IMlLY JOTTRN A T HE VOL. XI.-NO. 35 NEW BERNE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1892. (;E 5 CENTS. v ja- nj ja. X TJUSINESS LOCALS. IMPORTED HOLLAND GIN, Burke'ii Bum'. Alt) nd' Burke's Guioness' f Stoat, for sale by J as Redmond. 1 OBSALE Oclis' box cr" ward 1 tobe loo Due U a perfect lounge by ' any Hid perfect htd by night, and you cm put away as much rdothint or other article. as in the average wardrobe. ..You can Rflt three artioles (or the price ' of one. - No exti a charge for packing er shipping Mr. Dr. Taltage. ifofiho cele brated preacher, nays those Ioudupb are - very, very nioe. ' Prioe in Ore ton. $10, $ 13, ', Ralme$12. $14, . ' Baw Silk, $20. Bilk Bronatelle, S25 $30. Terms 10 pr cone, disooum oBh fcith order or half with order balanoe 60 : day. ALFRED COLE3. Grand and Myrtle Avenues. Brooklyn, N. Y . :::rj" AAA CIGAR3 at very low I OaUUU figures to wholesalo and retail trade for vale by Jas, Redmond. I. CALVIN SCH OFFER'S WILD CHERRY ROCK AND RYE. pat up expressly for throat an J lung oie- ease, for sale by J as. Redmond. GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY used very much in the sick room. " For aale by Jas Rrdmo&p. FIVE Hundred pairs of Rubber Shook for children, 10, 121 and 15 cents per pair. BIG IKE. HUNYADI Janes Mineral Water, the bent Natural aperient. For sale by Jas. Redmond. PURE CORN WHISKEY for saU by Jas Redmond. DUFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for ale by Jas. Redmond. MI8H. SACRAMENTAL, PORT and SOUPPERNONG WINES for sale ' by Jas. Redmond. DTJFFY8 MALT WHISKEY for Medicinal use. for sale by jn28 Jas. Redmond. Heavy snow storms prevail throughout Nebraska. Baron Fava returns to Wash ington as the Italian minister. A DISCUSSION on ohurch canons brings out all the big guns. ric aynne. A REMARKABLE strike has been made at the Eclat mine in Crecde, Ool. The ore is running both gold and silver. California Republioaus think that coinage should be free, but not wool. It all depends upon whose ox is sheared. The Kentucky Republican plat form declares for an honest and euffioient currency. That should solve the whole problem. iT'gsthe positive woman with a comparative mind who is looking for a superlative husband and never findine him. New Toik Herald. Campbell and Flower is the latest suggestion. "The Campbells are coming" and "The Flowers are blooming" wonld at least make tuneful combination. . THE "Society for the Suppression of the Ypung-Men Who-Take. Young- Women's -. Arms - in - the Street," which has just been or. eanized. has a great future before it. vr- The approach, of the Presiden tial campaign in the United States attracts, muoh attention in France. France, wants a modification of the MoKinley law, but she would not like wsee a free coinage law. , THi movement in Kentucky to - present Senator Carlisle as a can- didate for the Democratic nomina tion for the Presidency will not swerve so level headed a man from his firm position in favor of the .. nomination of Grover Cleveland. It is now known positively by soientiflo men that the larve of both the oryptoorisjtis and the atabby cystis eventually become ' free- Borimming hrmenolepis. ; This fact ill greatly relieve the pnblio mind ."What would we common people do if it were not for science! There is some donbt that Mr. Harrison had a Presidential bee in his bonnet, but, it is certain that he raised a ''hornet's nest . in the Methodist Church by signing the Chinese i Exclusion bill bo promptly that tjhe Conference at Omaha,, had no time to enter the elaborate pro test it was preparing. " . THE United States- man of war Conoord, while stopping at Helena Ark. on her way to the Memphis bridge inauguration, oansed great excitement among the negroes.: No Government craftier had been seen bo far up the '' Mississippi River since the war, and the story- was widely circulated among the' creel nlous daikiea that the- vessel. had been sent to take them" all . to Ok- laha. ' There are new complications in the Louisiana senatorial contest eaused by the appearance of an Alliance candidate in the field, but it ia still probable that