fc" M'-: ic.-iiH . ! :1V for I nfants end fcvte.JM. - H:. JJkra,.tW---; '. tsa - nahnifalliwt ,y mi wilnn to morn II IWMM Clyde's N. 0. Freight Line. Stt'rs Geo.H. Stout, Deflmcs and Tesper. Oa Bad after February 1st, ltfll, tbl iln make regnlar SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS Baltimore and New Eern? Leaving B'nio for nm I'orue. Wrli , jili&UAY, SAI'UUU Y.at IX P. M. lavln New Btrue lor Rait I morn. 1'USi . . DAY. FRIDAY, at XWnXV:, Nooi. Herehante and Shippers, Take a otlcc. Tbl. Is to. only IHRKCT llneont of Me Barn for Baltimore without change, stop ping only at Noilolk.oouneot-log then tor Boston, Frovldenee, 'bli.ielDUa, Klch mond, and all points Nortu, &am and west. Making elose oonneotlon lor a I points hy A.4;n" U. Kaliioad and River out of New Barn . A.--n r. s follows: MOMItN e'O-il ER, Oen'l Manager, WO Light St., Baltimore. JA8.W.40l)AlRl0K, O. d.Agt.. nonolk.Va W P. Clyde Oo., Pnlladelphla, Uboutb wharves. Mew Tork A Balto, Trans. Mno, Pier Nortu river. . Sampson, Boston, 5 Central wharf. S. H. riookwell, Provldenoe, K. i. Ships leave Boston, Tuesday sand (Saturday " New York dally. ' Balto., Wednesdays A Saturday ' Pntladelphla, Mondays, Wednes days, aaturaays. Piovldsnoe. Batnrdavs. Tkronsrh bills lad Ins slven. and rales IfUfcl- enteed to all points at the different offioe. 01 the oompanles as low as by any other line, AVOID BREAKAGE 09 HCLK 1R1 HIP VIA N. O. LINK. B, H. GRAY. A5nl, New aeme N. r. OLD DOmHlOli Steamship Capar SEMI-WEKKLY LING. she Old Dominion SteameMri ov pany's Old aosd ravorlte Watrr HeBts, via Albemarle anil Chesapeake Oaaal. WOE lrrlk, Baltimore, New York, Phila delphia, Bostosw Providence, std Washington City. And sUl points, North, East and Wst Ou and after TDE9DAY, APRIL Htli, 18.1 ntU farther notloe, I he litmt HEWBERHE, 41i?L Southgate. Will eall from Norfolk, Va., for Hew Berne. R.Odlreot, every Monday and Thursday, mtktnn Bloee eonneotlon with the A. ft N. O. R. H. tor all stations on that road, -and with the Hteainers Klnston and Howard for JClnston, Trenton, and all other landings on ik NnaA and Trent Rivers. Rj.tnrr.lnir. will sail ROM NEW BERNE. FOB NORFOLK direct, at 18 m , Tuesdays and Fridays making connection with the O. . 8. 8. Co.'s ships for New York, B. H. P. Oo.'s steamers for Baltimore: Glide Line Ship . for Philadelphia, M. A M. T. Uo.'s ships for Boston and Provide' ce. - Bteamer Klnston, Capt Slxon, will sail for Klnston on arrival of steamer New berne. Order all goods ears of O D.H. a. Q-i.. .Nor folk. Va. Passengers will and a good table, oooKort able rooms, and every oourtesy and atten tion will be paid them by the ofsoers. K B. ROBBRT3, Agent.'' ataanaa. OULPRPPKR torn eh, Agonts, Norfolk. Va. m. STANFORD, Vlee-Presldent. Few Tork Olty. - Eastern Carolina Dispatch. "ast Passenger and freight Line betwean jsrmixr 3sxazt.rs. Xastern North Carolina Points, and all con nections of the PKB-RBTIiTAHIA KAILBOAD,' . JSTOLDDtirO Hew York, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Bar tlnsere sad Boston. Vh. ONtiT Trl-Weeklr Line Oat ot .., -- w Berne, THR NSW AND KLEUANTLY XTJIPPED Diliaaaa aalla Xrora New BerneJ HOHDAYS, -7 WEDNKSDATS,: i5.;..,.:;-.Ci:;i:K;;-i.M,.,v-.v - FRIDAYS, . . s.jr ju'x via p.ivc, , Stopping at Roanoke '.Island each war and ... lormins; eiose oonneoHun witu uw Norfolk t-outhero Hallroad. 