3 T SBsaaMsMBeUl I fftttf"saael "fci 6mM ianyf lMMwMtlMrWIi ' v few sV A. afi.lt lL, ... , f Mt I ra tst ss as waHl '. Clyde's N. O. Freight Lme.t ItiAi Geo. H. Stout, Mw and Vesper. nd after FelJruary lit, ISM. this lln swill sea regular JBMI-WEBKLY TEIPS Baltimore and New Berne starring BalaUnor for Sew Berne. WKD- WKS1AY, SATURDAY, at SIX r. M. Laa1ns New Berne for Baltimore, TOES-1 PAV, FRIDAY, at XWBLVE. NOOS. Msroauinta and Snippers, Take KoUcs. This la tna onlv DIRECT line out of Nea I i ror peiwmore wiuiout ciimis, bwp- i oqlf at Not folk, oeuneottng Uien lor I rTOTiaeltOO, rnuaaeipnia, Aion-i .and all point North, ifiasl aud Went. I jsasring oiose connection im i wmw iTiS. O. Railroad and River oat of New Sunt. - Ages. "sarM follows: MCBaUf rQ41 K, Oen'l Manager, - W Light St., Baltimore. I Art. W.JsOLlARRIOK, G. B. Agt Norfolk, Va W P Ulyde 00., Philadelphia, 18 Bontb wharves. ' . t . New York Baito. Trans. JJne, Pier Norm river. , by mMnn. notion. fi8 Central wharf. MMpMBolrtrTeidandttudaTl Haw York dallr. I Haw York dally. alto., Wednesday s A Saturday I 'hllsdslphls, Mondays, Wednes-1 dava. Haturdava. Piovldenoe. Baturdays. Tkiu, bllla ladlnc lives, and rates guar anteed to all polnta at (he different omoes o: the companies as low aa by any other line, avoid Buuuaa or molk abb HIP VIA Ha C. LIM, ft, H. GBAT.Agenl. Mew Bern. N. C. OLD Dominion Stfpiiwiiptfiimpany ' ' BEMI-WBEBXT LINE. fki Old Damlalan teanuHIp Osw - awsay'e Old aaa Pavarite Water Mate, wla Alkeaaarle aad tlkaaapeaka Oaaal. MB ' trfalA, altteare, law Work, Phila delphia. Baataau Prarldeaee. aa Waahlnctow City, And ail polnta, North, Eaat and Wert, OA and after TPBSDAY, MAY 81, 1853, 1 antll farther notloe, the Stiimtr KEWBEBSE, Cipl. Southgite, I WU1 sail from Norfolk, Vs., for Mew Berne. M.O., direct, every Monday and Thursday, "' making eloae eonneotlon with the A. fc N. ii. R- k. tor all stations on that road, and -with the Hteameri Kloston and Howard for JUaaton, Trenton, and all other landings on " (ha Keoaaand Trent Klvers. Rjttnmlnir. will sail 1BOI NEW BEBNB. ' Ost NORFOLK direct, at 1p.m., Tuesdays - and Fridays making eonneotlon with the O. ffBSwis Boston, ana noviaenee, - , . steamer Kinaton, Cant. Dixon, will sail for aunston on arrival 01 steamer ? , , JorasV au cooda ears of o.d. b. a. oo Nor- awe. ra. Passengers will And a good table, oomfort- anie rooma,aaa ntrfwumr airau Uon will be paid them by the officers. X. B. ROBERTS, AgentT ' ,.ll.aALLAaHKK.AeTnt, ' . Norfolk. Va. W.O, QUILL AND tN.Trafflo Manager, v : . New York UK y. lawaSterk claroliiia Dispatch. fast Passenger and freight Line between jCaaUrn North Carolina Points, and all eon, . p. noQUons 01 me FBrlHaTIiVABIA RAILBOAD, - xsioxuuijia Maw Tarku PAlUdelpAla, Rorfolk, Hal tlasere and Boston. Tits OBIiT Tri-Weekly Una Ont of Igl Rlf AND ELEGANTLY EQUIPPED ,.;..;! . v I. BX Bin BlIlilS , ii "I Balla from New Berne; WKDNKSDAYI,'. - 4.BO P.lk-X.. . Btopplng at Koanoe;island sach way and 1 HrS: ' Norfolk; Boathero Ballroad. - fha Esstern Dlspstoh Line, oonslstlng of I 'V' the Wilmington B. 8. Oo., Norfolk Southern I .. -1 aV B New York, xuua. ana norroia h. n I - ' uil Pannsvlvanla B. form a reliable and I l eg alar Una, offering superior facilities for I . uiok passenger and freight transportation. I : . No transfer except at Elisabeth City, at I . V,. which point freight will be loaded on ear to I -- ao tnrougn so Destination, . . -. , Dlraet all goods to be shipped vlatasUrn . uarousa inapatn oaiiy aa nuowa - u from New .York, by Panna. B.1B,, Pier 27, Frera Philadelphia. bytPhli,, V.nd Balto. .: H.R..DeekBti Station. ... . ; rromBaiUmora,by Phlla,, WlLfand Balto. A. It., rnwiuvBtrji. dwuud. ' . . C' Has frtoia bv Norfolk Southern B. K. . ; i From 1mm ton, by Merchants A Miners Trans- . . , . oortation UOA New York and New Kngland A K. - us.bauWui time anfeka thanrtr yOm.rUne. - ..v;. .