O' a i , . tl b tl r ot b. I ft i: K' w t I t I ( ANROUNOEMCWI PITTT JOTTRfAt la mDllsBed jnoedv et 5.P m 1M . Delivered toeltyiBbMiibMi . fr month. ... . i . SLY JOVBSAX b pebHskeo . , Jet ol li Hsges of Deaths net to ey Ju-a lines Ul be inserted in. All Mr , W matter Till be charged I eta. per link laments for transient advaruesaentsmnss ! Mad la gdvanee. Regular advertise- "Ma will 1m eolleoted promptly t tha and m eaansoontn. ' f;MMnnntaatlfma flAntalshlV MV1 an f iitpiiblis latere are wlldtodL Jfc'efes. t uucatloa BOA M expectea as at nwaM t .t tontaia objectionable bsraaaailtiwa, et wtihaolds tbe name as the 4eJM Artieles sugar than half eotama moat b nett feav Amy person feeling aggrieved at aay anony cm. oommunicatloa eaa obtain lis name W e author by eppUoetioa at tail efieeaae eaewinf waersUib seYaneeeiiats. PEE JOTJBNAL. t. HARPER, - I Prerrieter. CT-HANCOCK, - Uoit He-erfe. 'AlmjtatUJPMtoSlttmllfmAnm It the opinion of ex-Senator Powell Clayton, of Arkansas, the negroes of the Soath ate rapidly renouncing allegienco to the Re publican party. The recent vote Of tbe colored citizens of the Red Eiver country in Louisiana goes to confirm this opinion. At the fire in Philadelphia Wed nesday six persona were burned to death in the theatre and many others were so badly injured that thejjbad.to be taken to the hospit als. The Times building was de stroyed. Tbe editors and report ers had to run for their lives and all the presses, etc., of that paper ; were destroyed. A missionary lecturing on the Christian education now being car " ried on among tbe women of India, used this touching reference to Jeans Christ's life on earth: -'There are indications already that tbe homes of India are opening their - doors to him who was so welcome la the home at Betheny; there are indications that many a medita tive Hindoo woman may love to sit at his feet. The zenana mis sionaries of India are doing a glorious work. The conference of yearly meet ings, to be held in October, is looked forward to by Friends in all parts of the country with much in terest. The absence of delegates : from London and Dublin, and per haps from the eastern States as well as Uanada, win make it prac tically a conference of Western Friends. It is probable in the opinion of some that there will be an earnest effort to cM a halt in , changes that many believe have been going on in certain places too fastjand too far,and which are tend ing towards merging the society into mass of other denominations. MISSIOXS. While the development of religi ' ous sentiment in our land most in- timately concerns ns, the relation ' it sustains to missions is eo inti mate that one is measurably in volved in the other. The Protestant Churches of America, Great Britain and Eu- , rope are represented in this work for other lands by 9,000 mission aries, and more than 50,000 native ' workers, and have expended dur ing the past year about $12,500, 00. But this is not all. Daring the past half century a considera ble portion of the annual expendi ture of these societies has been in the form of investments in churches schools and colleges, dwelling : houses, printing presses, binderies, manufactured volumes of scrip tures, educational and religious books. The total of this invest ments can never be known, but : could it be, it would open car eyes as never before to the tremendous force that the churches have put ' and are are putting into the work of Foreign Missions. What is the meaning of this? Surely, that the kingdoms of this world shall become the Kingdom ot our Lord. Never before was envangelization so active. The Churoh is emphatically a living Church. If progress is not commensurate With results to be accomplished, it is nevertheless assuring and should stimulate to ever increasing activi ties and enlarged