: .izr.y ATiHOVHCitttn - Tlt JOTTAL' it Bbl!he4 keiiTaradtoaitysubearibets r-r month, ' ' . ,iiiKXY JOtJBITAl bpaUlihaa t T 1 narsdsy at LM par aaanin. iuuco Marriages or Deaths aot toey -d ten line will be inserted Iree. All a b anal matter will be ehargad Jet, per Una. Itfmouit htt transient ad Tartuements moat fee mad ia adTanoe. Begnlar adTartise. ents wiil be collected promptly at tna and ai eadi month. ' . ' CormnanteatloMv ontalnlnf pavt at ta4 lent pablio Interest are solid ted. wunioatlou moit be expected te be jrobUaaed v that oonUuaa objectionable fcarmiUllUe, at withholds the nama of the fathot. ,AiUaf Vn eer than half eolnma mast be paid far. Any persoa feellnf aggrirred at aay aaonr txi oommoiUoation oaa obtain tha came of theautaorby applioatioa at tall afloat aaawun wherein las grlwaaes arista. , TH JOURNAL. C C HARPER, . I Pwarlator. 0. T. HANCOCK, - Local RHp. EnUrU at tit PottcMatmi Sm &n ' B. B. Gordon, ex chairman of the Virginia State Democratic Execu tive Committee, has been exten sively travelling through the South. He says "that ho found this sentiment jevery where un mistakably in favor oi Mr. Cleve land, so universally and so strongly so indeed that with the support . which Mr. Cleveland will receive . it. t r iv -. .a 41 i. . IB uw uvnu auu uuiimiom, mi. Gordon declares that his renomina ttoa) is inevitaole." ..IT is as unwise, as reckless of v consequences, as blind to the needs of the party and the interest of the country to foroe this silver discus sion at this time, .with nearly the whole Northern Democrats opposed to silver, as it is for white Demo erats in North Carolina to pull out of the party and to run after the lgnes fatui of Folk's leadership in to the Third party. Both moan Bepnbliean success and Democrat ic - defeat. The Jack-c -lanterns should be quiet. Wilmington Mes senger. - --- WAOES in this country are high er than they are in the. 01 1 World, , as the Protection orators constant- - ly assert. But so are the trees and the waterfalls higher, and the pnmpkins and ware t wises bigger. Wages have been relatively as much higher here for a hundred years, alike under low tariffs and they would be nnder no tariff. The greater and wider dsmand f r labor our .still - uncultivated fields and undeveloped resources, the higher average ' intelligence and produc tiveness of our workmen, the spirit of our institutions, and the oppor- . tunities of our boundless continent, all combine to multiply opportuni ties for labor and to incvease its value. Mr. McKinley has just ad mitted that tariffs were not in ten ded to increase wages. If they : could work this wonder wages in protected Germany and France would be higher than they are in free trade England, instead of much lower, as they are now and have always.been. THE CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT. The theory that America affords an asylum for the oppressed of all lands seems abont to bo exploded. Some years ago the American party commonly called the Know Nothing party announced as it) policy the exclusion of all persons not native born fromtho honors and emoluments of cflico. Its slogan - was, "Americans must rule Ameri ca." That party was of short du ration, but it was not killed by its Americanism, so much as by its religious intolerance. There is how and always has been, a strong sentiment in this country ag.iinst the preponderance of foreign in fluence. The communism that has manifested itself ia sorao of our cities has increased this feeling of opposition until it has become active and violent hostility. Again, and again, have the peo ple appealed to Congress to erect barriers to the influx of foreigners, especially Chinamen, and again and again have aots been passed intended to limit immigration, bat never before has so exclusive a measure been proposed as the bill that has just passed in the Bouse of Representatives. UTa flhlnttmman nan hAraaff.Ar - aw v.... come,, to this country, and should any of those who aro now hero go ; away, it will be never to return. All are excluded except the Minis ter and members of the Chinese ' legation- The ground on which this policy