle man mill, of Alamance county, and gingham from the Durham cotton mill, took from the Concord mills and sewing thread from the Columbia Man ufacturing Company of Rsmaeur, N. C. One of the proprietor cf the latter mill is Mr. Watkina, who recently married one of our New Berne young ladies, Mies Bertha Cutler. Mr. John Sater make a handsome display of good in his line. Among them is some elegant marble top furni tu e in finest native wood from tbe Goldeboro Factory, that would be a or edit to any manufacturer. Mr. L. H. Cutler makes an exceeding ly beautiful and valuable display of builder supplies, toola of many kinds, firearms, &o. Messrs. Small wood ft Slover show a good line of agricultural implement in maohinery hall, and Messrs. E. H. ft J. A. Meadow have a large display in a;lat .front cases of tbe fertilizers they manufacture and the crude ma terials. They have also a choice dis play of aeeda of various kinds. Messrs. O. H. Waters ft Eon of tbe New Berne Carriage Faotory show ex cellent buggies in front of machinery ball, and a little further on Mr. C. T. Randolph of the Kiaston faotory shone an elegant top buggy and an exoslleot phaeton. The oulinary department looks temp tin;. It atn ains 15 or 20 varieties of j lilies, 20 or 35 varieties of pteierves aid the lame of oanned goods, broad cooked in various atyles and a beautiful line of ornamental cakes. Speoial mention should made of the fanoy dishes sent by Mr. S. R. Street, on whioh no premiums were offered, and the handsome decorated ham with ' Our Fair" on it. They are worthy of a speoial premium. Rev. Edward Bull makes a pretty iiaplayof honey comb marked as to hat fl iwer it was gathered from; l-i vintucar, fto. Honey is also shown y others. Full justice has been done by the ladiee to the fancy work department. It i a plaoe cf beauty. It is filled with articles of rich material, elegant in de sign, and superior in finish. They are not gaudy but fine. List of Letters Remaining in tbe Postoffioe at New Berne N. G. Feb. 30th , 1893 . A Mingo Alexauder, B J. P. Bennet, G. J. Bowers, Jno. Barker, O H. 0. Carson, D Jno. Davis, E Henry Edward, F I. B. FrankHn, Marget Fromeah, G Miss Jainie Gates, Samuel Gren, Miss Mattle Gillie, H Spenoer Hardy, W. S. Harper. Mary E. HineS, William Horn, J Fred Jackson, Emma Jones (2) L Geo. Lofton, Jno. Luoas, M 0. Morgan, Julia Margon, Mrs. Susie Moore, M. J. Myer, P Jno. B. Paddiion, Wir. Powell, R Fisher Reed , Rev. E. T. Roberts, Mr. Roberts, 81. P. Bauly, J. E. Sootf, Crest O. Shelby, Jim Sims, Francis Shannon John Springer, T Miss Sarah Thoma(2), A. J. Tin tie, W. L, Tray, . W Samuel Waters, Loll Water, G. W. Wetherington, D. B. Wood. Persons calling for above letters, will say advertised, and give date of list. . The regulation now require that one oent shall be collected on the delivery of each letter advertised. Wm. E. Clabkb, P.M. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. I It not worth the small price of 75o., to free yourself of every cymtom of these - distressing : complaint, if yon think so oall at our store and get a bottle of Bhi Ion's Vitaliser, every bottle ha a printed guarantee en it, nee accordingly and if it doe you no good It will boat you nothing. Sold by New Berne Drag Co. ' "A good thins: at the ooet of a poor thing ia business." t . That is what we aim to do at all times, good ' goods at the right prioe. ' When you want anything in our line give us a trial. New goods constantly ' .arriving We have the best nnlaundred shirt In the market at tbe price, it is "Our Big Six" only 600. We have some very handsome embroidered and pique; bosom ; shirts at 1.00 and 1.25. ' Do not fosget "our line of sample 'goods and our new lot of scarfs and neckwear. - 1 - J. M. HOWABD.1 ' - -" '-. , -.. . . Children' Cry for.Pitclier's.Castorla GOT. HOLT'S SPEECH. DeUvered Before the New Berno Exposition. (CONTINUED.) Early in the