HE JOURNAL. Thxbx are aoma lively old folks lu Missouri. At dance recently ear one ol the roral bargi, the leading couple In the set was a festive pair aged respectively seventy-nine and .leventy-eight yeara, and i'tha youngest' wm a eiry aaaid of Ifty. " , . Skhatob f Paxxkr, of Illinois, announces that he would not onder any eircnmatanoes accept second place on , t hp national ticket and flrat place only upon its being Bade clear to him that it was ab solutely newtaary.' He is for Cleveland and believes the masses N. - AT caucus of the Alliance delegates to the St. Louis oonren tioD, Monday night, all the Georgia delegates announced that ahonld the conference decide on a third party they wonld withdraw from the body. Fonr of the six Alabama delegates announced" that they wonld do likewise, as. did the dele gates from Tennessee, Maryland, Virginia and the president of the North Carolina State Alliance. THE sooth has gotten far enough away from war to be able to under stand Abraham Lincoln better than it used to, and there will be found considerable concurrence in many of the sentiments ottered about aim by Colonel Ingersoll in a recent addiess at Chicago, extracts from which are published else where in this paper. Lincoln was great man, a great intellec tual force and a man of great kindness of nature. He and Horace Greeley, two of the charac ters which the war made most con spicuous, and two of the best Abused men of that unhappy period, were about the two best characters that the war developed in the North. Lincoln was wholly without malig nity and no nobler sentiment ever prang in the heart of man than that which prompted Greeley to exclaim, daring the pendency of secession and the declaration of war, "Let the wayward sisters go in peace." Ingersoll is little more than jast to Lincoln and what he aays of him could be read by Southern people at this period with pleasure and half assent even had it been said with poorer rhetorical effect Charlotte Chronicle. Long Troubles, Rheumatism, Etc. Frequently a person ia supposed to have consumption when it is some othsr disease altogether that is reduo law his flash and making him look pale ad thin. ' J. W. Yates, Tullahoms, Tenn., write; "It docs me good to praise Botanic Blood Balm. It cured me of an abscsss on the tangs and asthma that troubled me two years and that other remedies failed to benefit." 80 700 see it is sometimes weil to try constitutional treatment. No remedy is so good as B. B. B. (Botanio Biood IIiId) for rebuilding wasUd tissue, and (Wing health to every portion of the system reached by that great cir culating stream of life, the human blood. Again, it is often supposed that oolds and exposure are the only cauees ofeetatioa, rheumatism, eto. 8uch is not always the case. It is frequently caused by impurities ib tbe blood. Wm. Price, Luttsfille, Mo., writes: "I waa afflicted with sciatica had lost the) use of one arm and one leg for nine rears. I wont to Hot Springs and also triad different doctors, but found no etn nntil I tried Botanio Blood Balm. It made ma sound and well. I am wall known in this violnity." Observe, even whenthe renowned Hot 8pringa failed, B. B. B. brought relief. Remember, no matter what blood remedyjyou have tried or intend te try, B. B. ie the only one that will giro yon complete satisfaction. To be womanly is tbe greatest charm of woman. Gladstone. Oh, What a Cough. Will yon heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that mors terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you oan afford for lbs aaka of saving 6O0., to run the risk and do nothing for it We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure year cough. It never fails. This explains why more than a Million Bot tle ware sold the put year. It relieves croups and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. For lama back, aide or chest use Sbi'oh't Poms Plaster. Sold by New Berne Drag Co. Put not your trust on money bu. pot your money on trust. Holmest Answer This Question. Why s0 so many people we see aronod jsaeam to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by indigestion. Constipation, Dizziness, Los of Appetite, Coming up of the Food. Tallow Skin, when for 733. we will sell them Shiloh's -Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by New Berne Drag Oo. Don't talk much about yourself When you want to be Interesting. Vr Over Fifty" Tears Wis blow's SooTBina Syrup has need for children teething. It sooth ss the child, softens the aums. allay all pain, rare wind oolio. and It the heat remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty' - five cents a bottle. Sold by all drag line tbrooeoout the world. , Money lost can be recovered an hour lost ia gone forever. but BWCxttnuna ajutica saltw. The Best Salve ia the world for Cats. Bralasa, 80ns, TJleers, Salt Bheam, Fever Bores, T ratter. C hasped Hands. Chilblain. Cans, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tive! v aura File, or no pay required. It If guaranteed U give perfect satisfaction, r aaoaey refunded. Price 28 cents per box. Foraale ia Newborn by F. S. Daily, ''.:; THE THXETIC G1SL. 5 She boxes, fences, rides, and swim. And keens her blood ia motion; While other women nana their .whims And ska for man's devotion. -. She's never known to have the bines, To headache she's a stranger. Ton may be sure that sbVd refute To faint at sight of danger. A per feet woman, lull t health .' Aad life, all men adore her, To her they'd gladly bring their wealth And lav it down before ner. But she, Diana-like, ia ojld And hates their love sick sighing, And so she stops their woing bold,. -- And sends her lovers flilng. She's cold: but there will come some - day A man who's fit to woo bar, Aad then, the more she says, him nay, The closer be '11 pursue her! -To love she'll yield some happy day Shell' give herself la marriage. Later her strength will ooma in play Behind a baby carriage. Somerville (Xaar) Journal. OVA HANTEBJD.C TJBJC. We authorise cur advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs aud Colds, upon this condition. If yon are afflicted with a Cough, Cold, or any Lnag, boat or Cheat trouble, and will use tktaeme dy aa directed, giv ng it a fair trial, and expe rience no benefit, you may return the bot rl and have' your money refunded. We oould not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at F. S. Daffy's drag store. Large size 50c. and $1.00. People who never think 'of any body but themselves are always little, no matter how big they feel. VUOJSBO 0 SDtip OUS '8SU SUTSOSq US B8TTAA JOT8o joj pajja qs 'pnqo ssm aos uanjj vjjojsuo JOTI .-'J1 o.m 3pts art .'