E JOURNAL 'TIC STRICKEN FRANCE. - ; and Bloodshed Feared Tomor row at the Municipal Elections - Concentrating Troops . -., - at Paris. - U Paris, April 29. The many dynamite outrages of the past lev onths have caused a feeling that, t'espite the re-Kerated expressions cf confidence on the i part of the i - horities, May 1st, wilt witness j inf and bloodshed, not only in 1 aria,"i it also in the varlonB labor f mploywf seolions ihroogtaoufc the In Paris, which city is governed by a special law in regard to muni- oinat inno nn rlintnrhn.nrps of a VipU ll-WVlvuv av - - - political natme will, of course, oo cur. The police will attempt to nrflVAnt mt nneech makine on the trMtJt- and a larcre force of military will hA hIrl In readiness to aid tbenvif It is required. In addition to the regular force stationed in Pariathn crarrison has been rein- fnrnMl hv the Third nassars and the Ninth Dragoons. Six regiments nt navalrv. stationed near the citv will be held In readiness to start at miaa fnr Paris on receiDt of signals. Ou Sunday these troops will bennder arms from day break. After tonight ail trnnna in thocitv will be confined in their barracks ready for instant imrvlee. AllDublio buildings and monuments will be gnarded by soldiers, while others will be con coftled to Drevent their direct con flict with the crowd until it is ne cessary. " AOTifflaeraoTe'excitement, not un mixed with indignation against the police, has betn caused tt Dijon by the attempt that was made to blow np the town hall. Fortunately the explosion did little damage. No body waa injured, but the people ot the town say that this was in no measure due to the police. Palaeio Threatens a Prisoner With Torture. NBW Yoek, April '29. A epee- raUojhe, Herald from Laguayra, Venezuela, aays that on April 18 a quantity of arms from Trinidad, in tended for General, Grespo, were . seised at Oiudad, Bolivar. The government also captured a son of the revolutionist leader, an 1 the young man, it declares; will bt executed on the day his father comes within a league of Caracas. President Palaeio nlno announ- ; eed that he will subject young Crespo to torture unless Mrs. Grespo divulges her husband's plans. The government's losses at too battle of Tom pit do Colon were 309 men killed and 500 wounded. The Btaa im in Cara cas is unchanged, except that the feeling of alarm is becoming great er. President I'alacio is very i much nfrald oi assassination and keeps himself strongly guarded. A TILLAIKOUS ACT. A Bnffian Cuts Off a Young Lady's Hair in Charlotte. CHARLOTTE, N. C, April 29. Miss Inese Sykes, a yoang lady, was caught by a ruffian on the street last night, who smothered her cries and cut off her hair. She wore her hair in a long plait and he whacked It off with a razor. Her assailant, after cutting off her hair, struck her in the breast, threw the hair to the ground and escaped. , Another Bank Failure. Minneapolis, Minn., April 29 Tbe Commercial bank oi St. Paul . has closed its doors as a result of a run caused in part by the recent lailare of the St. Paal German fire r insurance company. Fleeing from Anarchists. - - Brussfls, April 20. The hotels here crowded with people who have fled from French and Italian cities to avoid the dangers of May-day. Special trains are being run to accom 'modate the rush of fugitives. ' Hot Springs. Have you ever visited Hot Springs ? v Alas I You meet while thera so many Inatanoea of tarrihln hlnodl ruiison. evidenced by disfigurement of face and rflrm. HlthAr mail nntTnrpra frnm aorofala. syphilis, eczema, salt rheum, loan, blemished skin, twisted and aching joints, limbs made crooked by fnantnatism, etc, oto. Home tiod relief, tome ao not and come away poor in purse and grieviously disappointed. It costs money to visit and sojourn at Hot Springs. The experiment cf going thera cannot be indulged in without considerable expense, liow thsnkful then should everyone be to know there