1 ; ' BE: VOLlvXI.-NO.s 62 NEW BERNE, N. C. SATURDAY, JUNE lh 1892. r iiXCE 5 CENTS; ' 1 1 :"! OURNAL. BUSINESS LOCALS. FOB 8 ALE On 8eoond-Hnd Open Baggy and One Small Baldwin' Dry Air Befrigerator. Both in good condition. L. J. Taylor. junllst SEWING neatly done by Mrt. B. H. COWARD Underware and ohild ten' olothes a specialty. Cor. Pollock and Eden streets. juneBtf. , RD. V. JONES iate id oharge of the pretoription department of Pelbam'a Pnarmscy, Asheville, N. 0 , has opened a Pretoription Drag Store next to custom house. SpecUl oere is given to tbe selection of preparations for prescription use only. The patron age of tbe publio i solicited, maj 29 ON and after Wudcegdar June 1st, 1892, the Bank of -thi oity will eloae at two o'olook P. M., until further notloe G. H. Raberts, Cashier, T. W. Dewey, Cashier, mS91m 0 E. Foy, Cashier. DO you need a Crush Hat. Good ONES, LATE SHADES, at m20 Babriboton & Baxter's. IMPORTED HOLLAND GIN, Burke 'e . Base' Ale and Burke'e Guinness' Stoat, for sale by Jab Redmond. FOB SALE Oolee' box or ward robe lounge is a perfeot lounge by day and a perfeot bed by night, and yon an put away a much clothing or other article a in the average wardrobe. You can get three artiolea for tbe prioe of one. Mo extra oharge for packing or hipping Mr. Dr. Talmage. wife of the cele brated preaoher, aay theie lounge are very, very nloe. Prioe in Creton. $10, (12, Raima f 12. $14. - Baw Bilk, $20. $25, Silk Broeatelle, $25, $30. Term 10 per eent. discount cash with order or half with order balanoe 60 day. ALFRED COLES. Clrand and Myrtle Avenue. Brooklyn, N. Y. AAA OIQARS at very low i OeUUU figure to wholesale and retail trade for sale by Jab. Redmond. I CALVIN SCHaFFEB'S WILD CHERRY ROCK AND RYE, put op expressly for throat and lung dis easee, for sale by J as. Redmond. GARRETT'S COGNAC BBANDY nsed very much in tbe sick room. For sale by Jab Rbdmokp. t?IVE Hundred pairs of Rubber Shoe . for children, 10. 12i and 15 cent per pair. BIG IKE. HDNYADI Janoe Mineral Water, the beet Natural aperient. For sale by J as. Redmond. PURE CORN WHISKEY for sale by Jab Redmond. DUFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for ale by Jab Rkdmond. MISU. SACRAMENTAL, PORT and SCUPPERNONG WINES for sale by Jab. Redmond. DUFFY'S MALT WHISKEY for Medioinal use. for sale by jn2S J as. Redmond. THE largest and best selected stock of Ladle' Oxford ever brought to ' New Bern now in stock. mis Babbington & Baxter. Senator WoLCOTT,Bepublican, says it would take a half million dollars to carry Indiana for Harri son. . - Alger teems to have made bat little headway at Minneapolis. 1 The dim outlines of a barrel in the distlnce ia abont all the showing he has. A Fusion ot the Prohibitionist, .Republicans and People's party is rare mixture that may be found on North Carolina soil before the campaign ia over. "Protection is the key note of .the Bepnblioan party," says the Chicago Inter-Ocean. That,s trne jin a general eedse, but just at this moment Belt protection is what the grand old patty most needs. - Tub State Campaign in South Carolina opened at Barnwell on (Tuesday,' and between the adher ents and opponents of Gov. Til man's administration the scrim, mage promises to be one of extra ordinary activity and acrimony. - "Two years ago there were 27,- 000 men In the Alliance. There are not 6,000 in the ... State today, and this break to the third party will smash the order.'!. These are the words of State Ailianee Lectur er Tucker, who is in a position to know what he is talking about. : Knozville Tribune. "Gen. J. W. Foster' is . men tloned as the most probable succes sor of Mr. Blaine, as Secretary i ol State. a Cbaunoy Depew is also mentioned.'' The President hard ly ean do better than to promote the present .xxsflllent -Assistant, Sec retary of State. 'Mr. Wharton Is i mnoh better international lawyer sthan either Fostefot Depew. 