expectations. With the exception of a few sec tions of Central Asia and Africa the missionaries occupy every in, habitable land on the Globe, are preaching to every people, the one Gospel of Christ; are battling p gainst every one of the great false raiths that have held so many mil lions in thrall. We rejoice in the indication, that the powers of ' !am, Buddhism, Hindooiam and ' e other religjona of Asia and ' f.ica are little by little losing r hold-upon men s minds and rts. Hallelbjahi the Lord God aipotent reignethl " ';;a jCrj JofRtchertjCastoriii Thkbxjs a curious custom of the Esqiimaux that when a baby dies the next child born in the Til lage shall receive its name and take its place; and it is always thought by the parents that the new baby is in some measure their cdild. They hare a share in the care of it, and advise wi,th its own parents about the best way of bringing it op. Sometimes the father and the mother of the new baby are too poor to feed and clothe it, and then tbe other father and mother take it to their on "igloe," or snow hut, anil trim ir. a knmA tkai... Va doubt they are very glad when this happens, and the place of their own little one thus filled; bat, of course, the parents to whom the baby really belongs are not always willing togive it up so entirely. In thbt case the foster parents con tribute something every year to its support; and it ltves at home, com ing, perhaps, now and then to make a long visit at the "igloe" that is its other home. Tti First Step. Poihaps too are ran down, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and yon wonder what ailsyoa. lou should heed the warning yea are taking the first step into nervous Prostration, ion need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to Hi normal, neaimy condition, bur- prising results follow the use Of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Tour appe tite returns; good digestion is restored. and the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action, try a bottle. ince ouc. at Jr. B. Daffy s drng store. We know, and what is better, we fell inwardly, that religion is the basis of civil society and the source of all erood and of all comfort. In England we are so convinced of this, that there is no rust of superstition with which the accumulated absurd ity of the human mind might have crusted it over in the course of ages, that ninety-nine in a hundred of the people of England would not prefer to impiety. SIMPLE Iff COISTHTJCTIOS. PEBIHAHBHT IV JTJ RATIO. KASILT APPLIED ITS SKILL FUL, VSE CICKLY LB1RRKD. The Electropoise is an Instrument for IHE UUBE Ur UISKABE WITHOUT MEDICINE. BASED on new,theorlea of tbe curiae and cure or disease. It deals witn me electrical and magnetic conditions of the body and the gaaeB surrounding It In the atmospnere. controlling tbese conditions at wllL It la not electricity. DISEASE Is simply Im paired vitality. The Electropoise constant ly adds to the vitality and only assists Nature, In Nature's way, to throw off the trouble. A 40-page book, describing treatment and containing testimonials from all aeolions, and for tbe cure of all diseases, maUed Fans oa application. Addreas ATLANTIC ELECTBOPOISE CO., Washington. D. C. Charleston, 8. C Atlanta, Ga. W, M. WATSON. Agent, KewBerneN' O- We should always be ready for any demand that God may make on us. We should be ready to do or not to do. Ready to suffer or to enjoy. Ready to go or not to go. Ready to give or to receive. Keaay to live or to die just as God may wiil. Are you ready for whatever is in the r ather s will? Falling OTfr a Precipice U a terrible thinn even in dreams. The victim of this frequent form of night mare awakes with a start and a ory ; his limbs bathed in cold perspiration, his heart thumping tremendously. Moral: Don t sleep on your back, particularly