- P V.SB.R. B.. Philadelphia. i, wi" j Bl B. Cooks, Gen'l Freight Agent., iL 0. HorxjixtJ. utnerat jrraigBtgans ' y : . . . , , ....... New berne, N. 0. JaiLimn: r.zcrzr.ED. - 7. J!. irnnri baa reopened a r:. -' ' I "pj Homa In the city, VneMne, - ror luruisr lnrormatian appiyto . . l solely by uie TtLEft DtoK yu.t.ti i-omiw, f-ii W. H. Jovoa (Gent Freight TrafflO Agent, I .iiiso.ww..'Ba.ij"tlasstasi P, B.B.) General Tratne Agent. ajgtrrerprume. boouinti im. .. ll. am. IHTlFHSHg. Division Freight TAgent I n anssatao asssa-s-mts" atwaiw Al JSkPSSBBaBBlSBB JOTTKTWfll proprietor or Eastern Mr Carolina L1arl)lel7orl(s N E W BERN E, N. Oe . , . . . a. ..fJASjiflBii . ' Ordwi toliritad Aid tivtn anaiDi fti- leaaoa. wiu uuiawom gttAiuiwM. . . t . A ; . t -a, . . ai Tarra Oetia TaaM' w tAaa aa krUAed M Uie m ln. rates. HUMPHREYS VETERIKARYSPECinCS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Bogs, Hogs, AND P0U1TBY. 000 Page Book on Treatment ef Aalmala aad Chart Seat Free. . cuhbi ! Fevera,Cenateetloa8,laflamnatioii A. A. IHplnai lllenlnaitle, inim Fever. B.B.Mmtratna, l,ameueea, Kheamatlam. CO. Distemper, Masai Ulseharges. V.V. uets er uraos, wems. E. B. Coaghs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F. F. Colic er Urlpea, Bellyache. ll.MitiiecarriBge, nemormagee. II. U. --Urinary and Kidney Diseases, I.i k.: LslaErnptiw-e DlsoaneaVp mange Single Bottle (over 00 doses). B table Case, with Specifics, Msnoal, VeterlnsryOareOUanailedleator, fT.OO Jar Veterinary Care Oil, ,. ,... 1.00 Mi J PitthOl PH'i SajwS)MT S Uty welft if prill i nCHFBBETS' BXP. SO., Ul 1 IS SIBIS SI., S SlfS. TrTTWTi TT B. T4! T9 28 AwaUWAAAMII SPECIFIC No. In u 80 jean. The mr raeoasafal nmdr far Nervous Debility, vital Weakness. snd Prostrstion, from' oieMrork er ethw esiuM. at iw i&L or SvlAlaandlsmvisl nowdar. foraa Bom ''J uraggmm, or hii po,pittan t-w-iy. wi pMt BiarHBITg' bid. CO., Ill S US WUJUb St., In lark, and Shoe Maker. AH Styles of Boots and Shoes made to order on short notice. Repairing a Specialty. XT. ASPEN, Craven street, opposite Journal offlde. OEO.HEIiDEESOlTi IisracB Ipit Eejiresantlns' Ininrairse Company of Horth tmanca. ax i-juiaaeipriia. Eomclnrnraries Com can v. of Ktm York. Qneek InsnranM Comnanr. of Easlaad. ' Tt . . , 1. M, w n . . uom sjirs uwiranos uomsaay, si Nonh cytllna Iajuraaea Csapeav, af Baleigh. - draaawltek 'Tasnraaaa rtaanaa. al Has) yniiM uaaerwnwrf xamnuiot impta?. ntn. . Iasarsnot Oompsnr, af - iulySdwtf 1X00 Canulno Tyler Curtain Casks SSI ana SOA Urn finnt Csih. Wo. OOT Antlqne Oek Buutdard Tyler TJwAs. n.ln. Ions by of. Ola. high. Vloeand Dost Proof, Zlno Bottom under drawers! Jentt Brasr llr,i tartslm Polished Oski Writing VsbtoiTsa Uer lock) one look securing all drawer t SBsari lnii..iin,nnniiiil In sndt Paneled FniSed Back? Bisnkos'iraiiSltoiW.urU All lS.Triee, ST. V.B,mMmm-r m.m wm Also strraquw ''-.-, a.mAajiAhnvA.ArDtmadeof BOlla I Antiane Ash. sood ss oak., S7elsas sjvw laa, I i..9vm?rrZi asLItt. BSInsed I from our indlansrllsrotoiT dliet Maoaaa sola y. j t f t 1 1 P yiwmfmi!?SZM 4t Wa Ittrota awry tWaf . Wa atmrt yo. Ma rialu irfdwrmHinret .M.tiiS r.tt iM,wkmw Uy ur r iha work. Bur t iMra, W fonilth mrylUiir. W ttarl yoo. . rUS. Tl v daM. I rear imi, auninu, or all yow .no I. w. -loniaaa I .ntlMlytttwIaadrt WatawooSorraJ aiiowy wor aaf map) aftat a UMla atpmliaaa. Wa aa. rbratik yaa laa a 1 aCl- TtMl, Rill" la 5 e v a-. X aaBMauaT Ji S24. THE JOURNAL. now. BT Jt. M. W. Hearts are aad and lloa are tiehlnir. Hande are bowed with weight or woe; Hopes are oraihed and balre are whites- 'Neath the drift of sorrow "g mow. Homes ate lonely, hands are weary. Daye and honra are francht with 'baIb: '-r 4 ' Forms are toae and obAlre are raoant, fiBTsr to be fllled again. A-imsAra1 dead and longings blighted. Fortnns'agoal wae hard to win; Spirits faint and souls are dying, trailing 'neata their load of sin. Can you speak a word of oomfort. Watt not tu the eare are dun, And the chill of death had fallen On the weary waiting aonl. Can yon give a smile of weiooae ? wait not am tne eyes are nia. Past all hope of smiles and greeting Underneath the ooffin lid. Can yon eay a word of warning ? Bave an erring one from harm; If you have a olaepof greeting. Give It while the hand is warm. Have yon e'er a loving message That will soothe an aohine brow ? Walt not 'til the grave is yawning. Brother, lister, say it now. What the World Beads. In the literary world there is one potent truth; That one-half , j p i. i - nas no conception w wuas is read by the otner nair. Tnere is an impression in the minds of some authors and publishers that "anything is good enough for the country people." Now, a man, be he author, publisher, newspaper editor or magazine manager, commits no greater error of judgment than when he falls into that idea. There is a portion of this vast American public which will read anything offered it. Tne gauaiest-iooKing volume will seem