i,. .farad ; to i iLY JOTTBlTii li paUUksd ur 4 $l0 asff mob n.rries-eee DeesDa MS - ul be ioeeri.4 tret, J1,A " . WlU be eierirea 5 ete. per line, -, jor trseniedTertiresBetiteSeos. ad var4e Ug-als T"1 . 1 be collected pxompUy si tin mi Jou eeataWot amjf i interest li44- eujeeuoosoie ""'""'"J . ..usaeJIl efhe AMMM Vanr UM luif polo" "iul U pM A A psnoa feeing ffrtowdrt aay liW eas omasUMUoa cap wu oe swsee 1 IfiE JOUBNAL. V-N HANCOCK, - Laoa! . Msr Htatfkf Ar Two colored laborers on the ' Korfolk : & Western Bailway, 4. asmed Smith and Finkey, killed a colored Joy, without the slightest -V prorooation and then fled. Friends ol the murdered boy pnrsned the , men and captured them. Smith Who did the killing, was lynched . ana xiDKey was reieaseu. no uc - l a tt v. - ,' fan to brag about his exploit and was seized, tied to a tree and rid dled with bullets. TflX STATE COIfTESTlON. - The Democratic State Oonren tlon meets in Baleigh today. A few days ago the Jouenal said. there are evidences that the ap proaching Convention will be Dem ; jwraUe io the core. It is evident that one who is on the field under. standi the situation for better than tacts who are distant spectators of the fight The Raleigh correspon dentof the Wilmington Messenger ays: "The Democrats here are grati- Jltd at toe outlook and at the man jrrtttwuchtne Third Party is tv.ai crushed. Reports were re ielved t4ay of many county non- Tentiona and these are particularly -aoouraging. In nearly all, inoln diBg.' Qollford, Stanly, Kowan, Barke,'Eockingham, Anson, Wash. Iri'zton, Alexander, Greene, David- aba and Catawba, etraightouts of -the purest sort were chosen. The B. Louis platform is receiving a heavy blow. Third Party advo catehelda caucus here today which was a complete failure. Xura is rejoicing at the overthrow of Otho Wilson. He was de- aoanoed formally by the straight Mi Democrats of his township for his attempts to sell out the Demo crats to the Third Party." The Democratic party must be successful in the approaching cam paign. Stupendous issues are involved and the manner in which they are met will have its influence on the destinies of North Oaroliaa for years to come. We trust that the members of the State Convention will prove themselves worthy of the sponta neous plaudit of their countrymen, "well done good and faithful ser vants." SENATOR VANCE. There is no man in North Caro lina so dear to the people as Zebu lonB. Yance. His public services, domestic virtues and personal ' 4haracteri8tios,have made his name household word in the Old North State, and all men do him rever ence. There is in all parts of this com monwealth a painful solicitude for the health of the Senator, and, on this account we transfer to our col umns the following, from the Washington PoBt, as the latest in formation in regard to him. The Post of the 16th says: "Senator Vance arrived here yesterday from his mountain home at Gombroom, N. 0., where he was taken sick the middle ol last week. Although the Senator rode ten Utiles in a buckboard Saturday and pint a Bight on the cars, he made the trip Without serious discomfort. Aside from the disagreeable effects , . wtu ppyuuauuu ii muuiuiu pias ters and hot bags to his body, and ofthe morphine administered to J bias-to relieve his sufferings, he is comparatively Comfortable. When he reached his home he ,. - ate a lisht breakfast, took a warm 1atn, and went to bed, where he ' enjoyed a rest after, his long jour- y,':- Later in the day he sat np , for time. Mrs Yance the Sena- tor's wife, says she hopes it will be ' a matter of but a few days before her husband Is able to be out again A Mil jrAanma hln Ran Atari nl dnt!pH. 