'y. -..Ait. T t .. u v- viy L',l 1 i. iM.M , for I nfants t recommend it as superior to any preeortpUoo known tome." H.A, wanrra, ML P., . Ill So. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, N. Y, . - "The me of 'Oastorla b to universal and lta merits so well known that It seems a work at supererogation to endorse it. Few are the - Intelligent famines who do not keep Castoria GlBUS tUBTXK, D. D., NewYorkClty , Tn Csirtura I0RP0LI, IEWBERI & WAXHIHGTOI ifUUlUl aVXMJGl. Four Trips Each Week. In order to make more convenient and aoonomleal naa ol the vessels now employed in the florin uaronna servioe, ana was to Better Stm the Interests of SM the Clyde Line and Old Dominion Btesm- shin Coiiipeny have oonoluded ti merge . Mtair respective line between mwnera, w ti.. and Norfolk. Va.. Into one line, thin giv ing passengers nd.track shippers fonr trips eaca weak between newoeru ana Aoriom direst. i . NO ADTANCE IN BATES. On and after MONDAY, MAY 16lh. Wi. aaUl further notlea. the Itimr IEWBER5E. Cipt Sonthgits. AMD tanner. EBOLA, Cipt. Boyd, WUl sail from Norfolk, Vs., for New Berne dlraot, ovary Monday, Tuesday. Thursday ana Friday, A.M , making eonneoton with tne Atlantle and North Carolina Railroad, and the water lines on Mease and Trent "SeWrnlng, will sail FROM NKWBBRN roH NORFOLK, Va., Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Frldaya at S P.M., and on Saturdays at T P.M., making connection at Norfolk with The Old Bay Line, for Baltimore, The Clyde ' Una, for Philadelphia, The Old Dominion Steamship Co., for Mew York. The Mer ei ants' and Miners' Line for Providence and Boston, and The Water Lines for Waenlng ton, D. O., and Richmond, Va., thus giving an all water route for Traok to all Northern , and eastern pouts. , . Also connection made with the O. A O. ' a A ajtulN.dk W. K H. for tha West. Ika SteamefSTflUT, Captain Start, WUl Mil from Norfolk, Va., every Thnrsda y A.M. for Eoanoke Island. Washington and Newborn. f sssangera will find a good table, comfort able rooms, and everv courtesy and atten tion will be paid them by the olTiiiers Order all goods, oare of N. N.A W. Direct Line, Norfolk, Va. ".. H. GRAY. Agent. Eastern Carolina Dispatch. Fast Passenger and Freight Line between NXlWr BBRNE, elastern North Carolina Polnta.and all con nections of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, iaOLUDUtO HswTsrk, Philadelphia, Norfolk, Hal tlmore aaa Boston. Vhs ONLY Trt-Weekly Line Out of IW Berne. THS NXW AND ELEGANTLY EQUIPPED 8TJCAHKH - Balls from New Berna MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS,; FRIDAYS, A.V 4.SO P.XaX., Stopping at Roanoke Island each way and , lorming eioso oonnection witn tne Norfolk Southern Railroad. Tha Kastern Dispatch Line, consisting of ina wumington o, o. uo., jnorroia; rjoutnern ji. R New York, Thila, and Norfolk R, R., and Pennsylvania R. R., form a reliable and 'legnlar line, offering superior facilities for , sjqlck passenger and freight transportation, , No transfer except at Ellaabath City, at -. which point freight will be loaded on oars to ma throuah to destination. Direct all goods to be shipped Ylatoatern Carolina Dlaneth dallv as follows: From new York, by Penne. B..B., Pier 27, xunn mver. " j From Philadelphia, by PhUa., W.nd Balto. -.- B. R Dook BtTstatlon. : From Baltimore, by Phlla., WlLfand Balto. K.R., President St. Station. From Boston, by Merchants A Miners Trans portation uo.; new xor ana new juigutna ; Jt, R, WRates aa low.and tuna quloker thanby . Brother line. . For further Information apply to W. H. Joroa (Qen'l Freight Trafflo Agent, P. B. R.) General Trafflo Agent. Oao. ISiaPHBRS, ., Division Freight ; Agent. ' r. w.n,M.H,,muaaeipnta. . B. B. Oookil Gen'l Freight Agent., N. Y. P. AN. B. B., Norfolk. Va. B.O. HDDomg. OeneralFrelghtAgent N,!B' . &, Norfolk, Va. , , , GEO. HENDERSON, Agent, '3 -a-. . New nerne, N. O. , ?1 hlMirr !fA Cavatts, and Trade-Msrks obtained, and all Pat. HMWllW .v, MDDERHTI f KEI. Oua enKiisOwniTi