season, at the first on portunity to address the farmers, I reviewed the situation a it appeared, and earnestly urged the planting of mall grain, and tbe preparation for food orops, and the raising of live itook at borne. I am not here today to utter a Jere miad upon the realization of our fears, or to repeat "I told you so," to those who may be sufferers. It is true, that ootton has rarely paid even the cost of its production, and in sections wbere the stand wa deficient or the seasons unfavorable, the combination of short orop and low price, bas fallen with orushing force upon many of our best, and most industrious citizens, through out the State and the South. But strange as it may appear to me, the work of diversifying our crops, and multiplying our manufactures, and developing such interests as forestry, minings, fisheries, truok gardening, fruit culture, had already made good progress. It is true that ootton has almost doubled itself in twenty years, or about four times the Increase of pop ulation. But cotton was not the chief produot of the Southern States durina the past year. That which was made, was produced with cheap provisions. L9t us examine the statistics of 1801 just closed, and we see wherein the condition of the Sjuthcro people dilljrp from that of one year ago. In these oaloOlaticns, Missouri U oaii;t3(1, and classed as a Western State, but West Virginia is counted as ono of the South, My apology for the use of these figurt t is to be found in the need to sustaiu the truth of the real financial position cf our people, by tbe foundation faots. It will not be d moult to show, thai ihe whole South was never as wealth' ta today, in every element of advance ment, and that North Carolina has kepi pace in the maroh of progress. Leaving out Maryland and Missouri whioh would greatly increase Southern Htrength, the remaining thirteen, ac cording to the recent census from 1&80, to 1890, gained as follows: Round num ber are used for brevity. Within the ten year time, population has risen from 15.257.000 to 18.820.000, a gain of 20 7 per cent. Of these the whites gained ti s per cent, and the oolored 10.1. Assessed wealth has risen from $2 164 -155.000 to 83 938.777 000 or a gain of 79-4. In 1880 it was estimated that eaoh person on an average, in the Southern States, owned $148 85 now tbe esti mate is $217 7a notwithstanding the increase of population, on tbe other hand, tbe total taxes have materially decreased. The w hole State indebted ness was decreased from 8118 195 000 to $96,400 000 (this was before Va. settled her debt question.) Banking capital increased from S29.837.000 to 3134 589 000 and deposits in banks, from $62.640.000to 207.224 000 Saving banks from $4 685 COO to $11 764 000. Manu factures from 84.565 establishments to 57.013 or 65 per oent. with the vast in crease of oapital from 179. 300 000 to 8582.670.000 or 225 per cent, and an increase in the number of hands em ployed in manufacturing in said estab lishmente from 215 000 to 502 000 or more than double. Surely so far as population, wealth, as assessed for State purposes, indebted ness of State and county governments, and manufactures are concerned, tbe South had never reaohed such a plane of prosperity. In all these elements of growth Norib Carolina bas a conspi cuous part. But let us study the census of our great section from another paint of view. I neel not renr.nd you that whether from the natural difficulties of enumeration in our broad region, or from negligenoe.or from leas oreditable reasons, il is well known that our ad vantage have at least reoeived no over statement from the authoiiiiea of the census, the great probability being that the figure are rather short of the full truth. The grand educational development of the South In the same period, as revealed by the national figures, is the greatest f aotor in the preparation for the lasting properity