V J - T v t tt id r fr Infjnta and Children. , ,IUktlMitl,ligmNllt .vs 'i .,; . . ..- 1 - -"- " " -' .VrllkJC.-..! , "- i 'in' - '-in ii i ClyuVtfN. 0. Freight Line. Sta're Beo.E. .tout, Defimce and Vesper. Oa ana attar February 1st, 1891, thi line will auki regular 8BMI-WEJ2KLT TKIPS bitwxik Baltimore and . New Berne LMTlni Bal.lmore for New Berne. WED MMDAY, BATTJBUAY. t BIX P. M. leaving New Bern for Baltimore, TUKB- DAY, FRIDAY, at TWKLVii, NOO.V. tbrehaat ul Stalpperi, Take otlce. - Thli la to only DIRECT line ont of Verne for Baltimore without cbaiig e, atop ' ping only' at Nokfolk,oonneoting itien for Boatoa, VrovWeuce, HilladolpliU, Rich mond, and aU point NortU, Kas( and Went, Ifaklnf eloee oonnaetlon lor a I point 1 y A. C. rUUroad and Hirer out of New Beru .- AH'-aMM .ia follows: aXUUa.V n i KK, Uen'l Manajor, -,i 0 Light St., Baltimore. . JAA, W.atOUABKIOK, O. B.Agt,. Nonolk.Va W P Olyde A Oo., fnlladelpbla, 12 Sootr: wharves. Mew York Kelto. Tram. Line, Pier Murtn river, ki, ftaoipson, Boston , 68 Central wharf, . .-. H. KokweU, Frovidenoo, K. U rthlp lav Boston, Tuesdays and Saturdays ' " New York dally. - " Haito., Wednesdays a Batoraayt " Philadelphia, Monday, Wednea- daya, Saturdays. ' rtovldenoe, Saturday. riu-ODgh bill lading gives, and rale guar ntoed to all polnu at the dxtfereut offloes o: tu enmpaulM a low aa by any other line. AVOID HKHA.K.AGB OP BULK AMU , IP VIA N. C. LINK. U, B. GRAY. Agent. New Heine. N. 0. 019 BOQiniON 9EMI-WEEKLY LINE, Ms Old Imlnlon Steamship Com. paay'e Old and Pavarlta Water t.at, via Albemarle and Vn.aap.ak Vaaal. ton irfolk, Maltlmar. fiew Yerk, Pltlta d.lphla. Bolton. Frovldeaie, BBd Washington City. And aU point, North. East and West. On and after TUESDAY, A PHIL 14th, 18!H ntU further notloe, the Steima 8EWBERNE, Ca.pt. Sauthgats, ' Will aall from Norfolk, Va for Kew Berne. I. Indirect, every aaonaay ana rnnrsaay, ' making eloae connection with the A. N. O. H. U lor arl station on that road, and - Willi the Mteanaer Kloston and Howard for Klnston, Trenton, and all other landlngson ' (he MeuMvaud Trent Rivera. RatUTnlns.wlll sail r ROM NEW BERNE. FOK NORFOLK dlreot, at 12 in , Tuesdays and Friday making oonneotlon with the O. 1,8. 8 Oo.'s ships for New York, B.H. P.Oo.'e ' taamer for Baltimore: Clyde Line Ship " for Philadelphia, M. A M. T. Co,' ships for , Boston and Provldw ce. 8teamer Klnaton, Capt Dixon, will sail " tor ManBtoa.' .on, arrival ox steamer new bent. - t ' Order all gooda ear of 0 1). i'. .().. Nor : rolk.Va.i i h .-. - Passengers will and agood table, comrort- 0le room, and every eonrtesy ana atien " tlon will be paid them by the oi&oera. ist ,m -,i B b. ROBERT3, Agent. alaesas. oebPSPPBH a tdbnkr, AgenU, Norfolk, Va. 4-8TANFORD, . . Vie -Preelden New York City. EternCaroliiia Dispitch. - Kaat Passenger and freight Line between V XTJa-W 3333H.PJ-0E1, r Xastarn North Carolina Points, and all con neetlocaof the - PKSHsTIiVASIA RAILROAD..' , ' . .4... JHOLDDIICa Hew Yerk, Philadelphia, If orfa Ik, Bal At OtltVT Trl-Weel I - New Bei Trl-Weekly Line Oat of New Heme THM sav AND ELEUANTLY EQUIPPED : Halls from New Bernet :. WOlfDAVS, .-. -'" WKONB8DAYU " FttlOAYS, A.T 4,80 X.XsX., Stopping at Hoauoke'Ualand eaoh way and - ' Norfolk Kouthero Railroad. , - The BasternfDlspaton Line, oonslstlng of - tst wummg to r, B, xs. uo rtonoia noninern el. R New York Thlla, and Norfolk K. R., and Pennsvlvana K. R.. form a reliable and " legalar line, offering superior faellltle for iiulok passenger and freight transportation. No transfer exoept at Elisabeth City, at which point freight will be loaded on oar to ' so mrongn toaeeiination. Dlreot all goods to be shipped via Kattern fHuollea DisDath dalv as follows: - Prom New York, by Penna. K B Piers?, North Klver. - -From Philadelphia, by:Phlla W.nd Balto. R. B., Dock Bt. Station. '.