-a j -e Jour ft , f .0. .- HE VOL. XI.--NO. 56 NEW BERNE, N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 1892. PKICE 5 QMlB. MLY -r t BUSINESS LOCALS, R - D. V. JONES, late in charge of the preioription department of ' Pelhamls Pharmaoy, Asheville, N. O., .has opened a Prescription Drog Store ' svzl to custom house. Special eare la - lven to the eeleotion of preparations tor preaoription nee. only. The Ptron - ge of the pnblio la solicited. maj29 ON and after Wednesday Jane let, 1898, the Banks of thia oity will close M two o'clock P. If: , until farther notioe. O. H. Robert, Caehier, T. W. Dewey, Oashi?r, mWlm 0 E. Foy, Oasht-r DO you need a-Crush Hat Good NKfl, LATB SHAPES at n20 Barbisqton & Baxter's. IMPORTED HOLLAND GIN, Borke'a Bim' Ale and Burka's Qainnesa' Btoui, for aale by Jab Redmond. FOE SALE OoUb' box or ward robe lounge ia a perfect lounge by day and perfect bed by night, and jou can pat away aa much clothing or other artiolee aa in the average wardrobe. Yon ean get three Brtiolea for the price of one. No extra oharge for paoking or hipping. lire. Dr. Talmage. wife of the cela i bra ted preaoher, says these lounges are n Terr; very nice. ' Moe In Oteton. MO, $12, Raima (13. 114, Raw Silk, (20. 825, Silk Brooatelle, 25. $30. Terms 10 per oent. discount cash with order or half with order balanoe 60 days. ALFRED COLES. Grand and Myrtle Avenues. Brooklyn, N. Y. rr " AAA CIGARS at very low t iOaUUlJ figures to wholesale and retail trade for aale by Jab. Redmond. I CALVIN SCHAFFER'8 WILD a CHERRY ROCK AND RYE, put up expressly for threat and lung dis eases, for sale by J as. Redmond. GARRETT'S COON AC BRANDY used Tery much in the sick room. For sale by Ja Rbdhohp. FIVE Hundred pairs of Rubber Shoes for children, 10, 181 and 15 cents per pair. BIG IKE. HDNYADI Janos Mineral Water, the best Natural aperient. For sale by Jas. Redmond. PURE CORN WHISKEY for sale by Jas Redmond. . DUFF Gordon Imported Sheiry, for sale by Jas. Redmond. MISII. 8ACRAMENTAL, PORT and SCUPPERNONG WINE8 fer sale by Jas. Rblmond. DUFFY'S MALT WHISKEY for Medioinal nse. for sale by janSd Jas. Redmond. THE largest and beet selected stock of Ladies' Oxfords ever brought to New Berne now in stock. m28 Bahbinqton & Baxter. The State of Kentucky is just one hundred years old. . ' i TAMMANY Ball will send 1,056 IwavW tft the Chicago Convention. Bulletins of the national con- ventions will be given free to the peoplaln all parts of the country. .. . .. '. :;: ii ' ' . '-Ihb one thing a woman cannot forgive In a man is weakness. The . ; , one thing a man cannot forgive in t a woman is strength." The Bepnblioan forces are mov ing upon Minneapolis. The Har rison parlors were opened at the West Hotel on the first instant. Thib ia a bnsy, rushing, practi cal, selfish age, and happy is he whpdoes not forget those great ' virtues sentiment and princi ple. ' ' Gen. Htjtton was sworn in as genatbr f?om Virginia, on the first instant. His initial vote was for L'jfreecOlnage. Hill voted the same The friends' of the river atfd har rtttf blU f are becoming, somewhat anxious as to its ultimate late. the time o its final passage is ' wholely problimatioal. " ON the first of Juno the Phila delohia Becord completed its fif teenth year aa the "pioneer exem plar of successful journalism," dur ing which time it : has doubled its ice and more three times trlbbled ' Its circulation. -N- There is to be no vote on the, free silver coinage bill or on any - amendment to it until after the Minneapolis convention shall have dosed, and in all probability there will be none until after the Ohioagq convention shall have also come to an end. ' ' : ' H'Wa have preaohed the doctrine that honesty and sincerity should be exacted from political parties. (Let n not fall, under . fhe condem. nation which waits on . shifty schemes and insincere professions." "I believe our countrymen are pre pared to act on