and tbe highest oivtlization. Within the same ten year, school revenue baveinoreased from 85.C67.000 to 116.863.000 or 218 4 per cent. The permanent school fund has mounted rapidly from 918.650.000 to no less than 858-777.000; almost three times as much of the means of the land devoted to the improvement of the young, ss at any period heretofore. As part of its fruits, notwithstanding an increase of over three millions of population in the States named, all the incoming children have been provided for educationally, and 400,000 less illeterate persons are now reported than in 1880. The value of school pro perly ha advanoed from $10,164 000 to 818.487.000, and, best of all. the num ber of pupil in aohool has made tbe enornous gain of 1,850,000, or the increase from 1,891.000 to 2,787,000 being nearly 97 per oent. - Well has it been acknowledged by the most distinguished eduoatois, that nowhere on the globe ha so muoh in tellectual advancement been made by the great mass of' the people. There is nothing to oompare ' with- this, in the oensua of any other region or section. - Adding the oaref ul oaloulations of the State statistics and the trade journals for the farther development in 1891 we have np to JanV 1st, 1892, the fol lowing element of inoreaie of wealth, in the South. ' The tendency exhibited In seversl decades to decrease in number of farms and deoadenoe in agrioulture, has not only been arrestedvbut we have now 83,168,520 farm, of which 15.909 000 sores have been reclamed since 1880 At that period, tbe South had 64,672,000 sores under cultivation, vrhioh pro duoed - crop of a money value of 8611.699,000. Now she hsd la 1891, an eoreage - in - cultivation of all crops, amounting to 83,463,000, producing the grand mooer total, all orop inoluded, of 11,068,450,000 The former result of the farmer labor being lee in propor tion than ; in 18.91, the highest prioe of ootton that day notwithstanding, and the greater amount of low prioe ootton now. For In-1880, the ootton produc tion wa 8,788.000. and 1801 is estimated thus far, at 8,388,000 or 87 per oent in Inoreas. (Later Intelligence indicate a orop of 8i millions.) ( w -. But - to aotive has been the Southern Farmer, in the growth of other crop, that farm- values on the whole, not withstanding' ootton losses, amount to 79 per oent inorease ovtr those of 1880j or fully seven per cent average annual gain. Another cheering mark of improve ment is the existence today of 49,715.000 live stock, as against 39,418,000 in 1880 or an advance of 28 per cent. So thai while we have been oalling on the farmer to raise his meat at home, be has begun ir. so effectually that he has now about 50 per cent moro of live a took, than we have had increase cf population) in the same period. Southerners have laid up some fixed capital .from their savings, or have secured it from abroad, within the deoade. Thus the banking capital eleven years ago. was $29 337,000 Today it is 8134.589.000, an inc. ease of 369 per oent. The deposits in banks in the South from $62,846,000 have reached 8207,274 -000, an increase of 229 per cent. Tbus it is proved that tbe South is learning to save. Even the savings banks, the resort of the poor in cities, of whioh we have a limited number, only, have begun to be appreciated, and tbeir deposits of tbe weekly bad mo: thty earnings, have increased from 4,633, 000, to $11,704. 