to this class the finest product of book-mak ing 5ut this percentage is small mighty small, The average man or woman liviDir in this country has pretty accurate idea of a good paper, magazine or book, and to pick up a bucolic reader as a literary ignoramus means to drop him quicker than a hot poker. The literary intelligence of the reader away from the book centres is not at one-tenth of the low ebb that some writers and publishers think it is. I have seen a score of men interested in writing and mak ing books find this out to their disadvantage. The advance in railroad communication has brought the country very close to the city in literature, lust as well as in all other things. Years ago the weeklies of the great city dailies had enormous circulations throughout the rural districts, Of how many weeklies of city dailies is tnis true to-day r ine weekly edition of the metropoli tan newspaper has become al most extinct; that is in com parison to its former greatness and wide influence. It is rare, nowadays, that you can go into even the humblest country dwelling but you will find on the centre table a current number of one of the great magazines, or a cony of the newest book. If the .city has progressed in its reading, so has tne country, it city peopie demand a higher standard in their literature, so do the coun try resident8.-Richmond Times, Mr. Poe'g Little Book. Eighteen hundred and fifty dollars was the price paid in Boston-" recently for a little paper-covered book containing bjrMr-. Poe. ' ' Mr. Poe was broke when she little book was made by a second-rate job printer, whose rustio aaverusemens appears on the back cover. Mr. ' Poe was also broke pretty consecutively rrom mat time to nis aeatn. inis circumstance accounts for the rareness of the book. Mr. Poe was unable to get the edition in circulation. - There being but two or these books in existence and but one in the market a good' many fentlemen were eager to get fit. he auctioneer had. compara tively little trouble in coaxing the bidding up to nearly , ,1 Mr. - foe looted down. peradventure, from the Elysian fields and considered how much he had desired, and how vainly. to sell ' the same little book 'i for a quarter during nis lue-time. ne may, perhaps, have been much as tonished and a uttie saa.-- Richmond Times. - , . - LEMOH WiTaTB, For bilWranosg and eonstipation, take sVaaaesi Bttsliv " -" "'" b ,, For indigestion and foals omaoh, tajko toniOD Elixir. i For aiokand nervous headaohes, take Lemon, Elixir' For sleeplessness and take Lemon Elixir. . 1 j For loss of appetite and debility, take LatBoa Elixir. ' For : f ever, chills and malaria, take IrftTTVfaa Elixir. ' '. , i ' , Lemon Elixir will not fall yon la any of the above diseases, all of wbioh arise from a torpia or aisessea iivsr.itomaan kldneve. boweie or blood. . - - Prepared only by Dr. B. Uonley, Atlanta, Oa. --rv,..;,;;;...' 60o. and 11.00 per bottle. Bold by druggists. a PBOM1BKNT MINIBTBB W BITES. 4 After ten years of great suffering from Indigestion, with great nervous prostration, bilioninesa, disordered kid nava and constipation, I, have been oured by Dr. liosley 'a Xemoa Elixir, and am now a well man. TeV. U. O. DAvT", .,tid. M.F..C..1 Sontha-'i':.'1 S. R. STREET, General FlflE AND LIFE Insurance Aent, NEW BERNE, N. G. THE BEST THING IN THE UNITED STATES FOB One Cent IS THE PHILADELPHIA RECORD ! $4 per year, Daily. $3 per year, omitting Sundays FOB THE FARMER AND THE BUSINESS MAN. THE RECORD HAS NO EQUAL. Addbess:"THE RECORD,": Philadklphia. NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA Craven county. Robert O. Mosely, Executor of Charles Staf ford, dee'd, vs. O. K. Palmer and others. Pursuant to a Judgment of the Superior Court in the above entitled proceeding, I will sell at Pnblle A notion to the highest bidder, at (he Court Bouse door in the city of New Berne. N. C on Moaday the tfih day of June, ism, at vi o'oiook, noon, tne ioiiow lag deeorlbed lands, to wit: A tract of land in said Craven oounty, git nated on the east side of Bam nel's creek and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a dog wood stump nearthe honse of the late dam nel Dndley, Wm. Mitchell's old corner, and runs south 88" east 8 poles to a stake; then south 84 poles; tnen south 9 east 00 poles serosa the swamp to a slake, then south 4814 east l poles to a staae, men soutn w east SI poles to Wm. Johnson's line then south 70 