Vp. XI.--NO. 64 NEW BERNE, N. C. TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. BUSINESS LOCALS. IAOtt 84.LE Ooe Seoond-Hnd Open 1 Boggy and One- Small Baldwin's Dry Air Refrigerator. Moth in Rood 'condition: . L J. Taylor. . janll( SEWING totally dons by Mrt. 8 H. Coward . TJnderware- and ohild- ran' olothM a speoialty. Cor. Pollock' , and Eden cm eta. jone5tf. HUNYADI Janoe Mineral Water, the bent Natural aperient For late by J AS. BiDMOND. D D. V. JONES, late in oharge of JX the prescription department of ' Pelham's Pharmaoy, Aehefille, N 0., hat opened a Prescription Draff Store next to custom house. Special cure is gWen to theseleotlon of preparation lor prescription use only. The patron age of the public ii eolioited. ma 29 PURE COBN WBISKEY for tale by Jab Redmond. ON end after Wednoiday June 1st, 1893, the Banks of thil oity will elote at two o'olook P. M., until farther notice. G. H. Bobert, Caabier, T. W. Dewey, Cashier, n891m - O. E. Foy, Cashier. DUFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for ale by Jab. Ebdmond. DO you need a Crash Hat. Good ens. LATH SHADES, at m80 - ' Babbihoton s, baxtebb. IMPORTED SOLLANDGIK, Borke'e Bass Ale and Burke's Guinness' Stoat, for sale by Jab Redmond. FOB SALE Doles' box or ward lobe lounge is a perfect lounge by day and a perfect bed by night, and you can put away at much olothing or other arttolee as in the average wardrobe. You oan get three articles for tbe price OI one. riuMuiwu"!0'" f-v.v. shipping Mr. Dr. Talmage. wife of the cele brated sresoher, say these lounge are - rry, very nice. Price in Creton, 10, 118, Balm $13, fU. Bwlk,t20t825, . t).lkBrooatalla,W5.30. Terms 10 per cent, discount cash with order or half with order balance 60 day. ALFRED COLE9. Grand and Myrtle Avenues. Brooklyn, N. "X. w AAA CIGARS at vary low ( OaUUv figures to wholesale and retail trade for sale by Jab. Redmond. SMOKE Genuine Cubana Tobaoco. ootetf GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY nsed very much in tbe sick room. For sale by Jab Bbdhohp. I7IVB Hundred pairs of Rubber Shoe V for ohlldren, 10, 12 and IS cent per pair. . BIG 1KB. MI8U. SACRAMENTAL, POBT and 80UPPEBNONG WINE8 fer sale by Jab. Redmond. DUFFY'S MALT WHISKEY for Medioinal use. for sale by jan88 Jab. Redmond. THE largest and beat selected stock of Ladies' Oxford ever brought to New Berne now in stock. mM Babmnqton & Baxtkb. Ti CALVIN SCHAFFER'S WILD rinRPBT nnnir ANn RYE. nnt op expressly for throat and lung dis- , lor sale ny jab. xuumunv. Tee Chicago Convention meets week from today. f:,TT- In the language of Senator Wol cott of Colorado, the convention nrrendered to the ''Eederal brig ade of office-holders." HENRY 0. Cowles, of Statea ville, has been elected the member of the national Bepublican commit tee from North Carolina. We do not ' anticipate a love feast at Chicago, bnt we feel con fident that there will not be bo much hair in , the air as at Minne- polis. . , Habbison , was nominated on first .ballot,' Receiving 660 ; votes. North Carolina voted 18 for Harri joh,2 for Elaine,: l t for MoKinley 1 absent. 2iott voted for Blaine. 1 :i tl I " . - I- . . The special famine committee of fit Petersburg has issued a report lonewiug ma uuuuiuvu ui uuaiie In the Btrioken provinoes. ; A high tribute is paid to the charity of pri vate ' individuals, the American gifts receiving special praise. A meeting of wholesale grocers, representing most of tbe States in " the Union, iraa held in New York, to make arrangements ; with the Sugar TruBts whereby reasonable and uniform prices of sugar may be established. A committee was ap v pointed to formulate a plan. TJ. S. Benatob Wolcoti is. ev rdently under the Impression that Nationacontentions' are not the proper place "for 'Federal officer hoMerst while some of the f.o's re