."rcg ueu,fe GEO. HENDERSON. (Sxuxator to Robert d) ITenderton.) General inn Apt, Bepreaentlng Insurance Company of North America, of Philadelphia. Home Insurance Company, of New York, Z Queen Insurance Company, of England. Hartford Fire Insuraaoe Company, of Hartford. North Carolina Home Insurano Company, of Baleigh. Greenwitch .Insuranoe Company, el New York. Pnomlx Insurance Company, of Brooklyn. United Underwriters Insuranoe Company, f Atlanta, Boston Marine Insurance Company, of Boston. Julys dwtf Two For a Quarter. Have just received another lot those "Two For a Quarter" Children's Stockings, all sizes. Guaranteed Fast Black. bargai, store. SHiO NETTING, Gotten Lines, and lope and Gill Thread; SOLD C BY jiT. UXyieli, WHOLESALE GBOOEE, MIDDLE STBEET, NBW BBBNF. ':!. 0. Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Company! NEW DAILY LINE BETWEEN NORFOLK, VA., and WASHIS6T0I, D. G The Sew and Powerful Iron Palac 8 earn ers "Norfolk" and "Washington" ooneeded to be tho finest Steamers afloat. will lave NuriolK every day lo the yesr from the wharf of .Norfolk and Carolina Railroad Company al Oil O P.M., Old Point at 7:10 P.M .arriving in Washington next morning at 8i30 A M . oonnemlng with tne early trains of tbe Fern, a b. & O. B. Bds. for tne norm, itasi anu west. Returning leaves Washington every even, lng at T o'clock, arriving In Norfolk ai Ti30 next morning, connecting with all trains on the Seaboard ftr.d Roanoke, Norfolk and Southern, Atlantic and Danville and Nor folk and Wes'ern Railroads. ' Paesengeis for the North will find this the most desirable and pleasant route to take, giving an oppoilun ty of stopping oyerat Washington, u. O.. going or returning. Through tlckelB on sale at all the princi pal Railroad others in order to avoid mistakes ask for tickets via the New Line Steamers to Washington. Fororther Information apply to JA9. V. MAUPIff, A gent, Norfolk, Va. JOHN CALLAHAN, Gen. Bupt fen ' rUmwlt Dissolution of Copartnership. Notice Is fcerebv given that tba Porarf nershlp heretofore existing undor the firm name of John H Crabtree Co. bat this day dissolved by muual conetnt, Harriet t), Crabtree retiring from aald nrm, Ml the copartnership Indebtedness haa been aa snmed and will b paid by Basil Manly.and all debts of every kind doe aald Arm mast no paia to anu win oe eoiiectea by mm. Mr. Manly, toaetherwlih W. A. Main tosh wilt continue the same business at the old stand on Oiaven street, nnder th firm name and style of The Mew Bema Iran Woras. . Tnan King our patrons iot tneir past una ess, w bespeak for the new Arm aeon- tmuanoe of toe aama, with a guarantee of ruiura aaiisiaotiuu. , All parsons Indebted to said Arm are re- qtustea sm imnmusis psymsiUfc, - 1 .!-.- Beepectfally, j, ! , J0H1I H, ORABTRKB 00 ' ,Ai a. BASIL. MANLY. -'I-';- HARRIET 0.4RABTREJ& xnrra sPEcind A trooUasom akla dlseaaa' I caused me to scratch for tan montha. and has hMmcnrarl ha .4 lew days use of & a & - - . f M.H.'Woxrr, " Urxi Marlboro, Mi I was enred several year ago oi white sweDlnir In ay leg by the use ot 8. B. 8., and nara had marmpkomaol any return of the disease. Many prom inent physicians attended -ana and a& 1 failed, bat 8. 8. 8. did the work.- ., Paul W. KraxpamcK. " ' : J(nf a.TeB.' Treatise on Blood Skin XMaaiael . maiioairee. AUanta.Ga. S. R. STREET, General FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Aent, NEW BERNE, N. C. To Whom It May Concern, We are Here Still. Ind Here to Stay. Fran&k & Hasbsrry, FOUNDERS & MACHiKISTS. Mscnectiirrrs and I on fort' rs of En gines Hnd Boilers. Steam rumps,' Mill and other Coating. Marina Engines, Saw Mills, eto. Repairing of all kicde at short notice. All parties coming to the Ftir who have work to be done, will save lime by putting it ia jour boggy or wsgon it will receive prompt attention. AT Mill Tilil', NEAR 0 . WniEF CARRIAGE FACTORY. G. H. Waters & Son, BUGGY AND CARRIAGE Manufacturers, Have moved in their New BuildiDg on Broad street, near the Railroad, and are now better prepared To Do First Class Work on every kind of Vehicles. 