principle, . and are in no mood for political " mancever Ing. They will not waste .time in studying . conundrums, guessing riddles or trying to interpret doubt ful phrases.1 They demand a plain and simple statement of political purpose." ,"If, , inspired Z by the true Jacksonian spirit, we hold to the doctrine that party honesty is , If 'ItS.s -3':partv courage' is unrtv triMi".:f!iPV w shall win." r j - t j y " - - Crsvcr Cleveland. -. - An Indianapolis dispatch of June lt says: The flood continues to increase in magnitude and disas ters are reported on every hand. Several persons are reported drowned and the indication now is that Indianapolis is about to ex perience the worst flood in her history. Commissioner Katjm, of the Pension Bareaa, was again before the Senate sab committee on defi ciencies ol the Appropriations Committee last Wednesday and explained the necessity existing lor a deficiency appropriation of $7,000,000 on account of pension. This deficiency, ii allowed will make the total pension payments for the year nearly $147,000,000. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMf. NTS. Kinaton College. W. P. Burrus & Co. Bricks. Haokburn & Willttt-Get in out of the wet. Wiokelman's Diarrhoea and Cholera Remedy. The ezeoutive committee of the New Berne Ladies Auxiliary to the World,! Fair will meet Monday afternoon at six o'olook instead of tbia afternoon as at first announoed. Dr. (1. L Kirby, A. D. Ward, Esq., and Capt D. J. Broadhurat will con duot the examination of applicants for the West Point eadetship on Jane 17, in the office of the County Sup't Public Iostt action in Qoldaboro, N. O. A correspondent of the Kinaton Free PreBa proposes Capt. W. W. Carraway for Congress from that distriot. Capk Carraway is a man that is well known, and be is popular, possesses wide infor mation, and would make a most worthy representative. The depth of the exoairation for the sewerage pipe has not been so deep in the portion of the system that has betn eonstruoted reoently and the work ha been progressing rapidly. The iquare bounded by Middle, South Front, Cra ven and Pollock streets, the main buti- nees tquare of the city, is now almost emiioled by the psrt last completed. There has been lomt Ulk of having the sewerage company to temporarily cease work owing to the fear that so much digging in hot weather might produoeslokness. The Board of City Oounoil held a speoial meeting last night and deoided to lot the work go forward until further notice. We are much pleased at this aotion. We like to see improvements and consider that those making them should not be hin dered in any way exoept when really necessary. The Beaufort Seaside of Thursdsy says; "Hews reached here last even ing of the death of John W. Stanton at his home on Core Greek at 1 o'olock p. m. He had been slok for several months, and was 46 yean old. In his death Carteret oounty loses one of her most prominent citizens and the sad news will be heard with-much regret. In. him were the elements that go to make up men of high order." Mr. Stanton had relatives In New Berne and was quite well and favorably known here. The commencement week of David son college begins tomorrow at 11 a.m., with the preaching of the Baccalaureate sermon by Rev. J. B. Sheaver, D. D., LL. D., of North Carolina; the Y. M. O. A. sermon will be preaohed at 8:80 p. m., by Rav. J. Y, Fair, D. D., of Va. The annual oration will be delivered on Wednesday, the 8tb at 10 a.m.,by Bon. J. J. Daman, of B.C., and the Alumni dratioa by Hon. J. D. Mclver, of N. O. The re-union of literary ooleties will take plaoe on Tuesday the 7tb; the Junior oratorioal contest Wednesday night and the graduating exeroises on Thursday. Track Quotations. New York, Jane 8. Cabbages, 60o to $1.00; beans, wax, 83.00 to 83.23, round, 81.S0 to (1.75; potatoes, 13.60 to S3 60. Palmes & Rivkhbubo. Church Service. Hanoook Street Methodist