THE tTOTTKN AL.x MEWBlT iMsfifUTE. To The Korth Pole By Balloon. ' The Great Scheme of Two French Aer onaut!. -J 4 L I : . : : "r,. 1. 3 ...XjOtSl !- , iXjsU1 forJnfants prlrtiTsraj;isj K A. UMn, M. h : . als re wnwmirtw asrss It rvrfc m juniiiwi imp, tjmrnim .Cum iww.D., Clyde's N. 0. Freight Line. Stars Geo. E. Stout, CtSmca and Vesper. ui and after Februaiy 1st, U91,tnia Un-iw'll make regular eHMt-WEEKLT TRIPS JIBTWS!) Baltimore -and New Bern LaTln( Ba'..imure for New Heme. WED NJCSLAY, SIX P. M. Leaving New Bern lor Baltimore, l'Hm DAY. FRIDAY, at TWJ5LV1S. NOON. Harekants and Shippers, Take kotice. This U ta only DrRKCT line oat of Ne 4 Bam for Baltimore wltnout cbange, b top ping only at Not iolb, connecting men lur ' SMton, Provldonoe, Philadelphia, It lob -mood, and all point Nortb, Kan; and West. taking eioae couneotlon for u.l polowrv A. Aa O. Kail road and Rlrer ont of New auqm r a follow: Blauical Unl)B,u'l Manager, DO Light Si., Baltimore Ja. W.MoUAHRIOK, a. s.Agt.. Norfolk, V W P Clyde Uo., Puiladeiphla, 12 Boat) wbarves. - Nw York Balto. Trans, l.lne. Pier tJorta river, at, Sampaon, Boston , 68 Central wharf. S. H. cloak weU, Providence, it. 1. ships teav Boston, Tuesday s and Saturdays ' " Nw York dally. " - 'Balto., Wednesday A Saturday) " Philadelphia. Mondays, Wedues day, Saturday. ' Providence, Haturdav. Through bill lading given, and rale guar MMd to all point at the different otnoes c th companies a lows by aoy other line, AVOID BRBAKAOBOF HULK ARD HIP VIA N. C. LINK. 8, H. OH AY. Asm, New Merne N. C. old oosara Steamship Germany SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. gM OM ftosatnlon Steamship (w paHjr'a Old and Favorite Water ttoata, vis Albemarle and ajkapak Canal. roa erfalk. BatUmors, Haw York, Phlla . dalpkla, Bastam. ProTtdan, and Waahlngtoai City, And all point, North, Enat end West on and after TUESDAY, APRIL Hlh, 1811 antU farther notloe, the Sterner NEWBEME, Capt Scuthgate, Will all from Norfolk, Va for New Berne. -H. O., direct, every Monday and Thursday, making olo oonneotlon with the A. ft W, O. it. B. lor all atation on that road, and with the Hteamer Kluston and Howard for Clniton, Trenton, and another landings on to Neuae and Trent Ulvers. Betnrnlng, will sail K0M NEW BERNE, FOet NORFOLK dlreot, at 12 m , Tuesdays and Friday making connection with the O. p. B. 8. Oo.'P ships for New York, H, H. P. Oo.'s teamen for Baltimore; 01de Line Ship fo Philadelphia, M. AM. T, Co.' ship for Uoston and Provide' oe. Bliamer Klnston, Capt Dlion, will sail top aPostPO on arrival of steamer New- Derue. Order all good oare of O D. . ii. 0 .. Sor Paasenger will And good table, comfort- die room, and every eonrtesy and atten' nn will b paid tbmy the offloers, , : S. B. BOBEBU, Agent. sfBMB. O0tiPJtPPKK ATOBNKK, 'V Agent. Norfolk, va. . SF A- BTASrrOBD, Vloe-l'resWsnV. ffw York Olty. Eastern Carolina dispatch. Fat Passenger and freight Line between WBW BBRNB, Pattern North Carolina Point, and all con notlor.sof th PE9HSVI.VARIA BAILROAD.' IffOLTDIFO Hew Tark, Pblladslphla, Norfolk, BaJ tlosare amd Boston. Taa OMt TCrt-Weekly Line Out of t " sTew Ben. THWNBW AND ELESANTLY KdUIPPBD BXKAUUit Balls from New Berne; H05DAYS, WEDNKSDAV8,: FRIDAYS, v jt rivu Z.M., topping at Koaaoke ;island (ach way cd forming close oonneotlon with tne vT Norfolk eoniherD Ballroad. - rh Ksstern Dispatch Line, consisting of ' lh Wilmington B. 8. Co.. Norfolk Southern - ' ' A. B NewYork, Thlla. and Norfolk K. K., . and Pnnsylvatrla R. R , form a reliable and , . 