u. a. PaTtrrr Omet uii s can serurs patent in less time than those remote from Washington, i UimA inodfl. drawinsf or rjhota.. erlth afiffln. j Boo. We advise, 11 patentable or not, free of eaanra, varies not ana tin patent la secured. PaMFMLCT, "How to Obtain Patents," with east of sum In the U, S, sod foreign oounulai santiTea, Address,-', C.A.GrJOVV&CO. umi3 rt"' fAtCNT OrPIGE. WASHIHaTON. D. C. i X'h IV '--THE AMERICAN WmI RAMBLER ' V " WHEKL ON TBB HABKaT this year, ipflAHSESSSii tW' 'rmemajtes riding on It a luxury, y , n t ai tn vvn iinu an, eW for llltittrttet Catalogue, - ORMULLV ' ' A JEFFEIY WssrilrsB,0.lV . f. ' - X "1 f r 1 r, j .sl ' .a all IlllltllltlllllHIII and Children. . - Castort cures pollc,OonBpUon, Boar Stomach, Warrhcse, Eructation, Kills Worm, giTes sleep, and promotes dl- Wltnout Injurious medication. ""For several' years I haTa reoommended your .'Oastorla,' and ihall always continue to do to as It has InTsriabty produced beneficial nsutts.'V' ' JEnwrjrF. Finnan, X. D., . 'l36Ui Street and 1th Aye., New York City. Ookuxt,' n Kuuuf Bnuar, Nrw Tout Cm. JrttW?fTI PROPRIETOtt OF Mm M Mil NEW BE9NB. N. C. luMm ml Jmftm JhOk mi Jt OrtUn foUUM UiS ttm mobbI ai. tonOoUaVltM tetliiAAitt lOuuMcel, teSwutae ygfylsttat rale? HUmPHREYS', This Precious Ointment is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. ' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CVKATrvx and healing application. It has been used over 40 years, and always affords relief and slwajs gives satisfaction. For Piles External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate the cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL For -Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Bums. The relief is instant the healing wonderful and unequaled. For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers," Fistulas," Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. ej For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples, It is invaluable. . Price, 50 Cents. Trial site, aj Cents. Sold by DrtigirlaU, off Mnl aot-ftd m Mtatpt-al arloa. iiuipRRiTS' n.ca, main muamst.,nii roai THE PILE OINTMENT Boot and Shoe Maker. AH Styles of Boobs and Shoes made to order on short notice. Repairing a Specialty. ST. AEPEN, Craven street, opposite Journal offloe. . (fSHEtral imno Agit HMAT4aleA.a iJ. .aaa M fm A. 0OJtlXasSiaM Iraan ia 1 1 r ti ' st1il 5 .at saaa . Iasaraaee Oempsay. af WQli JalHawif IIK3. J. U. HUTES' Boarding, House REOPENED. r Mm. J. IL BOTES few int-Clui Boardlns ITanasi ppoiite Baptist Ghurok. , Tte Fioiccr MMii Kl, am M am at fu mygx J.M.H1NE5, Agent 1,000 Cnutn4 Tjflrrur-'n Doskatat ntf ft.fl.n. lona 1-v ir. . u, v XiUtndDnst IJ.f Vlnfl U..Tt..rn ttm,,A. .m LittAtltt llrfUlB lined Curtain, Foimhwt uk KTttDle6Tun bier lock: on lorn nciirtnir nil utwerai 8 bMTf cnrtlbotwa Ft)ijflmxt0.iaUosril in md Panelet tl.l.l,i Doi.tr ll .liHiull.ll lWO (Win lsTa AarkaalaV. HnnIA Ha II 1 1 i. Antique Ap&, 14 ot'il n". - JaV I lb. . blnm H) iua Hold Trice ir. o. from our IniUnnapoiin olelrbftlie-iyt, - arbeworks THE JOURNAL. . SOS:-TnE CAB0LI5A CIELS. obo. q. teSoop,; ' Wbwe AlbetrjBiie's blue waters v Ptsy In tbe summer bretze; And faialioo bears on its wave Tbe Wares of the seas : Where, from a thousand happjr roofs, - ine smoke 01 liRbtwood onrls. Toe hnsaes are all haunted there. By Carolina Girls 1 cuobds: There's musie in their Toioe aud step, There's snasio in their curls. Their eyes are death to tingle men The Carolina Gills. Thia broad, fair land of plenty Slopes gently to tha ssa; A land of open hearts and homos ; The oountry of the free. But he who lands upon its shores, O'er which the sea foam whirls. Finds witches there in every house Toe Carolina Qirla ! To him who "pope the question" The 're sore ta answer: "No 1 " He pays his debU, end makes hie will Uets all prepared to go. They'll drive, him mad with fret sing words, Shake scornfnlly their oar Is; Bnt ere be dies, perhaps, say "Yes 1 ' The