eJprooate by expressing the opinion that they i are not - altogether the ) proper place for TJ. S. Senators! The opinion of a man on the ont- ialde might be that both are right. But what, would a Bepublican con ventlon be without office holders! -Star,; ' : -i Thesb was no contest over the Bepublican nomination in the eon' ventions of 1864, 1888, and i872. xne nomination in each case was by aoolamatipn. In the convention of 1878 this was tbe vote on tbe first ballot:, Blaine, 285; Morton, 121; Bristow, 113; Conkllng, 09; Hayes, 81; Hartranft, 68; Jewell' 11, and Wheeler 3. The nomina tion was made on the seventh bal lot. In- the convention of 1880 this was the vote on the first ballot: Grant, 304; Blaine, 284; Sherman, 93; Edmunds, 34, nomination was made on the thirty-sixth ballot. In the convention of 1884 this was tbe vote on tbe first ballot: Blaine 334; Arthnr, 278; Edmonds, 93; Logan, 63; John Sherman, 30; Haw ley, 13; Lincoln, 4, and William Teonmseh Sherman, 2. The nomi nation was made on the fourth bal lot. In the convention ot 1888 this was the vote on the first ballot: Sherman 229; Groeham, 111; De pew, 99; Allison, 87; Alger, 84; Harrison, 80; Blaine, 25; Ingalls, 28; Busk, 25; Phelps, 25; Fitler, 24; Hawley, 13; Lincoln, 3, and McKin- ley 2. Harrison's nomination was made on tbe eighth ballot. New York Sun. LOCAL NEWS. Tne sale of the Old Dominion wharf ha been postponed. Due notioe of when it will take place will be given. Rov. Homer T. Wilson, an eminent divine of Louisville, Ky., will preaoh at the Church of Christ tomorrow night. A crazy colored man named Frank Willis was taken to the Asylum at Goldsboro yesterday, and Martha White, col., to tbe penitentiary. The schooner Minnie and Emma brought la a large quantity of Northern hay yesterday for Mr. O. B. Hill, and also general merchandise for Messrs. J. F. Taylor, F. Cirioh, S. H. Soott and Small wood & Slaver. The Y..M. O. A. pbysioal training school arc prepaiiog for a big entertain ment Friday night. The attendance at rehearsals is large, and the praotioing indioates exoellent rendition of many pleasing ezeroises. Mr. J. F. Taylor keeps receiving goods by steamer. He is piling up the new stock in his big new store, and in a few day v. ill be in good shape for a big stock. However he i still selling good resoued from the fire at the old stand. The Little Sunbeam Society of the Baptist church will serve ioe cream and oake Wednesday from 2 to 11 p. m. in the new building adjoining Messrs. J. H. Crabtree & Co. 'a machine shops. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the churoh. A new post light has been established for Pamlioo sound and river. It is a fixed, white tubular lantern light, ten feet above the water on a red pile placed iceight feet of water on the southerly part of middle ground off MoWilliam' Point. This affect chart 144. Meter. H. D, Wood & Bro., proprie tor of Biverview Poultry Yard have received an application from Augusta, Ga., for 200 bo.2 ooohin hen and pul lets. This firm ha previously made good sales in that oity and wherein their fine poultry are introduced it ex cellence creates a desire for further in vestment. Coming and Going. Hon. O. C. Clark went ap to Raleigh yesterday to attend a meeting of the Board of Directors of the penitentiary. Mis Nannie West of Close, who ha been-visiting Misses Bessie and Bertha Tucker, returned home accompanied by Uiss Bessie to visit her. Bishop Watson and wife arrived last night and are the gueat of Mr. Geo. H Roberts. 