if you are troubled with dyspepsia and nervousness, and ute uoatetter'a Stomach Bitters to care these joint troubles. For sleeplessness, the insepar able attendant of chronio dyspepsia, and its offspring as well, the Bitters is a surpassing remedy. Tbe disordered stomach is the progenitor of numberless harassing symptoms, and the organs of thinking ii a faithful reflector of its disturbance, in which tbe liver and bowels also share. If we are to restore quietude to the brain and nervous sys tem, we must reinforce the stomach and regulate the action of the digestive, secretive and evacuative organs. Pre vent and remedy malaria, inactivity of the kidneys and blsdder, debility, heartburn, sick headache and la grippe with this remedy, whioh has received the nnqusliSed sanction of eminent physic idea. France has honored the author of the "Marsellaise" the song of the French revolutionists of 1792 and of lovers of freedom every where since that time, with a statue. His vords will live long after the bronz3 effigy shall have crumbled to dust. Answer Thtg Question. Why do so many people we sea around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made miserable by indigestion. Constipation, Dizziness, Lorn of Appetite, Coming op of the Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75c we will aeU them Sbiloh's Vitaliier, guaranteed to cure them. Bold by New Bern Drug Co. Poverty is very good ia poems, bat is very bad in a house. It is very good in maxims and in ser mons, bat it is very bad in practi cal life. , The Homeliest Man ia lew Berne As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist ana get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for tbe Throat and Lungs, a remedy that la MMiiug cownjiy upuu iu suvrii awu io guaranteed to relieve and core all Chronic and Acute Cooghs, Asthma, Bronchitis, and Consumption. Large bottles 60 eta. and fit. mar22 deod Weow J. 17. Stovart, SALE And Livery Stables. X ...... ! l i JA c iill! A big lot of Buggies iust arrived. Also, Road Carts and Harness, and a line lot of Driving Worses, which will be sold with a Smaller Profit than ever before for cash or negotiable paper. Milwaukee BEER. I am SOLE AGENT for this Cele rated Beer in New Berne. ON DRAUGHT. Schooner for 5 Cents. I keep oa hand a CHOICE LOT of WINES, LIQUORS, Cigars and Tobacco. T. C. HOWARD, RED LIGHT, Middle Street, Near Market Dock. mai23 dwtf S. G. Bragaw, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEW BE2NE, N. C. Office Over Citizens Bank. laBSd- SsTiallwood tl Stover, DEALERS IN General Hardware, AaTJ Harness. Sash, Doors, Blinds. Faints, Oils, Varnish, Glass and Putty, Lime, Plaster, flair and Cement Agents for DEV0E & CO'S celebrated Beady Mixed Paints, which are strictly pure goods. MIDDLE STREET. THE Hnfual Life Insurance COMPANY OF1 JNEW YORK ISSUES EVERY DESIRABLE FORM OF Its New Distribution Policy is the Most Liberal ever offered by any Insurance Company. Assets, Dec. 31, 1891 : $159,507,138.68. Endowments and Death Claims paid last week: 369,887.5L . r f'. Average Dail Payments: : $61.64792. . ; . v c. a; battle, Vf': r f 4 tf - : At Journal 6ffice. i i v CHr.r.!"OEFACTCnY. 0. H. Waters & Bon, BUGGY AND CARRIAGE ; Ilanufactniers, Ht mor4 la the! New Building on Broad etreet, near the Bsilroad, and erenow better prepared To Do First Glass Work oa every kind of Vehiolea. Will ale eoatlBM HORSE-SHOEING at th not prioe as before. -Also, we wish to eall your attention olese HARNESS HAKES, who is known i nonn a wen a sontn, eo we will make Harneee of all kinds. Repairing done awuj mo promptly at snort notion. Thankiotf the pnblio for neat natron,. ace, we ask a oontinnanee of thecame. feblDdwtf MOBTB CAROLINA-Famlleo County. In the Supatior Court pDrlnr Term. 1891. Ivathan Oahoon, plalnUfl. agalnat The In