5Th Ksstern DUpatob Line, eonslstlng of . sn. wumiBKHD n. a. in,, nuriuijt Doaiuera ' at. B n.w York, xniia. ana norioik a. h. and Pennsylvania H. B form a reliable and l scalar line, ofTerln. snperlor facilities for ' anlok paasenger and freight transportation, inlok passenger and freignt transportation. . .. No transfer exoent at Kllstbeih Cltv.ai No transfer except at Kllsbein city, at ' : -;. :' wbieb point freight will be loaded on ears to ,?-y. ; through to destination, , ,- Dlraot all goods to be shipped via lastern , , ;;.' ; Oaroima Dltpath daily as follows: : iosa New York, by -Penne, Jl. B,,FlerS7, - " . norm Kiver. .-. ' s L Trom Philadelphia, by PhUa., W. and Balto. . B.R.; Dock St. Station. , From Baltimore, by Phlla., WU.&nd Balto. K.. President St. station. jrrom nosMin. oy sswenanis oi Miners iTana- portaUon 00.; New York and New Kngland - Ae-Hates as Iownd tuna quicker thanby say other line Far farther information apply ir farther Information apply to H. joto. (uen'i rreignt Trafflo Agsnt, .11. H I Gene el Trame Aimt. - -Mr,.Oao. Htpusii8,. Division- might ZAgent. v .. -. v. jr.. w. I .,-B..B. Oo- ... V w. A H. R. H... Phlladelnhla fcren-s rreigns Agenk. K. I. 4. rl.oifolk,ga i r. . ii4-.M -'"kij?, L.iiA a r-w i-r--r ...r wr rt sV 9 Wj V uv v v wrV ff u,-tj' net r, Awt)B, IFllI, Btui jin.iiuiia1.ioitu.,u. 'tie cot. !..If a Wit. vVhj -fatyOai). .ItiH.iE imcOW . irtb.ru anl0 the work andJIrt v ii4mat'il(fftwpQi an. Bveifb iuurkwo ittily aralnf Iron 91 adnr.Allagra. Vashow yoalww - and atari Can work In span Mm - nr iU tlir) tiums, eisj raoei; surwirrsi- "mr. Pal I nr nnhnovm irrwu then . NRWaiwlwriniierftil.PartlctilanfTwa. D.nnnn ohop. : r " : ' - - best tt stle. BaU ' r ' r - II rT ' ? , .- . 1 Mil 1 lout la ChH 2 ren. to wt giraa ess and r Hull MM 1 1 XrYkCMr. JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF MarbleWorks - . I.- ' ,1 : I Mr?lTT4I?r,rt" M r UBirijUlinHB, u. v.. I Italian Mel Anurkm UarhU and ail QmiUttm XatmUL . I -TMarCUsaTiMribr iaan uC IWtu tBralsasdattheverylewest np. I Orders souated ana flven prompt at-1 tontioBawlta iatiBfaoUoa giuuanteed. mrm wmm m nmfAi I V B JB L W VpT W I k wmm VFTFRIN&RY SPECIFICS i IsswaaismausiB swow awi r nm. ntti. n., ti- wm. AND POULTRY. 000 Page Book on Treatment of Ant mala mmu vDar ovav m rev cures FeTerti, Cod seat ions. Inflammatloa A. A.I Spinal lUealngUU, Milk Fever. B. B. LStrminof) Lameneso. Bheamatlsm S.D. Dots or Gmbs, Worms, .Ktflnufrhe. Heaves. Pirns nonla. F.FCollo or Grl.es. Bellyache. G.G. Miscarriage. Hemorrhaeee. ll.H. trlsory and Kidney Diseases. j.H.,uiiieasesef Digestion, Paralysis. I single uotue (overBuooses - - .ou Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, Veterluary Cure Oil and Medlcator, 87.00 Jst Veterinary