0r.0, some 115 per ct. It is simply Mlc to belittle the foroe and eloquence of figures like these. We are rearing an empire, of which so little is seen at a tima, that the mind does not take in ltd mighty proportions. We stand as before a eub lime landscape in our Western moun tains, and lose u selves in th j effort to count the thousands of balsams and rhododenrons that cloth tueir siJus as far as sight extends. We stand as on the backs or your beautiful Eistern rivers, and fail to conoeive tha myriads of raindrop, and thousand of rii.a, ani s.rouiiij Liid. dow into a harmonious cuiTri:t i : its way to blesa mankind . That iinanciers ana iarsigvuea men oi commerce, and loaders of tbe ruut routes of transportation knew and re cognized thi rising stream of ealm in he B uth. ts shown Dy tne way, tney mere se tbuir mileage of tiacis in 1880, wuich was 21,634 to 51 :GS in 1891, ..r at the rate of 137 per cent, while teel trackage mounted from 5 Ku, to 42.279 or six and a half times as much. Their enterprise wa rewarded with and inceaee of gross earnings from 847.455,000 to 8154.682 000 but a large amount being expended ror expansion and improvement3, about $30,010 000 was left for net earnings, or iui per oent of the amount in 1880. Since tbe war, cotton alone bus paid the South 88,119,403,000 mors than twioe the assessed value of its propenv and over 8,000,000 000 of this, is esti mated to have been psi i by Europe through our foreign importations. The wonier is that the people of the South have retained as muoh wealth as exit. out of that, vast accumnlatioc when we conrider bow they bavo in sisted upon making ono artio'o of pro duction pay t r aluiont every neea oi human, life, for tools and materials ol food, shelter, raiment, and the myriad needs of civiliz.d poplfl. Nay, worse still, thtt they aro bur dened with grievous imports upon near ly all goods from other countries, tbe duties upon which are distributed chiefly in other sections of the country; with special taxes upon the corn and tobacco of their husbandry and with a pension system that is the most gigan tio legalized robbery of a whole people that was even imposed, even in the worst autocratic country of tho f irth. In this connection we are tola ihat 160,000.000 is to be required for nex; year, of which North Carolina'! (.hire, acoording to population would ba over three and one quarter millions cf dol lars. To be contituo.). Shiloh's Caturth Remedy. A marvel ous cure for Ct&rrh, Tlirjhthi ria, Canker mouth. od Hcadjcii. With each bottle there is an iog.-nicus nssa! Injector for the mora Ruccef.sful treat ment of these comolaints without rxtra charge. Price 50j. Bo'.d by N..;v Berne Drug Co. Holies. I have 15 aorescf ojstor bottom in Snead's Bay, New river, which I wub to plant in oj esters in the spring. To secure a portion of the means neoessary to oomplete their planting. I will take a partner in the work and crop. I have all boats and tools necessary, and propose to give the work my per sonal oonstant (ffort. Can be eeen at Marines, N. O. feb27wltdlw James A.Mattocks t M. CHADWICK. Merchant Tailor. A full line of SPRING SAMPLES just reoeived. Satisfaction guaranteed. Work room at H. L. Htll'x Book Store, Middle street. rtl'J.Ulm Horse Timers, Also, Full Line of all kinds of Watclies For sale at SAM. K. EATON, Tlio Jeweler, Middle street, opposite Baptist Church, febS dtf New Berne, N. C. THE Farmers & Merchants Bank OP NEW BEENE, N, C- Organized less than ten months sgo. CAPITAL, , Undivided Profits over OFFICERS L. H. Cutler, $75,000.00 $5,000.00 President. Vioe-Presiiient. Oaeliier. Teller W. 8. Chadwick, T. W. Dbwb, A. H. Powell, DIRECTORS : Wm. Oleve, P. H. Pelletier, J. W. Stewart, W. 8. Chadwick. John Suter. O. Mark, L. H, Cutler, E. B. Hackburn. Headquarter for Nickel Saving Stamps. Collections a specialty. ,- feSllw DR. J. D. CLARK, DENTIST, , "tftl'- " w bbbhb; iCtv " Office on Craven s .reet, between Pollock ant Broad., . - llliJ POWDER Absolutely Pure. A crea;'i of tttr b-.kiner wwd r, HiuhfHt ..f nil i:. !,!,v.v!i --r. n.h. iMtest U. S. Guvcru-.ueitt 1'ood lirport. Well's Or jut kzmhm ta- IO III 37-0," Largest On Emth, haa bten attracts! to this li.ybviLe Fair, and will be on exhibition At the Fair Grounds. WEIGHS l,50S POUNDS. Admission 10 cents. For Sale, 400 Men'- Suits at $2 00 up. 1000 pair Panti at 5flo up. 250 Overcoats at f2 00 up. And a full linn cf Buy' Clothin. JACOB ROSIiNUKkG. Next to Burrus & Co., near the market. AUCTION EVERY NIGHT. 