west 70 poles with his line to 8am- uel'a oreek, then up said oreek lau poles to a gum en said creek and Manly and Sim mon's mill, then north 22 east 77 poles to beginning being same conveyed by J, J. Dudley and oi hers to Chas. Btalford, by deed registered In said oonnty In Book 87, folios 265 and 280. Also, another tract of land in Bald Craven county, adjoining the above described land, lying on Trent roaa aoont nve mues irom the city of Newbern, known as the "Mit chell's Island," containing 12a acres more or lets. Terms Ohe-bair caan. Balance in tnree months with interest thereon, ROBBBT O MOBELY, ro6 Executor Charlea Stafford, dee'd. THE 8TURTEVANT HOUSE, NEW YORE. oo- :0 AMERICAN PLAN , 3.50 TO 3.00 ETJROPEAN PLAN 1.00 Per Day UPWABD. O r OO o THJB BTTJBTKVAMT HOUSE Is the most central In the olty! near all ele vated roads, street oar lines, principle places of amusement and large re taU stores. AU the Comforts of Home with the addi tional conveniences of the metropolis if offered onr guests. TBI STCBXBVAHT HOUSE, Braadwa; ay, H8UiS(2Ul Sts,. ..rTew TerB. W. W J. 1 BET1B, Prn. TBOX. BAHIElS,Tiee Pres. fl. EL SOBEETS, CnilileT, The National Bank, OF NEW BE&NE, N. C Inoorpobatkd 1865. ' Capital, Surplus Proats, $100,000 86.700 DIRECTORS. Jas. A. Bbtah, Thos. Daniels, Oh as. 8. Bbtah, J. H. Hackbuen, ALEX. MILLBB, Lk UABVEY, O. H. ROBERTS. THIS !s the machine that . J is used in the Office. Court-room, and for reporting icctures and setoops. L; ' While sta speed ia oter thaniuij otner- kflotnt method, it it- so simole that aflj tatelllgtatf utsor) can gahij a speed or zoo or more vroras per mm teV 1A tHdd ivaikvvritlioutUe1 aid of iut Inatrhctor. Circulars and testimonials sent to alt who mention this paper. r, ' (, , : ; , . E. T. POCE, FAltTTE. OHIO,. 661m Astontl?,!inttinadB, Seasonabla Goods! fleMeratbrsjii ; Ice Owam Freezers, AND ijti-jJ.V Lawn Mowers AT TO 0i5ti When Will February Havo Five Jlon- ; dayst To the first person sending in a correot answer to the above, telling how many times February will have five Mondays from January , 1892. to January 1, 1942, a period ot nity years, half a century, wo will give a gentleman's or lady's double-case gold watch, positively worth 840; to the second oorrect answer a gentleman's or ladies gold watch chain, worth ?25; To the third correot answer, a gentleman's or ladies silver watch, worth $20; to the five next oorrect answers, five exceed ingly handsome silver watches; T the ten next correct answers, "Thc Life, 8peeches and Writings of HcDry W. Qradv." the handsomest book or IP'i his life ever printed, bound in cloth and gold and handsomely illustrated, printed in large, clear typo the regular prioe of which is 3.50 per volume. To the next twenty coirect answers we will Send a copy of Farm Culture," a book of 200 pages, tlie most valuable work on agriculture and horticulture ever publiflicd. The regular price of this book is f?2 per volume: To the next twenty-live correot answers, six months' subscrip tion to The Southern Farm. Should this prize fall to one who would not wish the magazine, wo will send it to ! any name they may send us. Prizes for All. : We do not intend any one who ; answers this advertisement shall bc"11" m ii ,r i;. m. i slighted, and thero fore make the following proposition: To every one wlio answers this, statins in wn;u paper they saw the 'ad' (this positive- rr mnaf. ha Anrfl nnA Hnes not fret J - . one of the above enumerated prizes, we will send postpaid Tho Southern Farm for Maroh and April. "V e want every reader in the South to see thcfe two magnificent issues of this superb magazine. These two issues alone will be worth $1. All we asK trom you in this offer is that each answer he accompanied with 25 cents to help pay postage and white paper on which these two issues are printed, oena Silver, either two dimes and a nicklO, ! J ' ' i or a twenty-hve-cent piece, wrap money up in a piece in a piece ot paper ana enoloso in ordinary answer oounted unless letter. (No 25 cents 1R enclosed.) KEMEMBEE. That every person who answeisthis is sure at least of getting for two months the hest magazine on earth, even if you don't get the $10 watch, S25 eold ohain, $25 silver wateh or one of the silver watches worth 85 or a cotjv of the Gradv ;wu : r ,;- !, X?nm mnrll, fnur i neruuu ui goiug r. : limes tlie amount ui uiuuej juu ai required to sent. In order to equalize distances no