is a remedy even more beneficial in cases of blood poison than Hot Springs We refer to Botanic Blood Balm (B. B Bi m to its merits thousands will teetif r. ' "I contracted blood poison. I first tried physicians, and then went to Hot Springs. I returned home a ruined - nn physically. Nothing eeenfed to do . any good. My mother persuaded ma to try il. is. a. to my utter as ton' ishment every nloer quiokly healed." Jas. I, Bos worth. Atlanta, Oa says: "Soma rears ago I contracted blood poison. I had no Appetite, my digestion was rained, rheumatism drew up my limbs, so I could hardly walk, mi throat : was oanterieed five times. Hot Springs gave me no benefit and my life was ona of torture until I gave B. B. B. a trial, and surprising as it mav seem, the use of five bottles oared me." The children of a millionaire get mob acquainted witn their father. OCAH4NTEE0 CTJH.E. We authorize out advertised druggist to 11 Dr. King's New Digcovry for Con niption. Coughs and Colds, upon this iitlon. IT yon are amioted with a h, Cold, or any Lung, Throat or t trouble, and will use this remedy as ted, givng it a xair trial, ana expe ee no benefit, you may retnrn the bot d have your money refunded. - We not make this offer did we not know r. King's New Discovery could be , rn. It never disappoints. Trial i free at F. 8. Duffy's drug store. ' '9 50e. and $1.00, t - . ;-; ,;i,v , col ham mm-' ABU DEFENDS HIS POSITION AND ADVISES TEE ALLIANCE TO BEXAI5 19 THE DEXO - CBATIC PABTT. And to Confine their Demands to Con- - gresslonal Conventions. The time has come when I can not permit those who have been my friends, associates and co-lab orers, in the cause of Democracy. to be longer deceived by the mis- representations of designing men.1 1 have stood the fire as long as I can without making a plain state- meat relative to my advocacy of; measures for financial relief, so ! that the people see how unfairly I have been recently treated by the press, to whose good opinion I am entitled. I commenced to give thought to the financial problem in 1872-74, while I was a student at Transyl vania University, Lexington; Kv. I read the press Of the day with interest and had the pleasure of hearing such Democratic lights as Senators James J3. Beck, J. G. Carlisle and J. 0. S. Blackburn, make campaign speeches on the line tif financial reform and de nouncing especially the demoneti zation of silver. Tteee led me to investigate the subject further, and I have tried since to read all the current literature bearing upon the subject that I could find. My reading and study have brought me to the sincere and decided conclusion that the financial prob lem is of the first importance among the iames that mart be settled by the American people. In this view I find myself coin ciding with Allianee and non-Alliance Democrats in the State. In January, 1887, 1 attended the agricultural convention in Ealeigli, presided over by Hon, Elias Carr, and introduced a resolution look ing to financial relief. In March, the same year, I wrote an article eni:ueu "jjana nais lor our National Bank Issue," which ap peared in the "Greenville Eeflec- tor" and 'News & Observer" about the same time. After this I wrote an article dealing with the cotton problem, entitled, "The Hope of the South " This was first pub lished in the -'Progressive Farmer," and ufferivatdM in an abbreviated form in "Frank LeslieV Both of thene art icles wero. widely cop ied. I followed this with ''Bone of the South No. 2." Subsequently I havu noif cud then contributed to different papers on the line of financial reform, ee pecially in advocacy cf tho sub treasury plan. These questions naturally brought me to the notice oi tho Alliance, an organized body working lor legislative reforms, and consequently I received many invitations from different parts of the State to address Alliance gath erings. Some few of these invita tions I accepted. In mid-summer I received