Cure OH, - - 1.00 8li hr Sronthtai r mi snpals urffke, aad Is sr .ulli; m mcipt 9t prto,. uusrnRtTS- bed. co., i 11 a 1 1 1 winum sl, k it. IHUMPHEE.YS' HOMEOPATHM f f SPFfilFIC NfirfiQ 4 mm sh w mmw www ssawam wasss- itatn. Tba ooiTrraooenrm remtmyior i N8rV0US Debility. Vltal WpaKneSS. JpSWlftAyT-aTt 8om i Drusnim.or Msi po.tp.ui on nouvt i prio. i ?a,uiiuim,w caah1 - V SailnneOjikgtanaardnlMIIeslU. rs. dim. Jena by urtwia. hlsV. MtceandPest Proof, Zlno Butlom nnder drawers; patenti Brass lined enrtaln. Polished OaVWrttnwfeMiejHMnnv bler.lcti.one loci seourlnt ajIflMarajAlieaTT cardboard Filing Bnxesi Capboarif in Y,d JMieled f'lnlsbed BackuBxIenaloA Arm aidestWela-M XOO lb. Frlee, r. o. B. sw jraevsry, Alan I AM SHHiHie SfllrnMka,-'".' . x.iiuill. Sum as abore.ceDt made of Solid Antiene Ah, good onJc1 Weight BOO lbs. iVIce F. O. B. a Faetorr, ai Net. Bblpped tmm our Indianapolis t setorr direct. Msde and sold wlelvbT the TVLFP DESK CO.. 8t. Louis. Mo. I nerwpnBtea. boom tn po,Mf owimw MRS. J. M. HINES' Boarding House REOPENED.- MBS. 7. M. HINES has reopened a . . . .. JTiTft-UaSS Boarding UOUM in US City, ODDClite BftDtlit Church. rMr , . n as li The Pioneer DaTls Seimz MacMno, ' r i. t i j. , . van v. ivmm as m aw tHsoa. I aiT U1MCO Airant or. i. iiuiwms.fn. Boot and Shoe Maker. All Styles oi Boots and Shoes made " to order on short notice. RepairtbaT a Specialty. N.AEPEN, Graven stmt, opposite Journal offls. J. (J. VJhittyco. ARE OFFERING FOB BALB ? The World Renowned D:ni:IPrdlC:t ten Gins TOOBTHEB WITH TBS i. - "Boss" Cotton Presses whioh combined make the most - 1 T 9 ly-J-TSS Ilia. J&. In me a t rWt fiariiilner Tvlar Curtain Deakaa214uid r' ft j S91 Sm Stnnt Wa. 4009 satisfactory outfit for ginning oottonlmor. for me than all . other medicines ' erer used in tnii country. . '. :; V They also oarry a fall Una of Tioltlno- Mnrhlnn Oil Belting, ftiacnine WU, . . ' and Lace) Leataer.lme feel like a new man. " J. v. usta .. . . - Mner. hardware merchant. same town, says; HtaMtMsiiH , JIAKIJ W 3o.JrtHi. end for prioe. and com. and eTamln.l" "J ?' "'"j""1" ""V w ?' "5"T heir stock. They guarantee to please you. I good appetite, and felt Just like ne had a J. o. whitty a co.. I w lease onlife. Onlf 50o. abottleatF.. Oor. South Front and craven Bis. THE JOURNAl i ' I y Farm Economr. ' ' , i First: Ask ninety nine farmers of one hundred this question: it not to the interest or tne farmer to raise his own supplies find make the faim self Bustaiuingf and the answer will be iuvatiably yes, and still in the face of such knowledge elght-tentus ot ine farmers are-planting large cotton crops r and small provision crops and boy provisions to support ineir farms, and this is done9 admitting it vi to be a wrong and ruinous! system, in a word, it is persisting in error Knowingly. " Second: Let me say to all my brother farmers that farming under such a system insures the same rain as it would to a man whose capital was ' in money, and his family expenses exceed the interett income, and yearly he had to draw on the principal