terstate Life Association of Staunton, Virginia, delendanta. Tti M ria f.n. n, .,, . " UH. WUVTQ UaillVU Will Wlf SOtlflS IhAt .n uitifHi antlli. - been commenced In the (superior oonrt of .mvw vuuukj., w IWWV.T OI UlO 00(0011- ant corporation the anm of one thousand dollars, and due plaintiff by reason of an iHinruiM nftltAV l.Dii ... Kw . ration on the life of atarr Cahoon for the uvuou. ui piamuii, ana ine defendant cor poration will further take notloe that It la required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court or aald county, to be held at ttiA Atfitirfc Vimi.. In ObwWah. vi n . - llth Monday after the 1st Monday In March, 1892 (being the 334 day of May, 1892), and an swer or do mur to the complaint in said ae tlon. or plaintiff will apply to the court for than rallaf ilapaanilaJ TV, I. I Ilk .1 a l uaa aum itu ur vi nwoii, lotn, FE8TU8 MILLER. C. 8. C. Cabo A Liioh, Att'ya for Plaintiff. m2a Commissioners' Sale. By virtue of the nowar conferred nnnn th. nndeniKnaa Commissioners, tn and hv a certain J aJknuent of toe Superior Court of -.ivju cuuaiy, granted at lis February Term. ISSfi, in an action or William Cleve, sr., plaintiff, vs. Klbert Dall and wife, de- nuaanuH we win expose ior Bale at runuc Auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the Oonrt Honaa door In K Knrn. innt v of Craven and State of North Carolina, on siaywui, inh, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described property, to-wit: AU that tract of land describe-! fall In a eenaln mortgage executed b Elbirt Dall and wile to Aaa Arthur, and which la duly lewrded In Book No. 01, paces lis. 173, 174 and 175; alao the tract of land described In a mortgage executed by Ubert all aaa wife to G. r. Lancaster, which mortgage la duly recorded In Book No. as nana its and 4Mi Reeomaof Craven county; reference to which records la hereby made for a fall and perfect description of the said tracts of IUU. P. H. PELLETLEH, W. T. CAUO, a28 Id Commissioners HORSES AND MULES. I hare just received a FINE LOT of Western North Carolina HORSES AND MULES. ALSO, A FINE LOT OF BUG&IEb, ROAD CARTS AND HARNESS. Ail of whioh I will sell VEBT CHEAP for oash or approved paper. Give me a trial. IS S3. Street W. P. JOF.ES Is now carrying a Large Stock of AND Manufacturing and Cleaning MATTRESSES, Opposite the Gaston Honse, and res pectfully asks a share of patronage from the pnblic. Agent for the Excelsior Clothes Horse. TO TIIEPUBLIG. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE FIFTY DOLLAKS In the purchase of a PIANO, and from Ten to Fifteen Dollars In the purchase of an ORGAN, address AD0LFH CO HE, NEW BEBNE.N. C, General Agent for Forth Carolina, who now handling goods dlreot iro n the manu facture re, aa follows: HIGH GRADE BUEHUIT PIANOS, dlatlngulehed for tone, workmanship and durability, and endorsed by nearly mil the mnsloal Journals In the United matea. Made by Paul Q. Mehlln, who Is at this tlmeone of the beatmeehaolci and inventors of the day. Thirteen new patents on this high-grade Menlin Piano. Also the NKWBY&KVANSTJPRIcrirr PIAne, which has been sold by him for the naat alx years la tbe eastern pan ef this State, and up to this time has given entire eatlafaetlon The Upright Ptanojuat men. tloned will be sold at from S2U0 to HA In Kbonlzed Boaewood. Oak. Walnut or Ma hogany cases. Also tbe CROW PABUB ORGAsT, from to0 to t lull In solid walnator Oak esaee Ten years' experience In tbe muale busi ness has enabled him to handle nothlnr bnt standard Roods, and he does not hesitate to say that he wl'l aeU any mnaleal Instrument aoout aa per eens. eneaper tnan other agents are now offering. . ueier to.au Dents m Kastera Carolina. ianaSdwU S. R. STREET, General1! FIRE AHD LIFE Insurance Aent, HEW berhe; h. c. STERLING SILVER, about 33 1-3 PER CENT CHEAPER THAU C AIT BE EOTTGHT ELSE77EEIIE. . Aiwcpporttiiity. ' : - EUliIi .