an invitation to join Lol. Polk in a series of speeches throughout the state. Before consenting to do so I con sulted many prominent Democrats. among them chairman E. O. Smith, Hon. T. R, Jernigan, then associate editor of the News & Observer, Hon. T. J. Jarvis, who has always 8iiowu nimseit a wise and conserv ative leader, and others. They advised me that it would do good tor me to accept the lpvitations. Following the few speeches uiaie I was flooded with other invitations, andatasacrifi.ee, with only the good of the people at heart, have delivered speeches in twenty-five counties. I leave the character and tendency ot my speeches to tho people who heard them as well as to the telegraphic reports of them in different Demo cratic journals, invariably report ingme as having ; done my party good, which conld not have been otherwise as I made the same class ot speeches that I was want to do in the campaigns from 187G to 1890, and also the same kind of speeches spoKen Dy lion. Jesse J. Yeates, tion. x. n. jernigan, lion. l). M Carter, Hon. L. C. Latham and Hon. Thomas G. Skinner, in their respective canvasses of the first district, and the electors for the Stato-at-large, a nd as Senators Vance and Bansom have made throughout North Carolina for the past twenty years. They denoun ced the demonetization of silver, the resumption of specie payment ana the credit strengthening not, They have held up the tyranny of a gold standard, promised the re- tnonetization of silver and general financial relief through the Demo cratic party. So have I. In the present hour we onlv differ as to the plan of relief. I be ijve in the eub treasurv plan. Ihey do not. As Democrats each is entitled to his individual opin ion. As long as freedom of speech is guaranteed in this country we all have our individual right to ex press our own views and I trust without having our Democracy impugned or ourselves proscribed. Mr. Blac d can favor free silver and be a Demoeraf; Mr. Harter can oppose Iree silver without hating his Democracy questioned: Mr. Kandall was a protectionist and yet a recognized leader of' Demo cracy in Congress; Mr. Carlisle ean reverse himself on silver, and A the while fight against the abol lion or internal revenue, a perm. nent plank in our State platforms. and yet is to North Carolinians', a great leader in Democracy, ' ' j ( lint Mr. Skinner, it would seem. can not advocate a measure which he sincerely believes would relieve the people of their ereat fttrricultn- ral stagnation and arm the gBeld with the power to command high er prices tor their products, without Having nts political Heritage tasen from him, bis services cancelled and his future proscribed. Hence I desire . to say, as much as I may be maligned, sharp as the criti cisms may be made, nothing can cause me to waver or falter in my political faith, for I expect to fol low the flag when many who now judge me wrongly shall have de serted and joined with our common enemy. My advocacy of the sub-treasury plan has always been in the pale of the party 1 discuss it only in a general way, trying to impress two pivotal thoughts that Democracy is the rule or strength of the peo pie and that a majority have the rierht to control: that Demooraav means lodging all power with the people possible; that what we call money, whether in the shape of government credit or coin, is the most powerful controller of human action ana the great distributer ot the results of labor; that as gov ernmental credit has to be invoked nithflr in th fnrm of trAnanrv notes. 