'The cause of his recent attack, - aha says, was the result ol a little '7 laprndenoe on the part of the Sen- lie was engaged during his re cent visit to Gom broom in super Intending operations on the planta last week while the sun waa very warm he stood ont in the damp field for some time talking with one of his employees. Aa a conse quence he perspired freely. Going op to his house he sat down in a large, comforable chair on the shady side of the veranda, and while sitting there he was taken with a ohill, which later developed Into Inmbago and sciatica. Offing to the remoteness of the place considerable dtlay was ex perienced in obtaining the services of a physician, during wbloh time the Senator coffered intensely. Domestic remedies were applied, but they did not bring substantial relief. After waiting some time a physioian arrived at the house, and administering a hypodermic injec tion of morphine, succeeded in alleviating the sufferings of the Senator in a very brief time. Typographical Errors. Anthors and publishers are often chagrined at the blunders of the printing press A French man, having: counted three nun dred typographical errors in his favorite book, gave up the ghost ana got out of tne world as soon as he could. We wonder that a similar departure was not wit nessed when one of our popular magazines was by mistake of the printor-boy, called "The Epilepio Review.'' But the worst of all typograph ical errors is that of small type Let publishers not forget the failing sight of the old. As age comes on, father and mother cannot go out as much as they used to, and are more dependent 1? A. 1. A. upon reading ior emeriainment. Put not before their diminished sight typography that blurs and confounds them. In plain print tell them the news of the world out of which they are about to enter. Let tne hymn book, and the Bible, and the religious newspaper be in distinct letters The poorest compliment ever paid to tne L.ord s Prayer was the cutting it in small letters on a five-cent piece. It is a hard thine for an octogenarian to "read his title clear" in type smaller man nonpareil or agate. It is a grand thing to have a page so plain that old age can read it either with or without spectacles. 8I1HPLB IS CONSTRUCTION. PEWtlAHBRT IH DURATION. EASILY APPLIED. ITS SKILL FUL USE QUICKLY LEARNED.! The Electropoise is an Instrument for THE (JURE OF DISEASE WITHOUT MEDICINE. BASED on newltbeorlei of the cause nd cure of disease, il deals with the electrical and magnetic conditions of ihe body and the gases surroondlng it in the atmosphere. controlling tnese conamons at will. II is not electricity. DISEASE is simply lm- fialred yltallty. The Eleotropolte oonstant y adds to the vitality and only assieU Mature, In Nature's way, to throw off the trouble. A W-page book, describing treatment nd oontalnlng testimonials from all sections, and for the cure of all diseases, mailed FKxz on application. Address ATLANTIC ELECTROPOISE CO., Washington. D. C. Charleston, S. O Atlanta, Gsu W. M. WATSON, Agent, BevBerneN- O' Small departures from the truth are called ''white lies:" but there is really no such thing as a white lie. The whitest lie that was ever told was a black as perdition. The book that makes the greatest stir in society is the well nlled pocket book. The Best in the World. Senator Henry C. Nelson, of New York, writes: "On the 27th of February, 1883,1 was taken with a violent pain in the region of the kidneys. I suffered such agony that I could hardly stand up. As soon as possible I applied two Allcock's Pobous Plasters, one over each kid ney, and laid down. In an hour, to my surprise and delight, the pain bad vanished and I was well. I wore the plasters for a day or two as a precau tion, and then removed them. I have been using Allcock's Pobous Plasters in my family for the last ten years, and have always found them the quickest and best remedy for colds, strains and rhenmatio affeotions. From my experi ence I believe they are the best plasters in the world." There are twenty representa tives in Csngress who are under 30 years of age. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to ran until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, 'Oh.it will wear away," but In most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try tne successf ul medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold o a positive guarantee to cure, they woul immediately see the excellent effect arte taking the first dose. Price 50c. and (1 I rial size tree. At all druggists. rnanii aeoa weow Grasshoppers attain their greatest size in South America. The Population of New Berne Is about nine thousand, and we would say at least one-half are troubled with some affection on tne Throat and Langs, ss those complaints are, according to sta tistics, more numerous than others. We would advise all one readers not to ne- lect the opportunity to call on their ruggist and get a bottle "of Kemp's Bal sam for the Throat and Lungs. Trial size free. Large bottle COo. ana 1. Bold WILL BE SOLD A Sacrifice 150 Nickel Clock at75o. ..: 175 Nickel Alarm Clock at 98 o. Alio, 50 Silver, Nickel and FlUed Gold Ladles' and Genta' Watches, with Elgin Movement, every one of them guaranteed. Latest styles in BOW-KNOT LADIES' AND GENTS' SCABF PINS, with gen uine Diamonds. 11 Karat Gold LADIES' KINGS. Also our Leader In Gents' Initial Rings, 14 Karat, price $4.50, real valoe $7.75. A few fine Diamond Rings below cost. Silver Table and Tea Spoons, a very large assortment of single plated Genta' and Ladies' . Watch Chains and Caff Buttons and Lockets. All goods will be sold at HALF THE ORIGINAL COST. Come at once to the Green Front Novelty Store, Middle street, next to Bapt st Church, corner Alley. 20 lm Milwaukee BEER. I am SOLE AGENT for this Cele- Mted Beer in New Berne. ON DRAUGHT. Schooner for 5 Cents. I keep oa hand a CHOICE LOT of WINES, LIQUORS, Cigars and Tobacco. T. C. HOWARD, RED LIGHT, Middle Street, Near Market Dock. mar23 dwtf SmalliYOod & Stover, DEALERS IN General Hardware, AND Harness, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Glass and Putty, Lime, Plaster, flair and Cement Agents for DEVOE & CO S celebrated Beady Mixed Paints, which are strictly pure goods. MIDDLE STREET. THE Mutual Life Insurance COMPANY OF" NEW YORK ISSUES EVERY DESIRABLE FORM OF Its New Distribution Policy is the Most Liberal ever offered by any Insurance Company. Assets, Dec. 31, 1891 : $159,507,138.68. Endowments and Death Claims paid last week: 369,887.51. Average Daily Payments: $61,647.92. C. A, BATTLE, f 4 tf At Journal Office. - ROBERTS fi DRO., WBlaI Dealer ta -. , , Groceries,': Provisions J0B1CC0 lirt I.WP, BOOTS Ud IMU. We are also scanta tor tTOCK "DIADJCK1 PLOUR, eysry trrl tmnantM. . A larce ttoek of PURB .WK8T XSDIA MOLASSES, onr own ImporHtlon. . M- com to H. nfl. or Hnd Tonr orders Ton WUI find onr VrloM sa lAiW M Um fcowsst. : r . n i I hay just retired FINE LOT of Western North. Carolina! HORSES AND MULES. - AL80, A FINE LOT OF BTJGGIE&; ROAD OARTS y AND HARNESS. All of whioh 1 will sell VERT CHEAP for eash or approved ptper. Giro ma s trial. 7. P. JOIIES Is now osrryinf a Large Stock ol AND Manufacturing and Cleaning MATTRESSES, Opposite the Gaston House, and res peotfnlly asks a share of patronage from the public Agent for the Excelsior Clothes Horse. TO THEPUBLIC. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE FIFTY DOLLAKS In the purchase of a PIANO, and from Ten to Fifteen Dollars In tb purchase of an ORGAN, addri ss ADOLPH COHK, NEW BEBNE.N.C, General Agent for Forth Carolln, who now handling goods direct iron the manu facturers, aa follows: mmr cri hie msEnni piihos distinguished for tone, workmanship and durability, and endorsed by nearly all the muateml Journals In the United States. Made oy rani w. jsenun, wno is at mis timeone of the bestmechaales and inventors of the dav. Thirteen new palenla on th's high-grade Itehlln Piano. Also the NKtrSTA HTABfS UPBIGHT n am v, wnton nas been sold by him for the past six years in the eastern part of this oiateyna up to mis iimens given entire satisfaction The Upright Pianojnat men tioned will be sold at from S2W to 13.0, In Kbonlsed Rosewood, Oak, Walnut or Ma hogany eases. Also the CROW1T PARLOR OROAST, from S50 to f 1W) In solid walnutor Oak o.sea Ten years' experience In the mnslo busi ness has enabled htm to handle nothing bnt standard