'Will also oontinue HORSE-SHOEING -at the same price as before. Thanking the publio for paat patron age, we aek a continuance of the samt. feblO dwtf E. Fisher. W. H. Johseon. J. H. Fisher Fisher, Johnson & Go,, (E. B. Haokburn's 0:d Stand,) CENTRAL HARKET, Broad St, New Beroe, N. 0. The above firm have ('come to stay," and If you want to getyour money'a worth, come ana see us when yon net a any Groceries, Confectioneries, Vegetables, Etc., Etc. " Counti y Produce Bought and Said. We have a i 'ell very Waaon, and will send your goods anywhere in lb eel it. Bollo'tlDg your patronage, we are Yours respectfully, febStf fiSBKB, JOHNSON A CO. Middle St. Restaurant, FOUR D00R3 FROM POLLOCK. Oysters in every style at all hoars from 7 a.m. to 2 a-m. Regular meals oan be obtained from 7 a.m. to b p.m. felOdtf DAVID SPEIGHT. MOSES T. BRYAN, Carpenter and Builder. Small Job, of Repairing sol cited and sat. ls'aotlon guaranteed. Maybe found when wanted near tbe lea Factory. Refers to paat character as a citizen and mecoanio. januau CONSUMPTION In Its early stages can be cured by the prompt use of Ayefs Cherry Pectoral it soothes the Inflamed tissues, aids expectorations fend hastens.- : recovery. Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co Lowell, Matt. inrurn w antrti to whom unusually HUCrl I O liberal terms will be glvea to seuour nsw book, Life and worxs oi , , , SPURGEOn. The world greatest preaehe la dead, and hundreds of thousands of nbrlstlan families aa well as Clergymen, Bible readers, siu d.nte, waiting for an opportunity to pur chase thla book. Ve wnnt agents to sell this book right now, while lb Interest Is greatest, don't wait, today send AT OMCB Meant, in stamps, for agent oompletecaa vaealcg outfit and be tbe first lo canvass yeur nelshborhood. ' . IJEBatH LIBERAL. ACt QTJlfMj Z F0R8HEE & JfcKAKES, : ' ' " : S ' ClBclanaU, 0. S. C. Brcscw, AITOBNEY. AT !LAW, .; 4 :' nbV BERB. w. c V Offlcei 'Orr ClUzeni mank. JJJIdren Crx, for. Pitcher's Cartorli 1 j Swift pecifit JUST innivEDs- Onslow Co. Hams (new lot) IT. Y. Vis Hams, Pale Cream Cheese. 7 Best Creamery Butter, Purest laid, 'I J Florida Oranges, v Choice lemoaa, - : Oatmeal, Buckwheat, ud ks "Best Flour on Earth,4 AT LUCAS & LEWIS. . , . THE s Cslaatl Life Insurance company OF, NEW YORK! ISSUES EVERY DESIRABLE FORM . ' OF Its New Distribution Policy is the Most Liberal over offered by any Insurance Company. Assets, Dec. 31, 1891 : $159,507.138.68. Endowments and Death Claims paid last week: 369,887.51. Average Daily Payments: $61,647.92. C. A. BATTLE, f4 tf At Journal Office. TO THEJPUBLIO. XF YOU WANT TO SAVE FIFTY DOLLARS In the purchase of a PIANO, and f.-oaa Ten to Fifteen Dollars In tu purchased? an ORGAN, addr. ss ADOLPH C0HK , KEW BEENE, N. C., General Agent for North Caro'.ln. who now handling goods direct iron (he mai:u lacturers, as follows: HIGH GRADE MEIILIN PIANOS. distinguished for tone, workmanship and ouraouiiy, anu enauraeu uy u.rur vi,v mnslosl journals in ine umtta buiu;b. .ue by Paul G. Hebltn, who la at this timeone ot t.hA hat mechanic and inventor ol the day Thirteen new patents on this -high-grade Mennn .riano. Also the NKWBT & KVAIfS UPRIGHT PIANO, which haa been sold by him for the nui aiv roara in the eastern