Carolina Girls. Let liokness, oare, or sorrow Becloud the aohing brow; The maiden, once so ooy and oold, Is like a sister, now. In noisy glee, or laughing scorn, The lip no longer ourls; They're friende in need, and fricds indeed, The Carolina Girls. SIBERIA. An Effort to Open It Up to Immig;ra tion. It is said that Russia is most anxious to encourage immigra tion into Siberia, especially South Siberia, and that this is the principle end for which she is opening up that country by the extensive railroads that she is now constructing. Generally, it may be said, Siberia, by the hand of nature has been endowed not less than other countries. It produces al most every kind of European grain and fruits, even grapes, and has an abundance of all metals, iron, gold, silver, cop per lead, zinc etc., coal graphite and precious and is or has stone been, the home of all kinds of mammalian animals. The rivers and lakes are crowded with all kinds of fish, and the Arctic Sea abounds with whale and seal. The area of Siberia is about 12,000,000 kilometres but the northern and greater part of it is almost waste, inhabited only by a few thousands of amo jedes and Esquimaux. Snow and ice cover the earth in the north almost all the year round, only melting in two or three months in the summer, when the sun never sets. This country is then visited by large herds of wild reindeer, coming from the south and returning there as soon as winter sets in. The fiolar bear and the black fox ive here constantly, and hunt ing these and the seals and fash ing are the only occuation of the northern people. South Siberia, from 59 to 49 degrees lititude, however, produces European crops of all kinds. It has a greater area than European Russia but is not settled for great distances. The rauwav. nowever. is exnected to open the country to settlers as in America, and city by city, it is believed, will grow up along the tracks. All building materials are found in more than sufficient quantity and of excellent quality Horses and cattle are cheap and of fairly good breeds. The country needs onlv an intelli gent, industrious population to become prosperous. The Cold-Air Cure. A good many people are af raid of cold air, especially at night, shutting themselves in close bedrooms, wnere their systems are poisoned and their constitutions gradually under mined by breathing tne bad air. And even hot or warm air that is pure, air in a room that has ventilation as well as heat, is debilitating when breathed all night.-' Pulmonary complaints:: are inevitably and exclusively caused by foul indoor air, and cured by pure, especially by cold pure outdoor air. The remedial influence of fresh air is so much increased by a low temperature that "cold" air, in fact, is far more curable in midwinter ihan in mindsum mer. I was shot through the lungs In Mexico, and have ever since been susceptible to the contagion of a "catarrh f actorv." as a friend of mine calls- the unventilated school rooms and meeting-houses of . our country towns. . w.j' I avoid such man.traps. as I would the pit of a gas well, but in winter 1 risk their infection in the assurance that its influ ences can be counteracted by an extra dose of ice air. : , : Cold is an antiseptic and a powerful : digestive stimulant. Dyspepsia, catarrh and fevers of all kinds can be frozen out of the system, not by letting the patient shiver in a Bnowbank, but by giving extra allowance of warm bedoiothing, with the additional luxury of breathing cold", al,: . which under I such circumstances, becomes as preferable to hot miasma as cold spring water to . warm ditch water. I have also found that the best brain work can be done in a cool room, and that stove heat has a tendency to stutlity like a narcotic beverage. Warm wraps make fires tolerably dispensa ble. Ex. A Complicated Instrument. The beak of the mosquito is simply a tool box, wherein the mosquito keeps six miniature surgical instruments in perfect working order. Two of these