1 Biscb the go od crops and atten dant prosperity, of last year were wholly duff to the McKinley law, it seems abont time for some one to point out that the floods and wash puts of this spring, with the dis tricts which they are likely .to ore ate among farmers, are f to be charged to the. tact that the Demo, orata are likely to get holdjof tbe Government this fall and wipe oat Kaj. Ho I nicy's marvelous meag. Senator Wolcott, who thinks the "jig is eternally up" with Mr. Harrison, don't seem to have a very high opinion of the average Indiana sovereign when he de clares, ''I tell yon, a Presidential elections is as good as a wheat crop for those ft Hows in Indiana." Star. Col. L. L. Polk is reported to be very ill at Washington. Phy sicians say that he cannot recover. This is sad utws to very many North Carolinians and to not a few beyond oar borders. While there is life there is hope. May a merciful Providence spare him long to be a comport to his family and friends. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. C. Harrison Admin're notice. Whltty & Co. Hay rakes, etc. For sale Buggy and refrigerator. Weather fair and slightly warmer. The steamer Enola will leave I hi 6 'ening at 7 o'clook. A ohsnoe for lata truok shipping. Mr. T. W. Dewey of the Farmer ft Mtrohanta Bank has been appointed notary publio and ha duly qualified for th duties of the offlae by taking the oath prescribed. At the regular counoil of ft. Jjhn'a Lodge, No. 8. A. F. ft A. M., Wednes day night, Jnne 8th, the following offi cers were elected for the ensuing year J. II. Haokbnrn, W. M ; I. L. Chest nutt, S. W. ; H. J. Lovick, J. W. ; T. A Gren, Trees. ; J. S. Basnight, Seo. A correspondent from Wallace, N. O., writes the Journal that the author of the boauliful poem reoently published in the Journal '-The Children at Home" was Elizabeth Stewart Phelps. When published we stated that the author was unknown. Thanks for the information. Rev. Julian Rumley, of Beaufort, who has just graduated at Trinity College, arrived laat night and is visit ing relative In the oity. New Berne Methodists will have the pleasure of hearing the first sermon he will "preaoh after graduating. He will remain and oonduot the servioes tomorrow, the pastor, Rev. B. A. Willis, being absent. Goldsboro Argus: Certainly the old est citizen in Wayne county and perhaps the oldest in the State, died at her home in Fork township on Tuesday of this week. It was Mrs. Mill Howell, whoe husband preoeded her to the grave several year ago. Her age is definitely known to be 102 years. She waa a most wonderful woman In mem ory and vitality. The New Berne Graded School closed yesterday with exerolses consisting of recitations, "declamations, dialogues, to. The exercise were a little more than two hour in length and over a hundred of the pupil took part in them with oredit to themselre and their taaohers. About 250 scholar were en- rolled at the ohool this year and ex cellent work has been accomplished. Rev. T. M. N. George delivered an address before the literary olass of the New Berne Collegiate Institute, yester day morning, on "The Bible as a Book. " He treated it from a literary stand' point, and highly extolled for its value on aooonnt of its antiquity, it historical information, the desire it kindles for other information, and the simplicity and yet grandeur of it style, surpassing as It doe In literary excellence every other book that the world has ever prodnoed. Fpr the World's Fair. The exeoutlve committee cf the Ladies'. Auxiliary are. now canvassing the city for subscriptions to aid in this work. It is considered that New Barns Ought to furnish $500 -for this objeot. Some of oar badness men and prosper ous truokers oan wall afford to sub scribe (10 eaoh; there is scarcely any one who could not afford to give a dol tar for this patriotic purpose. Remem ber we have more caus to be interest ed than any other oity in the State, be- oaute a New Berne palaiel of colonial day I to be re produced at the Expo sition. Let every .man respond Prizes Awarded. Mis Elisabeth Porter, of Cove, won the scholarship prise offered by the New' Berne Collegiate Institute. This entitle hrrto a yearl free tuition hi the Institute. Her grade wis 98. Hiss Boss Dall, who won this pries . last year, stood next. THer grade was 87. Mis Porter abo won the prist la the class of polltioal aoienoe. ; It was Fret-. oott's Conquest of Mexico, In three vol umes. 