.... .. Joe RNAL. NEW BERNfi, N. 0.. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1892 PRICE 5 CENTS. 1 A. p. nTfJSlNESS LOCALS. -AT 8EVEH PER CENT --Fifteen-I XJl Hundred Dollars to baJoaned. See DM thia Wtk. ; W, D. McIvkb mSBii E ARTIES wishing to be taken to any part of the city will, please send their order to J. W. Mesio's storo. ' All order will bo promptly attended. . Carries to any part of the city only 10a. Very Bsep'y., J. W. llssia n 8w. "m't'ci ALE3UEN . WANTED: Perman- tS ent paying positions for oanvaisera willing to work. Write immediately iitx-!?': ' :.' luwittn & Babht, ' '.. Hope. Noisettes, Rochester. N. Y. wr T MPOBTEd HOLLAND GIN. Batke'. ;siV-f2y ,JL, B Ale and Rurke's Guinns' 8toat. for sale by Jab REDMOND. 1-?I?0B 8ALE-0ot a' box. or ward " - T I robe lounit-) il perfect loaone by lay aod'a prfeoi bf d by night, and jou !f. oan put twijn oinca mutnia vr u'.ner : 'f' srtiole' . in the aerge wardrobv. V Yoq oan get three artiolei fortbe prioa of one. Mo extra oharge for paoking or i ehippioR ' ' lira. Dr Talmtge. wife of the tjele tl -hrmted preacher, eaya theie loonKea ara "'-wry, ery niotf. -4 1" Prfot i Oretoo. 110. 13. -''.''; Raima S12. S14. -. X&?iv--. Kw S'. 80. $85, B.Ik Rrw(alla. ttOH fiSli. : s Termi 10 "par oent.. dlaoonnt oaeh with ' -t b order or half wiih order balanoe 00 ; V - dy. ALFRED COLES. -i l-. Grand and Myrtle Avenaae. . 1 Brooklyn. N. Y. '; f AAA CIGARS at enr low js. W()v V ngureii to wboieaaia ana vii'JS5 "retail trad, for aale by JaB. Bbdmond. r'SkiktkjxS CALVIU - 8CH4FFEB'8 WILD :i0IJL CHEBBY BOCK AND BYE, pit .. np expreeely for throat and lung oia- -'i aaaea, for aale by Jab Bbdmond f i"- ABBETT'S COGNAC BKANDY 'i: jr W vTuaed Tery much in ibe nek room. .''V-?. For aale by Jab Bbdhovd- 'v:''-;-'";;'r7rVB Hundred pair of Bnbbar Shoe . Z'JZ ." V for children, 10, 181 and 15 oenta per liiSl'i ';'' - big ike. ' 1 V V' TTCNYADI Janoe Mineral Water, M.JL the beet Natnral aperient. It X For aaia by Jab. Bbdmond. ; OUBE CORN WHISKEY for ala by Jab Redmond. ';.?': TV7FF Oordon Impirted Shetry, for JLaaia by Jab bbdmond. OhlOKE Genuine Cubans Tobacco. a ootOtf J.-r .fI8U. SACRAMENTAL, POBT and 't&&?$-Wl BCDPPEBNONG WINES fer sale .ir. v. - Jab. HarHOND. VTSW DBtTG STORE. Drug, Medi Jkl :. JLl en.es and Ohemleala, O. P. Popular Proprietary Ifedlolnes. All varltlea of ..' ".'";. Droggist'a Bandru. Trnieee and Brae a. v''H-'.v ' Naw ornp Oardn Beed. Fine and Large v; "uwk Cigars nd Tobaoeo. au bw. P- t . aerlptloot aeearatety compounded (and not ' at was prloei, out mntto and onr aneeesa. " ' : 'f : a C. Gtt :(, Dnwglst and Apotheeary, '3 -i 'f. aflddle at., four doors from Polloek. Ian2it 1 y - ' "--TVUFFY;8 MALT WHISKEY for 'J. i . '-.J-'MedlolnaJ uie. for sale by -4 '5-,s.388 :- - Jab. Bidmosd. ,: Sbtebb boov storms are ragiog in England and 8cotland. UBTiOB Lamab, of the Federal (Supreme court, is critically ill. 4 -'f?X' 'Tbh Clans Spreckels Sngarre- jVjlaiy'--te sold to the Sugar Trnst v W'' AAA AAA : 1W fl i VW,VW ' ,;'" 3- THH Eland silver bill is dead. ;-;:'-C;Sj 'Killed by a threat of elOiture rule in .wSi'KttM House. :",.,,' -x . v Bjlvib having been defeated in the House, may come to the front Itinthe Senate. , Pbbsidkht Habbison will ac- 'fl' oept? Lord Salisbury's conditions ,' ,v for the modus Vivendi. " ;.-j---V: m I II - Thbbx are now 275 aotive lodges of Masoni 'Jal the State, of which four have organized this year. .. SPSAEBB Cbisp Is charged with dupIioityHe Is said to have aban doned the silver men at the crisis. , Mb. Bland sharply criticises Mf. ' Crisp, and the Speaker replies with x -charaoterietib spirit and direol- ; ness. Ok the 18th of May there will be ,.a convention of the Bebekah de . gree" lodges of the Odd Fellows at 'Raleigh. .v ' Mb. Bland can not get a ma jority of the Democrat of the ; Hoose to agree to a cloture rule for -the Silver bill. . ' " The Agricultural Department has sent