1 ' . Mia Hattie Davis of Cove oame down to visit His Annie Davit. ' Mr. E. G. Hill returned from a visit to friend in Johnson county. Bev. Julian Burnley, who very aooep tably filled the pulpit of ' Centenary ohurch on Sunday morning and even ing, left last night for hie home In Beaufort. Miss Lalla Bobertt left on a visit to Raleigh. x The Runaway. . Yesterday morning while Mis Al berta Snelling, her small brother Guy, and little Mis Mattio Bonntrea were driving, the bid broke and the pony ran away in the neighborhood of the Bap tist parsonage. He kept down Craven street to Pollock and then tuned up the Utter treei,..;j. A colored barber, Bobert Green, jr. oaught the baggy at Middle street, olimed in at the baok, then around the children and over the pony to hi head where by grasping hi norstrlls o that he could not breathe he was won brought to a standstill without any harm having resulted farther than a great eoar on the part of the oooupsnt of the buggy and their friend. : ' The stopping of the pony ubedid was a olever and brave aot on the part of the young colored boy and he de serve, mnoh oredit t'toj$i Truck quotations. ; i PBOAmLFHU-quoted by Sharp ft Cox. Potatoes, actual ealet, fS 15; beans, 11.50; cakes, S 1 50 i Boston -quoted by J. S. Chamberline j Co. Prime potatoes going at $3.50 to 14 00, with prospect good. Baltikobm potatoes were quoted St f 3.50, and New York at S3 00. IMMENSE TRUCK SIIPMENTS. THE BIGGEST DAT THE BAILBOAD HAS EVER HAD. Four trains Necessary to Move the Truck, Besides what the Steamers Did. Great quantities of truck are now leaving New Berne and the oountry near, Tuesday, the Atlantio and N. C. Bailroad carried abou thirty oar loads and the steamer Neuse took out 41,000 paokagea 23,000 barrels of potatoes and 18,000 boxes of bean. Saturday was a still greater (hipping day. The steamer Enola took out 2.838 packages and the railroad well, it had by 50 per oent the largest shipment it has ever had in one day sinoe the truck ing began. It had between 15,000 and 18,000 packages and nearly all of them were barrels of potatoes. It took four separate trains, aggregating sixty two oar to carry them, and the oars were large ones, of 40,000 to 60,000 pounds capacity each, whioh make them equal to 120 of the car that were in ordinary use ten years ago. Notwith standing the immense quantity the railroad made all connections with the entire shipment, Now a word ae to the value of this shipment. In tbe last similar estimate we made, our desire not to exoeed tbe reality in stating the enormous figures oaused us to value potatoes at the lowest prioe that any have sold for this season, below the lowest quotations for that day. To have had the estimate several thousand dollars higher would have been only simple justice. Truok prloes now vary considerably in the different northern markets to hioh New Berne ships. Potatoes range from 82.25 to $4 00. Thus it will be (sen that to base an estimate on $3 .00 per barrel will be conservative. Apply these figure to Saturday's shipment, it will give fully $50,000 as the result of the one day's shipment. Not muoh "small potatoes" about that amount of money for one day. The shipment of the previous day was also an immense one. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Petitions -Wells for Pumps-Portrait Presented Water Works Fire Engine Boiler Worn Out. Negotiating a Loan Uniforming Policemen Reports of Committees. June 7, 1893. (CONCLUDED.) On motion of Counoilman Ellis the purchasing of 2 set oart harness was left with S. & P, oommittee with power to aot. Oounollmen Ellis and Eubank were allowed to retire. Mayor's reports as follows read and adopted: Mayor's Office, May 8th. 1892. To the Board of Oounoilmen ot the City oi Mew Berne: Gentlemen I have the honor to re port the following costs and fines Imposed for eight date of tbe month of nay: Costs 8 80 Fine 17.50 Very Bespeotfully, M. Manly, Mayor, Mayob's Office, New Berne, N. 0.. June 7th. 1892. To the Board of Oounoilmen of the City of New Berne: Gentlemen: I have the honor to re port the following fine imposed for