J JOUIINAL. rarderlandBIotlalPolaad. J r ?. Fetebsbtjeg, . May 11. ' :.'Jonal details received show ; t terrible Btate of affairs pre TaUed at Lodi, Poland. Manu facturers, book-keepers, and the Jewish residents (were merolltssl; fulled and stabbed by the desperate rioters. Ten of them were killed outright, and a hundred were bad ly iojared and bad to be carried to the hospital. The rioters were not content to murder their victims, bat even aftee death they vented their hate on them by, mutilating the corpses in a horrible manner. Kortk Carolina Odd Fellows. WnJtTJNJTON, IT. O., May 11. The grand lodge of Odd Fellows j resumed its session today. Grand , UUCCT lHUura reports tne total number of lodges in the State at eighty-sered, a net gain of sixteen for the year. v;. r. Total membership, 3,668: net in- crease, 901, being the largest in a ingle year. - Americas Tract Society. New Yobx, May 11. The annu al meeting of the American Tract Society was held in the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church to day. The president Hon. Wil liam Strong:, LJ L. D., of Washing ton, presided. ; The executive com mittee was re-elected for the en suing three years. v Sixty Persons Drowned. PSSTH. May 11. A terrible dis aster has occurred near Body, a town ia - Austrian Gallica. While 100 workmen with their wives and children 1 were crossing the river near Brody on a raft, the raft cap sized and all were thrown into the water. Sixty persons were drowned, ; CITT COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. " Xeettng of Sew Board and Election of -11 Ctty Officers. ; ' New Bern, N. 0., May 6 1892. Txr mil. tii vrnln ' VQBWB. 1 1 us. xiuto. .unon junuijr, 8. B. Street, V. A. Crawford and I .Wayne Eubank Councilmen elect ed at toe iate election appeareu before Mayor Manly and duly . qualified by taking the oath ol office. '. The meeting was called to order by 1 Councilman -elect Win. Ellis aa chairman wno statea mat coun cilmen at large would be elected and nominated associate from the 1st 2nd and 3d wards, Hugh J. Lovick who was elected by ballot. ", From the 1st, 3d and 5th wards J. E. Latham was nominated and elected. From the 2nd 3d and 4tb wards. Daniel L. Roberts was nominated and elected. Messrs. Lovick. Latham and Roberts ap peared and took the oath of office , before Mayor juaniy. The Board as organized pro ceeded to the election of a Mayor and M. Manly was nominated and duly elected by unanimous vote who being present qualified as Mayor by taking the oath of office , before Justice a. a. Btreet ana pre sented his thaaks tothe Board in ' fittiasr terms. The Board now proceeded to the 'year. Latham and Lovick being tellers. W. D. Wallace was nominated bv Councilman Ellis for Tax Col lector, receiving o vote?, . n. Lane was nominated by Council man Street receiving 2 votes. W. , D. Wallace was declared elected. John M. Hargej was nominated for City Marshal by Councilman Lovick and unanimously elected receiving 8 votes. ' H. J. Lovick was nominated for " treasurer and elected receiving 7 ? votes. f' M. T. Eoberts was elected police- ' man No. 1, but declined. , J. JL Land was elected police man No. 1. J. E. Gaskill was elected police man No. 2, but declined. Eli Elliot was elected policeman - No. 2. v J. B. Dixon was elected police. , man No. 3. i S. F. Hurt was elected market clerk. J.' L. Willis was elected head quarters