letters will be opened before Wednesday morning, February 17tVi at. 0 n'nlnc.k. Ynu 'are likelv to get one of these prizes, if you answer j anvtime durinsr Februarv. All answers must be sent through the mail or else they will not bo counted Address THE SOUTHERN l-'AKM Constitution building, Atlanta, Ga. GREAT MAGAZIXE- The Century's Programme In 1 8!)2-A New "Life of Columbus" Articles for formers, etc. THAT trreat American periotiioal, The Century, is going to outdo its own unrivaled, record iu its programme for 1892, and as many of its new features begin with tbe November nunber, new readers should commence with that issue. In this number are the opening chapters of "Tne nauiansa, ' a novel be Kudyard Kipling, the famous author of "Plain Tales from the Hills," written in collaboration ith an American writer, woicotx Balestier. It is thefetory of a young man and a young woman from a "booming" Colorado town, who go to India, he in search of a wonderful eweled necklace, cauea "tiie Nanlahka" (from which the story takes its name), and she as a physician to womon. The novel describes their remarkable adven tures at the court of an Indian maharajah. Besides this, The Century will printthree other novels during the year, ana a great nninDer of short stories by the best Ameri can Btory-wtiters. Tbe well-known bumorist ivigar W.Nye ("Bill Nye") is to write a series of amusing skerches which he calls his "autobiographies," the first one of which, "The Autobiog raphy of a Justice of the Peace," is in NovemDer. xnis numoer aiso contains a valuaple and suggestive article on "The Food-Supply of the Future,'' which every farmer should read, to be followed by a number of others Of Great Practical value to Farmers, treating especially of the relations of the Government to the farmer, what it is doing and what it should do. This series will include contributions from officers of the Department of Agriculture, and other well-known men win dis cuss "The Farmer's Discontent," "Cooperation," etc., etc. A celebrated Spanish writer is to furnish a "Life of Columbus," wbioh will be brilliantly illustrated, nd the publishers of The Century have arranged with the managers of the World's Fait to print articles on the buildings, to. . , One ol the novew to appear in 1892 is - . 1 : . A-Btory of New York Lile by the author of ''The Angloman iacs," and the magazine will contain a great deal about the metropolis during the year, among other things a series of illustrated articles onThe Jews in New York." In November is an illustrated descrip tion ot uThe Players, Club," found, edby Ed via Booth, and one of the features ot the splendidly illustrated Christmas "(December) number; is an article on "The liowery.", , Xo get The 0entury : send the yearly subscription price (94.00) to The Century Co.. Union Square, The World's Fair. Whether you intend to visit the World's Fair in Chicago In 1893 or not you will want a history of it from the beglnnlag. riuch a history is being magnificently presented by The Exposition Graphic, Prlut'jd In English, German, French anil The flrajt number of this groat quarterly edition of Tne Graphic, Juat Usuetl, cuaUlriri Views of all the Principal uUthuga from olliclal designs the Administration, Kiije Aris, Msinuiaotures, .fisheries, Mines and Mining. Agricultural liutlUlnps aua every thing else to date), Portraits of the Principal O Ulcers of llie CommlBSlon antl Direjlory, Views of the Principal (JlllbH of Ami no t, fuli-page Portraits of President iiirrisuu and (secretary iilalne, and a superb tnplt pay) hiru'H-j'.ye View of ti.o Hxpcsr.:u uiuuuub una ounaiugs rrom ties gns t-y 11. c pjuw er .i tor your .-onHiruciiou. want acopy for yourself r-cd cov- rn-s, with Hupp.euiti:: The:'.:.', '.c.i Lion in Aircrlca. l n'it, fitll to BSliil fur A flidiv (;r i- '. '-I r Newsdealer for it. Pr;ct "lUci.-i, vwPh orllci ) BubBcrlptiou one year, THr: (jKAPIUC "Thati i.henon-.cii.tl au cess of illust ated wet'klitH In thf world's fair cltv." All the principal current cvi urg tluely illuf truted. The iu.,m oum :l e rnosL popular, and hltoellif r ti.o ti:. i: utblo lllUBlititei week.!., a a 'a yo-.ir u"v,-..-deuler tor It, or addiets Iho puulibisuiK rub soriptiori, on year, Si.u-i. Th (iKAPiiiU CO., Dearborn a'jd Hum son .Sty., Chlcvgo. j- An agent wanted In e-.i.r.' Iuwl ;.i NOTICE. NC... t CAISOI.lNA-i'riivcnc'. Tbo Hoard of ?o?:itn:aK ioii..