-" from Baltimore, by Phil., WlLand Balto. . n n., rmiu.ni st, dihioii, ' Prom Boatoa, by aierehante A Miners Trans rotation Co.; New York and New England , -Kteslowndtim unloksr thanpy prvtnoriius i ,.. .' -i . i-i. . ' . .' Vor further lnfnrmatlnn annlvtn W. II. JOToa.fGen'l Freight Traffld Agent, r, n. n.) ueneiatxramo-agent, Oao. !HTi'Utli,t .Division freight ' Agent, r. W. B. JR. R., PhHndelphla, if :r ! '. . B. B. Cook, GenT Freight Ageht-t N. Y. r. at n. ifc tfc.norioia, v . . II. O. Uddoih tieneral rrefghtAgent N.S , B, Norfolk. Vs.. " r ' r. ; ,. .,...,.. i.v., - New berne, N. 0, "Sr 3ll'sgltH'rWrr-htWlK'-II rfiafrr-k' V wi'k fr nn, by Ami I'ticn, Aue'tiv, f'.-xtKi, mt .TtM. tlgnn, Twlodn, Wdo it f. oilr-redo!ipv'eri. Why r'r - Hom nmi bvor iO).) iiui.it), Vim rutido the work and.Hv .. snin'soim mi fT'ly Mrainc from $S to jp 1 ' n dn v. A tl gf. Wo ihow yoH how nm! "tart rnw. Can work In nMniinM UrsTTrrhHSlrrl, H!ir noiey for work- . era. Minura otUHMMwei trtonsr iDtm. - K IW won.k-rfiil. 1'Artloutar.frw J.. HOP. aUaaWsna. firs atept WaV SSVStaB VMM t B?BS sasSSSSBflBBaS . MwkMrtliiaiiilll mt.Tmmm.yp. ' lmsrainaAva. asm Yaws. joe k: WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF NEW BERN E, N. C. Italian mi Jjuriecm ittrWi ami A Order! toliclted and riven cramnt at. tentioa. with atitfaAties (tMrantoed. Terra Cfttta Taesribr taats and fntwr avaished at tka vary lewstt rttes. Boot and Shoe Maker. All Styles ol Boots and Shoes made to order on short notice. Repairing: a Specialty. N. ARPEN, Craven stiest. opposite Journal oflloe. mmm m mrm mmm a mtmi mmiw mm. m, VETERtNARY SPECIFICS For Hones, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Eoga, AND POULTRY. BOO Page Book on Treatment of Animal and Chart Sent Free, ctmze Fevers,CenceBtlons.Inflanimatlon A. A. 1 HpiDal Meningitis, 0111k Fever. B. B. (.trains, Lamenees, Rheumatism. C. C. Distemper, Naenl Discharges. D. D. Bote or Grnba, Worms. E. E.CBavba, Heaves, Pneumonia. F. F.Colio or tiripes, Bellyache. G. G.aiiscarrlage, Hemorrhages. 11.11. Urinnry and Kidney Diseases. LI."Ernpttve Diseases, Mange, J. K. Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over 90 dosesX - - ,00 Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, Veteriuary Cure Oil and Medlcator, $7.00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - . 1,00 BttA by PrafMi mr Mat pnfM MTWbmiai ataST famalllr oa reMlpt f ariei. uiarnims' med. ca, in a ii a woiiia St., i.Tii. SPECIFIC No do In naaa SQ ipgr Th fmrr saitwsaiifnl MmtwvfooV Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, And Proctntion. from ovr-work or othtr. oaiuac ' 1 par vial, or 6 ri&U arid lAi-jr Tii powdttpior - Sold by Orogitltti, or Mt poaUparfd od rcpt of prico I1TJKP1UU.18 MMD. CO., Ill A11S WMlm St., l.ooo Canulna Tvlar Curtain Desk SSI and 24 Net Spot Cash. . No. 4MrT Antique Oak Standard Tyler Seeks, 4 ft. flla. ions by aft. Bin. high. . Mice and Dust Proof, Zlno Bottom nnder drawers! patent! Brass lined Curtain; Polished Oak! Wrlungtablei6Tnm bler locki one lock securing all drawers) 8 heavy cardboara Filing Boxes) Cupboard In end! Paneled Finished Back) Extension Arm Slides! wetgkt COO lbs. Prlee, F. O. B. at factory, IHtSft Also 1,000 Antique) Aerr Desks, j. No.aooa. Same as above, eace pt made of Solid Antique Ashtgood aa oak, Welaht 300 lbs. Prlee F. oTjb. Factory, Net, Snipped fmm our TndlansDolls factory dlrsct. Made and sold solely by tbe TYLER DESK CO., St. Louie, Mo .lMpuaOataloriuornaal Omuun.DHklr Ma.riasslsls - nrln - mmnvmnat -' IT HKHII r. K.KI I N lout, ItepreeantI Inrorane Company of Worth America, of fnUadelphla. -: Eomtlntnrsnee Company, of Kew York. TQneea InjnranM Company, of England. - UartloM fir Ins or an oe Company, ol sjeruoro, North Ca; Balaleh. l Bpt lagnraaoa Company, OrAwitA ilajTuaao Company, tf Hw Trfc r- -.