) JOURNAL. :.3 and heart-felt gratitude iMrvioff , men in Bossla ere j reward of those who oontri. i to the Indiana'- cargo. Tte J uemaugh U soon to sail, and tbe '. ad or charity should, remain t ; en. 8eed wheat is aadly needed i 1 tbe famine-smitten : districts, i 1 for this cash is necessary. rsaeT0!eb4 baa,' no country, and are!y tbe appeal tntf destitute peasantry-, who ; till Bnsoia's ' re fractory: steppes will not go nn teeded. ' '" 5 --: ? V;. I. .-V Thx Cleveland tidal wave seems to be setting ia from all directions and promises to engulf all opposi tion to tbe people's choice. Even in New York it is stated that some of the most prominent friends and adherents of Senator Hill are de serting bis cralt like : rata and seeking refuge in tbe Cleveland ark of safety. The Democratic masses are evidently determined to have some voice in this year's Presiden tial nomination, and Democratic : principles are bonnd, to assert themselves over machine methods : Richmond Times. Tbe Work of tbe North Carolina Tf omen at tbe Worlds Fair. The Lady-Managers appoint ed to collect specimens of work mit e - r it. n . 1 or, lae women pi norm aruuua, for exhibition, at the Columbian Exposition, to be held in Chica- . go, desire to be placed in com monication with experts in all lines of woman's work, both usual and unusual. They invite correspondence and suggestions on an suDjects pertaining to the work they nave in hand. For the better prosecution of the dAtn.il a of this work, thev have arranged it into the f ol- lowine Divisions. The name - and address of the Lady-Mana E in charge is given with each ivision, so correspondence on : the various subiects can be ad dressed to the ladv in charge of that Division, and tnus expedite wore: DIVISION" A. Colonel Display, Curios, ancient and modern. , Mrs. GEORGE W. KIDDER, Wilmington. - DIVISION B. Drawing, Paint- ings, Etchings, Crayon Work, . Pottery and Home Decorations, Wood-Carving, Sculpter, &c. Mas. CHARLES PRICE, Sal- ISBUBTV ; DIVISION C Needle work, Atvuuenujr, rumer wun, ' Leather work, Fish-Scale work, Jkc. - Hiss. STELLA DIVINE, Wil mington. DIVISION D. Press work, Literature, Inventors and In- .ilg. ROBERT R. COTTON, , Falkland. The competition at Chicago wilt te Dotn jNationai and inter national, and the standard of excellence is necessarily very nign. tjonsequenuy me juaay Managers urge upon the women of the State to endeavor on this ' occasion to excel any former efforts in their respective lines ol wort. The Chairman of the Com- mittee, Mbs. Robert R. Cot vioir. will take pleasure in reply ing to inquiries on any subject not mentioned in the a Dove Classification, which relate to the subject. Hia Personal Experience. Boa. Jamai W. Halted, while serving bis sixth term m Speaker of the As sembly of the Slate of New York, write: "State of New York, Assembly Cham ber, Albany, Jan. 16, 1890. - I detire onoe more to bear my testi- snooy 16 the value of Alloock's Pobocs fusttU, I have nseil them for twen ty-five yean peat, and on oonscien ' tlotuly oommend them m tbe beat i external remedy that I have known. Team ago, ' when thrown from a car- ': rlaga and Mrionaly injured , I gave them a thorough trial. In a very ahort time : the pain that I wm suffering diaap feared, and within a week I wai aatJrely relieved. On another ocoasion, whew guttering from a severe cough, wbloh threatened pulmonary diffioul- les, which I was recommended to go a Florida to ralleve, I determined to test the plaateri again. I applied them to tay cheat and between the shoulder blade, and ia lew than a fortn gbt waa aatlraly eared.' On still another ooca aioai When suffering from an attack of rheum etlim In the ehonlder to euoh an extant that I could scarcely raiae my eras, I 'again resorted to the plat tern, gad within a very few days the rheu- aatlsm entirely disappeared. I have that eocatantiy by ase, whether at kootb or abroad. My family a well a myself have found them to be a eover-!