to support bis extravagances, which would be consuming the capital in aaaition to interest. The judicious farmer should manage his farming interest as a eood financier would nis money. Third: The ulain truth is, to make farmiog profitable formes must return to first principles, which is undivided attention 10 their business; live within them selves, pay as they go, and build up their lands by rotating crops, plowing nnder vegetable matttr and have stock vards and save all manures Fourth: It is necessary for every farmer to know the rudiments of agricultural science; it is necessary for him to have a business capacity, some forethought and sound judg ment. If he has none of these he will do well to hire out to some body who hap; if he can read an agri cultuarl paper he will do well to sell his farm and goat sometn- ing else better suited to his capa city Money in Apples Western North Carolina is with out doubt the finest apple region on me Atlantic siope, u uou iu tuo whole country. The Whole South ought to get its apple supplies from this section and vet ever the central aaatarn narta rf ttlnrfh Parnl in a. aft. OWOVViU f W HO V V WU vsa vaaW P- v a.:. 1 : Ar an na -m the Morth. The high rates ot ran 1.1 roaa iransporiauon are uiumou o this is one reason. But the main reason is that the people have not learned to handle and ship apples, The following rules may be use fa! Gather all apples by hand those shaken off are not fit to ship. Put only one variety in a barrel, and only good specimens. Keep the cullings at home for vinegar. Use only good, clean and tight barrels; winter apples should not be shipped in slatted crates or ventilated barrels. Place the apples in the barrel by hand, don't dump them in. Hound them np well about the top of the barrel so that the head must be luiuru iu wibu icvci ui owen Press. This is essential point, for 10086 in the barrel thev will not shiD in good order. plftnt ftnlg ft faw fltandard 80rt8 that are well known m market. There are too many kinds now grown in Western North Carolina W. F. Massey, Horticulturist Ex periment Station. .-: SIHPE.H Ilf COISTBVCTIOBT. PBaniANKKT in duration. ' BASII.Y APPLIED. ITS SKIXL . FUIi TJSK ttUICKXY LGIKNED, Che Eleetropolse is an Instrument for the uuke ur liisBAor. WITHOUT MEDICINE. BASKD on new theories of the cause and enre of disease. It deals with the eleotrical and magnetlo conditions of the body and the aaaea anrronndln. It In the atmosphere. controlling- these conditions at will. It 1 not electricity. DISKASH Is simply lm. I nalred vttalltv. The KlectroDOlse eonsiani I fv adds to the vitality and only assists I Nature, In Nature's way, to throw off the I tmnhl. I a lO-page book, desorlblng treatment tod loontalnlng testimonials from all sections, I -n. frlh.iMnfal1 riluu.. million ran I w. , loa application. Address atlashc electeopoise to., I WasnlnKlan V. o. unariesion, a.v I Atlanta, a. 1 W. M. WATSON. Agent, K.Brne.NO! . "."TVtlSiSSK WUl onr Bilionineaf, Constipation, Toroid Liver and stomach troubles Sugar coated, oval. Price 