'fiertiflnates or ?naranfred bank notes, to do the business ot the country, that it is more Democratic to put this power in the hands of or near the people at first cost than to delegate it to corporations with the power to crush the people; and that the government can extend its credit upon pioptr supervision upon land and staple crops as well as upon bonds, gold silver, for the reason that these most redeem the bonds and furnish the power with which to purchaso gold and silver. Now while these are my individ ual views I have no desire to force them npon Democrats who cannot see through the same glasses as I do, and certainly would not want them incorporated in our State platform, recognizing as I do that there is that difference of opinion among Democrats that would hazard the harmony of Democratic councils and jeopardize our success at tbe polls, realizing further as do that our white people must be held together within the organiza tion of Democracy to preserve home rale, to prevent the common enemy from re-enaoting the era of its misrule, to perpetuate white supremacy and to stand as a bar rier against amalgamation and the evils that would therefrom. The people of North Carolina may be assured while I claim the right of my individual views, I stand ready to make any sacrifice to proven t tbo disruption of the Democratic party. And if I may be permitted to make a sugges tion, without criticism, to Alliance and non-Alliance Democrats in the interest of harmony, it would be to carry out what I intended at the last meeting of tho State Exeoutive committee, to recommend to the different county conventions, with as little variation as possible, the State platform of 1890, and rele gate all our differences of a na tional character to the different congressional conventions, as this class of relief must come through the channel of congress, and these are the political bodies that should be impressed with the importance of relief on the line indicated. In making this suggestion I am not retreating Irom the Democratic principles involved in the sub treasury plan. I shall attend the Democratic convention of the first district and do as I did at our last district con vention, use my power to have in corporated this plan in the plat form, and work for the nomination of a man that will stand fiat-footed upon such a platform. If I fail, it will not dimnish my Democratic ardor, but I will follow the majori ty. As & financial reformer, I can not see bow engrafting anything unusual iu our State platform will advance cause. I can see bow it may divide our people and endanger our loctil institutions. I give the Alliance credit for too much wisnom and patriotism, even if in the absolute control of the State convention, to act either in naming the ticket or the platform, so as to bring defeat upon the work there committed to their charge, My opinion is, they will act wisely and conservatively, and on the day after they will deserve the applause of patriots- Let non-Alliance Democrats stop their bickerings, mad criticisms, tone themselves down, be prepared to act conservatively, meet ona common ground, help enact a com mon platform that all can stand upon and name a satisfactory tick et that will inspire union and solid ity in city, town, hamlet and country, and under one flag march to an assured victory. To tbis end let us all meet as true Democrats prepared to make some sacrifices and concessions for the common good. DABBY fcKINNEB. Oh, What a Cough. Will yoa heed tbe warning;. The signal perhaps of the sore approach of that mora terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if yon ean afford for the sake of saving B0o., to ma tbe risk and do, nothing for it We know from experience that Shiloh's Care will cure your oough. It never fails. This exylaint why more than a Million Bat tles were sold the past year. It relieves croupe and whooping cough . at onoe. Uothers, do not be without it. For buna back, side or chest use Bhiloh's Dorons Plaster. Bold by Hew Kerne Prug Co. - :. TownshiB Executive Committee. The Democratio voters : of Craven county (will meet to their respective townshifas. April 80th. at 11 o'clock for the parpose of seleotleg Township Executive Cooamitte. ; ' Si B. KTSfflcr, Beot'y. hpii--t.V? NoTE-4-Tha 8th township wilt meet at the court house. j aildwlw ; -Y'T.:ne?iUcIalOfflcfc'.