-. ! ,..-- - I hanlx Ismrano Campaoy, of Brooklyn, Liited Cnderwritera Iniuranoa Company, Beaton Kartat Insarano Company, of Boatoa. . - " . Julys dwtf T mn rtrm n snttf, te,orln itrtlol-aof food, II wMUMi7 urmiwi snq wm wuwm htvrmiwM ana will Wtoi perm It care. whethr hi It irormn alcohono wrort. 1 1 NKV- tt -ay care, woe ta iiwii-iv rlrlkkk rMrAn aiCOB Ii .rttociwUr and with auc e-trtniutf thai ti pun tanuwrgjov no moo notv .tgfc. a arOOal BIS OOIDJIH- KVlurtUKUtAan, luitnn:, m frt TobobaAoi E. Ki Duff, draggl-,Kw Bw rmm can K eiaroeit at oor !CFW n ifwotk. ri.fdty and iwnwrablr, by tbuso of Ukor mx, YouMir r old, anrl Id iHr liilll I owtoaulItira,wliertvariliFylivw. Anj m U oim can do ill work. Kny to lr it.dijf. Wo start yu. No rlalc. You can dnvoii mi, tir all your Winrt to Ilia work, 'iiiialaaii i .iii in i'liTH woiidtrf"! inn I" n?rv c Eastern Not Carolina THE JOURNAL; ; Tuberoses.. Tbe late John HenderiOD, of Flashing. : L. I., was the first to Undertake the growing of taberoees for oommetoial parposea, Tais was about the year 1856. Preyioas to that time, and for ' some" years tnereaiter, all tne taDereeo pnios ased here were grown in Italy, and it was there that Mr. John Hender son became interested i in their cultivation: not for their bulbs, however, bat for their flowers, from which ' he made extracts for pasfames. He cammenced in what we should consider now, a very small way, bat what was tnen considered a venture; hia largest output would not exceed an acre, For a few years notwithstanding the pre jadioe that most American florists had against American grown bulbs, he made it a por&table branoh of his business. For several years the bulbs sold at from six to eight dollars per one hundred, tne thousand price being rarely known or given. His successes soon tempted others, and, within a lew years, considerable quantities were grown on Long Island and in flew Jersey. So popular were the Long island bnlDs that they soon made a reputation as being the best in tbe market. Importations from Europe began gradually to fall off, and tbe borne industry made rapid strides At the close of the war, some of tne dealers saw in tne uoutn a congenial home for tbe tuberoce, and Commenced its growth in North Carotin. Tbero tbe season is snffloienty long for the bulbs to perfect their growth in one year from the sets, which they will not do at the North in less than two. Tbe climate on the coast is most favorable for tbo development of tbe bulbs and the soil is, in all respects, as well adapted for its perieotion. This enterprise, which was followed up with commendable zeal, has completely revolutionized the tuberose industry. Tbe South being able to produce as good, if not better, bulbs in one year than the .north can in two, naa it all id her own bands. Southern growers are able to sell tuberose bulbs at tbe same price per thousand as the North must have per hundred, to make the industry profitable, conse quently, they have secured nearly all the business. Strange as n may appear that there should be so wide a difference in the cost of production in the two sections of the ebuntry, it is easily explained. It costs more to keep tbe bulbs over winter than it does to grow them a season: besides, one year at tke North will not quite perfect them, and two years is a little too much; consequently, many bulbs are wasted. At the South, also both land and labor are cheaper than at the North. 