'jegular line, offering superior facilitle for - 4Dck paasenger and freight transportation, - iv v . so transfer except at Elizabeth City, at " -which point freight will b loaded on oar to . go through to destination, ' " Dlreot all goods to be shipped via Eastern ',L OarollaaDUpatn daily follow: . f otn New York, by Penna. R. R., Pier 27, -- North River. - i From Philadelphia, by:Phlla., W. and Balto. R.B.,ookBtiBUtlon. " t From Baltimore, by Phlla., WlLCand Balto. (t- ' B R-, President Bt. Station, i . s From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern K. B. .-. J rmm HnaLnn hv If arehant A Miners Trans- v rtatlon l)M Maw York and New England y i"iiT Tt sTr Ba ,J rw' M-Katax as Iowjaod tun qnjokn thanjby 4 tanv otnar iinar , i ' . .if -sir tyr annlvto .-' r , . H, Joroa (Qen'l Freight traffla Agent, t I M I ' A K .) tSeneial Tramo Agent. v- . TrafHans, brvlloii freight Agent, ' f It,' . .B.B, it, Philadelphia. i, ; A h. t.'onua, Gen'l Freight Agent., W. T- i. Si t-.AN.U. H-.orroik, va , -Hi tastoaiJU 0 Hdikmns. tiensrsd Frlght;Agent N,' ' - - M iVAtiw l?MTMitisrW A sent 'l'-J Banlr0ftnWl,w,,i, wJftiti:by Anna ruae, Aiwiln, Tf iiii Jii. Bond, TolU, Ohio, me tHil.'OtbMindolniraifrall. Why ..Hd'wnHff Ax ntna sun ovar W t :mtMitlt atsMteindo tb WQifc antUlvt ft iwnii-wtieF-vsjr you art, Evaifbt y Baiieri tn aAliX tNiniliir ftom tl M lw..dv.Ai.swW. WaihoWTMlvsw ' find itart ytm. Can work In nwra tlma or all tlma. Ulf moaa Arr work a .. era; T-naraanknowa monff fknn. ,J - MKWiMdwnnrtwftiLPaicoUnlr-a, t 4 TOe an. ..ll.PA.tL.Bd.Halia - -aafcA-- a A.liaail aasaarww j, Di jattpwiv. PAH DR'R GHOP. ' lath ot af iW. Batl 1 wttai. ':.Ar:rrti;cT. and Children ar Saw i sPjarrsiesa. fcnauu, " B"s aar ihl&mijmjmlmm lOTri;riMifliitilil ,"! HTM(W4 ft AVV JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF tableworks NEW BERNE, N. C. Italian and JLtnaiedn Karbl and all Qiwtttai KoleHaL Ttm C6m Taasr f oat aanniNn tvaikdattkvryUwtt rat, Oidtn (oUcitad and rlran prompt at tentloftaMw tatlsfactioa gluuutMl HUMPHREYS' VETERIKARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POTJLTHT. t--S00 Page Beok n Treatment of Animal and Chan Seat Free. . cdiub ( Fevers, Con Kestleas.TnflMmmmtlen A. A.J Spinal BIenlnBitle,nillk Fever. ' B. B. Htralas, LemeaeMT, Rheamatlsm (J.C. Diatenper, Naael nischarges. D. D.-Ksts or Grabs, Warm. E. E.Coairha, Heave, Paenmoal. F. F, Colic ar Gripes, Bellyache. !. ft. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. II. H. Urinary and Kidney Disease. l,I.Eraptlve Disease, Mange. J.K. Disease of Digestion, Paralysl. Blngle Bottle (over HO doses), . . ,00 Stable Case, with Specifies, Manual, Veterinary Cure Oil and Hedicator, $7.00 Jar Veterinary Care Oil, 1,00 Sols by lratRlUi r trat pnpsM saywssN iad la say SMBllty aa racelpt af prtaa. UliSPHRIIS'MED. CO., Ill 111 WIDIlm 8L, K.wlDrk. HT7MPEEEYS' HOKEOPATHia SPECIFIC No,60 In.uu SO vnnrai Th nulg niinnnnafiit MitisvlvfAs Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prortrsstion, from ow-work Or other ckomb. $1 par fiat, or 6 vil and large vial powder, for VS. Sola by Drug rUU, or Mat pootptvld oq raotlpt of prlc. IrOWOMuiria tSr0rMn OmffWwi "WcV 6uePDttn5irdtrDesW 4ft. la. laABbysrVamhtaW .lflce and Dost Proof, Zinc Bottom under drawers; patentf Brass lined CuiWnrPollabed Oak) Writing TsbKi Tum bler loeki one lock securing all drawent g heavy cardboard F1 ling Boxes) Cupboard in and! Paneled Finished Back i Extension Arm Blldeat Wejarht SOO lb. Prlee, CO. H. at Factory, hat Also 1,000 Antlquo Aafi Desk. Ko.4000. Bame as aborcexcept made of Bolld Antique A lb .good as oak. Weight K lb. Price F. O. B. a Factory, SSI Ne. Shipped from our Indianapolis factory direct. Made and sold solely by tbe TYLER DESK CO., St. Louis, Mo. .ISOpataOiUloguaof Bank Oaaatari, batka, it... la eolora Myevarpriatad, Books fraat pcataga It aaats. MES. J. M. HINES' Boarding House REOPENED. Mkj. J. M. HIKES has reoMned Firtt-Class Boarding Hoom in the city, oppciite Baptist Church. TiiG Pioneer Sails Sewim KacMio, Can U had ai On mum pita. J. M. HINES, Agent. Boot and Shoe Maker. All Styles of Boots and Shoes made to order on short notice. Repairing a Specialty. N.'AEPEEf, Craven sti eat. opposite Journal offlo. J.C. & CO, ARB OFFERING FOB BALE The World Renowned Danisl Pr&tf Colton Gins - TOGKTHKB WITH THJB i n... Par 'PrA.oaa 0U9S : VUbtVAA k tVSBVB ... . . , a a. al- ma. ' WhlOn oomomea dibbb ssia unsn gatlsfaotory ontBt (or (inning oottoa wmmA l thle AAttntr. t... Thav alio oarrr f nil lint of . Tieltlntr. Machine Oil, and Lac Leatner, : -.1. . fnll Una a - jSV sOaOtno W1MS at a w.a ; TT A PTYvVARE. Head for price ana coma -'" tislrltock. Thyurante to pleas you. Oof. Bonth Front and OraTn BU. : WWSBSr - - Whitty It is annonnoed thatM. Beeanoon aeronaat, and Mtrmitr, PB'ronomer, me bars of the Paris college of aerial oavigation, have iormed a plan to reach the north pole with a balloon. They,pr6pose to sail with two vessels tq Spitzbergen, where they will set np apparatus for the mannfaoture of hydrogen gp, inflate a large balloon ! capable , ot earrylog a weight of 8,000 pounds. and with the first -favorable wind thereafter out loose and soar over Captain Mares' "PalaeocryBtio sea" to the magnetic pole. Tne ear of the balloon is. to be coated wiih thin steel, ana will contain, besides the aeronauts and their scientfio instruments, eight dogs and a sledge, an unsinkable eanoe, and provisions for a montn. The adventurous Frenchmen are satisfied from experiences that tbey cm make a balloon that will earry the required load, but as to the course of tbe air ship after she has cast off ber lines at bpitzbergen they are as much in doubt as was Captain De Long when be took the advice of a whaling captain arid poked the Jeannette into an ice floe and took the chances of a drift to the pole or to Davy Jones' locker. They are "dead sure" about the rise, but tbe descent is what makes their echeme a venture. But tbey have made calculations for a t3n day