violation of the city's ordinanoer Fine 43 60 Cost 79.75 $123.35 very uespeotfuiiy, M. Manly, Mayor. Marshal's report as follows read and adopted: New Berne, N. C, June 7th. 1892. To the Hon. Mayor and Board of City uounon; Gentlemen Below please find my re port from May 7th to May 81st. 1893. wo nave maae 4S arrest d urine: the month of whioh 84 was oonvioted, 9 aiaonargea, sent to iati. Fines .ooueoted $19.70 Cost " 78.70 Total $88.40 One half of the above cost was de ducted for my fees, the balanoe, $58.05 was paia to tne treasurer. Kespeowully submitted, J. M. Habqet, C. M Polloe reoord submitted as follow for May: Polloeman J B Dixon, arrest. 10: In former, iu; warrants ex., 7. Polloeman J K Dand. arrests. 18: In former, 18; warrant ex,, 15. Polioemari Ell Elliott, arrest. 14. In former, 14; warrant ex., 18. Polloeman 8. F. Hurt, arrests. 0. In former, o; warrants ex-, a. Polloeman J L Willie, arrests. 2: In former, S; warrant ex., 8. Begular monthly bill allowed, voting aye, Oounoilman Manly, Street, Loviok, Latham, Bobert and Crawford. Minute read and adopted. ; Board took noes inbjeot.to the call ot the Mayor. 7 - - W,.. D, WAUe.cn, 'Git Clerk. Attention, Atlantio 8. F. E. Co. No. 1. . You are hereby notified to assemble in your room this evenlna at 8:80 o'clock to transact business ot impor- . . w . u, uABKiBOToir, roreman. : JQ.O. Joins, BeeV..-v . i Baldness is catching says a scientist. It's oatohlag flies In summer time. Use uaii'a Hair Benewer and cover the bald plaoe with healthy hair and flies wont iron Die. .;. . PJldreCryJor.Pitchef,t'CastQrla: Trinity Sunday at Trenton, Jones Co. Sunday, June 12th, 1893, being the Feast of the Holy Trinity, commonly called Trinity Sunday, was an unusual ly interesting day in the small but zoalout congregation of Grace churoh mission, Trenton, Jones county. It was tbe day long looked for and earnestly worked for, the oonseoration of the neat little church edifice whioh has been erected in that ancient but grow ing town. The coneeoration was by the RL Rev. A. A. Watson, Bishop of East Carolina, assisted by Rov. T. M. N. George, of Christ churoh, New Berne, and Mr. George H. Roberts, lay-reader of the same parish. Daring the day the eaorsmoms of holy baptism and the Lord's Bopper were administered within its newly finished walls. Brief extraots from the register of this mission reveal the following faots: The first servioe of the Proteetant Epis copal Churoh ever held in Trenton in the memory of any of the present in habitants was on Saturday evening, March 28th, 1S85, when the Rev. Israel Harding, at the request of a few zealous women, visited the town for the pur pose of holding servioe and preaohing to them. A servioe was held that even ing and also the next day, morning and evening. After this service a meeting was held and a committee ap pointed to endeavor to procure a lot and to build a church. This committee was Mrt. Emma Street Qreen, Mrs. Olivia Elizabeth MoDaniel Page, Mrt. Annie Cobb Franckt, Mrs, Laura Prit ohet Brogden, Mrs. Ida Olivia Smith, who, with the promised co-operation of their husbands, Messrs. Charles O. Green, Edward R. Page, W. W. Francks, J. P. Brogden and Joseph A. Smith, assumed the undertaking with a pious devotion worthy of the highest praise. So well did this oommittee succeed that the lot was obtained, the name se lected, and the corner-stone laid by Bishop Watson, assisted by Rev. V. W. Shields, of Christ church, New Berne, on the 22 d of May following the first servioe on the 28. h of March. The little band of workers were en couraged by oooasional services by that holy man, now gone to rest, Rev. Israel Harding, and laymen W. E. Mewborne, Col. S. L. Fremont, and more recently by Rev. T. M. N. George and Mr. Geo. H. Roberts, of Christ church, New Berne. The building