Churoh On Sunday Sunrise prayer-meeting commenoe J o'clook. lien, women and children invited to aiake a little laorffloeandoomV ? Preaohlng at ir a.m. and 8 p.m. by the pastor, Rev. Jno. F. Butt Subject: Old Time Bullgion. Pretohlng la open air, end ofNeW South Front street: at 41 p.m. ; Everybody Invited to come who wants to be a worker for the Lord. Trenton High School Commencement. The closing exeroises of Trenton Ftlirh Snhnnl will hantn am tha nlk. Jane, the 15th by recitations from the primary olassee. On the loth, begin- nine; at 10 o'olook will be recitations by the advanoea pupils.and at II o'olook Dr. Dixon, President of Oreenibora Female College will deliver the literary address, before the sohooL. At nisht there will be a oonoert by the school. The patrons end pnblio are Invited and as dinner will be soread on the nmn a basket laden with good things will be gladly received from any who feel dis posed to bring one, -y ; ChndrcnlCryJorJFjtcherX8stgrla: Superior Court. The oaae of Geo. W. Best, ool., of Dover, who is oharged with murdering his wife, Rachel Best, on the 29th of laat December, by poisoning her, ooou pied the attention of court yesterday. It was shown by the testimony that Best and his wife lived very disagree ably together. She had oharged him with unfaithfulness, they had repeated ly quarreled, he bad often beaten her and threatened to take her life, he had told it outside of his family that he oould not live with her, and on the morning of the day on which sbe died he had told her it would be the last time he would tell her about hia break fast. The family and a vieitor all took breakfaat, and nothiDg produoed an; harm. After breakfast the wife went with the vieitor, who was starting home, to the train. After they had gone Best sent his atep-daughter, a girl about entering her teens, oil after wood. This left him alone in the house with the exception of a small, young ohild. He left fer his work of cutting crossties before the girl got back with the wood, and did not return, as was sometimes the case before, until the next day. At dinner, bread made from the same lot of flour from which breakfast had been cooked taeted so bad that the Rirl ate but very little of it, the little boy, the son of Best and his wife ate more, was made very siok. but the poison yielded to treatment and he re covered. The woman ate what she wanted of the bread but did not par take of anything else and she died that night in great agony, asserting that her husband had killed her. It was testi fied to that he had administered poison to his family on a previous oooaeion in the morning but after they had been siok through the day he gave them a remedy at night and the next morning they were well. It was shown that Best wai a vender of medioines.that he had offered to sell "rough on rets" two weeks before the poisoning of his wife, that the simptoms of her death, the post mortem examina tion and the analysis of her stomach indioated death by an irritant poison and pointed more particularly to arse nioal poisoning. The presence of arsenio in the bread used at dinner and in the dough from whioh it was made was indioated by several delioate tests. "Rough on Rats" subjected to the same processes gave the same results. Messrs. Caho & Leigh and W. D. Molver represented the prisoner. Solioitor White the prosecution. After argument on both sides the Judge de livered his charge to the jury and they took the oase. The jury is composed of ten white and two colored men. About equally divided between residents of the coun try and of the oity. At this writing the iry is hang. Coming and Going. Mrs. L. H. Cutler left yesterday morning for Greensboro to visit her daughter, Mrs. Bertha Watklns. Mrs. R. P' Cotton and Mrs. Geo. W. Kidder, who have just organized a Ladies' World's Fair Auxiliary in thia oity with a very bright outlook for use fulness, left Mrs. Cotton to