( ,. Editor. Journal I - have' read, with interest, the account ; in the News andObeserver of the presen tation of the portrait of the Hon. J. J. Daniel to the Supreme Court, wnioh be, in the past, so highly adorned. .. . " Che judicial office is one, inti mately connected with the masses of our people, and when properly administered, illustrates the most attractive virtues or great and good men. and inspires confidence in the Integrity and stability of onr republican institutions. The mental vision of the Judge should be clear ana unbiased, and fixed exclusively npon the "principles of law ana equity, tils elevation to the bench bhonld be the occasion for his withdrawal from the excite ment and passion of political con troversy, and the fiercer strife of partisanship and favoritism. Knowing no one, the influence of bis position should be lent to tbe advancement of the interests of no one, and his personal preferences should be studiously concealed from the public view, so that, tike Caesar's wife, be shall always be above suspicion. The lav should be his mistress, and he should yield to her, that undivided service and devotion, which, alone, can Batis fy ber demands, and prevent tbe consequesces, which follow tee ex pressions of bor jealousy. His private life should be spotless, and bis public life ebould be free from every entagiing alliance, lie should be admired and revered by all, while living, and, when dead his memory should be enshrined in tbe hearts of all. These are his just rewards, and should be accor ded him without reverse or stint. Judge Daniel thus honored the judicial office, and the just tribute paid to bis memory by Air. Day, who presented his portrait, and Chief Justice Merrimon, who re ceived it on behalf of tbe Court, testified to the impress his useful and honorable career left upon the publio sentiment and tbe public virtue of the State. Every Judge should emulate his illustrious example, and strive to deserve an equal meed of respect and reverence. Twenty fears' Experience. C. D. Fredricks, the woll-known photographer, 770 Broadway, New York, says: "I have boen using Allcock's Poe OUS Plasters for 20 years, and found them ono cf the best of family medi cines. brteily summing up my ex peri ence, I say that when placed on the small of the back Allcock's Plasters 311 tbe body with nervous energy, and thus cure fatigue, brain exhaustion debility and kidney difficulties. For women and children I have found them invaluable. They never irritate the skin or cause tho slightest pain, but cure sore throat, coughs, colds, pains in side, back or chest, indizestion and bowel complaints." Stony ground people generally nave hard Hearts. For Onr Fifty Tears Mrs. Win blow's SooroiNa Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, tflaya all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the beat remedy for jJiarrnoea. Twenty, lve cents a bottle. Sold by all drug' lets throughout the world. Jan9d&wlv Faith is the engine puts in motion. that love WeShave a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria canaer mnnto and headache; in SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A nasal Injector free with eaoh bottle. Use it if yon. desire health and sweet breath. , frloe OUo. Sold by Hew Berne Drug Co. Few of us give our critics the attention they deserve. ' BUCKLER'S AR.tICA SALVB The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Bores, Dicers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Bkln Eruptions, and pos tlvely cures files, or no pay required. is guaranteed to give perfeot satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 35 conta per box. For sale in Newborn by F. B. Duffy, wholesale and retail druggist. When Baby was side, we gaVe Bar Castorla. When sit was a CJiild, sh cried for Castoiia. Whea aha became Kiss, ah clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. DUFFI'S CROUP STBUP v COUGH MIXTURE. AND Certificates as to its tiure and Rapid iienenis. - Brooklyn. April 12ib, 1893. Mb. R..N. Duffy. Dear I sir: This te to certify that I have used your Cough mixture with very beneficial results and Would glad ly recommend it to any one in need of a good ceogh cure. Yours Resp'y, HABBY UEIFFITHS. 