instruments are exact counter parts of the surgeon's lance, one is a spear with a double-barbed head, the fourth is a needle of exquisite fineness, a saw and a pump going to make up the complement. The spear is the largest of the six tools, and is used for making the initial puncture, next the lances or knives are brought into play to cause the blood to flow more freely. In case this last operation fails of having the desired effect, the saw and the needle are carefully and feeling ly inserted in a lateral direction in the victim's flesh. The pump the most delicate of all six of the instruments, is used in transferring the blood to the insect's "stomach." Discovery. Safe, Quick and Effective. The valuable ourative properties of Allcock's Fobous Plastebs are due to the employment of the highest medi- oai and ebemioal skill. They are purely vegetable, and in ingredients and method have never been equalled ; safe, quick and effeotlvein their aotion; they do not burn or blister, but soothe and relieve while ouring, and can be worn without causing pain or incon venience. Do not be deoeived bv misrepresenta tion. All other so-called Porous Plas ters are imitations, made to sell on the reputation of Allcock's. Ask for Allcock's and 1st no solici tation or explanation induce you to aooept a substitute. Women ouerht to be verv efficient at a fire for each carries a pair of hose whereever they go. The Homeliest Man In New Berne As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely upon its merits and is guaranteed to relieve and cure all Chronic and Acute Coughs. Asthma. Bronchitis. and Consumption. Large bottles 50 cts and (1. mar22 deod weow Children Cry.for Pitcher's .Castoria? SEtSOS & SATURDAY NICHT TICKETS ROUND TRIP A. & N. C. STATIONS TO MOREIIEAD CITY.J Atlantic & N. 0. Railroad. Passbnger Department, Nrw Bern, N. 0., May 80th, 1892. To Agents A. & N. C. R. R. : Bneclal rates of fare I Season of 18921 Konnd Trip, from Btations named below to More head Olty, In etfeot June 1st, 1892. Stations, Season. Saturday Night Goldsboro $l.cu vi.m Best's s.75 a.75 La Grange 8 30 2. jo Falling Uieek 8 26 2.25 Klnston 8 00 2 00 Caswell 8 00 2.00 Dover 2 75 1.90 Core Creek 2 70 1.85 Tnsoarora 2.K5 1 HO New Bern 2.110 1.50 Rlverdale 1,75 1.25 Oroatan 1.75 1.25 Havelock l.oo .75 Newport .00 .50 Wlldwood .40 .80 S. L. DILL. Q. 1. A- S. R. STREET, General! FIRE AND LIFE Insurance Aent, NEW BERNE. N. G. THE BEST THING IN THE UNITElf STATES FOB On Cent IS THE PHILADELPHIA. RECORD ! $4 per year, Daily. $3 per year, omitting Sundays ' ' FOB THE FARMER AID TH1 BUSINESS II AN, -i . - THB BAB , - no equae;:;'..; Addbbss mTHB BEOORDi"- ' ' NOTICE. Having quail fled aa Atlmlnltirator ol the estate cf iseury Depp, deeeated, before tbe Clerk of tbe Superior Court of Craven county, notice ta hereby given tuat all per sons having claims against hhM estate will present them on or beir.ru the i7ih day of April, 1893, or this nntloe will tn fi'sad-I :i bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to gild estate n,li roase Immediate settlement wUu tbe- nu derslgned. STKl'HBl O. BRAOAW, Adm'r Henry Deppe. April 27th, 1891. 8w AtlaDtic and N. 0. Railroad, TRANSPORTATION department. New Born N. o., June 18. 1S'J2, Notice to Track Shippers! Special Truck Train No. 2o8 will bo anuulled after Satuidny, .tune 1, 18','i, until otherwise ordered. Truck shipments commencing Monday, June 30th, may talto the Fri'iut train until 208 is resamed. 8. I. DILL. Stijit. Atlantic and N. 0. Railroad. PASSENGER llKl AR1.MBM-, New Bern, N O.. Mey aoth. '.:i2. To Agent! A. & N. O. K K ' Through rates or fan;, Komi.l Trli Tickets (Season of 1K92) rroui tio.ipuu euiiuus oelow to points namid on tli) w . N. C. R. K. TlcEets on sale Juno 1st. ishj. to Sept. 3Uia. 1892, tnoluslve. (iuod for retura pasuago on or before Oct. 81st., Wl. . I 'i ' From - ; c I j a i. I o ,t to a a a; - Hickory. N. o. 5U.2' if 1 2 il 811.10 in: W Morgan ton, M. 0. li.m l.i ll. 11 6i i Old Fort, ' 1B.15 11.711 nil 12.7 ., Black M'nt'n I " 17.IU l." i" 1H 85 1.120 AshevlUe 17.ii l.i 90 11.60 13 90 1 Hot Springs ' 19.1.', 17.40 1G On Ij.iu i Rates to all other lesorts In Weetorii North Carolina or Virginia can be furnl&hed upon application. Children nnder live (-j' of age, free. Children nve (i) aud under twelve (12) years of aje, one-half of the above earned rateB. 