Hon. K. L. Gibson, vhe senior Senator from that State will be chosen by the Legislature as his own successor. At the present writing there does not seem to be any doubt of the renomination of Benjamin Har- risou for the Presidency. There is the usaal shosv of dissent among poiitic-1 wirepullers who are ma neuvering for position, but there is no open or courageous opposition n any State of the Union. LuCAL NEW 8. To- Catholio lawn party hfis teen postponed toth2b b met. The flip; at the custom heme U at &lf tunst iu rrapeot to C'upt. Richard- 1 Hp collector, ft'u will publish the address of Col. Greou, entire. Ic is too good to be lost with tho hearing of it. Tao funersl service of Cipt. John A. Richardson will ba held at the Episco pal church this afternoon at half-past four o'clock. Tho Ooldsbora EUadti&ht tells of a s'.ing in a flck belonging to Mr. Ha - sell Pate that has three les two in the oorreot position and one where the tail feathers grow. Tho rose show to be given tomorrow evening at Mr. Henry R. Bryan's will begin at 6:30 o'clock and continue through the evening, and promises to be very pleasant. Ojr people will be sorry to part with Mr. Charles Hallock who has Interested him-olf so earnostly in the advance ment of New Barae during his sojourn with us sizes the beginning of list November, and will welcome bis re turn at aay time when it may please him to put in an appearance. Mr. Hallock leaves ia the the Neuse this evening for Mew York, en route for his extensive plant iu the Bed River Valley of Minnesota. Mr?. Hallock and her niece, Mies Wardell, will remain until the 27th. Truck Quotations. New York, May 10. Market steady Strawberries IS to 23 ots: oabbage $1.50 to S3 25; pnas, half-barrels, $1 50 to $1:75; thirds, 50j. to $1.25; beans $1.50 to $3 50. Palmes & Rivendubq. From Senator Ransom. The following telegram was received about noon yesterday by Col. Wharton Green from Senator Ransom, giving expression to bis feelings in relation to the address which Col. Green was about to deliver on the oareer of his soldier brother, General Robert Ran so m : Washington. D. C. May 10, 1893. Hon. Wharton J. Green, care Ma j. Graham Daves. I am so sorry that I oannot be with you today. My heart is with you, it would have been great oy to my dear brother to known that you were to perform this duty to his memory. Yours affectionately. M. W. Ransom Evangelist Fife's Meetings. Evangelist Fife will arrive Thursday and oondnct the first one of his series of meetings that night. Hit musical director, Mr. William J. Rimsey, who aooompanios him is now training the ohoir for the meetings. It is composed of members of the different choirs of the city. The hymn book used by Mr. Fife in his meetings is "Crowning Glory," Nos. 1 and 2. Mr. Fife bas tent two boxes of them to the city for these meetings. All singers o.' any denomination are invited to the Presbyterian leoture-room tonight to practioe with them. The tent ia here and will be ereoted at once at the corner of Broad and Hancock streets. Seats were being made and other preparations were in progress yesterday. All Suffered Losses. We learn the adjusters are constantly expected to adjust the losses sustained by the late fire. It is probable the nltt- mate lone by this fire will fall more heavily upon individuals than usual on aooonnt of the inadequacy of the insu ranee to cover losses. Mr. Taylor will, perhaps, suffer more heavily than- the rest, his insuranoe being comparatively light. Parsons Bros, loss', 82,000, insurance $500. ? The losses of Mr. Mace were also heavyhis three etwee and two fish picking houses were insured for only fifteen bnndred dollare, while worth more than twioe that sum, a part of hie insuranoe hav Imr lapsed a few weeks before the fire, ' ' Mr. White had no lnsnrnoev but as his (took was mortgaged to Mr. Mace for its full value the entire loss falls on hint. - We learn, however, : Mr. Mtoe will begin at onoe to rebuild the three burnt stores, and will this time briok Instead ot sheet-iron. BTJCKLKll'e AHBIIOa IALTM. 9 The Best Salve In the world for Cats. Braiifee. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sore, Tetter, Chapped Hands, UhUWalns, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and post tlvelv cures Piles, or no pay required. Ii ( im.niiitMd to stive Derfeot aatlafaetlon. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bos . For sM in Newborn by jr. B. Dairy, I wholesaiend retail aruggut. MEMORIAL EXERCISES. Fine Address -Charming- Music Ele gant Floral Decorations. Tho Confederate Memorial services yesterday were very interesting. The programme was well carried out. The deoorations at the hall were neat and appropriate. Over the hed of the orator was the name RINSOil, in beautiful letters of white, end in front of the stand in letters formed of green leaves was the wish, "Ptiaoe to the Memory of the Brave." The musio was fine, and the address by Col. Wharton J. Green, of Fsyette- ille, on "General Robert Rinsom, His Career and Services as a Soldier," was excellent, touohing as it did on the an oestry and early years of our late dis tinguished townsman, his honorable traits of charactor, and gallant services defence of his native land ia the hour of peril and iavaaion. The exorcises at the hall being cniled, the prooeseion formed as pl&noed end proceeded to the oemotery f jr tho con cluding exercises. Proceeding to tho Confederate monu ment, which had been decorated in advance, a circle was formd around it, 'Tne Guard Around tho Tomb" sung. and then the Memorial Association pro ceeded to tho grave of Gen, Ransom, and after Binging a refrain, "Peace to the Memory of the Brave," the bene diction was pronounced by Rev. T. M. N. George, and tho grave completely covered with floral tributes of eatoem six young ladies wilh wreaths of flow ers leading in the work of decoration. The floral decorations around the monument were pronounced by all whom we heard givo an expression to their opinion the loveliest and most appropriate thev ever beheld. The bate of the monument was surrounded with a mass of roses, which extended from its four corners to the foot of the mound and encircled that, and in the ur vaoant places formed by the bands of roses between the monument and the foot of the mound were lovely flags formed entirely of (lowers of the right colors and the most beautiful ones that grow. The nig at the left as the monument was faced was the one used by the Confederacy previous to the regular adoption of one; the one at the right was the first one adopted and the one at tho front was the flag as used after a change was made in it to the end of the war and the one at the rear was the Confederate battle flag. Two crossed swords, one white, the other red, rested on the front of the monu ment and wreaths etc , added to the effect. The Ltdies' Memorial Association de serve high commendation lor tneir devotion, their unwearying efforts, and the success they have achieved in their efforts to do honor to our heroic dead. APPRECIATESNEW BERNE. "GARDES SPOT OF THE EAST." Wlowing Words of Praise From a Visi tor for New Berne's Fishing and Trucking Industries and Hos pitality. Yirglnia Truck, lie Advises Truckers to come to New Berne. A lettre to one df our citizens from a gentleman who lecsntly spent a short time in the city furnishes another splendid evidence of tha superiority of our resources and of the bright era of general and substantial prosperity dawning npon this section with the oontinued advance in the development of those resources. Here is the letter: Norfolk, Va , May 8. Mr. E. B.Cox: Dear sir: This writing finds me in Norfolk having only a few day since returned from your section or "The Garden Spot of the East'.' as it is fami liarly known. Daring that time I baqe been drtuing around the country and thinking you might like to know the condition of yonr orop here, I will give jou a sy nopses. uar potatoes are looking nne, a per- feot stand and every body is working them out. If the season is good we may look for a good orop of fine stock. Cabbage are allrlgbt out very late. It will Be the 25th of may or first of Jane before any shipments are made and even then they will be light Owing to continuous - resetting. The crop is