out great numbers of cards . for reports of its correspondents, ; and the reports are to be very, com f plete this year. ' Thb defeat of silver Is another illustration Of ; the folly of puting a young horse on the track at the wrong time. Many a promising colt has been ruined just that way. T3 Republicans hope to make E:-.etbiD2 In the South by the di& ist--rating process started by the tUrd party schemers But the c' '- teTators are not big enough. C;vX of Chicago's aldermen 1 j?a keen indicted for conspiracy ti i :-uor. They were trapped by as ' Vve Mo bored a hole in the f r t," rve the room In which the I " i r l t ) talk and plan, and r lai ' , hra soheconld hear : . . i 1 1. Hi fcada stenO' ' IT. has "been aoggesied that Mr. Bill make a tout of the Southwest. It would be interesting to kno'w whether the suggestion comes from the friends of Mr. Cleveland or Mr. Hill.--Washington Star. -' Chatbman Smith is notified that many persons will . attend Democratic primary conventions who will not support the nominees of the Democratic State and Na tional , con veniiona. Mr, Smith writes a letter in reply. "Govebnob Peck, of Wiscon sin, says that five out of every six Democrats in Wisconsin are for Glevelaud, and that Hill stands no show in that State. Peck is a hnmorist, but he is in downright earnest in this." LOCAL NEWS. About fifty people left on the steamer Neute of the E. p. D. line to be preaent at the launching of the pruiier Raleigh. No doubt they will have a delightful trip. M 8i Haiti" Miichell, f Henderson, who h been visiting relnlirea snd fiUnda in the city, returned borne ye ttrday acoompanied by Mr and Mre. F. G. Mitchell on a visit The Youok Meo'e Cbrietian Associa tion has purchased an additional hun dred chairs which will give a splendid seatinK capaoitj. The gymnasinm has been covered with saadust to leesen then noiBa. ... Toe convention of United Conf (.derate Veterans meets in New Orleans April 8th. We hope a meeting of the Con federate Asiociation of Craven County will be called at once and delegates elected to attend the convention at New Orleans. The Fire. The fire whioh occurred before day yesterday morning at the junotion of Broad and Queen streets burned four buildings belonging to B. G. Moseiy, oolored, and damaged another one of hit to the extent of about 200. His total lots was $1,800. Insurance, $900, The fire originated In the building ocoapied by Dr. E. L Soott as a store. residence and lodging house. He saved nothing. His lots was $500; insurance I3C0. The ntxt building on the east was ocoapied by Mrs. K E Tillings as a residence 'and general merchandlae store. She sayed but little and what was tared was in a damaged oondition. She estimates her loss at 91,200. In surance $400. The next building, the partly burned one, was a grocery store kept by Richardson & Snelling, naught but wat put out with slight loss. They saved nearly all their stock but sustained tome loss through damage. The building adjoining the one ocoa pied by Dr. Soott on the west had been vaoant and a party was just moving far. The next one was an eating saloon. By the time the fire engines got to work the store of Mr. J. B. Hackburn waa about to est oh but was saved by the timely streams. There wat toaroely a sign of breeze at the time. If it had been otherwise the ohanoes are that the fire would have been several times as disastrous as it was. Appreciates - Their , Sympathy and . junanets. To my friends and the publio gener ally who so kindly earn to our relief since the loss of the houses and home in whloh we lived, at the reoent fire In Swantboio, N. 0., and whloh has left as almost destitute, I desire in this manner to return to them my heartfelt tnanai ana gratitude and that of mv family for their great klndnera and generosity la having so liberally donated tons many oz the necessary oomfortt of life as food,' raiment,, shel ter and olothlng &t. Our Iota la a