71 V:- VOL. XL-NO. 66; NEW BERNE, N.; C. THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. JOURNAL X r BUSINESS LOCALB. FOUND A Bnnohof Keye. r . tf JouBRU Ofroe FOB flALB-Ooe Second-Hand Open Bomv end One Bmall Baldwin "Dry Aif Befrlgeretor. . Both in good oondltion. L J. Tatlob. janlltt , SEWING neatly done by Mm. 8. H. Oowabd. - Under ware wi ohila ten' olothee ft. epeeialty. Cor. Pollock ., . Md men eweeie. , i , - j" HDHYADI Janoe Mineral Water, the beet Natural aperient. - For tale by Jab. Rbdxohd. R - D. W JONES, late In oharge of the prescription department of Pslham'S Pharmaoy, Asheville, N. 0., - hat opened a Prescription Drag Store -' ' next to custom honee. Special care is given to the .election of preparations for prescription uee only. The patron - age of the publlo It tolioited. may 29 PURE CORN WHISKEY for sale by J AS- RiDMOND. S N and after Wednesday June let, Jl8W, the Bauks of thla olty will :"Bloie at two o'clock P. M.. until further notice. O. H. Roberts, Cashier, T. W. Dewey, Cashier, mtvfm) St i C. B. Foy, Cashier. DUFF Gordon Imported Sherry, for tale by Jab. Rbdmohd. DO you need a Crush Bat. Good ONES. LATK SHADES, at mSO Babjuhqtok & Baxter's. IMPORTED HOLLAND GIN, Burke'. Base? Ala and Borke'a Guinness' Stout, for sale by Jab Rbdmokd. FOR BALE Coles' box or ward robe lounge it a perfeot lounge by day and a psrfeot bed by night, and you ean put away at much olothing or other artiolee ae In the average wardrobe. Yoo ean gettbreertioles fortheprioe of one. Bo extra charge for paoking or thlpoinR. , Mrs D. Talmage. wife of the cele brated preacher, aaye these lounges are very, very nioe. Price In Creton, 10,ia, BaimeSia.tU, Baw Silk, 120. $85. BilkBfOcetelle,82o.80. Temt 10 per cent, discount ossh with order or halt with order balance 60 dare. ALFRED COLE3. Grand and Myrtle Avenues. Biooklyn, N. Y. rm (f( OIGABS at "very low ( OeUUU flguree to wholesale and retail trade for sale by J as. Redmond. SMOKE Genuine Cubana Tobaooo. ' ootOtf GARRETT'S COGNAC BRANDY used very much in the sick room. For tale by Jab Rbdmohd. PIVE Hundred pairs of Bobber Shoes for children, 10, 13i and IB oents i per pair. - BIG IKE. MI8H. 8ACBAMENTAL, POET and SOUPPBBNONG WINES for tale by ; Jab. Eedhomd. DUFFY'S MALT WHISKEY for Medicinal use. for tale by janM -:- Jab. Bedkohd. THE largest nn4 best teleoted stock of Ladioa' Oxforda ever brought to -- Mew Berne now in stock. m2S Bahkinqtok & Baxtkb. T CALVIN SOH AFFEB'S WILD JLt UH1SUKX KUUiS. AsiU ax a, pni np expressly for throat and lung dis- lor saie oy jab. Spontaneous The Third Party. combustion. A buds girl is of the masculine gender, for she is a tomboy. We trust that the present earn paign will be noted for the absence of gross personalities. ' The Pension appropriation bill was reported to the Senate Mon day: It carries 1148,737,350. r New Orleans is said to be in 'greater danger than- ever. It is now ' ! entirely . surrounded by water. - "Vr..,, atoenado raged. In Chicago last Monday evening. - Perhaps it was olearins the . track for the (Democratio Convention.', A MEEliNG is to be beld in Bal- 'igh on the 22d Inst.; for the pur ' rjose of ) organizing the Polk memorial association. .V sssssnttssMeitstweeMsnssssssaa - During a storm in Spain San. ' day two churches were struck by - lightning and :. several ' , .persons - - killed and others injured. Eepobtb from the water courses of the West continue to be distress ing. : Many lives have been lost and mnab property injured. : : Who has heard from Mr. Grady! Does the scholarly gentleman want reelection, or shall we Institute a draft to find candidate! : v Who is , the - man for Senator from I- this 'Senatorial ; distriotf 1 Don't all speak at once, bat It is time it was being considered. James H. Hobbies, the veter an eduoator, died at bis home at Oxford, Jane 13th of paralysis of the heart. "His life's work Is his greatest eulogy. Wx must not judge .people by what their rivals . say of them, whether the rivalray be in love, war, of politics. The now elegantly drc zi gentleman from Kansas has tcca called "The Sockless r-. --.twand PelTer has been de r Irs "rlrtors witu a man Jim' Wkxms, the Tennessee rapists has been sentenced to twentT'One years in the peniten tiary. The trial' lasted jast ten minutes. 