watchman. . D. H. Stallings was elected sex ton Cedar Grove Cemetery. D. Best was elected sexton Greenwood Cemetery. ' Stephen 0. Bragaw was elected city attorney. Dr. N. H. Street was elected poit physician. IW.B. Waters receivings votes and J. O. Green receiving 7 votes were elected engineers to January 1893, , Board took a recess subject to the eall of the Mayor. if , W. D. Wallace, r- City Clerk. Fr Onr Fifty Tear fa. Wiwslow'b' BOOTniNO Strop has beea nsed for children teething. It soothe (ha child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is (ha Met remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty are cents a bottle. Bold by all drug gists throughout tha world. janOdstwlT i Keep an account between your alf and the farm. MOW TOT THIS , It will eoat yon nothing and will sorely doyoa good, if you hare a Cough, Gold, or any trouble with Throat, Cheat or Longa. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds Is guaran teed to give relief or money will be paid I k. Sufferers from La Grippe fonnd i'irt the thins and nnder ita use had a !y and perfect recovery. . Try a sample a at our expense and learn lor your lust how good a thing it is. Trial free at V. 8. Daffy's Drag Store. bM 60s. and $1.00. SWANSB0B0 CORRESPONDENCE. Crops Market Quotations -ricnic-t T1i.filinithiMlf If Shlnnlnc..' ? Aflray-PollOes. Irish potatoes are very good, G. W. Smith and Ed Holland will ship in a few days, could : have chipped this week but for tho dry weather. ;: . . - Fe have a good stand of corn, but cotton is coming np slow for want of rain. 7 Cane and rice ia a part of our iarms, not eo much cot ton as last year is being planted here,;H Turpentine is coming on now. 61.85 is the price we hear for dips, Eggs are cheap 8o per dozen. Clams are good, 30oper bushel, concha, 25o per dozen, crabs, channel, lUo dozen, rock uOo per dozen. v . Oar May bank party and picnic passed on pleasantly, a very large crowd came from several counties, all picknicbed on "Bogue banks'' together, the crowd was estimated at 350 people. Tiie principle ieature was the base-ball game, between the Clarendon and Eure ka nines, both clubs lrom Swans boro. They finished the game in 2 hours. The Clarendons won but both played well for jounjj clubs and looked well in their bright red and blmnnif vm. Ti e score was 7 to 13. Friend R. W. Humphrey, of Carteret, seems to lumk we uid him an mjasnce in signing K. 11. to our item last week. Wo want to say to brother H. we meant no harm in signing It. II. We often sign letters to our communi cations and didn't think of him when doing that, and don't think he cught to have noticud ir, unless he had forgotten that was not hie name, or his initials either, B. W. O. is what we thought were bis initials. Several vessels in port, three from Elizabeth City loaded with corn bound to Charleston, b. C, (i. Jfauiine, Uapt. iiioodgood, K. t . Bran ton, Capt. Tolaon; Carrie Far son, Capt. Day, with about 8,500 bushels corn, these cleared yester day May 8th. 8ohrs. Frank Hall, Buck, master and schr. Warren Hall, Walker, master, bound to New Bedford, Conn., with lumber from Terry's mill. Ours is nsnally not a much fighting place but Willie Privett and George and E. Kirkinan's 1G year old boys had a set to and George cut Willie with his knife, the blood flowed freely, bnt all are alive today. The trial before the J. P. resulted in the three beiDg