Dart of this State, and up to this time haa given entire satisfaction The Upright Piauojust men tioned will be sold at from SUOO to W O, in Kbonlsed Bosewood, Oak. Walnut or Ma hogany eases. Also the CROWN PARLOR ORGAN, from SSOtotloO In solid Walputor Oak e.aee Ten years' experience In' the musle bosl ness haa enabled him to handle nothing but standard goods, and he does not hesitate to ay that he wl 1 sell any muatoal instrument about 25 per cent, cheeper than other agents are now offering. Rarer toevl nanus m rasiera laronca. Ien23 dwtf PROFESSIONAL AND ARTISTIC PIPEHiHG. All kins ot FIRST-CLASS IrVQBE in this Una dene oa SHORT NOTICE and at SEASONABLE PRICES. Samples and all tbe latest styles oaa be seen by applying at tbe GASTON HOUSE. WEE. P. LAWRENCE. TYLER DESK8-20O New Styles. TYLER ROYAL TYPE WRITER 0ABINKT8, TA BLES, CHAIRS, BOOK OASES, Ac, at RMaoalRatas sns apMiai iiisoomns, usvuogM lor uw now naay, rklparKUastratod. BwikfrMi pMtsgelOs, TYLER BANK COUNTERS. - ttavnlM It Strta, quIKr ul Prtofc IDutatot hi Mm TxLB SBK CO., BX. LOVIX, MO., UJkaV MONEY ein hemrntrj at oot HTWHntofwflA, ratiiflly ud faonarablr. br tioM f ertaior m, jommg or oio, ana ia uisar owai loaaliuea.wticravar ihj Htsi.Abj (mm caa da Ik work. Eair to loira. Wa Itamlah wnrjtkluf. We ttart too. Mo risk. Ton caa deroU roar aaauw aaopieou, or all yaw time to ike work. Tkla la aw eetsretv new ladad briaga wonderrel moeeaa Ie mrj worka Baartuetrt axe eeroinf torn IU Ie fSO per weak and apwarde and awi aitar a Uuie eiparienee. We can ftiraiah ea ike eaa- HoTmant atnd Uuli too rttKK. no atmea so exiUMo kere. roil moalo exiilioin here. Foil mmMt f JtlJjStKVUiiatiuiiniat auao A Eva ArJ Sr9'S450 HIS NEIGHBOR ' nmlaavly .- Fop tkeTrrynusW PlsUUk. I "aiiberotiewaji rath Insure Yourself aWafawfe fNiyina; mhor- ... .sSbaaak inaTJI LUDDER & BATES, Savannah, Ga. Wkatam bat 0sM an that th. hoa hm V can't par then am than Inatoraawnts nuullmrti iWaraaoilniHthUirar. fWrlfc. far lVatest SPECIAL OFFERS. ' , Sdentlfla Amerlo&i & tf V siAQooy far - wing sXar o t. , a DArtuvaf ..,r uiwV:lOMTa. ato. T0f rrifOTTDai rrn g-rfl fra rrtifJtxol wTK to ' MUNN A CO- fv.l Phoauwat. Kkw YobK. Oltaat lmrtu for atortiiff patenta In Amelia. Brr7 patent tHMii out bf db U brought before - ttas publio L7 uutioo givuD tr of nhig la th , tarrjfl -" flfwif aMrfrtc psTwrlnttt worni. 'it -niivtc. o jnf )!! .',ti men r'"" . i -''ut it. WW'Vlr. ? . ? A J ; ; A ' , . a, wve IBS. E yL ISIIS ' aTuL 2 .i-' 1 have just replenished my Stableii with a WELL-SELECTED STOCK of HORSES AND MLES,'and will continue to keep a ULL STOCK on hand, v, My selections are made with, a view to the wints of the community, and satisfaction. t Have also just contracted for - V ONE HUNDRED BUGGIES, and will keep constantly on viUiiiUL.Ji;a of every description, HARNESS, ROBES, WHIPS, and in fact everything usually kept in a First Class Carriage Repository. Buying, in such large quantities enables me to give my customers the benefit of discounts. All goods sold on a very small marsrin for cash or negotiable paper on one or two years' time. J. W. STEWART. aaSMIIWIaBaa ' Por Catalogue and Prices, writo the Manufacturers, Austin, 'Tomlinson & Webster Mfg. Co., JACKSON, MICHIGAN, U.S. A. F OUNDED 1864 by the present execotlre Occoplee tarn boUdlnaa-UnrlTalled In facil ities foe educating OUQ BUU( AMD WOMEN for saecess In life... The outlook for school, owing to Its H I C H standard of excellence, has placed in business more young men