7 Correct. Viob Pjesident Morton seems to be as much puzzled as every one olse about his failvre of renomina tion, and a good deal more ag grieved. He does not conceal his chagrin. The oitizens of Ohatanooga pro tect a negro charged with an as sault npon a white woman and 100 of them aid the sheriff in protect ing him against the mob while he is being tried. He pleads guilty and is conducted nnder to the peniten tiary. LOCAL NEWS. Weather fair and continued warm. The street sprinkler if doing good servise in keeping the dust down and the atmosphere more pleasant The Argus announoet that the Prst- byteiian congregation of Goldtboro have extended a oall to the pastorate of their church to Rev. H. G. Miller, of Btrkley Va. The Bay line which suffered so severely from the disastrous fite in Baltimore, announced on the fourth page, is the oonneotion of the Norfolk, Ne bern and Washington Direct Line. The prioe of potatoes dropped oot- siderably yesterday. The beet we heard of any selling was $3 75. Some of Mr. Joe. L. Bhem's told in Philadelphia for that figure. Some quotations were at low (is $125 Beans sold from (1.00 to $1.75 Mr. A. Oohn is baok from the North where he has been on a business trip partialy in the interest t-f the Teaohers' Assembly. He informs us that the last of the several fine organs and pianos to be used during the session of the As sembly has been started for Morehead. The subject spoken on by Bev. H. T. Wilson at the Churoh of Christ last night was "Trials." It was directed principally to young people, and was a very able discourse indeed; Mr. Wilton Impresses you at man of God, a gen tleman of refinement, polished and eoholarly. Yesterday was another great truck shipping day. The ateamer Enola took out over two thousand packages, the steamer Neuie about five thousand tad the Atlantio and N. O. Bailroad about 16,000 paokages. By far the greater part waa potatoes, though there wet a pretty good quantity of beans and sime tqutsh and ouoombeis. The railroad and every ateamer line had large amount! on hand last night ready for the next boat or train. Those who witnessed the fine com bination Indian oluband dumb bell drill at the Collegiate Institute Com mencement oan antioipate in a measure what the entertainment will be given tomorrow night in the Y. M. O. A. HaU by the Pbytloal Culture class for the benefit of the Association. The exeroiees will elborate and will consist of free axeroltet, Indian oluband dumb bell exeroitee, horoEontal and paralel bar work and tumbling. The admission prioe it only 38 oents. , N The report of the County Commis sioner! to the juitleea of the peace of Craven county for the past two years makes a very favorable showing for the management. There it redaodon of over (1000 from the expenditures of the previous two years.. . Expenses that would, be governed, have been kept dawn to the minimum and all bills ex amined otrefully. But foroourt ex penses and supporting the poor the fig- ores Iwonld be remarkably .low at will be teen by reading the report. I Oapt. 8. B. Waters, with hit fine little yaoht "All Bight." intended, to take the gentlemen who are spending a few dayt In the olty In the Interest of the N. W. and C. Bailroad out tailing and show them the harbors and water ap- proaob.es to the city but business mat ters prevented their coming. - The gallant oaptaln, however, with a few of his friends, took the - trip and with splendid . reftethmente had a ' very pleasant tune. Our visitor missed great deal as far as the enjoyment of the occasion was oonoerned' True as Prawning. .The Greensboro .Beoord eould have toareelymadelt more pointed when It states that the effort of any newpaper to build np a town la practically nullified unlets baoked Up by the business men of the town. ; A Stranger turns , front the news Columns of a paper to Its ad vertiilng oolumns, and Jf he falls to find there the business of the merchants and professional firma, he oomes to the oonolutlon that the editor Is not appre ciated, In whioh oats Its a good place to keep dear from. v No town ever grew without the ao tlve assistance of its