-H ,-, cuuuiy va. UaltiuM. nuiitn uu .l U PureiiHin to a IiuIvihumi ui lie f flllllVt nf , 1... , . . ruary Term, ik-i, i wm hi f. . uZ'r M.,au iii,'r,.,nwi:iS .at ,is. ,V. loH.r.eu.','" Ji, 'Z"L BLreet or Tren L i omi on Oi-1.01 1 h .Xni 1 1 l-ll1-.t i li-iug tl.e I 1 uy I. J-:. i I ivc.ril j. ; i. u innni county, m . H.; Hiid ilwi'iliu.; li,, Also, -l.e ol.Ltjr J,; .1111 III I nem i-orii, r er w i a lulu ku..,:j I"" Siiiil on (,r New lli-rnr, ,i,:ii.- l.n- Illllll Co Iivey, il I) Jiir-luiu , J11..T . KR-lmMl-,m, tiy liei-d m-ir, ,1 In 1'iavrii coiinly il, li.jnk o. 01, fill.,, ,. ,, un.l J.'- f, 'iliini iiideMlof r;. v. CariKsntur. v. s. ( , to Ki.-lmrd i o,.p -r. rei nril-,i :n mu,1 county in Uooit Nil. m, folio ;. il io allien dd left-runce Is liuifhy iuhiIo f.ir Inil i escll;, llon, wlili h 1 1 linprovenit'Ulb liitrL-ou. '! ills A pi il :'2J imi-J JABW W. HIUDl.i:, 11 CliJlilll-Hli'lU'l". Notice of Sale. Iu pnreuanceor a lu lament of fir. d innrr Of uiorllaue. anil an nmur nf al,. ,..,.,1.. , r'eliruary Term. WZ.ot llie Huicr!or Conn ol Craven county, in ih civil ,.ii, i ,tiwl jamea c. narnnon. Aduinistrator or ' " ,,,,, " ,no.B,:,J the highest bld-Jer, at the Court House doo in traven couuty, in theel'y of Mow Hern. on Monday, May ;(Uth, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described land: Lying and being lu No. l Township. Craven cmiuty. North Carolina, begluniug ui a euud oak on the wideof tne in Bin road at ihu l'oik leading to John P. Jj'ook's; tlience iunnlng up BHld main road north -il deyrees east 1 1 poles; then north :;V.-. ijegrfcs east pules, then 13 aereeN wetiiHU pules to tne hieitory on the corner of th land forir.erly beioiMj Ing to Mttjor Willis aLd Htuulracli illm; ttienca running Mliadrach W lilts' line muhIi 7. degrees eust io6 poles to the oak and pli e it iiu iiir-o iiits line oi uetii Horn ornian Wil II" to Major Willis soulli 1 ilcsree went ,,,. som1 , degrees west SI poles; soulli TJ iiPKreos went 22 poll!,; soulli b detrrios poles to a larj;e red osk on the neok path or road, near (Jiarts'8 o:d Held; then along Hit.' neett path or road tsoutli lit decrees wul h poles; Ht-uih Si degrees west hii p'des to ll.e begtnniny, cttntulhing I ht aen-sinore or less being tho si-lie destrr! t-d m tin- ni'irtgnf:e llet; inter of l u-t ds of r on founty uuj i i recordt d in iouk 1-.: coiiiplamt in lf nt nesttld acr. Tuih A pi .) . ll.ivllii; ,iml,ilc.l lis A'Jnlliiisli at r OHlKlo ol Henry l-iejip,., dece'iseil, lief OJerfc of tlie Sup.-nor Conn ,,f i ;) v 11. c 'raven comity, notice U lioreliv given tliiit nil per BOH8 havint; claims iu;n!nnt sill.l t'stnti- will prt'Bont them cu or tiefore 1 1:,- 271 h ,!ay , f April, 1MU, or this nollcewill bo pieudel )u bar of ilietr recovery. AU pcrxons in, looted to k;i!(! cKtaio will make Immediate settlement witn llm im- Ucrslgmd. BTKl'HBN liRAC.W.', Adm r ik-nry 1'-. ,. April '.7th, 1--SI-. bv BtAte ik Koii'i'ii CAi!0i.i:.A-toiir.ly 1'amllco. In the Superior Coint. Oordon Hollow Blast Urnlo Company Jan T. loung, Cuiia. II. Hull, in n, ciiKs ,i Melvlu Littleton V. Hull, Wm H Allwim find Lewis Thompson, Iradii:,; as Voiii. ;. Cole burn &Co. Notice. The defendants above iiami'd will ta;c. notice that an action entitled as tiliove !,ns been conilnenced In tlie Hnperlor l ourLi,.' 1 amlico county to r, cover tho Mini of 1 o.ir Hundred and Iwenty-nlite -I7-I'.'l lioiliira aud Interest upon two promissory notcn -ecutcil oy defendant compaiiy to p.mmi!!, ana tne eaia (leienuanta will turliif r tQKD police that they aro reiilied to himhvt al the next term of toe Superior Coin-1., if I'ii lu Uco county, to be held on llie lith .Moinlay after tbo 1st Monday In .Mari-ii, lr.ij, at tin Court House of fluid county, in Cayroi-o. N. U. , anil answer or daitnir to tho coin plalii; ; i, said action, or tuo pluiiillitwill (,pp.v lo t io court, for the relief demando! In aaiil co.a. plaint. This Arrll 'ith, l-'KSTl'S -MIl.l.Ki:, a'J (ivy C!o: k Superior Court, I'uinl'.co (.c. NOTICE. The undersigiifd, ytephen O. Itobrts, bns duly qualllled h Artmlnlntra!ur or liio es tate of Alarv T. Htunly, biu! bo-eby kIvi notice that ho reiutres a'l ivtmib Imvlrj; claims against tho esiateof the fc.ihl Mury 't . Stunly to present them to thf bhU h-ieiiiK--.: i (1. Roberts, duly ant hpntirsiTert. i,r nav- meni, on or cetoro tho Wlii ly ot Mareh, 18!U, or else this iiotloe wiss L.o pleaiied lu bar of recovery. I Persona Indebted to