committee, Messrs. J. A. Smith, O. O. Green and E. M. Foa oue, suffered by the loss of Mr. Green by removal, and the death of Mr. Fos cue, but with the effloient aid of Mr. Brogden and Mr. Smith the work has progressed to the final termination and consecration on Trinity Sunday, Christ churoh, New Berne, sent be side it reotor and lay-reader a goodly number of it members to participate in these exeroises. The New Berne dele gation were summoned by Mr. and Mrs. Brogden to the hospitality of their house, and over thirty in number were there. Mr. Sylvanus Barker used every effort to entertain all whom he oould persuade, and a goodly number were his guests. Other oitizens were doubtless as hos pitable, but these two mentioned were notably conspiouous in that line. It was gratifying to the Bishop to be oalled upon to administer the rite of confirmation to a class of six, and among them Mr. Brogden himself, who has been of valuable aid in the building of the ohuroh. An Old Bible Society Constitution. We have been shown by Major Gra ham Daves, a printed constitution of the New Berne Bible Society, 74 years old. Its provisions are pretty near the same as those that govern like organi zations ot the present day. The Booiety sold bible and also distributed them gratuitously among the poor and desti lute. All subscriptions and donation received were used in procuring bibles to be given away. The business was in charge of the offioers and ten other managere and was transacted by an agent appointed for the purpose. The report of this officer on June 1th 1818. how a gratuitous distribution of 633 bible and 85 testament and oash sales of 262 bible and five testaments. We give the officer then In oharge John 8. West, President; Wm. Dunn, 1st Vioe President; James O. Stanly, 2d Vioe President; Frederick Jones, Treas urer Francis L. Hawk, Beoording Secretary; J. B. Buxton, Corresponding Secretary and Agent Board of Manager: B. O. Gillespie, John M. Bobert, Thome H. Dave, James H'Klalay, Motes Jarvis, WillUm Ward, John F. Smith, Esq, James Oar ney, Isaao SL Croom and Jeremiah Brown. ' Soma of these name will be at onoe recognised. Boms of our leading citi sen of the present day are desoendante of men mentioned above. A curiosity ot the orthography is that In it New Bens is spelled Newbern and New York, Newyork. ; The need of a perfeotly safs and el way reliable remedy for the necnliar disease of summer - U universal. A a remedy: for tbe household,1 offioe, on thai ferns, on ahicboard and for travel. ere by lend and ea,i Winkelmann't Diarrhoea and Cholera Remedy ha proved it Inestimable worth In the prompt relief and our. Of all disorder originating in the stomach and. diges tive system, such as Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Cramps etc. Ser viceable under nu conditions, always ready for use, ana perfeotly safe. 0VVDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder, tliuhrot of all in leavening strength. Ldtrst United Stdtes Government lie- port. Royal Baking Towdeb Co , 10(3 Wall St., N. Y. REDUCE! TO $2.50. Gentlemen, this is the Chance of a Lifetime ! FOR TEN DAYS ONLY WE WILL SELL THE ARMY AND NAVY S3.00 Bhoe FOR OnlySSSO See if we have your s'.u: mmn stori Freezers, Mason's Fruit Jars, Porcelain Lined Kettles Glacier, Kefrigerators, Water Coolers and Fly Traps, FOR SALE BY Smaliwssd Siov.r, MIDDLE STREET. Tal AT Hackburn & Willett's. GO TO VIIITTY'S FOR BUCKEYE Mowing Machines, CHIEFTAIN Hay Rakes (hand and self dump), EXCELSIOR and PENNSYLVANIA Lawn Mowers, Feed Cutters, $1.50 to $15.00 each. Corn Shelters, (5.00 to (15. ' Cider Mills (single and doable), LIGHTNING Ioe Cream Freezers, RIDGEWAY Refrigerators (wood lined) guaranteed the BEST, And a full lino of Hardware, Builders' , Material, Saw Mill Supplies, etc. Orders solicited and satisfaction guar anteed. ' , J. C Whiliy 6 Co.'s, Oor. Booth Front and Orarea Bta. , ; SaVaW -Wk W Jri BkT1 a CTWa STm ? .