papers. Not papert grow and build up their locali ties without the assistance of the town Busslneet men should realise this and remember that In lending . support to their local paper they, are eofr only building up their own business, but are helping to support that whioh Is steadi ly working for the growth of the whole tOWn FISE PRESSED BBICK. A Kew Enterprise on the Ere of Start ing. Dropping in at Messrs. W. P. Burrus & Go's yesterday we taw a few brick made by a machine whioh he has re cently purchased. Though these were simply run through to test the workings of the meohlne and without the care that will be exercised when it it run ning regularly they show well,, both as to smoothness and bright attractive color. Their strength was proven by taking one of them and a haid burned, band made brick and droDDins them in the tame manner from equal heights. The hand made briok broke entirely in two right through the centre; the ma chine made one remained intact. The brick will be manufactured by Mr. Clifford Simpson, who has had con siderable experience at suoh work, at hie briok yard at Biverdale. The produot of the maohlne is expect ed to nearly equal Philadelphia pressed briok, and its oapaoity it 85,000 per day. The maohlne la not a common one; It cost about eight timet as much as tome of those now in use In the State, and gives a pressure of three thousand pounds to the square inoh. Before purchasing it Mr. Burrus had an expert to visit the brickyard and pass lodgment at to the character of the olay and its adaptability for making the blast of briok proposed. He pronounoed it the best he had ever seen with the exoeption of that found at one place in the mountains of Western North Caro lina. We rejoice in the advanoe in briek making; thus one by one improved methods are superceding old ones, to the financial profit of the progressive men who lead the way, and to the ben efit of the community in general, and Mr. Burrus is one ot our enterprising men who is doing much in pushing forward this desirable state of affairs, at our people know from the other en terprises with whioh he is connected the New Berne Improved Cotton Gin nery and the Agricultural Lime Kilns. The latter of which, though they would not, on aooount of their common looks, strike an uninformed observer as being of muoh importance, have nevertheless proved of great servioe in furnishing our farmers and truokert with an ex cellent home market fertiliser at a very moderate cost, whioh hat in some in stances brought land, the nature ot which required just suoh an applica tion, to a high state of fertility, that without It oould not have been made profitable.' We with Mr. Burrut a oontlnuanoe of the success whioh hat attended him, and whioh he to eminently deserves in all hit undertakings. Home Mission Work. Those who attend the cottage prayer meetings oondcuted by membera of Hancock street churoh are nowmanl (eating muoh Interest and the attend ance of neighbors of the families in whose home they are held is limited simply by the oapaoity of the roome to aooommodate the attendance. At the meeting at Mr. Alex. Paul's on Tuesday night there were several requests for prayer and one conversion iiSst nignt being the reguler prayer meeting the services were held In the churoh and oonduoted by the pastor Bev. J. G. Butt. To-night the meeting will bs held at Mr. J. Ballard's near the long wharf. There la also an open air meeting held on sabbath afternoona at 5 o'olockon the hill on whioh Messrs. W. P. Burrus ft Go's, lime kiln it situated at the foot of German Street. Theee meetings are presided over by the pastor but instead of presorting he simply makes a very brief talk and then throws the meeting open for short addresses from any one none to exoeed five minutes in length. The meetings are interesting, well at tended and good effects produoed by them ean be observed. Suoh work should be encouraged. It could be carried on with spiritual pro fit to a muoh greater extent than is done. . Christians should aim not to muoh to get blessings to themselves as to extend them to othen, sad such- work at this is one good way to both to (rive and reoelve good. All are invited to attend the