of strict exclusion is sought to be Justified ''- is that the unrestric ted immigration of the Chinese is fall of danger both to our institu tions and industries. With the lights before ns, we do dot approve of the bill. ; We do cot-bellevethe danger ia as great r i it has been represented ' to be; if it" were, p jgre&tef it would K, j .ctLfy ' an dpwrand fla- ation of treaty obligation, We agree with . the Washington Post that, "The passing of the bill in its present shape would, in this respect, be an act nnwortby of the legislature of a country that boasts of its holding the foremost position among civilized nations, and while there may be reasons for discour aging the admission - of certain classes . of Chinese immigrants, there can be no valid reason given for a inde and dishonorable breach of treaty stipulations on the part of this Government. C03GBES8. All things considered, Congress is doing well. The best thing about it, perhaps, is, it is getting ready to adjourn. The villous silver question has been disposed of, and a breach has been made in the iniquitous tar iff. - v The appropriation bills are well underway. Extravagance has been checked, and the publio mon ies applied where they will do most good. Bepublicans are employing ob structive tactics, but with little success. It was not to be expeoted that the present session would accom plish much positive legislation- In all sessions preceding Presidential elections, moatof the time is passed in skirmishing, preparatory to the great battle that is about to be fought. In Mr. Cleveland's speech made at Providence to the Democrats of Bhode Bhode Island he confined himself to a discussion of tariff Re form, saying not a word about silver. His faith in the position taken by the Democratic party on this question has not abated one jot or tittle. It is the only issue' to be met in November. The division in the ranks of the Democratic party on the silver question is not more radical than the division among the Republicans, who by the aot of 1880 are committed to a policy of silver storage and inflation which, if per sisted in, will bring abont all the devils of unlimited coinage. Until the Harrison administrations hall have removed the silver beam from its own eye it. eannot consistently find fault with Democratic infla tionist, Mr. Cleveland, therefore, wisely preaches the political wis dom of doing one thing at a time. He does not hide his ideas of the 70-cent dollar under a bushel. His position as to questions of finance are well known. But the people of the United States mast meet the tax question first, and settle side issues afterward, when they Bhall have more time, more occasion and a clearer nr. lerstanding of the merits of the matter in dispute. The Power of Honey. What an influence for good or evil is exerted by the proper or, improper use of money. It seem to be the first es sential of modern life. Bad indeed ii the lot of that man or that woman without money and without friends. Especially in cases of sickness is the need of money "elt most pressinely. and yet even thb rich with all their money fall into a state of poor health and die, whereas if their money was rightly expended ana the propel reme dies 'applied they might regain health and strength. Z A. Clark, Atlanta, Ga., saya: "I spent four hundred and eighty dollars in gold to care me of terrible blood poison ttmt affected my limbs and nose and body, with running ulcers. One month's treatment of B. B. B. healed the ulcers, restored my appetite, strengthened my kidneys and added 21 pounds to weight. " Still, in spite of this and much other testimony there are many who refuse to try the remedy, seeming to prefer to py large fees to physicians, or visit distant epilogs in vain hopes of re covery. The great truth however, ever shines btigbtly and that is, that no one who ever gave B. B. B. (Botanio Blood Balm) a trial ever found disappoint ment therein. O. H. Rudolph, Talladega. Fla., writes: "I had blood disease for six years, but nothing benefitted me, although I paid two hundred and fifty dollars for treatment. At last I tried B.'B. B. and found it a