-h S NE w BERNB, N. C. , Discsway & Ohursh.SJ.j jhLTJLjtlL AND Machinist's Supplies Speci tl't -y I CRAVEN STREET. Ore deer b:lov- C'fy M J All (uilf'i-s sfiit to U3 will li.ne promjit attention, mul bi- .lolivor. mt doluy. ll tv any pint of tho ciiy will ijiulity and jm vph gti, ::intt'iil in c-ty j'0 lw I) l.'-.St'UlCC. LA r. 3 J fi'O ill :?-.:::i'd u ; NEW BERKS. N. C. Solicits COXSICXlir.N'TS U' 'I for Ibe following woll-know u !".!: Msra. A. Bennett & Co., lied piiiL:. "i:;.'ih. " Lippman iirca., " DurandBrcs. &:lo. It III va.-;iixot!X. i i " C. Writers ft Co., 'EWA!ia, N. .). LutoV. tiuotutici-.b rcccivnl dailv from each of tbe abi vo markiMs Steucils and Tos'al Cunls c:: !:n !.:nl upon application at, my oflico ninrJ-l dw:5m eceifei! A FINE IA)T OF styles. A JOB LOT OF Ladies' Vest To retail at 10c. ALSO LADIES' SILK VESTS, Tho best goods in the cify for tho monev, WILL HAVE A f.ix: in a few days. It will bo to your j interest to wait and see before buying. Barrlnion BaxCsr. Wha Wants Ihmy 1 ; Ticie IsMonj! Havic put ia a NiiW HKQVLATUil and connected it with WacbinRton by Telugraph, I am ready to give correct time to each and every one. I have also a full stock of ail kinds of Goods in my line, which I am selling at Rock Bottom Prices. COME AND SEE ME. SAM K. EATON, The Jeweler, Middle St., opposite Bsptint Church Eiillines-yl MRS. B. B. LANE, Middle St , opposite Baptist Church. Spring and Summer Gcods. A lull line of Millinery in all the latest Btyles, as handsome and as cheap as can be bought in the city. Also, a nice line of Laces, Embroider ies, Ladies' Vesta, Ladies' and Children's Hote, Mitts, Belts, eto. The public generally are most respect fully invited to oall and examine her stock and compare her prices with those of any In the city or elsewhere, i ?.! .V mi AfiHIVED ; Monr.mer'! City Hams and i Breskflirtt Bacon. , .V. C. Usnia and Shoulderi. IFrceb Canned Beef, Lobftern J and Salmon. Pure Lard. jNetv Butter. r?s-a Lunch Biscmta. Choice Lemons, Etc., AT LITCA3 & LEWIS. CSX it a Sacrifice ! !! Dark Bay o:ij drive. Horse nr.:l,;i,l ilidl f.ba. Fairbanks be bought at X -;3 Only ! ry boat Straw Hat ' r riOa. each. These daily ct SI 00 and -! .:. V -a ;r i rt. . tlai Dig Ike has iol;:r:iul fictr Iri'jIJ, sad has his SK'-H :;:!- t-. 'i r in tho market -had . give tho people iCir.u l-j.i'.-.r :.; '.'n ioup; visit. " t . ' -v.'.y -L.it cents to a di.-ilur and a qtiarli.r wben you can get 27 dwtf 'vVood's wing lachines AXD afces AT L. H. Cutler & Co. ,000 BRICK M.Y FOR SALE! ..r.euj.-ti C a !1 i hau any other Man Furnish Them. 1:1 : ud want to sell 'em. ' "o "HUU3, Now Berne, or A; V. r. I'OHTEU, Riverdale. d-f They Are Coming With A EusL Who? Why, J. F. TAYLOR'S v. otomers, '.. ( iids saved from the fire, i. ::.ut.i giving away to make r i for now slock. If you want the 1 l: m ?.t tm us you cvor got for the least '. " iVj crowd, come quick and They are bound to go. T. LATHAM, i iii street, In Clyde bnllain) !JPiL CSMMISSION MERCHAIT, -.- Sil VLK til" and f . X PORTFK at rATTftlt OF AI Elt IN COUNTRY PBODUOB ' su.i all spooulative commodities. !lc:i8oiii.iil( cash advanoes made. 1 ri.ii'oll oonsigDmunta of Truok for follow, 'iii i.omiiiLssion Merchants, whoare reliable and respjnsth'e; F. 8. liiBHON, Philadelphia. K MoMUi.KJN4 00.ana 8, B, DOWHES 4 CO., New ork, PEAVEKN8 CO., Boston. ' ' J. K. KENNEDY CO., Flttsbnrg. I 'ally 'luotatlona-free to all posted OH black board In my offloe every day. . '"all or write for stenclli and postal Sards. laltors welcome. Uorrespondanoe iu vltga. maySldwtt 100 BAGS SHOT. Hand This Day. To All Sizes. Send In Your Orders. WHOLESALE GB00Z2, . " KIPDLB STUKKT, ,," , ' : ' "2 h A i v1- '!':