goods, and he doea not hesitate to say that he will sell any musical Instrument about 25 per cent, oheaper than other agents are now offering. Refer to all banks In Eastern Carolina. Ian28 dwtf STERLING SILVER, abut 33 1-3 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN CAN BE BOUGHT ELSEWHERE. A rare opportunity. BELL THE JEWELER. NORTH CAROLINA Craven County. In the Superior Court Special Proceeding. Thomas Bowden and wife Peoina Bowden, JM1WIKU U1WUWU UU WHO fl.Oni. LIW horn, William Tingle and wife Moille Tingle, Clara W. Brlnson and Oscar R. Brlnaon, heirs at law of Bins Brlnson, dee'd, by their next friend, A. C, Brlnson. Plaintiff., vs. T. B. Ipoek, John i. Ipook, Barah J. Ipock, Dy unorcniu a. pock( ner guaraianad Hum. and Pearl D. Ipock, by X. B. Ipock her guardian, Defendants. HOTICl of tui. In onrsuance of an order and degree In the above entitled special proceeding made Januativ 20th. 18ML the nnderalaned Commit. loners nppointeu ov tne court will sell ior the purpose of partition among the heirs at law of Kachel Ipock, to the highest bidders for eash, at the Court Honse door of Craven county, in the city of New Berne, on Mon day, June 6th, 1892, at 12 o'clock, noon, all the estate, right, title and Interest of Rachel Ipock, dee'd, and which descended to her neirs at taw above named in ana to tne rol lowing described lands.-! 1, The tract well known as the Simon ungnt utna, desarined in a deed from ueorge Reel to Arthur Ipock. 2. A.U her estate In loach's Island. Also In the Islacd at the woitern end ol said Laacn's island. 8. The tract well known aa the Rlnal Inook Land, described In the division of the David Whit lord estate 4. Also all those lands lying In James Beck ana tne fork of swift creek, to wit: . The tract well known as the James Willis ratent, containing luuaer.a more or less. The treat well knowh as the AanlllaPol lard Patent, oontalnlng 160 acres more or lees. The tract well known at the BteDhen Willis Patent, oontalnlng 12S aores more or teas. The tract on both aides of Beaver Dam Swamp, oontalnlng ISO aores more or less. - And the tract adjoining the Kdward Gat lln and Gen. Fisher Patents. . The two last tracts of land being Lots Nos. I and 1 In the division of the lands of Sidney Heritage. New Berne, N. C, April 80th, 1892, 0. R. THOMAS. W. X. OAHO, Commissioners. Commissioners' Sale. By virtue of the power conferred upon the nndersbrned Commissioners. In and by a certain judgment of the Superior Court of uisven souniy, gnniea at lie reoruary Term.)892,ln an aotloa of William Oleve, sr., plaintiff, vs. Klbert Dell and wife, de- renaanva, we wiuezpoee ior eaie ex roniie Anatlon, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door In New Berne, county of Orayen and State of North Carolina, on Monday, May Nth, Mi, at 19 o'elook, noon, the following described property, tcwwlt: All that tract of land described fully la a certain mortgage executed by Elb.rt Dall and wife to Asa Arthur, and which la duly recorded. In Book No. M, pages 17, 17S, 174 and 175; also the tract of land described In a mortgage executed ty Elbert Dall and Wife to Q. F. Jyau caster twhloh mortgage la duly recorded In Book No. 98. pages 488, 48S and 4S0, Beeordaof Craven eounty; reference to which raaorda la hereby made for a full and perfect description a said tracts of - k, FBLLBT1XR,' I s: aStd ; , :i ;' Oommlsslonsrs NORTH CAROUl(A-Pamlloo County. , ' In the Superior Court Spring Term, 1882, Nathan Oahooni plain tiff, against The in- terstates Life Association of Staunton, Virginia, deleadaata. - - t The defendants above named will take notloe that an action entitled as above has Deed eommenoed In- the Superior Court of Pamlloe county, to recover of tne defend ant corporation the earn of one thousand dollars, and due plaintiff by reason of an insurance poller Issued by defendant corpo ration on the life of Mary Oahooa for the benefit of plaintiff, and the defendant cor poration will further take notloe that It la required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of