0. L. Allen in American Agriculturist. When to Clean the Teeth. Of all t'ie people who clean their teeth habitually eace day, probably only a small number make a prac tice of doing so regularly after eat ing the most important time of all. It is while eating that all the little cavities or interstices between the teeth become the repositories of fragments of food, or traces of some acids in the food are left on the teeth to cause incipient decay and hasten it where it has already commenced. It is, of course, de sirable to brush the teeth on rising m the morning and before retiring at night, bat it is of infinitely more importance that they should be thoroughly cleaned after eating. SIHPIiSI IV COSSTRTJCTIO.V. PERK1NENT IM DC RATI 0.1. KASILT APPLIED. ITS 8KII.L FTJI. USE O.TJICKI.T liBARNEU. The Eleetropoise Is an Instrument for THE liUBE OF WISKABE WITH0C1 1KEDIC1ME. BAMRD on new theories of the cause and cure of disease. It deals with tbe electrical and megnetlo conditions of the body and the gases surrounding it in - the atmosphere controlling these condition at will. It I not electricity. DISRASB la simply lm- S aired vitality. The Electro polie constant r adds to tne vitality ana only assists Itatnre, In NatarVs way, to throw off the trouble. fA 40-page book, deaorlblng treatment and containing testimonial from all eeottona, and for the cure of aU diseases, mailed Hit oa application. Address ATLANTIC ELECTROrOISE CO., Washington, D. C. Charleston, 8. 0 Atlanta. Ga. " '-. '; W, It. WATSON, Agent, s-V ' Kew Berne, N O - A sinister glance betokens an evil purpose.': '. V. , '- THE STAGS AND TUB PULPIT Bev, F. M. tjhrout, Pastor United Breth ren Charoh, Blue Honnd-Ean.,-aaya: "I feel It my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Dioovery naa dona for sn My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few,, weeks.' I took five bottles of Dr. Elnjt'4 New Disoovsry and am sound and well, gaining 26 lbs. in weight." Aithar Love,' Manager Love's Fanny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thor ougn trial and eonvineing evidence, I am confident -Dr. Xing'a New Disoovery for Consumption beats am aU and eure when everything also iaila.' The greatest kind ness r 'oau do ray' many thousand friends is to urge them to try it". : Free trial bottles at F. 8. Duffy's dni2 store. Regular slzee 60o, and WMjf-iA " " r W1 '.v ' Bebnff is a wet blanket that dampens ardor. ?:'t'T k'- fl. - . - ' . ' j-c'vvA; . ' BOOKLEll'S ARNICA SALVE The Best Salve la the world fot Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Kheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles; or no pay required. It is p- '"Weed to give perleot satisfaction, or ii v refunded. Price 2"i cents per b"X . i in owtern by F. S. DuSy, i i 1 df ' t. To Pr ociSe Certificates For MANTEL CLOCK Buy Tour. Old Virginia Cheroots FROM WHOLESALE GEOOEB, MIDDLE STEEfiT, NBW BEBNE. N. 0. (aTTwo CertiBcatea in every Box. ROBERTS & BROa Wnelesale Dealer In Groceries, Provisions JOBACCO and SNUFF, BOOTS and SHOES. We are alio acenta for STOCK "DIADEM' PLOUK, every barrel wan anted. A large atock of PURE WEST INDIA M0LA8MKS, our own Importation. Ar Come to aee na, or aend yonr orders Ton will and oar Prices as LOW as the Lowest. mat34dwt ROBERTS' BRO PROFESSIONAL AND ARTISTIC PAPEHING. All kinds of FIRST-CLASS WORK ia this lioe done on SHORT NOTICE and at REASONABLE PRICES. Samples and all the latest styles can be seen by applying at the GASTON HOUSE. WM. P. LAWRENCE. W. P. JONES I now oarryicg a Large Stock ol Furniture AND Manufacturing and Cleaning MATTRESSES, Opposite the Gaston House, and res pectfully asks a share of patronage from tbe public. Agent for the Excelsior Clothes Horse. TO THEJJOBLIG. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE FIFTY DOLLAKS In the purchase of a FIANO, and oa Ttn to Fifteen Dollars In tbo purchase ofan OKU AN, addr. bs ADOLPH COHK, NEW BERNE, N. C, General Agent for North Caro!ini, who now handling gods dlreot iron the manu facturers, aa follows: HIGH GRADE ITIEIII.I1V PIANOS. distinguished for tone, workmsnBhlp and durability, and endorsed by nearly all the musloal Journals In tbe United Htates. Made by Paul ti. Meblln.wbo Is at Ihlstlmeoneot the best mechanics and inventors of the day. Thirteen new patents on thlB high-grade Mehlln Piano. Also the NBWBY& KVANS UPRIGHT PIANO, which has been sold by him for the past six years In the eastern part of this State, and up to this time has given entire satisfaction The Upright Pianojust men tioned will be sold at from P200 to $1.0, in Kbonlzed Rosewood, Oak, Waluut or Ma hogany oasea. Alan the CROWS PARLOR ORGAW, from SoU to Iluu In solid walnutor Oak ciees Ten years' experience in tbe muulo busi ness Las enabled him to handle nothing bnt standard goods, and he does not hesitate to say that lie wl'l sell any musloal Instrument about 83 per cent, ohesper In u other agents are now offering, Refer to all banks In Foster. n Carolli a, Ian23 dwtf How is Your Blood? I bad i malignant breaking out on my leg be'iOT the knee, and was cured sound and well with two and a half bottles of B. 8. S. Other blood medicines had fail ed to do me any good. Wm. C. Beaty, Yorkvffle, S. C. I was troubled from childhood with an aggravated case of Tetter, and three bottles of S. 8. 8. cured me perma nently. Wallace Mann, Mannvillc, I. T. Our nook on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swdjt Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ga. S. R. STREET, General FlllEflfJ . . Insurance Agents NEW BERNE, N. C. PCIITQ WAFTKltowhom nnnniftlly HIVbFIbI I iH Ktul taaaaasalll bTw Lai mm a ) isf iayva wvj - win w sat tcu w all oar new book, LU and Work of ; SRUR6E0N1 The world greatest preacher I dead, and bnndred of thousand of ourlstlen families swell as Clergymen, Bible readers, stn dat. waltln for aa opportunity la pur chase tkta book Ve want aeenu to aall thi book right now, while the interest 1 ereateet, Son't wait, today send AT OM I ISoenM In (lamps, forasenta com pie te can vaaalcg oettflt and be the. Ur.t to canvasa yoor nelghborhtiod. ;,,; . .ji TICRIM LIBERAL, ACT (J0tCH..v,;,T '. : F0R8HEE & McMAKEX, ",'.w.f"'vvv. Ctncianati, 0, S3000;!?H TEA f I TrwWrtAl Wftrry ' 111117 inirntarreii rM'rv-Llsius Oltaiaf ran rail wl vtril. and who. Uwtrm Uott.wUt wtA iudojirioniyt to tan ThH Tboataalaal DedlsM Toawhi tholrovm ionllites,whf ivt tMy ltre.1 wilt alao fcrahli Uts alluailiin orerailorrrMiutil whit b yutican arn that aruouart Ho money fr ! sucuewsfuttt above. Kasltmd quickly e a mod. J dnsln but one worker from mcb dlslptvl orcoontv. have already tH;hl and provided with mployHint a larm Bumbrr, who are oinklnic over ftSOOO a ts reach. It's rVfC W and HOI-I . Full imrtlctiiara FK EEi Address at om ki V, ALL1CK, iiox o. Augustus MW Cl-Hdrcn Crj for Pitcher's Cacto D LIFE V REE, This riali-rhtful Storv of a! Journey from tho BALTIC to the; DANUBE Portrayed in 38 Chapters; land 12 Graphic Illustrations, by Charles Augustu Stoddard Bound in Rich Cloth, Decoratod with Cold Eagles, FREE to Eery.New Subscriber to -the- : NEW YORK OBSERVER, I the foremost Family Religions News-i i paper. ; One book and one now subscriber, : 3,oo. (Two books and two new subscribers,! 