-n ramedy, both for external and fatacael tnmblea. I never had bat one I'aey difficulty in my life, and the piloatioa of tfie pla stars eared me in week. I desire, ai I said before, to best myteetimony in a publio way to their efficacy, and I know of no better way of doing than by giving you my r?rtonal experlenoe." y f 'Jloh's Catarrh tested. -,A marvel- rare for Catarrh, Diphtheria, ' aiMidi. Mil Headache, i With isle there ia an ingenious nasal r for tna more suooessiui ireas- i u. jwMnttlslflita without pvtre , i rioe 60o . Bold by s New SWASSBOBO, K. C Farmers Fisherman Truck Schools Hotel Swansboro's Advantages ' and Heeds-Political. - j We aie having very pretty weather now. . v v This is court week and most of the citizens have gone courting. Some might have court business, while others might go for fan. to see and to be seen. . Farmers are busy now, most of them are done planting corn, ott ers are grumbling because they have more to plant. "Fisherman have been the beat off for a long time, but now the flab are getting scare, and tbe buy ers took advantage or the fisher man bargaining with them for a low price tbe balance of the seson, 15. per hundred, was tbe price agreed on, when they could , get $8 just as well. Oar people are weli, very little sickness at any time a few cases of measles only, and one or two oases of Grippe Dr. E. W. Ward and wife from Pollocksville were in tbe village this week, tbe doctor is well. He tells me there is planted on his place on New Biver, 80 acres in Irish potatoes, 8 in garden peas, 4 in beans, and more in cucumbers, squash, tomatto&o. New River is the place to live now, facilities for transportation are very good, nnd the lands are adapted for trucking. Miss Ida Gaskill from Carteret County is teaching school here now; so is Rev. J. L. Keeue, both have good schools we believe, and yet there is room ior one or two more. Mr. Geo. Smith and family bave moved here, and will we under stand, open the hotel for tbe sum mer pretty soon. We wish we could say something good about Swansboro, and we oould aire nadi. it. here, we can say one or two good things however, it is tbe healthiest place in the state, and the prettiest place, if fixed up a little, all that is wanting is for some one or two more moneyed and brained people to come hereto live, but bow are thev comingT Thev must walk or ride on a private conveyance, or come from Morehead City in a boat, which they could do if they wanted to, or were encouraged a little, but no encouragement is offered emigrants to come to Swansboro, and capitalists don't know what kind 01 a place it is, so it stands on its own bottom and a very shallow one too at times. Politics are beginingto boom, last week we noticed a boom for our neighbor B. W. Humphrey, Esq., for tbe tienate, Uth district. We are not in favor of tbe 'Squire very much, and we don't believe he wants tbe place either, we are in favor of taking a man frqm Craven County for one, and from Greene for another, OnBlow and Carteret are all right any way. Cleveland and 11111 are raising a muss surely. Our choice for Presi dent is neither Hill or Cleveland, though we prefer Cleveland to Hill. We believe Hill sold ont Cleveland in New York, and we have never bad any confidence in him since. He is nothing in onr estimation but a political trickster demagogue, and while we would lite to vote lor Cleveland, in our view of the matter, it would be very imprudent (o nominate bim, for Hill would sell him again, if he had money enough, so let us take some one else, we had plenty of them if "Big Ike won't have it." The Homeliest Man in New Berne As well as the handsomest, aDd others are invited to oall on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam lor the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all Chronic and Acnte Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, and Consumption. Large bottles 50 cts, and $1. mar22 deed weow In the flatter of excitement the flight of time is unheeded. Th First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. lou should heed the warning you are taking the first step into Nervous Prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy lor restoring yonr nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Sur prising results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. It onr appe tite returns; good digestion is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50e. at F. S. Daffy's drug store. A show of opposition is very apt to be an exhibition of folly. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try tbe successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is aold pn a positive guarantee to cure, tneyjsouia immediately see the excellent effect after taking the nrst dose. Price ouc. and i. Trial size free. At all druggists. mar22 deod weow Only tbe quickening of conscience p in bastea repentance. I,,, , , , Democratic Ex. Committee. The Demociatto Executive Commit tee of Craven county mat Maroh 26th, 1893. The following' action was taken: . Besolved'fThat the Democratic Con vention of Graven ooonty be held Sat urday May 7th, 1893, at 11 o'clock at the court bouse in New Berne. , Evolved, That, the primary meeting for the selection of delegates, to repre sent the several townships In the coun ty convention be held ,Saturday, April Md.1883 -'i The Township Executive Committees are requested to bold tne meetings on tbe above date. - - ' . I ' - Man. MAlLT.TJhmn. : 8. B. Btsbw, 8eo'y ' v . r ;;; MY HOUSE. ' : EDWARD 8. CUUItSB. My horse I eomoilmts think of; where k Is her Companion ia the war 'for many a iay, . , Hi graoefal, grassy H inks of ruby bay,-" . Hii delicate bead, with eye that beam - ed on me -. -. Good-naturedly and friendly, or la ' plea? - Fleet-limbed and fall if coarag for . the rray. , Enduring in the march, though long - the wav:., . - f Through hangar, dost and thirst; wheiw may ne rer I doubt be lives; Hrself m some- ; wht srraT. v And man ha twice ,. the ' travel of a horse: . , I'm glad I think of him without r moree.' For kindly was he used in service long.. I'm glad we parted friends, I heard hia neish - - Over the peach field, like a faiewell song! , Balse Tour Own Holes And Horses. Tbe farmers of the cotton States can make 200 to 300 per cent. ($75 to $150 each) by raising mules and horses. Cotton the past two years has brought loss instead of profit. Mr. H. C. Ezell wilkerson Tenn.,1 near Nashville,, advertises in the Cultivator first class imported jacks and jennies and stallions ot the best breeds. He is a nrst-class and reliable breeder. Write him for price list, and go into the stock raising bnsiness-at once.-American Cultivator. Palo Alto. Humphreys' Veterinary Salesman orossed the continent to iit PALO ALTO, the stock farm of Governor Stanford, the home of SUNOL. ARION, PALO ALTO, eto. Alter presenting proper credentials and exhibiting the iist of prominent stook owners who ere using the Speoifios, Mr. Reynolds, the Superintendent and Mr. Marvin the Trtincr, oonsented to his treating SUNOL and PALO ALTO, as they weie suffering from lameness. After tho roughly testing; the Specifics on these and other oaaes, Mr. Stanford 'a business Manager and attorney, Mr. Lithrop nlnnnri an nrilar fnr HTTMPHUKVR VETERINARY SPECIFICS, brobably tbe largest ever given for Veterinary medioin.ee alone. This oompletes the list;of prominent stock owners who have adopted the nse of HUMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS. Veteri nary Manual mailed free on request. Address Humphreys' Medioine Com pany. Cor. William and John streeete, New York. Ee who would exert iuflaence must exercise judgment. Shiloh'g Consumption Cure. This is beyond question tbe most sucoessful Cough Medioine we have ever aold, a few doses invariably cure the worst oases of Cough, Croup and Bronohitis, while its wonderful success in the oure of Consumption is without a Sarailel in tbe history of medioine. iocs