463 Lexington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., formerly of Portsmouth, va. ; ; Brooklyn, April 8, 1892. B K. Dofft, Hew Berne, N, C. - Dear ( 8ir: It affords me much pleasure to add my testimony to that of to many nthers aa to the value-of your Croup Syrup. I have used it with almost instan taneoos success.' ,v y Tours tnily. " HHiOTB. GEI2IUL COMMISSION MESCH1HT, Bayer of Cot tori, -Country Prodnoa, and a good (dale for sale or exobanaa for a drive hone. . . J . ; - urnoa loot uraven sneei,ui vine "min ing. - w - ... - - febsdwtf Pianos and Organs ; "tnnedJor 13,00. Satisfaction guaranteed. ProtU Eugene Wallnaii, "SEW J3EKKJS, ivffl : Over W Tefrttmonisls in town." :-U Leave afderi at Green Front Novelty Store, . O . , . w ai17 dim . iiAiin just nnniuFD FROM THE i'EST WITH TWO GAR LOADS SES and MUL! Ocme Early and Get a Bdlmt .11 OUNDED 180)4 brthepiWDtexecative lUeS lur educating JLWavt nafl JUIV UVPf -v. 0 school, owing to Its HIGH standard oi excellence, nos piacea in Dumnera more vouuB man mu women from Md., Ya., N. C, 8. C. and Oo. than all similar Instltutfons combined. Catalogue and. pnrticulan mailed. W.H.SADLER.PHES.. Sale of Str, Greenville. Bv authority conferred on me by the Stockholders of the Tar River Transpor tation Company, 1 will oiler lor sale at, Public Auction, at the Clyde wharf in the town of Washington, North Carolina, on Thursday, May 19, '92, At Four o'clock, P. M., The Steamer Greenville with all her tackle, apparel and furniture, together with ono Bargo of 40 tons capa city, decked all over. Tho steamer Greenville is n light draft propeller, length of keel 108 feet, lenprth over all 116 feet, width of hottom 101 feet. 231 feet 07er all. Speed 8 miles per hour, carrying capacity 300 bales of ootton. Inspected March 20, 18'J'i. Title guar anteed. For further information apply in per son or by letter to John Il.ivens, Wash ington, N. C, J. J. Cherry, Greenville, N, C, or N. JI. Lawrence, Tarboro. N. C. ALFRED FORBES, President Tar River nSOdl'Jwlt Transportation Company. Wood Work. Wheelwright and general repair of Buggies, Carts, Wagons, etc. All kinds of Fancy Work a specialty, such as turning, scroll, mantels, stair rails, etc A. T. DICKERSON, P. Tronwith's old stand, ap!2 lm Opposite Citizens' Bank. THE STURTEVANT HOUSE, NEW YORK. -OO; :0 AMERICAN PLAN i.iO TO 3.50 1-KB CAY. . EUROPEAN PLAN 1.00 Per Day 66 UPWAED, THE STCRTKVAWT HOUSE Is the most central In the oltyl near all ele vated roads, street ear lines, principle places of amusement and large retail atores. All the Comforts of Home with the addi tional conveniences of the metropolis If offered onr guest s. TUB STURTEVANT HOUSE, Broadway, 8tU ti 201h Sta,. New York, H. V VIOLIN AND PIANO, INSTRUMENTAL and THEORITICAL, HARMONY and COMPOSITION. . A class will be formed, of advanced pupils only, to take np Harmony. Praotloal Piano Tuning and Repair ing taught. Advanced pupils in Harmony will be taught i Composition free of charge, talent allowing. Violin or Piano, two lessons per week, per month, , 3 00 Violin and Piano, one lesson per week, per month. - . 2.00 Harmony, one lesson per week, pw month, , 8.00 For fall particulars apply to the un dersigned at the offioe of R. C. Kehoe, corner Middle and New Bis. Monday, April 4th. Chas. M. Kbhob, .. . - Chas. L. OaskhX. ' ad&wtf ; "1- ,i. i;,l.i.i;Ui,: Clinton Uilifary Insiii'o CLINTON, N. cLt-'f ' All teachers have had Collegiate training prepared especially for teaoh- "Preparatory coarse a specialty. Special course ia Commercial Law, Boeir-keeplng and Penmanship. . . , t. sSrVooal Mnsio and Ualistbenlos Free. IsSfTNo additional cost for Classics. , es8TN0 INCIDENTAL FEB8. r t , i 63" 115 for Board, Washing, Lights, sod Tuition per mootb.i u-ww ' Taltion from 83. $8 to 84 par month. Uniforms will , cost mora than 8U5.O0, ;!.i.