meetings. The Entertainment. The entertainment by the Little Sun beam Sooiety for the Baptist churoh yesterday afternoon and evening was well- attended, and -: quite enjoyable. The refreshments were excellent. - The on for the benefit of the Yacht Club waa also quite a suooess. The Illumination on the water extended from JustioeYwharf to the rear of th olub house and were quite pretty. The boat rao was won by Olaud Foy and Blount Smith. A very good crowd waa ia attendano. Honor Bolt "v, The following oonstltute the honor roll of the Collegiate Institute for th month andlng June 10th: 'i---i, Misses Emma Hunter, Katie Mathews, Bertha Safer, Bertha Willis, Mamie Daniels, Rose Dail, Eliaebeth Porter, Mary Barrlngton, Daisy Swert, Carrie Hendrea, Aliph Carson, Luoy Abbott, Annie Fowler, Lldie Smaw, Eliza 81m soons, Alberta TJIrioh. Messrs. James Winfleld, F. 8. At dridge, VcRay Dinkine, D. P. Whit ford, IX. N. Eoper, Samuel Wlndley, Charle E"by; John Enter, Llnville .:si.u-ea, l.M.k Willii, LikI Totson, I re " ' 3 Cuilor. - - County Commissioners' Proceedings. The Board of Commissioners of Craven county met at the court house in New Berne on the 1st Monday in June, it being the 6th day of said month where the following was hsd and done: Present, Commissioners Jas. A. Bryan, chairman, R W. Small wood, A. Meadows, Wm. Cleve and Daniel Lane. Ordered, That the sheriff refund to Wm. Hyman for Cornelius Smallwood, township No. 8, the poll tax $2 45 col lected from him for 1891, said Small- wood being a non-resident of Craven county. Ordered, That the sheriff refund to Robt. Hanoock, 2 45, the amount of poll tax oollecte d from him on account taxes 1801, he being a fireman and exempt from paying the same. Cioero Gaskins, constable townBhip No. 2, presented his annual bond whioh was on motion aooepted, approved and ordered to be recorded. On motion the Board in order to at tend the annual meeting of the Justices of the Peaoe adjourned to meet the said justioes in joint session at 12 o'olook, m., for the purpose of levying taxes for the ensuing year, electing new board of oounty commissioners and doing suoh other business as may oome before them. Monday, June 6th, 1893. The board of oounty commissioners and Justioes of the Peaoe of Craven county met in joint session at the court house in New Berne at 12 o'olook m., according to the law. The rpll of justices was oalled and forty-two justioes were found present, Viz., Geo J Dudley, RWSmith, EA Atkins, S W Latham, S EWhitford, Alfred Gatkint, Joseph Kinsey, Jos. E. Kornegay, J. W. Lane, B. A. Russell, G W Rionardson, B F Borden, Jno S Morton, W E Salter, Isaao Taylor, L M Gilbert, J A Chesnut, John R Holland, B E Williams, M N Fisher, J H Hunter, Geo D Conner, G L Hardison, H H Perry, Washington Spivey, W G Brin- son, E B Cox, Bobt Hancock, G T Richardson, S B Street, E S Street, Nathan Tisdale, Enooh Wadsworth, W M Watson, T F McCarthy, O E Foy, M W Carman, Oeo Green, jr., W B Lane, A E Wadsworth, O H Wether- ington and L H Frenoh. Oommissionere present, Jas A Bryan, E W Smallwood, J A Meadows, Daniel Lane and Wm. Cleve. James A Bryan chairman on the part of the board of commissioners, sub mitted to the joint meeting the report of the taid board pertaining to oounty affaire together with the amount neces sary to be levied for oounty purposes for the year 1892, whioh is as follows: BEPOBT 07 f HE BOARD 07 COMMISSION ERS TO THE MAGISTRATES OF CRAVEN OOUNTY. New Bernb, N. C, June 6, 1893. Gentlemen: The Board of Commis sioners beg to eubmit for your consid eration the following; report of the affairs of the county for the past two years: CURRENT EXPENSES. The expenses of the county for gen eral purposes for the year ending Nov. bu, ibuu, as iouows: Support of the poor $2,973.81 Dept. or Justioe 4,854 00 Miscellaneous Dept 1,449 42 Sheriff 's jail fees 881.45 Making ajotal of 89,607.68 Nov. 80, 1891, For the year ending they were as follows: Support of the poor $1,949.40 4.185 16 Dept. of Justioe Miscellaneous Dept 1,645.25 Sheriff's jil fees 568.70 370.67 midges Making a total of 9.299.18 A reduotion in favor of 1891 of $808.50. For the six months ending June 1, isaa, they were: Support of poor $ 959.77 