bound over to court for trial. Politics is booming, the AULn;ce is about to capture the democrats, SO we hear from Jacksonville, will say moio about it next time we write. K. H. The Value of Jlonej. Mod of unlimited means har.ily appreciate the value of just one dol'ar, but with the paor every dol ar mince o much toil and so much (Sort. It is a comfort to know that the poverty striken invalid can derive eo much good from so little expenditure, whpn they invest their dollars in B B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). W. O. McQsuhey, Webb City. Ar kansas, writea: "B. B. B. has done me more good and for less money than any other blood purifier I ever used. I owe the comfort of my life to it." A. P. McDonald, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I had a running ulcer on my leg. Several dcotors failed to do it good. Three bottles of B. B. B. effected n oure. B. B. B. also cured my brother of a running sore." David Thurmsn, Atlanta, Gs. ,B8ye: "I was a constant Bufforer for many years with Scrofula and Eizrai. A few bottles of B. B. B. entirely our; d me." John M. Duvis, Tyler, Texns, writfp: "I was sufcjiot a number of jar tc pel's of it.flitnraatorr rheuiai'tia-n, which six bottles cf B. B. B. thank heaven, has entirely cured. I have not felt the slightest pain since." Keep silence sometimes upon subjects which you are known to be judge of. For your silence where you aro ignorant, will not discover you. Proof of Merit. The proof of the merits of a plester is the cures it effects, and the voluntary testimonials of those who liavo uBsd Allcock's Porus Plasters during the past thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of their superiority and should oonvice the most ekepticil. Self- praise is no recommendation, but cer tificates from those who have uio6 them are. Beware of imitations and do not be deoeived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or explanation icduoe jou toacoepta substitute. Avarice, when hugged in youth, embraces old age with tightest grasp, and makes it lose sight of the purer riches and the sweeter blessings in the realm beyond the grave. Oh, What a Cough. Will yon heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Uoneamption. Ask yourselves if you oan afford for tbe sake of savins 50j , to rnn tbe riek and do nothing for it We know from experience that Rhiloh's Cure will cure your cough." It never - fails. This explain why more than a Million Bot tle ware sold tbe psst year. It relieves eroups and whooping corgi at once. Mother, do not bet wunout it. for lam back, aide or eheet nae Shlloh's Dorous Plaster. Sold by New Berne PrngOo. 7keaBabywastck,we gavabtrCastorla. . TThta sli was a ObJkl.aba aried for Castorla. Whea ah became Hiss, aha clang to Oastorla. , When she bad OaUdras, she gave then Castor!. V v'ifS;i IE03 ILIXBS. fr-M ' A PLEASANT LXMOHKBDIK. ' ??- I- For biliounee end oonitipatioa, tak Lemon Elixir. - v- .,-; v For indigestion and fouU omaoh,take Lomon Elixir. - .; For siok and oervous hosdaohes, take Lemon Elixir ' . For sleeplessness and nervousness, take Lemon Elixir. 