tha moat Irregular ever grown here. Berries will piok light next week and perhapa a few peas will go in. The rtea oroo nere is cut on nearly one-nan bat we hope the price will make up for the difficulty. We need too a little rain just now. Beans here are jaie about as they are in New Berne bat the warmer olimate ought to make considerable difference In your favor oerore it u time to piox. 4 My short stay there war indeed most, pleasant and I only - regret not being able to see more of the country and ac quaintances. I was so favorable Im pressed with the abundant fish supply, the facilities for growing and shipping Uaok, the pleasant looation, the hospi tality if the people and the outlook generally as to advioe several of our energetic trucker to go down on a proepectina; tour. - They are all quite buiy sow bat no doubt they will avail themselves of the first opportunity. It is true that this 1 my first trip bat It certainly seems to me that New Birne ha a bright future as a tracking cotton. - :.-.-i- - ' Wishing yoa good Inok.. :t ,, :;- I am yourt Truly B. T. Haroeoves. . Children Cry fof.PitcheislCastoria A Card. Editor Journal For tha buccfisof my friends. 1 would lifca to make a few Beam statements and to make some connections that are being erro neously circulated. Have a few bo cal led Democrats oombined with the lead ers of the Republican party to down democratic organization and to ssy that you con out vote ua but we will lake tne law in our own hiiode and go be hind the returns unlawfully and count you out? Air. lid i tor, as you are aware, 1 ran for the office of councelman iast year, and Mr. Ellis beat me in tho csnven teon. I moved to mko his nomination unanimous, as any good Democrat would do. This year my friends said mit run again for the eame position, and Mr. Ellis came to me and said that be would not have the position efrain, thu he wanted to be Mayor, and a-feed my support for the same. Not withstand ing this, in bis reply to Mr. Lovick e card, he says that he had never reques ted Mr. Lovicd, or any other pr ;on to vote for him for that effioo, iiml an nounced himselef an independent for oouncelman before tho convention had been called seeing that his announce ment was calculated to damage him in the convention some cf his friends came to me and asked ma to consent to have no cenvention, and have an old bufore the war scrubrAce, but I would notOJEB 'nts. I insisted on a conven tion, but I believe that had it not been for the honest Democratic Committees of the other wards wo never would have had Bny. Wo hod n convention. A convention mdeea. 1 will not at tempt to describe it, for I would be ashamed for tha outside world to iinow that we have such men living in the good old city of Now LUrno nou'.d rule a convention as that was couducted. It is a ehame and a disnce on them! Well, did Mr, Ellis get tho nominB- lion'i No. I beat him the number of votes thU he beat me Inst year. Did be move to msfe e my nomination unanimous!1 No. I have been relUbly informed that a gentleman f eked him if he did not intend doing so, and he replied, "No." he'd be d if he did. He cried out bis intention signified in his card and ran as an independent. The election day came and Messrs Joe Nelson, Obss. Boil and R. P. Wil lis! all Ellis men, and Mr. Bell a member of the city council held the eleotion. Every thing went on all right until near the middle of the day when I dis covered among my tickets on the tabic a good number with tho matk O.K. on the back and called toe judges atten tion to them, and that some one bad put up a job on me. and Mr. Boll ro- marken that he knew nothing abont them, and said that if any of them had been voted they should be counted for me, and Mr. Williams enid tbat Mr Goutier voted one of tbcm, and I ached him why ho did not sny something to him, and ha said that was his business but Mr. Williams. I understand, snye that he did oall Mr. Gautier's notice to the marked tiokot and that I told him to vote it, that it was no device unless it was on the face. Notice Mr. Uautier's affidavit: "This is to certify that R. P. Williams never said anything