85 cento. I f r . Al Al I Vas. ..la kts TP U Duffcr, New Berne, N. C. Parents tell others a great deal I about themselves by the names hey giro their children. V . oidrBlKhtToTell. ,! The Rev. Mark Gny,Prse, the emlaent English Divine- wrltet: ."Bedford Plaoe, Ruwell Bquare, v if v London j December 18, 1888. . I think i only right thai 1 ihonld tell yon of how mnch me 1 4 find AIXOOCK'8 POBOOS PLASTIES . la - toy family end among those to whom I have recommended tnem. I find! them a tery ; breaatplate egaJntt oold- and f . BAPPT BOOSIKR8, Wnv Timmons. postmaster of Idavtll. Ind.. writesi "Electric Bitten has done i combined. lor mat baa leeiing arising I from Eidner and Liver tronble." John Leslie, fanner and stockman,, of same! IWaee, says "Jiina niecino jhhto m do f I a ildn6y Liver medicine, made I Electric Bitters to just the thing for a man I who iseuruniownan(iaon toarewMtif D nffr's wholesale and retail drug store MEW - BERNE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. G. T. ADAMS," A. B. (Trinity Col.) Principal. MRS. A. B. FEREBEE, Primary Department. J. S. THOMAS (Univ. N. C), English Literature. SHEPARD BRYAN, A.B. (Univ. N. C), Ancient Langua- ART DEPARTMENT. MISS AURORA MACE. .Spring; Term Be SEND FOR CATALOGUE. FOR THE HOLIDAYS! WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF 44 piece Tea Sets, i 56 Diece Tea Sets, 100 piece Dinner Sets, 1AA TI;a Clara 10 piece Toilet Sets, 12 piece Toilet Sets, ALSO Hall and Library Lamps. L. H. Cutler & Co. ROBERTS hk m. Wholesale Dealers In Groceries, Provisions TOBACCO and SNUFF, BOOTS and SHOES. tr al.n aienta for STOCK "DIADEM' PLOUB, every barrel wariauted. . lor., .toik of PURK .WK8T INDIA MOLASSES, onr own lmpor'atlon. af- uome to see us. or muu " ' " Ton wUl find onr Prices as LOW as the Lowest. .. maV-idWt AUDOOIO STANDARD nnS CENTURY TVIN6R0THER! DEYHOP QUICK 5 CT RISER tor UGHT BREAD WATCRLOO VI AST CO DtlSOIT MICH taeeveveAr4rVavW'yV FREES xhls delightful Story of I Journey from the BALTIC to the; DANUBE Portrayed In 38 Chapters; land 12 Qraphio Illustrations, by Charles Augustus Stoddard Bound In Rich Cloth, Decorated with Qold Eagles.; fj? to Erery New 8ubirlber to. .w . ' -the HEW YORK OBSERVER, Jtht foremost fmlly Religious News-i rnaneri , ' :Ohe book and on new subscriber! 3 An. ,. Two books and two new subscribers, o,00. ' vsntxxsaan copies fbsb. NEW YORk, OBSERVER,; 37 AND 38 PARK; ROW, i usui vrDrv--" i ttaoetvta,Tfvr.KV-M work for M. BeJftdM, 'yom nay maka aa naati, Wwi eu LsV)arat lha aUtt. ttxl tiotti u yoai f ! OS. norm reu, etii bw. w A matrM. vo ra owmetiaa t hona, gt. X inriiHyoottl.a,flrBpiwiKriirtto (he work. Alt 1 oafV. Ut pevy Wo near. t aiars jqo, luran thin . KASir.Y.Bl'KKniLY aai paiEtici :ULAU8 WMIi. AillrM at onoa, I m W. fimaiiuaat mrntmrn StoddariLAy paoui ('. M. ! Hi: ia-js 't3 Atlantic & N. C. la Kfeot 1:80 17. OJt IK!0. OoiyaEAET. SoHsoaLR. G'ji:-:ci U'sef No. 51. I'assenycr Trains. Hi:. 