drift above the ice noes and have prepared themselves with photographic apparatus so that they can take snap shots of Arctic scenery which has never yet been seen of men. There is n ling "crazy" or visionary about the plans of tl i French scientists in one sense of the word; there is as much reason behind the proposad balloon trip as there has been in any attempt to reach tbe north pole by water in a sea that is covered with perpetual ice. The balloomsts will at least have clear sailing room in the aerial sea, and their ship will not be nipped and crushed by ice floes. Tbe greatest danger of tbe trip is that of a drop upon the ice so far from thn land that it will be in possible for them to regaing it. The crew of the Jeannette, succeeded after Herculean effort in reaohing open water off the mouth of the Lena river. What could two men accomplish against obstacles such as were encountered in De Long's retreat from where the Jeannette went to the bottoml Scientists all over the world will take great interest in the proposed balloon voyage in tbe cold atmosphere of 'he Arctic region, and after the voyagers have started a sharp lookout will be kep' at the furthermost outposts of civilization for the captive pilot balloons which the explorers expect to release when they plant the flag of France on the kingbolt of the world. Ex. Representative Andrew, of Massachusetts said that he belived that Mr. Cleveland will be nomina ted (hat he was getting stronger every day; and that the New York business might benefit rather than injure him. Mr. Bill's nomination wonld mean defeat for the partji and it would be necessary to pre vent his getting the nomination, and by combining on Cleveland they could do this. SIMPLB Iff COISTRUCTIO.V. PERIHANKIST IN DURATIOX. EASILY APPLIED. ITS SKILL. FUL USE QUICKLY LEARNED. The Electropoise Is an Instrument for J HIS tUHn UF D1SEABB WITHOUT MEDICINE. fJA&BD on new theories of the canae and care of disease, it deal with tbe electrical and magnetic conaiuon or tne ooay ana tne gases surrounding it in lb atmosphere controlling tbese condition at will. It I not electricity. DISKA8K Is simply lm- f aired vitality. The Eleotropolse eons'.ant y add to the vitality and only assists Mature, In Nature's way, to throw off the trouble. A 40-esse book, describing treatment tnd eontatnlng testimonials from all aectlons, and for the car or an aiseaae, maiiea rsii on application. Address ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO., Washington, D, C. Charleston. S. C Aiiansa, vs. W, M. WATSON. Agent, . New Barns, N.O I No ffrioinz or nausea after ruing Brook Q eld' Liver and Kidney Pill. Will core Biliouenera. Constipation, TorDld Liver a.-d stomaoh' trouble Sugar coated, oval. Price 85 cent. dive them a trial, f or sale or o. Duffy, New Berne, W. O. Only Biff ht To Tell. Tne Bev, Mark Guy Pearie, the eminent English Divine wtites: "Bedford Place, Russell Square, . - London, December 18, 1888. .: "I think It only right that I should tell, you of how much nee I find Allcock's Poboos Plasters In my family end among those to whom I have reoommended them. I find them 4 ory breastplate egafnet oold -: and oonghe. : . ' ' ' 1 yif HAPPT HOOBIERS. 