Dept. of Justioe 2,208.50 Miscellaneous Dept 680.59 Sheriff's jail fees 835.05 Bridges 1,530.49 Making total of 85.709.10 By comparison with the proceeding years of 1888 and W this will be found to be a reduotion In every expenditure except that for Bridges whioh oould not ana cannot De avoided. The expenditure for the year ending Nov. 80, 8 were.... $14,081 86 And for the year 1889 10,825,74 A total of (24,860.64 Whereas the expenditures for 1890 and '91 have aggregated 18,808,50 A reduotion of.. $ 8,552.14 And an average annual ex penditure of (9,184.25 Whioh sum, the.Oommiuianert olaim, after the exercise of the moat rigid economy, is the minimum oost at whioh th affairs of th oounty oan be admin istered. nnles some mean oan be devised by whioh th oost of the De partment of Justioe ean b reduced. , .. - (to be Continued.) "Why to dual and ashes proud?" i A ; reasonable pride should al ways be encouraged at least . have pride enough to dress as well as yon ean afford. And when your pride tells yoo need a new shirt or other things, to complete yoor wardrobe do not fail to try How ard. we have jast received a new lot ot Madras Negligee Shirts with laundried Collars and Guffs; Hew lot oi Stanly Sashes. ; "White, Black and Bassett Canvass Shoes; They are Cheap and Comfortable. Children's White Canvass Hats.: JM.HOWARD. aiIdrea,CrJofRtAorftCasto?4 Coming and doing. Hon. F. M. Simmons left for 8eybc;u to deliver the" Literary uddroea at tie eooademy. A week .'roic cow he wi i deliver one at the I'ol'ccksviIIo Acade my. Rev. J. O. Jjhnbon, of Graven circuit who has been attending naiiatiug Sev. G. W. Starling in a protrr.oted tweeting at Smyrna, paaee i ihrou,; rturniig to his home at Cove. The nxcticg s still in progress with interest and in be ing oonducted by the patter. Mrs. D. T. Ciirrawsy ! ft jenteriisy morning to eponj the buiixcr u'. Cauk Mountain. Mr. Nace Brock left to viait relative at TiuutiOD. Mrs. Wright Mjore weut up tu Djvli to visit relatives. Mrs. O. Marks and Mr.. (J. Ke.-u- stein and their children returned iaet night from a visit to friends at Kiimoa, Mrs. T. J. Turner returned from Km- ston, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. O. T. Randolph. Mr. Harry Nelson, who has been at tending Belmont College, returned home. Mrs. J. W. Brady, of Birton, Fl., arrived to visit her brother, Mr. II. M. Groves. Mr. L. E. Duffy, of Dover, came in on a business trip. Miss Zither Barker, who has been visiting Miss Hattie Dail, left for her home in Stella. Mr. W. B. Blade and Mr. J. B. Dlade and family left on the steamer Neuee to spend sometime in Elizabeth Cily. Mrs. B. S. Primrose left on the steam er Neuse to spend the summer in Can ada, and Miss Mollie Heth to visit friends in Alexandria, Va. Board of Public Charities. Dr. Chas. Duffy returned laat ni;;ht from Raleigh wnere he has bti'u at tending a meeting of the Stale Bo..rd of Publio Charities. Among the woik per formed was the putting on foot of a movement to fermulate plana HLd a system of government for reformatory schools in the different counties that will be for young offenders and be de signed both for punishment, correction, and instruction in work and primary school lessons. The thronging of the iomates with hardened criminals in j tile will thus be avoided and a chance given for reclamation. Another point touched upon was the proper care of prisoners in jails. There are matters that com mend themselves to consideration oi the oharitably disposed. The General Manager Coming. Messrs. O. H. Hower, J. H. Reall and Capt. A. W. Styron, the gentlemen con nected with the N. W. & O. Railroad, who have be6n spending eomo timu in the city, went down to Morehead last niaht. We learn that Mr. C. U. McKibbenJQeneral Manager of tho rail road, will arrive tonight. It is probable that he will go on through with tke gentlemen of the city connected with the road and m?et at MoreheiJ with the others. The important matter that is np for consideration is the coming of the rail road to this city, via Washington. With the proper enoouragement vre have as surance that this will be accomplished. Everything possible should be done to help along the matter. JES' LISTEN TO OLE