5". Ar. Lve. rititiour. Ar I.vi. pm 3 80 Goldsboio 11 l'J am 4 06 4 09 LaGiiii-ga l'J 'Si 10 2) 4 35 4 40 Kiuatoa 0 4M 0 5 6 00 6 08 How Hum-) K 17 M : 7 3ti B m Morebead C-:y ft n. 0:1 D,iilf. Qoma East, Nc.l.t Mixed Ft. & Fans. Train. am 6 30 6 57 7 05 7 20 7 30 7 48 7 53 811 8 80 8 50 8 55 9 15 10 Oi 10 31 10 36 11 00 11 05 Soqedclk Going v itsv. No. a Hixud Ft. & Stations. Pans. Train. GoidsDoro 7 20 Bebt's 0 -4 La urange 5 54 Falling Creek 5 24 Kinston 4 25 Cnewoll 4 00 Dover U 25 Core Creek 2 51 Tueoarora 2 21 Clark's 2 02 Newborn 10 o2 Hiverdalo U 41 Croatar. 0 23 Havelock 8 5'J Newport 8 17 Wildwood 8 00 Atlantic 7 47 Morehcad City 7 17 Atlantio Hotel 7 05 Morebead Depot a ru 6 34 6 (14 5 30 5(0 4 05 3 4" 3U. 2 30 212 1 M 9 46 9 S3 9 04 8 27 8 05 7 52 7 27 7 15 7 OS; 11 17 11 41 12 15 3 00 3 37 8 43 8 48 8 50 4 08 4 IS 4 37 4 42 4 51 4 55 5 01 5 01 516 5 21 5 23 5 28 531 p ra Monday, Wednesday and Krifl: y. fTuetidav, Thursday an . hl,urc:uy. Train 60 oonneols wltb V, ilniln:;l,. - ion .Train b-nnd Korth. leavlcy (jo'. :: '. 11:60 a. m., tiiil with ItlcbnioiiU A L anviiic IralnWost, leaving (loldaboru 2. in p. ns. Train 61 connect! with Rlchnuma .V li-uii'l--Tmin, arriving atGoldebcro2:55 p.Ki.. Pl;:i Witt, W ilmington and Wellou i'r:-.;i i.-lki th. Sixth at 3:10 p.m. Train 2 connects wltn Wi:, .. .;: : .n "Vuldon Tbroncn Fmlght rr.;!.i. or: . oound; leav Ing Goidslioro otS;.' p. . S. L. Ulil -srcr;?i '. t. HUMPHREYS3 Dr. Humphrevn'SperinrBareBcieDtillr:i!l;. and carefully prepared Keinodlcs, used fr yvuvx m lirlvate practico and for over thirty yi-r ly tmi oeople with jiittrG success. Ever.v Ptuglo bj.'JUi.o Atipeclal cure for the disease nnnnd. They cure without dniKKtuK. ruryiiit? or rmlarlnR the system and are in fact and deed the tiu. frvin Heniedie of Hie World. oibt or romciPAL Moo. ci'Ru. i 1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. .-,5 it Worms, Worm 1'ovcr, Worm c,iio -i-i 3 Teething) Colic, Crylmt, VaknM!uu .'J., 4 Dlarrtaea, ot cmiuren or auuiis T Conghs. Colds. Bronchitis 8Nenralffia Toothache. Faccachc. U". a Headacbee, filck Headache, Verllso.. .'5 1 Dyspepsia Biliousness, constipation. .'. 11 Suppreesed or Painful Periods. .. '-'" lo.Vhltes. Too Profuse Periods '2. 13 Creup, LiarynKltiB, Boarseness '15 14 Salt Itheara, Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .M5 15 Rheamatlsm, Rheumatic Pains IB-lBalarla, Chills, Fever and Ague 25 ir-PIles, Blind or Bleeding 'iS 19 datarrfa, Influensa, Cold in the Head. .'25 90-WbooplBB Cough '25 2T-HIney Diseases '25 98-Nerv.. Debility 1.00 30-Uriaary Weakness, Wetting Bed. .'25 Sot ar rufrhCi.'.r Mlit pottootd on rw elpt of prico. to taranW bUsul ifMpocM,) auuii ria airinrratvC-, " " ni.ct.,iiwTort. SPECIFICS. CONS ' It hsa permanently enred thousands Of easee pronounced by doctors' hope ft Breathing, c, don't delajv Ant tne ' fiso's nimE o cowsuMPiiun .. . . ..... . 9V mm m ' fear . . t .nN. UMRlM less. IT you nave premonitory eyiuu tnm annh aa nnuirh. DKUcnltV -Of ' irainediatalr. By Druggists. 25 cents. ; .:-.. -.-i!: -' - ':'v' .-; '-'Vi'-i fix"' -ki'f H 'fix,. 