oontinue the work at Goldsboro, Wilson and other points, and Mrs. Kidder returning to her home at Falkland. Rev. F. H. Johnson, D.D., of Eliza beth Oity, one of the trustees of David- sen College, oame ia on the steamer Neose of the E, O. D. line and left by rail to attend a meeting of the trustees at the oollege next Tuesday. He will stop on the way at Goldsboro and preach tomorrow. Mrs. Mary Duffy left to visit her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Coppedge, of Graham. Messrs. Name Nunn and Geo. Dail, who have been attending the Bryant Stretton Saddler Business College of Baltimore, returned home on the steamer Newberne of the N. W. & W. Direot line. Mr. Jas, A. Bryan returned on the steamer Neuse of the E. O. D. line from a visit to relatives In Norfolk. Mr. Obas. H. Brown, of Kiaston, who has been attending Superior court, left, returning home. Mr. Roeooe Nunn, Assistant Meteoro logical Observer, came , down from RUeigh to spend a short time with his relatives la the oity. ' Miss Susie Danenburg returned from attending the Female Seminary of Staunton, Va. Mr. W. H. Bogerson has moved from Boston to Newport. Mrs. E. B. EUis, who has been at tending the commencements of j the University aad Peace Institute, tamed horns last night aooompanied bv her daughter. Miss Emma' Kate Jones, who has been attend in the Institute. Colombian Exposition. ; Now that New Berne and - Craven oounty are about to get a "boom' for the Columbian Exposition' by reason of the Ladies Auxiliary, It maybe ia order to say that "The World's Fate Visitors' Association of Chloago" have requested Rev. Ed Ward Bull to aot -as their agent ia assisting tkoe who wish to attend the Fair. Through tbia ageney tbe ex pense will be greatly' reduced, and the oonvenlenoe apd comfort oC4he trip, as well as the profit to be derived from II will be greatly enhanced.' ' ' T - S CluIdrenJCryJbjJchLsrtj;astorIi The Picnics. Of the two pionio parties yesterday the Episcopalians led the way. Christ Church Sunday school and the mission school assembled at the churoh and marohed down in regular order to the steamer Kinaton, Capt. T. O. Dixon, at the O. D. wharf and they atarted about 8:30 a. m. for Spring Garden where they spent the day. A slight shower caused them to spread dinner on the boat, instead of in the grove as first contemplated, but in terfered no further with the plans for the ocoaaion. A braes band was along and merry dancing aooompanied its lively music Messrs. O. H. Kjbxrw, E. B. Robot ts and S. R. Street, in connection with the rector, Rev. T. M, N. George, were in charge and tho expression of pleas ure testified to the success of their efforts. All returned happy, delighted and wanting to go again. The Presbyterians assembled at their Ieoture room and after brief and ap propriate religious exercises marched to the foot of Craven street and em barked on the steamer Trent, Capt. Dave Roberts, and after a pleasant run to Foy's mill, went ashore there for dinner, whioh was a sumptuous one, and was aocompanied by about 2i barrels of lemonade. After dinner tbey re-embarked, kept on up the river to Polloksville, spent a short time there and then started for home, joyous and singing. It was pro nounced a grand time by those so for tunate as to be along. ROCET MOUNT Is the coming great industrial city of North Carolina if not of the South, therefore there can be no better invest ment in tho world than Rocky Mount grit, we would therefore advise every one wishing to make money to attend the great auot on sale of lots, which will be held at that place on the 15th of June. There ia no question that a per son purchasing lots on that day will be able to a great deal more than double their money within the next few months, at that portion of the town lying between Thomas St., and Tar river now owned by the Rocky Mount Improvement and Manufacturing Com pany, will soon be the most