very serious snd severe one tons, as not only the dwellings more entirely dee. troyea, out aiso our furniture,, home hold wares and thattete, and almos( every artlole of clothing we possessed we barely escaping .with bar lives, the' fire having occurred ; after midnight hours, - , - To the good people of Swansboro. we feel grateful and tender them onr sinoere thankt for their herolo efforts to ave oar property. - - - - . - - Maoek Bcbsklim' - A Denial. . The report being circulated la 1 1 ward by the knowiog(? ) ones that I am pledged to Wm. Ellis for Mayor, of this oity, Is utterly false, and I take this oooation to say that I have ao Idea of. aor will I support him f ot the above position, I hope this statement will be satisfactory ... to some nf myn misled mends wno are "enaty," . .. 8inoerely,. , Hugh J. Lovick. Newbern, N. O., Maroh 80th t8t9. , - ' ; t- Card ef Thanks,'. -: . I ' return, grateful thanks to the New Berne Fire - Department and other oltl- zens who so aealonly worked to save my property from the flames yeaterdsy morning. n. U. MOBKLTt To Boarders. . Pieasantly furnlthed rooms and good board at reasonable rates to permanent boarders. . . V, X 1IANOOOK. VecOver Fifty Tears - Ke3. WinslowIs SooTmNO Bvbot has boon unnd for children tcnthing. It eootl're the child, aofton t'-a gum, tl.'ct r'l r'1'". euros wind c n, and is s i . t H..is ... SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONTENTION. Elerenth Annual Session Held In North Carolina. Convention reassembled . at 9:15 o'clock, President Burkhead in the chair. ' -After tinging that good old song: While the Days are Going By," Prof. Hamil took up a Bible reading on the subject of "Conteoration," sub-divided follows arid outlined on a black board: let. What does it mean V Si, How it is made. 3d, What it brines. Quotation from the Bible were lead by members of the audience an 1 dis- ousted by Mr. Hamll after each read ing. O.her remarka were dwelt upon by the speaker: At the finish of the aubjeot, "Conse crate Me New" was intpiringly song by the ohoir with the full audience en- thueiaetioly joicing in. On motion the following committees were appointed : Committee on Enrollment A. S. Barber, Chapel Hill; S. L. Adams, Durham; J. W. Causey, Greensboro Committee on "Order of Business" F. S Blair, Quilford College; Jno. Q. Staple, Reidsville; Q. T, Adams, New Berne. - Cjmmittee on ''Nomination" H. N. Saow, Durham; Geo. P. McNeil, Faj etteville; Rev. W. M. Curtie, Thomae ville. Committee on Beeolutions H. O. Wall, Rockingham; Rev. W. B. Oop- pedge, Graham ;W. B. Harkar, Msxtoo; Auditing Committee J. G. Staples, W. M. Curtis, H. C. Mofflt. Mr. W. M. Camming ws elected assistant Treasurer. On motion, It was decided that pipers in different portions of the State be furnished with the most important por tion of the proceedings of the Conven tion for publication and to include all the denominational papers. Announced that Mr. Dodd oould sup ply literature for primary teaohing. Motion, That all Sunday school work ers in attendance be constituted as dele gates. Carried. Reports from distriot committees called. Whers not represented by delegates, Verbal reports were offered by the field organizer, Mr. F. S. Blaix. After eleven distriots had been heard from, Motion was made to postpone further reports till Thursday morning. Carried. Delegate from the seventeenth dittriot asked permission to make re port as be could not be with the con- tlon at the appointed lime. ' Request granted. Adjourned for dinner. Afternoos SlBSION. Two o'clock. First work, a S. S. Institute, conduoted by Prof. H M. Hamil, Supt: Illinois S. S. Normal Work. It consisted of a Normal Bible Lesson from the Old Testament. It abounded inrioh and thoughtful in struction clearly iUuitrated through the use of theblaok board, maps and charts. It was a splendid lesson, and especially interesting to those with whom the method was new. Report