1 - For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. - . : r For. fever, chill: and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. i -.. Lemon Elixir will not fail von In any of the ebovs diseases, all of whioh aria from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, bowala or blood. . - Prflparel only by Dr. H. Motley, Atiauia, Ga. 60o. tv;d Sl.C'O por bottle. Sold by druggists. ; a PKOMIKENT MDHSTim WBITES. Aficr ten yc-ars of great surferlng from indigotuion, with great nervou prostration, biliousness, disordered kid neys and oonetipation, I have bson cured by Dr. Mozley 'a Lomon Elixir, and rm now a well man. Rev. O. O. Davib. EM. M. E. Churoh South, Mo. 'ii lataall et . Atlanta, Ga The great secret of success in life is to be ready when your opportunity comes. Beacons field. Wd li-.vo a speedy and positive cure for oaterrh, diphtheria uankor month and bntrtachc. inSUILOH'S OATABRQ KEMEDY. A n-jpnl injuctor free with eunh bott! . Ud it if you d sire health (ind sweet breath. Price 60a. Sold by Now Beroo Druii Co. Love always looks on the bright side, and always finds a bright Fide to look on. The BeutSsuv- :a :h woild for Cute, BruihMi Sores, birwn, isn't hbttam. Fever Sores, TctU r, C.-iai.pad Hands, Uhtlblain, Corns, and all SMn r.jui.uc i;;, and posi tively en rei. Piles, or ro r--v roquired. It is guarct. ! ngi-.-c fv.-.Wt mtiafactioa, or money re: ar .;:. r-iei- , cents per box. inr.su o it, A.-rfern l-y -. n. Ouay, whnii-sale' -.;aii 0atii--l. I)l'FFi ( UOUP STRIP AXD COVttH MIXTUKE. Certificates as to Its Sure and Rapid Brooklyn, April 12.h, 1893. Mn. U. N. Duffy, Dear sir: This is to certify that I nave used jour CourIi Mixture with very keccficil reults and would glad ly recotnmeni it to any one in need of a good cojrIi cava. .Yours Resp'y, Harry Ouikfiths. 482 Lx!!'g!oa Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y f. rui'Tly of Portsmouth, Va. Urooklyn, April 8, 1893. R. N. Dli FY, New Herne, N. 0. Detr Hir: It i ffjrds mn much plrns;irn 1 1 tidii my tistimOGy to that of iomini tli;u as to tho value of your (.roup byiu l have used it with almorif. inplctficfcous cucoPSd. Yours ttuly. H. HltCKHR. Tlio l.'omeliost ?Ian in New Heme As weil aa tlio handsomest, and others aro Invited to ca on any druggist and got free :i trir.l bottle of Komu's Balsam for tlio Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is Fdlini; entirely upon its morits and is gniir intend to rcliove and cure all Chronic auu Acute Coughs, Asthma. Bronchitis, ana l.onsuniptu n. J,arge bottles 50 ctsj auu si. marxs aeca weow TIE 800SE That Laid the Golden Egg. Is ' Judicious Buying" every time. It always lays bar gains not necessarily CHEAP goods, for the best bargains are always in the Dest goods and we keep no oiner Kina. Respectfully, IIACKBURN & WILLETT. Evangelistic Meetings! Tho Renowned Evangelist," Will conduct a series oi Revival Meetings In Hew Berne, V .:- . -. Beginning : it's Thursday, May 12, 1892 CON iTf NUINO TEN DAYS, r); 1 jui v u-vn -jo , wuu uiu v day under Mr. Fife's own tent, Which has capacity of seating 8,000 people., ; It will be lighted by electricity and everything madft couvfoTuaule.- - - tST C6me and participate -la the great juDinous " meetings, - - mo Farmers & Herchants ask NEW BEENI; Wi ?...: Organised on year sgo. ', CAPITAL STOCK Dividend : ' .' ,7 ' 75,OO0.O0 U -t; 8,760.00 , 2,000.00 826.74 Snrplas X . Uadirided Profits . , ". OFFIOEBS : Ij. H. CUTLKB. r i f . - President. Vioe-Preeident. . , Cashier. - . ; Teller. W. 8. CHASWICE, T. W. Dkwct, A. H. POWILL, DIRECTORS : Wm. Olev, " - P. H. Pelletier, 3. W. Stewart, " W. S. Chadwlok. John Buter. 