8. L. DILI.. O -r. A. Atlantic and N. 0. Railroad, PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, New Bern. N. O., May Win, IS ':. CIRCULAR: To Agents A. A N. C. K. 11. Speolal rates of Fare, Round Trip Tickets (Inoludlng one membership coupon, two dollars) to the meeting of the North Curo llna Teaohers Assembly at Morohoail Cliy. In effect Jnne 18th, 1892 Tickets on Bale June ISth to Inly inclu sive, limited to a continuous pasbagu 1m acn direction, with nnal limit to return Ju:y 18th Inclusive. Round Trip, Inoludlng one two dollar nun. bershlp coupon. Goldsboro I! 10 I Tusoarra .1 CO .3 16 8 111 .;t hi .2 75 -2 15 .2 !! Bests 1 10 i New Horu La Uraage Falling Creek.. Klnston Caswell Dover Gore Greek 4 25 i 25 Rlverdale . Croats u HaveUx k . Newport .... Wlldwooil 1 15 .... 4 15 4 00 4 00 No tickets to be used on this occasion otlit than "Teachers' Assembly Tickets. B. L. DILL, O. 1'. A . Commissioners' Ssle By virtue of a Jndgment of tho Hupnrtm Couit for the county of Craven, reudereu hi. the May Term, 1892, 1 shall as CummlLsiviB r ofler for sale at Pnbilo Vendue, at tb-.t t'urt House In the oily of New Heme, at 12 o'cl-.i k H., on Tuesday the 5th day of July, 192, the following desoilbed House aud Lot In Hie elty of New Berne, on Norwood street, being a part of two lots known In the plitn of the olty of New Berneas Nos.;:9(iaud 5;0, i.egin- ning at tne corner oi tne last mentioned lot and lot No. 450 on Norwood street, running thenoe along said stree northerly -Ml -. ft-et. thence with a parallel line to Crooked atreet until it Intersects the lino ot lot No. 395 thenoe along the line of that lot to toe northwest corner of lot No. 450. theuoe with the line of said lot to tho beg inn It . con turn ing one-fourth of an acre more or lee. Terms of sale, cash, J. B. O H A HA, Jauel, 1892. totninlhsiouer. WKfJATJIAUAZINL- The Century's rrogramme iu 1802---A Ney "Life of Columbus" Articles fur Farmers, etc. that great American periodical, The Century, is going to outdo its own nnrivaled record in its programme for 1892, and as many of its new features begin with tbe November nanber, tew readers should commence with that issue. In this number are thu opening chapters of "The Naulahka, ' a novel be Kudyard Kipling, tbe famous author of "Plain Tales from the Hills," written in collaboration with an American writer, Woloott Balestier. It is the story of a young man and a young woman from a "booming" Colorado town, who go to India, he In searoh of a wonderful jeweled necklace, called "the ISanlatika"(trom which the story takes its name), and she as a physician to women. The novel desoribes their remarkable adven tures at the court of an Indian maharaiah. Besides this, The Century will print three other novels during the year, and a great unmber of short stories by the best Ameri can story-wtiters. The well-known humorist Edgar W. Nye ("Bill Nye") is to write a series of amusing skerches which he calls bis "autobiographies," the first one of which, "The Autobiog raphy of a Justice of the Peace," is in November. This number also contains a valuaple and suggestive article on "The Food-Supply ol the Future, ' which every farmer should read, to be iollowed by a number of others of Great Practical value to Farmers, treating especially of the relations of the Government to the farmer, what it is doing and what it should do. This series will inolude contributions from officers of the Department of Agriculture, and other well-known men will dis cuss "The Farmer's Discontent," "Cooperation," etc., etc. A celebrated Spanish writer is to furnish a "Life of Columbus," which