of executive committee was read and referred to a committee of three, ooniUting of Be vs. O G Yardell, H. O. Hall and J. G. Staples. (To be published in the Journal tomorrow.' Prof. Hamil took up the subject of Training Lesson, clearly demonstrating way for successful work in Sunday Sohoolt. It was a valuable talk from a profound and experienced instructor Every pastor superintendent and teaoh- er within reach ought to have heard ii Committee on constitution reported. Bead and adopted by sections. , Artiofe third was amended so a to Include a Woman's Mission Aid Secretary. Beobmmendatione in report of exeou tive committee were adopted. .Be port of statistical secretary read and adopted.. Meeting adjourned till night. - . - : v.; " V- niOHf SESSION. The churoh was crowded at the night session. It was an exceedingly inter esting one and profitable to- all present Evangelist Fife's Bible Beading on "Search the Scripture" was very impressive. Every one who beard Prof. Hamil must have departed with better ideas of how to teach effectively , and Mr. Reynolds' address was calcu lated to strengthen friends of the 8. 8. Association work and arouse those In different to the matter and attaoh them ; At the close subscriptions were taken and about $1,250 raised for State work. . j.r Imitators and-Impostors. The Unequalled tuooeas of Alloock'8 Posoub PbasriBS v as ;jn external remedy has y induced unscrupulous parties to offer Imitations, whloh they endeavor to sell on the reputation of Alloock'8. It is aa abturdHy to speak of them in the same oategoryasthe genuine porous plaster. Their preten tions . are unfounded, their vaunted merit unsupported by facts, their alleged superiority to or tqaallty with ALLOOCi'sa false pretense. ' vV', The ablest medioal praotitloners and chemists and ' thousands of grateful (fatlenU unite In deolaring AllooOX'S Poeoub Plastkbs the best external remedy ever produced, "ijv -i;:;; Beware-of Imitations, and do not be deceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Aixcocx's, and let no solicitation or ernianation induce you to aooept a s - . . -i ;. .; ,. , .. . MB. REYNOLDS ADDBES3. Delivered Tuesday Night Before the Sunday-school Convention. Through the courtesy of Mitt Qer- trade Jenkins, stenographio reporter, we were enabled to obtain the splendid address delivered by Mr. Wm. Rey nolds of Uiinois at the opening of the Convention,' a summary of which we here publish: "My friends: since we are assembled here and are assured of a weloome, although we had no fears of that before we came, the next question is, what are we assembled .for '( You have had fish fairs down here, and the people who oame, oame to look after the fish, I suppose. We have oounty and Slate fairs and people who oome there come, some of them to look at hone race, some to look at better breeds of ani mals, tome to look at better machinery, and if tbey find improvements to pur ohase and take them home with them. And I tell you these State and county fairs have revolutionized the whole agricultural world in the last twenty five years. We have political conven tions and conventions of various kinds; this in an age of cenventiona and I am glad of it. In our Sunday Sshool work we have an Internatianal Convention which meets onoe in three years, where dele gates come from all part of the UaiteJ States and Canada. Next year w will have the international convention in St. Louis, and the same week will be the World's convention, and there will be hundreds of delegtteg from England and the British Isles, from France. Germany and Italy, and from all parts of this globe men will be assembled there for the purpose if disouesing the Ssbbath School work, this (treat arm of the Churoh; it is the most importact branohof the Uburoh now, that we oan oonoeive of, and that is what we are gathered hire for, to deoide what can be done to help the children in this State who are now outside of