11 O. Harks, L. H, Cutler, " E. B. Haokburn. HeadQuarters for NiokelSiving Stamp. Collections a specialty. ;. : . -, feSl lw $200 REWARD ! ONE HUNDRED . DOLLARS RE WARD will be paid by the city lor the apprehension of and evidence sufficient to convict the man who assaulted Mrs. Susan Willis at Blank's mill, Saturday night. - An additional reward of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS, will he paid by pri vate citizens. m6 dwlm M. MANLY, Mayor. Wood Work. Wheelwright and general repair of .Buggies, (Jarts, wagons, etc. All kinds of Fancy Work a specialty, such as turning, scroll, mantels, stair rails, etc. A. T. DlUUKKoUiN, P. Trenwith's old stand, apl3 lni Opposite Citizens' Bank. J. H. BENTON, M.D., D.JJ.3. DENTIST, Permanently located, HEWBERN, N.O. Oaa administered for the extraetlon of teeth without pain mar25 dwlf Office in Hotel Albert. J. E. LATHAM, GEEERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Buyer of Cotton, Country Produce, and all speculative commodities. Reasonable eaah advanees made. A stood Male for sale or exohangefora drive none. Offloe root craven street, in uiyaenntia. Ing ieb5 dwtr HUMPHREYS' Dr. Hamphrevs' Bpeellles am toinitmaanj and private praouoe and for over thirty mars by tta ntmnlA with entire mooeM. verr eoula Bneelna a Bpeclal oure for the dneaw named. Tberemewtthont lraKsniff. Ptu?lng or redocfais the system and are In fact ana deed the Sovereism Bemedlee ot the World. 1 Fevers, Oongestkns, Infiammetlone.. .39 it Warns, Worm Fever, Worm OoUe tt3 3 Teetkinei OoUe, Crying, Wslrefnlnii .33 4- Dlarraea, of Children or Adnia...... .39 7- Coachs, CoWi, Bronchitis .39 8- Nenralsla, Toothaehe,Feeeehe...... .39 0 Headache, Blok Headaohe, Vertigo.. .39 le Dyspepsia, BUlonsness, Constipation. .39 1 1 Suppressed or Falnfal Periods... .39 13-WMtes,TooProfnnPerloaj .39 1 3 Cronp, l.arynsltis, Eoansenea .39 14 Salt Uheam, Erysipelas, Eroptions.. .39 19-Rhenaeatlsm, Kheumaao Pains .39 18 Malaria, Chills, Futct and Ague .39 IT-Pllee, Blind or BleedhW .39 19- Catarrh, f nlmmsa, Cold In the Head. .39 80 WkMplnaOaaah .39 3T Kidney Diseases .39 38-Nerraas Debility l.OO 30-Crinary Weakaese, Wettlns Bed.. .39 Said by DroOrMtU, or aent pcstasM ea raeelpt of prke. b orffs)suiLaraa. ax, ma tit i nlaaiBI ,BwTal. S P E C I Fl C S . THE NEW LEVER SAFETY Tha PERFECTION Of SIMPLICITY and ECONOMY of POWER. NO CTXAIIVe. SO GEAK8. VARIABLE STROKE, only two nets of Revolving; Bearings. Best Hill Climbing and alt around Safety made. O-aVg A TiOQ-'U JU gatii hi. H.B. SMITH MACHINE CO. SMITHVILLE. N.J. ' Jii8 PiUsturgh Lamp Aigm' VatiH (ins trior seems to be ished. It seems -al rnvtrlneeio . r4 light In every way, V v ana ease 01 t Jmanacfe "ment ' " The only care it requires is ailing ana wiping. Vr Din ; lalls out Tvhen the chimney is taken off, not into a pocket as in 'other central draught Jamps. - ' i..Tii!J. n ...) : rutong in new wick is a ;ery easy matter indeed. . " All this seems strancre to one who knows how trouble some other good lamps are. ' fir 11 is in au tne gooa iamp stores. ' Send for a primer. Pittsburgh, P.. . PlTTSBTJROH BRASS CX : 0Bor llttTti frtnimhTw uwi guiftwi work fWr u, by Ann Par. Auitin. iTiim, and Jno. Bonn, Tolndo, Ohio. y"e em 1. ijtnrin an (wm 11 ""7 mat yov.1 Soma sui oror fbWI.'tO inontn. Ton ciwao UtO work sirtajiv it howte, wherevw wob trw. Krerrb. i are "riiit Mrnlng rrorn mo to lie. All . W ahow rnn Now mna turt