its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medioine can staed. If you bare a cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Price 10c, 50c, and $1. If your lungs are sore, oheet, or back lame, use Shi loh's Porous Plaster. Sold by New Berne Drag Co. Never let your curiosity get the better of your discretion. Far Onr Fifty Tears Mas. Win blow's Booniraa Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gams. tllays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best rtnnedy ror uiarrhoea. Twenty Ive cent; a bottle. Sold by all drug gists throughout the world. j9i&wlv A kindly feeling connot fail to tjuchthe heart. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small prloe of 75o., to free yourself of every sytntom of these distressing oompleinta, if yon think so call at onr store and get a bottle ot Shiloh's Vltalirer, every bottle bas a printed guarantee on it, nse aooordingly and if it does you no good it will eoet you nothing. Sold by New iserne Drag uo. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Milwaukee BEER. I am SOLE AGENT for this Cele brated Beor in New Berne. ON DRAUGHT. Schooner for 5 Cents. I keep oa hand a CHOICE LOT of WINES, LIQUORS, Cigars and Tobacco. T. C. HOWARD, BED LIGHT, Middle Street. Near Market Dock. mar23 dwtf . ' Notice To Truckers. 3d Box Nails, - $2,75. 4d " " --$2.50. L H. Cutler & Co. C:i C::::n Fl:r.S:rs, Ctonsall, Climax and 4,Gern Cotton Vloyrt? : . Cotton King and - ; Iron Agd Cultivators, V ; ' And a Full Line of Agricultural v L r Implements, AT J. C Whitly & Co.'s, Oor. Soatb Front and Otavan 8ta.. . , '. ' NEW BERNE, N. C. J. fi. BENTON, MD..D.D.S. tOsKy DENTIST, f - Permanently located, f J HEWBEBN.N.O. Gas administered tor the . ritiioUon of lee in witnout nam. mar25 dwlf : Office in Hotel Albert. By Order of Court. . The undersigned, 8. O, Roberta, will on Thursday, April 21, 1893, at 11 o'clock, oorner South Front end Middle streets, expose for sale at Auction the Personal- Property of the Estate of Mary T. Stanly, deceased, consisting of uousengld and Kitonen Furniture. ap3 20d Administrator. J. E. LATHAM, " GEIMAL COMMISSION HEECH1NT, Bayer of Cotton, Country Produce, and . all speculative commodities. Seasonable eaah advanocs made. Can fur- ntah storage (or 500 bales cotton. Omoe loot llraven street, in ciyae build ing. febSdwU "Challenge Brand," Fresh Roasted. Gelatine-Imparted. !IacaroniExte Quality. Sliced Smoked Beef, Acme Brand. Heinz's Celebrated Pickles, Country Lard and Country Hams ARRIVING CONSTANTLY AT LUCAS & LEWIS. Success in business is knowing when to buy. Agricultural Liitis! We have a FULL stock of good dry lime. Send in your orders before the rush. Plows! Plows! Plows! We have a good assortment that must be sold. Farmers and Mer chants, we saved you money in '91, and will in '92. DAISY FLOUR! and a Daisy it is. Guaranteed to give satisfaction 1 Tobacco from 10c. to 40c. per lb. TRACE CHAINS at 35c. per pair. Long Handled Shovels at 35c. per pair. Call to see us. 7. P. Burrus & Co. Foot of Middle street NOTICE. The nnderslcned. Bteohen Q. Roberts, has duly qualified as Administrator of the es tate of Mary T. Btanly, and he eby (lvea notice mat ne requires an persons naving elalma against tbe estate of the said Mary T. Stanly to nresent them to the said Btechen O. Roberts, duly authenticated, for pay ment, on or oerore uie aimaayoi jsaron, im, or else thta notloe Ul be pleaded In bar of reooTery. Person. Indebted to the estate moat par witnouiaeiar. BTKPHKH O. R0BEBT9, marSdtf .Administrator. Administratrix's Notice. The nnderalrnad, Mary B. Thnrber, harlna dnly qualified as Administratrix of the late William H. Thnrber, hereby dree notlee that all persons having elalma against the said William H. Thnrber will present tbem on or before the SHth day of March, 1888, or this notice 111 be pieaaea in oar or tneir recovery.. All nereone owlna the estate of sail Wil liam B.ThurberwlTlmakelmmedlate settle ment of the eame - av. '- ' . . - MABX