and women from Md.. Va., N. C.,8. C. and Oa. than all similar institutions combined. Catalogue and particulars mauea. W.H.SADLER, PRES., GHN PATEHT-SPB1MG VEHICLES. FIItST-CXA.88 Hf iilGHTEST, STRONGEST EASIEST MDHTQ VEHICLE ON EARTH. BUGGIES, ROAD WAGONS, PHAETOHS,' . AND SUEREY3 OitliafoMerM spsnsra. ' i isis sws1awas Writ forjOataloifii. UtntUm M Paptr. Atlantic & N. 0. Kailroad. w Bern, N. C Jm, 86, p, 4 Cheap Excursion Rates to'tbb EAST CAROLINA nSH.07STEB.0AME Industrial Association, KfewBern . FEB. 22, 23, 2i, 25, 26, 27, 1892. From all stations West of New Barn. tlek. ets will be sold over this Hosd on the Mall lala from Febinarv tath to ilAth lnolu.lve good to return to February 28ih, Inclusive, all stations Bast of New Bern will sell tlek. eU up to and lnoludlug Fabruarr 17, by Mall The Special Fair Train Will ran on February 88, S3. 4, 23, 26 ana vl, from uoiaaboro and inter- medlato Stationa to New Bern .: and return aama day.: , Fare (or Bound J tip, inoiudibg admii sion to the Fair, when Tickets are por ohassd bj Mail or Bpeoial Train: ; Goldsboro.w.4l 70 1 Tnsorra....M..,.. 85 J OU l)lafK'S...MMMM. 70 t a Orae..... 1 46 Falllnicreak..... 1 40 Kireraale 76 Uroatan... 86 Hvelock.l W Kin.ton.u 1 M Caswell-. . 1 so Dover I US Oore0reeatara 1 00 Newport ......l as Wildwood-M..M1 st) atlantle...j .-1 HA 1 Merehead Oity...l 40 ''19' Schedule of Bpeoial Train for Informa tion of the publlo, and not lor train men, aa this train will rna by talegraphlo orders and will bar no rights over regular trains uu leaa so ordered by the Train Dispatcher. .' . '' ''- "' .-'-MHaDDliB '" LeateOoldsboro . . i-i'lMLH. Best's - .M La Grange r, i. J; 8.45 - l''. -$ taltina ieek. . .. . jinauin . SaV'tWl 9M - ; .', f 49 ' t. 10.01 t ' 10.47 M. .. t- Dover -5f4f?rRti"rf f ' Core Orwek, '. - ? .'. Tusearora - - Clark's Arrtvaat New Bern ' V, 10.45 Rainrnlns. leave Near Hero a.so P.M. , Thla eoicpany will transport artloles for exhibit on pre payment of freight t New B.rn.and upon produotina ol eertlfl eate from tbe Beoretary of the Fair Associa tion that such articles have not been aold for freight ehargea will be refunded and article returned free. Or upon proluetion ofeertlnoate from the Beeretarv that each artloles are Intended for exhibition, tbey will be transported free from shipping paint and returned free as above provldud for. -. Agents of this eomnany will be instructed as to perishable arimlea, etc., to oae their discretion In gtvlnir ttieui free transport, turn wltnont wrtiii.wm from tiwiretarr. Tiie prlvlioiTisft'e ni extended to artloles lmendfd for auvuii, :- & purposes or for raoe horses, : B, h, J F.L, Superintendent. ,3 Lu IP L LIS IrasaWlMasU I wVMUl.lt tU llitl MUUOUiballM. my terms cannot fail to give ... . .... hand" - a FULL SUPPLY of ts most favorable lor business opportunities. The demand for our graduates is unprecedented. No vacation; pupils can enteral any time with equal advantage. Never attend a school because the tuition is cheap, for CHEAP Is very dear; It means cheap surroundings, inferior facilities, and offers NO op portunliiesfor securing POSI TIONS for ns uuriil. and ffrmdnatM. TH. F. A. SADLER, SEC'Y, BalTI MORE. M D- EVEBY RESPECT1 AND wi'ltoaiiaWrs, is'"'.'.'z2?.. X!VAK8TILLX!t INDIAN JU GO TO 1 IS AOEHTS test snaM sa ee -M uariw.luia our AltohI W. but th. World to? lowirioo. this jtu. yiMPOwTED PLUSH ALBUM, HOO T x Wt. EinbosMBddMl sides, gold edff.1, satin. sloe slup, holding Bc.rlir flttr t.Hnnt nd f.rd ktun. Bent for Sl.oo (retail, tor .oo). Hot wlthsLDdior; th. turiff on imparted .tbuii. 