'jJimS ';,H l Mis Katie Matthews won a (10 prlss f oran essay on New Berne. Also a prise for not beiog absent or tardy a single tune during the year. Mies Berths Kafer also won a prize for the same. She ha not been absent or late a single time in two yean a ' remarkable record. ' - , Mr. James Win field won the prise for the greatest progress In elocution. After the presentation of prizes Prof. Adams md some stirring remarks on ednoation and" oa : the work the Col legiate Institute was doing. The exercises then olosed With a part ing soog composed by Frof. Morton. TIME FOR "ACTION. Subscriptions to the If. W. & C. Railroad to the Amount of $10, 000 Wanted Immediately. If Secured the Survey Between New Berne and Washington Will Begin at Once. We gave some faota yesterday rela tive to the present status of affairs of the Norfolk, Wilmington & Charles ton railroad. We now enter into the matter more fully. The Direotors and other leading men of the road are now assembled at Phil adelphia. Among them is Mr. T. A. Green. A telegram of inquiry was sent them Thursday by prominent business men of the city, seeking information as to how soon they could commence work between New Berne and Washington. The following was the favorably re ply that came soon after to Mr. C. P. Hower, President of the Virginia cor poration of the company who is now in tbe oity: Phil. Pa., June 9, 1892. . P. Howkb, Hotel Albert: Message received Have shown it to Mr. Green. If New Berne and Wash ington take ten thousand dollars worth of construction bond before Saturday, Mr. Reall and I will be in New Berne not later than Tuesday next and will take up matter suggested by Messrs. Bryan and Foy and others. Mr. Jas. A Bryan was unanimouslv elected direotor of the consolidated company yesterday. CHAHBKR8 A. MOKIBBIN, Gen'l Manager. That is, if tbe citizens of New Berne sad Washington take $10,000 worth of Stock immediately, the work of the survey between the two cities will be begunwithoat delay. Messrs. T. A. Green and Wm. Dunn had already taken $500 worth of stook eaoh, In the railroad and upon the re oeption of this telegram Mr. Jas. A. Bryan headed a list with 41,000 and Messrs. E. W. Small wood and Chas. Reizenstein followed with $500 each, making the total amount subscribed by our citizens, $8,000. It is to be hoped that other men of means will do like wise. It will be an investment for their own good and also for the publio bene fit of this entire seotion. The part of the work to which this money will be applied will be the sur vey between New Berne and Washing ton and other work incidental thereto. Capt. A. W. Styron, one of the most progressive oitlzens of Washington, N 0., I also la the oity and he I anxious for the road." It was through hi in strumentality that the Washington Industrial Association was organized through the efforts of whioh the Atlan tic Coast Line waa induced to run a branoh lin to that city. Oapt. Stryon ia enthusiastic in hi praises of the good results that have oome to Washington in increase of business and otherwise from the building of that road. The Washington Industrial Associa tion having accomplished the purpose for whioh it was formed ha been die banded but Capt. Styron expects for it to be re-organized, and he thinks tbe surest plan for effective work will be for a similar Association to be organized in New Berne and for the two to unite their efforts for securing the N. W. & C. railroad. Any of our business men who wish to meet and converse with uapt. styron on the subieot, can find him at Hotel Albert. Mr. MoKibben, the general manager of the road has had considerable rail road experience. He was formerly aoting Vice-President of the Union Psoiflo and altio the general purchasing agent for the same road. A number of the most successful busi ness- men, from along the route of the road have part in its management, (two of the Directors, Messrs. Green and Bryan are of this oity,) and it is not in tended to have any unnecessary delay in building it. Mr. .Hower informs us that if the oitlzens of the two plaoe will take hold of the matter with the proper spirit the probabilities are that the portion of the road between New Berne and Washington will be con structed inside of 13 months possibly within six months. New Berne Is on a steady tide of prosperity whioh . baa oome In the natural course of etents through her manifold resources. Of those and the growing business resulting from them we' will