S. TBCBBXR, Administratrix, Ono. a. Whiti, Atty. '. . - marialtir (NOTICE ' - ... Harlot this day qualified as Administra tor of the aetata of Btzeklah Iavls, de eeaseoT, before aba Clerk of tbe Superior Court for Craven eonnty.all parsons hold ing elalma against amid estate will present them for payment to tne nnderslgned with. In twelve months from this date, or thai notloe will le pleaded la bar of their recov ery. ,. ' " All persona Indebted to said estate will prnei nu. vivmpi vsiuvmsnt. ... GKOttGC UKEttN, JB -:i - ' Ad m r. of HexekUh lavls. This March 18th, 18S4. - - If .HOSES T.3RYA1T, ' Small Jobs or Kapalrli g solicited end let' tefnct.lnn vnavAntAArl. ' : lanybe found when v auted hear the Ioe Kefersto past eha' r as a ltl)t .nd mevlianlo. - - Juj .r ill 3lC;3 ' JU8T;tD Fnc:.i the ivest vmi jtivo cir loads HORSES and WHILES ; Oome Early aid Get a F OUNDEO 1864 by the present executive Occupies four building Unrivalled Id facil ltlas for educating YOUNG MEN AMD WOMEN for success In life. Tbe outlook for school, owing to Its H I C H standard of excellence, has placed! ia buuness more young men and women from Md., Va., NC., 8. C. and Oa. than all similar inatitutfons combined. Catalogue and Particular. mailed. W.H. SADLER, Pres., VAUGHN patent spring vehicles. JT'IIIST-CX.A.89 ISt LIGHTEST, STRONGEST .EASIEST HIDIHGI VEHICLE ON EARTH. BUGGIES. ROADWiGOIS, PHAETOHS. AND SURREYS OfllbisfonierM spbhto. . BABCOCK & VIELE Bole Proprietors Vr(ttor Catalog. Mmtio this Pazfer. J?or Catalogue and Prices, writo the Manufacturers, Austin, Tomlinson & Webster Mfg. Co., JACKSON, MICHIGAN, U. S. A. NOTICE? Valuable Real Estate : Ia Onslow Coanty , N. O. : t A Bare Opportunity for Good Investment. Four thousand Bores of land in one body. Two thousand aores of it are under fence; well adapted to Track Famine ol moet kinds. Fire hundred aores of Rood Strawberry land oan be easily found on ic j-... -Produce can be shipped from land ings on place by steamboat, less than three milts . to Jacksonville, present terminus of railroad. Abundance of marl on place, and also at least 200 aores of cane-brake, affording fine win ter pasturage for stook. Also, Valuable timber lands, belonging to same parties as above, bordering on, or wiibia easy reach of railroad. - If nat sooner disposed of, the sub scriber will sell for cash at Court House door of Onslow County, on Monday, (be 4th Cay of April A. D., 1892, at 1 o'oloo. p. M.. unimproved lots Not. 83, 84 and 85, id the town of Swans- ooro, 160x200 feet; also, other small paroels of land belofcRiog to aetata of Bobert J. Nixon, in said county, particularly- "Little Horse Neck,'.' near Mineral Springs, oa railroad.- ; ; Apply to the Subscriber for Terms. RICHARD W. SIXON, Jacksonville, Onslow County, N. C. Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Ccn.pc.iy! -.- new pailv line;: I0EF0IXTJU a&3 WASHIXBTOF, 9.& Yhe Hew and Fowsrfnl Iron Palace S aad- ; xiuiiuiA. nuu ; f f awuiugnyu eonoeded to be the finest Steamers afloat, will leave Norfolk every day In tbe year from the wharf of Dorfolk and Carolina Railroad Company at OilO P.M., Old Point at TilO P.M., arriving In Washington next morning at 6i30 A.M , eonnaoilnc with tae early trains or we rem. a ,iu.Aitai, for tbe north. Seat and West. Betnrnlna leaves Washington every even lnc at T o'clock, arrlvlna in norfolk at Tt30 next morning, eonneoUng with all trains on the Seaboard and Aoanoke, Norfolk and Southern, AUanue ana imnvuie ana fior. Passengers for the North will And this the most desirable and pleasant route to take, giving an opportunity of stopping over el Waatilntton, o. O., going or returning. Through tickets on sale at all the princi pal Railroad ofnoea. In order to avoid mistakes ah for tickets Via the New Line Steamers to V wulugton. . For further information bp y to JA9. F. t uriS,''"' ' Agent,; .i.rolk.Va, JODK CALLAHAN, ?n, Pnpt,? "? i It GOODiSELEOTION. BRYANTAND STRATTONj Is most favorable ior business opportunities, im demand for our graduates is unprecedented. No vacation ; pupils can enter at any time with equal advantage. Never attend a school because the tuition ft cheap, for CH EAP Is very dear; It means cheap surroundings, inferior facilities, and offers NO opportunities for securing PQSI Ttnaa fnr f nnnlla end ffraduetes. Thfl F. A. SADLER. SECY, Baltimore, Md. EVERY RESrjECT .AND CARRIAGE COMPANY B and Manufacturers, . EVAlTSriLLE, INDIANA. 