1. rsiM will ,t beany f 1 I ' ) K k K - fvnovmcwQ PaBaM.W, FiMir.T Diblm conUlntnij old sidi) pew Tcraions, fti-o wiftt the people want Holiday w i 4 a Bonanza f..i Affonta from nuw u-mh hri. Lijiisa. h.-ud Wfent f caiiVReof ng Lh . Ur:-. -, u cifrii1:irii rnvK f..r of m.r f.-t !Tif . .i;iri. i" 'B- S- i 0 l' aJK JOHN DU 01? " TO CI ' . DfJEIKU THE ; Fish, Oyster and Game Fdr. To tba D'opla who attend the Fair to . bo held in New Berne, February 3 to . 92, 1 wonld say that proper arranger menta hsvs been rad fr tbe aooora mtd ion of all tho a ho attend. Our doors era thiowu ' P n for all at very . oncd. rate orn ram Our ru.ket is well suppifrd with lb bfSt 8b and oy.ters at tbo- mirket doek: foot of Middle street, and any further infoimalion oan ba obtained by calling at the wonderful -Clothing Store cf tin Ike, who irnow O'osmg out a ten thousand dollar stock, which be has puichwed at different bankrupt sales since 1st of January, 9, at 40, 60; and 67i oeaU on the dol lar. This mar be yonr las opportunity . to trade with BU Ike. You may not ooma to New Boras again soon, or ha may move to some larger city. took to yonr interest and carry the joyful newa boma to your friends, and when they visit the next Fair tbey will know Where To Stop! THEY ARE HERE! Those strong Work- ( ; ing: Horses and Zlnles ' and Fast Drivers just selected and bought by Benj. Hahn for , 0 HAIIN & GO. For salo on Beason-j able terms. Come early aud tret vour choice. - 's Fair. Whether vou Intend to visit the World'a - i fair lu t hlcairoln inns or not 101 will want T-v. a history of it from the bealnnlac.. Buch a . history Is being msgniflceutly presented by '. The Exposition Graphic,1 Printed la English, German, Frenou end ; epsnisa, The first number of thla Brest nnatterlv edition of The Oraphlo.Jnst fasued, eontalna r Views or all the Frinoipal rmlldlngs from 4 official designs the Administration, fine a rta, jnaouiacrarea, r isneTies,- Mines ana Mining Agricultural Bulldlnts and every- 1 thlna else to date). Portraits of . he Prineinal Omoara of the ObmmlR.Inn and niraatArv Views of the Pnnoipal OHIts of Amerlea full-page portraits f President Harrison , ana necreiary oiaine. ana a sopero trlple pagi Blrd's-ye View of the Kxpoettlon Grounds and Buildings fiom designs by the ' Bureau of Construction. Yon will want aeonv for vonraelf and aav. .. ' eral for your friends. V u rages, wnn Huppieraent. Tbe flnest puolloatlon In America. - ' 1 au um iii w aaua for a copy or aaa yonr ". ..-v Newadealer for It. Pno-oUcLs fwlihordera - - (Subscription one y far, fj. , - - THK URA.PB10 Tht phenomenal Co v . cess of illnst a ted weeklies In tbe world'a- . : -fair eitv " All the principal current event "ft V finely Illustrated. The most com l.ts, tbe-is"VJ most popular, and altogether the most val- - dealer for It or addreraths puullsheis Bub-sc-lpUou. one year, $1,00. . v The GKaPHIO CO.. Dtaxborn and Hank - , , son bts., Ohio go. ' , - An agent wan tea in every town in tne . Seed Potatoes For Uale. - - , Baa.BaaajiBj P t Sooo-ad erowth Irish Potatoes, raised f . on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. .- A .-I. A "'- j-.v- O B. D. U FLETCHER. : JtUdwlm Cape Oharlee, Va. , , Executor's Notice.; The undeslened. John B. Morton, havtnw v I ' dnly qnallfied as tbe ICxeentor of the Uat. sif win aua testament 01 xiavio, w. Norton. A. 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