89,00. . SPECIMEN COriES FKEE. ; NEW YORK OBSERVER,: 37 and 38 Park Row, ; STANDARD TOnH CEN "UR ' TW1NBR6TKER YEAST 5 ISE FOR LIGHT BREAD WAHRIOO VEAST CO DtTBOlTMicH Adjustable Extension Stand. Vses Itook Stand, Muntc Stand, Atlas Stand, Album Stand, Bible Stand, Flower Stand, also Lamp, Lecture. Parlor, Library, Offlco, Dictionary ami Cheeki-r stand and EaseL Hard wood, rubbed llnish, lit iirht.il inehB. Height extended, 60 inches. Wt-iht 1l' Uis.;Ki.eof t--p H 1 18; shipped K. D. 1'rice, 5. KKKI.KK A :)., Fui niture Man'fra. Wasbintftuu H Bus ton, Maud. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreya eperiflcB are scientifically and Carefully prepared Remedies, used for years in private practice and for over thirty years by tho people with entire success. Every sinylo Spec ill o special cure for the disease named. Tney cure without drugging, purging or rrduptnjr the system and are In fact and deed the Suvercitiu llemediea of tbo World. ' - - .irr or rauiflirAL not. cuass. raicKg. 1 FoTeTg, Congestions, Inflammations.. .'J5 5t WoTms), Worm Fever, Worm Colic i5 3 Teething! Colic, Cryiiu?, Wakefulness .25 4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults '25 7CoH8bSt Colds, Bronchitis 2H 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache 25 9 Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. 10 Dyspepsia Biliousness, Constipation. .25 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods... .25" 12 Whites, Too Profuso Periods 25 13 Croup Laryngitis Hoarseness 25 14 Salt Rheum Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 15 Rheumatism Rheumatic Pains 25 10-M a latin. Chills, Fever and Ague 25 17-Piles, Blind or Bleeding 25 19 Catarrh Influeiiza, Cold In tho Head. .25 30 Whooping Cough 25 27 Kidney Diseases 25 28- Nerron Debility 1.00 30 Urinary Weakness Wetting Bod, . .25 Bold by Drnjrfrlsti, or soot postpaid on recflnt of price. Dm. nCHTHBETa' HaHTJAL (114 paffcB,) MAILRD FB.KK. HITMPHRKTS HKD. CO., Ill A 113 William St. , Nr Tork. SPECIFICS. fflOftft.OO a year U be'.nfr made hy John R tioodthi,Ti-oy,N.r., nt work for us. Header, you tuny nt niukr n Miin li,but we ran toach yumjuli kly how ti'PHin from 5 to tflUa dny at Ihr mm, nml nmru us vrm po on. li'Uli sfiiH, nil ii'a. In any part of Amerk'H, ynu can ciiiinoiice at homo, aiv- Inr flU yi'tir llnic,ir atian moments only 10 the work. All li iictv. lirent iy WUK f. r very wnrker. n atnrt vou, fnrafshinfr r-rylliinrf. ICASil.Y, Hi'EKIHLY leanieil. PAKl K ULAitH FKKK. Aihlress at once, 8TU8Ua tU.. l'OHTLAM), BAI3IK. The Pittsburgh tamp is one oi tnose m- venti ons that seems to be fin ished. It seems to reach the end as to goodness of iigni in every way, and ease of m anage ment. rThe only care it requires is filling and wiping. Dirt falls out when the chimney is taken off, not into a pocket as in other central draught lamps. v ? Putting in a new wick is a ery ea5y matter indeed. ! Tf All this seems strange to one who knows, how trouble some other good lamps are. ? It is in afl the good lamp-, stores. ? Send fbifa primer ;? riiMburgb,Ps. , PITTSBURGH BRASS Co. I SEA jr. jj u.. x. saa-,-. na I ail I J V ii r x Atlantic & N. C. Esilroad to E!?-:t 1:30 P.M. 17. 