valuable portion of Rocky Mount. One of the largest buildings in Eastern Carolina is now being erected on the property, and arrangements have been made by which large manufacturing plants will be erected on their property during the summer. Architects are also making plans and specification for a large num ber ot elegant private residences, the erection of which will be commenced at once. The 15th day of June will be one of the bigest days Eastern North Carolina has ever seen. There will be an ox roasted whole. A balloon as cension by the Grace Shannon Balloon Co., of lady aronauts, who will drop a deed for a valuable lot from the clouds, hioh will be the property of the fin der. There will also be an elegant brass band in attendance. Tiokets will be sold at reduced rates on all railroads, and any one buying a lot for $200.00 or over can have their R. R. fare re funded. It is going to be a big time. Every body should make it a point to be in Rooky Mount on June 15th. List of Letters Remaining in the Poatoffice at New Berne N. C.May 29th, 1892. B Sarah Barkon, Hsgar Blount, J. W. Bryant care Mr. Douglass, R. T Berry. H Willie Hanrahow. Tama Heath. Mary Henderson. Li Mrs. Ella Lee, Mrs. E, Lemon. J Lowe care Singer Mfg' Co. M Joyner Martin, Charlie MUler. 8-B. F. Soott. J. S. W. Smith. Venus Himmons, Kaohel Spencer. W Chill Williams, L. J. Wood. Poraons oalling for the above letters will please, say advertised and give date. The regulations now require that one oent shall be colleoted on each advertised letter delivered' Wm. E. Claekk The need of a perfeotly safe and al ways reliable remedy for tbe peculiar diseases of summer is universal. As a remedy for the household, ofBoe, on the farm, on shipboard and for travel era by land and sea, Winkelmann's Diarrhoea and Cholera Remedy has proved its inestimable worth in the prompt relief and cure of all disorders originating in the stomaob and dices tive system, suoh as Cholera, Cholera Morbus. Diarrhoea, Cramps eto. ber vioeable under all conditions, always ready for use, and perfectly safe. juneaawiy. "Make hay while the sun shines.' In other words take advantage of a bargain when von see it. We have just received about six dozen laundered shirts, slightly soiled They are dollar shirts. - xou can have them for 50o. The sizes are 15A, 16, 1GA and 17. If yon can wear this size yon are in luck New lot of silk scarfs and four-in hand ties. White lawn ties 25c. per dozen. White lawn dude bows 50c. per dozen, Sets, each, Stan ley Sashes and Sash Vests. At J. M. HOWAED'SI The Higher Education of Worn en Learning . how to walk in French boot with slx-lnoU. heels. , ; :' 4,4 .t -... ' ' ' . ShUoh'g Consumption Cure. This -is beyond question the most suooessful Cough Medioine we have ever sold, a few doeea invariably cure the worst oases of Uough,Croup and Bronohitis, while its wonderful suooess lu the euro of Consumption is without a parallel in the history of medicine. Since its first discovery it has been, sold on a guarantee, a test whioh no other medioine can etand. If . you have cough ws earnestly ask you to try It. Prioe 10o., 60o, and SI. It your lungs are tore, chest, or back lame, use Shi- Ion's-Porous Piaster. t Sold by New Berne Drug Co. ChndrenCiyjorlPitcherlCastor!v POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tarHr hxkiav novvder. Highest oi sll in I 'sviuiog strength. Latest United States Government Re port. Royal Baking Powdkr Co . 106 Wall 8;.,N. Y. Pi ,;c'! i iisra'i i If jou have boon buyiug unsatisfactory goods and are dlsconaolato, try a change We guarantoe to suit you. Respectfully, HACKBUUM & WILLETT. BRICKS! BRICKS! 