eald eounty, to be held at the court house In Bay boro, N. C. on the 11th Monday after the let Monday In March, 1882 (being the 28d day of May, 18U2), and an swer or demur to the complaint in eald ao tlon, or plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In sard oomplalnt, -ThleHtb. day of M arch, lx2. -.. , ,..77 j, rttius MJi.riFR,o.s.c. OAXOLHQB,Att'ys for Plaintiff. Jn25 ' fSOrS88I01TAL bn.0. k. PAGBY, .y SurgeonDentist, ((ffiai, and, m. ' BojfU Omr, W. D. MclVER, Attorney-at-Law NEW BERNE, N. C. DR. J. D. CLARK. NEW BERNK, N.CJ lerofflcs a Oram f toil, betwii PoUock and BrOMs P. H. PELLETIER, ATTOKNET AT WW, Craven St.,' two doors South of Journal ofHoe. Will prac tloe In the Counties of Craven, arteret. Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. e- United States Court at New Berne, end Sncreme Court of the State. It's easy enough the Ball corset. iWs be1 cause it has coils of fine wire springs in the sides. They clasp the figure closely, but yield to every motion. They "give", but they come back. So does your money if you've worn a Ball cor set two or three weeks, and find that you don't like it. O. MARES & SON. nrUTfi WANTED to whom unusually HUCn I O liberal terms will be erven to sell our new book, Life and Works of SPUIW1. The world greateet preaoher is dead, and hundreds of thousands of christian families as well as Clergymen. Bible readers, stu dents, waiting for an opportunity to pur chase this book. Ve want agents to aell this book right now, while the Interest le greatest, don't wait, today eend AT ONCE Uoenta In stamps, for agents complete can vassing outfit and be the first to canvass your neighborhood. TERMS LIBERAL. ACT QUICK. FORSHEE & McMAKEN, Cincinnati, 0. Cox Cotton Planters, Stonewall, Climax and Gem Cotton Plows. Cotton King and Iron Age Cultivators, And a Full Line of Agricultural Implements. AT v:;Mr J. Cs Vhiily 6 Co.'s, Cor. Eouth Front and OravsnSts.' NEW BERNE, TX.C 1 A MAN 0450 HIS NEIGHBOR paMeedy..-. $376' Var the very aasse Mam. - Neither ne its. entw anucaiotarsm Insure Yourself bl LUDDEN & BATES.Sarannab.Ga. Ycm mnt puj than man than Instrajnanta Mtuliy worth. Tbsuvnoibollt thMinqr. HOSES T. BRYAHJi; Carpenter and Builder. ' Small Jobs of Repairing solicited and sat. Isfeotlon guaranteed. .... Maybe found when wanted near male Factory. - i Refereto past character as a elUawaand mechanic. . . , - lanlldtf Buy Year-flails : ,!' rt I ' FOB 'Vi'ii'-J-'-J'. Pea, Bean and Cabbage ' '"; ad i Mdiic-i&z I u BUILDING PURPOSES On and after ilonday, Jlsy 8d, Nel son's Ferry will be passable to the public without any InobnTenlence.' y $ ' j mi dim Httii'frI. 'NELSON. ( oVwcle Oietr inenei ti snlllni Mtlllns onr BRAHl ' .. f- e P"""II!B a. Can be mtA hi errf fily. otyet tnorelif t't n.-n tnrBeoruumryiMnna siMl..' ..a fe avinmMa. . oiAiiuu.. .re a I.ik. lioe of linnwii. Cll r-yua tor ires in,-:.. ,.)i n 82.30 Per Year. - . 130 c. for 6 LiOiVuis. OWLY Iroin Until Jan. -FOB WEEKLY NINE COLUMN FOLIO LARGE AMOUNT OP BEADING. The Daily Journal .00 Per Year. ' Circulates.in everydirection from New Berne, where there ia a daily mail, and is a splendid medium for advertisers. Liberal Advertising We lhave just received a large lot of trW and Handsome Books, which we club .with both the Daily and Weekly Editions. Call and see them, and get one by paying one year in advance for the Daily. By paying $1.25 for the Weekly one year in advance will also entitle you to a book. Job Bepartment; - In connection with the. Journal there ia a . FIRST-CLASH JOB DEPARTMENT. , All kindgof work executed in the beat of order and at satisfactory prices. ' r,- ' ttetter Headu, ... 5- Note Heads, Bill Heads. V -' . . , , ; , Statements; v" Business Cards, -' Enrelopes. Posters, v And all kinds of work. '' "' t .;; i' -V '' '. ' 70c. Now 1st, 1893, THE - JOURNAL. : 50c. Per Month. i ' tion. One day in the. middle ol oy an aroggisu. , t .....,v1oo1pUJ1 aSttWWI " , SWBJiHXB a Er'l

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