qoiok and cheap blood purifier. There are peculiar ways in men, which discover what they are through the most subtle feints and clever disguises, A block-head cannot come in nor go away, nor sit nor rise' nor stand like a man of sense. LEMON EL1X1K. A PLEASANT LXHOR DBI5K. fur biliounees and constipation, take Lemon isuxtr. For indigestion and fouli omaoh, take Lemon Elixir, For siok and nerrous headaohea, take Lemon Elixir For sleeplessnsM and nexTOtunass, take Lemon Elixir. For lose of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For feyer, chilli and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fall yon la any of the above diaeneee, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomaoh, kidneys, bowels or blood.. Prepared only by Dr. H. Hosier, Atlanta, Ga. f 50o. and 91.00 per bottle, old by druggist. ' a PBOMNKNT KWIOTEH WHITES. ' Afte ten yean of great laSerlng from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, bllionsneee, disordered kid oeysand constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Motley's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. - Bev. 0. 0. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, . No. 83 Tatnall st., Atlanta, Ga. S. 0. Drcsc-eY, "ATTORNEY AT LAW, - SEW BESNS, N, C. " , Office Over Citizens Bank. I ansa- Sm:Ibc:d & Slaver, DEALERS IN General Hardware, , Am Harness, Sash. Doors, Blinds, Faints, Oils, Varnish, Glass and Putty, Lime, Plaster, flair and Cement Agents for DEVOE & CO'S celebrated Beady Mixed Paints, which are strictly pure goods. MIDDLE STREET. THE Mutual Life Insurance COMPANY OF JNEW YORK ISSUES EVERY DESIRABLE FORM OF POLIOY. Its New Distribution Policy is the Most Liberal ever offered by any Insurance Company. Assets, Dec. 31, 1891 : $159,507,138.68. Endowments and Death Claims paid last week: 369,887.51. Average Daily Payments: $61,647.92. C. A, BATTLE, f4 tf At Journal Office. DEEATMAGAZIJiE- The Century's Programme in 1892 A New "Life of Columbus" Articles for Farmers, etc. that great American periodical, The Century, is going to ontdo its own nnrivaled record in its programme for 1892. and as many of its new features begin with tbe November nnnber, sew readers should commence with that issue. In this number are the opening coapters or "The Naulahka, a novel be Kudyard Kipling the tamouB author oi "flam Tales from the Hills," written in collaboration with an American writer, Woloott Balestier. It is the story ofa young man and a yonng woman from a "booming" Colorado town, who go to India, he in search of a wonderful jeweled necklace, called "the Naulahka" (from which the story takes its name), and she aa a physician to women. The novel describes their remarkable adven tares at the court of an Indian maharajah. Besides this,: The uentnry win print three other novels during the year, and a great nnmber oi snort etoriesDy the best Ameri can story-writers. Tbe well-known.humoriBt Edgar W.Nye ("Bill Nye") is to write a series of amusing skercbes which he calls his "autobiographies," the first one of which, "The Autobiog raphy of a Justice of the Peace,1' is in November. This nnmber -also contains a valnaple and suggestive article on "The Food-Supply of the jfotnre, wnion every farmer should read, to be iollowed fcy a nnmber of others of areat Practical value to Farmers, .treating especially; of the relations of the Government! toH ine iarmer, wnar u is doing; ma what it should do This series! jmu inolnde contributions f rom ..officBU of the Department of Agricnlttrre, and other well-known men will' dis cuss "The Farmer's Discontent," "Cooperation," etc etc. --;-; A celebrated Spanish writer is to furnish a "Life ' of Columbus," which will be brilliantly illustrated, ana tne puniisnersor ine uentury have arranged with the managers of the World's Fair to print articles on tbe buildings, etc . -: : : . ; One of the novels to appear in 18921s A story of new York Life by the author of "The Angloman iacs," and the magazine will contain a great deal about the metropolis dnring the year, among other things a series of illustrated articles on "The Jews in New. York." In November is an illustrated