9WJ parreTfl ,)aev9BKl ujxg pooia uo asjittaix 'no tiosmjof 'xaiHivjsarv -k iota : -aioii eqj pro -a -a -a ma IP) pir out papnaire BirBjopiqd ytaax ' uiuiu auhw oscobjp eqf jo umft ads jo BraodnL& ou pwi uii pus '-g -g -g jo esn eq) q Sa ht or Srzjrraiis ejrrrjt o o8 wtsai retaaos pawa rem I "PK 'oioqptrni laddfl 'AaTOAi. "H 'H g g "g jo osn af-Bp M9j t traj joj tpjuag ot etn pasnapl HsesBip upp emoesiqnoi) y -v 1 MB Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent Business conducted tor modcrmt Frte. and wc can secure patent ia less tune tuaa those remote irom waaungtoa, ... .fiend model, drawinff or nn6lA.. with jMnrli tioa. We adviw, if patentable or not, free of caarge. 'vmriee nor aue uu patent is secured, a PAMHLrr. "How to Obtain Patents." with coat of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sew uev uuiese, . .-...... C.A.SNOW&CO i-n. Patent OmcK. Wahihotom,o.C, t J,l HUt, f to. TH01 BAHIELS,Tie Prei 5 y -.p. I. BOBEKTS, (!ailiiet.-.t'.''f. Tlie)jNatipnal;;Baii, Ciital, :-f .iw'4 $100,000 Surplus ProltSe 86,700 Jab. A. Bbyar, r tTHoa. Daniels. " Ohasv 8. Bbtax, ' -3. H, HicacBDHlf, AlJtX. ULLLZB, : P L. EU.KVXT, When Baby was alck, we ftavs bat Castoria. '' : ' r7beaWwasaHsUoriedforCastr.vjt, Wbea aba beoame Kiss, She clung to Castoria, ''J whisa ska aaa CWJdren, she gave them Castoria,: No Rripiog or nausea aftor vaing Brookfisld's Liver and Fi 'Bey rills. Will cure BUiouimfloR. t '.w.-paMon, Tor 1 Liver and e Pn- f coated, P" (i i ! ' I - t oublP'.'J C"' 1. r-y r n. the 8TUaTEv;:;T i:::::, NEW. YOBS. O 0Q AMERICAN EUROPEAN AN j : - FLAN B.BO TO 3.80 fKB DAY. .. PLAN 1,00 Per Bmj 00 THH 8TT7RTETAWT HOMB . IS tb moat oeatralla the olty! near all ele -vatd roads: street earlls,)rlnolpleplaoee oramaseioe6taod large retail stores. , , All tlx comforts of Borne with tne add!- .: tlotittl ooUTeolTJoea Bf the rotropolla if Offered ear guests, - - TUB STTJRTKYAT HOVJ8K. - v; -Broedway, BSikiSSethite.. . - H.wfnlilI.T . i - 'who T HT TTT7TT"1 "c f-' v" us AWk uau asm - ftEOPENED. vl v Mm. J. M. HIKE3 hw reopened First-Clau Boordinc Houie In the citj, . - ppciite BaptUt Cborctt. v v . V - Bllia THniinna Tnri Par!n Vnnhfne nt :Ji m imm uam maun aiuimujf - Can b had tt tte eame jMMfc , tin IV1. nttbC7s -Scciia , IBOYaS DpIR , HAVE YOU SEEN I Southern Sunbeams. ' That beautiful magazine for South: v era Boys and Girls. It is the hand somest Young People's Magsxine in America. It has become weloom visitor to thousands of t Souther Homes. No . pains or, expense is spared to mace 1C attractive. 4!iaoh number contains a volume of inter esting reading for young folks. Short and oon tinned stories, out-door sports, new games, and in -fact everything to interest boys and girls. - Twenty', eight pages and cover, each pseia handsomely illustrated. It is 'The 'i Queen, of the South," "The Pet of every Iiome Cirolo," and no boy or -girl can afford to be without it. . To see it is to want it, and to bare it for six months or a year is a con tinual enjoyment for all the family. We want every boy and girl who has not seen this . charming magazine to send ns seven one-oent stamps at once " fora sample copy; or better still, if you will send ns ONE DOLLAR we . will send you Sotjthken Suif BEAMS for one year and make yon a present of "Cooper's Lsatherstocking" Tales." Five great works in one largo volume, free of all cost. , Address Southern Sunbeams., BOX 303, ATLANTA, Gl. State or North cai-olina Craven eoantx Superior Court. - , t ; Petition to sell latds to make east ta. ' ' Notice. - . - v Robert