--4?i'-r ' For drtoer varUculats address tht PfinoipaK v y-s.:,; -- (i.W,Jl.JB KI N NER, i I febljdwtf Clinton. N. O. j ,M.D.,D.D.S. Permanently located. NKWBEBN, K.O. ", Gas alirHnistred for tha ,f'.T.fl,in oi teeth' HI. ! ' iln. Office in i -I JiOTENTOJJ i GOOD SELECTION. soreneu of the mucou. membrane and V itomnnNnRRHCRA udGLEET initocdav. No 3 other treKmentneceuiry. Ie.ereause. smctureor level any Iqjurtous .fter e&ect. Price, x. Sold bluuu pals wi.i rro , flinnta, M. -UULLeUc - OccnpiesfoarbuUdlni - Unrivalleainiacu - nvoun iur iuuxob in me. .uv v. . , tY IB mow iavorauie lur u uki ncna unnji luumu,. .uv demand for our graduates is unprecedented. No vnratf mi ; TtiinilH nan enter at any time With equal advantage. Never attend a school because the tuition is cheap, for C H E AP is very aear; It mpftn. flhpAn fmrroiinflinfirs. inferior lacuitiel. and offers NO opportunities for securing POSI TION 3 for As pupils and graduates. This F. A.5ACLLK, oEC'Y, BALTIMORE, MD TRUCK EAEEELS, Briffht Burlap Barrel Covers. LINDSAY & 00. alGdlmwlt Poeq smouth, Va, WHY THE AMERICAN If 111 Is theBEST WHEl RAMBLER Is the BEST WHEEL OK TUB MARKET this year. BECAUSE tbe combination or the oelebroted O. & I. Fneumatlo Tire and Boring Frame makes riding on It a luxury. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Send for Illustrated Catalogue, GORHULLY a JEFFERY M'F'O CO., Washington, D. C. Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Osmpanyl NEW DAILY LINE BETWEEN NORFOLK, VI, and WASHISGTO?, D. C. The New and Powerfhl Iron Talace Steam era "Norfolk" and "Washington" oonoeded to be the finest Steamers afloat, will leave Norfolk every day In the year from Ihe wharf of Norfolk and Carolina Railroad Company at OtlO P.M., Old Point at 7ilO P.M. .arriving in Washington next morning at 6i30 A.M . counseling with tbe early trains of the Pern. B. 1 0. E, Bds for the Korth, East and West. Returnlna leaves Washington every even ing at 7 o'clock, arriving In Norfolk at Ti30 next morning, connecting with all trains on the Seaboard and Roanoke, Norfolk and Southern, Atlantic and Danville and Nor folk and Western Railroads, Passengers for the North will find this the most desirable and pleasant route to take, giving an opportunity of stopping overs! Washington, t. O., going or returning. Through tlcketa on sale at all the princi pal Railroad offioes. In order to-avoid mistakes ask for ticket via the New Line B ten triers to Washington For further tnforinatloa apply lo -. JA9. T. MAUFIST, " ii ' ' i&ent, Norfolk, Va, -JOHN CALLAHAN. Gen. Snpt.t v ' " ' fej d.l'mwfl -j warn ris rf.'zz la SCf ct 1:80 P.M., Friday, Oat , 17. 1890. OooraEABT. Bobbdulh. G oing West No. 51. Passenger Trains. No. B0. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. 1110 am 10 22 10 25 9 48 8 63 817 8 80 am 6 47 pm 4 00 4 85 000 '7 88 8 80 4 09 4 40 6 08 Qoldsboro La Grange - Kinston New Berne Uorehead Citr ' Dailr. Coma Eaut, No. l.t Mixed Ft. ft Pass. Train. Soorouxa OoiroWesz NO. Mixed Ft, ft Stations. : Pass. Train. Ooldsboro ' 7 20 p m Best's 6S4 684 am s so 6 67 7 OS 7 80 7 80 La Grange 8 64 6 04 748 7 68 , Falling Creek 6 84 8 80 811 8 80 i i Kinston , , 4 25 6 CO 8 60 fl 65 Caswell 4 00 4 06 1510 08 ; Dover ,825 840 1081 1088 Core Oreek 2 64 8 00 11 00 11 05 " Tnsoarora 8 24 1 80 1117 11 41 Oiark'a 9 02 819 19 15 8 00 , : Newbern - 10 89 1 80 8 87B49 Eiverdale ;: 941 948 t 48, 8 60 Oroatan - - 9 98 9 8 4 0 4 18 x Havelock 8 69 9 04 4 87' 448 Newport ffi 8 17 - 9 27 : 4 61 - 4 65 i - Wildwood A 8 00 , 8 05 6 01 f 6 01, .' Atlantio i , .7 47 ;; 7 62 5 16 5 21 Uorehead City 7 17 7 27 5 98 5 S" AtUntie Hotel , 705 7 16 .681 p in Morehead Depot a nr ,1 00 j. MondayitWednedar and Friday. 