1 , t .rrdUe;7uborilri 1. . . . . .. J !.. TWtkd nj, AM Urn Ubm will b insartad trea. 4J1 adr 'ooml mmttxr vill b charged ata. ptr Un : a.a la a-rano. fcegn- a-Tartls mw a ba ooUaotsd promptly at tha n M xm nonta. ' I 'Zi CotMi nnloUon contain hi . BvnuiuNiiiurai are i r Wf Uia h. eoIs-U Bast be IdiflM. --M--L --utf whenis tat frteraaaa wlHl , THE JOTJKN AL. T.HANCOCK. U1 -Upaifr. fare of U JMtffaHtf A r Sfxieeb . Oeisp's continued . Indisposition has necessitated Mr. MeMillin's re-election as Speaker -pro tern. 1 '' Tin Third Party hea entered the field. Its nominating Convention ia to be held at Omaha on the 4th Of July. 8XRAT0T Hill returned to Washington last Thursday and . u wu congratulated Dy many , friends. ' FEKNCH court has decided ' ; that the Pope is a sovereign, and .ai' -aa titled to hold property in France " 'jut as any other sovereign. ... . Fbom "statistics presented at -" Beating in New York city, it ap pears that there are 375 Sunday ' .MBOolsia the city. The Episco , . , pallans have the largest number , ' 85; the Presbyterians come next with 72; the Methoidsta have 68; : the Baptists 46, and the remaining lM ara divided among the other ' denominations. The total member .- dhip is 13,000, as against 307,800 l Ike publico schools. CM WADDELI IJf HEW YORK Tie .Hew York World gives an iaUreetinf acoount of the speeches if taw distinguished men who spoke . 4 tie Southern Society banqnet in 8e York Tuesday night. It thus Mparts CoL Waddell's speech on IMitSonth:' ."Jbtoept that it is no longer .a Slav holding country (lor which tjpd be praised), the South of today f$ the South of the past, chastened tnd strengthened by such an ex Afiperieaoe as would have emasculated ana aesiroyea any due a great ana t,,. tuiu uoouuou aujr uuu a greuii, uuu t) fl heroio people. To her own son's S, l TiBfl lATffAlv to th nta uln hnrn thn stanlesa banner to victory on a j hundred battlefields, is she indeb ted for the tremendous energies With which she is thrilling and - i which will place her in the fore- front of civilization. the law of England a "tortuous and nngouiy jomoie." k The demand for repeat of these ediots of the billion Congress has extorted from Bepnbiioan lenders weir puDusnea purpose to refuse repeal. The admission ia of great importance. It is fresh evidence that 1 do not. press to far the harge of disobedience to the Deo Die's overwhelming munHnfA The demand for repeal is a proposal oi me largest measure oi tariff re form, I admit, for it is a proposal k recover w wdoia vrnnnn nanrn. ed by the billion Congress: and it is even more, ior it , nas apprised the COUn trv that their nnrcnaaliwl existence for another rear shall not erect the novel super-added wrongs oi tne two Mojuniey acts into a nooiity. lie peal is not a proposal to stoo at tne tariff of 1883 as & finality. My language expressly barrad ont that absnr.l i Iaa. Morrf over, wnen tne tans or 1883 wts the law of the land in the hnnr of our defeat three years ajro. said here in Albanv: "Th nmn oratic parties nails to the mast the nag oi tarin retorm." Tariff reform win remain and require progressive solution with the wise and Dolitio method of abol. ishing, whenever praotible, one after another, one indefensible tax at a time, where the two MCEinley laws today replaced the tariff oi 1883. Bat I do not flinch back wara irom tne advance line of ln trenchments which the Democrats of New York have won. kant and will guard. I do not shirk a deadly grappla with the Bepublican revolutionits, whose banners no loncer flv thn tariff of 1883, but now fly the mad McKinley laws and the wild Sher man law. and! mock na from t.hn 01 adels oL DOwer. Thn nanna fit tariff reform has lately made great practical advance. Secretary Manning, in his last report of 1886, advised Congress to Begin practical tariff reform by single act; an act for free wool; an act untaxing the clothin? of ahont. 