tho i alaU' ifcl wuuouL ueiay. marlI9 dtf A-i:iiluiHti;a Commissioners' Stile. Pursuant to a Jndsement of the Snrcr'.oi Couit of Craven conutv. rendered al the b all Term, 18UI of said court In tho cure i r L.J. Moore va. C. Locker, In which j udKcinenl I was appointed commissioner to sell the land mentioned In the complaints, I will on the 80th day oi May; 1K1I2, Bell for cnoh at the Court House door in theolly of New Bern two lots Nos 71 and S asdealgnaud In the plan of Farmvllle adjoining city of New Bern and fully (et ont In the complaint lu Bald action. Hale at 12 m. td JAS. W WAl'fc Kd, Commissioner. Administratrix's Notice. The nnderslsined.MaryB.Tburber, bavins duly qualified as Administratrix of tbe iftte William ll. Thurber, hereby gives notice that all versous havlnir claims r gainst the said William H. Thurber will present mem on or before the 2-Ht h day of March, 18a, or this notloe will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons owing lis estate of sail Wil liam H.lhurberwlllmakelmmedlaie settle ment of i he same. March 28th, 1893. MART B. TH0RBKP, Administratrix, Gto. H. W n its, Atty. mar2t tiw NOTICE. Havlntr this day nnalifled as Execntor of the estate of Allen Barnes, deceased. before i he Clerk: of the Superior Court for Graven county, all persons holding claims sgalnst said estate will present them for payment witnin iu montns rrom idis oate. osathls notice will be placed In bar In their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement u. .0. ha.uk. Executor. This April Hth, 1893. w J, B. HtKOWlSr. BARBERSHOP. , KsatJr l4 1$ b Use m& atsls. Bstl fseBwwlAMui4eM Bsift-r'V.: North Carolina Pamlico Oonnly. Superior Court Spring Tem. 189J. Lemuel Bho well and wlf, Anna B. Bbowell, PlaimiMs, against JameaT. Youus, Chaiiaa 11. Colburn Charies U. Melvtn, Littleton . Hail, Wm, b. Allwlne and Lawia ThompsOD, trading as Yonnf, Colburn A Co., defendants. t- , The deftiiduDta will take notice that a tiumiiinua titts kieen latued In tbis oaae ayiiinyt ;he defendants, Jaa, T. yoanc. harlcH il. C lhurn and Ijlltleton F. Bail, -fcbucd on the 'ttl day ot May. l-gerredon ihe defecdivnt Jas T. Young, and retornad lj Hpriun Term, uyu, of fcjuperlar GonH of Puniiu o county at which term of aaldoonrt An order wa drained irom hla Honor Bpler WLiin&r-r, Ju-'uj presiding. forn aliaa summons or l r nublicatloa for any non ri-bldetit d-fenams, upon proper affidavit of I'i'iini: r. ihe i endants. Charlie H. Colijnm, Lharle O ielyln, Littleton K. i'.u, , '.V.u. li. AljwiL.w and Lewis Tbomoaoa I w':l tr.fce uotire that said action Is now j oiid iiiir an d ct issue In aald Superior Court. I . :. t wr.t of attachment ha ftwen j c i by !!k- said court ayalnst the pioperty or i.ix.d ii jiunduut company, and that said wr; : ni.-u1. i:tut has been levied en the I saw j-r.if, ftteam engine and' other 'iTt . t.rry : dt-rcudants' company within Nil' i"-ui.y. i ;e LaeiendanU will therefore upierr n: the nevi term of Che Bnperior ;( . ;r;, i j bo -,is:A for Pamlico county, at r,ft oi. .!.) Id day of May, 1892, and tatsv.cr .jt lii'iiiiir to ihe complaint which la I ' i i-'.' 1 I'W'ii :, or specially plead , thfrein, a it; relief demanded wlil be , ;;;m-1i :;i, -92. r hHTIjrj MILLER. O. B.C. 'ore closure Sale. . :."-::ia Co;.i:A. : "' luo Clerk of the Hupeilor i. : 'LV L-, '. county y 1 v no Curleaa. " ' r n "Kidmen of the Superior i en i uumy, made at Fall Term, ; , -li'. ii. liio aecve entitled ao ;j i , ifr r. iJiiK'ii CommlBsloner, duly i : ti.il i,y a judgment, will on ! "f May, 1SH2 1 .,; .niv ofbprlng Term, 1892, of , . u; i), at 1L' o'clock, sell at - J' in tlie Cily f New .I,; in-!;, tl,o laud desciib d In li iu 1 !.. M!on, and ordere to - ':n.ii..i haid land lesiiuated 1 .. 1 1. uif .it li, oi, Uie north side of ',! lie ci uutyof Carteret and i l '..miliia, beliiK the same . I v h:. ii! John bailey from II :.s . i.-.J, and recorded lu . iwj,t- of ii, o I'ubllc Kccords : .ouiiiy. Auoaceiior B.O.Gar .v ..-.u .duieU January 28th, iN-iT'k.l 'ii Monit "NN," paye 219, ;; ,fi- of Carteret county, l ' ' -J of purchase from , ttfti . We i:unlco, dated Jane u, i ir- :-.:c:i in Book , page , ' i1 i of t'artoret county, i ,- i md one half aoreB more ih, ! v.nii all the improvements " ,;ln ri-lo lielonglng. '.. . , vl'riON, c. 8 Os. Couimlfisloner. -'' ': n Craven county I l .!;' . to uiake assets. 