Sl'SIE. De Far, de cullard Far, will soou bo hi So of nicks, dimes an' .kwartei, l'0s, take koer, An ies' lissen to Ole Susio for a piutcr, To foller which if you'ro a minetor, Will put money in yer pockets, au sliow yer gooa times," Jes' as sure as Ole Susio lives au' loves to rito rimes. CHOKL8. Jes' llssenl in Nubnn dar lives wuu noulo man. Dot holps de cullard pceplea in ebry vay he can, Jes' see what he dun in our las' cullard Far, Whv. he let' all de udder merchants so fur Dehin 1 deciar It makes me feel like he's nil do friend we eot. An' de bridge dat carries us ober saio musent be forgot. So let as sho' him we aint forgot his good deeds. But am willin' to help him who help us when we needs, But agin, he's ewin' ter clve Ice cole lemonade. To all un us who loves ter walk an' Dromenade; Jes' lissen aein. he's ewin' to civ a V To dot one wno trades mos wia mm r ar week, an' a 3 To de wun dat kums secon' to him in de race: An' eben de third man need not klver his ' faoe. Fur he gits 2 dollars 80 kum wun, kum au. m An' less go see Big Ike an' give him a Dounoin' can: Hurar fur Big Die, fur Big Ike hurarl Git on a big dike an' cry agin, hurar! EVJillinery! t MRS. B. B. LANE, Middle St., oppoelto Baptist Church. - . r i I, i Spring and Summer Goods. A full line of Hilllnerv in all the latest styles, aa handsome and aa oheap ae oan ha bousht in the eitv. : Also, a nice line of Jbaoes, jsmDroider ies, Ladles' Vests, Ladies' and Children's Iliaa Mlttl Rlta. afn. - The publio generally are most respeob - fnllv Invited- to aall anil axamlna hr stock and oompare her prioes with those of any In the city or elsewhere. s 0mM rf'l r., Absolute y A creuin of Hitchcot c.t til Latest I'nitl port. i -GV.. Riiv.i. St., N Y L' A KINO !'V. 1E1! I ) WVil Annual Meeting. The Now Borne Improve. i Cotton Ginning Company will hnM hf ir An nual Stockholders MoPtitjge: t:!io" of President. 10 a m., Wednesday, lih July, 189'2. W. P. LURUITS, jel2 td Sen. and Treas. Immtrfse Hxcffsns??!. ! The Indian Doctor WILL HAVE A Grand Balloon Ascension, ON Next Saturday, June 18 At 3:80 P. M., cn the Merry-Go-Round Lo Tell everybody to conic end enjoy tin oveuin's exercises. IVifect older yu;u antced. Ite.nembcr, tlic Specialirt on Disease of all kinds arrived Jure It'.' ', mtu! ' positively at Moore' llouriliup ii use. r i-co consultation. Come ;it don't uYlay. The O.ismallndha M .June 11, 18U2. Oisosway & ChurehHI, IILiXji Machinist's Supplies A Speci estlt y ! CRAVEN STREET, One door below City Hall. AU orders seul to u.: will have our prompt attention, iinil ! delivered to any part of tho city without doby. Quality and prices i;u;uuut m every instance j'l-IO Jw fp JUST A Fir: LOT OF LADIES SHOES jkll Styles. A JOB LOT OF Ladies' Vests, To retail at 10c. ALSO LADIES' SILK VESTS, The best goods in the city for the money. WILL HAVE A FINE LINE OP ta'sClotliing ia a few days. It will be to your interest to wait and see before 1 buying, I " i ' nptismll " Jt" Plw USf llssQUU U Lai.ji ! T7ALTEE H0HAHS - ! (Pleasant Boarding House OF.EHEAD, i'or thij soaaon wi:li tho in connection Oai Sidge Pavilion, iud well fui nibbed. Toinperai, o drinks and refreshments Sharpie "Louise Morehead" ... m,.!n' regular trips, leaving the j iloiu! wliarf for Pavilion upon ; .:r.vu: "f tM.iu, ami roturn just before i J. ..i. i : o an.l as intervals as de '. jelidwtf mm 13 $2.50. niriiit i;. tliiD : the C-i.nce cf a Lifetime ! fOK IjtsN DAYS ONLY '"'' WILL .SELL THE uu m NAVY gi-f-zM siioe r'' it O0.X37 S2 50 '.av your size. Mmm Wore, ackburn etts- 10MTAGNE, CiiAVEN STREET, i)jon from Board of Trade NEW BESNE, N, C, JSIi'XMHNTS OF TRUCK toi: .; well-known Firms: Ksrs. A. Bennett & Co., NEW YORK. Hook, Timmons & Co., PHILADELPHIA. Lippman Bros., BROOKLYN. Durand Bros. & Merrick WASHINGTON, D. O. C. Wolters & Co., NEWARK, N. J. 'ji.Jtn.tlons rocelved daily from i ':. ;ili ivu markets. If n.d Postal Cards can be had ; plication at my office. mai21 dw3rn r reezers. Mason's Fruit Jars,. Porcelain Lined Kettles Glacier, Refrigerators, tv Water Coolers and : , ', FOB BALlit,Bt . . .- . MIDDLE ET?r" C:.:!.'.:i Cry f - V V t MISS l8r ft 1 I Talk Will

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