descrip tion of "The Players, Club," found ed by Edwin Booth, and one of the features of the splendidly illustrated Christmas (December) nnmber is an article on "The Bowery.". , . - To get The Century send the yearly subscription price ($4.00) to The Centur- Co., Union Square, New York 1 r. SPECIALTIES AT J. F. TnYLOIl'S. Tobacco, Cora Whiskey, " y BORAXtNE, Special Drive in COFFEE, and a large lot of olher Groceries, suoh as Farmers and everybody else need and G. H. Waters & Bin, BUGGY1 AND OAREIAGE : Manufacturers, Have moved-in their New Building on Broad street, near the Railroad, ani are now better prepared , To Do First Class Work on every kind of Vebiolee. Will ale continue HOUSE-SHOEING at th same price as before. ' . Also; we wish to call your attention to our new addition. We have a first class HARNESS MAKES, who is known North aa well as South, eo we will make Harness of all kinds. Bepairius done neatly and promptly at short notioe. -Thanking the publio for past patron age, we ask a continuance of the same. feblSdwtf NORTH CAROLINA-. Pamlico County. ' In the Bnperlor Court Spring Term, 1893. Nathan Oahoon, plaintiff, agalnat The In terstate Ufa Association of Staunton, Virginia, delendant. The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled aa above nas been commenced In the Bnperlor Oonrt of Pamlloo connty, to reoover of tbe delend ant corporation the turn of one thousand dollars, and doe plaintiff by reason of an insurance policy leaned by defendant corpo ration on tbe life of Mary Cahoon for the benefit of plaintiff, and the defendant cor poration will farther take notioe tbat tt is required to appear at the next term of tbe Superior Court of said county, to be held at the oonrt house In Bayboro, N. C. on the 11th Monday after the 1st Monday in March, in., uvuii ,u. mavk v, u.;, 400a, iiu an swer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion, or plaintiff will apply to the court for tne reiier aemanaea in eaia eompiaint. This 14th day of March, 18m. PECTUS MILLER. O. 8.(1. OAHO A Liiqh, Att'ys for Plaintiff. m25 When Will February Hare Five Mori days! To the first person Bending in a correct answer to the above, telling how many times February will have five Mondays from January 1, 1892. to January 1, 1942, a period of fifty yean, half a oentury, we will give a gentleman's or lady's donble-oase gold watch, positively worth $40; to the 1 second correct answer a gentleman's or ladies gold watch chain, worth f 25; To the third correct answer, a gentleman's or ladies silver natch, worth $20; to the five next oorreot answers, five exceed ingly handsome silver watches; To the ten next correct answers, "The Life, 8peecb.es and Writings of Henry W. Grady." the handsomest book oi his life ever printed, bound in cloth and gold and handsomely illustrated, printed in large, dear type the regular prioe of which is $3.50 per volume, To the next twenty ooireot answers we will send a copy of Farm Culture," a book of 200 pages, - the most valuable work on agrionlture and horticulture -t ever : published. The regular prioe of this book Is $2 per volume: . To the next twenty-five correct answers, six months' subscrip tion to The Southern Farm. Should this prise fall to one who would not wish the magazine, we will send it to any name they may send us. Phizes fob All. . We do nofintend any one who answers this advertisement shall be slighted, and there fore make the following proposition: To every one who answers this, stating in wnat paper they saw the 'ad' (this positive ly must be done) and does not get one of the above enumerated prizes, we will send postpaid The Southern Farm for Maroh and April. We want every reader in the pouth to Bee these two magnificent issues of this superb magazine. These two issues alone will bo worth $1. All we ask from you in. this offer is that eaoh answer be accompanied with 25 cents to help pay postage and white paper on whioh these two issues are printed. Send Silver, either two dimes and a mckie, pr t twenty-five-cent piece, Wrap mpney up in a piece of paper and enclose in ordinary leirer. ao answer counted unless 25 cents