all Sabbath tohools, who are of course, under no religious instruction, and who, unlets they are helped soon, will praotically have no help in thia life or the life to oome. Can any one then deny the assertion that no more impor tant convention oan possibly be assem bled to deliberate upon any subject so great as the leading of those 400 000 ohildren and bringing them under the influence of the Gospel. How is it go ing to be done ? Just be going from house to house and inviting them to oome in, and plead ingwitb them and leading them into our Sunday-schools. In all my thirty years' experience, I have never met a ohild yet that oould not be got into the Sabbath schools. If we would make the oause of Jssus Christ first and business afterward, if we would show to the world that we believe that the Bible is true, I believe God would open the windows of heaven and give us a great blessing, as be said, "bring ye all the tithes into the store house, and I will open, the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be rcom enough to reoeire it." We want to taaoh the religion of Jesus Christ; and we must teach the B ble; it U now excluded from the publio tohools of the North and aoon will be from the South. Ves,God forbid, but the tide is turning that way. We are not come here to antagonize denom inations. I am a denominationalist; but I oare for my denomination aa a means to an end, juat as an army is good only for the aoootnplishment of its purpose and when that is accomplished it is disbanded. I stand here as the representative of the International Executive (Jommittee, and I want to dearly emphasize just what is the position of the International association towards you. It is for the purpose of superintending and helping the whole land in every field. Why, I remember when the project of intro ducing national lesson papers was first introduced; some of the denominations said, 'we oan do it; we nave our de' nominational publioationa and we are going to standby them.' Do any of the denominations say now that this international system has hurt them any" No. Today there is published more literature than ever was publish ed before: tbia system has oreated a great demand for religions literature. The most important Convention in the whole line is the Township or dia triot convention. Some cf the moat blessed conventions I have ever seen have been theae little school-house oon. ventions. At the very foundation of the Church is the conversion cf the youth, irteii you when a person passes the age of twenty years, he has almost passed the dead line, so far as his conversion is concerned. Mr. Bourgeon said ii his oaoer. 'The Sword and Trowel' a few years ago, 'Out of my entire experience in the ministry, I have never bad a sin gle person to discipline in my church, wbo was oonverted in early cniidbooo, and then were trained uprightly in their Churoh. I believe that Christ is going to be with at here, for we have oome on the very mission that he oame in this world with, and be has commissioned us here. I am so glad that we as lay brethren oan work in this work with the minis ters. This a work for all, ministers. laymen, men and women." Pray for more faith that his Spirit deaoend, and we will go from this place revived, enoonaraged and instructed. Toe tervioe closed with the song, "I gave my life for thee," and the con gregation was diamiitd with the bene diotion. - ' ' '" Campbell's Portraits. The agents of B. 8. Campbell, of Nor folk, Va. will remain at the Hotel Albert for only a tew days longer. Crayon portraits SI. 00. Work on ex hibition in the Ladies parlor from 13 un. til 8 o'elook p. m, i Kbtholbs & Mitchell, "How much a man Is like bisshoe, - For Instanoe both a sole may lose. , We wish to say ia-word about Shoes.; There are all kinds of Shoes, good, bad, Indiferent.tr What kind haVe yoa been baying f Now the Shoes made by Stacy Adams & Co. and sold by us are the