not now speak but wo will al luds to ono of the results from them. the building in progress in every part Of the city. In the central portion of the city within six months there have been over M dwellings and business plaoe erected oosting from (1,000 to $4,500 each, and building oosting be low St OOO. SmaaUllv In tha anhnrha have been quits numerous. One con tractor, Mr. J. A. Simpson has put up 40 asat tensment houses under one con tract for ons firm, Messrs. Dunn, Beis sustain & Ives.' Counting all that have been Jralltr the number would sxoeed one hundred slnoe Isat fall, and this has not been brought about by any farosd pressors.:- On the contrary th demand arose ot itself and forced the building to be done out of sheer neces sity, as there were not housss enough tor aooommddat the growing popula tion? and the- new ones have been eo eupied as rapidly as finished and the building still goss on without interrup tion. The- oomlng of the N, W, G. railroad win be a mighty faotor for hv oreeetng this - desirable state of affair and for developing the resources of the oity to a degree that many of our citi sen little realize. We must leave no stone unturned to secure the road. We are glad that Mr. Reall and Mr. McKibben will bs in tbe oity next week. We hope for gcol re sults from their visit. Prof. Winston's Lecture. President Winston's subject last nifcht in ihn nntirao rf hia !a(iiira rVia, t'nn ... K I might afford to liva ia ignorance, but the poor must train ihemsolvea (or effort, and huaiiiv Lis kc.u-e one would feel th .t there ii no.iuujpuor but what tn uuuer ticn can be secured if the determination ij strong enough. He ehowed the poer in many pur suits that arises from a thoroughly cultivated brain, and that in the line of invention an hour's thought has sometimes been of more Bervioe to the world than the physical labor of a million men. He showed that North Carolina as a State is suffering by the masses not having trained intellect and made a convincing argument against it and a powerful appeal to do away with this hindranoe to advancement and to se cure the value and power that would oome from cultivated intelleot. Our people very readily recognize in Mr. Winston one of the ablest edu cators and foremost men of the State and this opinion was heightened last night. As President ot North Caro lina's foremost institution of learning he is the right man in the right plaoe, and is enthusing new life into it- He is a strong friend of eduoation and im presses himself upon all. Truck Movements, Truok keeps moving lively. The steamer Newberoe of the N. N. & W. Direot Line, leaving at 2 p.m. yester day, took out 8,553 packages; the steam er Neuse of the E. O. D. line, leaving at 0 p.m., took out over 5,000 packages. The shipments were nearly equally divided between beans and potatoes. the latter being slightly in excess. In round numbers 9,000 packages by steamer. Counting them as evenly divided and putting the potatoes at $3 50 per barrel and the beans at SI. 50 per box, a fair average price as will be seen by the telegraphio truck quotations, it will figure out exaotly 818,000 as the value of what went eff by the two steamer. In addition to this the special truok train of the A. & N. O. R. R. is carry ing into Goldsboro daily between thirty and forty oars loaded with truok. Yesterday's train was composed of 38 oars and eaoh car ha a capacity of 200 paokages, which means from 6,000 to 8,000 paokages more from the oity and vicinity along the line of the road. Remember the shipping of truck of some kind is a daily ooourrenoe from New Berne for over half the year, and some idea of the magnitude of the business will be realized. Coming and (Doing. Mr. Rosooe Nunn, Assistant Metero logical Observer, who has been visiting his relatives in the city, left yesterday morning returning to Raleigh. Mrs. R. N. Tate, who ha been visit- log her brother, Mr. D. S. Willis, left yesterday morning returning home ac companied by Mrs. Willis to visit her. Mrs, Kate Moyo, who has been visit ing re'auves in uo city, raturced to her home in Kicaton. Jud.;e Rjbert W. Wiaston who has beeq holding Superior court, left for his home in Oxford. Mr. Rouse Harrison left on the (team er Newberne of the N. N. & W. Direct line, moving