will be brilliantly illustrated, nd the publishers of The Century have arranged with the managers of the World's Fair to print articles on the, buildings, eto. One of the novels to appear in 18921s A Story of New York Lite by the author of "The Angloman iaos," and the magazine will contain a great deal about the metropolis daring the year, among other things a series of illustrated articles on "The Jews In New York." In November is an illustrated descrip tion of "The Flayers, Club," found ed by Edwin Booth, and one of the features of tbe splendidly illustrated Christmas (December) number is an article on "The Bowery.", . To get The Century send the yearly subscription price (94.00) to The Century Oo.r Union Square, aew xok a, i. :n j C. Hoard of World's Fair Xmngori. . The Committee on collection of ! Exhibits to illustrate the material ; growth ol North Carolina and tbe 1 cnexct'plioual advantages (in natural and artificial resources, I has been appointed by the liosud of World's Fair Managers of North Carolina. The personnel of thin commute is as follows: P- M. Wilson, Chairman, who 1 ban charge of the department ol : Fish aud Fisheries; Thomas li. jKeoub, in charge of tbe depart i rneut of Liberal Arte: John ltobin son, Com'r of Agriculture, in charge of department of Agricult ure; 11. 1!. Uattlf, Director Agr. Kxperimwit Station, department ol Horticulture, Viticulture, &c ; J. A. Holmes, tHato Geologist, depart ment ol Mines and Miuinp; T. K. iirumr , department o( Forestry. Mr. T. K. liruner, Raleigh, N. C, has been elected Commissioner of hixhioits, to whom all correspon dence in cmnitotiou with any ol the various 'lep.titiuents shouM Ijo addressed. I,.?ttne committee on colleutioiis have the cordial support of ail interested in the progress of North Carolina. For tiie ladies. If any of cur lady aders who are interested in the i... ,t:ago Kxposition, and who dckiire to be re(reKented at that great show, and who may iiavo a reputatiou tor making Hiitx-:-' v jelly, preserves, marmalades or pickles, will undertake to make a i lew glaBses of either, it will be gladly received and full credit will be given such lady. Write at once to D. U. llattle, at ltaieigb, what you will maKe and he will forward j you a handsome glass stand in which it will bo exhibited, w ith in struction how to slnp. i Harvesting orain. When I harvesting your grain do not for i get to send a few sheaves oi your best to T. K. Lruuor, Couimitihiou- er oi ixniuits. ai Kaieigu, lor ex biliitiou at the World's Fair at Chicago. Minerals. If you tin 1 any minerals or crystals upon your farm, eoud them to the Commiss ioner of Exhibits, at Itiileigh, fur identification, and for future ex hibit iittheWotkl's Fair, . 'it Cii:- cago, if they prutniee of suili.'.ieiu ' importance. Arrangements are buinu made jby Maj. S. M. Finger, Sni-'t. ot i j Public liintiii:uiou to prepare for ! tho World's Fair :it Chicago, a map; j ot the State on which will tie ioca 1 i tt-d in proper colors aud designated in home way, an uie pinuic Kc.iooi ; houses and all pnvato t-cliool I houses and colleges ia tbe rii.ite. I The map will be about fourteen ! Ifott long and will exhibit to the I eye, as tar as may be, the school ; interests of tbe ritate. ; Yellow Fine "M'.Noumru.'": To the forestry division o! She! North Carolma Kxhibit at '.he i World's Fair at Chicago, lias leen assigned the task of preparing ai monograph of the yellow pine; I 'inn mitin.) That is, to prepare an ex aibit ol tlie,ellow pine winch will show it in the most complete m:m- ner in all its phases of deveiop incut, and in ail its relations to the! industries, making an complete j and exhaustive a n.ouogriiih ol the: species as possible. This will become, it succesiully carried out, tLu center piei t- ol the forestry display fn.m this rii.j'e. untl will embrace all tint need be shown, so far as tho tree. Imnve; aud its uses in building aiui m.;iiu facturing arc concerned. A ji". the preparation of this