4' i'TAJT ,. J()RT0N, January Adphf.ss THE PIUXC'L I Notice of Incorporation! j Not'.ro Is bf-rcby (ilvcTi of t tin Ineorpora i tlmi of ill! eH iM-rnt Serr;tc v.on p.uiy i Hat llie imini H uf ihe lucm j..orai'iK nri I lioht. M. C'olf, (liuilvn M he.iiri-ii!, mid .Iu , . .tus M. Furtiiirsoii, of tm-mnMHii ; of .New Yoik, ami licurM' K V yu an, o e- iHTIl Nt.ltll CrtfiHi: . iti.u B.iOOUlflS us (hey ina mN'c)iiie wnli ln ui TiiuL the unine of t . . ? kkiu cipirnUon Bhiui 1l' lite "vw lit rnrt K wt t h-a- t "in-piu- " TliutHitWl rpflatio;; is lurint-il fui i tier? put pohi ol iiiaini.iiini n hih! , aui. a S.Vi' . 1 I 1)1 bi V. THt:t W 11 III II 1 lit ' TfL" lat I' .lu lls i.u.i 1 1.: in v ill t- v.cviiiiy (T l lit oty of New i; rn, m iili ra nM.n, will. p.w n 1 1 1 1 1 1 i C'liilr fls wlih tlit- iiiiin. i n:iih ai.d iiWHi Yh Of Il0.1f-''K !'r Hi UHr- of H . M bl'WTl'b. uimI tor-'ilt'i-i ill-' i !. 1 k 1ln u-o-, 'I'll it t e luiMifia o i c,r pirt li'.n Ih t b cariicd 0:1 111 1 01 ciiy i'f Ntw lit-me, . r ven c:uu.Iy, it . il the ci'inimny bIi- I also li-tvi an oirco !ii Hid clty.couoti ai d .-.late of i'W Vo; U Tli'.U tin- I ' nu u' 1 X-s! 'v .Tr i pt. -"ii is 11:. ll ill to lii ii yi-i.i:1. T a .I'.u:' ( I lii-' p l;t : UP;. Ol Mi ! t" ( J t J 0 1 I ' i.H 1 n.f lliittirilu- a l'i'"y i Uuii.iiMi f -Ihtrs a U llu! iiunifr of tli ir--. f wii'.ch k. i a;.H:iI lorlt Mi nil '.Hist a'-ihll l.elllinii hui:ch( il i;f tlmpr v.ilno of Olio Idiu.'.lrt'iJ l!njim -!l h. The pilvalC prOHTty Of the Htorltlml'l.-rf KL.a . 1 ho ahi'oluieiv exfii.pl fri'ni 1 1 1 j - c'lp.) tut 'h his or 1 . h t-1 1 IfS .Villi kb my hHtid ai d ollicla: hi :il llilK ..Hi liuv of : eecuib-r, a. I), !H W M. W.AT-ON, le ;;' ("lr: k Pup. Court. Crj.vcij ('ouu: C!L I cpis i, J- ir. u: CGvr':-;:tz: lector;.: a. other !;.i.T..-.i thit r.ny inlc. speed cf ::o o.r : : ut?, ir. five ( r : aid cf r.n i::c!.:'i:c':r testiraoniab scr:t to thio paper. E. T. FiEHS?, 0 Soto Acnt for .V Nv00' Hj'- ;1 . . 2 S?..V;'5 K ,1 an-"-, ff Ja U v L4 l&a iii i CHILL CORE. CnSAFauST KERIC'lSitJ UiVOWM CONSICERINO QUALITY AND SIZE OF DOSE. IT WILL ALSO BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, AHD OEEONIO OOKSIIPATIOM. R. BERRY, New Berne, - N. Q. VAN E COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE SEVEN SPRINGS, N. C. FOU BOTH SliXliS. T-a.-tiem . II grndnat. s. M litan Kuvernmotit for boys Pruf. (Mssei, graduate of HI Joitn's (ioti.'Re, Annapolis, leaon er of Military Tactics. Muslo Tencher, graduate Kev England Conservatory of Mnalo Special conrse in Com. Law Bonk-ke-ping and Penmanship Vocal Mus o. Callsttenle and Onmb-hell exercises free. No additional cost for Classics. .W-ForCatalorneMll at JOCBSAI, office or addrecs tbe Principal. W. R. SKINNER, Principal, -o''; -' BKVBlt RPRIKCS, HV C.':"':.i; ' A'':V..-- Kuvatdwu ,....,.,;.-..--'-?. -cchi.io thr.t j i :.i l--j iv :..'! v.''.:o i::c:itic:i ! 1 --c-jct- Insi.i, V";'irn Languages. X. 1 '. , M. i' In niaties. , r ., ' !.;. IVHlical Science and OF MUSIC. DiiiK- tuij. L892. Berne, N. C. L'AL, Ni:v A '.itional Kamily Paper. ni , :,iL!iuiK'euient8 of The YouttiV I - nti ::ii:ou for 1892, which Mli:tc vtccivfcd, i-eeiii to touch itlioui ;i!I in iiithy tattes. Its fiction emi)i.ti:(s U-ikloio, ferial, sea, a.lvt'ii-iM.