2 A' ' Wm. Ttmmons. nostmaster of Idavili. lad., writeet "Electric Bitters has done more for ne than all other medicine combined, for. that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble.", John Lealla. farmer and stockman, of same place lays: "Find Electric Bitter to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made ma feel like a new man." . J. W. Oard. ner. hardware merohant, samo town, saysr. Eleotrio Bitters la just th thing for a manH who is all run down ana aon t oars wnetn ha live m dfca: ha found new strength. rood appetite, and felt lust like he bad a un T tease on mo 1 vniy nw, uxiaia au. S.Uuft'ys wholesale and retail drug otn re, G. T. ADAMS, A. B. (Trinity Col.) Principal. MRS. A. B. FEREBEE, Primary Department, J. S. THOMAS (Univ. N. C), English Literature. SHEPARD BRYAN, A.B. tUniv. N. C), Ancient Language ART DEPARTMENT. MISS AURORA MACE. Spring Term Beginss 3"slj.u.xit-- 28, 1892. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Address THE PRIXCIPAI, New 1'ehne, N. C. FOR THE HOLIDAYS! WJ? HAVE A FULL LINE OF 44 piece Tea -Sets, 56 rjiece Tea Sets, 100 piece Dinner Sets, 120 piece Dinner Sets, 10 piece Toilet Sets, 12 piece Toilet Sets, ALSO Hall and Library Lamps, L. H. Cutler & Co. ROBERTS & li Wholesale Dealer In Groceries, Provisions T0B1CC0 and SNUFF, BOOTS and SHOES. We are also scents for STOCK "DIADEM' PLODK, every barrel warianted. A large stock of PURE WEST INDIA MOLASSES, oar own Importation. sT- dome to see us. or send yonr orderB Ton will find oar Prices as LOW as the Lowest. mavlHdwt kubkkt a im'J STANDARD FORCEN JURV TVIIIBROTIIER! DRYHOP YEAST -THE 5qj QUICK ' RISER roa LIGHT BREAD WATERLOO YtAST CO DETROIT MiCH rntt. Thu deliehtful Storv of a Journav from the BALTIC to the 'DANUBE Portrayed In 38 Chapters and 12 Qraphio Illustrations, by Charles Augustus Stoddard. Bound In Rich Cloth, Decorated with Qold Eaglet.; FREE to Every New Subscriber to! .V.,': . . -the- ;' HEW YORK, OBSERVER, thtteregt Fernliy feilgloui New One book and one new tubtorlbor, I $3,00. t lt Two books and two new subscribers, S)0,UVe - ' A PKCIMEN COPIES VBKH. ; NllYOJ OBSERVER, anu oo rArii nuw, z,": alctwivnoir, Laaiav4AXsAa.aaaaaia)Saaaaias JTouf .ft Womeoie. r All your Mm to the wont. Tbl It M 'Rdniy new lealdriii brinfa wontlerrtti uceM to OTtry workes BaHnMn on arn1c trom SKA to ftwwek and apwardS nd not) after Hula) iprin. Wt can ftimlsli yi Um eitw ilAymsnl ooel ttMca y fnla. Mo miteo to oxtiiatn mi. run skM lli;V.atHaaUI ik 'fl'tS i "1 f n Mrndst wrinwilMofrnlr. ,P m 1 1 W I If repUty k4 honemblr. by oe of i list I IwW it !, jromiej atd.lrWI iu their 1 Illill l 0WtoMtfUwMrtTWlhryttnhAny pj 9 I Wm m ont em oto th work. Eeiy to iMni. W. mmiik srvtrrvthlsieN W) trtArt voo. Bio riah. Toa con deote) S Atlantic i. M. C x: U3iJS TAT IX In Kfioot 1:30 T.M. 17, leto. Iritlvv, Oot OoivqEabt. Soheddle. Goiua Wki No. 61. Passenger Trains. No. 5C. Ar. Lve. Statiocf. r. L7(. pm 3 30 Ooldsboro 1110 am 4 06 4 09 La Grange ID U 10 2 , 4 35 4 40 Kinstou 9 8 5;i 6 00 6 08 New Berne 8 17 8 30 7 38 p m Morehead City am 6 17 Daily. Going East. bcmcDum Goira vVest. No. l.t Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. No, 2. Mixed Ft. Station". PaM. Train. UoldaDoro 7 20 p m Best '9 6 ii 6 34 La Grange 5 54 6 04 FallitiK Creek 5 24 5 30 KiriBton 4 25 5(0 CbbwoII 4 00 4 05 Dover 3 25 3 4; CoreCrec-k 2 54 3 0; Tuaoaroru 2 24 2 3u Clark's 2 02 212 NewUra 10 32 1 30 Riverun!