exhibit, m monograph, has not been aifotted. What lumberman, woodworker or manufacturer would like to under take the work' The incidental ad vertisement would bo worth a great deal to an individual or firm toicg this work. Correspondence i 1 re gard to this mhject is Binvited by T. K. Bruuer, Raleigh, N. C. Atlantic &. M. C. Railroad TlliS TABUT. fffl. 22 Ia Er?t.t 1:H0 P.M. 17. liW. Friday, OS! OoivoEast. SoiiEoei i Gjino West No. 51. Passenger Trains. Ho. 50. Ar. Lve. Stations, Ar. Lvr, pm 8 80 GoldBboro 1110 bie 4 06 4 09 La Orange 10 3 10 2' 4 35 4 40 Kinston 9 4S 9 ; 6 00 6 08 New Berne 8 17 8 SO 7 88 p m Morehead City am 6 47 Daily. Going! East. rtonnDui.K Going Webi No. l.t No. 8. Mixed Ft. & Mixed Ft. & Pans. Train. Buttons. Pass. Train. in 6 80 Goldeboio 7 30 p m 6 57 7 05 Best's i'4 64 7 SO 7 30 La Grange 5 54 6 04 7 48 7 53 Falling Creek 5 24 5 30 8 11 8 80 Kinston 4 5 5 1 0 8 50 8 55 Caawell 4 00 4 05 9 15 10 OH Dover 3 25 8 40 10 81 10 36 Core Creek 2 54 8 00 11 00 11 05 Tuaoarora 3 ir4 2 30 1117 1141 Clark'a 2 08 213 13 15 8 00 Newborn 10 32 1 30 8 87 8 42 Rlverdale 9 41 9 48 8 48 8 60 Oroatan 9 28 9 83 4 08 4 13 Havelock 8 59 9 04 4 37 4 42 Newport 8 17 8 27 4 51 4 56 Wildwood 8 00 8 05 6 01 5 01 Atlantio 7 47 7 62 5 16 6 21 Morehead Cily 7 17 7 27 5 28 5 28 Atlantio Hotel 7 05 7 15 5 81 p m Morehead Depot am 7 00 Monday, Wednesday and Friday, t Tuesday, Thursday an j Haturdar. Train M connects with Wilmington Wei on ;Trala brand North, leaving Uoldaboro 11:60 a. m., and with Richmond A Danville Train West, leaving Goldsboro 3:40 . m, Train 61 eoaaecu with Richmond & IMarille Train, arriving at Gtoldsboro 'i'M p.m., and with Wilmington and Waldoa Train (Tom th Rorth at !l0B.m. . Train 1 eonneota with Wilmington and Weldon Through . Freight Train, Borth bonndi leaving Uoldsboro at 8:60 p.m. , . 3 .v- 8. L. DU1, ; : 9npartntsident THE STURTVJ5T K3USE NEW YORE. o - -r- -oo AMERfGAN' EUROPEAN PLAN 2.50 TO 3.50 1.00 Par Day o 06 1-1CK DAY UPWARD. Til JC STCHTKVAHT AOVfK is tbe most central in tbe olty! near all vattil roatlB. street car lines, principle plaOM of amusement and large retail etorea. All the comforts of Home with the addl tlonal oonvenlenoea of the metropolis offered onr enests. TUB STUBTEVA'T HOVII, Uroailway, a8tl&iI0tai flan New Yerk.n. T rrtiE WATOII TOWER, Published Semi-Monthly, One Dollar a Year. Uevotfdto Apostolic Chtistiauity, Ed n. atiiiii, Goueral Intelli(,'euc. btLj for Sample Copy. OtUco of i,ubllc3Uou, dreonville, N. C. F.ditnrinl ofiU-o, Washington, N. C. J. L. W1NFIKLD, Editor, 1). W.OAVly, Asst. oaoe A National Family PaperT The Announcemeuta of The Vou ,hV Companion for 1892, which we have rec ivcd, seem to touch about, all healthy tastes. Its Action embraces folklore, serial, sea, adventure and holiday stories. Frank Stockton, Clark Bussell, Will Allen Dromgoole, Mary Catherine u-f -. feir ot the distinguished I.e. gciidral articles cover a wide rane- btlf-Lducation, Business, buccesi, College Success, Girls Who iimk iiij Can Write, V.(!i.! lii-u,:., Raiiway Life) boy:. . ii j o u a: the World'sFair, OLmptai.. -: i:,.alty, How to See Oic.it CV.uv., ivaciieal Advice are some of the lines te be written on by enwiieiil hpeoialiats. Uiadsioue, be Lesseps, Vasill Vorestchagiii, Cyrus W. Field Autiie.v C:iiiegi6, iirs. Henry M. rj-U!i!i''-' A'-' wxg the contributorr. I ne i ii!par-i-.u leaders thus come into ( i..i)ii;l teach with the people whose r;ventnss make our age t.iiuou a 50110011 subscribers nhow hoi- :t :.v-prec;.ited. inie er :ulfceriteH en-, fr ; " o3 ' getH it fco Iroai liie ; rr ihr suliHCri;:t:.ii: is reer - J:-.;. 1 ?1.7j a ear. Address. Tbe otr, li'c Clu;;,,iii1ii). P.ri..ii, rfi.iMS UELiJ Hi'lTK:" 1 I.A.N A HI iLll M ' I ' N" I hlltlHl !l.ri. N'l rlHh. I,ui Jill lollS J .y "MTT'T ! r nr.. nil 11 1 L,U , tiiMeotH Minlsters.Brlght , , i"d IJles Wanted ." " '" " "iK'iy Noexpilence ' r" ;i. n if iiceirrd. Re early !''' i.i Ilrt rholni. of exclusive ' . I r.i. (,,..; J.j-. I(d ,.w li00Jli . : ' hi '.