200,000 For Sale. $6.00 Per Thousand, m GIU LOTS JbLt Depot Call to See Us. 7. P. Burrus & Gs, Foot of Middle street J. E. LATHAM. Office foot Craven street, in Clyde bnlldlng) GEMAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, BUYER OF and EXPORTER of COTTON DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE , and all speculative commodities. Reasonable oish odvanoes made. 1 sollelt oontlgnmenU of Truck for follow Ins Commission Merchants, who are reliable ana responiiDie; F. S. GIBSON. Philadelphia. r.MoMULKINatOO.and B. B. DOWNER suumv ror. B&A.VBKNB a UO., BOS ton. J. K. KBNSEDY A CO.. PltlsbnrK. Dully anotatlona tn to all-noited on dibok ookra in mj omot vverr aay. Gall or write for atenotls and postal cards. visitors wsiooma. uorrMoondence ii. viMa. maysi dwtf 3XTo"W" Lot OP THOSE Nice BCaixxs SIioxilflexs AND BREAKFAST STRIPS 3Ilaw Butter Fresh Limcli Biscuits AT IUCA8 & LEWIS. out of m For Sale, 1 large Drait Hcrse, 2 Draft Mules, 2 larpe join Djvon Oxun. T. T. GOODING, -c2wlt Uorriuion, Carteret Co. A SURVIVOR OF THE WAR- 1855-1892. ICc. lloy, GAIN'S now is tiio time t. ,'. t ISAU- 4-in-hand Ties. For TEX C'ENTo wo cau sell yon tbe prettiest Flauncl Scarf you ever saw, "All Wool" with Silk Stripes Wo only cliarje you FIVK CENTS for a DUDS BOW. Look ia our Show Windows ami you can see nn assortment. BARGAIN ST0..L Fs? Ten Days Only 1 I will sell '.be v:y l.ejt .S'.r. i UitB for Men and Coya for "iOj, each. These Kooda ore telling daily at f 1 DO and .25 oach. You must remember that Ike hse returned from EofielJ, and has bis stock complute- no bolter in the market and ia williDU to give tho pecp'o some bonefiiB of l;ij lor.:; vin:t. Don't pay noventy lira cents to a dollar and a quarter when you can got aoma for 50a. and mai27dwt( They Are Coming With A Rush. Who? Why, J. F. TAYIOE'S Customers, To irot I ho (ioods saved from the lire. wukh be is almost aUiui awav to nu.le m for now stuck. If you want tire ;cst tuniM you gvci !!)' for the la-t money, join tin) crowd, .,.:!... .(nick and got your !!.::;. They ar- Uo'i:; 1 to go. L is 1 i'l.'Jiyli CRAVEN fiTKEET, 3 Doors froia Board of Trade NEW EEIi:JE, c, Solicits coNSH;:,yi:.Ts of tkvi i; for the following well known Firms: Blsrs. A. Bennett & Co., XKW YOKK. " Nock, Timmons & Co., rniLADELPaiA. " Llppmtm Broa-, BltOOKLYN. ' ' Dar and Bro3. & Harrick WASHINGTON, D. C. ' C. Wolters & Co., NEWARK, N. J. Latest quotations received daily from each of the above markets. Stonoils and Postal Cards can be bad upon application at my office. mar24 dw3m 100 BAGS SHOT To Hand This Day. a All Sizes. Send In Tour Orders. JR. Uls?ieli., WHOLESALE GEOCEK, I 4 " ill iS- ass gm - si lift 8 M FOR For &t a Great Sacrifice ! Ouo very valuable Dark Bay Horn, any lady or cbild oau drjvej t One Irou Safe. . I . i Two fcix Hundred I.bs. Fairbanks 1 I. 1 III i;l 0 1. US. . . . Fivo Counter Scales. Niwn Show Cases. v f Any (,r all tho above can be boueht at a bargain by calliDg oa BIG 9 A 3, JIVS3Y, FEED AND 1711," ; Prices lai'TOii. ma-n dwtf JUST eceiveil : A FINE LOT OF MM P.tttWfPal I Styles. JOB LOT OF m Vests, To retail at 10c. ALSO LADIES' SILK VESTS, i I'!:..- h.'.t goods in the city for the money. FINE LINE a it y -. It will bo to your v. ait antl'Vcd before inters. buy in: & Baxter. 5r '!-- Tiiiia IsKoneyl Having put in a NEW REfjuiATOB and connected it with Washington by Telegraph, I am. ready -to fctreisfcol time to each aud every one, ...: I have also a full stock of mil ktnafof Goods in my.iine..w)iiabi lgaaeUtsgM Rock Bottom Prices , j.fs -COME ANt SEETHE. ' , SAM XE4BWt' . The Je.welr Middle t., opposite Baptist Church .. i ' ii - 1 - r i tnillineryl Middle St., opposite Baptist QbtfrdUL Spring and Suminet' Goods." A fnll line Of Milllnerv in all th latent styles, as handsotne And as oheap as ean ' oe Dongnt in tn city.' House. mm LMIES SHOES jVtl,L HAVE A i I OF iuii'sOlothing i. i in i i Also, a nica line of Mees. Embroider ies, Ladles' Vests, Ladies' and Children's HoavKitts, Betta, eto.to '-i -t . The pnblio generally are most respect- . lolly invited to eall and examine ber stock and compare her prices with those of any In the city or elsewhere.