'y. r.xt.ator of Charles I.. P:i!ni r and Desdemoua e. Lyd:a Ann Barnes and , 'u; i .his. c. tiarrlsou, ad ..1. iil!t. . iifBuinl (..haries Barnes: M n piocc-edlng entitled hr fo!.i::,tjiieed in said court, : -fi'li!- il. e real estate of .', rid I't'i'i-iisprj, to ir.ake suitlonl, Pahrer I vs. i Cimiii-fi I'mU n' mlutst rn ti-r or 'I o dla A mi i'.; Tuk.- tir fii i-, il: flb'jvu b;i hern for tee psrp-. Hllid ChKl 1 1 ; ' . i.i -uiuinir-iiation mid ihe itH ot mi: I reby rimi; id. And i ou are ;-enr at tho Court -o:o W. .M. Watson, o,i thu isth day of o: demur to ihe'ccm Vv . M. WATBbN, Clerk fciup. Court. (iW ii: n-ld VliTl. April pill Hi Gomrnk: :er's Sale. lui. . I iirnnnia to it hi ;in,-nt of foreclosure of oiii;m". hi;, I ti'i onlt-r of sale, at Fall no,, i .-p. r;,r Couit of Craven ,iii. i. in:,;, m ,,(.i w hiroln Jos. L. Halin ai, i'i:iinr.'; l.n i jitiuU'reoii Dudley et als. in- ,!, in.:;,,; ,, i..i Cotiunl&Bloner duly i.! ii"i i., .1 i, i.u i-ini,.,wertd tin said Judt$ i :it. uit.l i.rd. r ..I a:c. i wlil sell to the !;.-.i-s: iMaii-'r lor casii.utthe Court Houso oor ,,f hul l t'oinity, in thf city of Near !t r,.o, on tne I'M day ol May, 1892, at 12 i lie following described In ..r :: Ia i:;u i i!ly n ,lt-p;::.iil I'll.. In ul May I Mi l,-t,l Inn re.-ol-.l, il K, '.,! '1;,.:! !; i,I .ami al i--;i -.; .ii the city of New Berne, 1 ;.Ue ;..'oreisuitl, aiid known and I i;-i I ' i N". 1'. in a plan of said i.y I. 1'. ; iiioo (or A. T. Jerkins, , I - ,7, ami more fully dt sorlbed In a " ;li" nth ,l.iy o' May, 1X75. and !n:v .1. l-."i, Honk 7(i, folio 11G, GEO. II. WHITF, Commissioner. .:',;; a.il Family Taper. Vun-juucoments of The 'o..ij;iLion for 1892, which ret cived, seem to tonch i.i..'.tby taytes. Its fiction i t :'. ;;r ii'.U. lcaiiore, serial, sea, ami holiday stories. Aton, Clark Eussell, Will A 1 n Dror r;ooie, .Mary iJatherine Mi' of Uio distinguished c:-i.-r:l articles cover a wide Education, Business, , CVilerj Success, Girls 'Mhin'c They Can Write, A i!:?-ory, Hailway Life. rf.ii.;.- Si!f.:cj Wh) If.vs -.Jul G;r'a nt the World's Fair, Gliinnri-.'S of Royalty, IIow to See Gvr:-: C'.t i's, Practical Advice are son the iiries to be written on :i':v. 1 f.;-.eeialif.ts. ;t:':io, i)e Lesseps, Vasili .Hiiti, Cyrus W. Field, 'V Carnegie, Sirs. Henry M. ; r,.- i ntinjj tho contributors. ;.!;ioa readers thus come - i ' ! touch with the people jr i.u ners make our age i. !:--UO,0"0 subscribers show :.i appreciated. ;;-. r uubscribes now for 1892 i;co trom tho time , the iptien is received till Jan. 1, 1.T " a year. Address, The j Cc'.np.icion, Boston, Mass. Vert' The L : - 1 i! TT KU THAN A GOLD M I N K No Capital need ed: No risk, hut till to f IS 'J A T.TrPT1D! a llav rrodtl 'leachers, V) jAll ljii; Miments AlinlRtera.Brisht Men and Ladies Wanted n evi-iytiiwn snd county. No expel lence ui',' l,-ii. crt-dlt atven If desired. He early 1 1, is t ; and si-cure first choice of exclusive territory on this brand New Hook. ""ii i ! an dhtilch! Write and get full Inr.jrmnt.on and solid facts about FOOTPEINTS OF THE WORLD'S HIST0BT.5 Uy WM. 8. liKYAN and JOHN OLABK Kl hPATii, the World Celebrated Historians Hie Ktory of the Nations a told 1st the brilliant deeds and icraud aohlevements of the Worul'B Heroes and Heroines. A, rloh storehouse of History, Travel, Adventure' and tbe weird and wonderful events of the "times that lii.d men's souls.'' Thrllllna stories of tbe davs of chivalry, alartllng d.rs. Also a vast collection of tnr rarest gems ot Englleu and American Historical Literature. The most wonderfnlter Book of today, the gteat: self-educator, Just the bo k the people want. Over 8S0i end His. to cat Illuminations. Ilair-Tene Httei Kn gr vlngs, and brilliant OU-eolored rmon Everybody finds It a bonansaOf snoce sens without asking. No CapitaJ,,ne5 Htralght business and blg.cronts, uple Illustrated circulars and luU partlealars sent free. Addtess, . . HISTOBICAt PUB. CO., PHI. Fa novaudli . NOTICE.;- naving tnis aay qualifies -as AamiDlstra ot at the estate of Hetektah UaVls. de ceased, before the Olerk of tbe .Rtrporicr Court for Graven county, all persons hold ing claims against said estate Will present them for payment to toe anderslcasd with. In twelve months from this date, or this notloe will he pleaded In bar of their moot eryv .- .- : All persons i Indebted, ta sal4.sstt wUl please make prompt settlement. j t . . - uan.na ,au iKu-wrv, aff- ' Ii;nsCtatlcrt5tCo1 i New xor Na x J ii .. Atlnnta, Ga