from Trenton to Norfolk. Mossrs. F. Ulrioh and Thos. Daniels returned last night from Winston where they have been attending a meeting of the- Oommandery. Mr. Jacob Gooding returned to the oity last night from a business trip. Misses Louella Makeley and Bessie Patterson returned laat night from Bt, Mary' School. Misses Eva Salisbury and May Lee. two other pupils, accom panied them, the former to visit Miss Makeley and the latter to visit Miss Patterson. Misses Maggie and Kathleen Bryan returned from St. Mary's School ao- oompahied by Mis Sallie Cotton to visit them. Mrs. John O. Green and ohildrea re turned from a visit to friends In Raleigh. Mr. Charle Dnnoan passed through returning from th oollege to his home in Beaufort. Mrs Mary Roberts went down to Mocehead to visit relatives. Miss Hattle Davis who ha been visit ing relative returned to her home In Morehead. Mrs. O. T. Watson want down to Newport to visit relatives. Mr. Thomas Boffin, book-keeper of ths Atlantlo Hotel, spent vesterdsy in tha oity and returned- last night "Think naught triOo though it small appear." YOOTtk,. i . : ,Ths trifle 1 of, dress if tiegleotsd detract from an otherwise nest appear anoe. W hsvo some trifles of dress that you cannot dispense with. They are Ties and Soarf, Duds Bows, Hand karohief, -' Half Hom;-. '8uspndrv, Collar and. Cuffs, Garters, Sleeve Bu2 porters ftud . Soarf Retainer. New lot of Children whits dnok Hats'; :New Saih.ysts We still have 4 few of the damaged Bhlrts left at 50d, ! es 15,, 16 sad 17, ' i to - ,.Jt,w, ..b ..... . '-J.lC.flOWABa HARRISON NOMINATED, THE FIRST BILLOT WORK. DOES THE McKiulcy (Ms More Votes Bluinc. Minneapolis, Jbo 10, ia. Blnine nominated by W :catt. Col o, tUrruon m.-ni; a e i by icorrp- c!i: ,aa o-''en: -u no candid-ite. Two hours w iai by Warn r.i t r M; . e:?fbk v und Oihere. I; is baid if liio '. i.) McKinley, Wiiilflaw I.i' i i I leoted for vioe President, tui.1 if lldrri- son is nominated Morton v ill bu te- lected for vice-President. Motion to proc.'f d to ballot curried and the call cf States ordered, amid great cheering. Harrison w.-i-. no:tiinateJ i : Cif.t bal lot. The totals of first vote are as fol lows: Harrison, 534; McKinK-y, 183; Blaine, 175; R)ed, 4; Lincoln, 1. McKinley telegraphe I congratula tions to Harriscn. Harrison's nomination was made unanimous. Catalogue of the University. The catalogue of the Univcruicy for 1891-'92 is a very handsome and reada ble publication. During the year past there were 248 students, a gain of 50 over the year before. Of the55 were students of law aud 18 of medicine and pharmacy. There were 27 students who were graduates of colleges mi vrore pursuing advanced, or epeoial, or pro fessional courses; of these, two were graduates of Davidson oollege, two of Wake Forest, two cf Guilford, un. i.i the University of New BrunBwich, r.rd twenty of the University of North Curo Una. The most popular oouree of study seems to be the "Course in Philoai-phy" whioh requires Latin but EotGrcc!.-. There were 57 students of Greek. Tuore were 0 students in Engineering. iTe are glad to observe that six brief cour ses of Study have been established f jr young men who are not able to spend four years at tha University. Theae brief courees give special preparation for business, for farming, for teaching, for journalism, for the study of law and for the study of medicine. The University has 21 teachets aud 11 buildings. The entire expense for edu oation may be reduoed to $200 a year. Tuition oosts 60. There are about fifty scholarships granting free tuition. Any deserving young mr.u can got help Those who are interested in education are advised to write for a catalogue to President Winston, Chapel Hill. 10 TO VHITTY'S FOB BUCKEYE Mowing Machines, CHIEFTAIN Hay Rakes (hand aud self dump), EXCELSIOR and PENNSYLVANIA Lawn Mowers, Feed Cutters, 84 50 to 815.00 each. Corn Bhellers, $5.00 to $1.. Cider Mills (single and double), LIGHTNING Ico Orwm Freezers, RIDGE WAY Rolri-'erators fwod lined) guaranteed tho IEST. And a full lino of Hardware, l'uilcieis' Matonal, Saw Mill Siippln'-s, cie. uraers solicited ana satitiaclijii uiv.r- anteed. J. 0 Uor. South Front tn& Graven Sta. NEW BERNE, N. C. NOTICE. The tinrTeTBisnfd. Janes C. Hnrrlfnn. lira duly