181w Sarnngfon HAVE JUST RECEIVED A OF ZeigSer's fts zmzs FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND Every pair warranted to g:vo PER FECT SATISFACTION. Wo havo juet n-ci ivo.i a I.iac of Men's, Youth':' t::A Children's CL''Hi, Of Lite Style, S::adc n-. d Cu,. Also Some Nice Dr-G-oods COME ANI) m: Children's Jersey Suite, Eoj's Corduroy i?ants, Children's Shirt vYaists, SAMPLE KOBE, SAMPLE SUMMER VESTS, FULL LINE SUSPEKDEES, (Every pair warranted for 2 yrs. wear.) SILK UMBRELLAS, Trunks and "Valises. A FULL LINE OF Late Stylo Hafs. febl7 dwtf Hardara Store. Go to P. M. DKANEY for HARDWARE of all kind?. "Farmer Girl" Cook Stove the leader of all Stoves. Cheaper grade to select from. HEATING STOVES in great variety, whioh will be 4oId at tne L1UWE0T CASS rHIuEs. Also, One Good Second-hand Pian o 111 be sold at a BARGAIN. : felBdwm Baxter Who Wants Honey 7 Time IsMoney! Havin? nut in & NF.W RROTTr.ATnB and oonnected it with Washington hw Telegr&ph, I am ready to give oorreot time to eacn ana every one. I have also a full stock of all kinds of Goods in mv line, which T am anllinir t Rock Bottom Prices. COME AND SEE ME. SAM K. EATON, The Jeweler, Middle St., opposite Bsptist Church. Iriinsfone. Brimc'.o.--c c-ir fca had at R. IT. DUFFY'S, Nt-xt to ;m- futr 'i House, for the next Thirty D..s, ul '3i cents per pound in 10 pound lo!8. Wallnau, "53 -3 4 Exp ,.;t Piano and Organ rtJlTf.R AND REPAIRER. . b.'. M-. TIO.'i GUARANTEED. Of- ' 50 Trs'i. . niais in Town. P- . i : i.i GREEN FRONT NOVFJ.TY STORE. Dsar iii I. ..es t oc. and 10s. Music, feoll dlrj. Word sf Oautisn TO THE Durir-.t- r..- GREAT EAST flARn. LINA h AIR l iri:u crowdijof people will I.e. 111 .'-w liuije. "Man) mi:l-s i f many kinds, M.inv III, 1. . i nw.nv minda' In tin ki! lull,, r v .m there are alwava tiirdn o: ihu i j.tur.-kind in the shape of mn folio a iuk bucii large gatherings I pi-e le oent r.n pluuuxr. There are .Swindlers PTTwnr.Aita PlCKl'ocriKTS nnd TiilkYES of all kinds' Look out for Iht.t.i etui ba on vonr guard. At the S&mo Lime I n:nv ha found nfc ray etoro nn Middle street, where I will be pleanvd to bell LIGAR3, TOBACCO. etc., a, U6ii"l. Verv liuly yours, W. L. PALMER. New Berne, N, C. fe21 lv UTH is mighty and will prevail. It's an old juw, ttr. it a as true today as it ever was. t is tho only foun dation of business ucoue. Tiuth is the only guiding ddii'j to pre:iprr- j. With n.tr llf. f r (i i a ,11 u I c u.e. Tl.i h. I- en t'i .'. n ii j u u can't say we're selling t)J,u;.v clu.'' haviliff a l,orrflfc nlnr ir.o ;.: ;a 30 days," and all that sort t no. ion winch rome of our cotempo rarit an; indulging in ES IERRRISK is the weapon that wina thi' battle m the business world. Slow going folka get far behind. Vry ruspectfully, Haskhurn & Willetf, 2J& 31 Pollock Street. c.. viu; n Large Stock of AND k .iJiifr.cmring and Cleaning HiiTTEESSES, Oppi'o.io tLo Gaston House, and poet 1'iil.j! aul.n rv pharo of patronage i'rem tho public. dm ieSIRLEY, Soot and Shoe Maker POLLOCK STREET, NEW BEHNE, N. C. Hkv!ii.: rci'iir'Mi tho pervicee of a skilled -Mcctmni j ii l J Urst-claes Workmtn from York, 1 am now fully prepared to fill ' promptly all orders Tor flue CUSTOM MAUL BOOTS AND SHOES. The many years that I have satisfactorily supplied the wants of ray numerous patrons is the beat guttrautee of tha character of my worla. KcfMilrlag a specialty . Neatly and prompt lytJono. . novdiiw tristp JOHN Mcto&IJCY Hsvi Garriaga Shop, Just opened on Broad street, where all kind of 1 CART, WAGON & BUGGY WORK,''"i will be done on ebort nolira. - ' " Also, we have ' FIBST-CLA83 HORSE 8HOEB from U Week, wbere a shoer stands on bis merit. Give us a call and w will give i faction.' . ;.-' i - - "HwnrtiELD z c: '.' jnHdwtf ' i ft n m 1 ; '.I

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