-irl.L' Wilt.' and get full ' . . .'.. i u-.J solid la'-iH ah. lit FOOTPRINTS OF THE WORLD'S HISTORY ! '! ,"RVN an.l JOHN CLARK IJ"' . 1 tl"' v.uriii i i-iebrated Historians ." "; r . of iiim Nations hs told In the r i n-it i , 'y. i .i Krmd Hchievementa of v.'.r. ls 11,-rota and Heroines. A rich ""'r' "." "1 lliBtory, Travel, Adventure' ;.m I ti.,. v.vii ,! i;ml wotiilerlut events of the ilii.is th-.t trini mine souls.-' Thrilling Htoii'S of i.i. ,!avs of chivalry, slnrtllng l.cro.c acolpviMuems of warriors and Cruss-'l-r. a.6o ,i iltii collection of the rarest ins or Knells)! and Amerlcun Historical l.'t-m'iire. TLe most wonderlal new took i i.'.iii,-, ti; kiomi seir-cdacutor, Just tbe o k Mih ). ip o vyant. Over ; :: mua His '' ''' I Ctimi nations. Half-Tone ritt-ellcn r ' M rs, m:, I brilliant oil-colored Pmon "ivii'nH fiu.is It n honanxaof sncce . '.s a i'ioi;. RskliT. No Capital, ne .-HiKl.t i.i-.siti.eKarti big profits. Bple " i i.Miatcd . rc.ih.xs aud lull particulars " u' 'i.-u AiUrcfS, IllMOKK Ah 1L. CO., lh Pg i.'jvzudif i'TWi-ctt tWji i ; EAR S3 HenUydtsHJs.Tnft iWfiBlB mil Sni HfMj Mild T. NOTICE. The un'li'i signed, Juraes o. Harrison, bal tluly iuniititil AUmluUtrator of tte t.ifl .r Krtini M . AdrevvB, and hereby gives imtlce Ihai 1 i requires all persons bavins flulrctf u;;,iiiMt -ho isiato of Kuld !idgr M Andrw. to prceent thnra to the said ad .iiinitira'o'-, uuiy RUilieniircted, for pay input, on or tciore :he day of June, it.'"., or elnn this nouoe wiu be pleaded In l'r if recovery. lvrtonri iinii'M (l to the estate mast py without Unlay. JAMEd O. HAKR1BON. Administrator. Nowbt?i n, N. C. June 11, IbV2 Execution Sale. In oiif-iiiprtie Loau txeentlnn Issaed to me l,y 1 1 1 1 i t'ik .if the Mierlor Court of Craven ruurii y.nn a jTJKim ct rendered In a speolal prt co ilitiy in eald court, entitled "If, J. liryn us Hirti j jar. ,s met als," I shall, on Miumi. Ju.y th. lt'ii, at the Court House in.Nrrt Uern. .s. 0..ail2 o'clock. M.sell to tlic I . it; It et Ll .4pr.at Hnbllo Aontlnn.nll thm il'; r ll' ic u:i 1 Inltri t nf said Martin Jank. hou iiibiid to tho fo(:otylng real estate, to wn: A cr an t act or land near Core Creek sui'ioii. In L'tuvti rouuty, on tbe At'antlo N. c. I .ni roKi!. hJ:oil Irp the lands of T.J 'iryar hu 1 ll'i BHcrjn Whl'e, bounded on a:liu'i'y aul ljinds. cantainlng acres niorr or lens. Tm ins of Mud stIo, Cash. Ibts :d duy ol Juae, 1!-J. WM. B. LANK, Sheriff of Craven eounty, Tha World's Fair. Whether yon Intend to visit tha World's fair In i hlr.igo in 1HH8 or not yon will want a lilBtory of it from the beginning. 8uoh a history Is being magulfloenUy presented by Tlie Expasition Graphic,- l'rlnted in English, German, French and Spanish, The flr.t nnrcber of thlsgrest qnarterly edition of rue (Jraihio,Juet Issued, contains Views of all lue rVlnotpal HulldlUKS from otllclal drslRr-s the Administration, Fine Aria, MaiiUint'uifjB, tisbnrlee. Mints and MlnliiE AKnculiural Buildliisi and every Ihlrg else t dat), Portraits of i he Principal OBIoe-s of tlin Commission and Dtrvvitory, Views of the Prinolpal OlUes of America, , full-page PonralU of President Hsrrtaon and secretary Blaine, snd a superb triple, page Blrd'a-Kye View of tha exposition ' Grounds and Buildings from designs by Uba Bureau of Oonntrnollon. You will want a copy for yourself and itv eral for your friends. v.. ,1 ... 6J Vagea, with, UuppUmsnl. Ths gnas pnulioatlon In America. .. , Do not fall to send for a OOTT or ask your Newsdealer for It. Price Sveta, (with order.) Bnlworlptlon on sear, 1 .., TUB GUAPUIO "That phenomenal sue eess or lllust ated Weeklies In the world's fair elty." All thejn-lnolpal enrrent evnnta finely lilmtrated. The must dompletM, the most popular, and altogether the moxt val uable lllnstratad weekl. Ask yonr now, dealer for It, oraddrese th publishers uo sorlptlon, one year, (4.00. . The GBAPHIO 0O Dearborn and I" rl (on Sis., Chicago. W An agent wanted In every town ct