- mid holiday stories. Ff.uik Si nekton, Clark Kussell, Will A, lt'ii l)icii:g(i le, Mary Catherine L. e aro a f.'W of the distinguished Mlory wi Kirn. lis n in ral articles cover a wide r.'i ,jt '.K.Im.-atioD, Business, rtii-c's, Success, Girls Y , , Th.ulc l.'iiy Can Write, N:;i;iiil Histoiy, Railway Life, ! - .lid Gn In at the World'sFair, U in;; of lti'j alty, Mow toSee (i: (.'. Practical Advice are !M)i:i!- - i ti. iu.es io be written ou In '!; l . o-iit :-; f fialists. i ' Clii'l-toiic, De Lesseps, Vasili V, .':-'c;: i;-i:i, Cjruu W. Field, Aiii'-'.w c.r ii! A'i1. Mrs. Henry M. K ;; an- .uiiung the contributors. 'I h-.- 'on ! .::iin readers thus come inr.. ; : n r.! touch with the people v. h, --i ;.;,ii'r:tnfl make our age i , .:.s. ' :. 0uy,0O0 subscribers show : . , ..; ::.(-ciated. . r a!scribes now for 1892 ; it iiom the time the 11 : ( , i j received tiiijan.i, l'.y. : :i year. Address. The V-ii io'. Cunqianion, Boston, Mass. THE mi LEER SAFETY Tho TCRFECTlON of SIMPLICITY and ECONOMY of POWER. sorirAiw. NOGEABS. i stroke, only two sets -. l-'ovolvlng; Bearings. !. 11 Climbing: and all around Safety made. , -,, ir vl rm w u: hi. :.; MACHINE CO. liTHVILLE, W. J. Ii: 1TKR THAN A GO Lit m '.nk! No Capital need- d .! No risk, but $1U lo13 ' ; ', "j j. p t u iihy proiii! 'icicberi, i . ' i j- UU b - ludenlrj MintsteiB.brlttht Mm ftiid Ladies Wanted ii i'v .. :nwn DDfi county. lNo ezpeilenca t dit clvt n If feared. Be early i ,' 1 inn' i.inl Ht-oure first choice of exclUB.yt rr ''.ry mi this Ithtki New Hook. i uu't he un tiBtiirli! Write andgetfotl larurinuttun aud eolld lacle about FOOTPRINTS OF THE WORLD'S HISTORY I f.y VV. s HKYAN and JOHN CLARK UlDt' A 1'. , t lie Worl.i relebrau d Hlitorlana, 'Hi.. t1ur. of Die Nations as wid In tn iirtiitant ilceds :intl griind achievement, of -Uie Wor.d's HerotB and Ilerolnes. A rloh Morohonse of History, Travel, Adventnr. Htit the welrii nad wonuerfnl event, of the "timte tht ti'i.tl men's souls." Thrilling ' stories of tbe das of chivalry, startling heroic achievements of warriors and Crusa ders. Alto a vast collection of the rarest (emu ot rJogilsti and American Historical Literal ure. Tbe most wonderful new book if today, the great self-educator, just the book the people wnnt. Over 850 srand His torical Illuminations. Half-Tone Steel Kn raving, and brilliant UU-eolored Plate.. . Everybody finds It a bonanza of snows" It ie!.s wHbout ssklntt. No Canlt.l. no risk. iraigui. uusiuess ana Dig pmnts, MDlendld ILIuatrAted clreular. and InU partloolar. eutiree. Address, HISTORICAL 1UB. CO., Phlla. Pa. nov2U dtf AGEHTS double ttief frtMiM wiling oar bhams i REFLECTIUS SiFETT U." ?. Omi be void in arerf famllr. i tion light th&atbreo ordinary Un. rn, IteMd ibftrty-Av treni. r r a Vtt munutttoturo a, Brt;e lui ot hmisoltold articles, bwuj, tot frtit lllluefrr.tptj Cirrulr to mm

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