won. un work tn snarti nme M W ail tlm tim. Rlw tnrmtttr fVr worit- T 1 r. I-llnre nrtknown imonif the. 1 K TOW ati'l wonderful. Pariii u nrafrea, 1T - FHOIJ THE iVEST A7ITU Tv0 CAR LOADS HORSESarid 1U3ULES Oome Early " and Get nlM For sale by J. V. JORDAN, (86 (INcHN via m -Jl m -,- 4cviimi-ir(abf I OUNDED 1864 by the present executive Occupies four bnUdinga Unrivalled In tooil- . ... T ..TtTi trArnfa MSCltf Awn U'lkUITV 4nr anMnao In liffl. Tha OUtlOOS: fOl . iuoj ir wwwiia ii ti7Tf j. mirr .r-m school, owing to 1U HIGH standard of excellence, has placed in business more young men and women from Md., Va., nTc.,8. C. and Ga. than all similar imtitutfoM combined. Catalogue and particulars mailed. W.H. SADLER.PHE8- Schs&l &f !usic. VIOLIN AND PIANO, INSTRUMENTAL and THEOEITICAL, HAEMONY and COMPOSITION. A class will be formed, of. advanced pupils onlj, to take up Harmony. Praotioal Piano Tuning and Bepalr ing taught. Advanced pupils In Harmony will be taught Composition - free of charge, talent allowing. Violin or Plane, two lessons per week, per month, S3 00 Violin and Piano, one lesson per week, per month, 2.00 Harmony, one lesson per week, per month, 2 00 For fall particulars apply to the un dersigned at the offloe of B. C. Kehoe, oorner Middle and New Sts. Monday, April 4th. Cbas. M. Kehob. Cnifl. L. OaSKILL. ad&wtf QlintcnlliSiiaiylnsfii'e CLINTON, N. C. All teachers have had Collegiate training prepared especially for teaoh intr. (STPreparstory course a specialty. Bpeoial oourse in Commercial Law, Book-keeping and Penmanship. 43" Vocal Musio and CalUthenios Free. tfiTMo additional cost for Classics. mSO INCIDENTAL FEES. 0115 for Board, Washing, Lights, and Tnition per month. Tuition from 83, t8 to $1 per month. Uniforms will not cost more than $15.60. For farther particular address the Prinoipal, W. R. SKINNER, febllJwtf Clinton, N. C. Solentifio America Agenoy for, ; A VSUK1B. - epskansr aaaBIrs, DESION PATBMTSJ w i, ,"i 'r- cupiKiun , ato. rorhifOTmatloB and free Bankbook write to 1 KUMN CO. aa Bboadwat, Nsw Yobk. vldeat rrareaa for seonrlns patenta In Amerlea, Every patent taken oat bv us Is brought before tbe pabiio bra notice given free of chaise la tbe Iret elrmlstlon of any Betenttflo paper tn the world. Bplendimf illustrated. NoTntelUgant man sbould be wltbou It. Weeklv.S3.00 a rear; I1J0 six months. Address MUNN 0O PCBiiTSHiBa. an Broadwar.Sew Xork. . BRICES! On and after Monday we will be able to fill all iorders at prices to suit tne " ' .'"r.V-'.T' Give lis a call. Remember the season will soon be over. '. l y- ; ., Farmers, we haven fjew frt. Cox Gclf'oa PlaRtsrsi whioh we offer for S8,00,and will give you a Boy Dixie Flow with each planter. Come quick, aa we only hare a few lefC ' I.-' " ' it tt We (till have a few Bargains left in f llcrdrsro, Grc:It:ry ; AHDTItT, ; j at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, ; as we wish to close out onr stock in both of these. : ,;. y Orccerie's of 'All Kinds. - 'j wi la LMiwi U Lwi' 'mm. a GOOD SELECTION. .11 iHiua of the mucous tembnae and Core. CONOR RH(E A and GLEET In rt5 dsys. No other treatment newiT. Keref ceases stricture or lee.es any Injurious attar eSocts. Price, ti. Sold ldnsglsts. BLODP BflUS W., Ml, Slllntl. Ht Oruggist, New Berne, N. 0. gRYANT AND STBATTOlNli UULLfcUfea ' -, - J... ,,i T.r moexmvooierorDueiuopiior.uui.wo. w demand tor onr (radnaAis ia