-: 9 41 9 40 Croats U 28 9 ii3 Havolock 8 59 9 ( 4 Newport 8 17 8 27 Wild wood 8 00 8 05 Atlantis 7 47 7 52 Morehead City 7 17 7 27 Atlantio Hotel 7 05 7 15 Morehead Depot a si 7 00 a m 6 57 7 20 7 48 8 11 8 50 6 30 7 05 7 30 7 58 8 80 8 55 9 15 10 03 10 31 10 36 11 00 11 05 U 17 11 41 12 15 00 3 37 3 48 4 08 4 37 4 51 5 01 5 16 5 23 8 42 3 50 413 4 42 4 55 5 01 5 21 5 28 5 81 p m Monday, Wednesday and Krlday. tTueeda v.Thursday au Haturdav Train oOoonneou with Wllmlur.U'a A Vp ioti. Train bund ortb. leavliij; ivii'.n::o U:l0 a. m.f with Klebn.ond 1 -aavaic Train West, leaving Uoiduboiu '2 ID p, a., Train 61 conoectp with UU htfoiia A TraiD, ttrrWlnK atOoMfbcrorfM, and will; Vllmlngton and Wel'lon i'ratn from lit North at Train 2 oonnects with Wll :: .".t -v e.n -VVldoa Through Freight Ttj .in. ;.o;..i oound, lealnB Uoiisooro att:.)! -t. . . g, L. nill, .aierlata-:'...-.r.t. HUMPHREYS' Dr. IlumphrevA Npni lUcs areseieiuificiMy nnd coxefilliy prepared Reniedlcs, used fur .Mars Im private practfc and for over thirty years i-y tdo people with entire fmccesu. Every siuglti Sik.viiij a special cure for the disease named. Tney cure without druKii'K. iurKln or rrluc!i:' the iystem and are in fact aud deed Uiu buH'rciu lleoiedie of the World. J.IST or PBisciPAL hob. ernes-. p(. ( , 1 Fevers Conpestluns, Inflainni.itiens.. .2.) Z Wornw, Worm Fever, Worm folk aJ.j 3 Teething, Colic, ctrlug, V.'akerultu-M ,-2i 4 Diarrbea. of chlldxeu or AUuiu ti.i t 7 Coatthrj, Colds, Bronchitis , 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, l'aceache 'J, 9 Headaches. Sick Headache, VcrtlRo.. .'2. ltf Dyspepsia PiliouBnesfl, Constipation. .'J.j 11 Bnppressed or Painful Periods... .'2. . 1' Whites Too Prof use Periods '.. 13 Croup. aLarynffltlSt Hoarsenen 'J5 a,14 Salt ithevm Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .'25 lt Khenmatlsin Rheumatic Palna l2. 16 Malaria CbUls, Fever and Ague '25 1 Piles Blind or Bleeding .'25 10 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In thobVad. .'2.1 20-UoplMCotjth 25 2r-Rldney DiARRnes '25 28-SeeVous Debility 1.UO ' tvrrinuy Weakness Wetting Bed.. .25 ( III l1 a-r-s-B t i i . i - 'Sold fey trVmrlrtitf; or tent potpld on receipt of prlot, DS. RmiPHBTt' MAKTJAL (IM Pgei,) MAILED VBH. mminim'nDaCO.. Ill AllS irUH.flt.,HewTnTli. S P EC I F I C S. It has permanently cured thousands of eases pronounced by doctors hope less. If you have premonitory symp tom," such- aa Cough, : Difficulty of WW, auvia aa Breathlnar, c. PISO'8 CUBE .. don't delay, bue-nse PISO'8 CURE FOR CONSUMPTION Immediately. By Drugaisla. Si eente. 4-.-?