1MH0. Fiic ay, Oat Goiya Kabt. Sohedulk. Go;n8 WttT Ko. 61. i-azsinger Train). No. 50. j Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lvc. pm 8 80 Goldubou 11 10 am 4 06 i 09 La Grange 1U 2 10 25 4 ;S5 4 40 Kinaton 9 4$ 9 53 6 00 G (,3 NewBc-rne 8 17 8 0 7 38 f ns Uurohead Citj am 6 17 Daily. GolNO ;iAfT. CiO. l.t ISised Ft. & Pens. Train, am 6 HO Schedule Ooiko '. 52.' Mixed i Fiisa. T: 7 - ) 0 . 4 r. 51 t A LT 'i 2 31 I -3 10 0 11 : .:S 'J t. & ':i;n. Stations. tioltiHDoro Bebl's IiH Grange F.'.iling Creek . Kintiion Uovr Core C; ;-k 'iU.i',il: a Clark "s KlVHi r i.'.o Or ... u o Dl 6 l i 0 Oi 5 30 6 I 0 4 05 3 4-j 3 (lv 2 ': 2Vi 1 -:o y 40 y 9 ( ! B L7 b f, . 7 1 1 7 27 a &7 7 JO 7 iH 8 11 b sr a n 7 C5 7 80 7 r;3 H ;:o b 1)5 03 10 31 i . 8 11 CO 11 05 11 17 11 41 13 15 3 00 3 07 3 43 3 4d J 4 OH 4 i:; 4 37 M! 4 51 4 55 5 01 5'Jt 6 ltt & :' i 5!J3 r, :' i 5 81 -i - .J rr; t -:.. Tr.u-, :.i .-...;-..: ... i f 7Ain, lirrivluf; a. . Will'llatO': kii.v V-'oJi ;i i.'.. . r. t.j: N-rtn at :'.'! Trulri t fv, ;:h Wl'.n vv.ln . ti-n P'.i. Wel'lfm i'uriiutfu 1 fe!ij:;i l'.i.,i, i.or.o bouud, leaving OoMburo at K:.j-.i p. -u. H. L. WiM, riaw.u...-.. : .Tt. .lOOOo per .ACRE. WHY W0T.KK0W HOW? 'Piolnt TT. S. OrnsuM tihow that Track Ffirmors m..k -j; If ' l"'t O' roclttr protit. TruckinR moans raisiiii Patalaes, Pess, Tomatoes, Cabbages, tiri tiller V.'pihV s frr tho city rnrtrkts. Tf yofl wmM lih-i tu knu'A nil ul tout truck farniinnr. nntn tr our pamphlet (si'tit fn-i" tho A Ii ' ol .AMrirul ln iv revisiml ami ot'laiK'-Ci. It tcllflMhnt to plant llir I Imip tu plant, how to plant, thr rosl to rniso and wiM'rr toriol! I !io (iitfi'ient Vt Rctalil-'H to ailv.-n-tiiff". A I no Farm ( 'hemiptry and how to raisn ecmmm- icully and prolitiihlv all tho Htapls (!rmn. t'oiton, XtiZXKSri'Sx GARDEN SEEDS f SEE. W. S. POWELL & CO., ; (. ll'.'l::i''Hl lrrltltzer .lliilllllllcturcrs. . BALTIMORE. MO. . spHIS is the ir.?.chi:io thr.J A is used ia tho Cf:kc, Court-room, ana for ropcrlin lecture an! .icrmoiiD. While its speed :s rc.V.tr l!:r.:i othor knovra n'.othcJ, i: is s!:.';.!c that any inteiligenl. r;r:c:i c.-:: ,:.i:i -speerl of too or wor-: vc:d.; nvr min ute, in 5vc or si:: v."x!:s, v;i hc".t tlif aid of r.:i ins'.nxtcr. Circulr.r; r.:;:'. tcstiracnials sent to ..!1 v!:o ;n r.tic:: this paper. L T. PIEHSE, F;.;ETT!-, C-..::, Solo Acont for U. . ,-iin.l C.utn.! i. Vf aa. sy f i''SJ.- chill cure:. CITEAPEST KJEDICISK CONSIOERINO QUAUTY AND 6lZE Of DOSE. IT WILL ALSO OtraB BILI0USNE88, DYSPEPSIA, AKO CHEONIO) OOH8TIPATI01I. R. BERRY, New Berne, - N. C "The foremost of our porlofflcaia.", GoiutASDijra SVEET 8BXA.2 CENTEB 09 THOUGHT AKO ACTIOS IS THB VOSIX). Sttmplteflnrni tllostniedprospMt tns arill k stnt lot . . . .a. SSOW.-'-f. , m. tha mmit ttmplr. ths larpwt unit ' : "i.C- tr llimrlgOTWsl of ths Twrlroi. S'vf' vJ - . - sV.r S W.' w la,' f . IX- I -aw -Si SI 1 1 In Ail- VV 'A-l ,ffi,l o IKw LIVER A National Family Paper. . Tbe Announcements of Tbo Yoath'8 Companion for 1892, which wc have received, seem to toach aboat all healthy ta6tes. Its fiction embraces folklore, serial, sea, adveninre and holiday stories. Frank Stockton, Clark liussell, Will Alien Dromfioole, Mary Catheriao iiee are a ft w of the distinenished. story-wriff r; . Its gem i . Lilies cover a wide range- t : I Education, Bnsinessr Succes?, College Sncceas, Girls Who Think They Can Write, Natursl History, Railway Life, liojwaisil 'Jiris at the World's Fair, ( iiiiipfii-rf o; ltoyalty, How to .See ( reic Cities, Practical Advice aro i-osiii; of the hnes to be written on. 1 y I'niineut Kpccialists. iiLidi-tOKP, De Lesseps, Vasili "-roHfchapriu, Cyrus W. Field. rain vr Carnfgie, Mrs. Ilenry M. : 'h?Ji i ,: atcongthe contributors : ' '-.