-TUX! -JTj - - F&0rX88I0X4L. on. a K. BAQDY. Surgeon Dentist, W. D. MclVER. Attorney-at-Law NEW BERNE, N. C DR. J. D.CLARK, NEW BERNC, N. GJ erxffir ea Cbsria Follook and Broad Kml, between P. H. FELLETIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oravsn St.,' two doors Bonth of Journal offioe. Will nrac tlce In the Counties of Craven. arteret. Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. W United Btatea Court at New Berne, end Supreme Court of the Btate- THB Farmers & Merchants Bank NEW BERNE, N, C Organized leas than twelve months ego CAPITAL, - , $75,000.00 Undivided Profits over . $5,000.00 OFFICERS : L. H. Cutler, . President. W. S. CHadwick. - Vioe-President. T. W. Dbwkt, ' Cashier. A. H. Powell, . Teller. DIRECTORS : Wm. Cleve, P. H. Pelletier, J. W Stewart. W. H. Chadwick. John Sater. O. Marks, L. H, Cotter, E. 8. Hackbarn. Headcaarters for Nickel Svine Stamps. Collections a specialty. feSl lw Dozen to a fine point that's where the making of corsets has been brought to. Kabo for the "bones" it can't break or kink. Loops of corset lace In stead of metal eyelets they can't rust or cut the laces. The Ball Corset for ease and comfort; the Kabo Cor set for unyielding strength. Each is the best of it's kind If you don't think so, after wearing for two 'or three weeks, return it to us and get your money back. O. MARES & SON. HPCIITQ WAHXJfiD to whom unnsnally MULn I O liberal terms will be given to sell our new book, Life and Works of SPURGEON. The world greatest neaener hi dead, and hundreds of thousands of christian families aa well aa Clergymen, Bible raadera, sto dente. waltloa for an onnortnnitv to tmr- ehaae this book. "We want agents to aeU this book right now, while the Interest is rreatest. don't wait, today send AT OMCS is cents in stamps, ior agents complete ean vasaiog outfit and be the first to canvaai your neighborhood. TERMS UBEBaX. ACT QUICK. F0BSHEE & HcXAKEX, . Cincinnati, 0. Cox Coiton Planters, Stonewall, Climax and Gem Cotton Flows. Cotton King and Iron Age Cultivators, And a Fall Line of Agricultural Implements, AT J. G, Vhitfy & Co.'s, Oor. Booth Front and Graven Bla. , NEW BERNE, N. C. A MAN .0450 HISrJEICHBOR paUesdy . G375. Ves'theveTyi Rlisr Insora Yonrselff LUCCER2UTES,Sannnall,Ci. Yam fautt Jimsw-jsj, wrw I m aU UFFffKNs ZIBS. J. U.nm3' Boarding House ;3 reopened Mm. J, 1L HIKES h reopened oppomte) Dapaat uauoja. IH6 PiC rilfJ ElTlri Z&t ,r Cm U ai r Ot tcant fbm. . ' f" "J. Um HINC3. PzWL i'II03S3,T.:EIlYZLII.;; 0!i'ii4 T- j' al .uitel to.. L. . ... . -.1 Pmall Jobs of Repairing solicited and sab Is'antlon iirnmed. T be lounel when wanted near t'.e lee I -tT. - w to ftst eharacter as a c"! I -H10. t $I.Ca Fcr Yuar. ; . . , COc. for G Xloniiis. ONLY From TJntU Jan. -FOE WEEKLY NINE COLUMN FOLIO LAEGE AMOUNT OF BEADING. The Daily $5.00 Per Tear. Circulates in every direction from New Berne, where there ig a' ' tiaily mail, and is a splendid medium for advertisers. - , ... ,i.'v- Liberal Advertisiss fldes. We lhave just received a large lot of Ketr a-nd Handsome Books, which we club wita both the Daily and Weekly Editions. Call an 1 see them, and get one by paying one yearju, " ; advance for the Daily. By paying $L2& for the Weekly one year in advance will alsi entitle yon to a book. . Jolb Departments In connection with the Journal JOB DEPARTMENT. All kiudsjof woik ifxecutedpn Um bei-C"" of order and at satisfactory prices. - Iiettor Head - Note Heads," 5-, 1 Bill HeadsC . , Statements, - Posters, ' 70c, INTow 1st, 1893, THE - JOURNAL. Journal, 50c. Per Month. met--4 n-i'v i-j there is a F1R9TCLA8I, - ' Business Cards, ' Envelope. And all kinds of work. k. it 'f'f 0 if i r , .... i - ft'

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