is enclosed.) I KEMEMBEE. f That every person who answers this is sure at least pi getting tor two months the best ' . magazine on earth, even if yon don't get the $40 watch, $25 gold chain. $25 ' ; silver watch or one of the silver watches worth no or a copy of the Grady book, yon are certain of getting the if aim worth four times the amount of money yon are required to sent. In order to equalize distances ho letters will ' be opened before Wednesday morning, February 17th at 9 o'olooK. xou rare uxeiy rto get one of these prizes, if yon ; answer anytime . daring February; AH answer! most . be sent .through the mail or else they will not be counted. Address THE SOUTHERN JTABU, Constitution buildings Atlanta, Ga liOnSES fltiPOLES. I hare just received a TINE LOT of WjesteraNorth Carolina HOBSES AND MULES. ALSO, A FINE LOT OF BUGGIEb, ROAD t ORTS .y.:'haiiiie:3. Ail of wbioh X will sell VEB7 CHEAP for oath or approved paper. - , f - Civ me a trial. " ' ' - bfL d, 1c, CAOBY, Surgeon Dentist, VV. D, MclVERr . Attorney-atrLaw ' NEW BERNE, N. C. atarxldwtl - . ; DR. J. P, CLARK, . NEW BERNCi n. ci ': arOntbeea glrnt, between Follockand P. H. PELLETIER, AT TOR N' 1ST AT IAW. Oravon St.,' two doors South of Journal offloe. Will practice In the Conn ties of Graven, arteret. Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. t. United Btates Oonrt at New Berne, end BDsreme Conrt of the Stat. THE Farmers & Merchants Bank NEW BERNE, N; C Organized less than twelve months ago CAPITAL, . , $75,000.00 Undivided Profits over . $5,000.00 OFFICERS : L. H. Cutler, . . President. W. S. CHA.DWJCE, ' Vioe-President. T. W. Dkwky, . Cashier. A, H. Powell, . . . Teller. DIRECTORS : Wm. Cleve, P. H. Pelletier, J. W. Stewart, W. 8. Chad wick. John Butfr. O. Marks, L. H, Cotler, E B. Hacbburir. Headquarters for Nickel Saving Stamps. Collections a specialty. fe21 lw Listen to plain facts about the Kabo corset. You can't break the bones-for one thing. If you do, within a year, you'll have your money back; Soft eye-lets-that's another thing that can't be had with other cor sets. And hear how it's sold: if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get your money. O. MARKS & SON, We will place on Sale To-day onlyi some hand some STERLING SILVER abut 33 1-3 i PER CENT CHEAPER THAU CAN BE BOUGHT ELSEWHERE. -' " 7 A rare pipportunity lo. get a wedding, or Christmas gift veryeneap. t . o - BELL" THE JEWELER. """iljl wsvasasssw rwMVt awoisi Aoenov Tor N ' - ' D 0E8I0M PATKNTS ?tt:T, COPVRIOHTS. to. For lnformstlon and free Handbook writs to ; MI1NM A an mn Rmnwir Hnr Tn Sldest traresa for seonitnf patents in Amerloa, rvrr Pten taken oat bj ns is brought before toe publio bj a notice given frw of charge in tbe it BUbhsbs. in Broadwar. w fork. BEST THING UNITED STATES it- ' 4;'TsrfT4-tinw"l:X $3 per year, omitting Bondayp THE TAEIIEB - 4 jBTJSWESSj&Altis , ,-. .. , ... , 1.1 ; .,, , . - , -.. Address, TE3 i:T 1 I f A SLOOJciYcarllllll ; G0c.;forl6,f.i0ijili3.; . I, OWLV Erom Until Jan. -FOE WEEKLY NINE COLUMN FOLIO L AEG The Daily $5.00 Per Year. : Circulates in every direction daily mail, and is a splendid medium for advertisers.; . ! Liberal Advertising Rates. j We lhave just received a large lot otUeW" '5 'u aiiusuuio uuoiis, oom tne JJauy ana weeklv Editifins. Call andwa see ;tnem, and get one araua w stb. sri im. a u i.iih . w hu ic u fiTia iron v entitle you to a book. y 7isi.-'-r,;g7y ..-.'.U- ..5,,. aai I ii i -v- L'i im i r;f i an t; wmw$:?.z xm m w w w m m m mm Jn AAnnoMiAD with t.ria JAnnwit , 4hAA fa i -TrTTl QT-PT.S M . OB DEPARTMENt. AU fcindsf work executedlin the'bert 'pl ..::?:;-eii.-L.i''t Tk. ' -.A f ;-V-'.;.: f'::.i . ';., f -: .Posters, : ; - . '2Xft"'ZPl - 1 "e V-'; -.9. 'P$f-'-'i '- Yf 80c. Now 1st, 189S THE- JOURNAL, E AMOUNT OF READING. Journal. 50c. Per Month. from New Berne, where there & a which we C1UD XWltll r. by . paying one , year ill; rl arv u a r ww wr . ?m m wm . -m nv .- m an motmm aa nwww mm a m am : ..:,v7..-. : y-yf-:: : '-.'''V--'---r-..'::-..!fairi'S .-.I :'::- : ? ' s-rt;: I-? mi mi it h j m m m igm ' nl '.:'. '',' 'mm-JL-f . ' And all kinds of work. C"TT' C ?