( .nioii readers thus come' m j . -,- tench with the people- w-i "r -atness make our age '' 1 '..:y,(:0 finbcribcrsshow' :rt;;iated. W l.'H'M'r snl5c; ibes now for 1892T i. ;'r.o lrom tho time tb Kiihscriiitioi) ia received till Jan. lv lv-JL'. - L7-5 :i year. Address, Tho V'. i.ii'-; Coiiip.vtiion, Boston, Mass. THS bvj mm SAFETY ".prr?T!0'- . .-.plicity : :. dkox of power. s -. ' GEAUS. VAFMAULl STR OKC, only two sets cf Revolving Eo?.rinars. test Hill Climbipj and all around Safoty made. CA "X .-.:;.. x'-ifisa:. H. B. SiTH kmm CO. V.THVILLE, J ' :"i KI-; THAN A GOl-I . r 1 No rnpital ned ; ' 'I. but 810 to l .r' ? a, i!;iy j u.m! 'ieacheis. U . ! lu-.t-ms.AtiiifKfprs.Frldht. Men u ii J l.Hdits an tec ; i m ii'i iiiy. o expeiieiK i i. i fs.ittl. He ear.y Hi -! choice of exclusive. ii ; , v. i,(,ok. .. i. ! Write and get full. ; ' ' n'tb i lmllt t r. : -A Tl ITI T I VT i j ;i I t- I n h 0?Ti& HISTORY! I'i'UN find JOHN CLARK I 'ii I.' t i'it hruted Hlfitorlans 1 . Naiiotis as told in the i s i.ii uruna ..rtiieveznents of t' ;-ti.h ni:d Heiolnes. A rich, i i : r-1 1 t . 'j'..vel, Adventure u i-..i M.tl womUriul events of the ' ii.--! ni"ii'H souip." Thrilling 'I i ' ;- ! itiiy, Riarillng i - mm i, if i f wurrlors and Cruta (" ii ;-si i (l ie, lion of the lnreat i n ' h mul AtiM ilrau llistr rlcal ; I s! woiiderlul r.ew toofe . (c.i i cll-t (Uicfl tnr, just llie- i'i v' v..,i.'t. 0 cr ::Ct tr innd llts 1 i!.'!-.u:f i:R. U.ilf-Toiu M eel Hi. i ' ' ' 'j: .il!fi.'U (Dl-cclf i' d lu Cll i ! : a I "f Kiicce ' : !. , j ir. No ("npltul, ne ' ! ..rti JiV- ;.r !:. t-ye j,:h ttiui fun j ertlculargr ' T.M ST!i. ( 0., rinla. Ta A L "?2 I'l'il'.id'lrfr S 450 1 1? --ViM only S375. For tbe very sajael 1'iaoo I Neither one was worthl r ; : -, 'II a mcitei over gurj. i Insure Yourself aainut paymjt ncAor-1 " aireot irom GATES, Savannah, Ga. I- I 'PnltflBttheWltr'JtllOrrtl, y ' . "i tui.rn than Inptrnmemts j i . hp not tmilt that way. E corporation ni of the Incorpora Seffonie ten pany. iriii luorporatorH aro s m iiearrUn, and Ju- t fie Oil. and Stal re V Wyman, of rnlina. and BucUotheia M ("O 1 i ur n: rl :i .. ' i '.s i: )i hem. of t. i until corporation. v i me Htuciane Com 4 rporittiou is formed for i ;. .iniiifi and operating a u uliin i he corporate 11m ' l v.tMniiy cf ihe City of Mi iMioiimt, with power to i witli iif lunaol ants and s lor Ht use ot Kntld sewers. !iiti:i c-iitr wiii v. or i. i ni.1 to. 1 ii it, n t- i i ;: ,-. i;..t t nts thi'ii-of. t- i.i',-;:i'h o K.iiu corporation Is to d . in i or cii of .Ntw berne, Cra n:. aLil the company shall n c-'oti il-io h ivr St.itt) of ' r.i-o !a Hit city, county sea Tii'tt ti.t i,,;iMit existence of this Oorporm ;i Ik d io Mrty jean. Tne amonnt f tin iiiti,'!ii. or. of riiiiil corporation is Mu- lliinitu-a ;i-fl 1'ifiy ' houftand Dollars, , i tl tin i,u it oi bhares of which said 'aplta! f-tnek r-liall consist shall be fifteen 'lUiidn di f tin. jtr.r vain.' of One Hundred ImllurK 1. I'he i-r'vnic p .Jtst-rty u. tho toekholdera hail be hIimiIui;-' xeii.pt iron tha corpo- b. d-tfsor I'iUh Wltn. sa: ) iwti i, and ofliolai seal thU SOU lay of tn o nit-, r, a l 11 W M WATSON, fecS: t'l-'ik r., Court. Graven. 'bounty. For Boils, Pimples carbuncles, scrofulous sores, eczema, and all other blood diseases, take . Ayer'sSarsaparilla It will relieve and euro1 iK -dyspepsia, nervous ' .5 Tdeblllty; and that ";'' .vvllt cure Vou. ' !, ' ill

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