5 , tTuMlar. J'hur4T ana BatomUOV -V" ; . ' "i . Train M eomnaeta with Wilmington. Wei don.Trala brnnd North, leaving (joldnbore UM a. m,, end with Klohmond A DkbvUIs Train West, leaving Ooldehero 3:40 p, m, Train 11 cosneot. witb Richmond tt l.'snrtnt Train, arriving atOdldabcro7:5S p.m.,andwltli Wilmington and Wol'lon Train Irom tue North at t:lu p.m. . . , ; , Train S oonnecte with wllminetoia and Weldon Throned FrelKht 1 mm. North bound; leaving Goldnbore at P i p.'a. ' ; ... rt v 1 I- u J --- - fitlantic V, N, C. Railroad . A E&TA!I, Prci. THOS. BAKIELSJlt" ?a 6. B. KO BERTS, CaiMer. - 1 - The National Baiikr. OP NEW BEBNE, N. 0 i IHOOBPOBATD 1885. v v ' CaDital. - - 5100 ,uoir: surplus rroara, ' a A. 88,70(1 DIRECTORS Jas A Bbyam. Thos. ukifw Chas. H. Hbtak. J.H. UACrar", Alsx. Milucr, l.. kabviy. . '4. K. ROBKBSa , Mt SEPaTS S BHD. Groceries, Provisions ;TSB1CC0 and SSFFF, BOCTjJ end SDOEs. PLfUH, t veiy barrel rarianted. A arJe .lock of PURK .WfcST 1ND; A MOL A8SEB, our own Importation. y Come to see na.or send yonr or e S Tou will nnd oar Prices as LW s the Low-eat, . Commiaaloner'a Bale of VALUABLE LA ill. Pursuant to a Judgment of fore loan le of Mortgages, and an order of sale, at Vail Teim. ism. ot the SnDerior Court of Uraven county, Worth Carolina, In the civil uetlon entniea wreen, roy a io. v. ,... n. enfr, et als , at Commissioner dulrapiolntKt and anttiorUed by the said judfojeut and order of sale, i will sell to the highest bid' er at the Court House door nf Oravn ooun '.v. in the city of Kew Be Be, N. C, on IheW th day of Way, lhii(rielDg Mondnand then, at dayofbprlng'1'crmol Craven count Hu.- rlor court) hi o'c.ock, nwu uni thereafter as the court snail take a rtceaa, all the f jllon ing described land: LylDR and beliie In Craven county. North Carolina, ou clubfoot's creek, md lonudad on Vhe north by ulnbfoot's oreek. on the eat by Adaraa' oreek road, on tbe souib DVihe Mew Berne road, on tbe weat by the iai da of tbe late Bnfus W. Hell, Containing ona hundred and, nrty acres more or ion, oema tbe feme t cant o' iana lormerty owaoa oy BtcDheu I,. Oavlner. and well known as 'he Oavinor tract of l.nd Terms of sale, outlu This, April l'8to, lMi'i o, K. THOMAS. Commlsalone ISight of Hand Osrgairs An Endless Stream of "Bargains come from some houses, and after all you find they're no bargains a sort of news paper advertising slight o' hand now yon see it, now yon don't. That's the reason we never enter these go as you please hallooing contests Legitimate methods pay every time We desirj to simply an nounce that we guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Specialties this week ia Painti, Oils and Varnieh. Also Paint and Whitewash Brushes. Respectfully, HACKBTJRN & WILLETT. WILL BE SOLD AT A t Sacrifice 150 Nickel Clocks at 75c. 175 Nickel Alarm clocks at 98c. Also, 50 Silver, Nickel and Filled Gold Ladles' and Gentu' Watches, with Elgin Movement, every one of them guaranteed. , . Latest styles in BOW-KNOT LADIES' AND tiENTS' SCARP PINS, with Ren. uine Diamonds, 14 Karat Gold LADIES' RINGS. Also our Leader in 'j s c Gents' Initial Rings, 14 Karat, price $4.50, real valae $7.75. 4 fev fine Diamond Rings below cost. Silvcri Table and Tea Spoons, a very large assortment of single plated Oeiota' and Ladles Watch Chains - and 'Cnfl ' Buttons and Lockets. - -A yi-.;p i m AUgoods will be sold at HALF 1SK "' 0BI6I5AL COST. ' ' Come at onoo to tho ' i Green Front Novelty- Store. - miacue street, next to Baptist Church,, corner Allev. "- asa 1 t7l ,A THE WATCH : TO WEIl, ?ubllshed 8em!-Monthly, - " Sit ri Ono BcIIar a.Year. Devoted to ApwtoliC ChikUauity.'Kd- , noaion, General LntolUgence.'S f - ''Send for Sample CopyV 'l-'fff ' Ofllce of BUblloation. Greenville: N 'ti ' r i Editorial office, WashlnKtoD. NrO if . - f-3. 1. WINFIKLD, Editor . , . D. W.' DAVIS, Associate; " ; ' Cry