60,000,000 people. One year later, io too i, tne secretary's report was "writ large" in a message of the President. . Now. fivn vnarn later one of our msst enlghtened econo mists, David A. Wells, writes to the chairman of the ways and means committee that the naf.h nf progress which ;Seoretary Manning oiazea nrsc ana alone is the true oath. It is a mixim of sonnd nnli. CV. better fitted to win nlnnt.innn than to lose them, better dividing into easy chapters the lessons of a Ions campaign of ednoation. to abolish whenever von ran. nnn after another, one indefensible tax at a time. I his is true proeress. Let ns rejoice. The Senate and the executive may now refuse the least, as they refused the largest, measure of tariff reform, but of the future of our cause we mav now feel better assured. ' if , Juat ivmEn n. c:.;.y j.: . BEEEDEB OF Buff Cochins, White Cochins Partridge Cochins, Brkmiangshans, S. S. Hambnrgs. Golden Wyandottes. Bark Brahmas, Tonlonso Geese, Pekin Ducksi i Bronze Turkeys, White; Crested,! WhitehQLX, roush. Egga for Sale in Season. Uso Breeds of Celebrated Black Btrkslire Swim. Arrived Ycuns. Kcnfasky and mfk Virginia 3ETATDXT tZOVE 8810 SAL. r DR. O.K. BAGBY, 1 Surgeon Dentist Offia, KU& Btoa, cjf. BaftU Chw, Has JuBt Arrived with Twn Po Tu.j. nr S7' " " v WOUD VI A UUUK V IXT'TlTTrT7-'XT. i . a.uy a w vjv x ana yv ma x v A. AND MULES . rom 3 to 7 Years Old. rVPTJ S TUMTi n-nTrrnT. Green Place Poultry Yards, whSS? fe'sdd0 cheap ' Also Nice Variety of Sm& I W00d ft ; Slftvsr. Carnages, Baggies, Carts I ' I TTaraaoo Wkl, DEALEE3 IN General Hardware, Harness, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Glass and Putty, Harness, WhiDS. Lap-Robes, Dusters etc., etc OUR MOTTO IS Quick Sales Small Profits. lail ana Rffl lia hofnro trmi bUV: it Will bfi to VOlir aAva-ntarra 'a' e" n. IIAHfJ ft GO. Wnen Will February Have Five Mon- days! lo the firtt neraon end!nir in oorreot answer to the above, telling . -" i uuva xouiuuj win nave Lime, Plaster. Hair fiTeM"J from January 1, 1892. to January 1, 1942, a period of fifty anu Uement. JiuBWKury, wewiu give a (suucuiui d vi iuuj b aouDie-oase goia watch, positively worth $40: to AgentS for JDEVOE & g.ntlerJ.rCK8 .Twatoh .1 1L AAW. m . ... tWa tj wor" tne third wv m voicuxaicu aCaUVlwnwi answer, a gentleman's or " I lidiea siIvai-vitah tBM-k &?n. ji. m I " 7 IVMII jDuzea PaintS. Which f T. next v0 MBwers, five 'exoeed ' linerlv handsome diver wafali AO fVn are stnctiy pure goods. MIDDLE STREET. I.EM0JJ ELIXIR. ?. Hi ii'Shs is the same old South, from fhich sprang the gianta of Ameri- , v ;an nistory, wmcn in tne olden "of Washington and enriched - the records of the race with the names oi Jefferson and Madison, and Mar shall and Lee, and Randolph and Finckney, and their compatriots; PLEASANT MMnnnnrMir For bilionnAQn .nrf nnn.tm.tinn i.v. Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and fouli omach, take Lemon Elixir. For fiiok and nArvmifl tiAadanluka t.b. Jjemon Jilixir- for sleeplennesi and nervounai take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take uvuiuQ rjiixir. For fever, chill and malaria, take ijemon n,nxir. Lemon Elixir will nnt fsil vnn In amv Of the above diseases, all of which arise irom a wrpia or aueaeed liver, itomaoh, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prertared onlv bv TV. R Mn.U Atlanta, ua. 60o. and $1.00 pr bottle. Sold by druggists. A PROMINENT KINI8TCR WRITES, After ten tmh nf nut u,fFii . . . irora inaifestion, witn prostration, biliousness, disordered kid and in latter days has nursed some ? iJ101;' J Y .be? - i u a v"'." 