to me when I voted, and that I got my ticket off the table where the voting was done. "L. K. GAUTIEIt. ''Sworn and subBcribed to before me this 9.h day of May, 1892. '8. B. Street, J. P." So when the votes wero ccunted it was found that there woro twolve votes in the ballot box with O. K. on them. Mr. Ellis asked the judges to count them for me, and Baid that he would not have it if they threw tbem out. Two of the judges. Bell and Nelson, signed the certificate deolaring me elected, and Mr. Williams entered his protest on tho baok of the certificate, and my lawyer told me that I was elected and there could be no further trouble about it, and a time viae up pointed for tho regular Democratic caucus in the office of Mr. Bam. Street. the councilman elect from tho third ward, and councilman elect Manly, from the eeoond ward, met us there laet Wednesday nisiht for the purpose of deciding on rllicora for tho ensuing year. But we could not agree na to the tax collector, so w adjourned to meet Thursday at 13 o clock. Mr. Manly did not come as agreed upon, but came to see me Friday morning and eaid that he was voting with me for marshiil with the understanding that I would not vote for Mr. S. li. Lane for tax col lector. 1 desire to state tbat 1 never made any such agreement with Mr. Manly, but told him if ho got the maycr and I the marshal, that I thought Mr. Street should have tho privilege of naming tho collector, it mattered not who it was, and I can t ere how any air-minded man could nave seen otherwise. So Mr. Maaly left u and went, ia the city board and took the law in his own hands to defeat me, and declared Mr. Ellis elected, made the ticket with Ellis, Crawford and Eubank, utterly ignoring Mr. Street. and I desire to state right hero tbat I heard Mr. Street ask him that, if Ellis should be elected would he caucus with him. and Mr. Manly replied by saying tbat there was no need of asking such a question, that he was a Democrat, and be did not consider an independent a Democrat and would not caucus with bim. Why Mr. Manly should take the course ne bas to defeat Mr. Lane is more than I can see. These are plain facto, Mr. Editor, nd wonld never have been revealed by me ir those so-called honorable men had not aoted as they have. Wishing to thank my friends for their kindness shown me in electing me Uounoiiman of the first ward, and ex press my indignation against all who had a hand in stealing the office from me, I remain yours respeotfaily, J. J. Baxter, Mesonlc Notice. There will be a regular meeting of St. John Lodge No. 8. A. F & A. M. this evening al 8 o'clock Sharp. J. B. BASNIQHT, Secy. I HOW TRY THIS It will cost you nothing and will surely do jou- good, if yoa have Cough, Gold, or any trouble with' Throat, Chest or Lungs. ;' Drv King's New .Discovery for Consumption, Cough and Colds is guaran teed to give relief or money will be paid back . Sufferers fronv La Grippe found it Inst the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. ' Try a sample bottle at oar expense and leant for your self jusr how good a thing it Is, Trial bottles free at Fi S. Daffy' Drug Store. Large else 60o; and $1.00. , S ' Masonic Notice. There will be a special cemmunir tion of St. Johns Lodge No. !i, A. F. & A. M., today (Wednesday), My 11th at 3:30 o'clock, p m , for the purposo .! paying the last tril tiu of respect to deceased brother, J. A. Richaidson. All brethren m mhera cf lo. geacci - dially invit i. By Old: r W, "J.. J. o lUssianT, Soo'y, Kui:;Iits oi" Honor . Tj the Officers and Mi-m' i cf Now I. ,o meet at edpy, Jly i . for tho 1 tribute of j.iv.r, J;hn Bern Lodge No. 443 K i You are be r-ly t: o 1 i 1 i ! your lod. icom. :lr.i. Wi '.i 11th, 1882, at 8.u0 oVIock purpose of p.iyir.i the li; t roepect to onr d-j-c-eNi l..