good kind. The prices range : from 13.00 to 15.00. They are all good, no bad or indlferent ones in thenw If that's the kind of. Shoes you are loc!u.;2 fori call on ;-K.,Vi';' j, jr. no wat-d. FIGHTING FIRE. Defective Arrangements That to be Bcniedied. Ought Near half past t vo o'clock yesterday morning a building at the iunction o' Broad and Qaeen streets, oocupied by Pr. E. L Scott was dUcovered to be on fire. Shouts proved unwailing to carry the alarm to the office, as there was no one on Ibe streets to take up the ory and pies it on to the . tation bouse, over eight blocks distant, "nd a ive have no alirra sylenn ' mfifecn ger wan at length dispatched . and at five minutes to three Ibe bell btsrtei to ring. Then came another trouble, only two or three strokes were given, before the bell rope broke at the point where it was in contact with the metal, and silenoe reigned supreme in the tower, from that time on. But slight as the notice was it Rc rved its purpose and the firemen responded promptly, and in a rcmr.rk.bly short time, considering the distance b th engines wrre on the scene of action the Now Berne's at tho pump od I!;oad street fronting Mr. W.A. M-Intnsh'e proporty and the Atlantis'e ot the om' by Mr. McCarthy 'e store. Then came another delay cf tho game nature thst occurred when Dr. L-jin-ster Daffy's and Mr. Mcintosh 'a stores were b irned a short time ago, which was the UbI disastrous fire we huva had previous to the one that ban juU taktu place. Ic will be remembe ed tlist ab that fire there was no serious apprehension at the beginning, of any jbuildlcg bciu endangered except the one on fire enJ yet the flames spread and dut oyed property on both aides of it and that this lamentable result was in a iaree meaaure due to a delay caused by some obetruotfon in the well that prevented the suction hoae reaching the water until a man was lowered into the well to remedy the trouble. We called pointed attention to the matter in the next iseue of the Journal in the belief that the barrier to free work, whatever it was would not be permitted to remain and yet on the very next occasion to use the well the same trouble is experienced and a similar delay caused which was col put an end to until another descent wast made into the well. We haye a finely equipped and re markably expert and Hilling fire department and yet notwithstanding the sums spent to equip und maintain the department, and notwithstanding thir devoted endeavors and their great tffioiinoy, their efforts aro some times seriously handicapped, aa in this instance through lack of previoui at tention and preparation in c rtain details. First, the city ought to have a good fire alarm system ao that the engines rooms oould be immediately communi cated with from any eection ao that they could not only receive the alarm but know where the fire was before the engine start to it. Agcin, until such a system ie estab lished -there ought to be arranged without further delay one or more fire bells reasonably accessible by residents of the northern aSd weetein parts of the oity. And further, until the water works are constructed and in operation, overy fire well in the oity ought to be ex amined at short and regular intervals and kept in perfect order. And lastly, as we have said ut interval, ever since the New Berne company was moved from Broad street, the engines ought to be more evenly placed. The eoulheaat corner of the oity now gets vastly more than its pro portionate share of protection, to tho negleot of other portions. At present the engine farthest removed from the southeast extremity cf the city is about four times aa far from the western and northern tides of the oity aa it is from that point, and the northwest extremity of the city la proportionately farther. The mere statement cf thia f ict io suffi cient to thow the injustice 'tioao the residents in Borne portions of the ci.y. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoni J. H. BENTON, M.D., D.D.S. DENTIST, Permanently located. NEWBERN, N.C Gat administered for the extraction of teeth without pain. mar25 dwlf Office in Hotel Albert. Notice To Truckers. 3d Box Hails, - $2.75. 4d " " - $2.50. Ii. n. Cutler & Co, : AKlN6 P0WD! Absolutely Pure. A cream of tnrtir biking powder Highest of all in lef.venit.tf mr.'ngih -Latest U S. Government Food Report. ifwau I am SOLI-: ACK I rated Beer in New 11 T I- Till! ON DRMJGE i. Schooner for 5 Cents. I kc.-p os lmi:d a CilOK'K LOT .f W!HESt UQU03S, Cigars and Tobacco. T. C. H0WASD, EED LIGHT, Middle Street, ft ear Market Dock. ni:n'3 ihvtf This space is for who is now West after stock and will ba back in a few days. P. U MTIGNE, CRAVEN STREET, 3 Door s from Beard uf Trade NEW EiillliL, L. C, Solicits for the coxsk; ohow iug ,.11 I.X'I ! U:i,i a 1 i'UU'K Msrs. A. EtBirut iz ic, vouk. " Kock.Timmoii&Co., PHILADELPHIA.. " Lippm&n Bros., 11ROU1CLYN. " Darand Eros. & Merrick WASHINGTON, O. C. " C. Welters & Co-, NEWARK, N. J. Latest quotations received daily from each ot the above markets. Stencil and Postal Car.ls can be had upon application at my office. mai24 dw3m THE Farmers & Merchants Bank NEW.BEENE, N, C Organised less than twelve months ago CAPITAL, , $76,000.00 Undivided Fronts over . $5,000.00 5 OFFICERS : Tj. H. CcWiBB, .. . President. W. 8. Chadwj.ck, Vioe-Preaident. T. W. Dkwet, . !. .'; Cashier. A. H. Poweix, f . ' : , Teller. 1 - DIREOTOE8J ; Wm. Clete, '- u P. H. Pelletler, J. W. Stewart, ' ''' , W. 8. Obadwiok, John Bater. ( O. Marks, : - L.B, Cutler, E. B. Back burn, Headcnartera for Kick el Swing Stamps, kee Collections a specialty.. .. fe2l lw Bre23 SI F ui) Store. To M5 P ronsand Friend . I havi' just received a FRESH LOT cf ICE FRUIT, I'ino Apples, Cocoauuts, Bananas, Golden l!u.sstt Apples, Florida Oranges, and a variety of other Northern Fruit wliic'.i am kept in stock. Florida Granges, ;)0c. per dozen. ltushet Apples. 40o per peck. I'ino Apples, 1 ,-. While passing llmad street please call. I will satisiv nr suit you if possible. Thanking yon kindly for past favors, hoping t.i it-ceivo a continuance of your p LtroiiMgt- BUOAM STKICET FRUIT STORE, Sct i.n.l i!r alnivo Middle, and noxt to .Mr ('has Swert's. D. BARFIELD, I'KOl'IUETOR. nnir.' jiU' li: For Ton Day. we will sell A 13c. Children's 1 5c, two for a Quarter. Guiir Fast Black. giuar ade. rpa'n of the Si.: G. C STORE. Islington HAVE JU-T RECEIVED A Squill Xjirxo CF ZsigEer's Fins Shoes f'OK LADIES. GENTLEMEN AND Oliilciron. Ev ty p vvai ranted to give PER- feci a: iSFACTION. We have juet received a Full Line of Men's, Youths' and Children's CLOTHING, Of Lto Stjle, Shade and Cuts. Ako h'm-i Nice Dress Goods COME AND FEE. Children's' Jersey Suits, Eojy's Corduroy Pants, Child: en's Shirt Waists s ifcpr.i; hose, "'ir.:."'.: ' U 14 HER VESTS, SUSPENDERS, . - ; .. '..:itd for 2 yrs. wear.) 1-. ; L i!L iJi.-iUriiiLLAiS, Frim ks iiik.I Valisete. I Ll L LINE OF Hals. felol7 dwif mm iicSORLEY. Boot and Shoe Maker POLLOCK STREET, XEW SEN, N. C. liav!uff fltturril th Pervloea of a skilled Mechauio anl tlrst-fluHa Workmtn from New Y'nit.I a;a mw luily prepared to 1111 promptly uti ouWwb tor 11 no CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AAD SHOES The n un. v years rht I hare Katlafafltorilv HiipplleJ tu waiiU of my numeroua patron iv uie uetiL KUwiuuiue ui lue ouaraoier oi my work Xepairlng a specialty. Neatly and prompt ly done. povttdwtf tatp JOHN MoSOWWT. Who Vlanjs Honey 1 Time IsJSIoney! ' Having put in a NEW REGULATOR nd oonneoted it with Washington by ' Telegraph, I am ready to give oorreot , time to each and every one. - ; ' I have also a fall stock ot all kinds of Goods in my line, which I am selling at Rook Bottom Ptioes. .. - COME AND SEE MEL ' , V SAM EATON, 4" The Jeweler, . Middle St., Oppoait Baptiai Church &5 Baxter

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