unprecedented. Nc mnartnn , rmnlln nan enter at anV time With , equal advantaee. Never attend a school because me tuition u cueap, uitvn tltr m , -. , ' It means cheap surroundings, Inferior facilities, r andomraNUOpportumueiiorrxxmruiss'Usi -rinsiQ for fl DODlla and sradnatea. This F. A.SABLtK.SEcr, UALTIMORC.MD- TRUCK BAERELS, Bright Burlap Barrel Covers. LINDSAY & CO. al6d.lm.wlt Pori smooth, Va. IHV THE AMERICAN If III RAMBLER It toe BEST WHEEL OK THB KaBEET this yen BECAUSE -UN ambulation ot tbe celebrated O. J. Pnenmatlo Tire and Bprlng Frame makes riding on It a luxury. TRY IT AMD BE CONVINCED. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. GORHULLY . A JEFFERY i M'PC04 ' Wsthlngtoa, D. 0. Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Company I NEW DAILY LINE B&TWEKN NORFOLK, VI, &nd WASHISGTOJ, D. C. The New end Fowerfnl Iron Falaes B:eam era "Norfolk" and "Washington" eoneeded to be the finest Steamers afloat, wi leave xxorioiai every nay in tne year from the wharf of Norfolk and Carolina Railroad Company at 6il0 P.M., Old Folnt at TilO P.M., arriving in Washington next morning at 6i30 A.M .connecting with tne early trains of the Fem. A B. dtO. B.ds. for the North, East and West. Returning leaves Washington every even. Ing at T o'clock, arriving In Norfolk at Ti30 next morning, eonaeetlng with- all trains on the Bea board and Roanoke, Norfolk and Southern, Atlantic and Danville and Nor folk and Western Railroads. Passengers for the North will find this the most desirable and pleasant route to take, glvlnc an opportunity of stopping over at Wasblni.ton. u. O., going or retornlng. Through tickets on sale at all the prlne pal Railroad offloes. In order to avoid mistakes ask for tickets via the New Line Steamers to Washington For further information apply to i . : JAB. F. MADPIR, ' ' - ' Agent, Norfolk, Va. JOHN CALLAHAN, . Gen. BuptJ fe0 dSmwlt AtUntlo V N. C. Railroad riJOU TABLE Bo. S3.;..,:r? Ia Bffee 1:80 P.M., Friday, Oot rJ!il 17.' 18JW. . - . . ; . , : . Oona Kabt. Scihiduli. Go'wo Wear No. 51. Passenger Trains. No. 60. .. Ar. .Lve. - Stations. Ar. Lve, Jm 8 80 ' Qoldsboro J. 11 10 a m 04 4 OS ; la Orange 4 . 10 S3 10 SO 4 80 4 40 ,.. ' Eanaton ; ' 8 48 9 68 000 . 008 New Berne 817 8 80 9 88 f Morehead City : a m 0 47 i -vf - -.'.vIaily, ;--v Oona East, bobbduu Qoikq Wist 'No. l.t No. S. -' HlKi Ft. Mixed Ft. Pase. Train. Station, Pass. Train, am 0 80. rQoldeboro 7 20 p m 10 57 . 7 00 Beet'e f. f 0 4 JO 84 7 80 7 80 : la Grange 5 64 0 04 1 48 7 58 : : Falling Creek 6 34 : 080 8 11 f 8 80 V ' KiaMoa- " 4 0 - 0 00 8 00 8 06 : Caswell 5 4 00 4 05 10 10 OS x Dorer ' 4 :: 8 SO - 8 40 10 81 10 86 Core Creek 8 04 8 00 11 00 11 00 - Tusoarora C'- 8 4 8 80 11 17 11 41 i f Olarkl ".-'.-V: S 08 SIS 18 10 8 00 . i Newbent 10 8S 1 80 8 87 8 4S ' -v Eiverdale 841 8 48 8 48 8 00 Croataa ; ' 9 88 0 88 4 08 4 18 Havelook . 8 59 8 04 4 87 4 43 : Newport " 8 17 8 27 4 61 4 66 . , Wild wood V 8 00 8 00 0 01 0 01 - Atlantio 7 47 7 68 0 10 0 81 Uorehead City 7 17 7 87 0 88 5 S3 ' Atlantio Hotel 7 06 7 15 0 81 'pa Morehead Depot a m '7 00 . 