'J n auxir, vi huo uvumt uuainuiioro stuu duiuv ana am now a well man of the grandest men who ever walked the earth. It is to pre serve and perpetuate the memory and characteristics of such as these that this society was organized &na u sne pieage is Kept, yon win . . . indeed have filled the. highest ISOSCial IndUefimeniS - J I Bev. O. O. Davis. Eld. M. E. Churoh South, No. 28 Tatnall at.. Atlanta, Oa. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor IN Hardware AND Groceries ! measure of hope and expectation on the part of your Southern coun- trpmen and have placed yourselves beyond the reach of just criticism from any source." 8EXATOB HILL'S SPEECH. OOHCLUDED. Your message to the great and general assembly of Democrats, I rejoloe to know, touches nothing of inwrMt io new xotk, dui wnat is nnlversal and common to the inter est or the whole of these United States. Ton stand for the whole Democratic faith and tradition, - wnicn in tne Diiiion Congress nn- rfAMVAM III. M Knf nAMA.Inl J 1 : V. I erato. and revolutionary subversion I at 'Prices 10 SUlt the V. l. - i I uf. mhi (uvuejr iuww over anown id OU; history. The two MoKinley limes. laws now tranBiorm tne reaerai power oi taxation ior revenue into , ' an instrument of extortionate tat Table Cutlery at llVinST inly ffvun f Ka wa nam .ml nmflf rt i . D rial toiling millions byllJAAco' (JEEATMAGAZINE the ten next correct anwnr TKo Life, Speeches and Writings of Henry W. Gradv." the handsnrnfixf-. his life ever printed, bonnd in eloth and gold and handsomely illustrated, printed in large, clear type the regular prioe of which is 13.50 per vuiuuie, j.o me next twentv coireol own unrivaled record in its porgramme for 1892. and as manv ' . ... T" oi tie uew leatures oeicin Plows and Plow Cast mgs at a little more than cost. And all kinds of Farming Implements Pocket Knives and Get our prices on rar industrial subsides, bounties, and enhanced thewealth ofonr emplbyers, less FlOUr.Sugar and Coffee. than 7 per cent of all our people. ' BhaQ these laws standf See Olir RTifirinl rlrfvui .. TkA n harm an ll. law I . ... transiorms the Federal coinage" JU" to Ol XO power or silver and gold into an in- u nnrn Btrument lor the crradnal ernniaion UatLU Moor goia ior tne estaoiisnment oil JSverVtnillP fill-r a - . I TlMWJf UU1I.VI ThA rAntnrTa PfAfFi.nn.MtA In -fQQa . I an.nrna nr- r.n.1 - - T7t . j ..vQ.Huiuit. u a .. m dbuu a uupy oi x arm New'life ofColumhus-ArtIcles for Cu'lture'" abook of 200 pages, the . mnr v.lfi.ltl. 1 1 xannerg, etc. wuia uu agriculture that great American periodical. ort,ioult"e ever Publieliei I w II1UO Ui LU1B UUUK IN OiZ. ume: To the next twAtit.v.fivo oon-eot answers, six months' subscrip with tha I "O xne ooutnern JTarm. Should November nunber. new reaiinm . ! P"M aU to one who would not should commence with that issue w magazine, we will send it to In this number are the cranim anynme they may send ug. chapters of Phizes foe All. "Tne Naniahka ' . i w a j . - - ' 1 I ' " w uvt Ulbcuu HUT UUU WnO uuvbi ue Jiuuvara jvinnnc. thn uun th . .Jr.rf l.h v. famous author of ''Plain Tales from slighted, and there fore make the the Hills," written in collaboration folln wita an American writer. WniAAf.f I vhn i i. . . V f ' wawwv I UO Vf iD falilC. PIAblUg 111 Wiiat oaiooncr. it is me story oi a young paper they saw the 'ad' (this positive. El11 . 