-'-;ji'.V kom Jl :.nss mah I ALT L. A M. I. II i -": Ifis!. DEP A F-T ML i T V. E. MOIITOX, Notice of Incorporation Notice le hereby given of the Incorpora tion of the eW heme Sewtrrngt- ion piny. That llie numes of the In(vrporu.LoiH ore Hoot. M. Coin, Charles il f.earnn, nnd Ju J 1 us M. FurKurBon, ult of tut Cil-. un-i rttate of New York, ami (ie.rt'e K. Wvman. of New Hern INtjrth Carolina, nul sucnolheirj an Ihey may associate willi iliem TliaL the name of t;.e hkU corporation shall be the "New Herns wemur t'oin piuy." ThntB'ild eurpnrutidii !s formed for i tie purpoMe of maintai iiii.g ami ope atli: a Nysi tin oi ne we rage wit hi n the i or( rate ;tu-.-its and IrnmedUte v.cinily of the City (if New Hern, ,urlh CaroliriH, wltli power lo n.ake c-mtrcts with thu lniiaid aiits and owuf rs oi houiit'8 for the use of sulJ sewtin, and loeohct Iho rents thereof. Tint tbe buslueBB o' said cerinrntl.-in !s to be carried on in the city of New Uf r in.', Cra ven oonuty. a.'-id Hie company Himil uHoh'ive an oe in tha city, county oi-d Stale ot .New York That the time of existence of iMb Corpot a on is limited to thirty yenrh. Tne amount of thetJHp tin LV:oci: of said corporation 1h une Hundred a . d FUty 'Iliousaml DuIIhth, a-'d the number of f-h;irei (f which said capital Htock shall onslst shall be fifteen hundred of the par value of One Hundred Hollars each. The private property of tbe .stockholders Hliail be nbHolulMv exempt from thr coio rat debta or Itab.htles Witness my hand and official seal thin ;;o.h da of Leceinbor, A. I lM,d W M WATfO.V, dec'il Clerk Mup. Court, Craven County IMIG is ths that is used hi the Office, Court-roor., and for reporting lectures and ccr'.no::G. While it 3 r'::t ::. ' r-.'r .17 cv.y other known r.:c'-i:.', IL 13 s: :1: that cv.y ii!tei!i-:-.: ca:; r:.;n speed of ioo cr wcriis ;(ri'.:!:i ute, in five cr c:x weeks, without the aid of an instructor. Circulars and testimonials scr.t to r.ll .'.:o r.cit;'.-:; this paper. E. T. FiEiiOZ, mm, c;:;. Solo Aaront for U. f . c .: iy!rs9jn-!";',a CUIL CURE. CBZArEsT ar.B:iisi: lixowji CONS1DERINO QUAUTV AND SIZE OP DOSE. IX WILL ALSO OUBK BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSI3, AMD OHBONIO OOKSIIPATIOM. R. BERRY, New Berne, - N. fj. VAN E COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE KKVN SPRINGS, N. C. FOIl BOTH SEXES. Teachers all graduates. MUltarv (covernraent for boys. Prof, nlssol, graduate of Mt. John's (lonege, Annapolis, toaoh cr of Military Tactics. Music Teaoher, gmdtmte New Kngland Conservatory of JUubIo. Rpeclal course In Com. Law, BooB.-kepplug and I'enmaushlp. vocai xuusio, uausiLemo ana Dnmb-bsll exerolses free. No additional cost for Classics. 49" For Catalogue call at jorsnaL office or addrces tbe Principal. W. E, SKINNER, Principal, EVE IV 8PR1SGS, II. C. , laivffldittj ill Jvj$&&f3 "e InstA, Todcru Languages. X. ('A; r:t:l!i'matics. Fort l C-.'IA, Political Science and OF JirSIC. D:r.r:c(i!;. I A Nil! iounl Family Taper. I i iio ;( omenta of Tho You1 u . Vv-iu; ..uioii for 1S92, which .welii'M' r'i:c.vtl, Kcotu to touch I nboir nil taetes. Its fiction I cmhi .'.'jcs ti 'lilure, foiial, Bea, j ii(iven:u:o iiiid holiday Htorien. Frank StetU'.o:., C!ai k liussell, Will : Aliuu Imiii jjoi lo, ilary Catheriue hit' Pr! a f-.-v of the distinguished ' Htor -vyk.' ;h. Iih Krin-nd articles cover a wide ruuye Sil'-JOiiiioatiou, Business, fcjmvi'H". 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