'Monday, Wednesday smd Friday. "' fTneaaay, Tbarsday and Batnrdar. Train ss eonnsets With WUmtnson Wei. Son .Train brand North, leaving b ro 11:6 a. m., and with Klnhmnnd A lmuvui Train West, leaving Qolo(iiro 2:40 p. jn, Trala 61 eonaeats with lti hiuona A ltv!!l Trala.arriTliig atQildhoroV ft rm., la.Q Wilmington and .Weldon 'Aram uoji Uim North at :o p m. Train S en-Hmta with w v-ton f-4 Weklon Fmii-i.t u, t , ,a bounds Wav w)M-'1m. f.: n.in, v r r iii ii 1 1 i "ii n ; NE7 ctco in Horses j:'3S '. - iitoiiMiilMiiiiMiM irtirf. DOWN , k B sf " nf Hew Opsn Buggies from $50.00 to $37.50. If 6T7 Top . Buggies from $70.00 to $55.00 Some other grades in proportion. ; Also, Boad Cart and Harness. Must be sold regardless oi cost. iinpsrtaist ' Kotice.. a-ssssssw Sale of Str. Greenville. By authority conferred on mn by tlm Stockholders of the Tar River Transport tatlon Company, I will -oiler for sale nt Publio Auction, at the Clyde wharf iu the town of Washington, North Carolin-t, on Thursday, May 19, '92, am a . w ' - a s J" ai tour ociocK, r. at., The Steamer Greenville with all her tackle, apparel and farnitnie, together with one Barge of 40 tons eapa city, decked all over. . . . . The steamer Greenville is a light draft propeller, length of keel 108 feet, length over all 110 feet, width of bottom 10) feet, 28i feet over all. , - Bpeed 8 miles per honr, carrying capacity 800 bales of ootton. . Inspeoted Maroh 20, 1893. ' Title guar anteed. t For further Information apply in per son or by letter to John JEUvens, Wash, iogton, N. .0., J. J. Cherry, Greenville, N. O., or N. M. Lawrence, Tarboro. N.O. - ALFRED PORBE3, President Tar River ' ' a20dtdwlt Transportation Coropai.y, ; Commissioner Sale t XT t TTT I TJTP Ti.Tn v a. XI U A XI U JU XI A 11 Ut Parsnanttoa Jadgment of fore, losur of Mortgages, ;and an order of sale, at-Pnll Term. 161)1, of theHnperlor Oonrt of Crave oonnty, Morih Carolina, In the olvll aeUoa entitled Green, Foy Co. vs. W. J. H. Oav enlr, et als , as Commissioner dnly appointed and authorised by the said Indguent and order of sale, I will sell to the highest bldnsw at the Court House door nf Craven oounty. In the city of New Be ne.lt. C, en thesutn, day of Hay, mi (being Monday and the first day of Spring Teim of Craven eountyBup. rlor Court) at It o'olook, noon, er aa aoosi thereafter as the oonrt shall tak a reoesa, all the fallowing desorlbed land: . Lying and being in Craven oonnty, North Carolina, on Clubfoot's ereek. and noundsd on the north by Clubfoot's ereek. on theaS by Adams' ereek road, on tbe south-by t a New Berne road, on the west by the Uu.de of tbe late Rufus W. Bell, containing oaa hundred and fifty aerea mora or less, Sal ag the ssmetraot of land formerly owned by Stephen UOavlner, and Weil known aatae Cavtner tract of land. Terms of sale, cash, ahla,Aprll88tb.ue3 .y , 0, B. THOMAS. Commlsstoner. ' m r nvif" : 1 L. . in ! Caveats, and Trade-Msrki obtained, and all i'at i ent busiams conducted for Modmatc Fscs. oof omei is Opwerrr. U;e. pstikt omer i and ws can secure patent in less tins toan those remote from Washington. Send model, drawidg or pnotCi, with desciip. iflofl. Ws advise, If patentable or not, free of 'Charge. Our fee not due till patent ia secured. A Pa.MPHi.rT, "How to Obtain Patents," with i cost of same In the U.S. and taraigaeouatriea sent free. Address, . , . CiAeGrJOWCD. WFF. MTMT Omei, WAIMINQTOft, D. C. f THE WATCn TOWER, fablii v Vwrui-Monthly. '1 une Uollar a year. Uevoted to Apostolio Cbiistlanlty, EJ- ncation, General Intelligence. Bend for Sample Copy. . ' "l " .', i Offloe of puUIoation, Greenville. N 0. t Editorial o.Tice, .'WasUngton, IT. O. 3. L. WESTIirLD, I ' n. 'w. r vr. t J.W.Stewart.