C). Koselry, Kxecntor of Caarleo Biatrord, vs. U K. Palmer and Deedemona : Palmer bis wile, Lydla Ann Karnes and Cuarlee Barnes, and Jaa. O. tfarrlaon, ad- - mlnlstratorof d. Mill, To Lydla Ann Karnes and Charles Barnes: Take notice, that a piooeedlng entitled as above hfti been oommeneed in aaldoourt. (or tbe purpose of selling the real estate of said Charles Stafford deeeaeed, to make) assets lor ctaarnea of administration and aha debts of said C harles Htafford. And you aro-f hereby reantred to appear at the - Court , Honae In said county, befora W. at. Watson. -'Jlerk Superior Court, on the 18th day of , aprll, 1882, and answer ordemnr to tbe 04. in- . plaint. W. at. WATSON. , . - Clerk Sup. Court. Maroh 10th, 1882. .. Sw NOTICE. Having this day qnallfled aa Administrate of the estate of Robert Hanson deoeaaed. v before 1 he Clerk of the Superior Court for Craven county, all persona holding elalma " against said estate will present them for payment to my attorney, K. ltanaom, Wek.. ' don, H. C. within 12 monthe from this datey. or this notice will be plaoed In bar in tbear" recovery. All persona , Indebted to aaldl -aitate will please make- prompt aettleman U -KATHABINK U.BANHOM.- A Admr.ofBobeitBanaomw - Thl reb'y2slh,18W.. - , , Ths YTorld's Fair.:; Whether yon Intend to visit the Worldl fair In uhloago In 16U8 or not you will want .1 a history of It from the beginning. Suoh a " history Is being magnificently presented by The Exposition Graphic, Printed In English German, French and .Spanish. The first number of this great quarterly edition of The Graphle,juat Issued, eontatna Views of all the Frlnotpal Building frona offiolal deslgna the Admlnlatratloa, Pino i Arts, Uanutactnres, fisheries. Mines and Mining. Agricultural gulldlnirs and every thing else to date). Portraits of 1 ha Principal , Oflioera of the Commission and Directory. -Views of the Principal Cities of America, full-page Portraits of President H.rrUon. and ijearetary Blaine, and a superb triple-, page Blrd'e-Kye View of the Kapoaltlon Grounds and Bnildlngs bom des'goa by the finreau of Construction. . Ton will want a copy for yourself and sev eral for yonr Irtenda. ' .... 62 Pag-s. with supplement .The ansa puobcatlon In America. , , - l)o not fall to send for a copy or ask yonr -Newsdealer for It. Prie SOets. (with order. UuDoorlptlon oneyer, ti. - . ; TUB URAPaiO "That phenomenal sun. -eess of must ated weeklies in the world's fair eltv." All the prlnolpal current events flnely lllultrated. The most 00m plate, the moet popular, and altogether the moat val- ' nable Illustrated weekly Ask your news- . dealer for It. or address the publishers Sub scription, one year, Si.OU. Tba oiuphio cu larboTn and Barrl : SonBts .Chloego. . ; f An agent wanted in every towaln the . O. a). y.-Ls -r-U - Clinicn llilikry Inslll'o - clintqn;. N. c ; All teachers have ' had - OoIlKiat traintng-frepared espeoially for teach- . ing. ''-'v-'V.VK' '- " Preparatory course a specialty. . Bpecial course In Commercial Law, i Booa-keeplns; and Penmanship. - ' -jrVooal Musio and Caluthenios Free," r KTNo additional cost for Classics. S-J"NO INCIDENTAL FEJ. s : & 15 for Board, Washing, LlyhU, and Tuition per month. :P -?ua : Tuition from 82, 8 to H par month ' Uniforms will not coat more than 115.60. - . . For further particulars address tit PfIaWlpsJ,v.!!?4-i. -.-'.-...5:. r&'.n ' jr , w. b; SKINNER, feMHwtf ;; -. , Clinton. . a - pommiif lonern' Ble. Tnrsusnt to a Judcement of the Superior Court of Craven county, rendered at the Fall Tarra, 1NH1, of said court In the oaaecf LJ. Moore vs. 0. Looker.ln whichjudgenteni 1 was appointed commissioner to aU tie lead mentioned In the 00m plaints, I wllloa theHOth day 01 my; 18a,sell for ch at t , , Court House dxr In tlie olt.y of , two lots og 74 and 4asdeal(;in.rt 1 plan of Farinville alolnh.g m,, . Iarn end lu, v mt out in tue cu sulci action, f aleatiam, td JAeJ. W WAItii.r. iv i

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