5 y(lnDgJ woman from a It mn8t be done) does not get "boomins Colorado town. vh n f .k x. j . ' B: toT i: i. . , ' .. Bv. - -uvjio cuumcraieu prizes, India, he lnsearchnf a wnniiarfni w n;n .,.n.i n. . CT r.. jeweled necklace, called "the Farm for March and Anrii. Naulahka" (from which the story every reader in the South to see theae takes its name).-and ahA o .lt.nn.;c.'. i.i:. . physician to women The novel magaiine. These two iesues alone will describes their remarkable adven- be worth fl. Allweaak from you Century will printthre other novels pay postage and white paper on which uuring inoyear. ana a great number these two issues are printed. Send ofshort stories bv the i bflsti Am.iJ;i-. :, j: . , ,. oanstory.wnter8. ,t or a twentv-five-cant niV w,J w wtr0ar.nWfc Edgar money up in a piece of paper and W. Fve ("Bill Nve'M aa tn h --j.i-j. :V. f iJ.f T --i .. r. w ...udo 111 uiuiuarv ie liver, ixno seriea of nmnaint- ---hj. -.1.1-1. 1 . , . . - - - -B w""-o w uiuu Buswer oonntea nniesB o cents is he calls his "autobiographies," the enolosed.) first one of which, "The Autobiog- -, raphyof a Justice ofihe Peace," is Bkmbmbke. in November. This mnnihu Vhmi -v-n I.. n mn. iwvm MOV 1 . W'WJ lUJDUU WUV MID Tf C. D VUIB contains a valuaple and suggestive M" "are at least of getting for two mu.i. un "ia. xoou-puppiy oi tne montnsine best magazine on earth. Future." which read. tO be iolIOWfid hv a nnmtva- t25 rnM Ahttifi cJl-rr,.- .aai. " " n -.. "vi i o -- '--v rutu vrseiivij, vr oiotneraoi oreat Practical value e of the silver watches worth $5 or to Farmers, treating especially oi a copy of the Grady book, yon are the relations Of the ftavArnmAnt. t I aartain tif patiina fh. 17--- ..il. . - . w, v . " 0v."-g vu.iMW nviui ivhi the farmnr. what il: ia Anita n-J I l!m flia n,nn. - j . 9 mv.u will I w wuv muviuiiivl i UUUCJf UU are what it should do. This series will required" to sent. In order to equalize nnlnln jr.jn.-.,:i.t:.. T m . I J ... . . SW. D. IVIcIVER; 55 Attomey-at-Law NEW BERNC, N. C " DR.J.D. CLARK, NEW bERNI N. CJ I 0)fnos oa (Mn f tresij between Pollock and Xfeoc ' ' I !.- P. H. PEILETIEB, ATTORN BT i A T "LA W . Craven Bt.,'tW0 doors South of Journal offioe. Will praotloa in tha OonatlM of Cravan, arteret, Jonea.Onalow and Pamlico. nan .in. unm WUIHJ. JHHinWH nUMNU. Until Jan -FOB THE- siiad iuiriG, WEEKLY JOURWAL j li V - V an. r ' " ' Cotton Lines, and Bope and Gill Thread, SOLD CHEAP NINB COLUMN FOLIO-LABGE AMOUNT OF BEADING. BY WHOLESALE OBOOEB, MIDDLE STBBKT, NHW BEBNR. H. O. J. 1 BRUM, Prei. THOS. DilHEHJieePrai. fl. a. ROBERT., Cashier. The National Bank,i OF NEW BEBNE, N. 0. iNCXB-BATU 1885. Capital, - -Surplus Profits, $100,000 86.700 ninnmiDS JjVS. A. Rnviw iri Ti.n-. 0HA8..8. Bbtaiv. t n a.-.-- I A ... .. ' "" I miiji-BB, Lu UAEVIY, U. H. KOBCBTS. The Daily Journal, $5.00 Per Year. : : ! 60c. Per .-nonta. Down to a fine point I ,. ... ' " that's where the making of rcumtes m every Erection from New Berne, wfcere there is a corsets has been brought to. daily mail, and is a splendid medium for advertisers. u.uu ur uie "Dones it can't break or kink. Loops of corset lace In- Liberal -tdvirf ITflf AC stead of metal eyelets they I k . .." i can t rust or cut the laces. The Bail Corset for ease we have just received a large lot of ffew feidW stnu Handsome Books, which we club with Each is the best of it s kind both the Daily and Weekly Editions. Call and 1 If you don't think so, after . .1. j . , 1 . wearing for two or three !eo ftem and get one by paying one year in weeks, return it to us and get advance for the Daily. Bv T)avinf 1d1 25 fnr vour monev batt " " f . f J J 6 V iU ryvtj yo jr ear m aavance win also O. MARES & BON. entitle yon to a book. 46V . : Bl axa-ntim hu s. and rnr tha n-.. ' i taanent redaction of every Ameri- Cheap I0r Cash. mtmm -w'- trv raa wua, vi IUUIC Diow tne tevet ones true value flar Jag ths whole period f of onr free ; - Wmetalllo coinage from 1702 to r 1873. bhall snob - law standf rm..u i u -t i i.,., .usnmaiinca uuiuuu legislation l . ? -. - for fret men sines Cromwell called I Foot of IGddle, 8treet 7 IV Durr us & Cd include contribntiona from nffliu,. or tne Department of Agricnltare, and other well-known men will dis cuss "The Farmers Discontent." JJ- is n . . . ' "wuvperauun," eio., etc. A celebrated Soaniah wrifar tn famish a "Life of i Colnmbns." . 1 1 . . .1 . . a ... ' wd inn win dr nrniianr.iv tiinafrafx-i and the Dablishersof ffh (innrnr. have arrancred with tha of the World's Fair to print articles on me oauaings, eie. One of the novels to appear in iay is A story of new York Lite ' by the author of 'The Angloman iacs." and the magazine will mntain a great deal about ths metropolis aanng tne year, among other tnlotrs a serlen of ilInstratAd n-tf -iaa on "The Jflwa in Nw Vnr. t- Kovember ia an illnstrated desorip- uuu oi -xn jrinyers, UiUD,"rouna- ea Dy isawin Jtsootn, ana one or the features ol the snlendidl v illnat.ra.rui Christmas (December) number .is un article on "xneijowery.". -: -t To. aret ThaCentnrv aAnd tha vearlv snbscriDtion nrim riAOO. tn The Century Co., Union Sauare. S3000i TEABI 111-inl.t.tohfaS. ta .Nf fairly ltitJ.lllmii prnom ol tdlM. who com road .ud nrit.t.ua' wImu ' Iwlneliom will work ladaMrtooaJT T - un w mro l.m I ...I.., Stfil: li '""""-H.n, will ."w --- ."..iMr-a MII " wrk Irooa mth dblrtc. Imrol a. V, LjL.:iV, liaa uaMMMf Halaa? dutanees no letters will ha before Wednesday merning, February xi w . tf o oiook. xou ;are litely to get one of these prizes, if yon answer anytime , during February. All answers must ba aent tiirnnrr. i.h unu vi w. uiu-wiu not De conniea. Address THE SOUTHERN FAEM, Constitution building, Atlanta, Ga. HORSES AND MULES. 1 have juat reoelved a FINE LOT of Western North Carolina OBSES AND MULES. ' ALSO, A FIRS LOT OP BUOGIEb,1 , EOAD 0ARTS - Aim HARNESS. All of which I will tall VEllT CHEAP for oath or approved paper. Give ma trial. , .. E3. t3 CDtroot We will tjhee on Sale To-day only : some hand some smuM.sii'm about 33.1-3:;m ;CETT CHEAPER THAN' CAN 2 BOWHT ELSEWHERE. - Arare port-inity to rget a weacung or cnristmas gift veryeneap. BELL THE JEWELER. THE BEST THING UNITED STATES ros OneOeixt . . ta tub" : '" . . PHILADELPHIA. RECORD!!! la connection with the JounNAt,' thew is a FIRIT-CLAf 8 d POT year.OmittinflrflnnrlavallOB r)lCPAPTlvn"MT an -.t-j.a.a i. . ... ... r .:7"-t vi . . : au -auuui wur& wxeouicu in mo vm -: t v ; ''V Job Department. THE FARMER AAD IRS ' ' BTJSinEC3'UA17, J. E. L ATHA1I. J BHtEHli CCmSSICI MGI1. Barer of Cotton, Country Prodabe, and , ir -kit .-a-.--l-.aZ-... Jil.- " 1 -nMMt.ar.lh Mir. ail-ii,a.a .. .- ... I -i i, i Twav uiaufi vaau A us num iierAK0 ior ouu dmci cot ion. - - rirfl-i fii.t rVntr-tn ( .. an nivl .tfs I of orler and at aatlsfactory prJceBi Letter Heads,' . - Note Headi, " ' Bill Heads; lh I ICS iO) A.? Ifl otatenente,. t Business Cards, ' Envelorcs, BAS Posters, And all kinds otwoit. : NO EQUAL. ADDHE88 THE EECOBD M

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