quallfle d as Ad mini tir t'jr i U:e es tate or Kdar M. Adrevvs.and hereby Kivee notloe that he reqtitres a'.l per bona having oiaiocB againanne eeiate 01 uie rhui Jgr M Andrews, 10 present them to tho enid iiu- mlnlBtrator, duly authenticated, for pay ment, on or before the 15lh tiny of Jnue, lb93. or else this notice will be nleadud in bar of recovery. persons indebted to the estate must pay without delay. JAMES V. JU A Kn IhOIN, Admlnlutraior. Newbein.N. C, June U, 1882. Disosway & Churchill, Machinist's Supplies A Speoi stlt y ! CRAVEN STREET, One door below City Hall. All orders sent to us will have our prompt attention, and be delivered to any part of the city without delay. Quality and prices guaranteed in every instance. eiu aw lp For Ten Days Only ! I will sell the very best Suaw Eats tor Men and Boy for 50a. eaoh. These good are selling daily at 81 00 and $1,25 each. - Yon must remember that Big Ike has returned from Enfield, and ha hi took oomplete no better in ths market and I willing to give the people some benefit of hi long visit. j Don't pay serenty-flve cent to dollar and a quarter when you oan get somsfor SOov i Go cr.d Sao Isaac i mu27dwtf Absolutely Puro. -am fit nf bll '..i!ril trjrtar btkicg powicr. in I 'Hrening otroatTth. ! Hid. ; Latvsl ' Royai, Bakixu rowDEB Co !0(J Woll I 0t., N. Y. I Monumental City Hams andi Breakfast Bacon. j N. C. Hams and c-hou!dcr3. j Fresh Canned Beef, Lobster3 and Salinor. Pure Lard. New Butter. Fresh Lunch Biscuita. Choice Lemons, Etc, AT LUCAS & LEWIS. 250,020 CI READY FOE SALE! Ch?ep?r than any other Man can Furiiiiih Thcra. I've Kt 'mi and want to 'tin. Apply to W. V. lin-ur-j, N',.w !;,.,,., .,r M. I'OUTEll, Uivcr.'.al.-. j", J dtf Wood's achines AT L. H. Cutler & Co. J. E. LATHAM, Office rout Cr:i'.-n tr.t,l. C! itebnlldiitK) GENERAL CliSillSSIl'H MCHAKT, BUYER OF and LXVOV ' :: uiTOTTON DEALER IN ('(; PHODUCE . and all 3;)t' ! . 1 i v ! c .'i-.rnoditiea. Roaponih'e f 1 eo'lcit cone ipk tV'niiirsii ! ai d ruSfinr.Mlt K.K.d: y., v. Mcvri I-; itCi) ,Ko.v V.. J. J J. K ! j ! lily :::! .. blue!; boi,,; - 1 fall or wil-i i Visltora w:1! vlted. i k for follow sioare reliable It. DOWNED ..I1-jested on " V. d p'ifital cards. 1 ri'.iltnce lij uv .:Udwtf CI!AVS? STREET, 3 Doors from Beard of Trade NEW BERNE, N. C, Solicits CONSIGNMENTS OF TRUCK for the following well-known Firms : Msrs. A. Bennett & Co., NEW YOUK. " Kock,TimmonB& Co., PHILADELPHIA. " Lippman Bros., I5KOOKLYN. ' ' Durand Bros. & Merrick WASHINGTON, D. C. " C. Welters & Co., NEWARK, N. J. Latent quotations received daily from each of the above markets. Stencils and Postal Cards cau be had upon application at my office. mar24 dwJm For Three Days Only We Will Sell 5 Quitos Writing Paper for 0c, 3 Packages Envelopes for 10c. 12 Bars Toilet Soap for 20c. 12 Writing Pens for 8c. 1 Bottle Ink for 4c. Best Mosquito Net 29c. Linen Pen and Ink Tablet 5c. Porpoise Shoe Laces 5c. Come and See Us. BARGAin STORE. slowing Bale Sacrifice ! If a : M.-ry ,::v vt )ark Bay Hons iiu drn-e. any I. i ; l.bs. Fairbanks r'ivo Co'ii.tor Swes. "V". -.) Cures. Any ..r a'.l vUo aliovo can : a buivain by oil'.ing ul be bought at IKK, 3AI-E, IZVSaY, FEED AX!) j aton House. 'rr living Prices ones 'J .' .TOIL 2 Ij HOES .0T OF ests, 1 -? "1 1 H r ; at 10c. VESTS, is in the city for l iNE LINE ( is V, . . i. iing ill be to your A ?co before iiitcref.;: ' buying Sard-:.-,: Baxter. igoneyl Honeyl ? j w Tins Having put in a NEW REGULATOR and connected it with Washington by Telegraph, I am ready to give oorrsok time to eaoh and every one. I have also full elwk. of all kinds of Goods in my line, which I am selling at Rook Bottom l'ricoa. i A vi:E LOT OF LIOIES S COME AND SEE ME. ' SAM K. EATOlT-t,, The Jeweler, O Middle St., opposite Baptist Church V s 1 1 ii 1 1 sis is " inery MRS. B. B. LANE, Middle St. , opposite Baptist Churcn. '4 Spring and Summer Goods; A lull line of Millinery in all the latest styles, as handsome and as obeap as can be bought in the city. :i :J' ; - i ? Also, a nice line of Laces, Embroider ies. Ladies' Vests. Ladies' and Children's Hose, Mitts, Belts, etc ;' '' . UW U V ' V. j " www " 1 " fully invited to call and examine her tnnk and eomnare her orioes with t', - 'of any la the city or elsewhere. 2!V