- A. Richard By order of Jo-m M. II i tor. w. li. i;uyd. I drcsa (s; . r iv iy, !;.. attract attontion. Iu ih : I i i; wear ruc:iun droB; wrr,. rv :::.' niniU dr.i. .t .1 ;.: .; UJ. I V::. : ib:-vc " ;". like hiii. i We -i; : 1 Nyo on drtce, 1 If you wiih to oall for jour L Ju-it ia r.n i Shii ia. Th?y 1. of Nifilit K i-U. Oloihin. A : Hats. At her Old Slnnd. l'.f: Middle, where she will b her old fiicixls a:id p:lr- i Choice Cteii; Furnished familial day lloasonablo Prices . Is "Judicious Buying-' ( time. It slwsys lay.:; gains---QOt necessa; CHEAP goods, for ilii . o:ry ily i best a the keep bargains are always best gooda and vo no other kind. Ilcspcctfiil'.y, IIACKI5URN & V.'IIJ.l rr. Evangelistic The Renownod Evangelist, Will conduct a series ol Revival footings In New Berne, Beginning Thursday, May 12, 1892 CONTINUING TEN DAYS. Sorvicos will bo held both nii;ht nnd day under Jlr. Fife's own tent, which capacity of seating 8,000 people. It will be lighted by electricity and everything made comfortable, tS Come and participate in tho groat meetings. mS Wood Work. Wheelwright and general repair of Buggies, Carts, Wagons, etc. All kinds of Fancy Work a specialty, such as turning, scroll, mantels, stair rails, etc. A. T. DICKERSON, P. Trenwith's old stand, ap!3 lm Opposite Citizens' Bank. J. A BRYAN, Prei. TAOS, DANIELS, Vice Pres. 0. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. The National Bank, OF NEW BERNE, N. G IlfOOEPORATKD 1865. Capital, - - ,$100,000 Surplus PyofltgM1v.,. ,88.700 Jas. A. Bbtav, - ThobS Dakiels. Oh as. 8. Bbti, JnH.. HAOKBunK, U Haeviv. EOBKETS. At WOW All! i I;-.? ('lie: c 1 !. r fces mum I .1 j OI. d ill.:h!. lit ! '.) lm im O00SE That Laid the mh:, mm ' ' at m-t-f U a. :,-:. :. i; r . . , ;o ', i).. and :!., Oi :o:!i v.jy. W'.Il ;,.,.( ,.v, ' 00 0' io - oa. '. v li .': ::' t r o: i!y. o -. i ir.i i'o- -li', : s V. i.l 1 ' : .Old .! ';,; in :'. r:. I'.o' : o ,".! . no ...... '.". ' " ' ' . , . n. 1 r r . r i i iE7 :a:- -;. 'Xhia-:. -o ; i, k 7ft i --7 li::: ' :i ... ':'C?., llll' oi'li.VX v.--iu..; i i. c. 0. vt lUrft & Co-, ! m:v.kk :..:.! o. .! ii',!' Lit I OS I'i'i' ! . ( 1 : ; I I'll id I ho a'i.iV,' ;u..;i. . M. -lion's and P, ( ,.i !s ui 1 j 1 -, 1 ii oiiplioali . ii a! my i'.'.;. o. nni', 1 1 1 : ... i Tiii; ! run sali: i,v A-. . AG ex r y..: niCT dsil.- WIlO IV: .;.i:a. 1.1 ) CO..' . u !'.;-, I tiroo to .- j , ; i I liRvo e'.'o Uock l;u:i i l.-'il'"! Cream Clieeso, California Pint-o: Dried P e a c Ii e n; and AT A FKES1I LOT OP PIHEAPPLiji Just received. Price 10 cents apiece. Hew Strawberries, 25 cents per basket, ap30tf J. I). BA1! FIELD $200 LIEWARO ONK HUNDRED D0LLAU3 IiE WARD will te paid by tho city for tho apprehension of and evidence suflicicnt to convict tho man who assaulted Mrs Susan Willis at Blank's mill, Saturday night. An additional reward of ONE IILN- DRED DOLLARS will le paid by pri- vate citizens, mOdwlai M. MANLY, Mayor. SMOKE Genuine Cubana Tobacoo. !'. OOtlitt ' iloSQilLEY, 1 L. U 4 t- Shoo Maker "IC 13TREET, "2, It. C. r ; l ' , strvlcf-s or a skilled d I:- st-rMsa Workman from :.;n low fully prepared to All i.r l?rs for riiio M'E BOOTS ASD SHOES. !nit I have satisfactorily -I 'oy numerous patrons " .: .na character of my ;:oat,yand prompt- .; )!l:i MMORLEY RECEIVED A HVHI 1 to f:;vo PER o ii Full Liae of --iiii3' and :.:.ohikg, ro nnd Cuts. .; 0r;.-ss Goods AND BEE. :::.y Suits, i-.icy Pants, ..'.j Shirt Vaists : -" ; : itgse, .': vests, CoPLjJDESS, 1 r r 3 yra. wear.) . - . j BELLAS, Valises. . '. LISE OF ":' s iiafs. : . J. II LANE, ;o ll.ipliht Church. ' .'ii'.:ncr Gcod?. . . . : : i v i:i all tho latest 1 as cheap as can ! l! " ' "i r.-!v, Emhroidor- -. I i.!i. ' and Children's o I !:, IT oi'o most respect i ' o .il a, ui i xaiuino her ' prices with those . . - a' oKowhtTO, would do well Slioes AX!) Proper - , : i'ii chasing cbowhere. UmMH STORE. THE Farmers L Hrrchants Eaak NEW UKilSfjg, n, c. Organized ono year ago. laxter CAPITAL STOCK , $75,000.00 Dividend . . . 3,750.00 Surplns . . . 2,000.00 ' ! " UndiviiUd Prolils . . 820.74 ' OFFICERS: L. II, Cutlhu, . . President. : W. S. C iiadwick, Vioa-President.. T. W. Dr-WEY. . Cashier. A. U. Powkj.Ij, . . Teller DIRECTORS: - j. Win. Cleve, P. II. PelIetier,V i Vt ' J. W. Stewart, W. B. Chadwiok. ' Joha Buter. O. Marks, i L. H, Cutler, , . E. B. Hack burn. ; r s. Hesdqnarters for Nickel Saving Stamp. ; Oolleotion s specialty. f31 lw V

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